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NIM. 21513067


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirement

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan










The aim of this study was to examine students’ affective perception on the use of
U- Dictionary in writing class. This research employed descriptive qualitative
research with 5 English Department students at the fourth semester of University
Muhammadiyah Kendari as the participant of this study. The student’s affective
perceptions were studied based on the theory of Zhu & Zhou’s (2012) that
categorized affective perception into three aspects; Feeling, emotion and mood but
the researcher only focus on two aspects namely emotion and mood. The
instruments used in this study including student’s writing and interview. Based on
the data from student’s writing and interview, this study found that the students
had positive affective perception of U-Dictionary. It can be inferred that U-
Dictionary help the students to improve their writing.
Keywords: Student’s affective perception and U-Dictionary


Alhamdulillah, I would like to express my grateful thanks to Allah SWT,

who has endowed upon his blessing and guidance, so that I could finish this thesis
well. I also would like to say Alhamdulillah because Allah sent the great human,
Muhammad SAW who taught to us the patience. His Sunnah showed me the best
way of life how to do this project; spirit, patient, and believes. Then,Allah
bestowed my life.

I dedicate my grateful thanks and loves for my beloved parents: my father

Hasan and my mother Wa Jedo, thanks for the prayers, encouragement , support
and motivation and their guidance that how to be a good woman and as well as
whenever I go you are always in my deepest heart. Thank you very much for all
the donation and fund that always given at anytime and motivated when my spirit
is down. Without them, I am nothing. I could not say anything to express my
gratitude to you all because you are my everything in my life. I also give my
special thanks to my brothers, Aguslan,Adiatno,Akbar,Erwin S.Ik, Balrasman, of
my sister, Yeni Trisnawati S.Pd, Yuniati Hasan,Nelyati,Martinaand also for allmy
family that helped .motivated and support me in my study until I finished this
research. I also want to express my special appreciation and gratitude to my
bothsupervisors,Hj. Isna Humaera, S.Ag., S.Pd., M.Pd. and Tri Indah Rusli, S.Pd.,
M.Pd.Who always provide guidance, motivation, ideas and support during the
completion of this thesis. They also inspired me how to study well, don’t give up,
and always try to correct mistakes when completing this paper and how to be a
good English teacher too.

The researcher also would like to thanks the following lecturers:

1. Amir Mahmud, S.Pi.,M.Si., the rector of Muhammadiyah University of


2. Tri Indah Rusli, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

3. Rahmat Nasrullah, S.Pd., M.Hum., As the Head of English Language

Teaching Department

4. Ardiman and Sahid, A.Md., and the staff in Department of English

Language Teaching who always helps and prepares the facilitation

5. Great lecturers who shares their knowledge sincerely: Hj. Isna Humaera,
S.Ag., S.Pd., M.Pd, Abd. Halim, S.Pd., MA, TESOL, Titin Rahmiatin, S.Pd.,
M.Pd.Ririn Syahriani, S.Pd., M.Pd, Andi Rachmawati, SS, M.Hum.,
Sudirham, S. Pd ., M. Ed, Yusnita, S.Pd., M.Pd, Yulianah Sain, S.Pd,
M.Hum., Sarjaniah Zur, S.Pd, M.Pd., Citra P. Tohamba, S.Pd., M .Pd., Nur
Rizky Alfiany, SS, M.Hum., Dr. Maulina S.Pd., M.Pd. Ramsi S.Pd., M.A. and
Faridawati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Then a bunch of thanks also addressed to my beloved friends Lili Darma, Susarli
ode halim,Nurulamalia,Desi,NurIndah,Nurfitrah,Dilla Riski, Fatma
Azzahra,Sarbia,Siti setia wati,Ana sambayon, Uci Lestari who always support ,
caring and help to finish this research. Thank you very much also to all my cousin
Dina,Ahmad,Jefri,Nirwan,Fitra who always helps, motivation and supported me
in finish this research. Finally, the writer deeply conscious that this paper is still
has much shortcomings. As a result correction and suggestions from readers are
highly accepted for the improvement of this paper.

Kendari, February 2021

This Researcher




TITLE OF SHEET..................................................................................................i
LOGO OF SHEET..................................................................................................ii
APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................iii
LEGALIZATION SHEET.....................................................................................iv
LIST OF CONTENT..............................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................................xi
A. Background of The Study.................................................................................1
B. Research Question............................................................................................3
C. Objective of The Study.....................................................................................3
D. Significance of The Study................................................................................4
E. Scope of The Study...........................................................................................4
F. Definition of Terms...........................................................................................5
A. Previous Study..................................................................................................6
B. Theoretical Framework.....................................................................................8
1. Students Perception........................................................................................8
2. Dictionary.....................................................................................................11
3. Mobile Phone Dictionary..............................................................................12
4. U-Dictionary.................................................................................................13
A. Design of The Study........................................................................................17
B. Subject of The Study........................................................................................17

C. Instrument of The Study..................................................................................18
1. Document......................................................................................................18
2. Interview.......................................................................................................18
D. Technique of Data Collection..........................................................................19
1. Document......................................................................................................19
2. Interview.......................................................................................................19
E. The Technique of Analyzing Data...................................................................20
1. Data Reduction.............................................................................................20
2. Data Display.................................................................................................21
3. Conclusion Drawing/ Verification................................................................22
F. Triangulation Data............................................................................................22
A. Finding.............................................................................................................24
B. Discussion........................................................................................................32
A. Conclusion ......................................................................................................36
B. Limitation.........................................................................................................36
C. Recommendation.............................................................................................37


This chapter consists of   background of the study, Research question, Objective

of the study, significance of the study, Scope of the study, Definition of term.
Each part will be discussed in different section orderly.
A. Background Of The Study
Nowadays, mobile devices have penetrated all spheres of human activities,
including education especially atuniversity studentsbecause it enables students to
carry this mobile device easily and study from it anywhere, at any time, and
according to their own pace (Poláková & Klímová, 2019). They usually have their
smartphones at hand even during their classes. Nearly every student owns one or
two smartphones (Campbell, R: 2006). There is no doubt that mobile devices
come first among them. Hulme & Shield (2008), describe learning experience
regardless of space bound with the help of mobile devices as mobile learning.
According to Sharples (2006), at first mobile learning focused on the role of
mobile technologies and devices in education and then a form of informal learning
taking place outside classes and requiring no specific place to use small devices
such as mobile media players, mobile phones and tablets contribute to the mobile
Mobile phones can be used as learning tools in a classroom because of the
advantages. The advantages include portability, context sensitivity, social
interactivity, individuality and connectivity (Klopfer & Squire, 2008 as cited in
Rahimi & Miri, 2014, p. 1470). One of the important apps that can be used in
learning English is dictionary. Rahimi and Miri (2014) claim that mobile phone
dictionaries can help EFL learners develop their vocabulary particularly their
knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, idioms, collocations and phrases. Joseph and
Uther (2009) as cited in Rahimi and Miri, 2014, p. 1474) argue that mobile phone
dictionaries also help language learners to improve their pronunciation and refine
their concepts regarding the meaning of words by watching videos and images
related to words. Electronic dictionaries are very important and useful tool for


EFL learners among these technologies. Mobile phone dictionary is the most
recent app which is available on smart phones and tablets. Mobile phone
dictionaries are marked with the functions of interactive learning which include
speech features, vocabulary games and reference book (Zheng & Wang, 2016).
One of the mobile phone app dictionaries that can be used is U-Dictionary.
It is one of the offline dictionaries that can be downloaded from an android or
smartphone. It is a light application for translating more than 30 languages
without internet connection. With U-Dictionary, Everyone not only can translate
words and short phrases, but also practice the skills in any language. From the
main tab, everyone can quickly access short tests and mini games to practice any
language wanted. Besides translating a word or text, U-Dictionary can also to be
used to look up definitions via Collins Dictionary or Wikipedia. Even, everyone
can listen to the pronunciation whenever the android smartphone has an Internet
connection. The exercises and tests are especially great for improving fluency in
any language, particularly English.It is also good to improve writing skill because
the app helps to find out any vocabularies easily.
In the previous study conducted by Klimova & Polakova (2020)
whostudied about students’ perceptions of an EFL vocabulary learning mobile
application. It showed that students perceived the mobile app as facilitative for
some learning actions, such as its accessibility from anywhere and at any time, its
corrective feedback, and it offerd students another opportunity to prepare for the
final credit test. In addition, students would opt for the implementation of the
mobile app in other courses taught at the faculty. Wulandari & Handayani (2019)
who studied about “The use U-dictionary as a learning media to increase the
students’ vocabulary in teaching speaking” found that by using U- Dictionary as a
learning media in teaching speaking particularly increasing the vocabulary, the
students’ vocabulary has increased significantly. The students got many
vocabulary at least one hundred new words based on the category; noun,
adjective, verb and adverb.
By looking from the both of previous studies above, the firstresearcherhad
studied abouthow thestudents perception on the use of mobile dictionary in

learning vocabulary. But, the researcherwas not focus to which one of perception
and whatkindof mobile dictionary that was used by thestudents. The second
researcher also had studied aboutthe use of U-Dictionary as a learning media to
increase student’svocabulary in teaching speaking. It was only focused on how the
use of U-dictionary can help the students in speaking class. Meanwhile, both of
the studied focus onthevocabulary. It means thatthe use of mobile dictionary can
help studentto improvetheir writing not only speaking. So, Motivated to narrow
this gap, this study is designed to see how students’ affective perception on the
usage of U-dictionary in writing class.
Based on preliminary study in Muhammadiyah University of Kendari, on
Friday, 1 April 2019, Mobile app dictionary especially U-Dictionary is already
used by the students in their writing class. This is based on what teacher of writing
class in fourth semester said through interview. Since the use of U-dictionary can
help students to improve the accuracy of their texts in writing. However, this issue
has not been properly examined yet. Therefore an investigation about students’
affective perception on the usage of U-dictionary seems to be an important one to
be researched. The researcher will conduct this research under the title “Students’
Affective Perception on the Usage of U-Dictionary in Writing Class at the
fourth semester of English Department Students at Muhammadiyah University
of Kendari”
B. Research Question
Based on the background stated about, the research problem is arranged as
How do Students’ Affective Perception on the Usage of U-Dictionary in Writing
Class at the fourth semester of English Department Students at Muhammadiyah
University of Kendari?”
C. Objective Of The Study
To find out how Students’ Affective Perception on the Usage of U-
Dictionary in Writing Class at the fourth semester of English Department Students
at Muhammadiyah University of Kendari

D. Significance of the study

There are two kinds benefits in this research, theoretical and practical.
Practical as given below:
1. Theoretical Benefits
The purposes of this study is to know the use of U-Dictionary bystudent
inwriting skills and how the students perception when use it.
2. Practical Benefits
a. For the teacher
The finding of this study hopefully can improve teacher teaching through
how students perception when using U-Dictionary in learning writing. The teacher
can let or recommend students to use U-Dictionary so students are more
motivated in writing class.
b. For the Students
For students, this study can help the students to reveal what they
need when learning English in writing class. The knowledge in revealing their
perceptionU-Dictionary can be used as their reflections to learn. Regarding
with this, they may develop an ideas how to use U-Dictionary effectively so
that it can affect their achievement in writing.
c. For the Researcher
This result will add the knowledge about the theory of the use
dictionary in writing class, especially the use of U-Dictionary and its
implication in the classroom.
d. For the next researcher
It can be used as the references for the next researchers who are interested
in researching about the use of U-Dictionary.
E. Scope of the study
In this study, the researcherfocused on students’ perception on the usage of U-
Dictionary in writing class. Students’ perception based on Pike & Ryan (2004)
theory, which has divided into three components. They are cognitive, affective,
and conative perception. In this study, the writer was intended to focus on
affective perception as proposed by Zhu & Zhou’s theory (2012), which has been

categorizing the affective into three aspects, namely feeling, emotion and mood
but the researcher only focus on emotion and mood. The participants of this study
are the fourth semester students of English Department at University
Muhammadiyah of Kendari. Data was gathered by using student’s writing and
F. Definition of Terms
To avoid misunderstanding in defining the meaning of some key theories
dealing with this research; there are some key terms such as:
a. Student perception
According to Pike & Ryan (2004), perception is a process that occurred in
somebody in order to respond his environment. They said that there are three
aspects of perception, which are cognitive, affective and conative aspects.
Perception consists of organizing and interpreting various stimuli into
psychological experience Electronic dictionary.
b. Mobile phone dictionaries
Mobile phone dictionaries are marked with the functions of interactive learning
which include speech features, vocabulary games and reference book (Zheng &
Wang, 2016).
c. U-Dictionary
U-Dictionary is one of offline dictionaries that can be downloaded from an
android or smartphone. It is a light application for translating more than 30
languages without internet connection.

This chapter discusses about literature review. This chapter describes about the
theory and definitions that is relevant to the research concept. The researcher
would explain about previously study, theoretical framework, student’s
perception, Dictionary, Electronic Dictionary, definition of writing and process of
A. Previous Study
In this part, the researcher reveals three previous studies that support this research
which also has the similar focus with the current research that is related to the use
of U-Dictionary base on mobile phone in English language teaching in
particularly writing.
A study was done by Aslan (2016) entitled “A study on the use of mobile
dictionaries in vocabulary teaching”. The studied was a descriptive statistics study
and using a structured questionnaire in gathering the data. A survey was
conducted to seventy-eight students studying in German, French and English
Translation and Interpreting Departments of Faculty of Arts and Sciences at
Marmara University in 2015-2016 academic years. This study was to elaborate on
the use of mobile dictionaries in vocabulary teaching especially on the use of
Giant dictionary. In the first place, advantages and the limits of the use of these
dictionaries in vocabulary teaching was tried to be determined students‟
viewpoint to them and how frequently they used. The result showed almost all
students expressed that they were constantly using mobile dictionaries to learn
vocabulary. Besides, students put forth the advantages and limits of them.
However, this study will make contribution to studies regarding more efficient
way to use of these dictionaries in vocabulary teaching.
Another previous study by Klimova & Polakova (2020) who studied about
“students’ perceptions of an EFL vocabulary learning mobile application” This is
an experimental study. The aim of the study was to discuss students’ perception of
the use of is mobile application aimed at learning new English vocabulary and


phrases and describe its strengths and weaknesses as perceived by the students
and collected the data by a pen and questionnaire. The subject were 28 Czech
students (21 females and 7 males) of Management of Tourism in their third
academic year. It found that the mobile app helped students prepare for the final
achievement test, learning was accessible from anywhere and at any time, students
appreciated the corrective feedback and would opt for the implementation of the
mobile app in other courses taught at the faculty. On the other hand, as the
findings indicate, the students reported that the app was not very supportive
regarding communication performance; they did not find the teachers’
notifications encouraging and they did not use the pronunciation support much,
which was caused by various factors, such as offering students words and phrases
without context or not testing all the items in the final credit test.
The last previous studied by Wulandari & Handayani,(2019) that
researched about “The use U-Dictionary as a learning media to increase the
students’ vocabulary in teaching speaking”. This study aimed to know the
effectiveness of U-Dictionary as a learning media to increase the students’
vocabulary in teaching speaking.Classroom Action Research (CAR) was used in
this research and the data gathered from measurement and an observation. The
subject of the study was the students of SMAN 1 Sei Kepayang. Qualitative
researchdesign was used to analyze the data. Results indicate that by using U-
Dictionary as a learning media in teaching speaking particularly increasing the
vocabulary, the students’ vocabulary has increased significantly. During the
research, the students got many vocabulary at least one hundred new words based
on the category; noun, adjective, verb and adverb.
Based on the third previous studies above, the researcher examined about
the use of Mobile app dictionaries. The first researcher examined aboutwhat the
limits and advantages of Giant app dictionaries are and how efficiently it is
employed in classes’ base on the student’s point of view. The second researcher
examined about how do thestudents’ perception of the use of a mobile application

aimed at learning new English vocabulary and phrases and describe its strengths
and weaknesses as perceived by the students and the last researcher examined

about the effectiveness of U- Dictionary as a learning media in teaching speaking

particularly increasing the vocabulary. However the different third researchers
are: the first researcher used descriptive statistic study; the second researcher used
experimental study and the last researcher use classroom action research (CAR).
Besides that, the first researcher focused on whether the use of Giant app
dictionary is effectiveness or not, the second researcher focused on students’
perception of the use of a mobile application aimed at learning new English
vocabulary and phrases and the last researcher focus on about the effectiveness of
U- Dictionary as a learning media in teaching speaking. The first researcher has
found that almost all students expressed that they were constantly using mobile
dictionaries to learn vocabulary; the second researcher has found that the mobile
app helped students prepare for the final achievement test, learning was accessible
from anywhere and at any time and the last researcher found that U-Dictionary
helped them to get many vocabularies. The third of the studies showed that the
use of electronic dictionary help students in learning English especially
vocabulary. Therefore, what makes this study different from the previous study is
the researchers tries to identify students’ affective perception on the use of U-
Dictionary in writing class at the fourth semester students of Muhammadiyah
University of Kendari. The students’ perception will be seen from students
feeling, mood and emotion.
B. Theoretical Framework
1. Students’ Perception
In relation to perception, there were many experts that have given their
opinion about the concept of perception. Some of them are as: Brunner (1995),
who said that perception was a process of categorization and organization that
planned by a certain input in the object forms that are out of events and organism
response by connecting the input with the object. The process of connecting the

input with the object was a process, when someone expressly chooses input to be
connected with the object.
This was similar way with Rakhmat as cited in Supu (2002), who said that
perception would an experienced about the object, events and relation that were is

gotten by summarizing the information, interpreting and impression. It means the

experience about an object or an event that had by someone depends on how
interprets the situation that being facet.
Based on the explanation that had been given by some experts above, it
can be concluded that perception can be happened because there was a human
need. As a result, it allows someone to think and observe about something, and
finally can results many kinds alternative that consist of impression, attitude, and
idea or conception.
As Morgan (1992) said that there were four basic principles of perception.
The first is perception was relative not absolute. It means that basically every
person was not a scientific instrument that can pervade something exactly with the
right situation. Second is perception was selective. It means that have been
response that given by someone was depended on something that have ever been
learned and observed. The third is perception has a system. It means that the man
who receives the response is not spontaneously, but it can be received though the
process of certain relation. The last is perception that has by someone would be
different to another, although they are in same situation. The differences of
perception can be caused by many factors. Some of them are attitude, motivation,
According to Vygotsky (1978), there are two factors that make human’s
perception so different, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal
factors influence the perception that the factors contained in the individual that
includes several things such as experience and memories, attention, psychological,
interest, needs that direction, mood, etc. Whereas, external factors that affect
perception, arecharacteristics of environments and object involved. The external
factors that influencing perception including the size and placement of an object

or stimulus, the color of an object, the uniqueness and contrast of the stimulus,
etc. These elements can change a person’s viewpoint to the surrounding world and
affect how someone feels it or accept it.
Besides the factors above, Pike and Ryan (2004) stated that there are three
components of perception. The first aspect is cognitive. It refers to the process of

encoding, storing, processing, and retrieving information. It is generally

associated with the question of “what” (what is happening, what is going on, what
is the meaning of that information) (Baumeister et al., 1998).
The second component is affective. It refers to the emotional interpretation
of perceptions, information, or knowledge. It is generally associated with one’s
attachment (positive or negative) to people, object, ideas, etc., and ask the
question “How do I feel about this knowledge or information? (Baumeister et al.,
1998). Morgan (1992) stated that affective component is related to the pleasure
and displeasure of someone. For example, students perceive that they like
studying or writing by using mobile phone app dictionary especially U-
The last component of perception is conative. It refers to the connection of
knowledge and affect to behavior and is associated with the issue of “why”. It is
the personal intentional, painful, deliberate, goal-oriented, or striving component
of motivation, the proactive (as opposed the reactive or habitual) aspect of
behavior (Baumeister et al., 1998). Moreover, Morgan (1992) stated that conative
is concerned with the behavior or action of someone which related to an object.
From those components above, the researcher only focused on one
component of perception, namely affective perception. In affective aspect, the
researcher would examine two aspects based on the journal from Zhu & Zhou
(2012). As Tyler Zhu & Zhou (2012) concluded that affective is considered as
aspects of feeling, emotion and mood. However, the researcher will be only focus
on emotion and mood.
Emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something
(Fridja1993). According to Izard (1991) emotion can be divided into positive

emotions like joy, happiness, and love, and negative emotions like fear, anger, and
sadness. Emotions are a set of states or results of perception that interprets the
feelings of human beings on external stimuli or events in the binary categories of
pleasant or unpleasant.Moods are feelings that tend to be less intense than
emotions and that often (though not always) lack a contextual stimulus (Weis and
Cropanzano (1996). According to Hume on were book entitled “Emotions and

moods”, there are two aspects of moods namely positive mood and negative
mood. Positive mood is a mood dimension consisting of positive emotions such as
excitement, self-assurance, and cheerfulness at the high end, and boredom,
sluggishness, and tiredness at the low end. Negative mood is a mood dimension
consisting of nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high end, and relaxation,
tranquility, and poise at the low end.Here is the summary of the research
questions presented in the chapter below.

Table: 2.1 Summary of the Students’ Affective perception

Aspects Indicator Representation
Emotion a. Satisfaction a. Joy and happiness
The satisfaction of theb. Joy, happiness, love, fear, anger,
students in the use of and sadness
b. The students’

Mood a. positive mood a. excitement,selfassurance,and

cheerfulness at the high end, and
b. Negative mood boredom, sluggishness, and
tiredness at the low end.
b. nervousness, stress, and anxiety at
the high end, and relaxation,
tranquility, and poise at the low

2. Dictionary
In English learning, dictionary is known as an aid for language learner to
define a meaning of a word. It is defined as “a book that gives the words of a
language in alphabetical order and explains their meaning, or translates them into

another language” (Hornby, 1995, p. 321). Dictionary has an alphabetical order so

that the user will easily find the needed words. Hence, dictionary is one of the
most important aids for language learner. After a lot of years, it is found that there
are many types of dictionary exist. Sterkenburg (2003) stated that types of
dictionary are: (1) children dictionary, (2) illustrated dictionary, (3) translation
dictionary, (4) biographical dictionary, (5) learning dictionary, (6) quotation in

dictionary, (7) retrograde dictionary, (8) dictionary of slang, curses, and dialects,
(9) dictionary of proper names and synonyms, (10) rhyming dictionary, (11)
technical dictionary, (12) electronic dictionary, (13) online dictionary, and (14)
CD-ROM dictionary.
However, dictionary cannot be defined from each type because they have
more or less the same typologies and identities. Sterkenburg (2003) supported that
looking for a definition of ‘dictionary’ is like looking for a definition of the
prototypical dictionary. Prototype can be defined as the first model or design of
something from which other forms are copied or developed (Hornby, 1995).
Based on the definition of prototype, it can be concluded that prototypical
dictionary is a dictionary that is commonly used, spread and developed.
Sterkenburg (2003) added broader definition of dictionary, which is the form of a
static (printed dictionary) or dynamic product (electronic dictionary) with an
interstructure that establishes links between the various components (electronic
dictionary) and is usually still alphabetically structured (printed dictionary). Based
on the definition by Sterkenburg, there is no different definition between printed
dictionary and electronic dictionary in terms of the words definition and/or
alphabetical order words. Both are known to be a tool to find meaning of words.
Furthermore, Jiang (2012) stated that the most important advantage of an
electronic dictionary is that it is very convenient to use. Electronic dictionary
become more and more advanced; they can pronounce the words clearly, provide
sample sentences to illustrate word usage and store difficult words for special
memorization (Jiang, 2012). Jiang (2012) added that the designing of electronic
dictionaries are more and more portable, and they are easy for students to carry.

In conclusion, dictionary is an aid to language teaching and learning that

define meanings of words in alphabetical order. There are different varieties
ofdictionary available. In general, dictionary is very helpful for a language learner
to help them find meanings of words.
3. Mobile Phone Dictionary
Mobile phones can be used as learning tools in a classroom because of the
advantages they can render to this end. These affordances includeportability,

context sensitivity, social interactivity, individuality and connectivity (Klopfer &

Squire, 2008 as cited in Rahimi & Miri, 2014, p. 1470). Kukulska-Hulme and
Shield (2008) also maintain that Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)
emphasizes spontaneity or continuity of access and ensures in different contexts.
Rahimi and Miri (2014) claim that mobile phone dictionaries can help EFL
learners develop their vocabulary particularly their knowledge of synonyms,
antonyms, idioms, collocations and phrases. Joseph and Uther (2009) as cited in
Rahimi and Miri, 2014, p. 1474) argue that mobile phone dictionaries also help
language learners to improve their pronunciation and refine their concepts
regarding the meaning of words by watching videos and images related to words.
In the present-day world, new technologies are bringing the students
particularly university student’s different forms of electronic literacies which play
an important role in connecting them with their peers in a “networked society”
(Castells, 2000; Lankshear & Knobel, 2003; Warschaur, 1999). Electronic
dictionaries are very important and useful tool for EFL learners among these
technologies. Mobile phone dictionary is the most recent app which is available
on smart phones and tablets. Mobile phone dictionaries are marked with the
functions of interactive learning which include speech features, vocabulary games
and reference book (Zheng & Wang, 2016).
4. U-Dictionary App
U-Dictionary is one of the offline dictionaries app that can be downloaded
from an android or smartphone. It is a light application for translating more than
30 languages without internet connection.With U-Dictionary, Everyone not only

can translate words and short phrases, but also practice the skills in any language.
From the main tab, everyone can quickly access short tests and mini games to
practice any language wanted.Even, everyone can listen to the pronunciation
whenever the android smartphone has an Internet connection. The exercises and
tests are especially great for improving your fluency in any language you want,
particularly English.

Image 2.1.2 Background of U-Dictionary:

It is the background of U-Dictionary app that can be downloaded in playstore

of mobile phone or laptop. When open the dictionary and translate one word,
there will be some option like the picture below:
Image 2.2 : Meaning of the word

There are some option to know the meaning of the word. At the picture is
the first option to see the meaning of the basic word “Dasar”. We can see that the
meaning of the word in Bahasa, the class of the word and how the word is
changing base on the tenses that will be used. The symbol “v” means verb and “n”
is noun. There are also some symbols like pl. (plural), pa.t. (past tense), pa.pple.

(past participle), pr.pple. (present participle), tps. (simple present tense). So, the
users not only know the meaning but also the class of the word and how to use the
word base on the tenses. It is very helpful to know how and where the word will
be used in sentences or in writing.
It also was completed with the synonym;antonymand phrase to make the
writing be better because we can use high class word and find out the phrase of
the word us looking for.
Image 2.3 : Synonim,Antonim and phrase

The example of the sentence also was available. So, it is very helpful to
know how to use the word in writing.
Image 2.4 : Example of the sentence

Besides translating a word or text, U-Dictionary can also be used to look up

definitions via Collins Dictionary or Wikipedia.
Image 2.5 : Definition via Collins Dictionary in wikipedia

The dictionary also was copleted with oxford translation.

Image 2.6 : Oxford translation

Base on the explanation above about U-Dictionary, it can be concluded

that the dictionary app has many advantages. There are a lot of features in U-
dictionary that can make the user very interested to use it.So, that is why the
researcher interested to study about it.

In this chapter consists of design of study, subject of the study, instrument of the
study, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis.
A. Design of the Study
The researcherapplied a qualitativeapproach because the primary purpose of the
research is to identify students’ affective perception on the usage of U-
Dictionaryin writing class. According to Creswell (2014) qualitative approach was
one in which the inquirer often makes knowledge claims based primarily on
constructivist perspectives (i.e., the multiple meanings of individual experiences,
meanings socially and historically constructed). It is also used to gain an
understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides
insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential
quantitative research. Considering the topic of this study was perception which is
as the nature of the existing condition among students in writing process by using
U-Dictionary, so defines the students’ perception and the kind of perception
that mostly students’ have in writing process become the main problem that
would be answers through this study. In this issue, the researcher used students
writing and interview as data collections.
B. Subject of the Study
The subject of the study werethe fourth semester students of English
Department at Muhammadiyah University of Kendari in the academic year
2018/2019. There were five subjects in this study. The chosen subject had been
determining as the result of discussion process undergone by the writer and the
lecturer of that mentioned class. They were:
The subject of the study was gain through purposive sampling. Purposive
sampling means that the writer selects one class with purpose. Tongco (2007)
stated that the purposive sampling technique, also called judgment sampling, is a
nonrandom technique that does not need underlying theories or the deliberate


choice of an informant due to the qualities the informant possesses. It means that
the writer selects one class with purpose. Simply put, the researcher decides what
needs to be known and sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide
the information by virtue of knowledge or experience (Bernard, 2002).
Selecting the precise place is important because it will influence the result of
the research. So, the researcher selected Muhammadiyah University of Kendari as
a setting of the research. In this research the researcher focused on fourth semester
of the English department students of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari in
the academic year 2018/2019. They are taking Advance writing subject. There are
three classes in this semester, namely Class A, B, and C which were the students
use U-dictionary in writing class. The study conducted in class A which consist
about 25 students to be researched. But, the writer only choosed 1 class,
especially class A and 5 Students as the subject of this research.
C. Instrument of the Study
This research employed the qualitative research, and there were two instrument
used by the researcher in collected the data, they were documentand semi-
structured interview.
1. Document
The term of document refers to a wide range of written, physical, and
visual materials. Creswell (2012:223) states that documents represent a good
source for text (word) data for a qualitative study. The document in this research
is the students’ writing. The researcher collected students’ writing contains then
analyzes it.
2. Interview
The last instrument was interview, the kinds of interview used was in-
depth interview. According to Boyce & Neale (2006), in-depth interview is a
qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive individual
interviews with a small number of participants to explore new issues in depth.
This instrument was used by the writer to clarify, to support the data in document,
and to gain more detailed information from the students in order to get the
necessary data in depth. It is about the students’ perception on the use of U-

dictionary. The interview conducted at the fourth semester students of A Class in

writing subject of English Department at Muhammadiyah University of Kendari.
In-depth interview conducted if the data from student’s document writing was still
less. Therefore, from the all students of the class which consist thirty one students,
the writer only took five student as the subject.if the researcher will not find the
necessary data from their document writing, it will be continued by the students
D. Technique of Data Collection
By way of collected the data, the researcher will do some of steps which
were categorized as follows:
a. Document
The document employ to collect more detail data about the students’
writing error. The writer will collect the students’ writing then analyzed it. The
procedure of the document can be identified as follows:
1.Communicating to the lecturer.
2. Asking permission to the students.
3. Ask the students to write something base on the topic given by the
4. Collecting the students’ writing.
5. Scan students writing.
b. Interview
The last instrument is interview. This instrument is one of the important
ways to collect the data. In this technique, the writer did interview to get more
information from the students who the writer meets to give some questions that
related to the topic of the research. In collecting the data, the writer did following
1. Providing some appropriate questions related to the topic of the research
2. Confirmed the students who will be interview
3. Prepared the voice recording
4. Met each student to be interviewe
5. Started the interview section and record it

6. Asked the interviewee based on the guideline of interview

7. Developed the question to clarify or get more information from interview
8. Closed the interview section.
9. Listened again the result of interview
10. Make the transcript of the students’ interviews.
E. The Technique of Analyzing Data
According to Moelong (2001: 103), analyzing the data is called as process
of organizing and arranging the data into pattern, category and a set of basic
classification to find the theme and to formulate the research hypothesis as what
the data advice. In qualitative research, techniques of analyzing the data use in
order to synthesize the data collecting from various sources into a coherent
description of what the researcher had been observed and discovered. Regarding
with this research, the researcher used data analysis based on Miles and Huberman
Model (1984:20).
a. Data Reduction
The first step in analyzing qualitative data involves data reduction. Data
reduction means summarizing, choose the basic things, focusing on important
things, look for themes and patterns (Sugiyono, 2014:247). Therefore, data that
was reduced will give clearer drawing and make the researcher easier to collect
the next data. In qualitative research to create a better understanding of the
information obtain during the observation; interview and document conducted the
data needed to be reduced. Since when collecting the data, there must be a great
deal of information or fact which is either ultimately can be relevant or irrelevant.
Therefore to select and reduces unimportant data, data reduction will be used, so
that the final conclusion about the research can be drawn or verified.
The researcher only chose the main data, focus on the important data and
decrease unnecessary data because the data needed to be based on the research
objectives. The researcher will analyze the students wiring error with seeing the
feedback from the teacher.
During doing the data reduction the writer would also maintain the
originality of the data in the case to anticipate the misunderstanding when drawing

the conclusive data. The elements of information selected carefully and the
irrelevant data which was not related to research questions discarded it was
conducted through written summaries, coding, and develop the basic theme of the
information received when assembling the data. In the other hand, the data from
the document will be reduced through the following steps:
1. Analyzing the students writing error
2. Classifying the types of students writing error
Whereas the data from the interview reduced as follows:
3. Transcripts the interview and bolding the relevant data.
4. Separate it in another file of paper.
b. Data Display
After the data is reducing and the important items remaining, the next step
is displaying the data to present the relevance or an important data. According to
Miles and Huberman (1994) a display is an organized, compressed assembly of
information that permits conclusion drawing and the action. In the process of the
reducing and displaying the data, it will be based on the formulation of the
research question.
In data display, the researcher arranged data systematically in order to get
the conclusion as the findings of the research. Miles and Huberman (1994) add
that the data display can be done through textual or written description. In
qualitative research, data display can be presented by brief narration, tables, flow
charts, or interrelation of categories. In this step.
the process of choosing data simply in the form of words, sentence, and
narrative in order that data collected is mastered by researcher as the basic to take
appropriate conclusion .In short, the data from the document will be displayed
through the following steps:
1. Crosscheck the relevant information from students writing.
2. Re-matching the data with the students writing
3. Writing a concise list of information from the students writing.

Then the data from the interview displayed in line with the following
1. Taking a note of the important answer from the interview.
2. Write the answer in the form of description.
c. Conclusion Drawing / Verification.
The last step after displaying data is conclusion drawing/verification.
Verification refers to the process which are able to answer research questions and
research objectives. Beginning conclusion is still temporary, and will be changed
if there is not strong proof that support on the next step in collecting data. But, if
the beginning conclusion is supported by valid proof and consistent, when the
researcher backs to the field, so the conclusion is credible. Document data will be
forceful by interview data. In fact, in concluding the data writer will do the
following steps:
a. Document
1. Writing the short description about the whole previous analysis.
2. Deciding which conclusion closely related to the research finding.
3. Taking the final conclusion.
b. Interview
1. Listing the answer from the previous steps of analysis
2. Comparing the data from the reflective journal and in-depth interview.
3.Combine them together in short narration and concluding the information.
F. Triangulation Data
As Moleong (2008) explains that triangulation is a technique to check the
trustworthiness of data which uses something else to be compared toward that
data. This is a way of assuring the validity of research through the use of a variety
of methods to collect data on the same topic, which involves different types of
samples as well as methods of data collection. In this study, the writer would use
triangulation to check the validity of the data. However, the purpose of
triangulation is not necessarily to cross-validate data, but rather to capture
different dimensions of the same phenomenon (Breitmayer et al., 1993).

In this case, the writer would compare the data taken from one method
with another. The data would be gathered through document and the interviews.
The interview included student’s affective perception and student’s feeling about
he use of U-dictionary. Then, examining the student involves the negative and
positive response through the indicator of affective perception of the student
towards use of U-dictionary.
According to Lincoln and Guba (1994), there are two ways in triangulation
of data, namely triangulation of source and triangulation of technique. However,
in this study, the researcher conducted one triangulation of the data, which was
triangulation of technique. Triangulation of technique is to examine the validity of
the data through combining the differ technique to avoid a potential bias
introduced by researchers themselves and/or by informants. In this study,
triangulation of technique was verifying the data about students’ perception in
document and interview, which could be done.

This chapter provides the result of the research. This section would be divided
into two parts, they were findings and discussion.
A. Finding
1. Students’ affective perception on the usage of U-Dictionary in writing
This research was aimed to find out the data regarding how students’ affective
perception on the usage of U-Dictionary in writing class, and the finding of the
research was taken through one of the aspect of perception namely affective. The
subjects of the study were five students at the fourth semester. The affective
aspect was analyzed through two instruments, namely student writing and
interview. The affective aspects were classified in two domains namely emotion
and mood (refers to Zhu & Zhou theory, 2012.
a. Student’s Writing
1. Student 1 (S1)
The first data was taken by the student 1 that made some errors in her writing; the
errors can be seen in the figure below:
Figure 4.1


The student 1 writing.

Based on figure 4.1 above, the researcher found that the students writing
error are on the use of “to infinitive and V2”. The use of V2 in writing their
holiday in the past is correct but only one word is incorrect. It is because U-
dictionary is completed with the explanation of the use of verb base on the tenses
that will be written. However, it seems that the students effected with the use of
V2 in to infinitive (a verb that changed be noun). Meanwhile, regardless of the
form of the tense, to infinitive uses V1. So, the student’s writing 1 should be (to
arrive, to buy, we swam, and to swim).
2. Student 2 (S2)
Figure 4.2

The Student 2 writing

Based on figure 4.2 above, it can be seen that students 2 only did two
mistakes in her writing. The writing errors are only in the use of subject “I” and to
be “were” before word “cooked”.

3. Student 3 (S3)
Figure 4.3

The Student 3 writing

Based on figure 4.3 above, it can be seen that students writing improved
because only one word mistake did by the student. The correct word should be
“that was”.
4. Student 4 (S4)
Figure 4.4

The Student 4 writing.

Based on figure 4.4 above, it looks that the students writing is perfect. Nothing
mistake is made by the student. The use of V2 in each sentence is correct. So, it
can be concluded that the student is very careful on the use of U-dictionary.
5. Student 5 (S5)
Figure 4.5

The Student 5 writing

Based on figure 4.5 above, the students writing error looked at the incorrect word
and on the usage of subject. The word “chaed” should be “changed” and the word
“that” should be “then”. The use of “me” is incorrect too expect for object. Cause
in the writing is subject so it should use “I”. In addition, all of the writing content
is good.
Referring to the description above, it can be concluded that U-Dictionary
helped them in writing. The students common writing error happened because
there is no explanation about the use of “to infinitive” in U-Dictionary (S1). The
others mistake did by the students in their writing only on students word error and
subject placement (S2, S3, S5). Besides that, the students writing looks well base

on the topic “telling about their holiday in the past”. U-dictionary which is
completed with the explanation of the word class makes the students easy to find
out the V2 form in writing about the past. It really helps them in improving their
a. Student’s Interview
Based on the result in students writing,it showed that use of U-Dictionary
helped the students in writing. But because this study focus on students affective
perception and the first data cannot conclude about it. So, to investigation more
about how do the students affective perception on the usage of U-dictionary in
writing class, the researcher used the second instrument namely interview to the 5
subjects to know more about student’s emotion and mood when using U-
Dictionary. The affective aspects were classified in two domains namely emotion
and mood (refers to Zhu & Zhou theory, 2012).
. c. Student’s Emotion
In this paragraph, the researcher would present the findings of emotion
aspect which was obtained in the form of four questions (first to fourth question)
(see Appendix 2). Based on the students’ interview, the researcher found that all
of the students have positive and negative emotion in the use of U-dictionary. But
there ismore students’ positive emotion than students’ negative emotion. It is
becauseof U-dictionary have a lot of features that very help the students in writing
and make them feel happy when using it. The students negative emotion is only
on the U-dictionary cannot translate the words more than 120 words and must use
packet data.
Based on student’s interview, Students 1 (S1) revealed her positive emotion to
use of U-dictionary and she likes using her dictionary.
“The use of the dictionary is very good because by using the dictionary I can get
new knowledge about how to use the dictionary so that I feel very happy because
it helps me in writing classes. What I like in U-dictionary is not only translating
English but also there are 14 languages available in the dictionary. S1 also has
negative emotion cause of the dictionary cannot translate much words,It was
supported from her statement in interview,“Related to what I do not like about U-

dictionary is translation in the form is need a date. Even though, in writing class
there are many sentences that must be translated.”
Then, another student, Student 2 (S2) showed negative and also positive affect
to U-dictionary.
“I like using U-dictionary because the application is very helpful especially in
efficiency the time. Just typing the words or sentences then the meaning will
The S2 also give some reason why she likes U-dictionary and why she does
not like it.
“What I like about U-dictionary is firstly, I can find the English meaning of not
only in words but also in a sentence. Secondly, the word that I have been obtained
from the search will be stored offline and the third is other features are available
such as games, article and so on. What I do not like is even though the meaning
can be searched for a sentence, but sometimes the meaning is not accordance with
the grammar.”
The next student is student 3 (S3) have positive and negative argument too
about the use of U-dictionary. The S3 said that the use of U-dictionary help her in
writing. It was support from her statement in interview,
“I feel very happy and helped when using U-dictionary because it is very good in
translating writing. Besideswhat I like about this dictionary is able to translate
quickly, there are synonym of the word that we are looking for and the use of the
word being searched for in a sentence.”
For the negative response, she said that the use of U-dictionary needs a packet
data to translate sentences.
“What I do not like in using this dictionary is need data to access it especially to
translate sentences.”
The next students are student 4 (S4) and student25 (S5). Both of the students
have same positive emotion with S1, S2 and S3 (see appendix 2). For the negative
emotion, it is same with the statement of S3 that U-dictionary needs data if the
translator wants to translate sentences.

Base on the result of student’s interview above especially in emotion aspect, it

can be concluded that the students have positive emotion in the use of U-
dictionary because it very help them in writing so the students writing be better
and makes them feel happy. The features are available in the app make the
students like to use the dictionary. Forthe negative emotion,it is happened because
of to translate sentences need a data. So, if the students have a data, they can use
the dictionary not only translate words but also sentences.
. d. Mood
In this session would reveal the other aspect of affective component,
namely students’ mood. This aspect was obtained in the form of four questions
(fifth to eight question) (see Appendix 2) in students’ interview. Based on
student’s interview, all of students gave affective perception or described their
mood aspect same as they reacted to the emotion aspect. They also have positive
and negative mood. But positive mood is more than negative mood.
For the fifth question (see appendix 2) which asks about the student mood
especially about their self-assurance when use U-dictionary, all of the student said
that they be confident when use U-dictionary in writing. It was support from their
statement in interview,
“Of course it really makes me confident because besides being able to translate
sentences, paragraphs but also words with example of their uses so that my
writing is better than before.”
The next question to know more about student’s mood is boredom and
tiredness. All of the students stated that using U-dictionary do not make them feel
bore because there many advantages like features (game, synonym, antonym,
word class, article, and so on) than can be used in the dictionary. So, it built their
spirit and make them do not feel tired again. It was support from their statement in
“In my opinion all of dictionaries is almost same but U-dictionary has more
advantages than others so that my level of boredom with this dictionary is only

The seventh question asks about students’ anxiety when using U-dictionary to
help them in writing class. Base on the result of this question, all of the students
have negative mood on the use of U-dictionary because they feel anxiety when
using it. They are afraid to be an addicted person in using dictionary. It was
support from their statement in interview,
“Feeling anxious maybe when we are dependent on using a dictionary in writing,
then when the test is not allowed to use dictionary, it can have an impact on our
writing because dependence of dictionary and cannot translate without U-
The last question is about student’s mood. All of the students said that U-
dictionary make their mood be better. It was support from their statement in
“Yes, of course. Using U-dictionary makes my mood be better than before
because my writing using it is better,”
Base on the result of interview to find out the student’s mood in using U-
dictionary in writing, it can be conclude that the students have positive mood
when using U-dictionary such as be confident, not feeling bored and tired
anymore and their mood is getting better. For the negative mood of students is
only on their own anxiety, such as fear of mistakes and dependence on using the
dictionary. Student’s positive mood is more than student’s negative mood.
By looking at the explanations above which was obtained through the
students’ writing and student’s interview, the researcher found that from five
subjects or students, all of the students revealed that the use of U-Dictionary
helped them in writing. It can be seen from the student’s document writing that
showed the student’s mistake in writing be less. It is because of the dictionary
have many features than can be used by the students to help them in writing.
In the other hand, from the emotion and mood aspect of affective
perception, the researcher found that student’s writing relevant with the student’s
interview. The student’s writing is better because of their emotion and also mood
is positive toward the use of U-dictionary. However they also have negative
emotion and mood. Negative emotion looked from their feeling what they do not

like from U-dictionary need a data to translate sentences or paragraphs. But it will
be good if the students translate their writing word-per-word because they can see
the example sentence of the word, synonym, antonym and the class word. For the
negative mood is only they are anxiety being addicted in using dictionary. But it
will be good if students only use it when they do not know the translated of the
In this section, the researcher will explain and explore the results of the research
that will be linked to the theory that is consistent with what the researcher
explained in chapter 2.
Students’ affective perception on the usage of U-dictionary in writing class.
Dictionary is known as an aid for language learner to define the meaning
of words. It is defined as “a book that gives the words of a language in
alphabetical order and explains their meaning, or translates them into another
language” (Hornby, 1995, p. 321). However, the use of mobile phone devices has
become familiar among the students and makes the students rarely use a book
dictionary. mobile devices have penetrated all spheres of human activities,
including education especially at university students because it enables students to
carry this mobile device easily and study from it anywhere, at any time, and
according to their own pace (Poláková & Klímová, 2019). The students use their
mobile phone as a tool in English learning by using mobile phone dictionaries.
Rahimi and Miri (2014) claim that mobile phone dictionaries can help EFL
learners develop their vocabulary particularly their knowledge of synonyms,
antonyms, idioms, collocations and phrases so they can improve their writing
ability and it was the researcher found in this research. The use of mobile phone
dictionaries helps the students to improve their writing ability.
One of mobile phone dictionaries used by the students is U-dictionary.It is
one of the offline dictionaries that can be downloaded from an android or
smartphone. There are many features that can be used from this dictionary. One of
them is the class of word ecpecially how to know the cahanges of Verb base on
the tensese. The user can see the symbol when translate the word such as in the

symbol “v” means verb and “n” is noun. There are also some symbols like pl.
(plural), pa.t. (past tense), pa.pple. (past participle), pr.pple. (present participle),
tps. (simple present tense). So, base on the student’s writing about their past
holidays, the researcher also found that the student’s writing error were few
because one of the features in U-dictionary really helped them, especially in
knowing the use of verbs in the past form.
A previous study done by Aslan, E. (2016) entitled “A study on the use of
mobile dictionaries in vocabulary teaching”.This study was to elaborate on the use
of mobile dictionaries in vocabulary teaching especially on the use of Giant
dictionary. In the first place, advantages and the limits of the use of these
dictionaries in vocabulary teaching was tried to be determined students‟
viewpoint to them and how frequently they was used. The result showed almost
all students expressed that they were constantly using mobile dictionaries to learn
vocabulary. This study showed that the use of mobile dictionaries especially using
app is very helpful the students in improving their vocabularies. But what made
differences of this study is the researcher used another mobile app dictionary
namely U-dictionary to find out whether the dictionary can help the students in
improving their writing or not.
Another previous studied by Wulandari & Handayani, (2019) that
researched about “The use U-dictionary as a learning media to increase the
students’ vocabulary in teaching speaking”. This study aimed to know the
effectiveness of U-Dictionary as a learning media to increase the students’
vocabulary in teaching speaking. The Results indicate that by using U- Dictionary
as a learning media in teaching speaking particularly increasing the vocabulary,
the students’ vocabulary has increased significantly. During the research, the
students got many vocabulary at least one hundred new words based on the
category; noun, adjective, verb and adverb. It same with what the researcher found
in this research. The use of U-dictionary is very helpful the students in their
writing because in U-dictionary there are many features that can be used by the

Both of the studies showed that the use of electronic dictionary help
students in learning English especially vocabulary. The first researcher used Giant
mobile phone dictionaries in teaching vocabularies and the second researcher also
used mobile phone dictionaries in vocabulary learning namely U-dictionary. Both
of the research above same because used mobile phone app dictionaries but it just
focused on student’s vocabulary. Meanwhile, the use of Mobile learning provides
the privilege for the students to utilize their smart phones in order to incquire
writing skill more efficiently (Yusuf & Hamidun 2015). They can also use mobile
phone dictionaries to improve their writing skill.
The last previous studied by by Klimova & Polakova (2020) who studied
about “students’ perceptions of an EFL vocabulary learning mobile application”.
The aimed of the study was to discuss students’ perception of the use of a mobile
application aimed at learning new English vocabulary and phrases and describe its
strengths and weaknesses as perceived by the students. It found that the mobile
app helped students
prepare for the final achievement test, learning was accessible from anywhere and
at any time, students appreciated the corrective feedback and would opt for the
implementation of the mobile app in other courses taught at the faculty.It also
same with what the researcher found in this research. All of the students had
positive perception on the use of U-dictionary for helping them in improving their
writing. However in this research, the researcher focused to one types of
perception namely affective perception.
According to Pike and Ryan (2004), affectiveperception refers to the
emotional interpretation of perceptions, information, or knowledge. It is generally
associated with one’s attachment (positive or negative) to people, object, ideas,
etc., and ask the question “How do I feel about this knowledge or information?
(Baumeister et al., 1998).The affective perception of students can be seen from
students' feeling, emotion and moodon the usage of U-dictionary in writing class.
In this research, the researcher used theoryZhu & Zhou (2012) who concluded
that affective is considered as aspects of feeling, emotion and mood. However, the
researcher only focused on emotion and mood.

Emotion aspect was seen from student’s joy and happiness when using U-
dictionary and mood aspect was seen from student’s positive mood and negative
mood. Through these aspects, the researchers want to know whether students have
positive or negative affective perception on the usage of U-dictionary in writing
According to Izard (1991) emotion can be divides into positive emotions
like joy, happiness, and love, and negative emotions like fear, anger, and sadness.
Hume on his book entitled “Emotions and moods” defined that there are two
aspects of moods namely positive mood and negative mood. Positive mood is a
mood dimension consisting of positive emotions such as excitement, self-
assurance, and cheerfulness at the high end, and boredom, sluggishness, and
tiredness at the low end. Negative mood is a mood dimension consisting of
nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high end, and relaxation, tranquility, and
poise at the low end.
So, from these two aspects, through Student’s document writing and
interview answered by students, the researchers found that students had positive
affective perception on the usage of U-dictionary to help them in writing class.
For students affective perception negatively, students only did not like one feature
in U-dictionary namely the used of data when translate a sentences and anxiety
being addicted in using dictionary.


The last chapter of this study consists of conclusions, limitations and

recommendations for this research. The first part of this study describes the final
conclusions about how student’s affective perception on the usage of U-dictionary
in writing class. The second part of this chapter presents the limitations of the
study and the last section presents recommendations for further studies and
pedagogical implications of this study.
A. Conclusion
This research was conducted to find out how students' affective perception on
the usage of U-dictionary in writing class. It was conducted at Muhammadiyah
University of Kendari, especially at the fourth semester of English Department
student in writing class (class A). Based on the findings of this study discussed in
the previous chapter, researchers found that students' affective perceptions on the
usage of U-dictionary were positive which could be seen from the emotion and
moodof the students. From the emotion aspect, students feel happy when their
writing is better by using U-dictionary. While from the aspect of mood, the
students be confident in writing when using U-dictionary. it wasrevealed that
students had positive reactions because they said that U-dictionarywas very
important to use in improve their writing error.
B. Limitation
In conducting this research, researchers have many limitations as described
1. The researcher only focuses on affective perception among the three aspects of
perception proposed by Pike and Ryan (2004); cognitive, affective and conative.
2. Researchers discuss affective perceptions based on theory Zhu & Zhou’s theory
(2012), which has been categorizing the affective into three aspects, namely
feeling, emotion and mood but the researcher only focus on emotion and mood .
3. The researcher used one of mobilephone app dictionary namely U-dictionary.
4. There were only 5 students as subjects in this study.


5. The researcher only used student’s writing and interviewto get the data.
Based on the results of this study, the researcher considered a number of
suggestions for lecturers, students and next researchers. The writers' suggestions
are as follows:
1. For the lecturers
Lecturers must allow the students to use U-dictionary in writing class but should
control the students while using it because it will make the students accustome to
use the dictionary.
2. for the students
Students are expected to be able to use the results of this study as a reference
or discourse when using U-dictionary for helping them in writing class.
3. For the further researchers
Suggestions for further researchers are as follows:
a. Researchers suggest that the next researcher can examine the three aspects of
perception, namely cognitive, affective and conative. It will be more interesting
because in this study, the researchers only focused on affective aspects.
b. The next researcher can examine more deeply about the three aspects of affective
perception, namely the emotional aspects, feeling and mood.
c. The next researcher can also examine more about the advantages of U-dictionary
because in this research, the researcher only focus on one feature in U-dictionary
especially in knowing the change of verb base on the tenses that look for by the
d. The next researcher can use another instrument to explain clearly about students‟
emotion, and mood.
4. Pedagogical implication
Regarding the findings of this study, the pedagogical implications of this study
are as follows:
a. Students' affective perceptions on the usage of U-dictionary seem to be an
important point to note for teachers who teach writing skills because students'
perceptions of learning and teaching are important for teachers to provide

appropriate care or techniques in the teaching process. Therefore, before the

teaching and learning process begins, lecture must understand the level of
students' abilities so that the teacher can use his/her teaching strategies when
teaching and learning in the classroom. As a result students are easier to
understand the subject of learning.
b. This research is expected to be a source of information for lecture to
understand that they must be aware of their responsibility to guide students
in the learning process, especially in giving a chance for the students in
using mobilephone app dictionary but keep control the students in
improving students' ability in writing.

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Student 1 (S1)

Student 2 (S2)

Student 3 (S3)

Student 4 (S4)

Student 5 (S5)

APPENDIX II.I: Interview of Student 1

Interviewer : Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Interviewee : Waalaikumsalam warahmatulahi wabarakatuh

Interviewer : sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan

yang telah di berikan. Saya Mariana dari program studi Bahasa Inggris,pada

kesempatan ini saya ingin mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan kepada adik terkait

penelitian saya.

Interviewee : Iya

Interviewer : Pertanyaan yang pertama dik,Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Baik terima kasih,saya akan menjawab pertanyaan yang

pertama,menurut saya kalau pertanyaan mengenai perasaan,mengenai penggunaan

kamus U-Dictionary ini sangat baik untuk kami.karena dengan adanya kamus U-

Dictionary saya bisa mendapatkan pengetahuan yang baru terkait cara penggunaan

kamus U-Dictionary dalam kelas writing,jadi perasaan saya sangat bahagia karena

itu bisa membantu saya dalam menulis di kelas writing.

Interviewer : Apakah kamu senang jika dosen membiarkanmu untuk

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Berbicara terkait membiarkan sebenarnya baik tapi kalau

seumpamanya mahasiswanya belum paham dosennya belum membiarkan.maksud

saya di sini alangkah baiknya di tuntun dulu bagaimana caranya terus di jelaskan

tahap pertahap kemudian baru bisa di biarkan untuk siswanya masing-masing

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary.


Interviewer : Apa yang kamu sukai dan tidak sukai dari penggunaan kamus U-


Interviewee : Kalau berbicara yang di suka kamus U-Dictionary itu adalah salah

satu kamus yang bukan Cuma bahasa inggris tapi di situ juga ada 14 bahasa dunia

yang ada dalam kamus U-Dictionary ini. Jadi kita bisa memahami beberapa

bahasa baru di dalam kamus U-Dictionary. Kemudian terkait hal yang saya tidak

sukai di dalam kamus U-Dictionary itu penerjemahanya terbatas dalam bentuk

kalimat karena harus menggunakan data. Padahal kalau dalam kelas writing

banyak kalimat yang harus di terjemahkan jadi mungkin itu salah satu


Interviewer : Jika di suruh memilih,kamus apa yang paling anda sukai untuk

membantu anda menulis Di kelas writing?

Interviewee :Mungkin saya akan memilih salah satu penggunaan Kamus U-

Dictionary karena di bandingkan dengan kamus lainnya yaitu kaya kamus

elektronik biasa dia tidak bisa menerjemahkan perkalimat hanya ke word. Terus

kalau google terjemahan biasa( translate) kosa katanya belum terlalu

tersusun,kalau U-Dictionary kata-kata nya lebih tersusun terus grammarnya juga

sudah bagus. Selain itu juga dilengkapi dengan sinonim dan penggunaan kosakata

sesuai tenses sehingga sangat membantu dalam menulis

Interviewer : Apakah dengan menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary anda menjadi

percaya diri dalam menulis?


Interviewee : Penggunaan kamus U-Dictionary ini sebenarnya sangat membantu

apalagi ketika salah satu dosen kita memberikan tugas kamus U-Dictionary ini

berperan penting dan saya jadi percaya diri dalam menulis

Interviewer : Pernahkah anda merasa bosan atau capek ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : Kalau bosan mungkin tergantung mood,karena di dalam kamus U-

dictionary ini ada beberapa keunikan dan keunggulannya tersendiri. Dia itu ada

beberapa tampilan dalam bentuk video dalam bentuk permainan jadi variasinya

bermacam-macam sehingga bagi yang menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary ini

tidak merasa bosan

Interviewer : Apakah timbul rasa cemas dalam diri anda ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Perasaan cemas ini mungkin ketika kita sudah ketergantungan

menggunakan kamus dalam penulisan writing kemudian seperti salah satunya

dalam ujian mungkin tidak di izinkan menggunakan kamus otomatis penulisan

kita ini bisa berdampak karena ketergantungan kita terhadap kamus U-Dictionary

kita tidak bisa menerjemahkan tanpa kamus U-Dictionary tadi.

Interviewer : Apakah mood anda menjadi lebih baik ketika menggunakan kamus

U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Menurut saya sangat baik sekali dalam kelas writing menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary jadi mood saya itu kadang berubah-ubah tapi ketika

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary itu lebih baik lah.


Interviewer : Oke saya pikir itu saja pertanyaan dari saya,terima kasih atas

waktunya dik.

Interviewee : Iya sama-sama kak

Interviewer : saya akhiri dengan Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Interviewee : Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


APPENDIX II.II: Interview of Stududent 2

Interviewer : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Interviewee : Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Interviewer : Sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan

yang telah di berikan. Saya Mariana dari program studi bahasa inggris,pada

kesempatan ini saya ingin mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan kepada adik terkait

penelitian saya.

Interviewee : iya

Interviewer : Pertanyaan yang pertama dik,Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Saya senang karena aplikasi U-Dictionary sangat

membantu,terutama dalam hal efisiensi waktu.Hanya mengetik kata atau kalimat

maka artinya akan muncul.

Interviewer : Apakah kamu senang jika dosen membiarkanmu untuk

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Iya,karena di kelas writing biasanya kita di beri waktu untuk

menulis jadi,dengan menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary kita bisa lebih cepat

menemukan arti kata yang tidak kita ketahui.

Interviewer :Apa yang kamu sukai dan tidak sukai dari kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : yang saya sukai yang pertama adalah bisa menemukan arti dalam

bahasa inggris bukan hanya perkata namun perkalimat. Yang kedua,kata yang

sudah di cari di pencarian maka akan tersimpan secara offline. Yang

ketiga,tersedia fitur lainnya seperti game,bacaan berupa artikel dan sebagainya.


Yang tidak saya sukai meskipun artinya bisa di cari perkalimat tetapi terkadang

artinya tidak sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa inggris.

Interviewer : Jika di suruh memilih ,kamus apa yang paling anda sukai untuk

membantu anda menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Kamus U-Dictionary.alasannya simple karena ia memiliki lebih

banyak keunggulan di banding yang lainnya.

Interviewer : Apakah dengan menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary anda menjadi

percaya diri dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Percaya diri iya karena saya bisa menulis kalimat bahkan paragraf

dalam bahasa inggris. Namun kadang saya cemas jangan sampai tulisan saya

banyak strukturnya yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa ingrris yang


Interviewer : Pernahkah anda merasa bosan atau capek ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : Menurut saya kebanyakan kamus hampir sama justru untuk kamus

U-Dictionary memiliki keunggulan lebih di bandingkan yang lainnya,jadi tingkat

kebosanan saya terhadap kamus U-dictionary sangat kecil.

Interviewer : Pernahkah timbul rasa cemas dalam diri anda ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis ?

Interviewee : Pernah

Interviewer : Apakah mood anda menjadi lebih baik ketika menggunakan kamus

U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?


Interviewee : Iya,karena kamus U-dictionary dapat membantu saya dalam menulis

jadi mood saya baik.

Interviewer : Oke saya pikir itu saja pertanyaan dari saya,terima kasih atas

waktunya dik.

Interviewee : Iya sama-sama kak

Interviewer : Saya akhiri dengan Assalamualikum warhamatulahi wabarakatuh.

Interviewee : Waalaikumsam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


APPENDIX II.III: Interview of Student 3

Interviewer : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Interviewee : Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Interviewer : Sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan

yang telah di berikan. Saya Mariana dari program studi bahasa inggris,pada

kesempatan ini saya ingin mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan kepada adik terkait

penelitian saya.

Interviewee : iya

Interviewer : Pertanyaan yang pertama dik,Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Perasaan saya yaitu sangat terbantu karena kamus U-Dictionary ini

bagus sekali dalam menerjemahkan tulisan.

Interviewer : Apakah kamu senang jika dosen membiarkanmu untuk

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee :iya senang karena kamus U-dictionary ini sangat membantu saya

dalam menulis di kelas writing.

Interviewer :Apa yang kamu sukai dan tidak sukai dari kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : yang saya sukai dari kamus U-Dictionary ini adalah dia memiliki

beberapa keunggulan sama mampu menerjemahkan dengan cepat,kedua jika kita

menulis kata maka akan muncul dengan synonym dari kata tersebut atau

penggunaan dari kata tersebut daalam sebuah kalimat dan yang saya tidak sukai

yaitu kamus ini adalah kamus online jadi pengaksesannya memerlukan paket data

jika menerjemahkan perkalimat,


Interviewer : Jika di suruh memilih ,kamus apa yang paling anda sukai untuk

membantu anda menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Kamus terjemahan biasa sama Kamus U-Dictionary ini.

Interviewer : Apakah dengan menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary anda menjadi

percaya diri dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Iya,karena selain cepat pengaksesannya dia juga bisa membetulkan

kata ketika kita menulis.

Interviewer : Pernahkah anda merasa bosan atau capek ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : Tidak pernah.

Interviewer : Pernahkah timbul rasa cemas dalam diri anda ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis ?

Interviewee : Iya karena pasti ada rasa takut jangan sampai salah

Interviewer : Apakah mood anda menjadi lebih baik ketika menggunakan kamus

U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Iya,karena jika ada kata sulit dengan menggunakan kamus U-

dictionary dia akan membenarkan kalimat kita maka mood saya akan bahagia atau


Interviewer : Oke saya pikir itu saja pertanyaan dari saya,terima kasih atas

waktunya dik.

Interviewee : Iya sama-sama kak

Interviewer : Saya akhiri dengan Assalamualikum warhamatulahi wabarakatuh.

Interviewee : Waalaikumsam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


APPENDIX II.IV: Interview of Student 4

Interviewer : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Interviewee : Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Interviewer : Sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan

yang telah di berikan. Saya Mariana dari program studi bahasa inggris,pada

kesempatan ini saya ingin mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan kepada adik terkait

penelitian saya.

Interviewee : iya

Interviewer : Pertanyaan yang pertama dik,Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Secara personal saya merasa cukup terbantu ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary dalam kelas writing karena itu bisa sedikit menimgkatkan

kemampuan writing di mana jika di bandingkan dengan kamus terjemahan lainnya

itu lebih baik penyusunan kata nya.

Interviewer : Apakah kamu senang jika dosen membiarkanmu untuk

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Saya piker itu cukup membantu tapi jika mau di pakai dalam

menulis mungkin itu agak berat,kalau misalnya dalam kelas writing mau pakai

menulis karena itu mungkin akan mengundurkan pengetahuan kita. Mungkin lebih

baik kamus itu membantu saja dalam peningkatan menulis tapi tidak di gunakan

secara keseluruhan untuk menulis.

Interviewer :Apa yang kamu sukai dan tidak sukai dari kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : Yang pertma untuk yang saya sukai itu di mana kamus U-Dictionary

yang bagaimana saya sampaikan tadi dia lebih tersusun kata nya pada saat kita

menerjemahkan sesuatu. Yang kedua yaitu di kamus U-Dictionary sendiri lebih

lengkap di bandingkan dengan kamus elektronik lainnya di mana dia di lengkapi

dengan synonym dan antonym yang secara langsung kita dapatkan kata

persamaan atau tidak samaan dari kata yang kita ingin terjemahkan. Nah,kalau

untuk yang tidak di sukai nya kalau kamus U-Dictionary sendiri harus tersambung

dengan internet ketika kita menggunakannya berbeda dengan kamus google

terjemahan kita bisa menggunakannya juga dengan mendownload dan

menyambungkannya ke internet.

Interviewer : Jika di suruh memilih ,kamus apa yang paling anda sukai untuk

membantu anda menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Kalau berkaitan dengan kamus yang saya gunakan beberapa jenis

kamus dan U-Dictionary menjadi salah satu pilihan terbaik dalam membantu di

kelas writing saya pikir.

Interviewer : Apakah dengan menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary anda menjadi

percaya diri dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Untuk awal atau pada saat-saat semester awal pada saat kita baru

belajar menulis itu sangat membantu kita untuk meningkatkan percaya diri dengan

dimana kita sama sekali belum tau menulis atau masih sangat basic tentang

pengetahuannya dalam menulis dengan kamus itu kita bisa tau penyusunan kata

juga,sedikit demi sedikit penyusunan kata jadi saya pikir itu membantu untuk

meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dalam menulis.


Interviewer : Pernahkah anda merasa bosan atau capek ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : Kalau merasa bosan mungkin tidak karena tidak terlalu sering di

gunakan jadi

idak bosan saat kita menggunakannya.

Interviewer : Pernahkah timbul rasa cemas dalam diri anda ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis ?

Interviewee : Tentu saja di mana pada saat kita menggunakan kamus kebanyakan

yang kita dapat itu tidak langsung kita ketahui secara langsung. Maksudnya

kamus menerjemahkan semua apa yang kita tulis di situ akhirnya mungkin

pengetahuan kita tidak terlalu banyak jika di bandingkan kita cari sendiri kata

perkata lalu menulisnya,itu menjadi salah satu hal yang sedikit mencemaskan

untuk mahasiswa bahasa inggris ketika kita terus menerus menggunakan kamus

aeperti U-Dictionary dalam menerjemahkan dalam kelas writing.

Interviewer : Apakah mood anda menjadi lebih baik ketika menggunakan kamus

U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Kalau untuk saya sendiri itu menjadi dorongan,menjadi lebih baik di

mana saat kita sudah pusing saat menulis sesuatu dan kita hanya tau nya dalam

bahasa Indonesia tidak bisa menulisnya dalam bahasa inggris nah denan bantuan

U-Dictionary sendiri kita bisa menjadi lebih semangat saat menulis di mana kita

tidak terlalu stress untuk menyusun kata-kata nya itu.

Interviewer : Oke saya pikir itu saja pertanyaan dari saya,terima kasih atas

waktunya dik.

Interviewee : Iya sama-sama kak

Interviewer : Saya akhiri dengan Assalamualikum warhamatulahi wabarakatuh.

Interviewee : Waalaikumsam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


APPENDIX II.V: Interview of Student 5

Interviewer : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Interviewee : Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Interviewer : Sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan

yang telah di berikan. Saya Mariana dari program studi bahasa inggris,pada

kesempatan ini saya ingin mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan kepada adik terkait

penelitian saya.

Interviewee : iya

Interviewer : Pertanyaan yang pertama dik,Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Saya sangat senang karena dengan adanya aplikasi U-Dictionary

sangat membantu saya apalagi dalam hal menulis sebuah kalimat yang mungkin

kalimat tersebut elum saya tahu dan mungkin dengan adanya itu yah

Alhamdulillah kalimat yang saya susun menjadi baik lagi.

Interviewer : Apakah kamu senang jika dosen membiarkanmu untuk

menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Iya saya senang karena dalam kelas writing biasanya dosen

memberikan kita waktu untuk menulis dengan menggunakan kamus itu jauh lebih

baik karena kita dapat menemukan arti atau kata-kata yang belum di ketahui.

Interviewer :Apa yang kamu sukai dan tidak sukai dari kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : Yang saya sukai itu dengan adanya kamussaya bisa menemukan

beberapa arti dalam bahasa inggris bukan hanya perkata namun juga perkalimat.

Selain itu juga bias menemukan perubahan kata kerja dengan mudah sesuai

tenses. Yang tidak saya sukai yaitu harus menggunakan paket data sementara

kadang kita tidak punya paket data jika menerjemahkan perkalimat.

Interviewer : Jika di suruh memilih ,kamus apa yang paling anda sukai untuk

membantu anda menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Kalau untuk kamus saya lebih suka pakai Kamus U-Dictionary

alasannya simple sekali karena dia memiliki lebih banyak keunggulan di banding

kamus yang lainnya. Banyak sekali fitur-fitur yang ada di kamus U-Dictionary itu

dari game nya terus ada juga berupa bacaan artikel dan itu juga sangat membantu

saya dalam belajar. Selain itu dilengkapi dengan sinonim sehingga kita bisa

menggunakan kosa kata yang baru.

Interviewer : Apakah dengan menggunakan kamus U-Dictionary anda menjadi

percaya diri dalam menulis?

Interviewee : Pastinya itu sangat membuat saya percaya diri karena selain bisa

menerjemahkan kalimat, paragraph, juga perkta dengan contoh-contoh

penggunaannya sehingga membuat tulisan saya lebih bagus dari sebelumnya.

Interviewer : Pernahkah anda merasa bosan atau capek ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary?

Interviewee : Untuk tingkat kebosanan terhadap kamus U-Dictionary itu sangat

kecil menurut saya,karena kamus U-Dictionary ini lebih banyak keunggulannya

di bandingkan kelemahannya.

Interviewer : Pernahkah timbul rasa cemas dalam diri anda ketika menggunakan

kamus U-Dictionary dalam menulis ?

Interviewee : Pernah kak


Interviewer : Apakah mood anda menjadi lebih baik ketika menggunakan kamus

U-Dictionary dalam menulis di kelas writing?

Interviewee : Iya,kalau itu sudah pasti kak. Itu bisa membuat mood saya lebih

baik lagi dari sebelumnya,Karena tulisan saya kalau menggunakan kamus U-

Dictionary menjadi lebih baik.

Interviewer : Oke saya pikir itu saja pertanyaan dari saya,terima kasih atas

waktunya dik.

Interviewee : Iya sama-sama kak

Interviewer : Saya akhiri dengan Assalamualikum warhamatulahi wabarakatuh.

Interviewee : Waalaikumsam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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