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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
La Union Schools Division
San Gabriel District


NAME:____________________________________________________ SCORE_____________________

Directions: Choose and Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____1. Which system works with the skeletal system to give nutrients to the bones?
A. Circulatory System B. Digestive System C. Muscular System D. Nervous System
_____2. The following is an example of two systems working together: "The small intestine absorbs nutrients from our
food, and they are carried through the blood to the cells."
A. Digestive and Circulatory Systems C. Digestive and Respiratory Systems
B . Digestive and Nervous Systems D. Digestive and Respiratory Systems
_____3. Identify the organ systems involved in the activity. “swimming “
A. Circulatory and Nervous System C. Muscular and Skeletal System
B. Excretory and Muscular System D. Respiratory and Nervous System
_____4. The nervous system is the control system of the human body. Which of the following activities best describes
how does the nervous system work with the skeletal and muscular systems?
A. Jomar is climbing a mango tree. C. Pearl is watching her favorite TV. Series.
B. Mitch is eating a delicious pancake D. Syrel is having a telephone conversational with her
_____5. Which of the following best describes an amphibian?
A. Amphibians are ectoderm animals with feathers. C. Amphibians used their gills for breathing
B. Amphibians have fur and hair as body covering. D. Amphibians have moist, smooth, and scaleless skin.
_____6.Which of the following animals feed their young from their mammary glands?
A. dog B. fish C. parrot D. turtle
_____7. Which among the group of animals are invertebrates?
A. mollusks and arachnids B. owl and frog C. snake and crocodile D. turtle and lizard
_____8. Which of the following correctly describes an invertebrate?
A. Animals with backbones C. animals with gills
B. Animals without backbones D. animals with wings
_____9. An organism captures and eats another organism. What is the relationship where big animals feed on
small animals?
A. Commensalism B. Competition C. Mutualism D. Predation
_____10.Which of the following is an example of mutualism?
A. A snake eating a rat C. Fleas on dogs and cats
B. Fish and seaweed in an aquarium D. Frog eats an insect.
_____11. Ferns growing on the roots of the tree, an orchid growing on a tree. These show biological associations
where only one organism benefits from the relationship. What kind of relationship is this?
A. Commensalism B. Competition C. Parasitism D. Predation
_____12. What can we do to help endangered animal species from getting extinct?
A. Buy endangered species of animals as a pet C. Destroy the coral reefs
B. Cut down trees D. Protect the areas where they live.
_____13. The digestive and respiratory systems rely on the _______ systems to transport needed materials to the
A. circulatory and excretory C nervous and digestive
B. circulatory and muscular D. nervous and skeletal
_____14.The skeletal and muscular systems should coordinate properly so that a person can undergo physical
activities. Which of the following shows the coordination of these systems?
A. Reading B. Sitting C. Sleeping D. Swimming
_____15. Which of the following statement is NOT true about birds?
A. All birds can fly. C. All birds are covered with feathers
B. All birds have wings. D. All birds are warm-blooded animals.
_____16. Which of the animals is classified as Echinoderm?
A. clam B. Millipede C. Scorpion D. starfish
_____17. What kind of relationship is shown between Azolla and Anabaena in a swamp ecosystem?
A. commensalism B. competition C. mutualism D. predation

_____18. Which shows a predator-prey relationship?

A. A butterfly sipping the nectar of flowers C. A snake-eating rat.
B. A tapeworm lives inside the intestine of a pig. D. An orchid attached to trees.
_____19. Which activity should you participate in to maintain balance in the environment?
A. Deforestation C. Reforestation
B. Kaingin System D. Wildlife hunting Kaingin System
_____20. Which of the following activities will help conserve our marine resources?
A. Constructing artificial coral reefs for the shelter of fishes.
B. Engaging in coral mining for handicraft business.
C. Financing a group of dynamite –fishermen in their operations.
D. Teaching local fishermen the Muro-ami method of fishing,
_____21. How do the Nervous System and Digestive System work together?
A. The brain controls how fast/slow you digest your food and tells you when you are hungry/full.
B. The Digestive System tells the Nervous System when you are hungry
C. The Nervous System tells the Digestive System what to do.
D. The Nervous System is part of the Digestive System.
_____22. . What is the usual path of message received by the body from the environment?
A. brain → nerves → spinal cord → sense organ C. spinal cord → sense organ → brain → nerves
B. sense organ → nerves → spinal cord → brain D. nerves → sense organ → brain → spinal cord
_____23. How do fish differ from birds?
A. Fish have wings while birds have gills.
B. Fish use gills while birds have lungs for breathing.
C. Fish live on both land and water while birds live on land.
D. Fish are warm-blooded animals while birds are cold-blooded animals
_____24. Which group of animals are classified as fish?
A. Bear B. dove C. Salamander D. Tilapia
Cat owl Frog Milkfish
goat chicken toad Yellowfin
_____25. How are fishes benefited from coral reefs? What kind of relationship is being shown?
A. Coral reefs benefit from fish- mutualism.
B. Coral reefs are the home of fishes – commensalism.
C. Fishes depend on coral reefs for food- parasitism.
D. Fishes compete with coral reefs to survive – competition
_____26. Clownfish meets a sea anemone during his sea exploration. They became friends in the long run.
Clownfish protect sea anemone from a marine creature that is immune to their tentacles while sea
anemone serves as the habitat of clownfish. What interaction does it show?
A. commensalism B. competition C. mutualism D. predation
_____27. Barnacles and whales are friends. Barnacles are considered commensals while the whales are the host.
What interaction in the marine ecosystem does it show?
A. commensalism B. competition C. parasitism D. predation
_____28. How can a vanishing forest be restored?
A. by planting new trees C. by cutting all the trees
B. by burning trees in the forest D. by quarrying mountains

_____29. The following is an example of two systems working together: "The small intestine absorbs nutrients
from our food, and they are carried through the blood to the cells."
A. Digestive and Skeletal Systems B. Digestive and Nervous Systems
C. Digestive and Circulatory Systems D. Digestive and Respiratory System
_____30. During digestion, the wastes produced need to be eliminated from the body. How?
A.. The digested food goes to the large intestine and is absorbed by the intestinal walls.
B. The digested food together with other nutrients are distributed to the different parts of the body.
C. The undigested food goes to the small intestines where the water is absorbed by the intestinal walls.
D. The undigested food goes to the large intestine where the water that leaves the solid waste mass is
absorbed by the intestinal walls.

_____31. How do turtles protect themselves from their enemies?

A. They can run very fast. C. They can withdraw into their shells
B. They can hide under the sand. D. They release a poisonous substance.
_____32. How do sponges get their food?
A. Food is absorbed by suckers C. Tentacles push the food into their bodies
B. They have a big mouth to engulf food D. The pores serve as the entry and exit of food animals
_____33. A great variety of unusual plants are found in the rainforest and more than half the planet’s animal
species and tall trees live in them. Which of the following plant or animals are found in a rainforest?
A. Chicken, vegetables C. Mangrove, wild animals
B. Dogs, cats, ornamental plants D. Worms, vines, grasses
_____34. How do forests help in maintaining the global climate?
A. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis.
B. Plants provide materials for construction and other needs of people.
C. Plants provide a habitat for plants and animals.
D. Plants soak up large amounts of rainfall
_____35. Boys and Girls can do much to conserve wildlife. How can you help in the campaign “Conserve our forest”?
A. Cut down both young and old trees C. Go hunting in the forest.
B. Engage in the Kaingin system D. Plant new trees.
_____36. Coral reefs are beneficial to marine life. In what way does it show in the following instances?
I. provide rich sources of marine food
II. protect the coastal areas from strong waves
III. provide passage for strong currents to coastal areas
IV. serve as a breeding ground for fishes and other forms of marine life

A. I and II B. II and III C. I and IV D. III and IV

_____37. Choose the best example of how the Muscular System and Digestive System work together.
A. These systems do not work together.
B. The muscles in the stomach send food to our muscles.
C. Our muscles need our digestive system to work correctly.
D. The muscles in the esophagus push the food down and the stomach muscles churn up the food
_____38. How is the respiratory system linked to the circulatory system?
A.. The blood is made in the lungs.
B. The blood carries carbon dioxide from the lungs.
C. A. Oxygenated blood passes through the arteries
D. The exchange of gases happens in the capillaries of the alveoli in the lungs
_____39. Animals acquire food in different ways. Which one tells how the cnidarians get their food?
A. Food and water flow through the small opening
B. Stinging cells on the tentacles capture prey
C. They have hooks and suckers on their heads
D. They live inside the bodies of other organisms

_____40. You heard about a plan to convert the nearby mangrove swamp into a commercial area. Your neighbor
agrees with the plan because they believed that the mangrove swamp has no economic value. After
researching you want to discuss the issue with your neighbor. Which statement could be possibly
conveyed to your neighbor to not agree with the plan?
A. Mangrove swamps filter pollutants from water.
B. Mangrove swamps are beautiful ecosystems.
C. Mangroves swamps provide shelter for animals.
D. Mangrove swamps protect the coastal community from waves and provide food and business for people.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher III Principal III
1. A 11. A 21. A 31. C
2. A 12. C 22. B 32. D
3. C 13. B 23. B 33. C
4. A 14. D 24. D 34. A
5. D 15. A 25. B 35. D
6. A 16. D 26. C 36. C
7. A 17. C 27. A 37. D
8. B 18. C 28. A 38. D
9. D 19. C 29. C 39. B
10. B 20. A 30. D 40. D

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