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20/09/2022 TireConn – Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamics Slipping Tire Model

TireConn – Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamics Slipping Tire Model

This template describes the attributes used to model tractive and rolling resistance characteristics of a tire in vehicle/driveline models.
TireConn can either model a rigid or a slipping tire with the slip between the tire (and thus axle) and the road and also the specification
of the tire's traction characteristics as a function of tire slip and other parameters.   The gross traction force on the vehicle and the
equivalent load torque on the driveline are calculated from the tractive characteristics (friction coefficient map or user model) and applied
onto the vehicle and axle, respectively. The rolling resistance is modeled in the same way as 'TireConnRigid'.
Note the historic template 'TireConnRigid' was merged with this template.  By setting the Tire Traction Model Option attribute to Rigid,
TireConn will behave like the historic 'TireConnRigid'.

Tire Rolling Radius

◉ Explicit Tire Rolling Radius Rolling radius of the loaded tire.   The user can also enter the name of a XYTable or XYZMap
reference object.   The rolling radius is defined as a function of tire speed in RPM when a
XYTable is referenced.   The rolling radius is defined as a function of tire speed in RPM (x-
variable) and tire normal load in kN (y-variable) when an XYZMap is referenced. Additionally
the efficiency can be entered with a RLTDependenceTableXY reference object.
◉ ISO Metric Tire Code This option allows the user to input standard tire size designations (e.g. 225/55/R15) to define
tire rolling radius.   The three inputs to this option are the nominal tire width (225 mm in
example), aspect ratio (55% in example) and diameter of the wheel (15 inches in example).  The
calculation to find the unloaded tire radius is defined below.

Where is defined as the unloaded radius of the tire, is the width of the tire, is the
aspect ratio, and is the diameter of the wheel.
(◉) Nominal Tire Width The width of the tire, in the equation above, that is defined as the first number in the ISO
Metric Tire Code.  Please note that the ISO Metric Tire Code defines this number in millimeters,
but this attribute will allow for different units.  
(◉) Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of the tire, in the equation above, that is defined as the second number in
the ISO Metric Tire code.  Please note that the ISO Metric Tire Code defines this number in
percent, but this attribute will allow for different units.
(◉) Diameter of Wheel The diameter of the wheel, in the equation above, that is defined as the third number in the
ISO Metric Tire code.  Please note that the ISO Metric Tire Code defines this number in inches,
but this attribute will allow for different units.
(◉) Rolling Radius Speed This attribute allows the user to define the ratio of the unloaded tire radius and the rolling
Dependence Correction radius of the tire following the equation below.  

Where is the rolling radius of the tire, is the correction factor, and is the unloaded
radius of the tire.
In most applications, the rolling radius of the tire will be smaller than the unloaded radius of
the tire.  This attribute is pre-filled with a value of 0.97.  When an XYTable is used to define this
attribute, the x-variable is vehicle velocity.


Tire Rolling Resistance Factor Rolling resistance coefficient for the tire.   This coefficient is multiplied by the instantaneous
normal (radial) load to calculate a rolling resistance force.   The rolling resistance factor is
defined as a function of tire speed in RPM (x-variable) and optionally the tire normal load in kN
(y-variable) when an XYTable or XYZMap is referenced.  A 'RollingResistance' object may also
be referenced, which defines the rolling resistance coefficient as a function of tire pressure,
normal load and vehicle speed. Additionally, the efficiency can be entered with a
RLTDependenceTableXY reference object.
Tire Inflation Pressure This attribute is only used when the Tire Rolling Resistance Factor references a
'RollingResistance' object and may otherwise be se to "ign".   The inflation pressure defined
here is used as a normalizing factor for the tire pressure dependent term in the
'RollingResistance' object.
Number of Tires on Axle This attribute is used to interpret the TireConn as multiple identical tires.  Normal loads coming
from the VehicleBody through the Axle will be divided by the Number of Tires on Axle; and
the Tractive Force generated by the tire will be multiplied by the Number of Tires on Axle
before being passed to the VehicleBody through the Axle.
Steering Tire This flag indicates whether the tire is used to steer the vehicle. This attribute should be set to
‘no’ unless the calculation of road curvature resistance forces and the resulting effect on the
vehicle is desired.
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20/09/2022 TireConn – Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamics Slipping Tire Model

Initial State for Slipping Tire

Initial Speed Passing Condition in This attribute dictates whether the initial speed will be passed through this connection. A value
Dynamic Mode (1=Pass; of 1 will pass the speed, a value of 0 will not pass the speed.

Tire Traction Model Option One of the following: Slipping, User, Rigid, Simple Slip or [ITMTYPE].  If this attribute is set
to Slipping, the user must supply a reference object defining the tire friction (defined below). If
this attribute is set to User, the user must supply a UserCodeReference object that uses the
tire-vehicle slip and vehicle speed to determine the tire friction. [ITMTYPE] allows for
parametrizing this option in Case Setup. For example, a flexible tire can be used for a tip-in
study in one case while a rigid tire is used for a drive cycle analysis in another to reduce
simulation time. For RT simulations, it is recommended to set this attribute to Rigid.
Tire Friction Coefficient Object If the Tire Traction Model Option is set to Slipping, the name of a XYTable, XYZMap, or
TireFrictionPacejka reference object which specifies the tire friction coefficient as a function of
tire-vehicle slip (x-variable defined below) and vehicle speed [km/hr] (y-variable for XYZMap).
  If the Tire Traction Model Option is set to User, this attribute is the name of the
UserCodeReference used to determine the tire friction as a function of tire-vehicle slip and
vehicle speed.
Tire Friction Coefficient Map Plot This attribute is a check box.  If the box is checked, then a contour plot will be included in the
plotted output that shows the friction coefficient data from the object specified in the Tire
Friction Coefficient Map Object attribute.  If this box is not checked, no contour plot will be
Friction Coefficient Limit This attribute is valid when the Tire Traction Model Option is set to Rigid or Simple Slip. It
specifies the friction coefficient limit, which is used to either enable the simple slip model, or
for reporting a negative tractive force margin in post-processing, when the using the Rigid
Tire Rated Load The rated load of the tire, used to modify the tire friction coefficient as shown in the equation
below.  If this attribute is set to "ign", the load effects on the friction coefficient will be ignored
and the Tire Load Factor Multiplier and Tire Load Factor Exponent attributes should each
be set to "ign".
Traction Load Factor Multiplier Multiplier on the load factor used to modify the tire friction coefficient as shown in the
equation below.  If the Tire Rated Load attribute is set to "ign", this attribute should also be
set to "ign".
Traction Load Factor Exponent Exponent on the load factor used to modify the tire friction coefficient as shown in the
equation below.  If the Tire Rated Load attribute is set to "ign", this attribute should also be
set to "ign".
Maximum Traction for User Model This attribute should be set to “ign” unless the Tire Traction Model Option is set to ‘User’. If a
user model is being employed, this attribute must reference an XYTable object where X is the
vehicle speed [km/hr] and Y is the tire slip at maximum traction for each given speed.

Minimum Speed for Damping Model The minimum speed below which the stabilizing solution ("damping model") will be turned on
(def = 0.5 m/s)
Minimum Slip for Damping Model The minimum slip below which the stabilizing solution ("damping model") will be turned on
(def = 0.02).
Characteristic Distance for Damping The damping factor (denoted as "B" in the slip stabilizing equation below), which has the units
Model of length, in the stabilizing equation (def = 0.9 m).
Frequency Analysis

Tire Longitudinal Stiffness Linear stiffness value used to model the equivalent longitudinal degree of freedom stiffness in
a forced frequency analysis
Tire Longitudinal Damping Linear damping coefficient used to model the equivalent longitudinal degree of freedom
damping in a forced frequency analysis
Tire Slip, Friction Coefficient Map and Effective Friction Coefficient: The tire-vehicle slip (S) is calculated as:

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20/09/2022 TireConn – Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamics Slipping Tire Model

where ωtire is the tire speed, rtire is the tire rolling radius (Tire Radius), and V is the vehicle speed.  The effective tire friction coefficient
(ctire) is determined by applying corrections due road traction conditions and the ratio of actual to rated load, to the friction coefficient

where Fnorm is the normal force acting on the tire, Frated is the Tire Rated Load, a is the Tire Load Factor Multiplier, b is the Tire Load
Factor Exponent, and croad is the Road Traction Multiplier from an attached Road component. The gross tractive force Ftrac, gross is
determined from the effective friction coefficient and the normal load:

and the net tire tractive force Ftrac, applied to the vehicle, is

where Froll is the rolling resistance force. The rolling resistance force is calculated by multiplying the normal load on the tire by the rolling
resistance factor as shown in the equation below.

where croll os the Tire Rolling Resistance Factor, mveh is the Vehicle Mass, mload is the Passenger and Cargo Mass, g is the
acceleration due to earth’s gravity, Flift is the Lift force, α is the Road Grade angle (from connected Road part) and droad is the Road
Rolling Resistance Multiplier (from connected Road part).
The corresponding resistance torque is

where rtire is the tire radius. The effect of rolling resistance at the tire is to reduce the gross tractive force on the vehicle by Froll (the
resulting tractive force is the net tire tractive force) and increase the load torque on the axle (and driveline) by Troll
The tractive load torque Ttrac, applied to the axle and driveline is

Tire model stabilization at low speed and slip. When the above tire traction model is used and the vehicle is at near-zero speeds, the
model will manifest the behavior expected from the non-linearity in friction, i.e. the speed of the vehicle will rapidly oscillate, in response
to the "jump" (from negative to positive and back) of the friction force near zero slip. This will cause a sharp reduction in the time step
and thus simulation time. This behavior can be seen in the following graph.

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To eliminate this unnecessary reduction in timestep in this transitional phase (from non-zero to zero speed) the solution can be switched
from the standard tire model (using the friction coefficient map) to a secondary stabilizing "damping model" when speed close to zero,
with negligible effect on simulation accuracy but with the benefit of significantly reduced simulation time.   A minimum speed" or
"minimum slip" or both (typically small values such as 0.5m/s and 0.02) may be used as the criteria for switching the basic tire traction
model off and turning on a stabilizing "model". The stabilizing equation is given by
dS/dt = (( – V) - abs(V) *S) / B
where S is the instantaneous slip (now a state which is solved for by integrating the above equation) and B is a characteristic distance.
By setting the three parameters to their default values can bring about a smoother and more stable behavior, in the transition zone near
zero velocity. This is shown below. While it is not necessarily physical, the stabilizing "model: and equation operate within a narrow
transition zone which is of no interest and has no influence or gross behavior of a vehicle model, i.e. insofar as acceleration times,
driveaway and other performance or fuel economy predictions  

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20/09/2022 TireConn – Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamics Slipping Tire Model

User model and subroutine: When a user model is utilized to calculate the tire traction torque by referring to a UserCodeReference
object, the GT-SUITE solver passes the following global parameters and part states and loads of the VehicleBody Axle parts, to the user
• time (in seconds)
• linear velocity of the vehicle (in m/s)
• linear velocity of the tire surface (axle angular velocity x tire radius) (in m/s)
• tire normal load (per tire, in N)
The calculated friction (traction) coefficient is in turn returned by the subroutine, where it should be calculated using all of the above plus
additional model/formula parameters, if required. The user may pass additional model parameters into the user subroutine using a
UserCodeReference reference object (See UserCodeReference documentation in the online help).  The user subroutine should calculate
the traction coefficient, which is returned.
A template/example for the user subroutine, called DYN_USER_TIRE is supplied in file TireConn.F in the GT-SUITE installation.  Once
the user's model is coded in this file, the file can be compiled and linked into GTuserXX.dll (where XX stands for version number, e.g
"70") which is accessed by GT-SUITE at runtime.
User subroutines are a powerful tool which allows users the flexibility of merging their own coded models to GT-SUITE, in cases when
representing the same behavior or physics using the object-oriented GT-SUITE libraries is tedious (too "verbose"), difficult or not possible.
Configuration:   The TireConn connection is used to connect Axle components representing free rolling or drive axles, to Road parts
representing the road (grade, traction etc.) in vehicle simulations, when using VehicleBody parts (Level 2 dynamic modeling)
Related Objects: Road, Axle, TireFrictionPacejka

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