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Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

School BPSU- Balanga Program Bachelor of Public
Campus Administration- 1A
Teacher Analyn M. Bonifacio, MPA Course Public Administrative
Thought and
Students Patrick L. Del Mundo
Jazmine Reine T. Parayno
Gabriel Elisha Lois Balmeo
Ay Weh
Kristel Abby Malit
Marianne Abella Serenio
Ricka Mhaye De Leon
Aljude Princess C. Adrid
Rodolph Allyson Jade Asiong


I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learners show that they comprehend the fundamental ideas underlying the
three legislative branches of government.
B. Performance Standard The learners are able to accurately and thoroughly define the three legislative
branches of the government.
C. Learning Learners will:
Competencies and •Identify the characteristics and function of the Philippine national
Objectives government, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of
•Recognize the history of the government in the Philippines;
•Identify the duties and responsibilities the government office holders;
•Evaluate the government office holder, stipulations and its performance.
II. Content Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the Government with focus on
characteristics, functions, history, duties and responsibilities and its government
office holder
III. Learning Resources
A. References

Philippine Government Websites:

 Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines

 This is the Philippine government’s official website. The “Official

Gazette,” the official record of the Philippine government’s activities,
is available on the website. Also, the website offers access to statistics
on the Philippines, papers from the Philippine government, and
information on how the Philippine government is structured. An
overview of the Philippine national government can be found in the
website’s “About” section.

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

 Office of the President of the Philippines

 The Philippine President's official webpage can be found here. The

website gives users access to information about the President's
activities, his objectives, the executive branch's history, composition,
and structure in the Philippines, as well as its many national ministries
and agencies.

 Republic of the Philippines House of Representatives

 This is the House of Representatives of the Philippines' official

website. In addition to offering access to Philippine legislation, the
website offers details about the House of Representatives'
composition, structure, history, and individual members.

 Senate of the Philippines

 This is the Philippines Senate's official webpage. The website contains

information about the Senate's history, composition, structure, and
members as well as access to Filipino legislation.

 Supreme Court of the Philippines

This is the Supreme Court of the Philippines' official website. The
website provides access to decisions made by the Philippine Supreme
Court, details on the composition, structure, and administration of the
Philippine court system, as well as details on lesser courts in the
country, including the Court of Appeals and the Sandiganbayan Court.
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning PowerPoint, Yellow paper and Ballpen

I. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous Prayer
topic or presenting new
topic/Routinary Greetings
Checking of Attendance

Simple Recall
Classmates, let’s have simple recall. Last semester in the course of Introduction on Pu
Administration our professor discuss the Philippine National Government structure. Who
remember? Anyone, Can you define the three branches of the government and its function
B. Lesson Proper Video

Introduction about the topic


Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:


 Article 7(1) of the 1987 Constitution gives executive powers to the Presi
of the Philippines. The President is the head of state and government and
Commander-in-Chief of the Philippine Armed Forces. As Chief Execu
Officer, the President manages all executive departments, offices and office


 The President of the Philippines is elected by direct popular vote for a term o
years. He can serve only one of his terms and is not eligible for
election. The Philippine president's term of office begins at noon on
30 after the election.

-Qualifications to become President of the Philippines are set out in Ar
7(2) of the 1987 Constitution. According to the constitution, a person
become president if he meets the following conditions:
 Natural born Filipino;
 registered voters;
 Must be able to read and write.
 It's been 40 years since Election Day. and
 Before the election he must have lived in the Philippines for 10 y
 The president of the Philippines is elected by direct popular vote, and he
not re-elected for a six-year term.
 Since the establishment of his office in the Republic of Malolos
January 23, 1899, the Philippines has had 15 presidents of his. Presi
Emilio Aguinaldo was the first president and held the position until March
1901, when he was captured by the Americans during the Philippine-Amer
 The Philippine presidency was abolished after Aguinaldo's conquest
ceased to exist until the establishment of the Philippine Federation in 1935.
 After the first national elections on September 16, 1935, Manuel L. Quezon
elected as the second president of the Philippines and first president of
Commonwealth of the Philippines. As the 1935 Constitution was amende
allow reelection in 1940, President Quezon was initially elected fo
six-year term, but the president's term was shortened to four years. Qu
was re-elected in 1941, but would not have served four years du
constitutional restrictions. His term began on 15 November 1935 and
to end on 15 November 1943. However, with the outbreak of W
War II in 1943, President Quezon had to take an urgent oath of of
extending his term.
 When World War II forced the Commonwealth of the Philippines into e
another government, later known as the Second Republic of the Philipp
was installed in the Philippines. Jose P. Laurel will lead this administra
as the third President of the Philippines and the sole President of the Se
Republic. Laurel held office from 1943 to 1944 when the Second Republic
abolished. At this point, the President of the Second Republic overlaps with

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY President of the Commonwealth of Nations. However,
September 17, 1945, the Supreme Court declared the
of the Second Republic null and void.
 The Philippine Commonwealth was re-established on his Philippine so
1945, with President Sergio Osmena inaugurated as the 2nd Federal Presi
and the 4th President of the Philippines. Osmeña took his oath of office in
United States after the death of President Quezon. Osmena ran for the
post-war presidential election in 1946, but lost to Senate Speaker Ma
 President Roxas was elected in 1946 as the third president of the Commonwe
of the Philippines, the first president of the independent Philip
Republic, and the fifth president of the Philippines. It marked the end o
Philippine Federation and the birth of the Third Republic on July 4, 1
Following Roxas, Elpidio Quirino, Ramon Magsaysay, Carlos P. Garcia
Diosdado Macapagal were the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Presidents of the T
Republic and the 6th President of the Philippines. , became the 7th,
and 9th presidents. again.
 President Ferdinand E. Marcos became the last President of the Third Repu
when he declared martial law in 1972, while the 1973 Constitution suspended
1935 Constitution, he only formally proclaims the “New Republic”—the Four
in 1981. Marcos became the first President of the Fourth Republic and the t
President of the Philippines overall. Marcos stayed in office for 20 years—
longest serving President of the Philippines.
 In 1986, the EDSA Revolution successfully installed Corazon C. Aquino as
new president of the Philippines - the 11th in the country's history. Presi
Aquino was her second and last female president of the Fourth Republic a
beginning of her term. In the same year, an interim liberal constitu
came into force. The 1987 Constitution came into full force and when
came into force the Fourth Republic
 In addition to the Constitution, the powers of the President of the Philipp
are also known as Executive Order No. 292, p. 1987, Administrative
1987. Has the following permissions:

1. Authority to control the executive branch

The President of the Philippines has authority over all executive departm
offices, and offices. This includes the restructuring, restructuring
appointment of respective officers. Administrative Regulations also stip
that the President is responsible for the strict implementation of the law
the above offices.

2. Powers of Power Ordinance

The President of the Philippines has the power to issue administrative spend
a means of streamlining government policies and programs. He has
edicts that the President can issue. These, as defined in the 1
Administrative Code, are:

Executive Orders — Acts of the President that prescribe provisions

general or permanent nature for the enforcement or exercise of constituti
or statutory powers are promulgated by Executive Order. Executive Or

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY — The president’s actions relating to specific asp
of governmental activity in the performance of
duties as CEO are promulgated in executive orders.
Proclamation – An act of the President establishing a date upon which
application of a particular law or regulation is contingent upon, or decla
a state or condition in the public interest or public interest,
promulgated in a Proclamation having the effect of an Executive Order
Memorandum Orders - Administrative details affecting only ce
officials or government agencies, or acts of the President concer
minor or temporary interests, are recorded in memorandum orders.
Memorandum Circular – The record of the President on any m
relating to internal control to which the President wishes to bring to
attention of all or any department, agency, office or office of
Government for information or compliance shall be included in
Memorandum Circular. And
General Orders or Special Orders - Acts and orders of the Presiden
Commander-in-Chief of the Philippine Armed Forces are issued as Gen
Orders or Special Orders. It is important to note that during the administra
of President Ferdinand E. Marcos, he used executive orders, known as execu
orders, as a form of legislation. These statutes have full force and effect of
as there was no legislative body and the powers were vested in
President when the 1973 Constitution came into force. This continued unti
first year of President Corazon C. Aquino’s administration. However, Presi
Aquino chose to use an executive order instead of an executive o
However, President Aquino’s Executive Order remained in force unti
1987 Constitution was ratified.

3. Take control of aliens

The President of the Philippines has certain powers over non-Filipinos in

Philippines. The powers he may exercise over foreigners in the country are:

The Chief Executive may, in accordance with due process, de

aliens in the Philippines. The President may change the status of an alien
nonimmigrant status to permanent resident status without a visa, as requ
by law. The President may choose to overrule the Immigration Boa
decision before it becomes final and enforceable (30 days after issuanc
the decision). A board of immigration officers is responsible for
deportation cases. The President is also empowered by the Administrative C
1987 to exercise powers conferred by recognized principles of internati
law. Four. Sovereignty, confiscation, land reservation, recovery of ill-go

The President of the Philippines is empowered to exercise power in

areas. Eminent domain means that the state has the power to authorize
seizure or expropriation of private property for public use in exchange
fair compensation. However, there are two constitutional provisions of
that limit the exercise of this power. Article 3, Section 9(1) of the Constitu
provides that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without
process of law. Furthermore, Section 3(9)(2) provides that private prop
cannot be relinquished to public use without fair compensation.

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY Once the above conditions are met, the President will
able to exercise powers in important domains such

Jurisdiction – The President decides when it is necessary or beneficia

exercise jurisdiction on behalf of the national government and directs
Attorney General whenever it deems appropriate.


 The Vice President of the Philippines is elected by direct vote by the people
term of six years, and may run for reelection once. The term of the Vice Presi
of the Philippines starts at noon of the 30th day of June after a regular electio

 The qualifications for aspirants to the Office of the Vice President is outlin
Article VII, Section 3. According to the constitution, the qualifications fo
President is the same for the Vice President.

 The Vice President of the Philippines is elected via a direct vote of the pe
for a term of six years, with a possibility of reelection. According to
constitution, the vice president may take on a cabinet portfolio in concu
capacity, if the President chooses.
 The first constitution of the Philippines, the Malolos Constitution, did
provide for a Vice President of the Philippines. It only had provisions f
president and a prime minister. The first legal basis for the existence of
office came in 1935 upon the inauguration of the Commonwealth governm
 There have been 12 people who have held the Office of the Vice Presi
from its establishment in 1935. Vice President Sergio Osmeña is the inaug
holder of the position, and served until 1944. He first took his oath afte
1935 elections under the Philippine Commonwealth, and once again,
being reelected again in 1941, before the Philippine government went
exile. His third oath taking happened in the United States when the term
officials of the Philippine government-in-exile expired and were extended.
 The Philippines’ second vice president was elected in 1946 under
Commonwealth of the Philippines. Vice President Elpidio Quirino was ele
under the Commonwealth government, but transitioned into the Third Repu
on July 4, 1946. Quirino was followed by Fernando Lopez, Carlos P. Ga
and Emmanuel Pelaez. Fernando Lopez would once again be elected in 1
when he ran with Ferdinand Marcos. Lopez was elected for two terms unti
abolition of the Office of the Vice President on September 23, 1972, w
martial law was declared.
 The original 1973 Constitution did not provide for a vice president of
Philippines. The position remained abolished until constitutional amendm
were made in 1978. The position was filled in 1986 by Arturo Tolentino
running mate of President Ferdinand Marcos during the 1986 Snap Elect
On February 15, 1986, the Batasang Pambansa certified the COME
results, proclaiming the Marcos-Tolentino ticket as winners of the elec
Arturo Tolentino took his oath as Vice President on February 16, 1986

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY term lasted days before the EDSA Revolution installed
 1987 Constitution, the Fifth Republic has had six
presidents with five being elected (Laurel, Joseph Ejercito Estrada, G
Macapagal-Arroyo, Noli De Castro, and Jejomar Binay), and one b
appointed and confirmed by Congress (Teofisto Guingona Jr.).


 According to the constitution, the vice president may concurrently assum
cabinet position should the President of the Philippines offer the former
The vice president will become a secretary concurrent to the position of
 Aside from the cabinet post, the vice president is mandated to assume
presidency in case of the death, disability, or resignation of the incum

 Should there be a vacancy of the Office of the Vice President, the Preside
the Philippines is required by the constitution to nominate a replacement
the concurrence of Committee on Appointments.

 Cabinet secretaries act as the alter ego of the President executing, with
authority, the power of the Office of the President in their respective departmen
 The number of cabinet secretaries varies from time to time depending on the
of an administration. According to the Administrative Code of 1987, the Presi
of the Philippines may create or dissolve any department as he sees fit.


 According to the Article 7, Section 16, the President may appoint anyon
executive departments with the consent of the Commission on Appointm
Names of individuals nominated to cabinet posts are submitted to the Commis
on Appointments for their consideration.
 An individual may not assume his post in a given department unless confirme
the Commission on Appointments. However, the constitution provides
individuals becoming cabinet secretaries in an acting capacity before they
confirmed. According to Article VII, Section 16 of the constitution, the presi
may appoint anyone to cabinet posts even if Congress is in recess. T
appointments are valid until the Commission on Appointments disapproves t
or at the end of the next session of Congress.
 Not all cabinet members, however, are subject to confirmation of the Commis
on Appointments. According to the Commission of Appointments website
following need confirmation in order to assume their posts:
Executive Secretary
Secretary of Agrarian Reform
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Budget and Management
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY Secretary of Finance
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Secretary of Health
Secretary of Justice
Secretary of Labor and Employment
Secretary of National Defense
Secretary of Public Works and Highways
Secretary of Science and Technology
Secretary of Social Welfare and Development
Secretary of the Interior and Local Government
Secretary of Trade and Industry
Secretary of Transportation and Communications
Secretary of Tourism
Commission on Higher Education
Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority


 As stated above, a cabinet secretary is the alter ego of the President in
respective departments. Thus, they posses the power to issue directives relativ
their departments, such as department orders. These orders only apply to of
under a specific department under the cabinet secretary’s jurisdiction. Cab
secretaries also act as advisors to the President of the Philippines for their areas


 makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce
controls taxing and spending policies.
 1987 Constitution, legislative power shall be vested in the Congress–Senate a
House of Representatives

 Senate 
Article VI, Section 2 of the Constitution provides:

The Senate shall be composed of twenty-four Senators who shall be electe

large by the qualified voters of the Philippines, as may be provided by law.

It is worthy to note that the composition of the Senate is smaller in numbe

compared to the House of Representatives. The members of this chamber
elected at large by the entire electorate. The rationale for this rule intends to m
the Senate a training ground for national leaders and possibly a springboard fo
presidency. It follows also that the Senator, having a national rather than on
district constituency, will have a broader outlook of the problems of the cou
instead of being restricted by narrow viewpoints and interests. With
perspective, the Senate is likely to be more circumspect, or at least less impul
than the House of Representatives.

Qualifications to Become Senators

The qualifications for membership in the Senate are expressly stated in Sectio
Art. VI of the Constitution as follows:

No person shall be a Senator unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philipp

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY and on the day of the election, is at least thirty-five years of
able to read and write, a registered voter, and a resident o
Philippines for not less than two years immediately prece
the day of the election.

It is worthy to note that the age is fixed at 35 and must be possessed on the da
the elections, that is, when the polls are opened and the votes cast, and not on
day of the proclamation of the winners by the board of canvassers.

With regard to the residence requirement, it was ruled in the case of Lim v. Pe
that it must be the place where one habitually resides and to which he,
absence, has the intention of returning.

The enumeration laid down by the Constitution is exclusive under the L

principle of expressio unius est exclusio alterius. This means that Congress ca
anymore add additional qualifications other than those provided by

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Organization of the Senate

Under the Constitution, “Congress shall convene once every year on the fo
Monday of July for its regular session…”. During this time, the Senate is organ
to elect its officers. Specifically, the Constitution provides a definite statemen

The Senate shall elect its President and the House of Representatives its Spe
by a majority vote of all its respective members.

Each House shall choose such other officers as it may deem necessary.


(3) Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings …

By virtue of these provisions of the Constitution, the Senate adopts its own r
otherwise known as the “Rules of the Senate.” The Rules of the Senate provid
following officers: a President, a President Pro Tempore, a Secretary an

Following this set of officers, the Senate as an institution can then be grouped
the Senate Proper and the Secretariat. The former belongs exclusively to
members of the Senate as well as its committees, while the latter renders sup
services to the members of the Senate.

The Senate Proper

A. The Officers of the Senate

1. The Senate President

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

Widely regarded as the most powerful figure in the Senate
Senate President is the presiding officer of the Senate as we
the leader of the majority group. Under the Constitution, the Senate Preside
regarded as third in line of succession, after the President and Vice-President.

Under Section 3 of Rule III of the Rules of the Senate, the Senate President i
Chief Executive of the Senate. His duties and powers are as follows:

(a) To preside over the sessions of the Senate on the days and at the h
designated by it; to call the Senate to order and, if there is a quorum, to o
the reading of the Journal of the preceding session and, after the Senate
have acted upon it, to dispose of the matters appearing in the Order of Busi
in accordance with the Rules;

(b) To decide all points of order;

© To sign all measures, memorials, joint and concurrent resolutions; i

warrants, orders of arrest, subpoena and subpoena duces tecum;

(c) To see to it that all resolutions of the Senate are complied with;

(e) To have general control over the session hall, the antechambers, corridors
offices of the Senate;

(f) To maintain order in the session hall, the antechambers, corridors and in
offices of the Senate, and whenever there is disorder, to take appropriate meas
to quell it;

(g) To designate an Acting Sergeant-at-Arms, if the Sergeant-at-Arms resign

replaced or becomes incapacitated;

(h) To appoint the subordinate personnel of the Senate in conformity with

provisions of the General Appropriations Act;

(i) To dismiss any employee for cause, which dismissal in the case of perma
and classified employees shall be in conformity with the Civil Service Law; an

(j) To diminish or increase the number of authorized personnel by consolidatin

separating positions or items whenever the General Appropriations Ac
authorizes and the total amount of salaries or allocations does not exceed
amount earmarked therein.

2. The Senate President Pro Tempore

Like the President of the Senate, the Senate President Pro Tempore is also ele
by the members of the Senate. In the U.S., by custom, he is the most se
member of the majority party. Although it is not exclusively followed here
sometime in the past Senates, senior members of the majority party are o
elected as Senate President Pro Tempore. Under Section 4 of Rule IV of the R

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY of the Senate, the President Pro Tempore shall discharge
powers and duties of the President in the following cases:

(a) When the President is absent for one or more days;

(b) When the President is temporarily incapacitated; and

© In the event of the resignation, removal, death or absolute incapacity of


3. The Majority Leader

In the modern Senate, the second in command is the majority leader, w

primary responsibility is to manage the legislative affairs of the chamber. W
nothing in the Rules of the Senate expressly states the powers of the Maj
Leader, to a great extent, he is very influential in the passage of bills. As
traditional Chairman of the Committee on Rules, the Majority Leader h
formulate, promote, negotiate and defend the majority’s legislative prog
particularly on the floor.

4. The Minority Leader

The minority group chooses from among themselves the Minority Leader wh
considered as the titular head of the minority in the Senate and oftentimes cal
“shadow president.”

In many past rigodons of the Senate or the so-called Senate “coups,” somet
the minority leader becomes the President and the ousted President becomes
minority leader.

The basic duties of the Minority Leader is that he becomes the spokesman fo
party or group or coalition and enunciates its policies. He is expected to be
and vigilant in defense of the minority’s rights. It is his function and dut
criticize constructively the policies and programs of the majority, and to this
employ parliamentary tactics and give close attention to all proposed legislatio

The Rules of the Senate gives the President Pro Tempore and the Majority
Minority Leaders unique privileges as all are ex-officio members of all
permanent committees of the Senate.

B. The Senate Committee

Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to, including investigation of, malfeasa

misfeasance and nonfeasance in office by officers and employees of
government, its branches, agencies, subdivisions and instrumental
implementation of the provision of the Constitution on nepotism; and investiga
of any matter of public interest on its own initiative or brought to its attentio

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

any member of the Senate.

Committee on Accounts

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the auditing and adjustment of all acco
chargeable against the funds for the expenses and activities of the Senate.

Committee on Agrarian Reform

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to agrarian reform, landed estates,

implementation of the agrarian land reform provisions of the Constitution.

Committee on Agriculture and Food

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to agriculture, food production and agri-busi

including agricultural experimental stations, agricultural economics and resea
soil survey and conservation; agricultural education; technical extension serv
animal husbandry; livestock quarantine; agricultural support price; and fish
and aquatic resources.

Committee on Banks, Financial Institutions and Currencies

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to banks, financial institutions, government

private currencies, capital markets, mutual funds, securitization, coinage
circulation of money.

Committee on Civil Service and Government Reorganization

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the Civil Service and the status of officers
employees of the government including their appointment, discipline, retirem
their compensation privileges, benefits and incentives; implementation of
constitutional provisions on the rights of government workers to form and
labor organizations; public sector labor-management relations and colle
negotiation agreements; reorganization of the government or any of its branc
agencies, subdivisions or instrumentalities; all human resource developm
programs pertaining to the government; and all other matters relating to

Committee on Constitutional Amendments, Revision of Codes and Laws

Jurisdiction: All matters proposing amendments to the Constitution of

Philippines and the compilation and revision of existing codes and laws; elec
laws and implementation of constitutional provisions on initiative and referen
on legislative acts; recall of elective officials; the role and rights of peo
organizations; and sectoral or party-list representation.

Committee on Cooperatives

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to cooperatives, both urban and rural-ba

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
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City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

including but not limited to farm credit and farm secu
cooperative movements, marketing and consum
organizations; and the implementation of the Cooperative Code of the Philippin

Committee on Cultural Communities

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to cultural communities.

Committee on Economic Affairs

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to economic planning and programming;

planning of domestic and foreign indebtedness; general economic developm
and coordination, regulation and diversification of industry and investments.

Committee on Education, Arts and Culture

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to education, schools, colleges, univers

implementation of the provisions of the Constitution regarding the establishme
free public elementary and secondary education, scholarship grants, subsidies
incentives to deserving students; non-formal, informal, indigenous lear
systems, and adult education; the preservation, enrichment and evolutio
Filipino arts and culture; establishment and maintenance of libraries, muse
shrines, monuments, and other historical sites and edifices; training programs
cultural and artistic programs of international institutions and organiza
operating in the Philippines, such as the UNESCO; and special commemor
events such as the observance of the centennial of Philippine Independence.

Committee on Energy

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the exploration, exploitation, developm

extraction, importation, refining, transport, marketing, distribution, conserva
or storage of all forms of energy products and resources such as from fossil f
like petroleum, coal, natural gas and gas liquids, nuclear fuel resources; geothe
resources and non-conventional, existing and potential forms of energy resou
and generation, transmission and distribution of electric power.

Committee on Environment and Natural Resources

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the conservation and protection of

environment, the regulation of the impact of human activities on the same
promotion of environmental awareness of our citizens, the renewal of resourc
damaged ecosystems and other environment-related issues; and all matters rela
to the administration, management, development, protection, exploration, sto
renewal, regulation and licensing, and wise utilization of the country’s nati
reserves including, but not limited to forest, mineral, public land, off-shore a
and the development of industries based on these resources.

Committee on Ethics and Privileges

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City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the conduct, ri
privileges, safety, dignity, integrity and reputation of the Se
and its Members.

Committee on Finance

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to funds for the expenditures of the Nati
Government and for the payment of public indebtedness; auditing of accounts
expenditures of the National Government; claims against the government; i
governmental revenue sharing; and, in general, all matters relating to pu

Committee on Foreign Relations

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the relations of the Philippines with o

nations generally; diplomatic and consular services; the Association of South
Asian Nations; the United Nations Organization and its agencies; multila
organizations; all international agreements, obligations and contracts; and over

Committee on Games, Amusement and Sports

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to games and amusement, such as lotteries

alai, horse racing, dog racing, wrestling, boxing, basketball and all other sport
well as matters relating to amateur sports development.

Committee on Government Corporations and Public Enterprises

Jurisdiction: All questions affecting government corporations, including

amendments to their charters; the interests of the government in the diffe
industrial and commercial enterprises; and privatization.

Committee on Health and Demography

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to public health in general, medical, hospital

quarantine services; population issues, concerns, policies and programs affec
individuals and their families, their effects on national, social and econo

Committee on Justice and Human Rights

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the organization and administration of jus

civil courts, penitentiaries and reformatory schools; probation; impeachm
proceedings against constitutional officers and other officers legally removabl
impeachment; registration of land titles; immigration and naturalization;
implementation of the provisions of the Constitution on human rights; and
matters pertaining to the efficiency and reforms in the prosecution service.

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

Committee on Labor, Employment and Human Resou

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to labor employment and human reso

development; maintenance of industrial peace; promotion of employer-empl
cooperation; labor education, standards and statistics; organization of the l
market including recruitment, training and placement of workers and expor
human resources; foreign workers in the Philippines; promotion and developm
of workers’ organizations; and promotion and development of employm
intensive technology.

Committee on Local Government

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to autonomous regions, provinces, cities, sp

metropolitan political subdivisions, municipalities and barangays.

Committee on National Defense and Security

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to national defense and external and inte
threats to national security; the Armed Forces of the Philippines; pension plans
fringe benefits of war veterans and military retirees; citizens army sele
service; forts; arsenals; military bases, reservations and yards; coast, geodetic
meteorological surveys; civil defense; and military research and development.

Committee on Peace, Unification and Reconciliation

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to peace, internal armed conflict resolu

political negotiation, cessation of hostilities, amnesty, rebel returnees, integra
and development, national unification and reconciliation.

Committee on Public Information and Mass Media

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to public information, mass communication

broadcast services; the implementation of the provisions of the Constitu
regarding ownership and management of mass media and the advertising indu
the development and promotion of information technology; and all matters rela
to the artistic standards and quality of the motion picture and television industr

Committee on Public Order and Illegal Drugs

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to peace and order; the Philippine Nati
Police; the Bureau of Jail Management; the BFP; private security agencies; the
sale, acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture and distribution
prohibited and regulated drugs and other similar substances as provided for u
pertinent laws, and the prosecution of offenders, rehabilitation of drug users
dependents, including the formulation of drug-related policies.

Committee on Public Services

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To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

Jurisdiction: All matters affecting public services and util
communications; land, air, river and sea transporta
including railroads, inter-island navigation, and lighthouses; and the gran
amendment of legislative franchises.

Committee on Public Works

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to planning, construction, maintena

improvement and repair of public buildings, highways, bridges, roads, p
airports, harbors and parks; drainage, flood control and protection; and irriga
and water utilities.

Committee on Rules

Jurisdiction: All matters affecting the Rules of the Senate; the calendar as we
parliamentary rules and the order and manner of transacting business and
creation of committees.

The Chairman of the Committee shall be the Majority Leader of the Senate.
Vice-Chairmen shall be the Assistant Majority Leaders.

Committee on Science and Technology

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to science and technology, including scien

and technological research, development and advancement.

Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to rural development and welfare, and

implementation of the provisions of the Constitution on social justice.

Committee on Tourism

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to tourism and the tourist industry.

Committee on Trade and Commerce

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to domestic and foreign trade and pr

corporations; patents, copyrights, trade names and trademarks; standards, wei
measures and designs; quality control; control and stabilization of price
commodities; consumer protection; handicraft and cottage industries;
marketing of commodities.

Committee on Urban Planning, Housing and Resettlement

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to urban land reform, planning, hou

resettlement and urban community development.

Our Vision Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

Committee on Ways and Means

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to revenue generally; taxes and fees; tariffs; l
and other sources and forms of revenue.

Committee on Youth, Women and Family Relations

Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the youth, women and family relations.

A. The Senate Secretary

The Senate Secretary, who is elected by the members of the Senate, is the head o
Secretariat. He assists the Senate President in extending adequate and timely legislative
administrative support to the offices of Senators. He exercises supervision and control ove
the offices of the service units and officers and employees of the Senate Secretariat
formulates plans, policies and programs aimed at professionalizing the institution. H
assisted by three (3) Deputy Secretaries and the Senate Legal Counsel who are separatel
charge of legislation, administration and finance, special support services, and legal serv
For the maintenance of security and order in the Senate, whether in session or not
responsibility is lodged in the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms.

Offices Under the Office of the Secretary

Among the offices directly under the supervision of the Senate Secretary are the Se
Tax Study and Research Office (STSRO), the Protocol Office, the Policy Studies Group
the Legislative Budget Research and Monitoring Office (LBRMO). The STSRO cond
studies and formulates reform proposals on tax-related issues including drafting of
appropriate bill and estimation of revenue impact, conducts surveys on tax and other f
matters, and provides technical assistance during deliberations on tax proposals. The Offic
Protocol takes charge of important external and internal activities of the Senate that
involve the visits of foreign dignitaries and the members of the Senate in official miss
abroad. The LBRMO coordinates with the House of Representatives and the Departme
Budget and Management on the implementation of General Appropriations Act, reviews
performance of the national government’s revenue collection and expenditure, assesses
implementation of foreign-assisted projects and locally-funded projects, and respond
queries of agencies, LGUs and GOCCs on matters within the purview of the Committe
Finance. Other offices also under the direct control of the Office of the Secretary include
Management Operating and Audit Bureau, EDP-MIS Bureau and the Public Information
Media Relations Office.

The delivery of legislative support services is directly the responsibility not only o
Senate Secretary but also of the Deputy Secretary for Legislation.

1. The Deputy Secretary for Legislation

The Office of the Deputy Secretary for Legislation advises and assists the Office o
Secretary and the Senate Proper in the formulation of legislative policies and programs o

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A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

Senate. Headed by a Deputy Secretary and assisted by the Execu
Director for Legislation, it exercises general supervision over all of
and units of the Secretariat that provide technical, plenary, committee support serv
publication and printing, and reference services. It is also responsible for the provisio
legislative services in support of various committee needs, research service, parliamen
counseling, requests for bill drafting, bill indexing and monitoring and other activ
involved in the law-making process. This Office is composed of five bureaus, namely
Legislative Technical Affairs Bureau, the Legislative Plenary Affairs Bureau, the Legisl
Reference Bureau, the Senate Publications Bureau and the Committee Affairs Bureau.

Moreover, under Rule VII, Section 9 of the Rules of the Senate, in the temporary abs
or incapacity of the Secretary of the Senate, the Deputy Secretary for Legislation shall a
the Secretary of the Senate.

2. Deputy Secretary for External Affairs

The Deputy Secretary for External Affairs and Relations advises and assists the Se
Secretary in the formulation and implementation of external affairs and relations policies
programs of the Senate.  His office aims to institutionalize an efficient system of networ
and interaction with its external environment such as the executive branch, the academe
private sector, NGOs, national and international organizations, the diplomatic corps
parliamentary organizations.

3. The Deputy Secretary for Administration and Financial Services

The Deputy Secretary for Administration and Financial Services advises and assists
Senate Secretary in the formulation and implementation of administrative and fina
policies and programs of the Senate. Assisted by the Executive Director for Administratio
exercises supervision over the offices and units of the Secretariat that provide administra
financial management and general services. Its Administrative Management Bureau assist
Senate management in the formulation and review of administrative systems and proced
policy guidelines and regulations, and provides direction and supervision on the activ
involved in human resource management, medical and dental, records management
mailing and property and procurement services. The Maintenance and General Serv
Bureau is directly involved in the maintenance of all the physical facilities of the Se
which include the buildings and grounds, electrical and electromechanical equipm
transportation, sound, telephone and other communication systems. The Fina
Management Bureau advises and assists in the formulation and review of financial sys
and procedures, policy guidelines and regulations. It provides direction and supervision in
accounting, budget and cash management, and in the preparation of reports on funds rele
to the Senate.

4. The Senate Legal Counsel

The Senate Legal Counsel has the rank of a Deputy Secretary. He is in charge of al
legal issues affecting the Senate and the Secretariat. Under this office is a Legal Service w
advises the Senate Secretariat on all legal issues and concerns. It drafts and interprets cont
in behalf of the Senate. Moreover, the Legal Service is the one in charge of investiga
offenses committed by certain officers and employees of the Secretariat in violation of C

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To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
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enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

Service Rules and Regulations.

B. The Senate Sergeant-at-Arms

Like the Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant-at-Arms is elected by the members o
Senate. His duties and functions are expressly stated in Rule VI, Section 8 of the Rules o
Senate, to wit:

(a) To keep under his custody the mace of the Senate;

(b) To attend the sessions of the Senate;

(c) To be responsible for the security and maintenance of order in the session
antechambers, corridors and offices of the Senate, whether in session or not, in accord
with the orders of the President or the Secretary;

(d) To execute or serve, personally or through his delegates, the summons which ma
issued by the Senate or by the permanent or special committees or by the President himsel

(e) To be responsible for the strict compliance by his subordinates of their respective du
He may impose upon them corrective or disciplinary measures for just cause, includi
recommendation to the President of the Senate, through the Secretary, for their dismissal;

(f) To recommend to the President, through the Secretary, approval of the uniform to be w
by the personnel assigned to serve under him in the session hall.

The Sergeant-at-Arms is also assisted by an Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms.  

House of Representatives
-composed of not more than 250 (unless otherwise fixed by law), 20 per
of whom
 must be Party-list representatives.
criteria to become a member of the House of Representatives:
a natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
at least twenty-five years old;
is able to read and write; and
except the party-list representatives,
a registered voter and a resident for at least one year in the dis
where s/he shall be elected


1. Malolos Congress
o The Philippine legislative system has undergone a series of evolu
that reflected the sociopolitical conditions of the times and the lev

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To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY political maturity of society. It began with the unicameral Ma
Congress of the short-lived Philippine Republic of 1898-1899, follo
by the Philippine Commission of 1901, a colonial legislative sy
composed of all-American appointees. This body then evolved in
bicameral, predominantly elective, Filipino-controlled legislature
virtue of the Jones Act of 1916, and lasted until November 1935 w
the semi-independent Commonwealth Government was inaugurate
unicameral National Assembly replaced the bicameral body after
1935 Philippine Constitution was ratified. In 1941, the Constitution
amended, again restoring the bicameral legislature that came to be c
the Congress of the Philippines. Except during the Japanese-spons
Philippine Republic from 1942-1945, the Congress functioned as
national legislature until September 1972 when President Ferdinan
Marcos placed the country under martial law.


o The Prime Minister and his Cabinet When martial law was declared
Constitutional Convention, by virtue of an Act of Congress in 1971,
in the process of drafting a new Constitution. The final draft was ado
by the Convention on November 29, 1972. This was ratified
proclaimed by President Marcos on January 17, 1973 amidst widesp
protest and controversy. With the proclamation of a new Constitution
presidential form of government was changed to a mod
parliamentary form. Congress was abolished and was replaced b
elected unicameral National Assembly, known as Batasang Pambans
o The Batasang Pambansa was made up of a maximum of 200 Mem
elected from different provinces with their component cities, hi
urbanized cities and districts of Metropolitan Manila, appoi
representatives from various sectors such as the youth, agricultural
industrial labor sectors, and those chosen by the President from
members of the Cabinet. The Members had a term of six years.


o 1986 EDSA Revolution1986 EDSA Revolution The world-fa
bloodless coup of February 22-25, 1986 ushered in a new poli
regime. President Corazon Aquino, backed by a coalition of fo
from both ends of the political spectrum, forged a new governm
triggering a chain of events that dramatically changed the poli
landscape of the country and signalled the rebirth of democr
These political changes were: the abolition of the Bata
Pambansa following the proclamation of a new revolutio
government; the organization of a Constitutional Commission
drafted a new charter which, in turn, was ratified in February 1
the rebirth of the old bicameral system; and the election of Mem
to the new Congress.

o The new Congress has the biggest membership and is probably
most powerful among its predecessor legislatures.

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A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY Constitutional Commission (ConCom) clothed it with vast po
to perform a wider and more dynamic role. This fact is p
reflected in the Charter itself, which devotes 32 sections to
legislative department compared with only 23 for the executive
16 for the judicial departments.


The Officials of the House of Representatives are the Speaker, the Deputy Spea
the Secretary General and the Sergeant-at-Arms, who are elected by a majority vo
all the Members at the commencement of each Congress; the Majority and Min
Leaders, who are elected in a party caucus of the ruling party and the minority p
More specifically, they perform the following functions:
The Speaker is the fourth highest official in the Philippine government. He:

 Presides over the sessions;

 Decides on all questions of order, subject to appeal by any Member;
 Signs all acts, resolutions, memorials, writs, warrants and subpoenas issue
or upon order of the House;
 Appoints, suspends, dismisses or disciplines House personnel; and
 Exercises administrative functions.

The Deputy Speakers:

 Assumes the duties and powers of the Speaker when he is absen


The Majority Leader:

 The Majority Leader is elected in a party caucus of the majority ruling p

His primary function, aside from being the spokesman of the majority part
to direct the deliberations on the floor.

The Minority Leader:

 The Minority Leader is the acknowledged spokesman of the minority par

the House. But it does not necessarily follow that he is also the leader o
party because the minority party in the House may be composed of one or m
political groupings.

The Secretary General:

 Carries out and enforces orders and decisions of the House;

 Keeps the Journal of each session;
 Notes all questions of order together with the decisions thereon;
 Completes the printing and distribution of the Records of the House;
 Submits to the Speaker all contracts and agreements for his approval;
 Acts as the custodian of the property and records of the House and all o

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To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY government property in its premises;
 Subject to the supervision and control of the Speaker
Secretary General is the immediate chief of the personn
the House and is responsible for the faithful and proper performance of
official duties.

The Sergeant-at-Arms:

 Maintains order in the House of Representatives Building Complex;

 Enforces House Rules;
 Protects the lives of Officers and Members of the House, its personnel
guests as well as properties found therein.

 Legislative process
 Congress is responsible for making enabling laws to make sure the spirit o
constitution is upheld in the country and, at times, amend or change
constitution itself. In order to craft laws, the legislative body comes out
two main documents: bills and resolutions.
 Resolutions convey principles and sentiments of the Senate or the Hous
Representatives. These resolutions can further be divided into three diffe
 joint resolutions — require the approval of both chambers of Congress
the signature of the President, and have the force and effect of a la
 concurrent resolutions — used for matters affecting the operations of
chambers of Congress and must be approved in the same form by
houses, but are not transmitted to the President for his signature
therefore have no force and effect of a law.
 simple resolutions — deal with matters entirely within the prerogativ
one chamber of Congress, are not referred to the President for his signa
and therefore have no force and effect of a law.

 Bills are laws in the making. They pass into law when they are approved by
houses and the President of the Philippines. A bill may be vetoed by the Presid
but the House of Representatives may overturn a presidential veto by garneri
2/3rds vote. If the President does not act on a proposed law submitted by Cong
it will lapse into law after 30 days of receipt.


 power to apply and interpret the laws of the land in cases of disputes. It is veste
the Supreme Court and the lower courts.
 Includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies invol
right, which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine wheth
not there has been have abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess jurisdic
on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the government.

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To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:


• ADJUDICATING POWER – the power to settle legal disputes.

• POWER OF JUDICIAL REVIEW – power of the supreme court to interpret and m
judgements with respect to the law.
• INCIDENTAL POWERS – powers necessary for the discharge of the judicial funct

1. Supreme Court
2. Intermediate Appelate Court (Court of Appeals)
3. Regional Trial Court
4. Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court
5. Court of Tax Appeals
6. Sandiganbayan

1.       Criminal Case – an offense which affect the community suc
killings, massacre, and etc…
2.       Civil Case – an offense which affect two or more individual suc
failure to comply to a contract.

Classification of Court According to Origin

1.  Constitutional Court- the Supreme Court, the only Court mandated by
constitution to be created.

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To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
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Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:

ACCOUNTANCY 2.  Statutory Court- courts created by the law (Lo

Classification of Court According to Case

1.       Special Court- court which has a limited jurisdiction
a.       Court of Tax Appeal- court which hold the cases related to t
 b.      Sandigan Bayan- court which hold the cases related to graft
corruption. Has 14 Associate Justices.
c.       Court of Appeals- court on which hold the cases being appe
be rejudged.
d.      Shariah Court- court which holds the cases of civil offe
related to Muslims.

2.       Regular Court- those court which handles those common cases

Composition of Supreme Court

1. One Chief Justice

Chief Justice Alexander G. Gesmundo

 27th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
obtained his law degree from the Ateneo de M
University in 1984. After passing the bar
following year,
 he joined the Office of the Solicitor General w
he was awarded Most Outstanding Solicito
 He was on Seconded Appointment
Commissioner of the Presidential Commissio
Good Government from July 17, 1998 to February 15, 2001.
 In August 2002, he was promoted to Assistant Solicitor General, and
October 15, 2005, appointed as Associate Justice of the Sandiganbayan,
becoming Chairperson of its 7th Division.
 He was appointed to the Supreme Court as Associate Justice on Augus
2017 and as Chief Justice on April 5, 2021.

-He is the Chairperson of the Committee on Ethics and Et

Standards, Committee on the Revision of the Rules of C
Committee on Computerization and Library, and Sub-Committee
the Revision of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Until recently, he wa
Chairperson of the Oversight Committee for the Implementatio
Rule 138-A or the Revised Student Practice Rule.

2.   Fourteen Associate Justices

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inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms
Telefax No: (047) 237-3655
Don Manuel Banzon Avenue, Poblacion
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan PHILIPPINES Email Address:


Qualification of a Chief Justice

1. Natural Born Citizen of the Philippines
2. At least 40 years of age
3. Must have 15 years or more been judge of a lower court or engaged in
practicing law in the Philippines
4. Must be a person of a proven competence, integrity, probity,
5. Must be a Member of Integrated Bar of the Philippines

Appointment of a Chief Justice/ associate justices

-          A certain list of people must be submitted by the Judicial and
Council to the President.
-         The President will appoint the Justice but it cannot remove any ju
being appointed.
-      Retirement age is 70 year old.

C. Make a
Generalizations and
Abstractions about the
D. Evaluating
II. Remarks
III. Reflection

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To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and providing relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research,
inclusive programs and services by 2030. extension and production programs and services through progressive
enhancement of its human resource capabilities and institutional mechanisms

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