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Message from 2022 PMAP President 2

2. Message from PMAP Executive Director 3
3. Message from Trustee – PMAP Research Committe 4
4. Objectives 5
5. Economic Perspectives 6
6. Project Methodology 10
7. Profile of Participating Companies
7.1. Total List of Participating Companies 15
7.2. Per Industry 17
7.3. Company Size 18
7.3.1. Company size by gross annual revenue
7.3.2. Company size by total number of employees
7.4. By Location 19
7.4.1. Mega Manila and Provincial
7.4.2. NCR and Provincial
7.5. Ownership 20
7.6. Total Number of Unionized Companies 20
8. Highlights of 2021 Salary and Benefits Survey
8.1. Part One: Cash Compensation Data 21
8.2. Part Two: Compensation Practices
8.2.1. Part Two A – Survey on Compensation Practices 86
8.2.2. Part Two B – Survey on Practices During the Covid-19 Pandemic 97
8.3. Part Three: Benefits Practices 106
9. Appendices
9.1. Definition of Selected Functional Discipline 153
9.2. Definition of Job Level 174
10. Acknowledgments 177

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 1
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
The pandemic era has greatly affected all forms of businesses and how people work. Employers
introduced innovative ways to manage the health crisis to keep jobs and generate income to
hold the business afloat. While there are plenty of start-up businesses that were spawned due to
technology adoption amid the COVID-19 pandemic, several commercial and industrial activities
implemented various ways to manage the business including the administration of employees’ total
compensation and benefits.

Last year, we started framing the questionnaire to get a wholistic understanding of the pandemic’s
impact in compensation and benefits. We are grateful to all HR practitioners and organizations who
participated and patiently filled out the survey form. This project will never be completed without
your full consent and participa tion. Your feedback, time and efforts are most appreciated.

May this report cast a bright light and guide every user a sound decision in addressing employees’
compensation and benefits.

2022 PMAP President

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 2
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
This project was conceived at a time when enterprises were drastically addressing issues and
challenges concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. At the beginning of lockdown, most companies
addressed not only the issues on health and safety, but also on employees’ compensation and
benefits. Some of the regular benefits that were no longer relevant in the current times were diverted
to fill the needs of the current times.

In this survey report, we wanted to see the whole picture on what changes and trends in the
compensation and benefits market are present. This study provides data on annual base salary as
well as trends in compensation and benefits practices in the context of the pandemic.

My sincere thanks to the companies who participated and to the team who put their time and efforts
to complete this study. May this report help inform our users in determining their own budgetary and
staffing decisions over the coming months and beyond.


Executive Director

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
Being more than two (2) years in the pandemic, the unemployment rate in the Philippines as
reported by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) was estimated at 6.4% or 3.13 million individuals
in February 2022. And since economies have gradually opened last year, PSA recorded 93.6%
employed workers which is equivalent to 45.48 million employed persons in February 2022. Given
these numbers, organizations must be able to develop a pay philosophy that is strategic enough to
meet the business’ objectives as well as address the needs of the employees under an economy that
is gradually rebuilding.

In 2021, the research committee of PMAP embarked on a salary and benefits benchmarking project
to address the concerns of the business and HR Community particularly those belonging to the
micro, small and medium enterprises. Though there were large organizations that joined in our
research, our main thrust is to understand the compensation and benefits market data in the context
of the pandemic.

On behalf of the officers and members of the Research Committee, I am personally thankful to all
the participating companies who joined and gave their full consent in this study. May this report serve
as your guide in making better decisions for your organizations and your people.


Vice President

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
The 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey was undertaken, keeping in mind the following objectives:

Develop a relevant, updated and reasonably priced “Salary and Benefits Survey Report” that will address the
needs of our member companies who have expressed serious needs for salaries and benefits market data but
can’t afford the prohibitive cost of salary and benefits surveys.

Design and develop a user-friendly and research-based methodology that will facilitate the overall conduct
of the survey.

Uphold PMAP’s seal of professionalism and integrity in handling the strict confidentiality of salaries and benefits

Conduct learning sessions to guide participating companies on how to properly use and maximize the
utilization of this report for benchmarking purposes.

Sustain and continuously improve on its commitment to provide up-to-date, relevant and affordable research
studies and publications.

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
Economic Perspectives
1. PH Economy Seen Growing 6-7% in 2022
MANILA – The Philippine economy is expecting to return to its 6 to 7-percent growth trajectory in 2022 after nearly two years of grappling
with the pandemic despite the threat of the Omicron variant, according to the investment banking arm of the Metrobank Group.

First Metro Investment Corporation (FMIC) said this year’s economic growth is driven by sustained domestic demand, easing inflation,
election expenditures, and accelerated government spending on infrastructure projects.

“Notwithstanding the ongoing pandemic, and Omicron sparking the third wave of infections, we are still optimistic that Philippine growth will
further accelerate and get back its trajectory of 6-7 percent in 2022,” FMIC president Jose Patricio Dumlao said in a virtual briefing Tuesday.

Dumlao said the economy registered a 4.9-percent growth in the first three quarters of 2021 and the growth momentum likely spilled over
in the fourth quarter given further economic reopening and easing mobility restrictions.

He added business and consumer confidence are also cautiously positive given the wider availability of vaccines and relaxation of lockdowns,
quarantine measures, and mobility restrictions.

University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) economist Dr. Victor Abola said the 6 to 7 percent gross domestic product (GDP) projection
this year will be led by the industry sector --both construction and manufacturing. Abola said services will still be the lagging sector
as the pandemic measures hit hotels and restaurants. “The Philippine situation is that there is recovery but still on the way to reach the
pre-pandemic levels,” he said. The country’s GDP posted a -9.5 percent full-year growth rate in 2020 compared to its 5.9 percent pre-
pandemic performance in 2019. Abola said that business process outsourcing (BPO) is a major contributor to the resiliency of the economy
amid the pandemic.

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
“And it’s not the same as usual call centers, etc. You can see there are new, emerging segments and that is what companies are focusing
on,” Abella said, citing insurance, life sciences, healthcare, and data analytics, among others.

Aside from BPO revenues, FMIC chairman Francisco Sebastian said the overseas Filipino workers (OFW) remittances also boost the economy.

“These two things are not as sexy as other things like technology and telecoms… This is what is holding us up. OFW remittances continue
to grow,” he said. (PNA)

Source: Philippine News Agency

By Leslie Gatpolintan
January 11, 2022, 8:00 pm

2. ADB Raises PHL Economic Outlook for this year, 2022

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) raised its Philippine growth forecast for this year and 2022, amid a heightened coronavirus vaccination
drive and a plunge in new cases.

As a supplement to the Asian Development Outlook 2021, the multilateral lender said it now expects the Philippines’ gross domestic
product (GDP) to grow by 5.1% this year, from 4.5% given in September. It exceeds the government’s downgraded 4-5% target this year.

By 2022, GDP is expected to rise by 6%, from the previous projection of 5.5%. It is still below the government’s 7-9% goal.

“The Philippine economy has shown impressive resilience,” ADB Philippines Country Director Kelly Bird said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Growth momentum has clearly picked up on the back of the government’s vigorous drive to vaccinate Filipinos against the COVID-19
virus. Public spending on infrastructure and continued vaccination of the population will help the country further accelerate its recovery
in 2022”, Bird said.

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
A 5.1% GDP growth this year would reverse the record of 9.6% contraction in 2020, but is still lower than the pre-pandemic 6.1% expansion
in 2019.

The multilateral bank said the country’s economic performance in the third quarter was a surprise as it expanded by 7.1% year on year.
Third-quarter growth was lower than 12% in the preceding quarter after lockdowns were reimposed to contain a Delta-driven surge in
COVID-19 cases. “Vaccination has allowed the economy to slowly

reopen, boosting consumer and business confidence,” ADB said. The government has accelerated its vaccine rollout and allowed people
to move more freely. Daily COVID-19 infections have also dropped from its peak in September.

About 36.59% of Filipinos have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, the Johns Hopkins University tracker showed.

Meanwhile, the ADB raised the inflation outlook for the Philippines to 4.4% for 2021 and 3.7% for the next year due to soaring oil prices.
These are higher than the September forecast of 4.1% and 3.5% for 2021 and 2022, respectively.

Inflation in November eased to a four-month low of 4.2%, but remained higher than the central bank’s 3.3%-4.1% forecast for the month.

The ADB’s projection is higher than the central bank’s 2-4% target for the year.


The ADB reduced its growth forecast for developing Asia to 7% (from 7.1%) this year and to 5.3% (from 5.4%) in 2022, amid uncertainty
brought by the emergence of the Omicron variant.

“The main risk to the outlook remains a resurgence in COVID-19 cases. Recent developments in Europe show that extensive virus outbreaks
can occur even in highly vaccinated countries and force governments to retighten mobility restrictions. The emergence of the highly
mutated Omicron variant brings additional uncertainty,” the ADB said.

“As it appears to be significantly more transmissible than earlier variants, its economic impact could be substantial.”

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
In developing Asia, the bank noted new COVID-19 daily cases averaged to 50,000 as of Nov. 30, 71% lower than the peak in August.
Globally, new cases are on the rise, fueled by the new wave of infections in Europe.

For Southeast Asia, the ADB trimmed its outlook to 3% from 3.1% this year, but hiked its projection for next year to 5.1% from 5%.

“Subregional growth slowed modestly in Q3 2021 as mobility restrictions tightened in the quarter to curb the spread of the highly
transmissible Delta coronavirus variant,” it said.

Moody’s Analytics said the global outlook is now “less exuberant” as the Omicron variant increases uncertainty in the near term, although
the recovery momentum was unlikely to be derailed.

“The Omicron variant has driven (business) sentiment lower, as have supply-chain disruptions eating into inventories and hurting capacity
to meet increased demand. While the economic recovery has yielded improved sales and employment intentions, caution has increased,”
Moody’s Analytics Senior APAC Economist Katina Ell said in an analysis.

“Expectations into next year are mixed as uncertainty remains high.” — Jenina P. Ibañez

Source: Business World

December 15, 2021 | 12:35 am

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
Project Methodology
1. The Process Framework


Survey Methodology Collection of Data Processing of Data

Analysis of Data

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
2. The conduct of salary market survey consists of three processes as follows:

2.1. Development of Survey Methodology

2.1.1. The 2021 PMAP Salary & Benefits Survey Questionnaire
As in any other salary and benefits survey initiative, the 2021 PMAP Salary & Benefits Questionnaire or SBS questionnaire for
brevity is a voluminous and tedious compilation of questions aimed at being able to generate realistic, accurate and current
salary and benefits information in the labor market. The SBS questionnaire kit consists of: Part One:
• This covers a comprehensive survey of the current base salaries in the labor market for various functional areas of
discipline. Part Two:
• Part Two A – This covers a survey of relevant compensation practices that are currently implemented in various
• Part Two B – This covers a survey of relevant compensation practices that have evolved during the COVID-19
pandemic. Part Three:
• This covers a comprehensive survey of benefits practices that are currently being implemented in various

2.2. Collection of Salary Market Data

2.2.1. Collection of salary market data, specifically the retrieval of duly accomplished SBS questionnaire is the most challenging
part of doing the survey. More often, many of participating companies will not meet the deadline of submitting the duly
accomplished questionnaire on time. While a more realistic time for accomplishing the questionnaire is typically given, the
reality is such that more stretched level of tolerance should be factored-in for the conduct of tedious follow-ups to counter

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 11
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
2.2.2. To eventually serve the purpose of being able to provide meaningful analysis and interpretation, salary market data are
collected and tabulated in various levels of segmentation, as follows: General Industry By Company Size Large Companies (Gross Annual Revenue = PhP 101 M and Above) Medium Companies (Gross Annual Revenue = PhP 16 M – 100 M) Small Companies (Gross Annual Revenue = PhP 16 M and Below) By Location National Capital Region Mega Manila (Limited to the provinces/city of Bulacan, Pampanga, Subic and CALABARZON) Provincial (Includes covered provinces except NCR) By Industry By Functional Discipline

2.3. Processing of Salary Market Data

2.3.1. What is Percentile? A percentile (or a centile) is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given percentage of
observations in a group of observations fall. For example, the 20th percentile is the value (or score) below which 20%
of the observations may be found.
Source: Percentile. IAHPC Pallipedia. Accessed February 17, 2022. Pallipedia© is a registered
trademark of IAHPC.

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 12
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP In the context of the labor market, salary market data are mathematically processed and presented in percentile
ranking as follows: 10th percentile or lower decile, 25th percentile or lower quartile, 50th percentile or median, 75th
percentile or upper quartile, 90th percentile or upper decile and average. The general rule of thumb or the common
practice in the industry is to consider the 50th percentile or median being the competitive pay line of the salary
market. Percentile ranking of salaries in the labor market also serves as the strategic framework of many organizations in
defining its pay positioning in the salary market which is typically embodied in its “Pay Philosophy.”

3. Analysis and Interpretation of Salary Market Data

3.1. In analyzing and interpreting the level of competitiveness of salaries in the labor market, the measure of comparative-ratio or
compa-ratio for brevity is commonly used.

3.2. Wiki defines compa-ratio as follows:

3.2.1. Compa-ratio is calculated as the employee’s current salary divided by the current market rate as defined by the company’s
competitive pay policy. Compa-ratios are position specific. Each position has a salary range that includes a minimum, a
midpoint, and a maximum. These three values represent industry averages for the position.
3.2.2. A Compa-ratio of 1.00 or 100% means that the employee is paid exactly what the industry average pays and is at the
midpoint for the salary range. A ratio of 0.75 means that the employee is paid 25% below the industry average and is at the
risk of seeking employment with competitors at a higher pay that is perceived equitable.
3.2.3. A ratio of 1.15 or 115% compa-ratio would mean the employee is paid above the industry average.

3.3. In a straightforward manner therefore, the formula in calculating compa-ratio is: Present Salary/Target Market = Compa-ratio.
To give an example, a Recruitment Specialist who is currently receiving a monthly base salary of PhP 30,000.00. The compa-ratio
maybe calculated as follows:

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
3.3.1. Scenario A: The Recruitment Specialist is an outstanding performer. The Company’s pay positioning is to benchmark its outstanding performers at the 50th percentile or median of the
salary market. The value of the 50th percentile or median for the position of Recruitment Specialist in the labor market is PhP
35,000.00. The calculation of compa-ratio is: Present monthly base salary of PhP 30,000.00/PhP 35,000.00. Compa-ratio is 86% and this means that present salary is not competitive given a gap of 14%.

3.3.2. Scenario B: The Recruitment Specialist is an average performer. The Company’s pay positioning is to benchmark its average performers at the 25th percentile or median of the salary
market. The value of the 25th percentile or lower decile for the position of Recruitment Specialist in the labor market is PhP
28,000.00. The calculation of compa-ratio is: Present monthly base salary of PhP 30,000.00/PhP 28,000.00. Compa-ratio is 107% and this means that present salary is competitive.

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No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP

1. Total List of Participating Companies

1. Academic 6. Hospital and Healthcare

1.1. Ateneo de Manila University 6.1. Cordlife Medical Philippines Incorporated
1.2. Lyceum of the Philippines University 6.2. Mary Mediatrix Medical Center
6.3. RelianceCare, Incorporated
2. Automotive
2.1. Hino Motors Philippines, Corporation 7. IT
7.1. Geodata Systems Technologies Incorporated
3. Banking and Financial Services 7.2. REALTAIR, Incorporated
3.1. Asia United Bank Corporation 7.3. Total Information Management
3.2. Fundline Finance Corporation 7.4. Webcast Technologies
3.3. The Golden Legacy Financing Corporation
8. Management and Consultancy Services
4. BPO/KPO 8.1. HCM Nexus Consulting
4.1. CPI Outsourcing 8.2. Pacific Rim Innovation and Management Exponents,
4.2. Datascope Communications (Philippines), Incorporated Inc.
4.3. Guild Solutions Incorporated
4.4. DG3 Idocs, Incorporated 9. Manufacturing – Chemical
9.1. JOTUN (Philippines), Incorporated
5. Construction, Engineering and Real Estate 9.2. Pioneer Adhesives, Incorporated
5.1. First Balfour, Incorporated
5.2. JGC Philippines, Incorporated
5.3. M. Montesclaros Holdings Incorporated

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10. Manufacturing - Consumer Goods 15. Telecommunications
10.1. ARC Refreshments Corporation 15.1. Asian Vision Cable Holdings Incorporated
10.2. CHOOSEYOURSHOES Philippines (CYS-PH),
Incorporated 16. Transportation, Logistics and Distribution
10.3. LG Electronics Philippines, Incorporated 16.1. Harbor Star Shipping Services Incorporated
10.4. MOOG Controls Corporation 16.2. Kintetsu World Express (Philippines), Incorporated
10.5. Phelps Dodge Philippines Energy Products 16.3. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
Corporation (Under the name RCL Regional Operating
10.6. Sanitary Care Products Asia Incorporated Headquarters)
10.7. Suzuki Philippines Incorporated 16.4. SBS Philippines Corporation

11. Manufacturing - Household Goods 17. Wholesale and Retail

11.1. Draka Philippines, Incorporated 17.1. Adtel, Inc.
17.2. Amway Philippines LLC
12. NGO 17.3. California Clothing, Incorporated
12.1. Ayala Foundation, Incorporated 17.4. Dyna Drug Corporation
12.2. Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Incorporated 17.5. EasyPC
12.3. Saddleback Church 17.6. Gentrade International Philippines, Incorporated

13. Pharmaceutical
13.1. Pascual Pharma Corporation

14. Recruitment and Manpower Services

14.1. Alexander Mann Solutions

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2. Per Industry Total Number

Industry Of Companies Percentage
Academic 2 4%
Automotive 1 2%
Banking and Financial Services 3 6%
BPO/KPO 4 8%
Construction, Engineering & Real Estate 3 6%
Hospital and Healthcare 3 6%
IT 4 8%
Management and Consultancy Services 2 4%
Manufacturing - Chemical 2 4%
Manufacturing - Consumer Goods 7 15%
Manufacturing - Household Goods 1 2%
NGO 3 6%
Pharmaceutical 1 2%
Recruitment and Manpower Services 1 2%
Telecommunications 1 2%
Transportation, Logistics and Distribution 4 8%
Wholesale and Retail 6 13%
Total 48 100%

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3. Company Size
3.1. Company size by gross annual revenue

Company Size Revenue Size Percentage

Small PhP 1-15 Million 0%

Medium PhP 16-100 Million 12%
Large PhP 101-> Million 41%
No Answer 47%
Total 100%

3.2. Company size by total number of employees

Company Size Employee Size Percentage

Small 10-99 Employees 18%

Medium 100-199 Employees 29%
Large 200 Employees and More 47%
No Answer 6%
Total 100%

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4. By Location
4.1. NCR and Provincial

Location Percentage
NCR 74%
Provincial 26%
Total 100%

4.2. Mega Manila and Provincial

Location Percentage
Mega Manila 88%
Provincial 12%
Total 100%

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5. Ownership Ownership Percentage

5.1. Type of Ownership Filipino 67%

Foreign 24%
Multinational 6%
Joint Venture 3%
Total 100%

6. Total Number of Unionized Unionized Vs. Non-unionized Percentage

Unionized 9%
6.1. Unionized Vs. Non-unionized Non-Unionized 91%
Total 100%

7. PMAP Membership
PMAP Membership Percentage
7.1. PMAP Member Vs Non-Member
PMAP Member 91%
Non-Member 9%
Total 100%

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General Industry
JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO 150,000.00 250,000.00 342,295.00 678,484.19 1,445,644.15 492,778.39 13

Executive/EVP 137,500.00 194,000.00 350,000.00 627,501.77 950,237.49 411,126.42 12
Executive/SVP 135,000.00 200,000.00 375,000.00 510,416.66 632,029.50 362,778.36 20
Executive/VP 125,000.00 155,000.00 196,100.00 250,000.00 342,965.41 209,850.12 44
Executive/AVP 69,006.00 96,000.00 120,985.88 149,900.00 157,267.40 130,274.65 45
Sr. Manager 49,990.00 73,091.00 99,756.15 127,038.56 175,529.29 108,035.58 173
Jr. Manager 35,500.00 56,100.00 74,174.88 103,417.79 150,000.00 86,530.19 169
Sr. Supervisor 27,000.00 38,478.00 52,298.09 66,400.00 95,000.00 56,247.40 200
Jr. Supervisor 21,221.00 26,900.12 35,936.22 46,988.48 63,462.00 38,885.36 173
Sr. Professional/Technical 21,000.00 26,000.00 37,557.32 60,675.00 86,700.00 46,378.85 130
Jr. Professional/Technical 17,000.00 20,430.75 25,250.00 43,978.16 63,000.00 33,409.00 182
Sr. Rank-and-File 14,199.79 16,850.00 21,198.67 34,408.67 45,800.00 26,553.15 248
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,800.00 14,905.00 18,120.00 23,333.33 32,000.00 21,045.16 199
Entry Level 11,142.83 12,914.05 16,000.00 21,000.00 35,800.00 18,787.13 60

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By Company Size Large Companies
(Gross Annual Revenue = Php101 Million and Above)

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO 150,000.00 220,000.00 342,295.00 678,484.19 965,000.00 451,539.88 7

Executive/EVP - 210,000.00 250,000.00 350,000.00 - 270,000.00 3
Executive/SVP 150,000.00 157,500.00 220,000.00 350,533.50 - 219,508.38 4
Executive/VP 93,833.33 125,000.00 180,000.00 224,883.50 431,000.00 190,463.35 11
Executive/AVP 82,000.00 85,210.00 120,000.00 343,000.00 450,000.00 187,887.14 7
Sr. Manager 49,990.00 72,502.48 103,000.00 147,687.00 224,477.72 116,521.02 93
Jr. Manager 48,000.00 64,000.00 78,200.00 115,000.00 160,000.00 97,563.19 115
Sr. Supervisor 30,000.00 40,000.00 52,500.00 70,286.00 98,000.00 59,213.06 124
Jr. Supervisor 21,221.00 26,600.00 32,831.25 47,000.00 69,675.64 38,812.25 100
Sr. Professional/Technical 22,000.00 30,916.73 54,000.00 76,100.00 101,485.99 56,555.64 76
Jr. Professional/Technical 17,800.00 21,000.00 32,700.00 52,800.00 65,000.00 38,319.82 107
Sr. Rank-and-File 13,712.00 18,946.25 25,500.00 37,000.00 50,200.00 28,863.83 124
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,601.00 15,215.88 19,500.00 29,129.36 39,600.00 23,953.84 97
Entry Level 13,500.00 16,300.00 19,400.00 35,700.00 39,200.00 23,748.28 28

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By Company Size Medium-Sized Companies
(Gross Annual Revenue: Php16-100 Million)

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - 200,000.00 317,742.00 - - 258,871.00 2

Executive/EVP - 194,000.00 200,000.00 - - 197,000.00 2
Executive/SVP - 135,000.00 - - - 135,000.00 1
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP 40,000.00 58,000.00 96,000.00 135,000.00 144,000.00 93,849.00 8
Sr. Manager 55,000.00 65,742.00 100,000.00 120,000.00 212,000.00 98,743.08 13
Jr. Manager 33,632.64 40,000.00 54,000.00 66,500.00 102,266.67 59,856.49 15
Sr. Supervisor 32,090.00 38,742.00 45,742.00 70,742.00 103,742.00 54,657.76 14
Jr. Supervisor 23,390.00 36,242.00 39,000.00 48,242.00 62,742.00 40,932.31 13
Sr. Professional/Technical 21,135.00 30,000.00 36,000.00 75,040.00 90,000.00 48,858.08 13
Jr. Professional/Technical 18,500.00 20,430.75 26,000.00 31,000.00 70,000.00 29,424.09 14
Sr. Rank-and-File 23,242.00 29,000.00 36,242.00 42,742.00 53,742.00 37,143.24 37
Jr. Rank-and-File 15,000.75 17,742.00 21,166.70 24,400.00 26,062.50 20,970.96 29
Entry Level - 15,000.00 20,000.00 - - 18,400.00 2

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By Location National Capital Region

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO 150,000.00 220,000.00 331,953.72 678,484.19 1,445,644.15 495,556.28 11

Executive/EVP 137,500.00 200,000.00 509,143.50 627,501.77 950,237.49 441,712.71 10
Executive/SVP 135,000.00 333,493.75 400,000.00 510,416.66 632,029.50 382,531.51 18
Executive/VP 123,580.00 156,992.77 196,250.00 253,125.00 342,965.41 212,874.52 41
Executive/AVP 69,006.00 96,000.00 120,985.88 149,900.00 157,267.40 130,274.65 45
Sr. Manager 62,500.00 78,000.00 101,653.64 126,216.00 160,000.00 107,868.13 145
Jr. Manager 36,000.00 57,450.00 72,900.00 101,947.88 157,000.00 87,864.47 142
Sr. Supervisor 31,000.00 43,000.00 53,000.00 65,038.13 90,000.00 57,509.97 169
Jr. Supervisor 25,000.00 28,000.00 37,500.00 46,600.52 55,242.00 39,550.62 140
Sr. Professional/Technical 21,100.00 25,719.28 35,822.40 54,000.00 85,000.00 44,147.59 99
Jr. Professional/Technical 17,961.92 20,275.78 24,568.55 40,000.00 63,158.79 32,941.57 123
Sr. Rank-and-File 16,549.00 18,800.00 23,242.00 34,492.00 42,150.00 27,481.93 188
Jr. Rank-and-File 14,581.62 15,730.62 18,500.00 24,000.00 30,190.00 21,457.36 157
Entry Level 12,571.39 13,670.25 15,948.53 19,000.00 21,737.28 16,351.45 39

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 25
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Location Mega Manila*

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO 150,000.00 250,000.00 342,295.00 678,484.19 1,445,644.15 492,778.39 13

Executive/EVP 137,500.00 194,000.00 350,000.00 627,501.77 950,237.49 411,126.42 12
Executive/SVP 135,000.00 200,000.00 375,000.00 510,416.66 632,029.50 362,778.36 20
Executive/VP 125,000.00 155,000.00 196,100.00 250,000.00 342,965.41 209,850.12 44
Executive/AVP 69,006.00 96,000.00 120,985.88 149,900.00 157,267.40 130,274.65 45
Sr. Manager 50,000.00 74,659.10 99,756.15 120,000.00 160,000.00 104,302.10 150
Jr. Manager 35,500.00 54,000.00 72,500.00 99,552.33 154,544.00 85,530.31 150
Sr. Supervisor 28,000.00 39,358.95 52,250.00 64,509.18 89,100.00 55,799.74 179
Jr. Supervisor 21,713.09 26,935.75 35,936.22 45,254.00 55,044.25 37,807.77 154
Sr. Professional/Technical 20,800.00 24,852.12 34,900.00 53,774.56 83,000.00 43,120.20 107
Jr. Professional/Technical 17,000.00 19,962.00 24,000.00 38,833.33 63,000.00 31,915.77 136
Sr. Rank-and-File 14,000.00 16,700.00 20,385.43 31,291.53 40,257.44 25,112.03 231
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,888.00 14,800.00 17,200.00 23,000.00 30,190.00 20,199.85 174
Entry Level 12,540.00 13,000.00 15,879.26 18,500.00 21,737.28 16,060.40 44

*Includes all other provinces outside NCR (Limited to the provinces of Bulacan, Pampanga and CALABARZON and the Municipality of Subic)

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 26
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Location Provincial*

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 125,000.00 - - - 125,000.00 1
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 40,000.00 60,000.00 90,000.00 127,200.00 264,000.00 113,554.15 34
Jr. Manager 32,048.30 55,000.00 91,300.00 109,800.00 147,800.00 87,392.38 32
Sr. Supervisor 20,500.00 27,600.00 64,400.00 81,800.00 100,000.00 57,596.92 24
Jr. Supervisor 13,500.00 24,300.00 34,320.00 74,000.00 79,300.00 43,881.30 23
Sr. Professional/Technical 22,800.00 53,000.00 65,700.00 80,000.00 90,700.00 61,755.15 27
Jr. Professional/Technical 20,000.00 25,000.00 33,000.00 53,000.00 62,600.00 37,958.89 51
Sr. Rank-and-File 14,000.00 24,202.86 46,400.00 50,600.00 62,400.00 40,514.42 21
Jr. Rank-and-File 15,300.00 19,240.00 22,600.00 30,000.00 41,300.00 25,579.28 37
Entry Level 9,367.67 10,719.00 30,400.00 37,400.00 41,000.00 25,031.68 18

*Includes all other provinces except NCR

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 27
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline GENERAL MANAGEMENT

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO 150,000.00 220,000.00 342,295.00 555,000.00 1,445,644.15 477,302.91 12

Executive/EVP 137,500.00 166,390.00 210,000.00 350,000.00 600,000.00 263,486.25 8
Executive/SVP 125,000.00 135,000.00 220,000.00 400,000.00 432,630.00 252,582.94 8
Executive/VP 119,867.47 125,000.00 175,000.00 229,382.06 368,078.71 202,652.99 15
Executive/AVP 58,000.00 82,000.00 86,028.13 230,000.00 450,000.00 160,748.30 7
Sr. Manager 62,500.00 73,091.00 100,000.00 146,975.00 227,965.00 119,636.95 23
Jr. Manager 25,000.00 50,000.00 70,000.00 100,000.00 160,000.00 81,056.76 27
Sr. Supervisor 25,750.00 37,800.00 54,750.00 63,000.00 84,529.36 52,713.94 20
Jr. Supervisor 20,000.00 27,400.00 37,500.00 69,675.64 100,000.00 45,748.54 17
Sr. Professional/Technical 22,661.21 37,500.00 41,908.19 102,060.00 106,250.00 56,653.27 9
Jr. Professional/Technical 12,066.63 20,000.00 27,000.00 45,795.00 60,000.00 30,723.47 12
Sr. Rank-and-File 12,555.00 16,315.00 26,000.00 33,028.52 41,329.50 25,982.62 20
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,400.00 14,500.00 17,456.00 24,000.00 25,355.10 18,024.12 13
Entry Level - 10,558.60 - - - 10,558.60 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 28
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Corporate Planning

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 368,078.71 - - - 368,078.71 1
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 75,000.00 85,000.00 100,000.00 212,000.00 329,000.00 160,200.00 5
Jr. Manager 60,000.00 65,600.00 68,900.00 125,000.00 160,000.00 91,012.80 7
Sr. Supervisor 30,000.00 40,200.00 45,000.00 89,100.00 - 51,075.00 4
Jr. Supervisor - 28,970.60 100,000.00 - - 64,485.30 2
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Sr. Rank-and-File - 26,743.00 - - - 26,743.00 1
Jr. Rank-and-File 20,000.00 22,600.00 24,000.00 25,000.00 - 22,900.00 4
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 29
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Corporate Affairs/Public Relations

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 69,006.00 173,000.00 - - 121,003.00 2
Jr. Manager - 66,830.34 80,000.00 194,318.66 - 113,716.33 3
Sr. Supervisor 47,400.00 54,750.00 60,000.00 61,000.00 84,529.36 60,611.78 6
Jr. Supervisor - 41,040.00 52,296.00 - - 46,668.00 2
Sr. Professional/Technical - 37,500.00 54,500.00 - - 46,000.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 21,894.00 45,795.00 - - 33,844.50 2
Sr. Rank-and-File 12,555.00 20,379.00 31,291.53 35,800.00 41,329.50 28,610.44 8
Jr. Rank-and-File - 11,400.00 25,355.10 - - 18,377.55 2
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 30
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline GENERAL MANAGEMENT

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 229,382.06 - - - 229,382.06 1
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 73,091.00 75,000.00 110,594.93 173,000.00 227,965.00 131,930.19 5
Jr. Manager 47,500.00 70,000.00 89,995.81 99,552.33 115,000.00 84,721.16 7
Sr. Supervisor - 43,000.00 63,000.00 73,981.11 - 59,993.70 3
Jr. Supervisor - - - - - - -
Sr. Professional/Technical - 80,000.00 - - - 80,000.00 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 20,490.00 27,000.00 41,000.00 60,000.00 - 37,122.50 4
Sr. Rank-and-File - 12,000.00 19,000.00 35,082.14 - 22,027.38 3
Jr. Rank-and-File 13,000.00 14,500.00 17,456.00 19,000.00 - 15,989.00 4
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 31
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Internal Audit

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - 432,630.00 - - - 432,630.00 1
Executive/VP - 119,867.47 - - - 119,867.47 1
Executive/AVP - 58,000.00 86,028.13 - - 72,014.07 2
Sr. Manager 49,990.00 62,500.00 78,800.00 100,000.00 105,490.00 79,479.02 7
Jr. Manager 23,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 50,200.00 60,000.00 40,041.38 6
Sr. Supervisor 18,600.00 45,000.00 52,298.09 61,000.00 - 44,224.52 4
Jr. Supervisor 20,000.00 31,896.45 37,500.00 42,000.00 80,000.00 42,279.29 5
Sr. Professional/Technical - 22,661.21 25,000.00 106,250.00 - 51,303.74 3
Jr. Professional/Technical - 12,066.63 21,000.00 28,000.00 - 20,355.54 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 13,500.00 15,500.00 16,315.00 16,549.00 - 15,466.00 4
Jr. Rank-and-File - 15,000.00 20,000.00 - - 17,500.00 2
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 32
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Executive Assistant/Secretary

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 149,992.09 163,627.73 - - 156,809.91 2
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 112,293.12 133,341.00 - - 122,817.06 2
Jr. Manager - 19,436.00 108,000.00 - - 63,718.00 2
Sr. Supervisor 25,750.00 35,000.00 37,800.00 59,690.86 77,188.00 47,085.77 5
Jr. Supervisor 13,000.00 25,000.00 28,000.00 69,675.64 108,120.00 42,891.34 9
Sr. Professional/Technical - 40,000.00 41,908.19 102,060.00 - 61,322.73 3
Jr. Professional/Technical - 19,436.00 20,000.00 52,000.00 - 30,478.67 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 16,776.82 22,833.33 32,500.00 63,969.51 - 34,019.92 4
Jr. Rank-and-File - 11,500.00 15,502.46 - - 13,501.23 2
Entry Level - 10,558.60 - - - 10,558.60 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 33
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE
Finance Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 180,000.00 - - - 180,000.00 1
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 61,500.00 80,000.00 173,000.00 239,020.61 300,000.00 167,874.79 8
Jr. Manager 52,000.00 60,000.00 100,000.00 105,000.00 107,502.45 81,583.74 6
Sr. Supervisor 34,100.00 35,000.00 39,000.00 57,500.00 65,000.00 45,971.19 7
Jr. Supervisor - 45,000.00 - - - 45,000.00 1
Sr. Professional/Technical - 35,000.00 85,000.00 - - 60,000.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 31,000.00 - - - 31,000.00 1
Sr. Rank-and-File 32,573.30 35,000.00 35,800.00 37,792.00 - 35,291.32 4
Jr. Rank-and-File - 16,000.00 17,000.00 27,500.00 - 20,166.67 3
Entry Level - 20,000.00 21,737.28 22,500.00 - 21,412.43 3

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 34
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE
General Accounting

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - 333,493.75 - - - 333,493.75 1
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 110,000.00 112,500.00 - - 111,250.00 2
Sr. Manager 37,000.00 50,000.00 82,500.00 135,000.00 212,142.00 92,702.62 13
Jr. Manager 45,000.00 54,000.00 79,310.00 123,478.00 188,200.00 92,988.80 10
Sr. Supervisor 15,500.00 30,000.00 35,360.00 59,768.00 70,742.00 39,398.07 9
Jr. Supervisor 13,500.00 19,420.00 31,500.00 55,242.00 62,742.00 36,757.46 8
Sr. Professional/Technical - 28,500.00 - - - 28,500.00 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 16,425.00 19,895.45 23,000.00 50,352.60 54,600.00 30,757.89 9
Sr. Rank-and-File 13,581.25 16,850.00 27,637.00 36,000.00 44,825.33 27,763.88 7
Jr. Rank-and-File 10,669.00 16,100.00 21,000.00 27,300.00 30,444.00 21,077.86 7
Entry Level - 9,367.67 - - - 9,367.67 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 35
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE
Cost Accounting

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 42,000.00 90,100.00 - - 66,050.00 2
Jr. Manager - 45,000.00 53,500.00 - - 49,250.00 2
Sr. Supervisor - 30,000.00 109,811.43 - - 69,905.71 2
Jr. Supervisor 22,077.00 41,260.80 48,200.00 74,000.00 - 46,384.45 4
Sr. Professional/Technical - 28,222.00 57,000.00 - - 42,611.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 42,000.00 53,000.00 - - 47,500.00 2
Sr. Rank-and-File 14,413.00 19,500.00 35,000.00 38,160.00 - 26,768.25 4
Jr. Rank-and-File - 11,400.00 22,000.00 29,055.08 - 20,818.36 3
Entry Level - 41,000.00 - - - 41,000.00 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 36
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 55,000.00 97,145.00 - - 76,072.50 2
Jr. Manager - - - - - - -
Sr. Supervisor - 30,000.00 - - - 30,000.00 1
Jr. Supervisor - 37,500.00 50,000.00 - - 43,750.00 2
Sr. Professional/Technical - 31,205.92 40,000.00 - - 35,602.96 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 50,000.00 - - - 50,000.00 1
Sr. Rank-and-File 16,768.78 19,133.00 21,432.18 29,000.00 44,000.00 25,350.34 7
Jr. Rank-and-File 16,313.19 18,000.00 20,000.00 32,000.00 - 21,578.30 4
Entry Level - 15,948.53 18,000.00 - - 16,974.27 2

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 37
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE
Accounts Receivables/Payables

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - - - - - - -
Jr. Manager - - - - - - -
Sr. Supervisor 18,000.00 30,000.00 43,500.00 49,898.85 80,000.00 44,279.77 5
Jr. Supervisor - 40,000.00 - - - 40,000.00 1
Sr. Professional/Technical - 21,000.00 66,000.00 - - 43,500.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Sr. Rank-and-File 13,767.00 16,296.33 21,800.00 35,000.00 37,000.00 24,719.14 11
Jr. Rank-and-File - 10,609.00 - - - 10,609.00 1
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 38
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - - - - - - -
Jr. Manager - - - - - - -
Sr. Supervisor 29,290.00 38,478.00 56,000.00 99,980.25 141,992.50 69,336.57 6
Jr. Supervisor - 15,250.00 45,000.00 63,462.00 - 41,237.33 3
Sr. Professional/Technical - 53,000.00 - - - 53,000.00 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 20,275.78 25,000.00 25,158.29 50,000.00 - 30,108.52 4
Sr. Rank-and-File 16,250.00 19,617.00 24,000.00 30,398.00 38,992.00 25,851.40 5
Jr. Rank-and-File - 15,640.00 22,000.00 35,021.76 - 24,220.59 3
Entry Level - 9,919.00 17,000.00 - - 13,459.50 2

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 39
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE
Budget Management

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 107,479.75 202,000.00 - - 154,739.88 2
Jr. Manager - 85,000.00 - - - 85,000.00 1
Sr. Supervisor - 98,735.00 - - - 98,735.00 1
Jr. Supervisor - 41,541.00 - - - 41,541.00 1
Sr. Professional/Technical - 28,222.00 45,000.00 - - 36,611.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Sr. Rank-and-File - 20,500.00 35,000.00 60,739.00 - 38,746.33 3
Jr. Rank-and-File - 20,000.00 - - - 20,000.00 1
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 40
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - 950,237.49 - - - 950,237.49 1
Executive/SVP - 336,911.24 - - - 336,911.24 1
Executive/VP - 209,704.46 218,332.77 253,125.00 - 227,054.08 3
Executive/AVP - 105,040.01 149,900.00 - - 127,470.01 2
Sr. Manager 32,000.00 65,050.23 76,402.00 85,939.07 127,038.56 75,642.99 10
Jr. Manager 23,430.00 50,700.00 60,000.00 75,209.89 108,000.00 63,467.98 5
Sr. Supervisor 21,004.00 28,700.00 47,030.57 50,079.89 173,295.00 52,194.40 10
Jr. Supervisor - 34,320.00 36,497.37 37,292.14 - 36,036.50 3
Sr. Professional/Technical - 31,524.35 32,039.56 38,000.00 - 33,854.64 3
Jr. Professional/Technical 19,379.01 21,055.00 21,903.92 23,000.00 26,450.00 22,357.59 5
Sr. Rank-and-File 12,500.00 16,602.00 23,800.00 29,383.67 35,800.00 22,807.19 9
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,000.00 14,006.75 16,000.00 23,252.00 38,707.50 18,912.70 8
Entry Level - 9,338.00 15,912.00 21,000.00 - 15,416.67 3

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 41
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline FINANCE
Credit and Collection

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - 518,339.80 - - - 518,339.80 1
Executive/VP - 140,000.00 222,137.27 - - 181,068.64 2
Executive/AVP - 120,985.88 - - - 120,985.88 1
Sr. Manager 30,800.00 35,900.00 88,800.00 104,394.28 133,638.86 78,647.59 7
Jr. Manager 40,000.00 50,000.00 56,100.00 94,724.44 - 60,206.11 4
Sr. Supervisor 24,000.00 25,411.50 32,200.00 55,975.05 65,226.53 41,418.90 7
Jr. Supervisor 18,000.00 24,500.00 28,500.00 36,161.49 43,350.23 30,102.34 5
Sr. Professional/Technical - 29,510.48 31,538.68 38,000.00 - 33,016.39 3
Jr. Professional/Technical 22,000.00 22,283.00 22,579.65 25,000.00 35,059.26 25,384.38 5
Sr. Rank-and-File 13,333.00 17,190.53 19,299.00 21,500.00 26,900.00 19,306.96 11
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,173.00 14,850.00 17,000.00 19,000.00 22,000.00 16,647.38 8
Entry Level - 16,000.00 16,600.00 16,720.00 - 16,440.00 3

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 42
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline HUMAN RESOURCES
HR Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - 632,029.50 - - - 632,029.50 1
Executive/VP - 125,000.00 250,000.00 - - 187,500.00 2
Executive/AVP - 78,080.00 101,887.20 130,000.00 - 103,322.40 3
Sr. Manager 42,000.00 63,000.00 80,000.00 160,000.00 230,000.00 110,618.59 13
Jr. Manager 40,000.00 50,000.00 107,502.45 148,700.00 226,099.50 107,152.08 10
Sr. Supervisor 25,000.00 39,358.95 57,000.00 77,656.72 100,000.00 57,512.99 9
Jr. Supervisor 16,500.00 24,000.00 27,900.00 40,000.00 47,000.00 30,184.30 10
Sr. Professional/Technical - 30,000.00 - - - 30,000.00 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 19,000.00 22,000.00 35,000.00 41,702.00 68,600.00 35,155.46 6
Sr. Rank-and-File 14,000.00 17,253.95 21,840.00 35,000.00 37,242.00 24,288.67 12
Jr. Rank-and-File 15,430.75 16,000.00 18,800.00 27,500.00 33,515.80 21,115.51 11
Entry Level 10,719.00 14,006.75 18,000.00 21,737.28 22,500.00 17,392.61 5

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 43
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By Functional Discipline HUMAN RESOURCES
Recruitment/Talent Acquisition

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 156,883.54 - - - 156,883.54 1
Sr. Manager 64,000.00 80,488.13 173,000.00 224,477.72 - 135,491.46 4
Jr. Manager 25,000.00 60,490.00 107,502.45 279,064.08 - 118,014.13 4
Sr. Supervisor 20,500.00 54,533.19 86,729.15 90,000.00 - 62,940.58 4
Jr. Supervisor 18,662.00 20,000.00 25,864.78 43,500.00 53,562.50 30,931.55 6
Sr. Professional/Technical - 37,855.13 105,000.00 - - 71,427.57 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 21,962.00 30,000.00 55,950.65 - 35,970.88 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 16,667.00 17,000.00 25,000.00 32,573.30 40,000.00 25,148.69 9
Jr. Rank-and-File 9,919.00 14,053.49 16,000.00 18,500.00 - 14,618.12 4
Entry Level - 9,919.00 21,737.28 - - 15,828.14 2

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 44
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By Functional Discipline HUMAN RESOURCES
Compensation and Benefits

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 95,000.00 98,034.83 - - 96,517.42 2
Jr. Manager 26,427.54 43,000.00 66,490.00 75,366.85 95,000.00 61,256.88 5
Sr. Supervisor 20,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 44,834.00 98,000.00 43,566.80 5
Jr. Supervisor 21,773.00 30,997.16 36,037.50 45,810.58 - 33,654.56 4
Sr. Professional/Technical - 50,000.00 - - - 50,000.00 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 18,000.00 19,000.00 27,000.00 63,000.00 - 31,750.00 4
Sr. Rank-and-File 13,160.33 14,902.65 16,733.00 17,000.00 17,325.50 15,803.58 6
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,500.00 18,000.00 22,000.00 23,224.53 - 18,681.13 4
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 45
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline HUMAN RESOURCES
Organization Development

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 40,000.00 95,000.00 115,028.00 - 83,342.67 3
Jr. Manager - 65,000.00 68,900.00 108,000.00 - 80,633.33 3
Sr. Supervisor - 30,000.00 - - - 30,000.00 1
Jr. Supervisor - 25,000.00 26,630.00 - - 25,815.00 2
Sr. Professional/Technical - 36,753.15 - - - 36,753.15 1
Jr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Sr. Rank-and-File - 15,498.00 17,000.00 - - 16,249.00 2
Jr. Rank-and-File - - - - - - -
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 46
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By Functional Discipline HUMAN RESOURCES
Training and Development

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 40,000.00 92,290.74 224,477.72 - 118,922.82 3
Jr. Manager 30,000.00 55,000.00 64,000.00 107,502.45 372,750.00 114,875.41 6
Sr. Supervisor 20,000.00 31,956.60 55,402.85 64,500.00 150,000.00 62,341.81 7
Jr. Supervisor 14,000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 45,254.00 - 26,063.50 4
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - 49,000.00 - - - 49,000.00 1
Sr. Rank-and-File - 12,500.00 17,000.00 32,573.30 - 20,691.10 3
Jr. Rank-and-File - 15,150.36 18,000.00 20,600.00 - 17,916.79 3
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 47
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline HUMAN RESOURCES
Employee/Labor Relations

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - - - - - - -
Jr. Manager - 86,932.00 - - - 86,932.00 1
Sr. Supervisor - 18,000.00 62,433.44 135,000.00 - 71,811.15 3
Jr. Supervisor - 20,000.00 27,501.00 - - 23,750.50 2
Sr. Professional/Technical - 19,600.00 23,500.00 - - 21,550.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 19,962.00 20,490.00 30,000.00 - 23,484.00 3
Sr. Rank-and-File - - - - - - -
Jr. Rank-and-File - 11,800.00 15,000.00 - - 13,400.00 2
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 48
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By Functional Discipline ADMINISTRATION
Administrative Services

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 82,000.00 - - - 82,000.00 1
Sr. Manager 30,000.00 60,000.00 65,000.00 136,779.00 224,477.72 95,447.32 7
Jr. Manager 25,000.00 33,632.64 50,754.06 62,000.00 107,502.45 55,555.59 7
Sr. Supervisor 17,000.00 24,712.00 41,318.17 54,533.19 62,306.24 39,842.37 7
Jr. Supervisor 12,500.00 16,000.00 27,000.00 29,000.00 41,800.00 25,216.67 6
Sr. Professional/Technical - 26,174.00 29,000.00 65,700.00 - 40,291.33 3
Jr. Professional/Technical 20,490.00 21,000.00 24,224.93 26,000.00 - 22,928.73 4
Sr. Rank-and-File 13,000.00 16,947.40 20,000.00 30,000.00 38,242.00 23,032.63 11
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,700.00 14,472.00 17,742.00 22,000.00 34,527.00 19,893.43 22
Entry Level 9,367.67 12,000.00 15,000.00 16,300.00 21,737.28 14,793.05 6

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 49
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By Functional Discipline ADMINISTRATION
Transport/Fleet Operations

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 95,000.00 109,711.73 - - 102,355.87 2
Jr. Manager - 35,000.00 50,000.00 65,000.00 - 50,000.00 3
Sr. Supervisor - 44,212.71 68,600.00 - - 56,406.36 2
Jr. Supervisor - 27,491.09 47,500.00 - - 37,495.55 2
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - 17,961.92 - - - 17,961.92 1
Sr. Rank-and-File 15,450.00 18,500.00 27,334.38 35,000.00 39,806.00 27,218.08 5
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,091.00 17,008.33 17,787.90 18,316.67 20,933.33 17,027.45 5
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 50
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IT Development

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 342,965.41 - - - 342,965.41 1
Executive/AVP 65,712.00 70,000.00 120,000.00 145,830.92 - 100,385.73 4
Sr. Manager 59,600.00 65,000.00 109,957.79 173,000.00 264,000.00 125,328.54 7
Jr. Manager 38,848.00 57,000.00 78,446.50 92,869.61 336,013.78 104,820.46 8
Sr. Supervisor 36,300.00 70,556.00 71,062.75 72,114.86 - 62,508.40 4
Jr. Supervisor 25,500.00 43,000.00 57,073.23 57,341.63 - 45,728.72 4
Sr. Professional/Technical 22,580.00 25,000.00 73,161.14 121,236.02 139,332.58 70,896.47 6
Jr. Professional/Technical 18,500.00 36,093.74 58,500.00 78,000.00 83,194.93 57,426.81 7
Sr. Rank-and-File 30,706.86 34,492.00 48,112.00 61,895.37 69,742.00 48,989.65 5
Jr. Rank-and-File - 23,786.00 30,000.00 - - 26,893.00 2
Entry Level - 12,000.00 - - - 12,000.00 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 51
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Application Development

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 87,000.00 173,000.00 - - 130,000.00 2
Jr. Manager - 85,000.00 - - - 85,000.00 1
Sr. Supervisor - 36,300.00 40,000.00 - - 38,150.00 2
Jr. Supervisor - 25,500.00 77,500.00 - - 51,500.00 2
Sr. Professional/Technical - 25,000.00 68,800.00 - - 46,900.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical 14,253.00 18,000.00 20,000.00 21,000.00 70,000.00 28,650.60 5
Sr. Rank-and-File - - - - - - -
Jr. Rank-and-File - 30,000.00 55,300.00 - - 42,650.00 2
Entry Level - 25,000.00 - - - 25,000.00 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 52
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Internet/Web Application Development

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - - - - - - -
Jr. Manager - - - - - - -
Sr. Supervisor - 97,742.00 97,971.66 - - 97,856.83 2
Jr. Supervisor - - - - - - -
Sr. Professional/Technical - 60,000.00 75,000.00 90,000.00 - 75,000.00 3
Jr. Professional/Technical - 36,600.00 63,781.92 - - 50,190.96 2
Sr. Rank-and-File - 37,000.00 37,742.00 45,000.00 - 39,914.00 3
Jr. Rank-and-File - 20,000.00 21,166.70 30,000.00 - 23,722.23 3
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 53
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Business Systems Analysis

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 213,000.00 - - - 213,000.00 1
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 53,000.00 - - - 53,000.00 1
Jr. Manager - 110,000.00 143,482.00 - - 126,741.00 2
Sr. Supervisor 47,000.00 61,000.00 73,000.00 159,438.33 - 85,109.58 4
Jr. Supervisor - 18,025.00 36,000.00 37,520.00 - 30,515.00 3
Sr. Professional/Technical 15,038.00 20,000.00 41,986.42 91,300.00 101,978.68 50,179.76 8
Jr. Professional/Technical 12,000.00 18,000.00 29,900.00 80,310.67 110,000.00 48,440.47 11
Sr. Rank-and-File - 23,702.50 - - - 23,702.50 1
Jr. Rank-and-File - 24,400.00 30,000.00 - - 27,200.00 2
Entry Level - 20,000.00 - - - 20,000.00 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 54
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IT Architecture

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 125,000.00 160,000.00 - - 142,500.00 2
Jr. Manager - 60,000.00 83,873.79 113,897.00 - 85,923.60 3
Sr. Supervisor - 40,000.00 - - - 40,000.00 1
Jr. Supervisor - - - - - - -
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Sr. Rank-and-File - 74,328.50 - - - 74,328.50 1
Jr. Rank-and-File - 50,864.00 - - - 50,864.00 1
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 55
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Systems Software Development

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 75,950.00 100,000.00 120,000.00 152,000.00 300,000.00 149,590.00 5
Jr. Manager - 47,000.00 66,500.00 102,266.67 - 71,922.22 3
Sr. Supervisor 25,750.00 55,000.00 64,400.00 95,000.00 103,742.00 68,778.40 5
Jr. Supervisor - 24,500.00 25,000.00 - - 24,750.00 2
Sr. Professional/Technical 15,656.00 30,000.00 54,000.00 83,000.00 90,000.00 54,212.00 8
Jr. Professional/Technical - 13,433.00 30,000.00 48,000.00 - 30,477.67 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 27,000.00 39,222.22 40,242.00 54,742.00 75,742.00 47,204.60 7
Jr. Rank-and-File - 26,062.50 35,000.00 - - 30,531.25 2
Entry Level - 20,200.00 44,800.00 - - 32,500.00 2

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 56
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Software Quality Assurance and Testing

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 97,000.00 111,742.00 147,687.00 - 118,809.67 3
Jr. Manager - 67,000.00 143,482.25 - - 105,241.13 2
Sr. Supervisor - 56,416.91 - - - 56,416.91 1
Jr. Supervisor - - - - - - -
Sr. Professional/Technical - 32,000.00 43,563.70 - - 37,781.85 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 37,000.00 38,856.29 55,762.42 - 43,872.90 3
Sr. Rank-and-File - 36,853.85 42,116.87 69,430.00 - 49,466.91 3
Jr. Rank-and-File 18,186.00 23,333.33 30,000.00 37,691.00 - 27,302.58 4
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 57
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Network Control/Administration

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 112,324.78 - - - 112,324.78 1
Sr. Manager - 50,000.00 - - - 50,000.00 1
Jr. Manager - 205,342.13 - - - 205,342.13 1
Sr. Supervisor - 35,000.00 52,500.00 80,000.00 - 55,833.33 3
Jr. Supervisor - - - - - - -
Sr. Professional/Technical - 25,000.00 30,000.00 101,485.99 - 52,162.00 3
Jr. Professional/Technical - 17,000.00 34,996.05 43,978.16 - 31,991.41 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 22,368.72 23,000.00 28,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 29,673.74 5
Jr. Rank-and-File 15,000.00 18,120.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 - 22,030.00 4
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 58
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IT Security

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 101,653.64 - - - 101,653.64 1
Jr. Manager - 80,000.00 249,820.00 - - 164,910.00 2
Sr. Supervisor - 40,000.00 105,000.00 - - 72,500.00 2
Jr. Supervisor - 67,500.00 - - - 67,500.00 1
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical 23,562.21 38,600.00 63,158.79 72,480.74 75,708.71 52,985.08 6
Sr. Rank-and-File - 18,360.00 20,096.72 52,500.00 - 30,318.91 3
Jr. Rank-and-File - 13,100.00 35,000.00 - - 24,050.00 2
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 59
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IT Help Desk Support

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - - - - - - -
Jr. Manager - 47,500.00 - - - 47,500.00 1
Sr. Supervisor 32,000.00 43,600.00 70,286.00 108,000.00 114,500.00 71,253.07 6
Jr. Supervisor - 24,200.00 88,455.78 - - 56,327.89 2
Sr. Professional/Technical 17,000.00 21,900.07 34,900.00 54,160.59 - 31,990.17 3
Jr. Professional/Technical 22,440.00 29,000.00 37,357.78 37,834.43 51,876.76 35,701.79 5
Sr. Rank-and-File 14,599.00 16,000.00 24,000.00 32,490.00 35,000.00 22,812.52 9
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,424.00 14,000.00 20,000.00 26,000.00 67,110.00 23,108.79 10
Entry Level - 19,500.00 - - - 19,500.00 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 60
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By Functional Discipline SUPPLY CHAIN
Supply Chain Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 39,809.00 80,000.00 115,000.00 127,200.00 335,000.00 132,794.19 6
Jr. Manager 77,240.74 80,000.00 84,700.00 91,300.00 - 83,310.19 4
Sr. Supervisor - 45,931.32 - - - 45,931.32 1
Jr. Supervisor - 32,195.12 - - - 32,195.12 1
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Sr. Rank-and-File - 21,000.00 24,000.00 - - 22,500.00 2
Jr. Rank-and-File - 20,000.00 - - - 20,000.00 1
Entry Level - 16,000.00 - - - 16,000.00 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 61
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By Functional Discipline SUPPLY CHAIN

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 73,200.00 95,000.00 - - 84,100.00 2
Jr. Manager - 50,000.00 72,760.00 149,800.00 - 90,853.33 3
Sr. Supervisor - 19,050.00 30,000.00 44,252.35 - 31,100.78 3
Jr. Supervisor - 17,722.00 28,700.00 79,300.00 - 41,907.33 3
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - 20,000.00 27,000.00 60,000.00 - 35,666.67 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 18,800.00 23,000.00 28,533.12 47,500.00 - 29,458.28 4
Jr. Rank-and-File 12,800.00 14,408.81 18,075.25 20,000.00 29,129.36 18,347.93 8
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 62
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline SUPPLY CHAIN
Purchasing Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 180,344.24 - - - 180,344.24 1
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 60,000.00 65,000.00 78,000.00 159,031.00 - 90,507.75 4
Jr. Manager - 35,500.00 40,000.00 120,000.00 - 65,166.67 3
Sr. Supervisor 22,514.00 30,000.00 32,500.00 52,500.00 52,500.00 35,502.80 5
Jr. Supervisor 27,677.78 29,400.00 30,834.00 47,106.47 - 33,754.56 4
Sr. Professional/Technical - 17,750.00 - - - 17,750.00 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 16,500.00 19,500.00 30,600.00 40,000.00 44,800.00 29,914.29 7
Sr. Rank-and-File 12,650.00 14,993.00 30,000.00 35,800.00 42,150.00 25,432.17 6
Jr. Rank-and-File 11,500.00 12,500.00 18,000.00 25,000.00 25,227.50 17,818.72 8
Entry Level - 14,388.90 22,500.00 37,400.00 - 24,762.97 3

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 63
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By Functional Discipline SUPPLY CHAIN
Technical Purchasing

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - - - - - - -
Jr. Manager - 105,000.00 123,360.43 - - 114,180.21 2
Sr. Supervisor - 38,200.00 45,804.84 81,461.00 - 55,155.28 3
Jr. Supervisor - 33,944.24 78,700.00 - - 56,322.12 2
Sr. Professional/Technical - 41,288.47 53,400.00 - - 47,344.23 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 40,100.00 - - - 40,100.00 1
Sr. Rank-and-File - 31,856.78 - - - 31,856.78 1
Jr. Rank-and-File - 18,045.50 - - - 18,045.50 1
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 64
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By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Sales and Marketing Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 120,000.00 144,000.00 - - 132,000.00 2
Sr. Manager 30,900.00 60,000.00 95,000.00 174,058.00 245,800.00 104,380.70 9
Jr. Manager 31,358.91 40,000.00 62,000.00 68,000.00 70,278.00 55,272.82 6
Sr. Supervisor 18,000.00 44,353.51 50,000.00 60,210.00 - 43,140.88 4
Jr. Supervisor 16,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 43,000.00 47,000.00 32,666.16 7
Sr. Professional/Technical - 35,000.00 - - - 35,000.00 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 15,000.00 20,000.00 33,000.00 34,900.00 - 25,725.00 4
Sr. Rank-and-File 11,936.00 19,809.62 30,000.00 36,000.00 56,200.00 29,919.86 10
Jr. Rank-and-File 9,500.00 19,800.00 20,000.00 27,000.00 28,500.00 20,960.00 5
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 65
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By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Marketing Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 69,000.00 109,725.00 128,000.00 - 102,241.67 3
Jr. Manager 40,000.00 57,450.00 67,200.00 80,000.00 85,000.00 65,930.00 5
Sr. Supervisor - 48,900.00 - - - 48,900.00 1
Jr. Supervisor - 25,274.00 29,000.00 33,000.00 - 29,091.33 3
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - 20,430.75 31,000.00 35,000.00 - 28,810.25 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 18,304.00 18,600.00 19,962.00 25,000.00 - 20,466.50 4
Jr. Rank-and-File 16,425.00 18,000.00 22,500.00 23,000.00 25,000.00 20,621.24 6
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 66
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By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Marketing Communications

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 90,000.00 185,000.00 - - 137,500.00 2
Jr. Manager - 53,000.00 59,000.00 - - 56,000.00 2
Sr. Supervisor - 45,000.00 - - - 45,000.00 1
Jr. Supervisor - 32,000.00 35,000.00 35,936.22 - 34,312.07 3
Sr. Professional/Technical - 40,000.00 70,000.00 - - 55,000.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 26,520.00 - - - 26,520.00 1
Sr. Rank-and-File 20,000.00 23,363.90 32,000.00 35,000.00 - 27,590.98 4
Jr. Rank-and-File - 17,000.00 18,000.00 - - 17,500.00 2
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 67
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By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Brand Marketing

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 95,000.00 117,000.00 - - 106,000.00 2
Jr. Manager 35,000.00 60,000.00 67,001.25 157,000.00 - 79,750.31 4
Sr. Supervisor - 42,400.00 62,500.00 90,000.00 - 64,966.67 3
Jr. Supervisor 17,000.00 28,700.00 50,000.00 80,000.00 90,000.00 51,690.84 6
Sr. Professional/Technical - 17,828.92 - - - 17,828.92 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 15,287.84 23,690.00 23,750.00 52,000.00 - 28,681.96 4
Sr. Rank-and-File 17,160.00 19,472.98 19,700.00 40,000.00 - 24,083.25 4
Jr. Rank-and-File - 17,119.61 18,600.00 22,700.00 - 19,473.20 3
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 68
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Sales Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - 738,744.30 - - - 738,744.30 1
Executive/SVP - 375,000.00 436,101.00 - - 405,550.50 2
Executive/VP 154,046.92 184,696.88 261,353.04 266,738.14 421,156.83 251,145.40 6
Executive/AVP 40,000.00 122,644.30 154,401.75 157,267.40 343,000.00 161,145.79 6
Sr. Manager 20,000.00 80,000.00 115,000.00 150,000.00 208,075.25 114,615.05 5
Jr. Manager 21,368.73 35,000.00 59,400.00 80,000.00 105,000.00 59,294.79 6
Sr. Supervisor - 24,000.00 46,600.00 70,000.00 - 46,866.67 3
Jr. Supervisor 26,900.12 28,100.00 45,000.00 48,000.00 - 37,000.03 4
Sr. Professional/Technical - 26,000.00 32,500.00 - - 29,250.00 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 22,077.42 23,000.00 - - 22,538.71 2
Sr. Rank-and-File - 18,756.25 20,000.00 - - 19,378.13 2
Jr. Rank-and-File 12,500.00 20,476.78 23,000.00 27,500.00 - 20,869.20 4
Entry Level - 15,000.00 - - - 15,000.00 1

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 69
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By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Channel Sales

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - 423,416.96 510,416.66 - - 466,916.81 2
Executive/VP 155,000.00 160,000.00 187,257.41 337,938.77 - 210,049.05 4
Executive/AVP - 152,740.49 156,279.65 - - 154,510.07 2
Sr. Manager 63,000.00 88,718.06 102,313.93 103,138.19 104,977.35 93,079.28 6
Jr. Manager 35,000.00 72,777.67 79,147.55 90,051.56 - 69,244.20 4
Sr. Supervisor 26,300.00 34,750.00 58,530.82 67,952.82 99,495.41 57,217.20 8
Jr. Supervisor 25,000.00 46,354.66 46,965.06 50,356.89 56,914.00 45,118.12 5
Sr. Professional/Technical - 24,685.13 25,719.28 - - 25,202.21 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 19,041.68 19,631.01 - - 19,336.35 2
Sr. Rank-and-File - 23,691.40 - - - 23,691.40 1
Jr. Rank-and-File - 11,800.00 16,167.50 - - 13,983.75 2
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 70
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Channel Sales

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - 423,416.96 510,416.66 - - 466,916.81 2
Executive/VP 155,000.00 160,000.00 187,257.41 337,938.77 - 210,049.05 4
Executive/AVP - 152,740.49 156,279.65 - - 154,510.07 2
Sr. Manager 63,000.00 88,718.06 102,313.93 103,138.19 104,977.35 93,079.28 6
Jr. Manager 35,000.00 72,777.67 79,147.55 90,051.56 - 69,244.20 4
Sr. Supervisor 26,300.00 34,750.00 58,530.82 67,952.82 99,495.41 57,217.20 8
Jr. Supervisor 25,000.00 46,354.66 46,965.06 50,356.89 56,914.00 45,118.12 5
Sr. Professional/Technical - 24,685.13 25,719.28 - - 25,202.21 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 19,041.68 19,631.01 - - 19,336.35 2
Sr. Rank-and-File - 23,691.40 - - - 23,691.40 1
Jr. Rank-and-File - 11,800.00 16,167.50 - - 13,983.75 2
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 71
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By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Direct Sales

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 165,887.61 - - - 165,887.61 1
Executive/AVP - 132,237.41 - - - 132,237.41 1
Sr. Manager 18,795.00 55,000.00 85,000.00 103,804.75 - 65,649.94 4
Jr. Manager 28,000.00 30,000.00 76,500.00 80,263.24 83,757.40 56,420.11 6
Sr. Supervisor 22,000.00 25,000.00 56,567.34 56,956.51 63,367.08 44,778.19 5
Jr. Supervisor 13,731.00 35,337.71 42,318.03 47,710.82 51,471.63 38,113.84 5
Sr. Professional/Technical 26,435.00 28,000.00 30,000.00 36,000.00 - 30,108.75 4
Jr. Professional/Technical - 25,000.00 - - - 25,000.00 1
Sr. Rank-and-File 10,941.00 11,838.00 16,500.00 16,542.75 18,700.00 14,597.29 6
Jr. Rank-and-File 10,529.00 11,661.00 16,000.00 17,200.00 - 13,847.50 4
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 72
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By Functional Discipline SALES AND MARKETING
Sales Support and Administration

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - 196,100.00 216,315.00 - - 206,207.50 2
Executive/AVP - 105,672.03 133,125.00 160,425.00 - 133,074.01 3
Sr. Manager 75,000.00 80,300.00 93,154.73 105,588.20 133,151.53 94,411.89 13
Jr. Manager 36,000.00 40,000.00 69,985.81 82,287.48 101,146.00 62,303.22 6
Sr. Supervisor 20,000.00 32,300.00 56,779.57 65,000.00 80,000.00 50,074.63 9
Jr. Supervisor 24,500.00 27,000.00 38,500.00 45,199.65 53,840.70 37,876.67 11
Sr. Professional/Technical 20,400.90 22,519.75 24,462.10 35,822.40 60,000.00 30,879.41 7
Jr. Professional/Technical 11,200.00 21,113.35 23,672.87 37,595.00 50,000.00 27,155.10 12
Sr. Rank-and-File 15,800.00 17,645.94 18,800.00 20,500.00 31,374.38 20,366.33 19
Jr. Rank-and-File 14,682.23 15,000.75 15,873.66 16,011.43 24,000.00 16,135.88 14
Entry Level 11,500.00 12,656.51 13,670.25 14,060.97 15,879.26 13,423.18 10

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 73
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
Manufacturing/Operations Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 105,000.00 - - - 105,000.00 1
Sr. Manager - 250,000.00 280,000.00 - - 265,000.00 2
Jr. Manager 79,001.50 97,200.00 116,900.00 152,213.41 159,225.00 119,148.88 9
Sr. Supervisor 50,000.00 54,403.25 60,000.00 73,400.00 79,001.50 62,361.70 7
Jr. Supervisor 25,476.00 32,831.25 36,000.00 51,900.00 64,800.00 40,862.74 6
Sr. Professional/Technical - 30,916.73 - - - 30,916.73 1
Jr. Professional/Technical 35,000.00 40,000.00 49,212.21 57,800.00 - 45,503.05 4
Sr. Rank-and-File 22,631.75 25,942.67 42,800.00 50,300.00 60,000.00 39,368.13 19
Jr. Rank-and-File 12,220.00 19,450.29 27,331.19 40,900.00 41,600.00 29,205.96 13
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 74
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Production Planning and Control

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 45,000.00 72,000.00 94,600.00 107,175.91 153,287.98 94,412.78 5
Jr. Manager - 65,873.72 101,947.88 - - 83,910.80 2
Sr. Supervisor - 63,199.77 69,000.00 83,600.00 - 71,933.26 3
Jr. Supervisor - 24,500.00 25,000.00 74,300.00 - 41,266.67 3
Sr. Professional/Technical - 40,737.50 60,000.00 60,675.00 - 53,804.17 3
Jr. Professional/Technical 16,700.00 19,139.00 41,500.00 49,000.00 - 31,584.75 4
Sr. Rank-and-File - 40,257.44 - - - 40,257.44 1
Jr. Rank-and-File - 11,908.00 20,251.90 30,743.65 - 20,967.85 3
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 75
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Production/Equipment Maintenance Operations

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 90,000.00 - - - 90,000.00 1
Jr. Manager - 39,000.00 - - - 39,000.00 1
Sr. Supervisor - 24,000.00 83,500.00 - - 53,750.00 2
Jr. Supervisor - - - - - - -
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - 14,700.00 22,750.00 56,800.00 - 31,416.67 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 15,000.00 18,000.00 43,700.00 62,600.00 - 34,825.00 4
Jr. Rank-and-File 10,100.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 49,900.00 - 23,750.00 4
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 76
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Research and Development

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager 50,000.00 53,650.00 55,000.00 65,000.00 120,000.00 68,730.00 5
Jr. Manager - 50,000.00 - - - 50,000.00 1
Sr. Supervisor - 25,000.00 39,100.00 - - 32,050.00 2
Jr. Supervisor - - - - - - -
Sr. Professional/Technical - - - - - - -
Jr. Professional/Technical - 25,000.00 25,250.00 - - 25,125.00 2
Sr. Rank-and-File - 15,000.00 20,161.90 25,000.00 - 20,053.97 3
Jr. Rank-and-File - 11,500.00 20,250.00 30,000.00 - 20,583.33 3
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 77
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By Functional Discipline ENGINEERING
Engineering Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 40,000.00 135,000.00 - - 87,500.00 2
Sr. Manager 61,000.00 73,000.00 105,000.00 107,424.62 118,200.00 90,770.77 6
Jr. Manager 32,700.00 40,000.00 53,000.00 71,917.75 147,800.00 66,045.39 7
Sr. Supervisor 30,031.00 31,000.00 43,500.00 70,000.00 - 43,632.75 4
Jr. Supervisor - 26,600.00 26,833.33 39,000.00 - 30,811.11 3
Sr. Professional/Technical - 51,000.00 79,600.00 86,700.00 - 72,433.33 3
Jr. Professional/Technical 16,800.00 24,960.00 25,700.00 26,500.00 57,800.00 29,460.00 6
Sr. Rank-and-File - 21,500.00 29,000.00 30,765.00 - 27,088.33 3
Jr. Rank-and-File - 17,000.00 - - - 17,000.00 1
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 78
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline ENGINEERING
Safety Engineering

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 88,005.33 - - - 88,005.33 1
Jr. Manager - 30,000.00 61,364.75 107,000.00 - 66,121.58 3
Sr. Supervisor - 35,000.00 60,930.57 146,087.66 - 80,672.74 3
Jr. Supervisor - 22,000.00 - - - 22,000.00 1
Sr. Professional/Technical - 49,079.02 - - - 49,079.02 1
Jr. Professional/Technical - 20,518.43 38,833.33 58,400.00 - 39,250.59 3
Sr. Rank-and-File - 35,130.00 - - - 35,130.00 1
Jr. Rank-and-File - 20,000.00 - - - 20,000.00 1
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 79
No part of this report may be reproduced or used for any purpose without the written approval of PMAP
By Functional Discipline ENGINEERING
Quality Assurance Engineering

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - - - - - - -
Sr. Manager - 61,500.00 95,000.00 146,300.00 - 100,933.33 3
Jr. Manager - 42,000.00 - - - 42,000.00 1
Sr. Supervisor - 30,000.00 - - - 30,000.00 1
Jr. Supervisor - 17,510.00 24,300.00 25,000.00 - 22,270.00 3
Sr. Professional/Technical 20,000.00 53,774.56 76,100.00 91,106.00 - 60,245.14 4
Jr. Professional/Technical - 19,800.00 21,717.77 67,500.00 - 36,339.26 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 11,845.00 16,000.00 19,500.00 30,000.00 - 19,336.25 4
Jr. Rank-and-File - 12,116.00 16,000.00 - - 14,058.00 2
Entry Level - - - - - - -

Copyright 2021 • People Management Association of the Philippines 2021 PMAP Salary and Benefits Survey 80
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Customer Support/Operations Generalist

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 69,006.00 - - - 69,006.00 1
Sr. Manager - 65,742.00 70,000.00 132,742.00 - 89,494.67 3
Jr. Manager - 72,800.00 75,000.00 80,950.72 - 76,250.24 3
Sr. Supervisor 32,742.00 38,742.00 45,742.00 49,900.00 79,742.00 46,763.60 10
Jr. Supervisor 16,500.00 26,800.00 36,242.00 53,090.35 53,090.35 34,074.87 5
Sr. Professional/Technical - 53,728.33 60,000.00 - - 56,864.17 2
Jr. Professional/Technical - 18,000.00 45,166.67 - - 31,583.33 2
Sr. Rank-and-File 14,000.00 23,242.00 30,000.00 35,075.33 41,242.00 29,455.78 18
Jr. Rank-and-File 18,000.00 20,000.00 20,992.00 24,575.33 38,135.15 22,749.97 13
Entry Level - 13,000.00 - - - 13,000.00 1

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Customer Service

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

CEO - - - - - - -
Executive/EVP - - - - - - -
Executive/SVP - - - - - - -
Executive/VP - - - - - - -
Executive/AVP - 96,000.00 - - - 96,000.00 1
Sr. Manager - 40,000.00 104,100.00 - - 72,050.00 2
Jr. Manager - 52,000.00 55,000.00 79,175.08 - 62,058.36 3
Sr. Supervisor 27,000.00 27,600.00 32,090.00 50,000.00 76,400.00 42,618.00 5
Jr. Supervisor - 23,390.00 33,000.00 40,800.00 - 32,396.67 3
Sr. Professional/Technical 16,700.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 58,800.00 - 41,375.00 4
Jr. Professional/Technical - 19,843.20 24,000.00 26,000.00 - 23,281.07 3
Sr. Rank-and-File 18,000.00 19,656.22 21,000.00 22,000.00 25,000.00 21,131.24 5
Jr. Rank-and-File 14,000.00 14,200.00 16,300.98 22,000.00 28,000.00 18,287.62 8
Entry Level - - - - - - -

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By Functional Discipline ACADEMIC – Teaching

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

College Dean - 80,000.00 158,352.91 - - 119,176.45 2

Assistant College Dean - 70,000.00 87,606.36 - - 78,803.18 2
Full Professor - 55,000.00 172,052.32 - - 113,526.16 2
Associate Professor - 49,000.00 125,660.82 - - 87,330.41 2
Assistant Professor - 41,000.00 71,524.09 - - 56,262.05 2
Instructor - 28,000.00 37,607.83 - - 56,262.05 2
Assistant Instructor - 26,048.31 - - - 26,048.31 1

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By Functional Discipline BLUE COLLAR – Construction Operations *

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

Foreman - 19,060.79 51,052.71 - - 35,056.75 2

Highly-Skilled III - 22,320.81 26,471.16 - - 24,395.99 2
Highly-Skilled II - - - - - - -
Highly-Skilled I 14,006.75 17,855.98 18,973.76 20,084.17 35,187.45 21,221.62 5
Skilled 10,890.00 11,542.91 14,440.80 22,648.00 36,000.00 17,867.63 24
Semi-Skilled - 10,500.00 15,750.00 29,786.06 - 18,678.69 3
Unskilled - 9,147.25 11,679.75 25,503.30 - 15,443.43 3

*Divisor of 314 was used in converting daily-paid to monthly-paid salaries

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By Functional Discipline BLUE COLLAR – Equipment Operation and Maintenance*

JOB LEVEL 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Observations

Foreman - 17,475.83 - - - 17,475.83 1

Highly-Skilled III - 15,561.72 63,300.00 - - 39,430.86 2
Highly-Skilled II - 20,200.00 - - - 20,200.00 1
Highly-Skilled I 14,006.75 15,099.23 16,782.53 18,000.00 49,200.00 20,853.93 7
Skilled - 16,116.00 - - - 16,116.00 1
Semi-Skilled - 9,792.45 16,100.00 - - 12,946.23 2
Unskilled - - - - - - -

*Divisor of 314 was used in converting daily-paid to monthly-paid salaries

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Compensation Practices
1. Granting of Salary Increase
1.1. Did your company grant a salary increase in 2020?

Grant of Salary Increase in 2020 Job Level Yes No Total

60% 40% Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 60% 40% 100%

45% 55% Rank-&-File – White Collar 45% 55% 100%

50% 50% Professional Technical 50% 50% 100%

45% 55% Supervisor 45% 55% 100%

41% 59% Manager 41% 59% 100%

47% 53% Executive 47% 53% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


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1.2. Did your company grant a salary increase in 2021?

Grant of Salary Increase in 2021 Job Level Yes No Total

50% 50% Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 50% 50% 100%

32% 68% Rank-&-File – White Collar 32% 68% 100%

35% 65% Professional Technical 35% 65% 100%

30% 70% Supervisor 30% 70% 100%

35% 65% Manager 35% 65% 100%

53% 47% Executive 53% 47% 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


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2. Percentage of Salary Increase

2.1. What was the actual percentage Job Level Average Percentage of Salary Increase
of salary increase that you
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 5%
implemented in 2020?
Rank-&-File – White Collar 7%
Professional Technical 7%
Supervisor 6%
Manager 7%
Executive 6%

2.2. What was the actual percentage Job Level Average Percentage of Salary Increase
of salary increase that you
implemented in 2021? Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 5%
Rank-&-File – White Collar 6%
Professional Technical 7%
Supervisor 6%
Manager 6%
Executive 5%

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3. Implementation of Salary Increase
3.1. How was the salary increase administered or implemented in your company?

Implementation of Rank-&-File Rank-&-File Professional/ Supervisor Manager Executive

White Collar
Salary Increase Blue Collar Technical

Fixed Amount of Salary Increase

(Across-the-Board) 0% 4% 0% 3% 3% 5%
Fixed Percentage of Salary Increase
(Across-the-Board) 25% 12% 8% 7% 7% 10%
Varying Amount of Salary Increase
(Depending on Job Category/Level) 0% 8% 13% 10% 10% 5%
Varying Percentage of Salary Increase
(Depending on Job Category/Level) 0% 12% 17% 17% 17% 15%
Varying Percentage of Salary Increase
(Based on Individual Performance Rating) 75% 65% 63% 63% 62% 65%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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4. Reasons for Granting Salary Increase
4.1. What are the reasons for granting salary increase in 2020?

Reasons for Salary Rank-&-File Rank-&-File Professional/ Supervisor Manager Executive

White Collar
Increase Blue Collar Technical

CBA Increase
(Compliance with CBA) 0% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Minimum Wage Rate Increase
(Compliance with statutory mandate of
increasing the Minimum Wage Rate) 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Structural Salary Increase
(Alignment of salaries of employees with
external salary market) 20% 19% 20% 19% 19% 19%
Merit Rating/Annual Salary Review
(Grant of salary increase based on
employee’s performance) 20% 52% 55% 57% 57% 50%
Inflationary Increase
(To help employees cope with difficult
economic condition) 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 13%
Financial Performance
(Aligned with Achievement of
Business KRAs/KPIs) 20% 14% 15% 14% 14% 19%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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4.2. What are the reasons for granting salary increase in 2021?

Reasons for Salary Rank-&-File Rank-&-File Professional/ Supervisor Manager Executive

White Collar
Increase Blue Collar Technical

CBA Increase
(Compliance with CBA) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Minimum Wage Rate Increase
(Compliance with statutory mandate of
increasing the Minimum Wage Rate) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Structural Salary Increase
(Alignment of salaries of employees with
external salary market) 20% 11% 13% 19% 11% 0%
Merit Rating/Annual Salary Review
(Grant of salary increase based on
employee’s performance) 40% 63% 53% 57% 63% 69%
Inflationary Increase
(To help employees cope with difficult
economic condition) 20% 16% 20% 14% 16% 15%
Financial Performance
(Aligned with Achievement of
Business KRAs/KPIs) 20% 11% 13% 10% 11% 15%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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5. Reasons for Not Granting Salary Increase in 2020
5.1. What are the reasons for not granting a salary increase in 2020?

Reasons for Not Granting Rank-&-File Rank-&-File Professional/ Supervisor Manager Executive
White Collar
Salary Increase Blue Collar Technical

Due to covid 19 pandemic 25% 33% 33% 33% 31% 33%

Poor financial performance of
the Company 25% 28% 28% 28% 31% 33%
Difficult economic condition 50% 39% 39% 39% 38% 33%
Did not grant salary increase only
to non-performers 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Just implemented salary increase
in the previous year 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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6. Guaranteed Bonus
6.1. Do you provide other guaranteed bonus/bonuses aside from the mandatory 13th month pay?

6.1.1. If yes, how many additional guaranteed month/months do you provide?

Additional Guaranteed Rank-&-File Rank-&-File Professional/ Supervisor Manager Executive

White Collar
Bonus Blue Collar Technical

Guaranteed 14 months 50% 29% 24% 28% 28% 25%

Guaranteed 15 months 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Guaranteed 16 months 0% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
Total 50% 35% 29% 33% 33% 31%

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7. Performance-Based Bonus
7.1. Do you provide performance-based bonus?

Performance-Based Bonus Job Level Yes No Total

40% 60% Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 40% 60% 100%

35% 65% Rank-&-File – White Collar 35% 65% 100%

43% 57% Professional Technical 43% 57% 100%

33% 67%
Supervisor 33% 67% 100%

33% 67%
Manager 33% 67% 100%
32% 68%
Executive 32% 68% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


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7.2. If yes, please indicate the additional number of months of performance bonus you provide for each level of performance:

7.2.1. Outstanding/Exemplary Performance

Additional Performance - Rank-&-File Rank-&-File Professional/ Supervisor Manager Executive

White Collar
Based Bonus Blue Collar Technical

Additional One (1) Month 75% 50% 45% 46% 31% 33%
Additional Two (2) Months 0% 17% 27% 23% 31% 22%
Additional Three (3) Months 0% 17% 9% 15% 23% 22%
Additional Four (4) Months 0% 8% 9% 8% 8% 11%
Additional Five (5) Months 25% 8% 9% 8% 8% 11%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

7.2.2. Above Average Performance

Additional Performance - Rank-&-File Rank-&-File Professional/ Supervisor Manager Executive

White Collar
Based Bonus Blue Collar Technical

Additional One (1) Month 50% 25% 14% 25% 13% 0%

Additional Two (2) Months 0% 38% 43% 38% 25% 33%
Additional Three (3) Months 0% 13% 14% 13% 38% 33%
Additional Four (4) Months 50% 25% 29% 25% 25% 33%
Additional Five (5) Months 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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Survey on Practices DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC
1. Utilization of Leave Benefit Credits During the Pandemic in 2020

1.1. Has there been an increase in absenteeism rate of your employees during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020?

Level of Response Percentage

Yes 65%
No 35%
Total 100%

1.2. If yes, which leave benefits were highly utilized?

Level of Response Percentage

VL 4%
SL 16%
Combined VL & SL 80%

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2. Additional Leave Benefits that Companies Provided Related to COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020
2.1. Did your Company provide additional leave benefits to your employees during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020?

Level of Response Percentage

Yes 21%
No 79%
Total 100%

2.2. If yes, please indicate the total number of additional leave benefits provided to employees on top of existing VL and SL
during the covid-19 pandemic in 2020?

Additional Leave Benefits Percentage

Additional 5 days leave benefits 14%
Additional 6 to 10 days leave benefits 29%
Additional 11 to 15 days leave benefits 43%
Additional more than 16 days leave benefits 14%
Total 100%

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3. Enhanced Benefits Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic
3.1. Has your Company made and/or initiated changes and enhancements in your benefits program in relation to COVID-19 pandemic?

Changes & Enhancements

to Benefits Programs Percentage
Yes 87%
No 13%
Total 100%

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3.2. If yes, what benefit programs have you implemented or initiated changes and enhancements?

Additional Performance - Newly Suspended Retained Reduced Enhanced Repurposed* N/A Total
Based Bonus Introduced

Healthcare Benefits (Hospitalization due to

COVID-19 related sickness) 4% 0% 64% 0% 32% 0% 0% 100%
Medical Reimbursements
(For COVID-19 related sickness) 8% 0% 48% 0% 8% 4% 32% 100%
Well-Being Programs (Vitamins, Thermal
Scanner, Alcohol, Sanitizer, PPEs) 46% 0% 18% 0% 29% 0% 7% 100%
Mental Health Program (Providing budget
for counselling and coaching sessions.
Free access to online meditation apps &
mental health resources) 43% 0% 11% 0% 32% 0% 14% 100%
Sick Leave 0% 0% 92% 0% 0% 4% 4% 100%
Paid-Time Off or Vacation Programs 0% 0% 35% 0% 13% 4% 48% 100%
Paid Leaves on Top of SL/VL (To address
caregiving needs, childcare, elderly care or
COVID-related sickness experienced by a
family member) 20% 0% 28% 0% 8% 0% 44% 100%
Retirement Benefits 4% 0% 72% 0% 0% 0% 24% 100%
Life Insurance 0% 0% 82% 4% 7% 0% 7% 100%
Educational Assistance 0% 4% 21% 0% 8% 0% 67% 100%
Training and Development 0% 0% 54% 4% 42% 0% 0% 100%
Emergency Loans 0% 0% 42% 0% 13% 4% 42% 100%
Internet Allowance 38% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 54% 100%
Work-From-Home Allowance
(To cover cost of electricity) 16% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 84% 100%
Housing Allowance 9% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 87% 100%

*Repurposed Benefit - is a benefit that is introduced to address the needs of the current times in
replacement or in exchange for a particular benefit that is not deemed useful by the organization.

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3.3. How much is the allocated cost/budget provided by your Company for the following benefits per employee?

Average Allocated Cost/Budget Per

Benefits Program Employee (PhP Per Annum)

Healthcare Benefits (Hospitalization due to COVID-19 related sickness) 35,914.94

Medical Reimbursements (For COVID-19 related sickness) 7,107.14
Well-Being Programs (Vitamins, Thermal Scanner, Alcohol, Sanitizer, PPEs) 1,815.69
Mental Health Program (Providing budget for counselling and coaching sessions,
Free access to online meditation apps & mental health resources) 6,370.00
Training and Development 7,475.00
Emergency Loans 10,000.00
Internet Allowance 12,545.45
Work-From-Home Allowance (To cover cost of electricity) 7,866.67
Housing Allowance 11,500.00

*Repurposed Benefit - is a benefit that is introduced to address the needs of the current times in
replacement or in exchange for a particular benefit that is not deemed useful by the organization.

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4. Projected Impact on Benefits Cost for the Year 2022
4.1. With the COVID-19 situation in the Philippines, what impact do you expect will it have on annual benefits and related costs per
employee over the next year?

Benefit No impact < 25% <50% <75% >25% >50% >5% >100% Total

Health Care Benefits Costs 34% 24% 7% 0% 17% 7% 0% 10% 100%

Sick Leave Costs 58% 8% 8% 0% 12% 4% 0% 12% 100%
Disability Costs 78% 9% 0% 0% 13% 0% 0% 0% 100%

5. Likelihood of Revising the Organizations Health Care Program in 2022

5.1. What is the likelihood of your organization in terms of revising your health care strategy over the next year?

Likelihood of Revising Health Care Program in 2022 Percentage

Very Unlikely 6%
Unlikely 12%
Neutral 24%
Likely 45%
Very Likely 12%
Total 100%

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6. Work Arrangement During the COVID-19 Pandemic
6.1. What type of work arrangement did you implement during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Likelihood of Revising Health Care Program in 2022 Percentage

100% on-site/on-office type of work arrangement 3%

50% on-site/on-office and 50% work-from-home type of
work arrangement 26%
100% work-from-home type of work arrangement 9%
Skeletal on-site/on-office; The rest are work-from-home
type of work arrangement 62%
Total 100%

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7. Innovative Employee Engagement Program Implemented During the COVID-19 Pandemic
7.1. What innovative employee engagement program did you implement during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
7.1.1. Information campaigns on COVID 19, mental health and wellness
7.1.2. Hold-off deductions of loans and hospitalization fees
7.1.3. Mental health assistance
7.1.4. Survey on well-being of employees and their families
7.1.5. Financial assistance and COVID risk exposure allowance
7.1.6. Virtual town hall meetings
7.1.7. Online attendance links/apps
7.1.8. Additional leaves such as quarantine and vaccination leaves
7.1.9. Mentoring program
7.1.10. Online engagement activities such as virtual events and games
7.1.11. Webinars for improving professional and personal skills
7.1.12. Rewards and recognitions for exemplar employees during the pandemic
7.1.13. Meal allowance for virtual meetings
7.1.14. Social media contests
7.1.15. Free COVID testing
7.1.16. COVID 19 vaccination
7.1.17. Provision of welfare kits such as alcohol, masks and vitamins

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De Minimis Benefits
1. Medical Cash Allowance
Description of Benefit: Medical cash allowance to dependents of employees not exceeding PhP750.00 per employee per semester
or PhP 1,500.00 per semester. (RR 112018 – Under TRAIN Law)

1.1 Do you provide medical cash allowance? 1.2 If yes, please specify the amount.

Job Level Average Amount of Medical Cash

29% YES Allowance (PhP, Monthly)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 395.84
62% NO
Rank-&-File – White Collar 1,215.26
9% NO ANSWER Professional/Technical 1,451.37
Supervisor 1,215.26
Manager 1,215.26
Executive 1,472.20

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De Minimis Benefits
2. Rice Subsidy
Description of Benefit: Rice subsidy of PhP 2,000.00 or one (1) sack of 50 kg. rice per month. (RR 112018 – Under TRAIN Law)

2.1 Do you provide rice subsidy? 2.2 If yes, please specify the amount.

Job Level Average Amount of Rice Subsidy

59% YES (PhP, Monthly)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 1,384.29
32% NO
Rank-&-File – White Collar 1,593.64
9% NO ANSWER Professional/Technical 1,745.34
Supervisor 1,690.30
Manager 1,731.97
Executive 1,840.42

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De Minimis Benefits
3. Uniform and Clothing
Description of Benefit: Uniform and clothing allowance not exceeding PhP 6,000.00 per annum. (RR 112018 – Under TRAIN Law)

3.1 Do you provide uniform and clothing allowance? 3.2 If yes, please specify the amount.

Job Level Average Amount of of Uniform &

65% YES Clothing Allowance (PhP Annual)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 3,618.50
29% NO Rank-&-File – White Collar 3,618.50
Professional/Technical 3,768.87
Supervisor 4,135.17
Manager 4,243.12
Executive 4,310.23

3.3 When does the employee become eligible to the uniform and clothing allowance?


38% UPON

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De Minimis Benefits
4. Actual Medical Assistance
Description of Benefit: Actual medical assistance, e.g. medical allowance to cover medical and healthcare needs, annual medical/
executive check-up, maternity assistance and routine consultations, not exceeding PhP 10,000.00 per annum. (Revenue Regulation
No. 5-2011)

4.1 Do you provide actual medical assistance? 4.2 If yes, please specify the amount.

Job Level Average Amount of Actual Medical

32% YES Assistance (PhP, Annual)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 16,975.00
56% NO
Rank-&-File – White Collar 25,445.09
12% NO ANSWER Professional/Technical 25,445.09
Supervisor 31,836.00
Manager 52,363.27
Executive 96,375.00

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De Minimis Benefits
5. Laundry Allowance
Description of Benefit: Laundry allowance not exceeding PhP 300.00 per month.
(Revenue Regulation No. 5-2011)

5.1 Do you provide laundry allowance? 5.2 If yes, please specify the amount.

Job Level Average Amount of Laundry

24% YES Allowance (PhP, Monthly)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 300.00
68% NO
Rank-&-File – White Collar 328.57
9% NO ANSWER Professional/Technical 333.33
Supervisor 328.57
Manager 325.00
Executive 300.00

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De Minimis Benefits
6. Employees’ Achievement Awards
Definition of Benefit: Employees’ achievement awards, e.g., for length of service or safety achievement, which must be in the form
of a tangible personal property other than cash or gift certificate, with an annual monetary value not exceeding PhP 10,000.00
received by the employee under an established written plan which does not discriminate in favor of highly paid employees.
(Revenue Regulation No. 5-2011)

6.1 Do you provide employees achievement awards? 6.2 If yes, please specify the amount.

Job Level Average Amount of Employees’

56% YES Achievement Awards (PhP, Annum)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 3,767.06
32% NO
Rank-&-File – White Collar 3,767.06
12% NO ANSWER Professional/Technical 3,876.64
Supervisor 3,767.06
Manager 3,767.06
Executive 3,767.06

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De Minimis Benefits
7. Gifts
Definition of Benefit: Gifts given during Christmas and major anniversary celebrations not exceeding PhP 5,000.00 per employee
per annum. (Revenue Regulation No. 5-2011)

7.1 Do provide gifts during Christmas and 7.2 If yes, please specify the amount.
major anniversary celebration?
Job Level Average Amount of Gifts
(PhP, Annum)
85% YES
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 1,183.33
12% NO Rank-&-File – White Collar 2,504.55
Professional/Technical 2,366.67
Supervisor 2,504.55
Manager 2,504.55
Executive 2,550.00

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De Minimis Benefits
8. Daily Meal Allowance
Description of Benefit: Daily meal allowance for overtime work and night/graveyard shift not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of
the basic minimum wage on a per region basis. (Revenue Regulation No. 5-2011)

8.1 Do you provide daily meal allowance 8.2 If yes, please specify the amount.
(for OT work)?
Job Level Average Amount of Daily Meal
44% YES Allowance (PhP, Daily)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 100.09
47% NO
Rank-&-File – White Collar 100.09
9% NO ANSWER Professional/Technical -
Supervisor -
Manager -
Executive -

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Life Insurance
Description of Benefit: Lump sum amount of money given to the employee’s legal heir such as spouse and children or designated
beneficiary in case of employee’s death.

82% YES
1.1 Do you provide life insurance benefit?
15% NO


2.2 If yes, what is the amount of insurance coverage?

2.2.1 If amount is expressed in terms of fixed peso amount per rank or level:

Job Level Amount of Life Insurance Benefit

(Average PhP)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 293,333.33
Rank-&-File – White Collar 404,444.44
Professional/Technical 459,545.45
Supervisor 548,750.00
Manager 848,750.00
Executive 1,235,333.33

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Life Insurance
2.2.2 If amount is expressed in terms of multiple of annual salary:

Job Level Multiple of Annual Salary

(Average PhP)
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 1.00
Rank-&-File – White Collar 2.36
Professional/Technical 2.38
Supervisor 2.36
Manager 2.38
Executive 2.68

2.3 When does an employee become eligible

to the life insurance benefit?


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Healthcare Benefits
Description of Benefit: To provide professional medical assistance to employees in case of illness or injury to ensure the employee’s immediate
recovery from such illness or injury which come in the form of hospital confinement or outpatient.

1.1 Do you provide hospitalization 1.3 If HMO, what is the amount of your annual premium?
Job Level Average Amount of HMO Premium
(PhP Per Annum)
97% YES
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 7,454.03
0% NO Rank-&-File – White Collar 11,912.70
Professional/Technical 14,467.72
Supervisor 20,001.07
Manager 26,402.07
Executive 44,148.23

1.2 Types of Hospitalization Benefit 1.4 If HMO, do you have provision

for outpatient benefit?
82% HMO
38% NO

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Healthcare Benefits
Description of Benefit: To provide professional medical assistance to employees in case of illness or injury to ensure the employee’s immediate
recovery from such illness or injury which come in the form of hospital confinement or outpatient.

1.5 Do you cover employee’s dependent/s? 1.7 How do you implement the allocation of cost
for payment of the premium?

76% YES 80% 100% SHOULDERED

24% NO
• Note: Percentages may not total 100% due to multiple responses.

1.6 If yes, please define inclusion of qualified dependent/s 1.8 When does an employee become eligible
to the healthcare benefit?
Number of Dependents Covered Percentage
Limited to one (1) dependent 28%
Limited to two (2) dependents 4%
Limited to three (3) dependents 8% 64% UPON REGULARIZATION
Limited to four (4) dependents 8%
Limited to five (5) dependents 24%
No limit. All dependents are covered 28%
Total 100%

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Vacation Leave
Description of Benefit: To provide the employee an opportunity for a planned leave of absence with pay, with the view of being able to
temporarily dissociate himself/herself from the daily grind of work pressures and take the needed rest and relaxation.

1.1 Do you provide vacation leave benefit? 1.2 If yes, how many VL days do you provide?

Number of VL Days Percentage

5 VL days per year 6%
91% YES
6 VL days per year 0%
6% NO 7 VL days per year 0%
8 VL days per year 0%
9 VL days per year 0%
10 VL days per year 12%
11 VL days per year 0%
12 VL days per year 6%
13 VL days per year 0%
14 VL days per year 6%
15 VL days per year 59%
More than 15 VL days per year 12%
Total 100%

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Vacation Leave
1.3 Varying Number of VL Days per Year of Service 1.4 Varying Number of VL Days Based on Rank or Job Level

Number of VL Days Percentage Number of VL Days Percentage

5 Less than 1 year of service 9.40 Rank-&-File Blue Collar 5.00
1 year of service 12.50 Rank-&-File White Collar 6.92
2 to 5 years of service 13.61 Professional/Technical 6.80
6 to 10 years of service 15.89 Supervisor 8.33
11 to 15 years of service 17.22 Manager 10.17
16 to 20 years of service 18.22 Executive 12.67
21 to 25 years of service 19.00
More than 25 years 19.63

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Vacation Leave
1.5 Is cash conversion allowed? 1.7 Do you forfeit unused VL?

45% YES 71% YES

48% NO 29% NO


1.6 Is carry over of unused VL allowed? 1.6 When does an employee become
eligible to VL benefit?

48% YES
48% NO

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Sick Leave
Description of Benefit: To provide the employee an opportunity for paid leave of absence from work due to injury or illness.

1.1 Do you provide sick leave (SL) benefit? 1.2 If yes, how many SL days do you provide?

Number of VL Days Percentage

5 SL days per year 9%
94% YES
6 SL days per year 0%
0% NO 7 SL days per year 0%
8 SL days per year 0%
9 SL days per year 0%
10 SL days per year 22%
11 SL days per year 0%
12 SL days per year 4%
13 SL days per year 0%
14 SL days per year 0%
15 SL days per year 65%
More than 15 SL days per year 0%
Total 100%

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Sick Leave
1.3 Varying Number of SL Days per Year of Service 1.4 Varying Number of SL Days Based on Rank or Job Level

Number of VL Days Percentage Number of VL Days Percentage

Less than 1 year of service 7.00 Rank-&-File Blue Collar 8.3
1 year of service 11.75 Rank-&-File White Collar 8.3
2 to 5 years of service 12.94 Professional/Technical 8.5
6 to 10 years of service 15.75 Supervisor 9.6
11 to 15 years of service 17.00 Manager 12.4
16 to 20 years of service 17.75 Executive 13
21 to 25 years of service 18.50
More than 25 years 19.00

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Sick Leave
1.5 Is cash conversion allowed? 1.7 Do you forfeit unused SL?

81% YES 31% YES

16% NO 66% NO


1.6 Is carry over of unused SL allowed? 1.6 When does an employee become
eligible to SL benefit?

41% YES
53% NO

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Emergency Leave
Description of Benefit: Typically provided to employees in cases of “force majeure” or acts of God situations such as local and national
disasters and calamities.

1.1 Do you provide emergency 1.3 Is it chargeable to VL credits?

leave (EL) benefit?

62% YES 38% YES

29% NO 62% NO


1.2 If yes, how many number of EL do you provide per year? 1.4 When does an employee become
eligible to EL benefit?
Fixed Number of EL Days Percentage
One (1) Day 0%
Two (2) Days 5% 22% UPON HIRE
Three (3) Days 29%
78% UPON
Four (4) Days 5%
Five (5) Days 24%
More than Five (5) Days 19%
No Answer 19%
Total 100%

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Bereavement Leave
Description of Benefit: Typically provided to employees in case of death of immediate family member. Immediate family member
shall be defined as follows: 1) for married employees, immediate family members are the spouse and child/children; and 2) for single
employees, are the parents and siblings.

1.3 Is it chargeable to VL credits?

1.1 Do you provide bereavement
leave benefit?

74% YES 12% YES

21% NO 88% NO


1.2 If yes, how many number of BL do you provide per year? 1.4 When does an employee become
eligible to BL benefit?
Fixed Number of BL Days Percentage
One (1) Day 0%
Two (2) Days 8%
Three (3) Days 40% 64% UPON
Five (5) Days 28%
More than Five (5) Days 16% 4% NO ANSWER
No Answer 4%
Total 100%

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Other Leave Benefits
1.1 Do you provide other types of leave benefits 1.2 If yes, please indicate other types of leave benefit you
(Other than those enumerated above)? provide and the number of days.
Other Leave Benefits Average Number of Days
Volunteer Leave 1
Birthday Leave 1
65% YES Hall of Fame Leave 3
Marriage Leave 3
18% NO Personal Time 2
Calamity Leave 5
Regularization Employment (Anniversary Leave) 1
Hospitalization Leave 30
Quarantine Leave for Health Care Workers 14
Home Leave 6
Work Anniversary Leave 3
Union Leave 21
Vaccination Leave 2
Mental Health Leave 5
Study Leave 3
Sabbatical Leave 171.67
OT Offset Leave for Managers/Executives 1 day for every 8
hours of overtime

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Meal Allowance
Description of Benefit: Typically provided to employees to subsidize the cost of daily meal. This is differentiated from the OT meal
allowance which is typically provided to employees who have rendered overtime work.

1.1 Do you provide meal allowance? 1.3 When does an employee become
eligible to meal allowance benefit?

47% YES
47% NO
19% UPON


1.2 If yes, please indicate the amount of meal allowance for each category/job level.

Job Level Average Amount of Meal

Allowance (PhP, Daily)
Rank-&-File Blue Collar 59.44
Rank-&-File White Collar 77.67
Professional/Technical 78.74
Supervisor 78.74
Manager 269.98
Executive 297.12

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Transportation Allowance
Description of Benefit: Typically provided to employees to subsidize the cost of daily transportation

1.1 Do you provide transportation allowance? 1.3 When does an employee become
eligible to meal allowance benefit?

35% YES
59% NO

1.2 If yes, please indicate the amount of transportation allowance for each category/job level.

Job Level Average Amount of Meal

Allowance (PhP, Daily)
Rank-&-File Blue Collar 1,546.67
Rank-&-File White Collar 2,197.34
Professional/Technical 5,714.50
Supervisor 4,046.07
Manager 10,575.65
Executive 13,419.05

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Loan Program
Description of Benefit: Typically provided to employees in the form of various loan programs to enable the employees avail of ready
cash at a time they needed it most and at a reasonable interest rate.

1.1 Do you provide provide loan programs 1.3 Amount of Loan

to your employees?


38% NO

1.2 If yes, please indicate the loan program/s you extend to your employees: 1.4 Loan Limit (Multiple of Monthly Salary)

Housing Repair / Renovation 32%

Car 32%
Educational 47%
Emergency 74% SALARY
Livelihood Program 5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Note: Percentages do not total 100% due to multiple responses.

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Loan Program
1.5 Loan Limit (Fixed Amount)

PhP 5,000.00 - PhP 25,000.00 57%

PhP 26,000.00 - PhP 50,000.00 29%

PhP 51,000.00 - PhP 75,000.00 0%

PhP 76,000.00 - PhP 100,000.00 0%

More than PhP 100,000.00 14%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

1.6 Payment Terms

Six (6) months 16%

One (1) year 58%

Two (2) years 26%

Three (3) years 11%

Four (4) years 5%

Five (5) years 21%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

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Loan Program
1.7 Interest Rate

No Interest 68%

3% per annum 11%

4% per annum 0%

5% per annum 0%

6% per annum 0%

More than 6% per annum 11%

No answer 11%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

1.8 When does an employee become

eligible to loan program?
89% UPON


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Bereavement Assistance
Description of Benefit: Financial assistance typically granted in the event of employee’s death or death of employee’s immediate family
member. Immediate family member shall be defined as follows: 1) for married employees, immediate family members are the spouse
and child/children; 2) and for single employees, are the parents and siblings.

1.1 Do you provide bereavement assistance? 1.8 When does an employee become eligible to bereavement
assistance program?


18% NO 38% UPON


1.2 If yes, please indicate the amount:

Nature of Bereavement Average Amount (PhP)

Death of employee 13,750.00

Death of immediate family member 8,322.92

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Mobile Phone Allowance
Description of Benefit: Typically granted to support/subsidize the daily communication requirements of the employee in performing
official business functions.

1.1 Do you provide mobile phone allowance? 1.2 If yes, please indicate type of allowance you provide:

76% YES 31% CASH


• Note: Percentages may not total 100% due to multiple responses.

1.3 If cash, please specify the amount of mobile phone allowance:

Job Level Average Amount of Mobile Phone
Allowance (PhP Monthly)
Rank-&-File Blue Collar -
Rank-&-File White Collar 900.00
Professional/Technical 1,000.00
Supervisor 1,192.86
Manager 1,642.86
Executive 1,887.50

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Mobile Phone Allowance
1.4 If you provide actual mobile phone, please specify the mobile phone plan you provide per job category/level.
Job Level Average Amount of Mobile Phone
Allowance (PhP Monthly)
Rank-&-File Blue Collar 749.50
Rank-&-File White Collar 934.70
Professional/Technical 949.82
Supervisor 963.07
Manager 1,224.81
Executive 2,295.92

1.5 When does an employee become eligible to mobile phone allowance?


23% UPON

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Car Program
1. Car Allowance
Description of Benefit: A type of car program where a cash allowance is granted to the employee to take care of his daily
transportation needs. Companies which don’t typically provide company car or car plan are providing car allowance to take care of
the car amortization, gasoline, repairs and maintenance, insurance, registration, parking fee and all other inclusive costs that are
associated in maintaining a car.

1.1 Do you provide a car allowance? 1.3 When does an employee become
eligible to meal allowance benefit?
24% YES
68% NO
63% UPON

1.2 If yes, please specify the amount:

Job Level Average Amount of Car
Allowance (PhP, Monthly)
Professional/Technical -
Supervisor -
Manager 1,666.67
AVP 21,333.33

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Car Program
2. Car Plan
Description of Benefit: A type of car program wherein a car is provided to eligible employee and the cost of acquiring and
maintaining the car is shared by the employer and the employee at an agreed mode of sharing and period of payment.

2.1 Do you provide a car plan? 2.2 If yes, please specify the amount of Car Plan limit:

29% YES Job Level Average Amount of Car

Allowance (PhP, Monthly)
65% NO Professional/Technical -
6% NO ANSWER Supervisor -
Manager 850,000.00
AVP 1,100,000.00
VP 1,184,375.00
SVP 1,220,000.00
EVP 1,340,000.00
CEO 1,340,000.00

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Car Program
2.3 Percentage of Employer Share (Company Share) 2.4 Repayment Period

Average Percentage of Average Repayment

Job Level Employer Share Job Level Period
(Company Share) (Period In Years)
Professional/Technical - Professional/Technical -
Supervisor - Supervisor -
Manager 74% Manager 5.25
AVP 86% AVP 5.33
VP 95% VP 5.50
SVP 95% SVP 5.50
EVP 95% EVP 5.50
CEO 96% CEO 5.50

2.5 When does an employee become

eligible to to car plan program? 40% UPON HIRE

60% UPON

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Car Program
3. Company Car
Description of Benefit: A type of car program wherein a car is provided to employees who are typically managers and executives for
their daily transportation needs. The company typically shoulders all costs including gasoline, repairs and maintenance, insurance
and registration and other related costs that are necessary in running and maintaining the car.

2.1 Do you provide a company car program? 2.2 If yes, please specify the amount of Car Plan limit:

Job Level Average Amount of Car

26% YES Allowance (PhP, Monthly)
68% NO Professional/Technical -
Supervisor -
Manager 1,200,000.00
AVP 1,600,000.00
VP 1,600,000.00
SVP 1,600,000.00
2.3 When does an employee become eligible EVP 1,600,000.00
to company car program?
CEO 1,600,000.00


56% UPON

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Gasoline Allowance
Description of Benefit: Gasoline allowance is granted by Companies which don’t provide company car allowance, car plan or company
car. In lieu thereof, they provide gas allowance to defray the transportation cost of employees.

1.1 Do you provide gas allowance? 1.3 When does an employee become
eligible to gas allowance?

44% YES
41% NO
27% UPON


1.2 If yes, please indicate the amount of gas allowance you provide for each
category/job level:

Job Level Average Amount of Gas

Allowance (PhP, Monthly)
Professional/Technical 8,000.00
Supervisor 10,050.00
Manager 12,000.00
Executive 17,250.00

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Per Diem Allowance – Local Travel
Description of Benefit: Typically granted to employees who will perform official business functions outside of their office home base.
Example, if the employee’s office is based in NCR and he has to perform official business functions in any city/cities or province/
provinces outside NCR.
1.1 Do you provide per diem allowance for local business travel?
• Yes - the company provides per diem allowance for local business travel
• No (1) - the company provides reimbursement of actual expenses
• No (2) - the company provides transportation, meals and lodging facilities

Level Yes No (1) No (2) Total
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 56% 22% 22% 100%
Rank-&-File – White Collar 25% 33% 42% 100%
Professional/Technical 33% 46% 21% 100%
Supervisor 33% 48% 19% 100%
Manager 33% 48% 19% 100%
Executive 29% 50% 21% 100%

1.2 If yes, how much per diem allowance do you provide to your employees?

Average Amount of Per Diem (PhP Daily)

Job Level
Transportation Meal Hotel Miscellaneous
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 450.00 337.14 1,000.00 966.67
Rank-&-File – White Collar 600.00 448.13 1,325.00 966.67
Professional/Technical 600.00 495.00 1,450.00 1,200.00
Supervisor 600.00 463.75 1,450.00 1,050.00
Manager 658.60 786.53 2,075.00 1,050.00
Executive - 912.50 3,000.00 1,250.00

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Per Diem Allowance – Foreign Travel
Description of Benefit: Typically granted to employees who will perform official business functions in other countries.

1.1 Do you provide per diem allowance for foreign travel?

• Yes – the Company provides per diem allowance for local business travel.
• No – the Company provides reimbursement of actual expenses.

Job Level Yes No Total

Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 40% 60% 100%

Rank-&-File – White Collar 59% 41% 100%
Professional/Technical 40% 60% 100%
Supervisor 48% 52% 100%
Manager 48% 52% 100%
Executive 48% 52% 100%

1.2 If yes, how much per diem allowance do you provide to your employees?

Average Amount of Per Diem (US$ Daily)

Job Level
Transportation Meal Hotel Miscellaneous
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar - 27.50 - 121.00
Rank-&-File – White Collar 25.00 51.25 - 125.00
Professional/Technical 25.00 59.00 - 180.00
Supervisor 25.00 59.00 - 141.25
Manager 25.00 61.00 - 262.50
Executive 25.00 68.89 - 45.00

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Per Diem Allowance – Foreign Travel
Average Amount of Per Diem (US$ Daily)
Job Level
Transportation Meal Hotel Miscellaneous
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar - 32.50 - 125.00
Rank-&-File – White Collar 25.00 53.75 - 129.00
Professional/Technical 25.00 61.00 - 180.00
Supervisor 25.00 61.00 - 146.25
Manager 25.00 63.00 - 262.50
Executive 25.00 68.89 - 50.00

NEW ZEALAND Average Amount of Per Diem (US$ Daily)

Level Transportation Meal Hotel Miscellaneous
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar - 27.50 - 125.00
Rank-&-File – White Collar 25.00 59.00 - 129.00
Professional/Technical 25.00 51.25 - 180.00
Supervisor 25.00 59.00 - 146.25
Manager 25.00 61.00 - 262.50
Executive 25.00 68.89 - 50.00

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Per Diem Allowance – Foreign Travel
COUNTRIES Average Amount of Per Diem (US$ Daily)

Level Transportation Meal Hotel Miscellaneous
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar - 32.50 - 104.17
Rank-&-File – White Collar 52.50 59.79 - 107.50
Professional/Technical 25.00 53.75 - 180.00
Supervisor 25.00 54.79 - 117.00
Manager 52.50 61.46 - 262.50
Executive 25.00 65.11 - 42.50

(USA AND CANADA) Average Amount of Per Diem (US$ Daily)

Level Transportation Meal Hotel Miscellaneous
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar - 30.00 - 125.00
Rank-&-File – White Collar 25.00 60.00 - 129.00
Professional/Technical 25.00 52.50 - 180.00
Supervisor 25.00 60.00 - 146.25
Manager 25.00 62.00 - 262.50
Executive 25.00 68.89 - 50.00

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Per Diem Allowance – Foreign Travel

EUROPE Average Amount of Per Diem (US$ Daily)

Level Transportation Meal Hotel Miscellaneous
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar - 32.50 - 125.00
Rank-&-File – White Collar 25.00 61.00 - 129.00
Professional/Technical 25.00 53.75 - 180.00
Supervisor 25.00 61.00 - 146.25
Manager 25.00 63.00 - 262.50
Executive 25.00 68.89 - 50.00

MIDDLE EAST Average Amount of Per Diem (US$ Daily)

Level Transportation Meal Hotel Miscellaneous
Rank-&-File – Blue Collar - 32.50 - 125.00
Rank-&-File – White Collar 25.00 61.00 - 129.00
Professional/Technical 25.00 53.75 - 180.00
Supervisor 25.00 61.00 - 146.25
Manager 25.00 63.00 - 262.50
Executive 25.00 68.89 - 50.00

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Maternity Benefit
Description of Benefit: Typically granted to female employees whether married or unmarried who gave birth thru normal delivery
caesarean operation or miscarriage and the company provides additional maternity benefit over and above the mandated SSS
maternity benefit as per RA 1161 and as amended by RA 8282.

1.1 Do you maternity benefit over and above the 1.2 If yes, what additional maternity benefit do you provide?
mandated SSS maternity benefit?
24% YES 13%



1.3 If additional maternity benefit in form of cash, please indicate the amount of cash benefit you provide:

Job Level Normal Miscarriage Caesarian

Rank-&-File – Blue Collar 8,096.00 6,826.67 11,696.00

Rank-&-File – White Collar 8,096.00 7,096.00 11,696.00
Professional/Technical 8,870.00 7,620.00 12,826.67
Supervisor 8,096.00 7,096.00 11,696.00
Manager 8,493.33 7,096.00 12,120.00
Executive 8,493.33 7,096.00 12,120.00

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Educational Subsidy/Assistance
Description of Benefit: Typically granted by companies to employees who wish to continue their education and earn their bachelor’s
degree or pursue higher level of studies such as MA, MBA degree by providing educational subsidy or assistance that will cover or
subsidize the cost of tuition fees and other miscellaneous expenses in pursuing job-related courses.

1.1 Do you provide educational subsidy/

29% YES
assistance program to your employees?
65% NO


1.2 If yes, how do you implement your educational subsidy/assistance program?

Reimbursement of tuition fee only 75%

Reimbursement of tuition and miscellaneous 50%

(E.G. Books, etc.)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

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Educational Subsidy/Assistance
1.3 If yes, please specify the educational subsidy/assistance program you provide?

Reimbursement Policies Percentage

80% - 100% Reimbursement of tuition fee only 40%
80% - 100% Reimbursement of tuition and miscellaneous
expenses such as cost of books and related expenses. 30%
60% - 79% Reimbursement of tuition fee only 0%
60% - 79% Reimbursement of tuition and miscellaneous
expenses such as cost of books and related expenses. 0%
40% - 59% Reimbursement of tuition fee only 10%
40% - 59% Reimbursement of tuition and miscellaneous
expenses such as cost of books and related expenses. 10%
< 40% Reimbursement of tuition fee only 0%
< 40% Reimbursement of tuition and miscellaneous expenses
such as cost of books and related expenses. 0%
No answer 10%
Total 100%

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Retirement Plan
Description of Benefit: Typically granted to employees upon reaching the normal retirement age of 60 years old and the compulsory
retirement age of 65 years old.

1.1 Do you provide a retirement benefit? 1.2 If yes, please specify what type of retirement plan do you provide?

Retirement Program Percentage

76% YES
Retirement Program A - The company simply complies
18% NO with the legal provision of the Labor Code specifically
Article 287 and as amended by RA 7641. 50%
Retirement Program B - The company has a retirement
plan and solely shoulders the cost of contribution
to the fund. 46%

Retirement Program C - The company has retirement plan

and both the company and the employee contribute to the
retirement fund 4%

Total 100%

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Retirement Plan
1.3 How much percentage of the employees’ annual base salary the company is contributing to the fund?

5% per annum 25%

6% per annum 8%

7% per annum 8%

8% per annum 6%

Others 58%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

1.4 When does an employee become eligible to the retirement plan?


54% UPON


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Other Benefits
Critical Illness Benefit
Accident and Travel Insurance
Optical Benefit
Family Allowance
Free immunization (Flu, Pneumonia and COVID-19)
Wedding Gift
Dental Service
Wellness Programs
Fire Benefit
Familiarization Cruise (Upon 1st year employment anniversary)
Birthday Meal
Ministry Development Allowance
Appliance Unit Loan
Retention Allowance
Coverage Allowance (For Excess Duty Hours)
Supply Gap Allowance
On Call Pay
Free TeleMed Consultation
Discount on Medicine and Personal Care Products
COVID Care Program

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Functional Disciplines
1. General Management
1.1. Corporate Planning

Generally responsible for the formulation, development and implementation of medium to long-term strategic business plans with the view of being
able to chart, track and achieve the corporate milestones of achieving business growth and profitability.

Also responsible for conducting corporate strategic planning research such as business trends, competition, market intelligence and acquisition
opportunities as well as the conduct of SWOT analysis, i.e., strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

1.2. Corporate Affairs/Public Relations

Generally responsible for the development and implementation of strategies to build, enhance, sustain and protect the reputation of the Company
both internally and externally. This is achieved thru the efficient management of corporate resources and effective implementation of corporate
affairs and public relations’ programs such as social media, media relations, internal communications, government relations, corporate responsibility,
community relations and if applicable investor relations.

1.3. Legal

Generally responsible for providing legal advice and service to ensure that the Company is given maximum protection from legal risks and exposures.
Protects the Company’s legal rights and defends from legal suits and claims by providing broad legal expertise in various legal disciplines as well as
depth of familiarity with local and international jurisprudence.

Also responsible for overseeing the Company’s in-house legal counsels and coordinating with retained legal counsels in the implementation of major
legal directions and decisions that will involve major policy decisions. Prepares legal documents and proceedings, drafts and reviews legal contracts,
represents the Company in various court trials.

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1.4. Internal Audit

Generally responsible for the implementation of full audit cycle including financial, operations, compliance, risk management and control management
over effectiveness of business performance, financial reliability and compliance with all applicable directives and regulations. Conducts company-
wide assessment and evaluation for the different functional and operating units and determines areas where financial processes, systems and controls
are needed to be strengthened and prioritizes these areas for audit review.

Also responsible for developing Internal Audit Manuals, instructional guides, communication plans for FAQs and conducts orientation and briefing
to prepare and assists Internal Auditors in handling difficult and unusually complex assignments. Updates and keeps the Company abreast on latest
researches and studies, best practices, BIR rulings, government laws and jurisprudence that will have impact and will provide value-added insights in
the conduct of audit reviews.

1.5. Executive Assistant/Secretary

Generally responsible for providing top level executive assistance in ensuring the highest level of efficiency and professionalism in handling the day-
to-day affairs of the office of the Chairman of the board or the President and CEO.

Works closely and coordinates with the Company’s top executives and managers, external business partners, consultants including the Board of
Directors and exercises discretion and professionalism in ensuring that top level instruction are effectively carried-out and implemented.

Also responsible for planning, scheduling, monitoring and prioritizing the schedules and activities and coordinates with the various stakeholders in
prioritizing appointments based on importance and urgency.

2. Finance

2.1. Finance Generalist

Generally responsible for the day-to-day financial management functions, such as accounting, financial management reporting, cost benefit analysis,
forecasting needs, investors and banking relationship, securing short and long-term funding requirements as well as participation in key decisions
pertaining to strategic initiatives and corporate policy development.

Also responsible for the implementation of periodic assessment of the Company’s financial performance versus budget and analyses of long-term
financial goals and objectives.

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Typically leads a team of finance managers and professionals from the various functional areas of Finance, Accounting, Taxation, Treasury, Credit and
Collection and etc.

2.2. General Accounting

Generally responsible for formulating, developing and implementing accounting policies, procedures and guidelines based on generally accepted
financial and accounting principles and ensures the highest standards of professionalism and integrity for consistent implementation of financial
controls across the Company.

Also responsible for developing and implementing the company’s financial management reporting systems and ensures that all financial transactions
and statements are backed-up by general ledger reports and additional schedules to institutionalize effective controls as well as checks and balances
so as to eliminate fraud, accidental errors, financial risks and improper recording of transactions.

2.3. Cost Accounting

Generally responsible for the preparation of cost estimates for existing, new or special products in order to establish the selling prices and production

Also responsible for setting-up, monitoring and evaluating manufacturing/production costs, raw materials, inventory accountability, distribution/
allocation of labor costs, verification of actual costs, variances and calculation of forecast versus actual costs.

2.4. Bookkeeping

Generally responsible for the setting-up, implementation and monitoring of bookkeeping systems, guidelines, policies and procedures as follows:
• Maintains subsidiary accounts by verifying, allocating, and posting accounting/financial transactions.
• Balances subsidiary accounts by reconciling entries.
• Maintains general ledger by transferring subsidiary account summaries.
• Balances general ledger by preparing a trial balance; reconciling entries.
• Maintains historical records thru systematic filing of financial documents.
• Prepares financial reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing account information and trends.
• Ensures compliance with BIR regulations

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2.5. Accounts Receivables/Payables

Generally responsible for posting payments and ensures that all financial transactions for cash and check payments are properly, accurately and timely
recorded. Reviews and analyzes invoices, expense reports and recording entries and ensures that all expenses are properly, accurately and timely
posted and charged to appropriate accounts and cost centers.

Also responsible for establishing sound accounts receivables and payables practices and recommends for adequate and effective processes to support
the continuing efforts to improve and upgrade policies and guidelines that will institutionalize effective controls and prevent potential financial risks.

2.6. Payroll

Generally responsible for the timely preparation of the Company’s payroll and ensures its accuracy by conducting further verifications and checks for
any inconsistencies in order to ensure that account balances in payroll entries are properly reconciled with accounting entries.

Also responsible for ensuring compliance with government mandated benefits, payment of remittances and posting for SSS, HDMF, Philhealth
contributions and the appropriate withholding of income taxes,while ensuring the highest standards of integrity and confidentiality of the Company’s
payroll transactions.

2.7. Budget Management

Generally responsible for managing the whole process of planning and budgeting cycle in the Company which includes but not limited the following:
• Development and implementation of Company-wide budget policies, procedures and guidelines in close coordination with the directions and
policies set by top level management.
• Preparation and appropriation of the whole planning and budgeting activity from concerned executives and managers.
• Compliance with the approved policies and guidelines, management of the budgeting process and in analyzing budget variances.
• Managing the budget forecasts and estimates from all executives and managers and conducts thorough examination for the correctness,
accuracy, completeness; and conformance with established procedures, regulations, and business objectives
• Conducting comparative summary and analysis of the present versus previous budget and also taking into consideration the benefits and losses
occurred during the previous planning years as basis for improving and enhancing the current budgeting process.

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2.8. Treasury

Generally responsible for the development and implementation of plans and strategies to ensure the day-to-day liquidity of the Company and ensures
the effective and efficient management of its funding requirements.

Also responsible for the proper implementation and monitoring of all short and long-term investments, treasury management, risk management,
compliance with legal and regulatory, audit requirements, pension investment and other benefits funding activities.

2.9. Credit and Collection

Generally responsible for the development and implementation of medium to long-term credit and collection plans and programs and ensures the
efficient and timely achievement of collection revenue objectives versus target.

Also responsible for developing and implementing efficient and effective credit and collection management processes to ensure that collection
revenue results are monitored, analyzed and reported on a timely and accurate basis and oversees the handling of, in coordination with the Company’s
legal counsel all litigations issues arising from the inability to collect non-payment of overdue accounts.

3. Human Resources

3.1. HR Generalist

Generally responsible for effectively managing the various functional areas of the Human Resources Department covering the areas of Recruitment,
Selection and Hiring, Employee and Labor Relations, Compensation and Benefits Administration, Organization Development, Training, Manpower
Planning and Career Development, Performance Management System and HR Information Systems.

Also responsible for developing, monitoring and implementing HR analytics in various functional areas of HR and for putting in place an HR dashboard
as basis for strategic HR decision making.

3.2. Recruitment/Talent Acquisition

Generally responsible for employment branding and in conceptualizing recruitment marketing strategies in order to develop an employment branding
for the Company’s captive recruitment market thereby attract the best talents in the industry. Develops and implements strategic sourcing partnerships
and professional linkages with target universities and academic institutions and in developing medium to long-term recruitment plans and programs
to ensure the availability of qualified candidates at the right time.

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Also responsible for the Implementation of effective screening and assessment processes such as psychological assessment tools, in-depth, panel and
competency assessment interviews to ensure the hiring of best candidates from among the pool of qualified for a given job vacancy.Implements the
conduct of background and reference checks, employment verifications and credit checks to ensure the authenticity of declared information and the
sound professional background of candidates prior to employment.

3.3. Compensation and Benefits

Generally responsible for designing, developing and implementing the Company’s job evaluation program, job structure and grading System and salary
structure Program. Takes the lead in implementing the annual or semi-annual salary surveys, conduct of industry benchmarking and in documenting
globally recognized best practices in compensation management.

Also responsible for crafting the Company’s pay philosophy, conceptualization and implementation of the Company’s annual salary review program,
design and implementation of reward systems, incentive plans and performance-based variable pay program and periodically reviews and updates the
Company’s compensation policies and procedures manual.

3.4. Organization Development

Generally responsible for the conduct of periodic organization diagnoses and assessments as bases for conceptualizing, designing and implementing
organization interventions and initiatives that will facilitate change processes and overall organization effectiveness. Designs, develops and implements
change management processes to facilitate re-organization transitions, acquisitions and mergers, rightsizing initiatives and business transformations.

Also responsible for conceptualizing, designing and implementing globally recognized best practices in OD to upgrade and enhance organization
efficiency, strengthen employee knowledge and abilities, improve leadership and maintain the overall health of a company. They work with top
management in diagnosing problems and setting company goals, then create training programs to meet those goals and more often incorporating
behavioral science principles and practices to enhance employee satisfaction, productivity and overall morale.

3.5. Training and Development

Generally responsible for conducting organization-wide training needs assessments as bases for conceptualizing, designing and developing training
plans and programs. Implements the conduct of all individual, in-house and external training and development programs and ensures the efficient
utilization of training resources

Also responsible for assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of training and developmental programs as basis for improving training plans, programs,
curricula and employee’s individual developmental plans.

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3.6. Employee/Labor Relations

Generally responsible for the development, implementation and periodic updating of Company Rules & Regulations/Code of Conduct and ensures
strict adherence by all employees in order to promote a company-wide culture of professionalism and discipline. Implements discipline management
and conducts counseling for employees who have manifested behaviors which are not aligned with the company’s corporate values and philosophies.

Implements company-wide employee programs such as company outing, indoor/outdoor sports and recreational activities, Christmas program,
annual PE, community outreach programs and etc., and sees to it that all cost expenditures are in accordance with approved budgetary guidelines.

Also responsible for keeping the company abreast and updated with various regulatory issues, including recent laws and jurisprudence and evaluates
its broader implications for proper compliance by the company.

Maintains harmonious relationships with the different government agencies such as the DOLE, NLRC etc., and monitors all pending labor cases in
order to protect the interest of the company and also responsible for all aspects of collective bargaining negotiations and trade union relations.

4. Administration

4.1. Administrative Services

Generally responsible for the following:

• Office Maintenance
Implementation and monitoring of timely and efficient office maintenance programs such as housekeeping and janitorial services, air conditioning
system repairs and maintenance, pest control and fumigation and etc.

• Office Supplies Management

Develops annual procurement plan based on the Company-wide forecasted office supplies requirements of the different business units and
support divisions and departments.
Formulates and recommends effective control systems in the area of office supplies requisitions and ensures compliance with the Company’s
approved budget and cost guidelines.
Maintains the highest standard of integrity and sound ethical practices with suppliers and ensures that effective controls, checks and balances
are strictly adhered to.

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4.2. Transport/Fleet Operations

Generally responsible for fleet management specifically in the areas of planning, development and implementation of plans and programs to keep and
maintain the fleets of transportation in running efficiently, on time and within budget.

Also responsible for the development and implementation of transportation fleet processes in order to effectively monitor fleet activities and make
decisions from asset management, dispatch and routing, and vehicle acquisition and disposal.

5. IT

5.1. IT Development

Generally responsible for the planning, organizing, controlling, directing and evaluating the broad functional facets of IT development as follows:
• Designing, developing and implementing short to medium-term technology plans, software innovations, IT applications, programs, policies and
• Ensures the effective and efficient implementation of IT systems, service delivery standards and implementation of software applications to
support the company’s business plans, business operations and support functions.
• Monitors, tracks and evaluates the various ongoing projects and programs and ensures that these are managed effectively and efficiently in line
with best IT practices and standards and strictly adhering to IT principles, as well as audit control and compliance requirements.

5.2. IT Application Development

Generally responsible for planning, coordinating and managing the various activities related to design, development and implementation of
organizational information systems and software applications.

Also responsible for maintaining, supporting and upgrading existing systems and applications. The head of this unit must have proven communication
skills, problem - solving skills and knowledge of best practices to guide the development team on issues related to the design, development and
deployment of mission-critical information and software systems.

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5.3. Internet/Web Application Development

Generally responsible for designing, coding and enhancing websites from lay-outing to functionality by creating visually appealing sites that features
user-friendly designs and clear navigation.

Coordinates closely with business stakeholders, executive management and users and defines the authority and scope of applications to technical
problems and broad understanding of UI, cross-browser compatibility, general web functions and in planning and delivering software platforms used
across multiple products and organizational units.

Requires application of technical expertise in web application and programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, HTML5,
CSS, CSS3, web user interface design (UI), security principles, multi-media content development and API’s.

5.4. Business Systems Analysis

Generally responsible for the following:

• Evaluates clients’ needs and business processes and translates, communicates and documents these requirements according to prescribed
• Maps and documents data files and processes and communicates process workflow through diagrams i.e., process flow diagrams, integration
diagrams, finite state diagrams, customer experience maps and etc.
• Communicates solutions and requirements to clients and conducts comprehensive training program for the benefit of the internal team.
• Executes effective and comprehensive documentation of the business solutions and ensures its quality and compliance with specifications.
• Collaborates with clients on how to go through the decision making process and gain consensus in order to reach a sign-off.

5.5. IT Architecture
Generally responsible for the following:
• Identifies user requirements by researching and analyzing user needs, preferences, objectives, and working methods; studying how users
consume content, including data categorization and labeling and meeting with focus groups.
• Plans information architecture by studying the site concept, strategy, and target audience; envisioning architectural scheme, information
structure and features, functionality, and user-interface design; creating user scenarios; preparing data models; designing information structure,
work-and dataflow, and navigation; evaluating information representation; conducting creative meetings.
• Organizes information by translating user behavior into media structure and elements; crafting interactive experiences; producing workflow
diagrams, user scenarios, flowcharts, and storyboards; preparing interaction specifications, navigation rules, organization of information, and site
maps; coordinating with business, technology, visual, structural, editorial, cognitive, and brand strategists.

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5.6. Systems Software Development

Generally responsible for the process of conceiving, specifying, designing, programming, documenting, testing, and bug-fixing which are involved in
creating and maintaining applications, frameworks, or other software components.

Also responsible for writing and maintaining the source codes which includes all processes from the conception of the desired software through
to the final manifestation of the software, typically in a planned and structured process. It also includes research, new development, prototyping,
modification, re-use, re-engineering, maintenance, or any other activities that result in software products.

5.7. Software Quality Assurance and Testing

Generally responsible for ensuring that the wider goal and vision of the business is achieved by delivering software that meets all quality requirements
from both technology and business perspectives, such as, but not limited to the following:
• Designs and executes systems to check for issues
• Documents test cases
• Performs and documents risk analysis
• Records test progress and results
• Codes automated tests
• Creates test plans
• Develops standards and procedures to determine product quality and release readiness

5.8. Network Control/Administration

Generally responsible for the installation of various software applications such as MS Office, MS Windows and etc., for users to access data within the
network through workstation configuration.

Also responsible for performing preventive maintenance for all computers’ hardware and software, printers and users’ files and data and ensure its
efficient performance by scanning and cleaning for possible viruses and technical glitches.

5.9. IT Security

Generally responsible for implementing and maintaining security systems in order to prevent unauthorized access to data and highly confidential
business information and trade secrets and in responding to privacy and security breaches.

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Also responsible for ensuring that technology infrastructure is well-protected by:
• Analyzing IT specifications to assess security risks
• Designing and implementing safety measures and data recovery plans
• Installing, configuring and upgrading security software (e.g., antivirus programs)
• Securing networks through firewalls, password protection and other systems
• Inspecting hardware for vulnerable points of access
• Monitoring network activity to identify issues early and communicate them to IT teams
• Acting on privacy breaches and malware threat

5.10. IT Help Desk Support

Generally responsible for the following:

• Monitoring and responding quickly to incoming requests related to IT issues;
• Maintaining computer systems and acts as support for any system’s malfunction and breakdown;
• Maintaining PCs, Printers, Servers and related equipment such as PC monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard drive and etc.;
• Maintain user PCs, including upgrades and configuration as needed.
• Assisting with onboarding of new users.
• Keeping inventory of all equipment, software, and license users.
• Installing, configuring and upgrading PC software.

Also responsible for ensuring that IT Help Desk support personnel are equipped with the right level of competency to perform upgrades, updates, and
maintenance tasks, as there are always unexpected issues that will arise in a given day.

6. Supply Chain

6.1. Supply Chain Generalist

Generally responsible for planning, organizing, controlling, directing and evaluating the broad functional facets of supply chain as follows:
• Forecasting trends and buying preferences of consumers.
• Selection and prioritization of products that are in demand and highly saleable to customers.

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• Negotiating and managing contracts with suppliers.
• Planning the best and most efficient way to get goods from suppliers to distribution centers and retailers.
• Tracking shipments and stock levels using state-of-the-art technology and computer software.
• Working with retailers to make sure they receive their goods on time and in the good condition.
• Continuing efforts of looking at ways and means to improve supply chain networks.

6.2. Logistics

Generally responsible for ensuring that the supply chain is efficient and effective throughout the organization by organizing, storing and monitoring
the distribution of goods to ensure items and resources are shipped to their appropriate destinations. Typical functions include the following:
• Planning and managing logistics, warehouse, transportation and customer services;
• Directing, optimizing and coordinating full order cycle;
• Liaising and negotiating with suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and consumers.

Also responsible for achieving the ultimate goal of managing the entire order cycle so as to enhance business development and ensure sustainability
and customer satisfaction.

6.3. Purchasing Generalist

Generally responsible for planning, organizing, controlling, directing and evaluating the broad functional facets of purchasing as follows:
• Formulates, develops and recommends procurement policies and guidelines for proper and consistent implementation across the company.
• Reviews and streamlines the company’s purchasing processes, systems and procedures and benchmarks with global best practices in
procurement. and implements the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.
• Reviews, evaluates and recommends accreditation of new suppliers. Coordinates with “Tender Committee” for the approval and awarding of
purchase orders and implements the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.
• Represents the company in negotiating with new and current suppliers regarding technical specifications, best prices and terms and documents
purchasing agreements and contracts with accredited suppliers based on the agreed terms and conditions.
• Implements the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

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6.4. Technical Purchasing

Generally responsible for screening and evaluating the technical specifications of materials, products, or services for the best interest of the business,
as follows:
• Knowledge and enforcement of ISO 9001 – 2015 and professional procurement processes.
• Measures are competitive and reliable performance for on-time, complete, and accurate delivery with the best value meeting requirements at
the lowest cost.
• Responsible for strategic sourcing and vendor quote request.
• Ethically manage the buying process with specified target pricing, cost, quality, and delivery targets and communicate status to stakeholders.
• Partner with Project Manager and other departments to achieve best possible value available from supply base to ensure continuous supply of
required goods and materials with specific technical requirements to reduce risk or impact on business operations.
• Negotiate contracts and review opportunities to reduce costs using negotiation and procurement best practice tools and methods.

Also responsible for the implementation of effective monitoring and control systems of the company’s inventory management for technical materials,
equipment, supplies and etc., to ensure the most efficient utilization of cost, resources and budget.

7. Sales and Marketing

7.1. Sales and Marketing Generalist

Generally responsible for developing and implementing strategic sales plans and programs to ensure that the company’s goals and objectives for sales
revenue and profitability are achieved.

Also responsible for designing and developing strategic marketing and business development plans, profitability activities, growth of new products and
the conceptualization of market development initiatives for new business.

7.2. Marketing Generalist

Generally responsible for developing strategic brand management plans and programs that will aggressively position the company and its products
which will eventually translate all conscious efforts of creating brand awareness into customer demands.

Also responsible for designing, developing and implementing proactive brand awareness campaigns and ensures that the company’s brand will
aggressively achieve optimal market penetration and will be recognized as the preferred brand by existing and potential customers.

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7.3. Marketing Communications

Generally responsible for developing and implementing advertising campaigns, press releases and strategic marketing programs that will ensure the
successful penetration of products and services to target customers.

Also responsible for developing and implementing campaigns and programs that will build and sustain brand loyalty for target customers.

7.4. Brand Marketing

Generally responsible for ensuring that the products, services and product lines that fall under the domain resonate the current preference of customers
and develops strategic and novel approaches to win potential customers.

Also responsible for continuously monitoring marketing trends and keeps a closer tracking on trends and behavior of competitive brands. Responsible
for performing various marketing, advertising and products’ promotion functions. Also responsible for measuring, enhancing and enriching the
company’s market position and image through the implementation of various brand programs and activities.

7.5. Sales Generalist

Generally responsible for developing and implementing strategic sales plans and programs to ensure that the company’s goals and objectives for
sales revenue and profitability are achieved. This done thru effective implementation of revenue forecast and development of annual sales targets for
regions and territories, as well as in charting projections for expected sales volume and profit for existing and new products.

Also responsible for designing and developing strategic sales revenue and business development plans, profitability activities, growth of new products
and the conceptualization of market development initiatives for new business.

7.6. Channel Sales

Generally responsible for acquiring, expanding and maintaining relationships with assigned channel partners based on geographies, channels and

Also responsible for developing and implementing sales forecast, plans and programs towards the achievement of sales target, profit objective,
channels’ expansion programs and in maintaining effective relationship with channels, business partners and customers.

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7.7. Direct Sales

Generally responsible for developing and implementing strategic sales plans and programs for direct selling to ensure that company’s goals and
objectives for sales revenue and profitability are achieved.

Also responsible for formulating, developing and implementing direct selling programs for various channels, develops pricing strategies, monitors
ordering and helps direct channels to penetrate end-users and target product consumers.

7.8. Sales Support and Administration

Generally responsible for developing, administering and maintaining a robust sales information management system and in generating accurate and
timely dissemination of sales reports on daily, weekly and monthly basis. Maintains an updated monitoring and tracking of sales information and
develops relevant sales analytics, sales demographics and comparative sales reports per segmentation such as but not limited to sales period, projects,
distribution and etc.

Also responsible for providing quality customer service in attending to and addressing the needs of customers by properly and timely responding to
various inquiries thru phone calls, emails and handling face-to-face transactions.

8. Manufacturing/Operations

8.1. Manufacturing/Operations Generalist

Generally responsible for the effective planning, directing, implementation, monitoring and sustaining the overall manufacturing process in an industry
to ensure the optimized level of production. Oversees the planning and organization of the production process and ensures the effective manpower
planning and forecasting, availability of necessary materials, equipment and sound utilization of fiscal resources.

Also responsible for the following:

• Designs and implements plans for the effective use of material and labor resources to achieve manufacturing target.
• Supervises the operations of manufacturing personnel to ensure that manufacturing processes are within budget and time schedule.
• Oversees the hiring, training and continuing career and professional development of technical and non-technical production employees to
ensure a competent and sustainable workforce.

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• Conduct studies and researches and relevant feasibility experiments to discover more process-effective and cost-efficient approaches to
• Oversee the regulation of work shift to ensure the effective and proper workload distribution and resources allocation.
• Monitors a manufacturing team to ensure operations are in compliance with health and safety standards.
• Schedules the maintenance of production equipment and machines to ensure efficient manufacturing operations.

8.2. Production Planning and Control

Generally responsible for overseeing the entire Production Planning and Control function which includes the production scheduling for packaging and
blending manufacturing, raw materials planning, inventory management, capacity planning, import/export and warehousing management.

Also responsible for the following:

• Leads the Production Planning and Control team to successfully execute inventory management and production planning.
• Manages raw materials and finished goods Inventory to ensure optimized levels of manufacturing operations and for delivering working capital
• Collaborates with other members of the Plant Leadership team to maximize efficiency of Supply Chain Processes including warehouse stock
levels, inventory, raw material levels and change management.
• Monitors procurement (direct and indirect) and manufacturing planning activities.
• Works closely with Corporate Planning team to generate, share and implement global best practices relevant to production planning and
• Acts as local SME for accuracy and effectiveness around inventory management by leading cycle count, inventory turns, and raw material
• Monitors the inventory levels of finished goods and raw material and making adjustments to reduce slow moving and obsolete inventory.

8.3. Production/Equipment Maintenance Operation

Generally responsible for the day-to-day operation of the production/equipment maintenance functions and ensures that compliance, safety and
best practices for corrective and preventative maintenance procedures are strictly adhered to, including the accurate completion of preventative
maintenance programs. Oversees the overall facility maintenance and services, such as but not limited to facilities and materials handling system
maintenance, including oversight on maintenance matters within the building premises and advanced material handling systems such as robotics,
barcode scanning equipment, picking and packing systems, conveyors, and sortation systems.

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Also responsible for managing a team of expert in the field of maintenance technician who are focused on performing corrective, predictive and
preventative maintenance procedures to material handling equipment, conveyor and controls systems, robotics, and associated scanning equipment.

8.4. Research and Development

Generally responsible for the development, creative innovation and technology breakthrough that will uniquely influence the company’s competitive
positioning in the global market. Oversees the adoption of new technology, products, equipment, processes and practices to improve the organization’s
operations and businesses.

Also responsible for the following:

• Builds business cases for implementing new technologies in partnership with other enterprises.
• Develops and executes innovation and research roadmaps.
• Develops business cases for the implementation of new technologies.
• Drives improvements in conceptualization of ideas to attract new markets.
• Drives technical innovations to improve products, processes or packaging.
• Evaluates benefits, trade-offs and impact of new technologies.
• Evaluates outcomes of new products and processes to deliver improved business results.
• Formulates innovation initiatives aligned to the organization’s vision, mission and values.
• Innovates organizational quality policies, product safety and regulatory requirements and manufacturing of new products.

9. Engineering

9.1. Engineering Generalist

The broad mainstream of engineering is typically comprised of four broad disciplines of chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering with
each area covering a large range of fields.

Generally responsible for planning and implementation of various engineering projects and overseeing the efficient management of projects, including
providing direction and guidance to the project management team to focus their goals towards effective and efficient business delivery.

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Other duties and responsibilities may include:
• Developing detailed plans for new designs and products.
• Making determinations for equipment, staff and training needs.
• Proposing project and program budgets.
• Managing, developing and sustaining the availability of competent team.
• Leading technical research and development projects that produce new designs, products and processes.

9.2. Safety Engineering

Generally responsible for developing and implementing health and safety engineering plans, programs, procedures and guidelines by designing
methods, systems and processes to prevent people from getting sick or injured and to keep the company’s properties and physical assets from being

Also responsible for the implementation of the combined knowledge of systems engineering and of health and safety standards to make sure that
chemicals, machineries, tools and equipment, processes, exposures to elements and unpleasant working conditions that are integral in performing the
job will not cause harm and damage to people and company’s properties.

9.3. Quality Assurance Engineering

Generally responsible for developing, executing, exploring and automating quality assurance tests and processes to ensure product quality.

Also responsible for estimating, planning, and coordinating testing activities and ensuring that quality issues and defects are appropriately identified,
documented, tracked, and resolved thru a defect tracking system.

10. Customer Support/Operations

10.1. Customer Support/Operations Generalist

Generally responsible for resolving customer queries, recommending solutions and guiding product users through features and functionalities. To be
successful in this role, the incumbent employee must be an excellent communicator and someone who is able to earn clients’ trust. And ultimately,
someone who can help establish the reputation of the company that offers excellent customer support during all sales and after-sales procedures.
Must also be familiar and well-versed with help desk software.

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Also responsible for the following:
• Responds to customer queries in a timely and accurate way, via phone, email or chat.
• Identifies customer needs and help customers use specific features.
• Analyzes and reports products’ malfunctions.
• Updates internal databases with information about technical issues and useful discussions with customers.
• Monitors customer complaints on social media and reach out to provide assistance.

10.2. Customer Service

Generally responsible for providing product/services information, answer questions, and resolve any emerging problems that customer accounts
might face with accuracy and efficiency.

Responsible for providing genuine level of excitement to help customers. They are patient, empathetic, and passionately communicative. They love
to talk and understand the value of good communication skills. Customer service representatives can put themselves in their customers’ shoes and
advocate for them when necessary. Customer feedback is priceless, and these CSRs can gather that for you. Problem-solving also comes naturally to
customer care specialists. They are confident at troubleshooting and investigate if they don’t have enough information to answer customer questions
or resolve complaints.

Also responsible for the following:

• Manages large amounts of incoming phone calls.
• Generates sales leads.
• Identifies and assesses customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction.
• Builds sustainable relationships and trust with customer accounts through open and interactive communication.
• Provides accurate, valid and complete information by using the right methods/tools.
• Meets personal/customer service team sales targets and call handling quotas.
• Handles customer complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits; follow up to ensure resolution.
• Keeps records of customer interactions, process customer accounts and file documents.
• Takes the extra mile to engage customers.

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11. Academe

11.1. Academics – Teaching

Generally responsible for the medium to long-term strategic development of the university and its various colleges in embracing the overall
implementation of its vision, mission and goals statements with the view of being able to achieve total academic excellence, locally and geographically.

It is also responsible for the following:

• Guides and leads the various colleges in its efforts toward achieving overall university goals of academic excellence.
• Plans, develops and implements its fiscal responsibility pertaining to financial prudence, budget and cost allocations and the overall commitment
to achieve financial growth.
• Leads, guides, implements and closely coordinate and monitor the university’s strategic planning and curriculum development and enhancement
• Leads the effective governance of the university by overseeing, monitoring and evaluating the performance of the various colleges in a way that
it will promote excellence in instruction, scholarly yet industry relevant curricula, creative approach in upholding intellectual productivity which
are all gauged by the university’s overall performance of producing high quality, top performing and excellent graduates.
• Leads and guides the various colleges in participating and continuing benchmarking with global best practices in promoting the culture of
academic excellence and sustaining the high standards of its curricula.

12. Blue Collar

12.1. Blue Collar – Operations

Blue collar jobs for operations typically refer to employees or the working class who perform manual labor requiring levels of craftsmanship ranging
from unskilled, skilled, highly skilled or even up to a highly sophisticated level of craftsmanship which are typically hard to find in the labor market.

The type of work for blue collar worker is mainly related to something being manufactured, physically built or maintained. The jobs may be of various
kind ranging from manufacturing, mining, construction, mechanical, maintenance, technical installation or any other job of similar nature. There
are blue collar jobs that require highly skilled personnel, preferably who have some sort of training and certification. Other jobs may have no such

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12.2. Blue Collar – Equipment Maintenance

Generally responsible for performing highly skilled tasks in the areas of mechanical repair and maintenance of heavy trucks and equipment, earth
moving and related construction equipment including road graders, tractors, garbage trucks, dump trucks, and bulldozers.

Also responsible for the following:

• Repairs and maintenance of various systems that are found on pieces of heavy equipment such as mechanical and electronic controls, air brake
systems, transmissions, high voltage generators, and pneumatic systems.
• Troubleshoots and repairs malfunctions in the equipment.
• Fabricates, modifies and installs special equipment or replacement parts.
• Performs routine maintenance checks and adjustments on fluid levels, hoses, belts, brakes, tires and clutches.
• Changes filters and oil, and lubricate vehicles and motor driven equipment.
• Diagnoses problems, disassembles units, repairs or replaces parts, and reassembles units.
• Overhauls engines, replaces engines, and rebuilds components;
• Tunes gas and diesel engines; services valves; fuels filters and turbo chargers; and pressure checks fuel filters.

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Definition of Job Levels

• The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is typically the highest-ranking executive in a • Generally minimum fifteen
Chief Executive Officer
company who is responsible for developing and implementing top level strategic and (15) years management
long-term business plans that will ensure the achievement and sustainability of the experience.
company’s business growth, revenue goals and profitability objectives.

C-Suite/Executive Level • Provides executive leadership and in close collaboration with the CEO, guides the • Generally minimum ten
organization by developing and implementing long-term strategic business plans. (10) years management
Directly supports the CEO in operationalizing the company’s vision, mission and experience.
corporate values and in operationalizing these strategic imperatives in supporting the
company’s various revenue generating business units and support groups
• The typical levels of executive positions in many organizations are as follows:
• Executive Vice-President
• Senior Vice-President
• Vice-President
• Assistant Vice-President

Managerial Level • Their primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in which they are
employed or of a department or subdivision thereof.
• They customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more employees therein.
• They have the authority to hire or fire other employees of the lower rank, or their
suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring and firing, and as to the promotion
or any change of status of his employees are given particular weight.

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• The typical levels of managerial positions in many organizations are as follows:

Managerial Level
• Sr. Manager • Generally minimum eight (8)
years managerial experience.
• Jr. Manager • Generally minimum five (5) years
managerial experience.

• Supervisors are those employees who, in the interest of the employer, effectively
Supervisory Level
recommend such managerial actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely
routine or clerical in nature but requires the use of independent judgment and
executes general supervision of work.
• The typical levels of supervisory positions in many organizations are as follows:
• Sr. Supervisor • Generally minimum four (4)
years supervisory experience.
• Jr. Supervisor • Generally minimum three (3)
years supervisory experience.

• Professional/technical or P/T employees are those who perform very highly complex
and specialized technical and professional skills/competencies and which will require
Technical Level
academic and professional preparations and years of extensive experience.
• The extent of job complexity is comparable to supervisory and managerial level
positions, with the distinct differentiation of not having line management responsibility.
• The typical levels of supervisory positions in many organizations are as follows:
• Sr. Professional/Technical • Generally minimum four (4)
years professional experience.
• Jr. Professional/Technical • Generally minimum three (3)
years professional experience.

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• Those employees whose day-to-day duties and responsibilities are as follows:

Rank-and-File Level
- Routine and transactional functions
- Clerical in nature
- Coordination works
- Performs simple to moderate execution of work plans and programs, and technical
• The typical levels of supervisory positions in many organizations are as follows:
• Sr. Rank-and-File • Generally minimum two (2)
years of experience.
• Jr. Rank-and-File • Generally minimum one (1) year
of experience.

Entry Level • Are those employees who are typically without experience and are fresh graduates • Without previous experience.
from college/university.

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Project Advisers
2022 PMAP President – Ms. Ellen C. Fullido
PMAP Executive Director – Mr. Rene M. Gener, DPM
PMAP Trustee In-Charge of the Research Committee – Ms. Ma. Elizabeth D. Nasol, DPM

Project Management
Project Manager – Ms. Sarah L. Niguas
Head, PMAP Center for Research and Publication

Project Coordinators
Ms. Margaux Angeli G. Norega
Ms. Mary Rochelle Cordero

Project Consultant
Lead Consultant – Mr. Bobby T. Marquez, Jr.

Graphics and Layout Consultant

Ms. Laura R. Aguila

Research Assistants
Ms. Katrina Cassandra J. Geronimo
Mr. Narryl L. Cabuena

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