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My : I’m craving for a strawberry but the strawberry at my place are mostly sour..

R: Same, I’m actually not a big fan of strawberry because of the sour taste. What about you, K?

K: I like sour strawberry but I prefer the sweet one.

C: Actually, yesterday I got the sweetest strawberry I’ve ever tasted from my uncle. If you want, I
could share the strawberry with you all.

My : Omg really?! What type of strawberry is it?

C: It’s Amaou strawberry.

Ms: Oh, I think I know that type. Wasn’t it the sweetest Japanese strawberry?

C: Yes, you guessed it right.

Amaou Strawberry

The Amaou strawberry is a very special type of Japanese strawberry grown in the Fukuoka
prefecture. Its name in Japanese stands for akai, marui, ookii, and umai, which mean red, round, big,
and tasty. For these reasons, Amaou is known as the king of Japanese strawberries and is most well
known as the greatest strawberry that has higher sugar content.

Typical strawberries are a bit sour, but not the amaou strawberry. They are very sweet yet they
contain some acidity, giving you an excellent fruity taste.

These strawberries look prettier too. They have smooth and glossy skin with bright red color and are
covered in an abudance of small and edible seeds. Underneath the skin is a soft, red, watery flesh.
Sometimes, the core of the fruit seems a bit hollow. (khal)

Unlike any typical varieties, Amaou strawberries are large. They can even be three times bigger than
regular strawberries in Japan. The round fruit has a diameter of about six to eight centimeters. Its
shoulder part is round a broad that tapers to a small and curved tip.

Amaou strawberries are not just sweet and juicy. They’re nutritious as well. They include dietary
fiber, which draws toxins and other undesirable elements from the body and expels them. Amaou
strawberries provide half of the vitamin C of a lemon and can promote collagen formation and your
immune system. Additionally, potassium, an anti-inflammatory, is present.

Amaou strawberries are not fruits you can eat every day. They’re not fruits you can easily buy for
yourself either. They are so expensive that you’d probably only buy them as gifts for a special event.
So why are Amaou strawberries expensive? Aside from the fact that they’re rare, it’s hard to grow
them. When harvesting this type of strawberry, they need to pass a specified quality to be
considered ad Amaou strawberry. If it’s ripe yet small, it cannot be sold as one.

Since they’re the premium type of strawberry, they are often packaged in presentable boxes and
come with dividers to separate the fruits from each other. The strawberries are often exported to
other Asian countries such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and Singapore, which are then sold as
luxury products.

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