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Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 sw

In a group, eye to eye contact you cannot concentrate on
an? Individual Enemy Friend Group 1
Which type of communication is called as lectures? Many-to-Many One-to-Many One-to-One Many-to-One 2
With which system, it is possible to spread a written Mobile and Postal and Mobile and
word all over the world physically. Telex and Fax 3
Email Courier Fax
What has become convenient to transfer words in
written forms? Photocopy Fax Telex E-mail 4
One of the best example of one to many written
communiation is? Magazine Website News Paper Email 3
Correspondence can be supported with Graphs,
Graphs, Charts, Pictures,
Charts, 1
Pictures Graphs Charts
What is found in conversation? Purpose Direction Scope Reason 1
What are pre-determined conversations? Consultation Examinations Exchange Discussions 4
Do picture communicate? Yes.
Never Yes. Rarely Yes. Always 4
Downward communication can be done with Subordinates Bosses Colleagues Relatives 1
The computer information can be Overlooked Discussed Seen Stolen 3
One of the objective of communication is
communication should be clear and brief.. TRUE FALSE 1
Communication should not consider cost and benefit
factor. TRUE FALSE 2
Cultivating language is important for communication TRUE FALSE 1
Empathy is putting someone in the position of receiver.
Choose the appropriate technique which can be
extensivley used for the group activity where there are Tea-breaks Meeting Parking Board room 2
number of official groups operating in an organization
Select the widely used technique in an organization, if
group decisions are involved or information is to be Interview Meeting Circulars 3
Identify the techniques which is very sensitive and it is Machineries Machineries Industrial Public
concerned with employees and their families. Removal upgradation Relations Relations
Identify for communication the media mix appropriately Text, Words, Words, Text, Pictures, Text, Words,
includes from the list Voice Pictures, Voice Voice Pictures, Voice
Choose the most appropriate for effective
communication is the one which makes people to act Objective Purpose Target Desire 1
towards communication
If there is a time, one may choose, which method, for Cheaper and Clostly and Clostly and Cheaper and
communication? fast slower fast Slower
The message should be Clear Clear and brief Brief Short and
The process of communication involves Manners of Language Grammer Silence
Technically people may learn to write well but may not Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate
support it with ? symbols language words emotions
One's personality is expressed through? Language Manners Communicati Grammer 3
It is really an act of passing a message to receiver’s Encoder Decoder transmission feedback
The _________for message should be chosen on the people place devices media
basis of its availability, meet situational needs, time
needed for achieving communication objective, cost 4
involved and likely disturbances in transmission.
There must be sufficient knowledge pertaining to prices Commercial Legal Competitive Publicity
and commercial terms so that we can speak of actual knowledge knowledge Information orientation 1
It also study geography and history of market area and Know Know logistics Know self Competitive
have a good sense of logistics involved. customer and culture interest of Information
profile intermediarie
Even the board of directors use this term as a technique Gathering Get-together Gossiping meeting
of communication
This is one of the sensitive communication areas which Public relation Foreign Industrial Trade relations
are concerned with its employees and their families. relations Relations 3

One popular example is talks with Worker Union or at Group Lectures Official Discussions
the time of demonstrations, grief etc. Here the representation
individual is primarily a listener and all others are 1
The conversation with the boss, subordinates and Official Discussions Group Lectures
colleagues will vary, depending upon how much representatio 1
authority you mix with it. n
Many times we confirm voice communication by silent written Body facial
________ communication as a safety measure and for language 2
permanent record.
This mode has become convenient to transfer words in silence Gestures E-mail Postures
written forms along with a facility to send its copies to 3
many users.
The type of communication on telephone is so voice silent written Body language
common that we find even illiterate people using it very 1
For holding one way communication like in public Walkman Speakers Dictaphone Fax
meeting, business conference these are used.
A media to transact and it is transacting community quiet silence Language vague
that decides the choice.
Many people lack speaking abilities because they lack write read listen express
purposeful thoughts to _______.
Jotting points on a piece of paper is essential to reading listening writing speaking
increase this type of skills
The term referred as expanding subject in Paraphrasing Summarization vocabulary Jotting points
understandable fashion.
Some meetings are called just to show that everyone is red light opposition disapproval Rubber Stamp
consulted before taking decision.
Any problem, any emergency is attended to by calling Conferences Interviews Seminars Meetings
Top governing ______ responsible to organization Governor Prime Minister Board of Naval officer
functioning through meetings. Directors
The term referred as Finding way through humans in Organisation Organisation prudence Organization
organization carefulness caution politics
Short and Neither short
Presentation will have to be Effective Short 3
effective nor effective
Technical Technical and
All communication requires a knowledge commercial Human touch 4
knowledge only
only knowledge
The mother tongue and language of business need not
Identical Technical Commercial Same 4
Writing skills in language can only be developed Practicing Practicing Practicing Practicing
through? listening speaking reading writing
We cannot communicate without what? Words Language Symbols Pictures 1
Two persons are not alike, even though both of them Well Good
Sofisticated Human 2
can qualify to be Mannered communicator
In order to know a person one has to remain very Family
Education Income Position 4
submissive, whatever may be his? background
Power and Neither power
Respect individual as human irrespective of their? Power only Position only 1
position nor position
Position in
The person becomes more important than a ? Education Income Purpose 4
Keeping your
To win trust, some of the approaches are Being honest Sincere All the above 4
Humans act in their Self interest Comfort zone Free Time Personal life 1
Control one's
To communicate with quite mind and make a Control over Control one's Control
thoughts and 4
judgement of situation, one has to language thoughts Emotions
He is under pressure of a team and in most of cases he Insider or Follower or
Follower Leader 4
is either outsider leader
The tools which we use for communication are? Non Technical Commercial Technical 4
From where basic knowledge about technical tools can Service User
Manuals All the above 4
be learnt? Contract handbook
Which factors needs to be cultivated for effective
Knowledge Skills Values All the above 4
Which type of messages have no place in business
Non-objective Commercial Technical commercial 1
nor technical
In short your message should be planned in terms of Reaction of Be in time
Be Objective All the above 4
which factors? receiving frame
If you feel message should be transmitted in real time, Using Sending a
Using Courier Using snailmail 1
then which method is adopted? Telephone person
A choice of media, message, encoding and transmission Sender and
Transmitter Receiver Sender 4
is done by? receiver
Emotional Financial Political Situational
With every message, sender is trying to convey? 1
Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership
Reducing Reducing Reducing Adding
During transmission of a message, one has to carry out Distances & Disturbance & Disturbance & Disturbannce
two activities. Which are those? Removing Removing adding & Reducing
Barriers Barriers Barriers Barriers
The poor listener would be a Bigger gainer Bigger loser Bigger barrier 4
The problem with most of the communicators is that Technical Commercial Business
Etiquettes 1
they show less inclination in having some basic knowhow knowledge knowledge
What needs understanding a coded language used in a
Symbols Code Encode Decode 4
Understand Words
In written communication one will have to Words All the above 4
Script meaning
Reading and
In business world, receiver requires which skills? Reading Writing Listening 4
Capacity of Capacity of
Capacity of Deciding Reading & Listening &
One of the barriers is not developed 3
reading priorities Deciding Deciding
priorities priorities
Give clear . . . . . . and . . . . . . . about which you are Reference, Instructions, Direction, Instructions,
communicating. Subject Reference Subject Direction
. . . . . . . as humans irrespective of their power and Respect Respect Respect
Respect Seniors 1
position. Individuals Juniors Colleagues
If there is no . . . . . . . to communicate one can hardly
Message Receiver Intention Sender 3
do It effectively.
With every message the sender is taking ……. ….. of the Emotional Leadership
Emotions Leadership 3
thoughts he is conveying. Leadership Emotionally
…….. ……. And removing barriers is a job one has to do Keeping Reducing Technical
Harmony 2
during transmission. barriers disturbances Tools
Feedback is essential in business for both the parties to
Inactivity Marketing Transaction Purchasing 3
do the ………

In companies having a ................... base this is a class of Business

Vendor Shareholder Customer 3
stake holders who need meticulous communication. Partner

.......... knowledge becomes an important consideration

Commercial Technical Legal Judicial 3
in dealing with the Government.
The business communication is largely based on
Pathetic Passionate Hystrical Emotional 4
rational and rarely ..............
Identify the very popular system in voice
Telephone Telex Fax Email 1
communication with distance.
In comparison between transportation cost with Marketing Manufacturin Transportation
Repair Cost 4
telephone talk identify the more expensive method Cost g Cost Cost
Identify the most widely used system, it is possible to Mobile and Postal and Mobile and
Telex and Fax 3
spread a written word all over the world. Email Courier Fax
Select the post popular communication format in official
Circular letters Memo Notices Court Orders 1
methods In one to many type
Identify one of the best examples of one to many written
Magazine Website News Paper Email 3
Identify amongst the mentioned limitations, Technical Commercial Management
HR limitation
Communication has to be understood along with limitation of limitation of limitation of 1
of tools
tools tools tools
Identify One of the most important areas in business Downward Individual Group
communication communicatio Communicati Communicatio 4
n on n
Identify, the increase of the essential skills for Jotting
Listening Speaking Writing Hearing 1
points on a piece of paper.
Identify amongst the options, One of the reason to call Announcing
Announcing Announcing Announcing
for a meeting important 1
Bonus Termination Transfer
Identfy One of the pre-consideration for organizing Serving
Participants Venue Agenda 4
meeting purpose
Choose One of the important reasons of failure of Powerless
Member Stenographer Chairman 4
meetings Secretary
Show which amongst the listed is a major meeting Acknowledge
Agenda Member List Venue Details 1
document. ment
Select the appropriate feedback mechanism after a
Venue Bill Subject Layout Minutes Agenda 3
Select the appropriate method of communication during Interactive Silent Comparitive
One way
an interview. Communicatio Communicati communicatio 1
n on n
Select apporpirate method communication to support Graphs,
Graphs, Charts, Pictures,
official Correspondence. Charts, 1
Pictures Graphs Charts
Ability to speak and ability to hear are enough if people simple and simple and complex and complex and
are opposite to each other, Seeing Eye to eye this is direct indirect direct indirect 1
Many people expect immediate action without thinking indifference disinterest feedback nonresponse
how much time it will take for receiver to decide, act 3
and then give a.
If we are weak in language our expressions are sender encoder interpreter Receiver
incomplete in terms of persuasion and understanding 4
of the which person.
If you are doing communication _________ you are profitable purposelessly efficiently effectively
wasting time and money.
The language which the family members speak Non-native foreign official Mother tongue
becomes our first acquaintance and this is what we language language language 4
loosely term as
In order to understand human being we have to Group single individual separate
understand him as an individual as well as in context of 1
which behavior.
In communication identify what of all those who are altruism generosity Self-Interest bountiful
participating and then see how yours and theirs self- 3
interest can be fruitfully utilized.
_________ is heart of your becoming a part of social politics Communicatio ignorance secret
influence and leadership. n
The person makes a choice of media, message, Sender Receiver transmission Decoder
encoding and transmission and therefore, its tone, cost 1
and speed.
The term should have an objective to at least get Decoder message Sender Receiver
confirmation of its receipt confirmed or action 2
feedback, that too, within a given time frame.
It refers to the flow of messages across functional areas Diagonal Vertical Horizontal Parallel
on the same level of an organization. organisation Communicatio communicatio Communicatio 3
n n n
Building relationships between senior-level and lower- Parallel Diagonal Vertical Horizontal
level employees from different parts of the Communicatio organisation Communicati communicatio 2
organization n on n
A flow of information up and down the organization's Vertical Horizontal Parallel Diagonal
hierarchy Communicatio communication Communicati organisation 1
n on
This is specialized communication on fixed term basis Home Bulletin Newspaper press release magzine
developed for hi-lighting achievements of employees 1
and organization.
This communication is with variety of sections, External Pheripheral Internal Superficial
departments, branches and at different levels like 3
bosses subordinates and colleagues.
Business involves in society as the main agency Goods only Services only Neither Goods Goods and
providing or Services Services
To form huge network organization, we require Connection Some one is No one is Every one is
connected connected connected
What is at the heart of business network? Communicatio Products Services Products and
n Services
What expresses displeasure on part of the Pictures Words Spoken Signs Long Silence
Business Communication is always Purposeful Fruitful Aimless Pleasant 1
The building blocks of trust are transparency and in time
response. TRUE FALSE 1
The general qualities of message does not hold good in
all media. TRUE FALSE 2
Office communication is largely written communication.
Office communication is more based on rules and
regulations it requires more knowledge of systems and TRUE FALSE 1
One can not give links to some useful site TRUE FALSE 2
Print is most popular media that is being used in
business. TRUE FALSE 1
Success of business depends on . . . . . . . . Product Communication Machinery Raw Material 2
One of the important area of knowledge for Readking Understanding
communication is . . . . . . . . . Writing Skills Language 3
Skills Skills
. . . . . . . . . . Is respecting others and winning them. Diplomacy Politics Skills Maturaity 1
If you are learning business communication, start Business Business Business Audited
reading . . . . . . . . 1
Reports Newspapers Magazines Statements
Classify the main involvment of Business in society as Neither Goods Goods and
Goods only Services only 4
the main agency providing or Services Services
Identify the requirement to form huge network in the Some one is No one is Every one is
Connection 4
organization connected connected connected
Select the correct option for, 'Business Communication
Purposeful Fruitful Aimless Pleasant 1
is always'
Motive of the message should be Short and
Clear Clear and brief Brief 2
Choose appropriatly for the following sentence,
Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate
'Technically people may learn to write well but may not 4
symbols language words emotions
support it with'
Select appropriate option for, 'Empathy is putting Business Communicatio
Services Products 4
ourselves in the position of receiver of ' transcation n
Recall if the mother tongue and language of business
Identical Technical Commercial Same 4
need not be
Recall how writing skills in language can only be Practicing Practicing Practicing Practicing
developed through? listening speaking reading writing
For effective communication identify how the humans
Self interest Comfort zone Free Time Personal life 1
Determine if one must communicate with quite mind Control one's
Control over Control one's Control
and make a judgement of situation, what must one do? thoughts and 4
language thoughts Emotions
Identify in most cases to develop communication
Insider or Follower or
strategy if he /she is under pressure of a team what Follower Leader 4
outsider leader
position he /she is in the group
During transmission of a message, one has to carry out Reducing Reducing Reducing Adding
two activities. Identify the activities. Distances & Disturbance & Disturbance & Disturbannce
Removing Removing adding & Reducing
Barriers Barriers Barriers Barriers
Reception is generally at the receiving end and hence
Good Language
identify the requirement of the receptionist for effective Good Manners Patience Arrogance 3
Select appropriately from the given choices, Office External
Correspondenc Internal
communication is also known as Communicati Documentation 1
e Communication
Identify the requirements for Effective Office Knowledge of
Knowledge of Knowledge of Knowledge of
communication is based on rules and regulations systems and 3
Employees office etiquette language
Business Communication MCQs [set-1]

1. The term “communis” derived from ___word.

A. Greek.

B. Latin.

C. Chinese.

D. English.
o m
Answer: B
others. q M
2. Communication means ___information, feeling and thoughts, with

A. To receive. M
B. Exchange of.

C. Conveying.

D. All the above.

Answer: B

3. Grapevine communication is associated with _____communication.

A. Formal

B. Informal

C. Horizontal

D. Vertical.

Answer: B

4. Lateral communication is between

A. Superior and subordinate.

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B. Same cadre of personal.

C. Subordinate and superior.

D. Among all.

Answer: B

5. Audio Visual communication combines

A. Auditory only.

B. Visual only.
o m
C. Both auditory & visual.
D. Written.
Answer: C
q M
6. Communication problems otherwise known as

A. Enquire.

B. Barriers.

C. Encoding.

D. Decoding.

Answer: B

7. Posters fall under _______communication.

A. Oral.

B. Visual.

C. Written.

D. Spoken.

Answer: B

8. Informal communication is otherwise known as ______ communication.

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A. Grapevine.

B. Lateral.

C. Visual.

D. Horizontal.

Answer: A

9. Horizontal communication flows through _______

A. Face-to-face discussion.
o m
B. Telephonic talk.
C. Periodical meeting.
D. All the above.
q M
Answer: D
10. Gestural communication is a ______

A. Non-Verbal Message.

B. Direct conversation.

C. oral communication

D. Written.

Answer: A

11. Physical Barriers to communication are ______

A. Time and distance.

B. Interpretation of words.

C. Denotations.

D. Connotations.

Answer: A

12. Communication is derived from a Latin word “Communis” which

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A. Community

B. Share

C. Common

D. Marxist

Answer: C

13. Communication starts with:

o m
A. Encoding
B. Sender
C. Channel
q M
D. Feedback
Answer: B M
14. The number of key elements in the communication process is : MCQs-
Business Communication

A. Five

B. Six

C. Seven

D. Four

Answer: A

15. The two broad areas of communication are:

A. Oral and written communication

B. Verbal and written communication

C. Verbal and non-verbal communication

D. Oral and non-verbal communication

Answer: C

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16. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of oral

A. Meetings, memos and presentations

B. Meetings, memos and performance reviews

C. Meetings, presentations and performance reviews

D. All the above

Answer: C

o m
17. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of written
A. Letters and voicemail
q M
B. Reports and email c
C. Circulars and voicemail M
D. All the above.

Answer: B

18. Orders and directives are the example of:

A. Downward communication

B. Upward communication

C. Diagonal communication

D. Horizontal communication

Answer: A

19. Communication between HR manager and salesman is an example of:

A. Horizontal communication

B. Lateral communication

C. Diagonal communication

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D. Vertical communication

Answer: C

20. Diagonal communication is also known as:

A. Cross ward communication

B. Horizontal communication

C. Vertical communication

D. Any of the above

o m
Answer: A
t e
a and Finance manager is an
21. Communication between HR manager
example of:
q M
A. Downward communication

B. Upward communication

C. Diagonal communication

D. Horizontal communication

Answer: D

22. Down ward communication and Upward communication are :

A. Vertical communication

B. Horizontal communication

C. Diagonal communication

D. None of these

Answer: A

23. Placement of purchase order to supplier of material is ----------


A. Vertical communication

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B. Horizontal communication

C. Internal communication

D. External communication

Answer: D

24. Receiving a sales order is an example of:

A. Vertical communication

B. Horizontal communication
o m
C. Internal communication
D. External communication
Answer: D
q M
25. --------- Communication can be inward or outward:

A. Vertical communication

B. Horizontal communication

C. Internal communication

D. External communication

Answer: D

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Business Communication MCQs [set-2]

26. Functional coordination is one important reason for communicating


A. Superiors

B. Peers

C. Subordinates
o m
D. Employees’ unions
Answer: B
q M
27. Communication with superiors involves:
A. Directions M
B. Orders

C. Complaints

D. Instructions

Answer: C

28. Listening has been identified as one of the “seven habits of highly
effective people” by :

A. Lundsteen

B. Stephen Covey

C. Lee Iacocca

D. Tom Peters

Answer: B

29. The most basic type of listening is known as :

A. Discriminative listening

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B. Comprehension listening

C. Appreciative listening

D. Evaluative listening

Answer: A

30. Dialogic listening is also known as:

A. Empathetic listening

B. Therapeutic listening
o m
C. Relational listening
D. Active listening
Answer: D
q M
31. Readability is determined mainly by :

A. Punctuation

B. Length of words

C. Active and passive voice

D. Spelling

Answer: B

32. FOGINDEX is used to measure:

A. Clarity of message

B. Courtesy of message

C. Readability of message

D. All the above.

Answer: C

33. A message may be understood by an average educated person, if


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A. More than 15

B. Less than 15

C. Negative

D. Zero

Answer: B

34. Communication is a ___________

A. one way process

o m
B. Two way process
C. Three way process.
D. four way process
q M
Answer: B
35. The main objective of communication is:

A. Information and persuasion.

B. Skill and personality development.

C. Control and management.

D. Need.

Answer: A

36. The downward communication flow from

A. A subordinate to a superior.

B. A subordinate to a subordinate.

C. A superior to a superior.

D. A superior to a subordinate.

Answer: D

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37. Gossip and rumour are part of ---------communication.

A. Formal.

B. Informal.

C. Horizontal.

D. Vertical.

Answer: B

38. Examples of oral communication---------- o m

A. Letter.
B. E-mail.

q M
C. Telephone.
D. Fax.
Answer: C

39. Which one is an effective audio-visual communication.

A. Cinema.

B. Television.

C. Drama

D. All the above.

Answer: D

40. Advantage of written communication

A. Save time.

B. Save money.

C. Permanent reco

Answer: C

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41. Written communication doesn’t includes

A. Reports

B. Forms.

C. Notice.

D. None of these.

Answer: D

42. Communication saves time in: o m

A. Internal communication.
B. Interview.

q M
C. Oral communication.
D. Schedule.
Answer: D

43. . ............... refers to mental disturbances

A. Coherence

B. Notion

C. Distraction

D. Psychological noise

Answer: C

44. Mental turbulence refers to:

A. Inability to understand

B. Confusion in the mind of receiver

C. Confusion in the mind of sender

D. Inability to speak

Answer: B

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45. The clarity in communication could be achieved by which of the
following techniques?

A. Choose words that are short, familiar and conversational.

B. Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.

C. Achieve appropriate readability.

D. All the above

Answer: D

o m
46. In empathetic communication, we can: .c
A. Probe a
B. Respond to the feelings
q M
C. Interpret

D. advice
Answer: B

47. Conciseness of message refers to:

A. Crispness

B. Comprehensiveness

C. Specificity

D. Brevity

Answer: D

48. Errors in language, grammar or visual representation of facts take


A. Clarity

B. Correctness

C. Crispness

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D. Conciseness

Answer: B

49. __________ is the process of exchanging messages between a seller

and a customer.

A. Organisational communication

B. Business Communication

C. Managerial communication

o m
D. Professional communication
Answer: B
q M
50. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are all types of :
A. Communication skills.

B. Emotional barriers.
C. Evaluation techniques.

D. Nonverbal communication.

Answer: A

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Business Communication MCQs [set-3]

51. Communication barriers are;

A. A receiver's response to a message.

B. Avenues through which messages are delivered.

C. Obstacles that interfere with the understanding of a message.

D. The circumstances under which communication takes place.
Answer: C
52. All of the following are examples of verbal communication EXCEPT:
A. Email c
B. symbols
C. Telephone calls

D. Text messaging

Answer: B

53. -----------is the wordless form of communication which takes the form of
postures, body language ,facial expressions, eye contacts, tension,
breathing and tones etc.

A. Verbal communication

B. Garbage communication

C. Informal communication

D. Non-Verbal communication

Answer: D

54. According to Richard Fitch, in communication process 90% belongs to


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A. Formal communication

B. Non-verbal communication

C. Informal communication

D. Oral communication

Answer: B

55. ----------- means the position in which you hold your body when
standing or sitting.

o m
A. Gestures
B. Postures
C. Paralanguage

q M
D. Proxemics
Answer: B
56. According to Proxemics (space language), zones are classified
into------- categories

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

Answer: B

57. The keys to write a successful resume are:

A. Too long, verbose descriptions and over confident tone

B. “You” attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers need

C. None of the above

D. All of the above

Answer: B

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58. While giving an interview, be --- in your salary expectations.

A. Modest

B. Unrealistic

C. Realistic

D. None of the above

Answer: A

o m
59. An informal report is usually in the form of a _____communication.
A. Person to person
B. Prescribed form.

q M
C. Regular intervals.
D. Authoritative.
Answer: A

60. List of items to be discussed and decided in a meeting is called as


A. Resolution.

B. Minutes.

C. Invoice.

D. Agenda

Answer: D

61. An Agenda prepared in connection with ____

A. Meeting.

B. Business tours.

C. Exhibition.

D. Personal notes.

Answer: A

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62. . _____is a communication which contains the decision of the meeting.

A. Amendment.

B. Resolution.

C. Debate.

D. Minutes.

Answer: D

opresented according to an
63. A report prepared in a prescribed form and
established procedure is ____report
A. Formal.

q M
B. Informal.
C. Statutory.

D. General.
Answer: A

64. ____is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted

at the meeting.

A. Minutes.

B. Resolution.

C. Invitation.

D. Agenda.

Answer: D

65. The minute books are the ____book of the company.

A. Subsidiary.

B. Statutory.

C. Obligatory.

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D. Secondary.

Answer: B

66. ____and testimonials are important because they express the opinion
of others the applicant’s suitability for a position.

A. References.

B. Qualification.

C. Service certificate.

o m
D. Letters.
Answer: A
q M
67. ---------- refers to the amount of space that individuals naturally
maintain between each other. c
A. Chronemics
B. Gestures

C. Proxemics

D. None of these.

Answer: C

68. A circular is a form of --------

A. Oral communication.

B. Face-to-face communication.

C. Group communication.

D. Visual communication.

Answer: C

69. Dunning letters are also called -----------

A. Collection letters.

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B. Letter of credit.

C. Compliant letters.

D. Suggestion letters.

Answer: A

70. In................. speakers’ choice of words unintentionally communicates

something more than what the actual words state.

A. Formal Communication

o m
B. Informal communication
C. Meta communication
D. None of these

q M
Answer: C
71. Type of listening in which we learn to discern the difference in sounds.

A. Discriminative listening

B. Biased listening

C. Evaluative listening

D. Appreciative listening

Answer: A

72. In ............. , the receiver holds preconceived notions, which shape the
way a receiver decodes the sender's message.

A. Discriminative listening

B. Biased listening

C. Evaluative listening

D. Appreciative listening

Answer: B

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73. also referred to as critical/judgmental listening

A. Discriminative listening

B. Biased listening

C. Evaluative listening

D. Appreciative listening

Answer: C

o m
74. --------------- takes place when you listen to only those things that you
want to hear or to those that you interested .c
A. Discriminative listening a
B. Biased listening
q M
C. Selective Listening

D. Appreciative listening
Answer: D

75. In .................. form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to

communicate with the boss of his boss.

A. Chain

B. Circular

C. Inverted V

D. Wheel

Answer: C

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Business Communication MCQs [set-4]

76. ............... Involves how we arrange personal space and what we

arrange in it

A. Kinesics

B. Proxemics

C. Time language
o m
D. Paralanguage
Answer: B
q M
77. . ..................... is the study of body physical movements.
A. Kinesics M
B. Proxemics

C. Time language

D. Paralanguage

Answer: A

78. It involves how we say something in different pitch, tone and voice
modulation such as slow or fast.

A. Kinesics

B. Proxemics

C. Time language

D. Paralanguage

Answer: D

79. .................. are our body parts especially arms, legs, hands and head
convey meaning.

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A. Gestures

B. Proxemics

C. Time language

D. Paralanguage

Answer: A

80. Small cards that contain the important points of presentation is known

o m
A. Hand-outs
B. Cue-cards
C. Attention grabbers

q M
D. None of these
Answer: A
81. Different components of the presentation that attract the attention of
audience are:

A. Hand-outs

B. Cue-cards

C. Attention grabbers

D. None of these

Answer: C

82. Materials distributed to the audience to supplement the contents of the

presentation is:

A. Hand-outs

B. Cue-cards

C. Attention grabbers

D. None of these

Answer: A

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83. Which of the following is / are 7 Cs of presentation?

A. Clarity

B. Conciseness

C. Candidness

D. All the above

Answer: D

o m
84. Which of the following is /are not 7Cs of presentation?
A. Clarity
B. Consideration
q M
C. Concreteness
D. Collectiveness M
Answer: D

85. Our purpose in a ------------ presentation is to convince your listeners to

accept your proposal

A. Informative

B. Persuasive

C. Image building

D. Multipurpose

Answer: C

86. Our purpose in a ---------- presentation is to move your audience to take

your suggested action.

A. Informative

B. Persuasive

C. Image building

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D. Decision making

Answer: B

87. --------- in communication increases credibility of the sender of


A. Clarity

B. Correctness

C. Concreteness

o m
D. Consideration
Answer: C
q M
88. ---------- presentations include talks, seminars, proposals, workshops,
conferences, and meetings the presenter or presenters share their
expertise, and information is exchanged.

A. Informative

B. Persuasive

C. Image building

D. Decision making

Answer: A

89. Evaluation Parameters of Group discussion includes:

A. Personality

B. Communication

C. Leadership

D. All the above

Answer: D

90. -------------- is a systematic oral exchange of information, views and

opinions about a topic, issue, problem or situation among members of a

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group who share certain common objectives.

A. Presentation

B. Group discussion

C. Group interview

D. All of these

Answer: B

chronological work history o m

91. A................ focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your

A. Functional resume
B. Mini resume a
C. Combination resume q M
D. Chronological resume

Answer: A
92. A --------- Starts by listing your work history, with the most recent
position listed first.

A. Functional resume

B. Mini resume

C. Combination resume

D. Chronological resume

Answer: D

93. Curriculum vitae is known as-

A. Personal profile

B. Personal data sheet

C. Qualification sheet

D. All the above

Answer: D

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94. -------- are used by an organisation as a means of having written
records of established practices such as instructions on how to undertake
specific tasks and work policies.

A. Manuals

B. Memos

C. Letters

D. All the above

Answer: A
o m
temethod of written communication
within the workplace and will usuallya
95. . ............. are usually the least formal
include various notices or
information relating to welfare and
q Msafety issues;
A. Manuals
B. Memos

C. Letters

D. Circulars

Answer: A

96. --------------- is also known as Non-directed interview.

A. Structured

B. Unstructured

C. Depth

D. Exit

Answer: B

97. Formal Interview is also known as.............

A. Planned interview

B. Unstructured interview

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C. Group interview

D. None of these

Answer: A

98. A ----------- letter should be organized like sales letter

A. Resume

B. Curriculum vitae

C. Application letter
o m
D. All the above
Answer: C
q M
99. A ----------- is also known as a ’cover letter’
A. Resume M
B. Curriculum vitae

C. Application letter

D. Sales letter

Answer: C

100. ------------ is a document sent with your resume to provide additional

information on your skills and experience.

A. Hand-outs

B. Curriculum vitae

C. Application letter

D. Sales letter

Answer: B

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Business Communication MCQs [set-5]

101. A synopsis of the most relevant professional experiences you have

for the particular job for which you are applying.

A. Resume

B. Curriculum vitae

C. Application letter
o m
D. Hand-outs
Answer: A
q M
102. A summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as
teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards,
honours and affiliations. M
A. Resume

B. Curriculum vitae

C. Application letter

D. Hand-outs

Answer: B

103. . ------------ is an assigned communication for a purpose and for

specific receiver or reader.

A. Report

B. Memos

C. Letters

D. Circulars

Answer: A

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104. Business Letters that please the receiver are called

A. Good news letter

B. Praising letter

C. Routine letter

D. All the above.

Answer: B

o m
105. The business letter that neither please nor displease the receiver, but
are received with interest are known as .c
A. Good news letter a
B. Praising letter
q M
C. Routine letter

D. All the above.

Answer: C

106. The word “memo” is a short form for :

A. Memory

B. Memorizing

C. Memorandum

D. Members order

Answer: C

107. Memo is derived from a Latin word which means :

A. A thing which must be remembered

B. A thing which must be memorized

C. A thing which must be written

D. A thing which must be communicated

Answer: A

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108. One characteristic of a memo is :

A. Formal

B. Tool for external communication

C. Concise

D. Pretentious

Answer: A

o letter writing, except:
109. All the following are principles of business
A. Consideration
B. Correctness
q M
C. Conciseness
D. Concurrency M
Answer: D

110. Which of the following is not a compulsory part of a business letter?

A. Salutation

B. Close

C. Attention line

D. Body

Answer: B

111. The quality of a report is determined mainly by:

A. The language of the report

B. The visual aspects

C. The length of the report

D. The accuracy of the data

Answer: D

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112. A resume summarizes the following:

A. Strengths and weaknesses

B. Personality

C. Education and experience

D. Hobbies

Answer: C

113. Which of the following is characteristic ofoa chronological resume?
. c
t e
A. Appropriate for experienced candidates

B. Mentions most recent job or qualification first
C. Appropriate when education and experience are unrelated to the job applied for

D. Both a & b M
Answer: D

114. The main purpose of a group discussion is to measure:

A. Knowledge

B. Personality

C. Group communication skills

D. Leadership skills

Answer: C

115. The primary role of a moderator is to:

A. Facilitate the smooth functioning of the GD

B. Keep track of time

C. Announce the GD topic

D. Interfere during the GD

Answer: A

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116. Arriving ahead of time for a meeting is an example of :

A. Feedback

B. body language

C. Non-verbal communication

D. Verbal communication

Answer: C

117. The message sent is not always the sameoas the meaning attached to
the message. This is because of the:
A. Wrong sender

q M
B. Wrong medium
C. Faulty message

D. Inaccurate decoding
Answer: D

118. Wrong decoding means:

A. Badly worded message

B. Message sent to wrong receiver

C. Interpreted meaning is different from intended message

D. Message sent by wrong sender

Answer: C

119. Consideration in a business letter means:

A. Stressing the “me” attitude

B. Using first person pronouns

C. Stressing the “you” attitude

D. Appealing to the sender’s interest

Answer: C

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120. The resume should be written before the job application letter

A. The resume is seen first

B. The resume helps to decide what to highlight in the letter

C. The resume is more important than the letter

D. Most employers do not read application letters

Answer: C

o m
121. A GD is highly structured because:
A. It is coordinated by a moderator

q M
B. It measures group communication skills

C. Members have to listen to the views of others

D. The topic, time and number of participants are all decided in advance

Answer: D

122. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements
of communication in the communication process?

A. Sender, Receiver, Channel, Message, Feedback

B. Receiver, Feedback, Sender, Message, Channel

C. Sender, Channel, Message, feedback, Receiver

D. Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback

Answer: D

123. Which of the following is/are barriers of listening?

A. Sluggishness

B. Premature evaluation

C. External distractions

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D. All of these.

Answer: D

124. ----------listening occurs when you go beyond what is being said and
try to fathom what is not being said.

A. Deep

B. Passive

C. Full

o m
D. Discriminative
Answer: A
q M
125. Four essential elements of good listening process are:
A. Attention, Hear, Understand, Respond

B. Attention, Hear, Understand, Remember

C. Accept, Hear, Update, Remember

D. Adopt, Hear, Understand, Respond

Answer: B

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Business Communication MCQs [set-6]

126. An important function of -------- listening is to build a rapport with

another person

A. Deep listening

B. False listening

C. Relationship listening
o m
D. None of these.
Answer: C
q M
127. "The concept the individual has of himself as a physical, social and
spiritual or moral being" is: c
A. Self esteem
B. Self perception

C. Self concept

D. Stereo typing

Answer: C

128. ----------- is a person's belief about his' or her chances of successfully

accomplishing a specific task.

A. Self esteem

B. Self perception

C. Self concept

D. Self Efficacy

Answer: D

129. Which of the following is not a component of attitude?

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A. Affective

B. Cognitive

C. Openness

D. Intentional

Answer: C

130. Communication meant for changing the attitude of others is known

as----------- - communication.

o m
A. Directive
B. Mass
C. Persuasive

q M
D. All the above.
Answer: C
131. Chronemics is also known as------- language.

A. Space

B. Time

C. Body

D. Eye

Answer: B

132. ---------- is the interpretation of sensory data so as to gather

meaningful ideas.

A. Sensation

B. Retention

C. Perception

D. Cognition

Answer: C

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133. Transactional analysis (TA) was developed by:

A. Elton Mayo

B. Weber

C. Maslow

D. Eric Berne

Answer: D

o m
134. ------------ Means how our voice stress, pause, sigh etc.communicates.
A. Paralanguage
B. Body language

q M
C. Gestures
D. Proxemics
Answer: A

135. ------------ tells how our body communicates.

A. Paralanguage

B. Kinesics

C. Chronemics

D. Proxemics

Answer: B

136. --------- is talking to oneself in one’s own mind such as soliloquies,

asides in dramatic work etc.

A. Dialogue

B. Interpersonal communication

C. Intrapersonal communication

D. Unilateral communication.

Answer: C

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137. --- -----is exchange of messages between two persons such as
conversation, dialogue, interview etc.

A. Soliloquies

B. Interpersonal communication

C. Intrapersonal communication

D. Mass communication.

Answer: B

o m
138. Class room teaching and directors meeting are the examples of :
A. Mass communication

q M
B. Intrapersonal communication
C. Group communication

D. All of these.
Answer: C

139. Communication through news papers and television are known as:

A. Group communication

B. Interpersonal communication

C. Mass communication

D. None of these.

Answer: C

140. In ----------speakers’ choice of words unintentionally communicates

something more than what the actual words state.

A. Unintended communication

B. Meta communication

C. Active communication

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D. Fathom communication

Answer: B

141. ---------- communication refers to the communication between a

superior and a subordinate through scalar chain.

A. Wheel communication

B. Chain communication

C. Circular communication

o m
D. Free flow communication.
Answer: B
q M
142. In ------------ form of communication, all the subordinates of a superior
talk to one another through his medium and the superior works as a hub.

A. Wheel communication
B. Chain communication

C. Circular communication

D. Free flow communication.

Answer: A

143. This communication takes place among the members of a group

where every member of a group can communicate with the nearest two

A. Wheel communication

B. Chain communication

C. Circular communication

D. Free flow communication.

Answer: C

144. In ---------- form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to

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communicate with the boss of his boss.

A. Wheel

B. Chain

C. Circular

D. Inverted “V”

Answer: D

o m
145. Any letter designed and directed to the exchange of information
connected with trade and trade related activities is known as:
A. Business Report
B. Business enquiry a
C. Business letter q M
D. Business memos

Answer: C
146. Which of the following is not a type of business letter?

A. Business enquiry

B. Sales letter

C. Quotations

D. Reference letter.

Answer: D

147. Which of the following is/are business letters?

A. Refusal letter

B. Customer relation letter

C. Order status letter

D. All of these.

Answer: D

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148. Comparing to resume,------------ is more academic oriented.

A. Cover letter

B. Interview

C. Curriculum Vitae

D. Bio-data

Answer: C

o m
149. ----------is a kind of written announcement that is distributed to a large
number of people to convey any commercial or non-commercial message
at minimum time, costs and efforts.
A. Memo
q M
B. Notice c
C. Circular M
D. Publicity

Answer: C

150. In ------------- layout of letter, every line begins at left margin and thus
makes each paragraph look like a distinct block of message.

A. Full block

B. Semi-block

C. Simplified

D. All the above.

Answer: A

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Business Communication MCQs [set-7]

151. The purpose of a -------------- is to help the management identify the

reasons underlying a situation that management already know.

A. Report

B. Memos

C. Letters
o m
D. Circulars
Answer: A
q M
152. Which of the following is /are element of body of a business report?
A. Glossary M
B. Cover letter

C. Recommendation

D. Executive summery

Answer: C

153. Which of the following is not an element of front matters of business


A. Introduction

B. Cover letter

C. Acknowledgement

D. Table of contents

Answer: A

154. Which of the following is not an element of back matters of business


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A. Appendix

B. List of references

C. Bibliography

D. Conclusion

Answer: D

155. . Which of the following is not a basic part of report?

A. Introduction
o m
B. Discussion
C. Executive summery
D. Glossary
q M
Answer: D
156. . Which of the following is a basic part of report?

A. Cover

B. Recommendation

C. Title page

D. Glossary

Answer: B

157. ------------ indicates the hierarchy of topics and their sequences.

A. Appendix

B. List of references

C. Bibliography

D. Table of contents

Answer: D

158. A------------ includes rules for forming compound words, abbreviating

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technical terms, and writing unusual or difficult words

A. Appendix

B. List of references

C. Bibliography

D. Glossary

Answer: D

presentations? o m
159. Which is NOT one of the three purposes for giving oral

A. To persuade
B. To debate a
C. To build goodwill q M
D. To inform

Answer: B
160. Denotations and Connotations are ------------ barriers in
communication process.

A. Physical barriers

B. Semantic barriers

C. Encoding barriers

D. Technical barriers

Answer: B

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Business Communication MCQ PDF
1. The most important goal of business communication is ________

1. organizational goodwill

2. receiver response

3. receiver understanding

4. favorable relationship between sender and receiver

Answer: receiver understanding

2. Learning to communicate with others is key _______

1. eliminating all of your listeners' physiological noise

2. never being misunderstood

3. establishing rewarding relationships

4. winning the approval of everyone around you

Answer: establishing rewarding relationships

3. A message can only be deemed effective when it is_________

1. communicated face-to-face

2. repeated back as proof of understanding

3. delivered with confidence

4. understood by others and produces the intended results

Answer: understood by others and produces the intended results

4. Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?

1. filtering

2. language

3. channel richness
4. defensiveness

Answer: channel richness

5. Horizontal communication takes place between_________

1. subordinate to superior

2. employees with same status

3. superior to subordinate

4. none of these

Answer: employees with same status

6. __________is the permanent records for business.

1. Ledgers

2. Business letters

3. Production reports

4. All of the above

Answer: Business letters

7. Body of a letter is divided into _______ parts.

1. 3

2. 5

3. 2

4. 4

Answer: 3

8. Downward communication flows from ___________ to __________

1. Upper to lower

2. lower to upper
3. Diagonal

4. horizontal

Answer: Upper to lower

9. The _______ body of the presentation should be broken into short and clear units.

1. Middle

2. upper

3. Main

4. lower

Answer: Main

10. _______ best describes the grapevine as a communication pattern.

1. Serial

2. Informal

3. Verbal

4. Diagonal

Answer: Informal

11. When a group agrees to support and commit to the decision of the group, they have
reached ________

1. a census

2. a consensus

3. a solution

4. an analysis

Answer: a consensus

12. The study of communication through touch is_______

1. haptics
2. proxemics

3. semantics

4. Chronemics

Answer: haptics

13. The formal greeting with which a business letter begins is called__________

1. salutation

2. body copy

3. subject

4. reference

Answer: salutation

14. As per Newman and Summer Communication is the Exchange of_________

1. Facts

2. emotions

3. opinion

4. all the above

Answer: all the above

15. The handshake that conveys confidence___________

1. double

2. Limp

3. loose

4. Firm

Answer: Firm

16. Appeals and representations are used in _______ communication.

1. grapevine

2. horizontal

3. upward

4. downward

Answer: upward

17. Set off the list of Do and Don'ts by using __________

1. Body

2. Formal

3. Bullets

4. letter heads

Answer: Bullets

18. The envelope indicated that there was, _________ but in fact there was only a letter

1. a sender

2. an enclosure

3. a salutation

4. an indent

Answer: an enclosure

19. Good business letters are characterized by the_______ personal quality of the

1. Humour

2. seriousness

3. sincerity

4. formality
Answer: sincerity

20. Effective professional correspondence uses an appropriate style, clear and concise
language, and _________

1. the active voice.

2. the passive voice

3. open punctuation

4. mixed punctuation

Answer: the active voice.

21. Business letters produce immediate effect because they are________

1. interesting

2. brief

3. informal

4. formal

Answer: informal

22. In block text format, you do not _____ each paragraph

1. margin

2. indent

3. transition

4. punctuation

Answer: indent

23. Goals help us to __________

1. work

2. motivate

3. success
4. Communicate

Answer: Communicate

24. Simplicity in writing means essentially:

1. the use of simple word

2. Plainness

3. the use of simple tense

4. the use of simple sentences

Answer: Plainness

25. An effective oral presentation process follows _________ steps.

1. 2

2. 3

3. 1

4. 6

Answer: 3

26. Our address and phone number are shown on our _______

1. snailmail

2. postage

3. letterhead

4. salutation

Answer: letterhead

27. Which of the following is a correct dateline for a business letter?

1. Aug 20 1998

2. August 20, 1998

3. August, 20, 1998

4. 20-Aug-98

Answer: August 20, 1998

28. Form letters are also known as:

1. formal letters

2. bad news letters

3. circular letters

4. persuasive sales letters.

Answer: persuasive sales letters.

29. The _________ of business letter is called layout.

1. pattern

2. Body

3. content

4. all the above

Answer: pattern

30. Communication is the task of imparting __________

1. message

2. knowledge

3. information

4. training

Answer: information
Business Communication MCQs

1. For communication to take place, there must be a ___ and a ___.

Ans. Sender; receiver

2. Our dress code is an example of ___ communication.

Ans. Non-verbal

3. Communication is accurate when the ___ that is sent is the same as the ___ that is attached to it.
Ans. Message; meaning

4. Communication can take place using ___, ___ or ___.

Ans. Words; symbols; pictures

5. Communication may best be described as a ___.

Ans. Process

6. Communication is mostly through words.

Ans. False

7. The communication message is the same as the meaning of the message.

Ans. False

8. Communication is a dynamic process.

Ans. True

9. One reason for failure of communication is wrong interpretation of the message.

Ans. True

10. The success of communication depends only on the sender of the message.
Ans. False

11. Immediate feedback is possible in the case of face-to-face communication.

Ans. True

12. You feel that your professor does not have anything new to say and do not listen to him. This is an example
of physiological noise leading to communication failure.
Ans. False

13. Your boss gives you a good performance review at a time when the company is making profits. This is an
example of chronological context influencing the communication.
Ans. True

14. Group communication skills include listening skills.

Ans. True

15. Listening is not a part of communication skills.

Ans. False

16. Communication is needed only between superiors and subordinates.

Ans. False

17. External communication is as important as internal communication.
Ans. True

18. Team skills do not require the ability to communicate effectively.

Ans. False

19. A destructive review of performance can lower employee morale.

Ans. True

20. Two broad areas of communication are oral and written communication.
Ans. False

21. What you say is more important than how you say it.
Ans. False

22. Verbal communication is more likely to go wrong in a cross-cultural context.

Ans. True

23. Jargon refers to words with multiple meanings

Ans. False

24. A case-based GD requires greater analytical skills than a topic-based GD.

Ans. True

25. A job interview between an employer and a prospective employee is an example of a ___ ___
communication channel.
Ans. Two-way; face-to-face

26. In a one-way non face-to-face channel, the communication is ___ and ___ in nature.
Ans. Verbal/written; impersonal

27. When you want the receiver to pay attention to your message, ___ communication is better than ___
Ans. Oral; written

28. When using a lot of jargon, ___ communication is more suitable than ___ communication.
Ans. Written; oral

29. Peers are co-workers who work only in different departments of an organization.
Ans. False

30. Criticizing an employee may be done in public.

Ans. False

31. A policy of openness is essential for good public relations.

Ans. True

32. Suggestions should only be given by superiors to subordinates.

Ans. False

33. In general, visuals should be prepared to match the ___.

Ans. Audience
34. A formal communication network is characterized by ___ ___.
Ans. Official channels;

35. The most valuable ideas and suggestions often come from ___ communication.
Ans. Upward;

36. An advantage of regular downward communication is ___.

Ans. Transparency/openness

37. In a multi-layer organization, ___ communication is more important than ___ communication.
Ans. Vertical; horizontal/lateral

38. While ___ should be suppressed, ___ networks should be accepted.

Ans. Rumors; informal

39. Some people are born listeners.

Asn. False

40. Comprehension listening is the most basic type of listening

Asn. False

41. Listening to a salesperson’s presentation is an example of evaluative listening?

Asn. True

42. Responding to customer complaints is an example of dialogic listening?

Asn. False

43. Solving employees’ problems often involves both empathetic and therapeutic listening.
Asn. True

44. Two types of media for presenting visual aids to a small audience are ___ and ___.
Ans. Flip charts, computerized displays

45. Paying more attention to the way a speaker is dressed, is an example of focusing on ___ rather than ___
Asn. Delivery; content

46. A good listener tries to understand the meaning behind ___and ___ messages.
Asn. Verbal; non-verbal

47. ___ are known to be physiologically quicker than ___.

Asn. Listeners; speakers

48. Active listening can be demonstrated verbally through ___ and ___.
Asn. Clarifications/questions; feedback/suggestions

49. A good listener is ___ and ___.

Asn. Curious; open-minded/attentive

50. Listening skills are equally important in all types of industries.

Asn. False

51. Customers should be made to apologize for making wrong complaints
Asn. False

52. Listening actively to a customer should be indicated through verbal communication.

Asn. True

53. Listening to employees, or inviting their suggestions involves only downward communication.
Asn. False

54. The type of listening during a job interview is mostly evaluative listening.
Asn. True

55. It is better to use the word “cognizant”, rather than “aware.”

Ans. False

56. The expression “Her voice was silky smooth” is an example of a metaphor.
Ans. True

57. Abstract nouns should be used as the subject in a sentence.

Ans. False

58. The sentence “Each of the following employees is being promoted” is grammatically correct.
Ans. False

59. Positive ideas may be expressed by using the second person pronoun.
Ans. True

60. Power point slides should not be ___ and ___.

Ans. Cluttered/overcrowded, over-decorated

61. The tone of business writing should not be ___ and ___.
Ans. Negative/insincere/discourteous/exaggerated / discriminatory

62. Using the passive voice is a technique of ___.

Ans. Subordination/de-emphasis

63. Saying “Our products are synonymous with quality and affordability” is an example of ___
Ans. “My attitude”

64. Readability is determined by ___ ___.

Ans. Sentence length/word length

65. Saying “Manpower” instead of “Human Resources” is an example of ___ ___.

Ans. Sexist language/discriminatory tone

66. Conflicts between co-workers can be resolved through teleconferencing.

Ans. False

67. Asking for a few days of leave from work may be done through voice mail.
Ans. False

68. Telephone communication has the advantage of providing immediate feedback.
Ans. True

69. Two types of visual aids that can make presentations more credible are ___ and ___ ___.
Ans. Photographs, product demonstrations

70. ___ is better suited for large audiences than ___.

Ans. Transparencies, flip charts

1. We cannot understand the intention of the author while reading any given text.

2. A book is read-only for the pleasure of reading it.


3. The intention of reading a medical report is to gain information.


4. Reading is an encoding process of communication.


5. A problem-solving meeting is the most frequently held type of meeting.


6. Match the following

i) Nominal Group
a. Mini – meeting

ii) Convergence b. Outline of meeting

iii) Minutes c. Unbiased

iv) Meeting etiquette d. Permanent record

v) Opening the meeting e. Different viewpoints

ANSWER. i) c, ii) e, iii) d, iv) a, v) b

7. After the meeting, follow-up must be done by the ___ and the ___
ANSWER. Chairperson; participants/members

8. A meeting without an agenda and convergence is a meeting that lacks ___

ANSWER. Structure

9. A meeting where there are unrelated discussions is one that lacks ___

10. Meetings are efficiently conducted when they are ___ and ___
ANSWER. Organized/conclusive/structured/focused

11. Meetings are ineffective when ___ are not made. ANSWER. Decisions

12. A memo is used only for upward communication. ANSWER. False

13. One of the three “C’s” of précis writing is “Components.”

14. Unlike a regular report, the memo is brief and informal.


15. Match the Following

i) Passive voice a. Main message

ii) Direct organizational

b. Reasons first

iii) Persuasive memo c. Regular reports

iv) Indirect d. Informational

organizational plan memo

v) Subject Line e. Call for action

ANSWER. i) c, ii) d, iii) e, iv) b, v) a

16. A ___ is a type of legal document.

ANSWER. Notice

17. A common purpose of notices and circulars is to ___, rather than ___.
ANSWER. Inform; persuade

18. A ___ ___ notice is an example of a notice sent to individual employees.

ANSWER. Show cause

19. The intranet is part of an informal communication network.


20. The intranet can be customized to meet the needs of smaller companies.

21. The intranet encourages grapevine.


22. The intranet can make meetings more focused.


23. The intranet involves high investment in maintenance and training.

24. Match the following

i) “WIFM” principle a. Acronym

ii) “P’s and Q”s b. Reader benefits

c. Bullet points and white

iii) Shouting

iv) Readability d. All capital letters

v) FYI e. Etiquette

ANSWER. i) b, ii) e, iii)d, iv) c, v) a

25. ___ and ___ channels are used to communicate with shareholders.
ANSWER. Oral; written

26. Project site and factory visits are part of ___ communication with
ANSWER. crisis

27. Effective communication with shareholders meANSWER being ___ with them.
ANSWER. open/truthful

28. The language of business letters is similar to the language of advertising.


29. Every business letter should have a salutation, a body and a close.

30. The tone of a business letter is more important than the format.

31. Match the following –

i) Adjustment a) Rejecting a business proposal

ii) Order letter b) Persuasive message

iii) Bad newsletter c) Routine letters

iv) AIDA format d) Supplier

v) Credit and collection e) Replacement of the defective

letters product
ANSWER. i) e, ii) d. iii) a , iv) b, v) c

32. A letter expressing a goodwill message should follow the ___ organizational
ANSWER. Direct

33. Granting a request for a refund at the beginning of a letter meANSWER

presenting the ___ ___ first.
ANSWER. Main idea

34. A ___ is an opening statement in a bad newsletter.

ANSWER. Buffer

35. In a persuasive letter, the indirect plan is called the ___ ___.

36. In an indirect plan, they ___ are presented first.

ANSWER. Reasons / explanations

37. A press release is a paid form of communication.


38. Maintaining good media relations is important for getting a press or news
release accepted.

39. The purpose of a press release is to sell a company’s products.


40. Match the following –

i) Corporate advertising
a. Display logo and message

ii) Event sponsorship b. Change of attitude

iii) Corporate social

c. Company viewpoint

d. Protect corporate
iv) Advocacy advertising

v) Crisis communication e. Public Service Advertising

ANSWER. i) b, ii) a, iii) e, iv) c, v) d

41. Product advertising can communicate effectively without words, through the
choice of an appropriate ___.
ANSWER. Medium/visual

42. Interest in a product can be built by developing a ___ ___ ___.

ANSWER. Unique selling proposition

43. Another name for the AIDA format is the ___.

ANSWER. Hierarchy of effects

44. A business report is a subjective presentation of information.


45. There is no single format for a business report.


46. The purpose of a proposal is to inform.


47. A compliance report is a one-time report.


48. The quality of a report is judged by its visual appeal.


49. Match the following

i) Memo format a. Bibliography

ii) Preliminary part b. Technical specifications

iii) Problem definition c. Informal

iv) Appendix d. Body of report

v) Documentation e. Executive summary

ANSWER. i) c , ii) e, iii)d, iv) b, v) a

50. Audience analysis helps to determine the ___ and the ___ of the report.
ANSWER. Tone/length; formality/complexity
51. The survey method is used to gather ___ data for a report.
ANSWER. Primary

52. ___ ___ and ___ are two ways of making a report more convincing.
ANSWER. Expert opinions; documentation/references/bibliography

53. The use of ___ ___ is a recommended technique of writing style in business
ANSWER. TrANSWERition sentences/concrete nouns/correct tenses

54. It is better to emphasize the ___ in a report rather than the ___.
ANSWER. Ideas; writer/reader

55. Resumes should be tailored to the needs of different employers.


56. In a chronological resume, only the most recent job is listed.


57. A functional resume is more applicable for experienced candidates.


58. The components included in a resume will depend on the type of resume.

59. There is no prescribed length for a resume.


60. Match the following –

i) Solicited application letter a. Providing evidence and benefits

ii) Less competition for the

b. Relating qualifications with job

iii) Attention-getting opening c. Subject line

iv) Creating interest d. Unsolicited application letter

v) Convincing prospective e. Showing familiarity with the

employer employer

ANSWER. i) c, ii) d, iii) e, iv) b, v) a

61. Letters of recommendation should contain ___ ___ And ___ ___.
ANSWER. Relevant information; legal safeguards

62. The indirect organizational plan is used to write ___ ___ letters and ___ ___
ANSWER. Job refusal; negative recommendation

63. A ___ ___ letter conveys good news.

ANSWER. Job acceptance

64. A GD is a free-wheeling discussion, with full freedom given to participants to

select topics of their choice.

65. A GD evaluates participants based on the solution offered to a problem


66. What you say in a GD is as important as how you say it.


67. Match the following

i. Environmental barrier a. Psychological noise

ii. Individual barrier b. Physical noise

iii. Understanding customers’

c. Organizational barrier

iv. Suppressing the views of junior

d. Active listening

e. Written communication
v. Speaking with a foreign accent

vi. Messages with multiple meanings f. Eye movements

vii. Non-verbal communication g. Cultural barrier

viii. Letter addressing customer

h. Semantic barrier

ANSWER. i) b ii) a iii) d iv) c v) g vi) h vii) f viii) e

68. A ___ is one where a panel of interviewers interviews a single applicant

a. Group discussion
b. Personal interview
c. Feedback session
d. Group interview

69. In a traditional job search approach, you seek employment in a particular

a. True
b. False

70. ___ increases the likelihood of getting candidates with initiative and foresight.
a. Solicited application
b. Resume
c. Unsolicited job application letter
d. Recommendation letter.

71. ___ resume is appropriate when you are changing your career completely.
a. Functional
b. Cross-functional
c. Chronological
d. Professional

72. A progress meeting is the most challenging type of meeting.

73. An agenda provides an outline of how the meeting will run.

74. Only problem-solving meetings need to be planned in advance


75. An agenda is prepared by the participants of the meeting.


1. The foremost skill required for learning a language is ___.

a. Writing skill
b. Reading skill
c. Speaking skill
d. Listening skill

2. The primary skill is to acquire knowledge about everything in the world.

a. Reading skill
b. Writing skill
c. Listening skill
d. Speaking skill

3. It is a Psycho-linguistic guessing game.

a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Learning
d. Listening

4. Understanding a written text meANSWER –

a. Reading comprehension
b. Extracting the required information
c. Understand writer’s meaning
d. Both a & b

5. Reading is a ___ process.

a. Encoding
b. Codification
c. Decoding
d. None of the above

6. Men work on the land are:

a. Cultivators
b. Gardeners
c. Shepherds
d. All of the above

7. Person who dig out stone for buildings and roads, and for laying a bed for
railways lines.
a. Quarrymen
b. Miners
c. Diggers
d. Both b and c

8. Shopkeepers comes under the category of –

a. Movers
b. Manufacturers
c. Helpers
d. Makers

9. SQ3R techniques for reading is given by –

a. Braille, 1965
b. Robinson in 1970
c. Both a & b
d. Billmeyer, 1962

10. ___ is the brightest star.

a. Sirius
b. Alpha
c. Blake
d. None of the above
11. “Spectroscopes” instrument is used by –
a. Doctor
b. Engineer
c. Astronomers
d. Astronauts

12. The fascinating areas of language learning is –

a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Writing
d. Speaking

13. Listening process involves –

a. Processing the data
b. Reconstructing the data
c. Giving meaning to the data
d. All of the above

14. Trumpet horn bagpipes are in the category of –

a. Wind instruments
b. Woodwind
c. Strings
d. Striking instruments

15. Semantic markers are used as –

a. It mark the beginning of the sentences
b. It act as a link between two sentences
c. Its function is to indicate a shift in the tone of the speaker
d. All of the above

16. ‘C’ stands for carbon and ‘Ca’ stands for calcium are examples of –
a. Field abbreviations
b. Common abbreviations
c. Personal abbreviation
d. None of the above

17. The oldest form of communication is –

a. Writing
b. Speech
c. Reading
d. Symbolic

18. The big step forward in communication is –

a. Speaking
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. None of the above

19. It is the system where each symbol stood for a and syllable and vowels were
not indicated.
a. Hieroglyphics
b. Syllabaries
c. Ideographs
d. None of the above

20. ___ is a word or a phrase, which helps us to express what we are trying to
a. Idioms
b. Gambit
c. Tricks
d. Sarcastic

21. Those sentences which make statements or assertions are called –

a. Declarative or Assertive sentence
b. Interrogative sentence
c. Imperative sentence
d. Exclamatory sentence
22. Identify the subject and predicate in the given sentence –
‘The Sun was shining.’
a. The, sun was shining
b. The Sun. was shining
c. The Sun was, shining
d. None of the above

23. A group of words that forms part of a sentence, and contains a subject and a
predicate, is called –
a. Clause
b. Phrase
c. Gambit
d. Idioms

24. An ___ is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an

adjective, or another adverb.
a. Adverb
b. Adjective
c. Pronoun
d. Clause

25. ‘Babur was a wise king who ruled India. Identify the proper noun.
a. King
b. India
c. Babur
d. Wise king

26. A ___ noun is the name of quality, action, or state considered apart from the
object to which it belongs.
a. Abstract noun
b. Common noun
c. Proper noun
d. Definite noun
27. A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is called the –
a. Common gender
b. Neutral gender
c. Neuter gender
d. All of the above

28. Form the plural of the given words.

1. Volcano
2. Canto
3. Piano
a. Volcanos, cantoes, pianos
b. Volcanos, cantos, pianos
c. Volcanoes, cantoes, pianos
d. Volcanos, cantos, pianos

29. Select the correct plural form of a given noun.

a. Goose-Geese
b. Dwarf-Dwarfes
c. Belief-believes
d. Cargo-Cargos

30. The ___ to form a complete, recognizable whole is called cohesion.

a. Connection
b. Linking
c. Gluing
d. All of the above

31. “Certain factors required in the construction of paragraphs” –

a. Unity
b. Order
c. Variety
d. All of the above

32. ___ is concerned with marking and identifying items, people and events.
a. Reference
b. Conjunctions
c. Lexical Replacement
d. All of the above

33. A ___ is a short concise summing up of any material, either auditory or

a. Concise
b. Precise
c. Summary
d. All of the above

34. A summary is known as –

a. A brief statement of the main points of something
b. It is a short concise summing up of any material, either auditory or written
c. Both a & b
d. Shortened form of the main points

35. Biographies, Historical stories, etc. are the example of –

a. Imaginative essays
b. Narrative essays
c. Descriptive essays
d. Expository essays

36. Bibliographic can consist of –

a. Books
b. Journals or Periodicals
c. Audios and videos
d. All of the above

37. Gathering citations and reference list at the end of each chapter or at the end
of the page.
a. Endnotes
b. Footnotes
c. Footer
d. All of the above

38. The writing styles are determined by the ___ matter.

a. Topic
b. Object
c. Subject
d. Field

39. Communication is basically –

a. Talking
b. Writing
c. Signaling
d. All of the above

40. ___ linked people together in an organization to achieve a common purpose.

a. Communication
b. Common goal
c. Objective
d. Purpose

41. We require several skills for acquiring ___ and ___.

a. Knowledge, wisdom
b. Knowledge, information
c. Information, experience
d. Both b & c

42. Reading skill improves our ___ and ___.

a. Learning skills, speaking skills
b. Learning skills, communication skills
c. Learning ability, communication skills
d. All of the above

43. Rain has ___ right through the coat. If you can’t ___ your dog from biting the
milkman, you must lock him up.
a. Penetrated, restrain
b. Ex asperation, kernal
c. Cut, amazement
d. None of the above

44. David living stone worked as a ___ in a cotton mill when he was only ten
years old. He did not receive any formal education and was his own ___.
a. Doctor, labourer
b. Labourer, teacher
c. Explorer, labourer
d. Teacher, doctor

45. ___ involves processing and reconstructing the data, But ___ is letting the
sounds beat your eardrums.
a. Listening, hearing
b. Hearing, listening
c. Casual listening, focused listening
d. None of the above

46. The ___ and ___ is also helpful for the listener to understand the meaning.
a. Tone, behavior
b. Pitch, tone
c. Tone, attitude
d. Tone, intensity

47. Using lecturers, handouts we acquire information from ___, and by using
tutorials, conversations, etc. we acquire information through ___.
a. Tutors, fellow learners
b. Other sources, tutors
c. Students, tutors
d. None of the above

48. Identify the advantages of writing –

a. The speaker himself did not have to be present in order to communicate
b. The knowledge of one generation could be accumulated and passed on to the
c. Both a & b
d. We can represent, what we want

49. The general categories of communications are –

a. Speech, writing
b. Printing
c. Electronic communication
d. All of the above

50. ___ meANSWER no external, unnecessary details have to be included, while

___ meANSWER all the significant and important details should be included.
a. Accurate, complete
b. Orderly, clear
c. Accurate, clear
d. Clear, complete

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