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Class VIII Section ID No: Full Marks 50

Final Examination 2020-21 Duration 1 hour 30 minutes Subject Biology

Date Teachers

General Observation: You are reminded of the need for good English and orderly presentation. Please read the
question paper carefully.
Special Instructions: All questions must be answered on separate sheets of paper and uploaded in Google
You are required to attempt all the questions.

Question Sec A 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Question Sec B 1 2 3 4 Total

e questions. (All questions to be answered on separate sheets of paper)

Section A

Q1. Choose the correct answer and write down the number in your answer script. [1x10=10]

a. Which risk is greatly increased by the nicotine in cigarette smoke?

i. Bronchitis and emphysema

ii. Cancer of the airways
iii. High blood pressure
iv. Reduced birth weight of babies

b. Which substance has the same concentration in dialysis fluid as in blood?

i. Glucose
ii. Protein
iii. Salts
iv. Urea

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c. The diagram shows a part of the human urinary system. Where is urea most concentrated?

i. A.
ii. B
iii. C
iv. D

d. Which structure will be found in the nucleus of a body cell in a woman?

i. X allele
ii. X chromosome
iii. Y allele
iv. Y chromosome

e. The diagram shows the external view of a brain. Which part of the brain is concerned with heartbeat and

i. A
ii. B
iii. C
iv. D

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f. Which of the following patterns of reproduction are found only among unicellular animals?

i. External and internal fertilization

ii. Hermaphroditism and parthenogenesis
iii. Pheromonal and hormonal coordination
iv. Fission and budding

g. Cells are formed by the division of existing cells. Four different cells are shown below. Which cell is
produced by meiosis?

i. A
ii. B
iii. C
iv. D

h. What happens when a person focuses on a near object?

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i. A
ii. B
iii. C
iv. D

i. In humans, the development of fertilised egg takes place in the

i. ovary
ii. oviduct
iii. testis
iv. uterus.

j. A patient with a sore throat went to the doctor. The doctor examined the patient and then prescribed an
antibiotic as the treatment. What was the cause of the sore throat?
i. Bacteria
ii. Tobacco smoke
iii. Viruses
iv. Yeasts

Q2. The diagrams show the structure of the alveoli in the lungs of a normal person and in a smoker with

a. Describe what happens to a person when he suffers from emphysema. [3]

b. Untreated emphysema can lead to lung cancer. Explain what lung cancer is. [2]

Q 3. The diagram shows an animal cell.

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a. Name the cell. [1]
b. State the function of this cell. [1]
c. Name three structures found in this cell that are not found in other animal cells. [3]

Q 4. Lactose is a sugar found in milk. It is digested by an enzyme called lactase. Some people cannot make
lactase. The condition they have is called lactose intolerance. The condition is caused by a recessive allele. This
means that only people with the homozygous recessive genotype can be lactose intolerant.
a. What is meant by the term homozygous? [1]

b. State the two possible genotypes of an individual who is not lactose intolerant. Use the symbols D for the
dominant allele and d for the recessive allele. [1]

c. A homozygous dominant mother and a homozygous recessive father have two children. In the boxes below
give the genotypes of the parents and their children. [2]

Genotype of parents _________ , _____________

Genotype of children _________, __________, _________, __________

d. What is the probability that the children are lactose intolerant? [1]

Q 5. Reproduction is a fundamental feature of all known life; each individual organism exists as the result
of reproduction. Plants and animals can reproduce asexually and sexually.
a. Give an example of a way that plants can reproduce asexually. [1]
b. The testes produce a hormone. Name the hormone and describe its functions. [2]
c. Make a table and state two differences between sexual and asexual reproduction. [2]

Section B

Answer any two (2) of the following questions:

Q 1. The pictures below show a reflex action that involves the eye. [4]

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a. Identify the following for the image B:

i. Stimulus to which the eye responds ________________

ii. Receptor cells that detect the stimulus ____________
iii. Effector_____________
iv. Response that the eye makes______________

b. Describe how the nervous system coordinates the response shown in the above pictures. [2]

c. The organs of the human body are coordinated by the nervous system. Mention one other way in which
these organs are coordinated. Explain your answer. [2]

d. During extreme sports, such as bungee jumping there is an increase in the secretion of a hormone in the body,
which increases the heart rate as well as breathing rate. [2]

i. Name the hormone. ______________

ii. Mention the gland that secretes this hormone. ____________

Q 2. a. Explain the following terms.

i. Allele [2]
ii. Gene [2]

b. With the help of a genetic diagram explain how sex is inherited. [6]

Q 3. a. State the functions of the following structures. [5]

i. The kidneys
ii. The urethra

b. Describe how a kidney dialysis machine performs the functions of the kidneys in a patient with kidney
failure. [5]

Q 4. a. Discuss the effect of the following components of tobacco smoke. [2x3=6]

i. Carbon monoxide
ii. Tar
iii. Nicotine

b. Suggest why many people regard smoking tobacco as no longer socially acceptable. [2]

c. Explain how smoking cigarette can also lead to heart attack. [2]


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