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CIVIL REVISION  NO. 5922  OF 2000 


An application for addition of party as

Opposite party by way of substitution 

of the   heirs of the   opposite party no

. 2 Ajob Ali , Hakim Ali son of Ajob

Ali  and Shah Alom son of Ajob Ali     


Md. Reazuddin Shah ,      

                   ---- Petitioner


1. The Government of the People's

Republic of Bangladesh , represented

by the Deputy Commissioner , Natore

and others  .------Opposite Parties .



 Ajob Ali being dead his legal

heirs ;

2.(a) Md. Mustak Ali

2.(b)Md. Manik Ullah

2.(c) Md. Jewel Hossain

2.(d) Md. Jamiruddin 

2.(f) Most. Peyara Khatun

2.(g)Most. Rabela Khatun 

All sons and daughters of  late Md . Ajob Ali 

Most. Rajiya Khatun , Wife of late Md . Ajob Ali 

2.(h )Md. Hakim Ali (Died)

2.(I) Md. Shah Alom (Died)

Shah Alom son late Md. Ajob Ali  Died being his

following heirs-

2.(j)  Md. Suruj Miya @ Sujon 

2.(k). Md. Baccu Miya 

2.(L) Md. Atikur Rahman

2.(M) Md. Ashikur Rahman

2.(N) Md. Shaheenur Ackter 

All Sons and daughter of  late Shah Alom 

Md. Hakim Ali  son late Md. Ajob Ali  Died being

his following heirs-

2.(O) Md. Khadimul Islam 

2.(P Md. Khairul Islam 

2.(Q) Most. Mitu Khatun 

2.(R) Most. Ritu Khatun 

All Sons and daughters of Late Hakim Ali

2.(S) Most. Golapi  Khatun ,Wife of Late Hakim Ali

 All  of Village: Shidhuli , Police Station –Gurudaspur ,

District: Natore . 
proposed  to be  added as the

opposite party  No . 2(a), 2(b),






 Ajob Ali being dead his legal

heirs ;

1. Md. Mustak Ali

2.)Md. Manik Ullah

3..Md. Jewel Hossain

4. Md. Jamiruddin 

5. Most. Peyara Khatun

6.Most. Rabela Khatun 

All sons and daughters of  late Md . Ajob Ali 

7.Most. Rajiya Khatun , Wife of late Md . Ajob Ali 

8.Md. Hakim Ali (Died)

9. Md. Shah Alom (Died)

Shah Alom son late Md. Ajob Ali  Died being his

following heirs-

 10. Md. Suruj Miya @ Sujon 

11. Md. Baccu Miya 

12. Md. Atikur Rahman

13. Md. Ashikur Rahman

14. Md. Shaheenur Ackter 

All Sons and daughter of  late Shah Alom 

Md. Hakim Ali  son late Md. Ajob Ali  Died being

his following heirs-

Md. Khadimul Islam 

 15.Md. Khairul Islam 

16.Most. Mitu Khatun 

17. Most. Ritu Khatun 

All Sons and daughters of Late Hakim Ali

18.Most. Golapi  Khatun ,Wife of Late Hakim Ali

 All  of Village: Shidhuli , Police Station –Gurudaspur ,

District: Natore . 


Mr. Justice Hasan Foez Siddique , the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

Bangladesh and his companion Judges of the said Hon’ble Court.

The humble application  of the

applicants  above named most



1. That the petitioner filed the above mentioned civil Revision  no

5922 of 2000 challenging the judgment and order  dated

15.5.2000  passed by the learned subordinate  Judge, 2 Court ,


Natore  in Review Miscellaneous case no . 18/98 arising out of

judgment and decree dated 29.06.1998 passed in T.A No . 36 /92

reversing those dated 3.2.1992 passed by the Assistant Judge ,

Gurudaspur , Natore in other class suit no 50/91 . 

2. That after hearing of the learned Advocate for the petitioner, the Hon’ble

High Court Division was pleased to issue a rule and was further pleased 

to pass an order that parties are directed to maintain  status-quo in respect

of possession in the suit land .  

3. That it is stated that during the pendency of the instant Rule,

the opposite party no.2  namely Md . Ajob Ali died on

18.06.2012 leaving behind 06 sons, 2 daughters and wife .

Subsequently the  son of said Ajob Ali namely Hakim Ali died

on 24.11.2013 leaving behind 02 sons ,02 daughters and wife.

Another son of said Ajob Ali namely Shah Alom died on

01.06.2022  leaving behind 04 sons and 01 daughter . The heirs

of the said Ajob Ali , Hakim Ali and Shah Alom  are  the


2.(a) Md. Mustak Ali

2.(b)Md. Manik Ullah

2.(c) Md. Jewel Hossain

2.(d) Md. Jamiruddin 

2.(f) Most. Peyara Khatun

2.(g)Most. Rabela Khatun 

All sons and daughters of  late Md . Ajob Ali 

Most. Rajiya Khatun , Wife of late Md . Ajob Ali 

2.(h )Md. Hakim Ali (Died)

2.(I) Md. Shah Alom (Died)

Shah Alom son late Md. Ajob Ali  Died being his

following heirs-

2.(j)  Md. Suruj Miya @ Sujon 

2.(k). Md. Baccu Miya 

2.(L) Md. Atikur Rahman

2.(M) Md. Ashikur Rahman

2.(N) Md. Shaheenur Ackter 

All Sons and daughter of  late Shah Alom 

Md. Hakim Ali  son late Md. Ajob Ali  Died being

his following heirs-

2.(O) Md. Khadimul Islam 

2.(P Md. Khairul Islam 

2.(Q) Most. Mitu Khatun 

2.(R) Most. Ritu Khatun 

All Sons and daughters of Late Hakim Ali

2.(S) Most. Golapi  Khatun ,Wife of Late Hakim Ali

 All  of Village: Shidhuli , Police Station –Gurudaspur ,

District: Natore . 

Photocopies  of the Warishan Certificate of the

opposite party no. 2 namely Md . Ajob Ali and his two sons

namely Md. Shah Alam and Md . Hakim Ali   are  annexed

herewith and marked as Annexure-“1” , “2” & “3 ”.

4. That  it is  stated that the legal  heirs of the opposite party no. 2

namely late Md. Ajob Ali,  Hakim Ali and Shah Alom  needs to be

added as the opposite party  No. 2(a), 2(b),

(Q)2(R)   in the instant case for securing their interest in this suit

and for proper and final adjudication of the instant suit.

5.  That it is submitted  that for the aforesaid reasons, following

persons may kindly be added as the opposite party  Nos.  2(a), 2(b),



6. That it is submitted that if the aforesaid applicants  will not 

added as the opposite party by way of substitution  in this instant

suit, their interest in this case will not be  best secured and it is

necessary for proper and final adjudication of the instant suit and

hence, your lordships  may kindly be added as substituted the

opposite party  in this case.

7.  That it is stated that the applicants of the instant application are

illiterate and were  not aware of the instant civil revision. and as the

petitioner did not take any initiative to substitute the heirs of the

opposite party No. 2 Ajob Ali, Hakim Ali and Shah Alom. that on

02.05.2023 the applicants came to know about the instant civil

revision and came before the hon'ble Court with an applicant for
substitution. in the meantime long days  has been delayed  in filling

the instant application .  

8. That it is submitted that your lordships may kindly be allowed 

this application otherwise your applications will suffer irreparable

loss and injury .   

Wherefore, it is most humbly prayed that

your Lordships may graciously be pleased

to allow this application and substitute the

heirs of the opposite party no. 2 namely

Md. Ajob Ali  as the substituted opposite

party nos . 2(a), 2(b),


l),2(M),2(N),2(O),2(P),2(Q)2(R)    and

direct the office to record the same

accordingly and or/pass such other or

further order or orders as to your Lordships

may seem fit and proper.

And for this act of kindness your applicants as in duty bound shall

ever pray.


I,  Md. Jewel Hossain ,  son of late Md. Ajob Ali ,  of village-  Shidhuli , 

Police Station-Gurudaspur , District-Natore  , aged about-...... years, by faith

Muslim, by Occupation-business ,  National  I.D No. ..........................., by

Nationality-Bangladeshi, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows:-

1. That I am the son of the opposite party no. 2 as the applicant

in this application and tadbirkorlik  of the case and am fully

conversant with the facts and circumstances of the case and

competent to swear this affidavit. 

2. That all the  copies of the annexure(s) annexed with the

application are genuine and true.

3. That the statements made in paragraph are true to my knowledge and

belief .  

Prepared in my office.

    (Md. Shajibur Rahman durjoy )               Deponent

The deponent is known to
me and identified by me.

  (Md. Shajibur Rahman durjoy )

Solemnly affirmed before me this the  . . .  . . Advocate
th day of    june , 2023 . 
Room No.216 ( Annex )   , Supreme
Court Bar building 
Membership No. 2232  
Mobile No. 01708519117 .


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