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Insurance list

sender : well logging energy technology (Xi'an) Co., Hi-Tech Industries Development . Zone , Xi'an , Shaanxi P.R china
710077 Tel : +862962276227, Fax : +86-2962276190 Description
LOGGING INSTMT 1025MA MANDREL STAR II 3.64 O.D 10149041 88868 2 733,800.00 1,467,600.00 Resistivity tool to depict (image) formation
LOGGING INSTMT 4430XA DOWNHOLE POWER ADAPTER ( STAR POWER ) 189277 10093877 CBL 2 53,475.60 106,951.20 Power adaptor to combine with other parts for STAR II string
Star tool Set
LOGGING INSTMT 1022PA POWER SUPPLY STAR ll 3.63 O.D ( STAR POWER SUPPLY ) 10145503 189280 2 150,506.40 301,012.80 Power supply part to combine with other parts for STAR II string
LOGGING INSTMT 1022EA RESISTIVITY ELECTRONICS STAR ll 3.63 O.D ( STAR ELECTRONICS ) 10145003 189278 CBL 2 267,750.00 535,500.00 Electronic part to combine with other parts for STAR II string

LOGGING INSTMT 1424XA SEGMENTED BOND TOOL (SBT) 09011 09012 2 269,737.20 539,474.40 Sonic tool to measure and evaluate cement behind the casing in wellbore( cement bonding between casing and cement)

LOGGING INSTMT 1424PA VDL SUB FOR SBT 3-3/6 O.D (SBT) 09011 SBT 09012 2 106,951.20 213,902.40 Sonic tool to measure and evaluate cement behind the casing in wellbore( cement bonding between cement and formation)
2 SBT Tool SET
LOGGING INSTMT 1633EA A/L ACES208 ACOUSTIC ELECTRONICS (SBT) 09011 SBT 09012 2 130,574.40 261,148.80 Electronic part to combine with other parts of SBT
LOGGING INSTMT 1309XA GAMMA RAY(DC) 3-5/8 (SBT) 0809 08010 2 37,500.00 75,000.00 Measure Gamma radiation of formation
LOGGING INSTMT SLIM CEMENT BOND TOOL OD 43mm ( SLIM SNIC) 0901 0902 SBT 2 53,475.60 106,951.20 Sonic tool to measure and evaluate cement behind the casing in wellbore just the tool is small size( 43mm)
LOGGING INSTMT 3981XA DWN -HOLE FORCE /TEMP/RM SENSOR (TTRM) 10142490 10295100 SBT 2 78,993.60 157,987.20 Measure and indicate weight(load) of whole logging tool string, wellbore temperature and mud resistivity in wellbore
LOGGING INSTMT 3944XC 3-3/8" SWIVEL ASSEMBLY 2 44,100.00 88,200.00 Auxiliary tool to combine with other tools in the string to avoid effect of cable rotation on data quality
7 84405 080402
LOGGING INSTMT 4401XB ORIENTION TOOL ( CDR) 2 252,619.20 505,238.40 Measure inclination (deviation) of wellbore
8 10200278 10202271
LOGGING INSTMT 1329XB WTS SPECTRALOG/GR (GR TOOL ) 10266346 2 205,461.60 410,923.20 Measure spectrum of gamma radiation of formation
4 10298531
Downhole tool receive command from surface panel, collecting signal from other downhole tools and send signal up to surface panel for
LOGGING INSTMT 3514XB WIRELINE TEMTRY XCVR 3-5/8 (Telemetry TOOL ) 10184846 2 173,851.20 347,702.40
5 10041337 processing.
Downhole tool receive command from surface panel, collecting signal from other downhole tools and send signal up to surface panel for
LOGGING INSTMT 3514XB WIRELINE TEMTRY XCVR 3-5/8 (Telemetry TOOL ) 0918 2 5,164.00 10,328.00
0917 processing.
INSTMT 4341XA WTS 4-ARM BOW-SPRING CENTRAIZER W/FEED-THROUGH CONDUCTORS 0918 2 3,600.00 7,200.00 Auxiliary tool to combine with other tools to make tool string center during recording data
PORTABLE SURFACE ACQUISITION SYSTEM ECL IPS5700 ( Surface computers Slim eclips ) 0904 1 375,000.00 375,000.00 Surface panel to collecting data from downhole tool and process it and send commnad to downhole tools
7 DCGI-01
PORTABLE SURFACE ACQUISITION SYSTEM FOR CBL ( Surface computers Slim Sonic ) 1 37,500.00 37,500.00 Surface panel to collecting data from downhole tool and process it and send commnad to downhole tools
8 DC715-01 CBL
SEVEN CONDUCTOR CABLE HEAD GS18 2 15,600.00 31,200.00 The part (sub) to connect to string as last joint to cable
9 GS17

TOTAL 5,578,820.00
Insurance list
sender : well logging energy technology (Xi'an) Co., Hi-Tech Industries Development . Zone , Xi'an ,
Shaanxi P.R china 710077 Tel : +862962276227, Fax : +86-2962276190 Description

1 LOGGING INSTMT 3106XA MSFL 910611 910619 2 16,750 33,500 Micro-resistivity tool to measure mud resistivity in water based mud

3 LOGGING INSTMT 3992XA RES/MASS-ISLTN SUB 3-5/8" OD 370111 186350 2 16,014 32,028 Auxiliary tool to combine with STAR II and CBIL

4 LOGGING INSTMT 1671MB DIGITAL CBIL MANDREL SECTION 10150030 188534 2 378,483 756,966 Ultra sonic tool to measure secondery porosity and formation fractures

5 LOGGING INSTMT 4406XA RES/MASS-ISLTN SUB 3-5/8" OD 10059199 1 52,454 52,454 Auxiliary tool to make Z-DENSITY pad and MSFL pad in same direction

6 LOGGING INSTMT 1671EB DIGITAL CBIL ELECTRONIC SECTION 10150818 188543 2 233,272 466,544 Electronic part to combines with DIGITAL CBIL MANDREL

7 LOGGING INSTMT 2446XA COMPENSATED NEUTRON 004 021 10307806 3 146,411 439,233 Nuclear tool to measure primary porosity of formation

8 LOGGING INSTMT 1515EA HIGH DEFINITION INDUCTION LOG-ELECT 10300586 10330955 2 14,917 29,834 Electronic part to combine with HIGH DEFINITION INDUCTION LOG MANDREL

9 LOGGING INSTMT 1677 EA ACOUSTIC 8 CHANNEL ELECNS 10348224 10221889 2 65,287 130,574 Electronic part to combine with DIGITAL ACOUSTILOG

10 LOGGING INSTMT 1680MA WTS DIGITAL ACOUSTILOG 10240695 10152017 1 53,474 53,474 Sonic tool to measure secondary porosity of formation

11 LOGGING INSTMT 1239MA SELECTABLE DUAL LATEROLOG MANDREL 913914 913919 1 155,758 155,758 Resistivity tool to measure formation and contains' fluid resistivity in water based mud

12 LOGGING INSTMT 1678PA XMACII ISOLATOR 10337591 518812 1 81,484 81,484 Adaptor(sub) to make insulation in tool string and combine to XMACII

13 CASING COLLAR LOCATOR 2330XA 5722 5734 2 1,224 2,448 Indicate casing joints(connection between casing)

14 LOGGING INSTMT 1678MB X MACII 8 CH RECEIVER MANDREL 10148462 10137781 2 230,522 461,044 Part which contains Receivers of XMACII tool to measure secondary porosity

15 LOGGING INSTMT 2228EA WTS Z-DENSITY ELECTRONIC 001 012 37083 3 12,389 37,167 Electronic part to combine with Z-Density tool to measure formation lithology

17 LOGGING INSTMT 3923XA WTS KNUCKLE JOINT 3-3/8" OD SYXJ100604 SYXJ100601 2 18,926 37,852 Auxiliary tool for deviated well to minimize rigid length

19 LOGGING INSTMT 3967XB RES/MASS-ISLTN SUB 3-5/8" OD 9.14E+09 9.14E+09 2 230,522 461,044 Auxiliary tool to combine with DUAL LATEROLOG MANDREL

20 LOGGING INSTMT 1678FA XMACII TRANSMITTER ELECTRONICS 10144996 10136692 2 85,578 171,156 Electronic part of XMACII tool string to measure secondary porosity

21 LOGGING INSTMT 1678BA XMACII TRANSIMITTER MANDREL 369799 10063883 2 147,762 295,524 It contains Transmitter of XMACII tool string to measure secondary porosity

Downhole tool receive command from surface panel, collecting signal from other downhole tools and send signal
up to surface panel for processing.

29 LOGGING INSTMT 3997XB DA MASS ISOLATION SUB 12"LG 101210 919723 9139971054 9139971055 4 15,000 60,000 Sub to extend deep current flow to formation in DUAL LATEROLOG MANDREL tool

32 LOGGING INSTMT 2228MA WTS Z-DENSITY MECHANISM SECTION 4-7/8" 001 012 370834 3 75,224 225,672 Nuclear tool to get formation lithology

34 LOGGING INSTMT 3516XA WTS SLAM ADAPTER 91604 1 18,000 18,000 Adaptor used to connect old-version tool and new-version tool.

35 FOUR-ARM CALIPER 910305 910310 8014 3 3,600 10,800 Measure diameter of wellbore

40 LOGGING INSTMT 1515MA HIGH DEFINITION INDUCTION LOG MANDREL 10065000 10330957 2 531,930 1,063,860 Resistivity tool to measure formation resistivity in oil based mud

TOTAL 5,084,816.00

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