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Below are different short stories with complete elements. Read the three
and select the best short stories that gives the best theme.

Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with complete elements
STORY 1: You should Listen with Magic
There was good witch named Welda Kobler. She used her magic to help all the people
in the village, but her magic goes crazy if someone doesn’t follow instructions. Welda
helped the policeman in the village with his police car. It was not moving fast as fast
he wanted, so the witch cast a magic spell on his car chair. She instructs him, “Move
the chair back to go fast, but do not hit it hard.” Welda leaves and the policeman didn’t
listen. He hit the chair to test it. Then, the car zoom past the policeman’s home. It
bounces on a hill and goes so
fast that it flies into a tree.

STORY 2: The Story of Freddie Fisher

One day, Freddie heard the fish were really biting in Miller’s lake. Never
having been to that lake, Freddie was anxious to get there. Early the next day he set
out to walk the thirty miles to the lake. Just thinking about the fish that could be
caught got Freddie walking faster and taking really big steps. In fact, soon Freddie was
covering a mile in just ten steps. He got to the lake in no time. Immediately, two huge
fish jumped out of the water and waved to Freddie. He baited his hook with about ten
pounds of worms and casts his line. “Eat up! Eat up!” Freddie yelled. One fish
chomped on the hook and was caught. It tried to swim away and pulled out a hundred
miles of line, Then the other big fish chomped on the first fish and it swam out another
hundred miles.

So Freddie jumped in the water and wrestled with the fish until it gave
up. He dragged the fish to shore. That night Freddie made fish sticks for all his friends.
“Eat up! Eat up!” Freddie yelled. And four hundred people died.

STORY 3: The Real Wealth/

A king once had a lake made in the courtyard for the two young princess to play in .
They swam about in it and sailed their boats and rafts on it. One day, the king told
them he had asked the men to put some fish in the lake. Off the boys ran to see the
fish was a turtle. The boys were delighted with the fish, but they have never seen a
turtle. They were afraid of it; thinking it was a demon. They ran back to their father
crying, “ there is a demon on the bank of the lake”.
The king ordered his men to catch the demon and bring it to the palace. When the
turtle was brought in, the boys cried and ran away.
Sample of Short Stories
1. Which among the short stories has the best ending for you? And why?
2. In writing a short story which among the three give the best theme prove your


Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements
SITUATION: As one of your outputs in English 4, choose your favorite short story.
You will study the story’s tone and meaning. Then, after a careful study of the tone
and meaning of the text, create your own version of the story.
GOAL: For Online Learners: The pupils can choose your favorite scene in the story
and remake the tales into a video presentation. Send your output to your LMS or your
teacher’s FB messenger.

For Modular Learners: The pupils can choose your favorite scene in a comic strip to
include visual elements of the culture. Use A4 size of bond paper in making your

ROLE: The Grade 4 pupils will take the role as comic artist (comic strip).
PRODUCT: Online Learners: Video presentation of a story telling activity

Modular Learners: Comic strip

AUDIENCE: Teachers and fellow classmates
1. Deliver the content accurately about analyzing visual and multimedia elements that
contribute to the meaning of a text
2. Shows creativity and impact
3. Communicate properly by retelling the story that have read.

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