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If you read this or not doesn’t matter. | will no longer be uploading and updating the series. Apparently, it is not being appreciated enough and other people are leeching the work and asking for money for not doing anything. | would like to thank those who have supported me from the begi release them regularly. ig and being patient as | | will still continue to unlock chapters for my reading and collection, but uploading them in PDF will no longer be done. So, enjoy the last releases and | hope with the right support and appreciation one day, | can start re- releasing chapters again sometime in the future. Sandvich-Gio signing off Chapter 231 Penny had infuriated Lara. Clenching her teeth, Lara pointed at Penny and said, "Hey, Penny, this is what you said. Wait and see!” At this time, Lara looked like she was not afraid of anything. Of course, she knew that Penny dared to do anything, and it seemed that she had a good relationship with a group of gangsters outside the university. Normally, it was unwise to provoke this kind of people, but at this time, Lara was hot-headed, "Even if you are a hedgehog, | will definitely fight with you today!" She tumed around and was about to walk out of the dorm to find the teacher. Seeing Lara really took it seriously, Penny's heart skipped a beat. Although she seemed to be fearless, she was still worried in her heart. If this matter was really exposed to the school leaders, she might be kicked out of school After all, she had a bad history. Now she was like a clown walking on a wire, and the wire was as thin as a hair. Even if there was one more feather on her body, she would fall off. However, Penny had also made up her mind. If she was kicked out, no one would have a good end. No matter it was Lara or Linda, none of them would have a good ending. After all, she had someone powerful behind her, that was why she dared to be so fearless at Buckeye University. Because of this, even if Penny provoked those gangsters in the school, no one dared to hurt her. "F*ck, I'll let Kieran wipe you out later!" Penny gritted her teeth as she thought to herself. However, just as Lara was about to step out of the dormitory, she was suddenly pulled back Lara was stunned. She turned her head, only to find that the person holding her back was Linda. "Linda, why are you pulling me back?" Lara asked with a shacked look on her face. “Lara, forget it” Linda shook her head with a bitter expression. Lara glanced at Penny, who was on the upper bunk, and said disdainfully, "Forget it? Why? Linda, did you forget what Penny did to you before? | won't let it go! People like her should be taught a lesson, otherwise, they would really think that everyone is afraid of her!" Lara obviously did not believe that Penny would really kill her or something and wanted to give it a try, "No one else dared to do anything to you, Penny. | wonder if | provoked you, what would you do to me?" This was exactly what Linda was worried about. Although Linda didn't know who the person behind Penny was, she knew very well that Penny was not a person to be trifled with. She'd better not mess with some disgusting people like Penny, otherwise, she would get injured. Linda, of course, was worried about Lara. She did not want to see Lara get hurt because of her. “Lara, forget it. It's all my fault. Let's... let's forget it, okay? | beg you.” Linda begged, “We'd better not provoke someone like her." In fact, Linda was not really afraid of Penny. After all, she was very clear that no matter how powerful Penny's background was outside the school, compared with Ethan, Penny was nothing. Penny couldn't be compared with Ethan at all! Linda was only afraid that Penny would trap Lara in the future. It was hard to guard against a hidden arrow. No one could be on his guard all the time. Linda didn't want Lara and herself to spend the next two years in college under this atmosphere. Linda held onto Lara tightly, making Lara unable to move. In the end, Lara could only let out a heavy sigh and glared at Penny. “Alright, Linda, let's forget about it today!" Lara said, “But remember, although we are girls, we are definitely not cowards. Not everyone can humiliate us. If anyone dares to bully us, | will risk my life and fight with her!" Lara's words were meant for Penny. Lara was a straightforward person. She disliked Penny the most. The emotions she depressed in the past were unleashed to the fullest today Originally, she was hot-headed today and had already planned to fight a life-and- death battle. However, in the end, she was still held back by Linda. Lara, of course, knew that Linda did this for her own good. She sighed again and said to Linda, "Okay, let go of me, Linda. I'm going out to take a break. It's so f*cking unfair!" After saying that, Lara pulled Linda's hand away and walked straight out of the dorm. Upon hearing that Lara would not pursue the matter any further, Penny felt relieved. Moreover, she knew Lara well. If she said that she would not pursue the matter, then basically, she would not complain anymore. She had, at least, managed to get through this with no danger at all. After a while, the arrogant expression was back to Penny's face again. She looked down at Linda and sneered disdainfully, "Haha, you're not a fool. I'll tell you, Linda. If Lara dares to accuse me in front of the teacher today, you'll have a hard time. If Kieran finds out that | am expelled because of you two, you'll die!” Penny glanced at Linda. Suddenly, she thought of something and a sinister smile appeared on her face, Chapter 232 After thinking for a moment, Penny suddenly smiled. She softened her attitude towards Linda and said, "Think about it, Linda, we're friends after all. In fact, | don't want to make it so ugly” Penny gave a fake sigh. "Sometimes, | am worried about you. Your family leads a hard life, and you're working hard at school. You even have to go out to sing at night and work part-time on weekends. Aren't you tired?" Linda was a little confused, She didn't know what Penny was going to do. Penny had been looking down on her just now, but now, Penny acted as if nothing had happened. “If you have something to say, just say it” Linda said bluntly. Penny giggled and said, "Nothing much, actually, It's just that you're working too hard. We're all friends, and I feel bad for you... But Linda, | have a good job here. If you can make time to go out once or twice, you'll be able to earn a few thousand dollars in a month. Also, I'm sure you won't feel tired from doing this. How about it? Do you want to have a try?" What Penny said made Linda feel confused and suspicious. She didn't believe that Penny would be so kind. Normally, Penny even wanted Linda to die. Penny couldn't be so kind to offer Linda ajob, There must be something wrong with it. Linda rejected curtly, "I feel that it's quite good to be like this now” Penny was a little displeased to be refused. Her expression changed all of a sudden. Pointing at Linda, she shouted, "You are really shameless. Seeing you are too tired, | introduce a good job to you out of kindness. Why did you say that? Do you have a conscience?" "Démn it. A person like you deserves being an inferior person for your entire life!” After saying that, Penny glared fiercely at Linda and lay down. Actually, she had also coincidentally recalled that she had not yet completed the goal that Kieran had set for her this month. She noticed that Linda seemed to be good. If she introduced Linda to Kieran, Kieran would be very satisfied. Unfortunately, Linda didn't fall into the trap, which made Penny angry and frustrated. Linda smiled and murmured in a low voice, ‘I'd love to be poor, as long as | don't spend the money that doesn't go against my conscience!" Linda knew that there was no such thing as free lunch in the world. The time Penny said that the job took little time and effort to earn a few thousand dollars a month, she could guess what kind of job it was. Linda thought it was ridiculous. Even if she had starved to death on the streets, she would never do such a thing, This was a matter of dignity. If a person lost his dignity, wouldn't he be like animals? Linda tumed her head and went back to the laundry room. She no longer paid any attention to Penny. Seeing Linda leave, Penny let out a sigh in her heart. It had been in the middle of the month. She hadn't finished the task Kieran gave her yet. In fact, the person behind Penny was Kieran, the young master of Donovan Group. They met by chance. When Kieran learned that Penny was a student of Buckeye University, he had the idea of asking her te find women for him. Kieran ordered that Penny must get him at least one girl every month, whether by coaxing or bribing. In any case, Penny must get him a girl, or rather, a virgin. Each time Penny got one for Kieran, he would give her several thousand dollars as a reward. That was the reason why Penny's recent life became more and more luxurious. Perhaps she lived too close to Linda, she really didn't think of Linda before. But she was a little unlucky this month. She tried to find a few girls, but they all rejected her. Some people even directly reported Penny to the school leaders. Following that, a few other girls who had been coaxed by Penny also went to complain. It was only then that Penny's bad history was finally dug out. At that time, Penny was dumbfounded. She felt that she would definitely die this time. Fortunately, Kieran did something to protect her. In addition, Penny put on a show in front of the school leaders to make them feel that Linda was a miserable person. Perhaps the school leader was afraid that it would affect the school's reputation once exposed Finally, Penny was punished to be under surveillance. Moreover, the school leaders had said if Penny dared to make another mistake, even the slightest, she would be kicked out as a warning to others. On the one hand, it was the disciplinary punishment of the school. On the other hand, it was Kieran's urging. Penny was in a dilemma. She'd thought that the poor Linda would submit to her with her coaxing. She didn't expect Linda to be so stubborn to refuse her directly. “Humph, you son of a b*tch. You dare to refuse me! Then don't blame me for being rude!" Penny said to herself. She was very clear how Kieran, the son of b*tch, would punish her if she failed to get a girl for him. Chapter 233 After Linda washed her clothes, she returned to her dorm. It seemed that Penny had fallen asleep. Lara sat on the bed, as if she was thinking about something Linda put down her things, sat down, and then said softly, "Lara, thank you so much for today. However, you have to promise me that you won't be so reckless in the future. Penny's background is very complicated. We'd better not to provoke her.’ Lara pursed her lips and smiled. "OK, Linda! Don't worry. If she dares to trouble you next time, | will still stand up for you. | have long disliked her." Linda sighed, thinking that if Lara was still as stubborn as before, she would suffer loss sooner or later. Then Linda looked at Lara and seemed to be a little worried, saying, "Lara, if you encounter any trouble in the future, just call me. Don't worry, | will not let anyone hurt you!” Linda said it from the bottom of her heart. She didn't have many friends, and Lara was one of them. She didn't want to bring any unexpected disaster 1o Lara because of her own reasons. Now she had Ethan to rely on. At least she could protect her good friends with Ethan's help in the future. In the past, Lara was the one who protected Linda. This time, Linda should also protect Lara. Linda stretched out her hand to hug Lara tightly, and then said earnestly, “If you have any trouble in the future, you must tell me!" Lara smiled and agreed. She found that Linda seemed to be a bit different today. Usually, Linda would bear and accept everything. But today, Linda dared to defy Penny and even said these words to Lara. Although Lara was very clear that Linda meant to comfort her by saying it. After all, Linda had no money and no power. How could Linda really help her? But still, Lara was very touched at these words. It seemed that Linda regarded her as a good friend. At least, Linda had the intention to help her. "Okay, | know!" Lara smiled and patted Linda on the back, saying, "Go to sleep. Don't you have to go to the concert tomorrow?" At this point, Lara suddenly thought of something and quickly reminded, "By the way, Linda, where did you put your tickets? Don't lose it" Linda pointed at a small leather bag on the bedside table and said with a smile, "They are over there. Don't worry, it's okay.” Linda said, "Lara, why don't... why don't | ask Ethan to get you a ticket?" Hearing it, Lara felt excited first, but then she calmed down. She knew very well that Linda and Ethan were both poor. Who knew how much effort Ethan had taken to get these two tickets? Even if Ethan could make it, how could she have the face to ask for it? She didn't want to make trouble for others. Lara smiled and said, "No, there's no need to do that. |, | wont be able to go tomorrow even if | have a ticket. | have something urgent to deal with tomorrow.” Lara made up a bad excuse. She smiled and continued to say, "You just go. Take more pictures and let me have a look at them.” Linda frowned and said, "Well, but Lara, if you want to go, you can tell me. Ethan can get the ticket!” Lara smiled and finally said, "It's really not necessary. Dor’ you believe me?" Linda silently shook her head, and then she was pushed out of bed by Lara. “Alright, go back to sleep. I'm going to sleep, anyway. | still have things to do tomorrow." When Linda heard this, she could only return to her bed, Soon, the sound of heavy breathing came from Linda's side. It was obvious that Linda had fallen asleep. At this moment, Penny, who was on top bunked, poked her head out of the bed. She looked at Linda and then at Lara. After she confirmed that the two of them had indeed fallen asleep, a sinister smile appeared on her face. Soon after, her gaze fell on Linda's leather bag with the tickets. Penny waited for a while to make sure that both of them were indeed asleep. Then she slowly climbed out of bed. She carefully walked to Linda's bed, tiptoed to open the leather bag and took out the tickets. In the dark, Penny smiled and thought, "How dare you go against me! In order to punish you, these four tickets belong to me now!" Penny couldnit be happier, but it wasr't entirely because she could punish Linda by stealing the tickets. More importantly, she got Alyssa’s concert tickets without effort. She only needed one ticket, but now she had four in her hands. Of course, Penny knew that the price of scalped tickets in the first row had risen to about thirty thousand dollars. "lll Keep one for myself and sell the other three. Thirty thousand dollars for each. The remaining three will be 100,000 dollars. Hahaha... It seemed that Penny was already thinking about what would happen when she got 100,000 dollars! Chapter 234 In the morning, Linda got up a little late. When she woke up and looked at the time, she found that it was already very clase to the appointed time with Ethan. So she hurriedly got up and tidied up. At this moment, Lara also woke up. Linda frowned and asked, "Lara, did you see Penny? Why did she disappear early in the morning?" Lara stretched out her head and looked at the bed. Penny did leave and the quilt was also piled up on the bed like a pig's nest as usual. “Who knows where she is! Maybe she went out with some men. Who cares about her!" Lara stretched and looked at Linda. "Hey, why are you in such a hurry?" Linda curled her lip and said hurriedly, "Oh, Ethan and | have agreed to meet at the gate at 8:30. | just got up...” Linda simply wore a light makeup, changed her clothes, and went out. "Okay, Lara, Ill go first!” Lara nodded and lay down on the bed again. Looking at Linda who ran out of the dormitory in a hurry, she couldn't help shaking her head with a sigh. Ethan was really considerate to Linda, unlike her bullsh*t boyfriend who would appear only when he had no money. Lara sighed, but at this moment, Linda came back in a hurry. “Eh? Why do you come back?" Lara asked in surprise. Linda smiled and returned to her bed. Then she stuffed the small leather bag with the admission tickets into her bag and said with a silly smile, “Look at me, | almost forgot the tickets!” Lara was speechless. She quickly stopped Linda and said, "Hey, wait a minute!” Linda was stunned. “What's wrong?" Lara smiled and said, "Don't forget to take your brain!” Linda snorted, "Okay, I'm leaving. Call me if you need anything!" After leaving the dorm, Linda ran straight to the school gate. At this time, Ethan was already waiting there. Linda trotted over and said, "Sorry, | got up a little late” Ethan smiled and said, "It's okay. The concert will be held at noon. We have enough ‘time. Linda, do you bring the tickets?" Linda nodded and took out the small leather bag from her bag. "Yes. They are here." “Okay. Let's go.” After finishing speaking, Ethan stopped a taxi. Along the way, Ethan and Linda chatted for a while, and then found a place to have breakfast before they were ready to go to Buckeye Gymnasium. When they arrived at the stadium, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. After getting out of the car, Ethan asked Linda to call Karen and Roy. Linda nodded and quickly took out her mobile phone, ready to make a phone call. But at this time, not far behind the two people, a voice came. "Linda? Why are you here?" Hearing the sound, Linda and Ethan looked back and saw two figures coming toward them. These two people were exactly Karen and Roy. "Karen? Why are you here?" Linda asked in surprise. Karen and Roy looked at each other, and a look of displeasure appeared on their faces. "Why am I here? Linda, | also want to ask you, why are you here?" Karen was instantly enraged when she saw Linda. She was somewhat angry. Because she never thought that she would meet Linda and Ethan here. Since Linda and Ethan were here, it only showed that Linda and Ethan were ready to come to the concert without telling them! Karen sneered. She felt that she was a little too naive Last night, she discussed with Roy that they would call Ethan and Linda when they arrived at the concert site this moming. In that case, it would be impossible for Linda and Ethan to refuse. But they met Linda here, which just showed that Linda and Ethan had already agreed to come to the concert without inviting them at the beginning. How could she not be angry at this? Linda didn't realize it. She frowned and asked Karen, "We're here for the concert. Karen, what a coincidence! We were...” Linda wanted to make it clear that she wanted to call them just now, but was interrupted by Karen. "Linda, do you think it is okay that you come here yourself? We are quests. Are you going ta the concert yourselves and leave us in that shabby place?” Hearing this, Linda knew that Karen misunderstood her. She quickly explained, "No, Karen, Roy, we've just arrived here. Ethan and | have already discussed it. We'll call you when we get here.” “Come on, you are really good at lying now!" Karen didn‘ listen to her at all. She said unhappily, "Are you treating us as relatives? How can you treat us like this?" Chapter 235 Linda's face was full of grievances. She really wasn't lying She quickly showed her mobile phone to Karen and explained, ‘If you don't believe me, you can take a look. | was about to call you, but before | could call out, you came over.” However, Karen didn't even look at it at all. Instead, she turned her head to the side and looked displeased. “It's really interesting. You regard me as a three-year-old child, don't you? Do you really think I still believe in your nonsense?" She muttered Linda looked at Ethan anxiously and said, "I'm telling the truth. I am not lying. You can ask Ethan” Ethan also hurriedly explained, "Linda didn't lie to you. | can testify.’ But Karen didn't care about Ethan at all. She curled her lips and said, "Humph! You are a couple. How can | know whether you are telling the truth or not? | treat you as relatives, but you...” Karen was unreasonable, so Ethan really didn’t want to explain to her. Suddenly, Ethan remembered that the tickets to the concert were in Linda's bag. As long as he took out the tickets, they naturally knew that he didn't lie. After all, Ethan asked for four tickets from Maggie yesterday. Ethan and Linda couldn't use four tickets, could they? Thinking of this, Ethan quickly looked at Linda and whispered, "All right, don't talk nonsense with them. Just show them the tickets.” Ethan knew Karen well. As a person who liked taking advantage of others, Karen would probably forget everything once she saw the tickets. What's more, why did she and Ray come here? Weren't they planning to go to the concert? But with their abilities, it was impossible for them to get a ticket. If he gave them two first-row tickets for free, they would be thrilled. Hearing this, Linda also nodded and quickly reached out her hand to the bag The time Linda lowered her head, a familiar voice came fram beside them. “Oh, what a coincidence. How can | meet you everywhere?" Ethan and the others followed the sound and looked over. They saw Jennifer walking over sulkily. Seeing Jennifer, Ethan immediately remembered what had happened at the entrance of Empire Hotel. He was suddenly in a rage, feeling a little disgusted. "Do we still need ta report to you where we are?" With a snort, Ethan refuted coldly and resentfully. Jennifer was quite happy at first, but her face suddenly darkened as soon as she heard Ethan. She said gruffly, "It has nothing to do with me where you are!” Jennifer looked at the entrance of the stadium. At this time, a lot of fans had gathered there. She said proudly, "In fact, I'm just curious. What are you doing here? Do you want to sneak into the gymnasium? It's ridiculous. What are you thinking? Do you really think those security guards are just for nothing?" Then she continued with a smile, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. People like you must have a terrible ending if you want to sneak in and get discovered by others!" After finishing her words, Jennifer looked at Karen and Roy who were standing behind Ethan and Linda. She was also quite curious who they were and why they were together. Jennifer's words were too harsh. Karen didn't know who Jennifer was. However, she couldn't suppress her anger any more for being criticized like this. She got furious again. "Who are you talking about!” Karen said tit-for-tat, "Pay attention to your words and be humble! You really don't know what is respect, do you?" Karen glared at Jennifer. She was furious. She could also tell that Jennifer must have had a conflict with Ethan and Linda. But having a grudge with Ethan and Linda was none of Karen's business. If Jennifer scolded Karen, Karen would definitely fight back! Roy was also a little unhappy. He looked at Jennifer from head to toe and couldn't help sneering. In his opinion, the girl in front of him was just a student. Her family might be okay, but she was definitely not from some rich or noble family. What kind of world was this? This type of person dared to boast like this! If it weren't for her family, she probably wouldn't have dared to be so arrogant! Hearing Karen's words, Jennifer looked at the couple in a hurry and said with her eyes squinting, "Who are you? Did | just call you by your name? Are you out of your mind?” “Ha ha, did you guys come along with these two poor guys?" "Keep your mouth shut, or [ will be rude to you!" Roy took a step forward, pointed at Jennifer, and warned her, 'We are Linda's relatives. If you talk dirty again, you will bear the consequences!" After being scared by Roy, Jennifer did restrain herself a lot. After all, there were four of them, but she came to see the concert today alone. If she had a conflict with them, she would be the one to suffer in the end. However, in front of Ethan and Linda, she didn't want to show her fear. She hated these two the most. If they saw her being afraid, how could she bully them in the future? After thinking about it, Jennifer raised her head and said to Roy, Why are you so rude? Do you think I'm afraid of you just because you have so many people? Who are you scaring? This is a public place. If you dare to do anything to me, believe it or not, as long as | shout, all of you will be arrested!" Jennifer was indeed very smart to say that. After finishing her words, she pointed at the police car on duty next to her, with a smug look on her face. Indeed, as long as there was an argument, the police would definitely come over to intervene. Anyway, Jennifer felt that she would not suffer any losses. What Jennifer said did scare Roy. He thought about it for a while. He had come here today for fun. There was really no need for him to cause any unpleasant trouble. So in the end, he just sighed in his heart, and his attitude toward Jennifer also softened a lot in an instant. "Well, even so, you can't humiliate people casually! We don't know each other, why do you say something so harsh to us?" Roy was not reconciled. Jennifer sneered and said with disdain, "Well, you cant blame me. You're their telatives”” Jennifer seemed to think of something and suddenly burst into laughter. She pointed to Ethan and teased, “Ethan, why did you come here today with Linda's poor relatives? Do you want to go to the concert?" Chapter 236 Jennifer's words were full of sarcasm. Ethan knew that she asked this question for a hostile intention. “Does it have anything to do with you?” Ethan asked coldly. "Please get out of the way. You're not welcome here!" Hearing this, Jennifer smiled disdainfully, "You don't welcome me and order me to go? How dare you? It's really interesting! Who do you think you are? Da you think this is your home?" Jennifer then threw a glance at Karen and Roy, and said in the same disdainful tone, "It's really ridiculous. Has Alyssa's concert become that cheap now? All kinds of people can go in and have a look? Don't you think too highly of yourselves?" There was a sense of pride in Jennifer's tone. She didn't take Ethan and the others seriously at all. "What do you mean? It's just a concert. What? Why some people can't go in? Who do you despise? Who do you think you are?” Karen, who had hated Jennifer at the first sight, spoke again Although she also hated Ethan and Linda, at least now they were on the same side. Moreover, Karen really hated the arrogance of Jennifer from the bottom of her heart. Ethan was really annoyed when he heard the quarrel between the two people, so he intended to leave with Linda and the others But before he could take a step, Jennifer began to make trouble again. "Exactly, do you really think everyone can attend this concert?" Jennifer laughed and said, "To be honest, you guys can't even afford one ticket. Do you really want to go in to see a concert? You're a group of poor people. Do you know haw much the tickets are now?" ‘As she spoke, Jennifer took out a ticket from her purse and said proudly, "Can you see it? My seat is just an ordinary one. It's the kind of place where | can barely see people on the stage. The ticket for such a seat is now over 8,000 dollars. You? Bo you have enough money?” Jennifer's words really surprised Roy and Karen. “What... what? The tickets for such seats cost more than 8,000 dollars?" Roy muttered in disbelief. He had thought that such an ordinary ticket was worth at most 2,000 to 3,000 dollars. However, to his surprise, the ticket had risen to such a high price. Karen was also very surprised. She even subconsciously opened her mouth. Could it be that the ticket was made of gold? 8,000 dollars were worth half a month's profit of her small restaurant. Seeing their expressions, Jennifer was relieved, because she already knew that Linda's two relatives were probably also bumpkins. They were ignorant, and such a price was enough to scare them like this. "Why are you so surprised?" Jennifer sniggered. "How dare you say that you're here for the concert? Come on, go home. Don't embarrass yourself here, okay?" Hearing Jennifer's words, Karen gritted her teeth with her face full of unwillingness. "Who... who are you talking about? We... we're here for the concert today!" Karen said, "It's only 8,000 dollars. It's nothing. | had lunch in the Empire Hotel yesterday, which cost me more than 100,000 dollars. You, have you ever tried that?" Roy also said quickly, “That's right. You are just a little girl, and we don't want to argue with you. You'd better be sensible. Do you know who he is? How dare you talk to him like this? Believe it or not, if you talk nonsense again, you will regret the time he make a call!” “He” was, of course, Ethan. In fact, Roy was also a little curious at this time. Why did Jennifer seem to know Ethan but didn't take Ethan seriously at all? It was true that Jennifer never thought highly of Ethan. When she heard Roy's wards, she just smiled and said, "Who is he? Haha, you know better than I do, don't you” Jennifer then looked at Karen and continued, "Let's talk about you first. | think you will stick to your word if | don't make you embarrassed enough, right? Well, didn't you say that you are here for the concert? Well, then take out the tickets now." Jennifer was sure that they didn't have any ticket, so she said with a smile, "How about we make a bet? If you can take out the ticket today, I'll leave here immediately and I'll give you my ticket as my apology!" "But if you don't have the tickets, hmph..." Jennifer sneered and said, "Then you'll kneel on the ground and bark like a dog. What do you think?” Jennifer glanced around each person with a teasing look. When her eyes fell on Roy and Karen, they couldn't help feeling a little nervous. After all, they were nat sure whether Ethan had tickets or not. If he had, it would be okay. But if he didn't have a ticket, it would be a huge shame to bet with Jennifer. Roy and Karen hesitated and looked at Ethan and Linda next to them: “This... Do you have a ticket?" Karen rushed to Linda's side and asked in the lowest voice, "If you don't have one, or if you can't get it, then tell me now, lest | get embarrassed later!” "Yeah, don't crack a joke now. This is a matter of dignity. If you don't have one and continue to pretend, then we will be hurniliated harshly in the end! Hearing this, Ethan looked at the two nervous people with a wry smile and said, “You still don't believe us? I'll say it again. What Linda just said is true. The tickets are now in Linda's bag" Ethan tumed his head and looked at Jennifer with a teasing look as well. He couldn't help but think about everything about Jennifer. This woman was tao arrogant and shameless, Ethan laughed in his heart, He thought, "Since you proposed all this yourself, then don't blame me!" “Well, I'll bet with you!" Ethan smiled faintly and said, "But | want to remind you that if you go back on it now, it’s still not too late! Otherwise, don't blame me, because you asked for it!” After finishing his words, Ethan signaled at Linda to take out the tickets. "You guys, can you believe me now?" Ethan sneered. Chapter 237 At this point, Karen and Roy seemed to have no other choice. Now that Ethan said with certainty that he had tickets, then he must have it. After all, Ethan was betting with someone else. If he didn't even have anything, would he really dare to bet with others in such.a self-righteous way? He wouldn't bet on his head if he knew he would die! Only a fool or a lunatic could do such a thing. Although Karen disliked Ethan very much, she knew that Ethan wasnt like that at least. “Well, Ethan, | trust you once today!" Karen made up her mind and said, "This little girl is so arrogant. You'd better teach her a good lesson today!" Ethan smiled. Of course, he didn't need Karen to tell him what to do. He knew better than anyone else what he should do. Ethan quickly looked at Linda and said with a smile, "Well, Linda, take it out. You dont like being questioned, do you? From now on, others can never question us anymore. From now on, we are all upright!" Linda's heart surged with excitement when she heard Ethan's words. She nodded heavily and quickly took out the small bag with tickets in her backpack. At this very moment, a long-lost smile appeared on Ethan's face He had wanted to embarrass Jennifer for a long time, but he never had a chance, This time, he would definitely... Just when Ethan laid his eyes on the black leather bag that Linda had taken out and thought everything would be settled, he was stunned. “Where... where are the tickets?’ Linda opened the black leather bag and got panicked instantly. She was stunned to find that the bag was empty. There was nothing inside “Linda, it is not the time to joke!” Ethan deliberately squeezed out a smile and said. In fact, Ethan was very clear about Linda's character. How could Linda joke when it came to this kind of thing? But where were the tickets? At that moment, Ethan felt pretty bad. But the most panicked person at the moment was Linda. She was completely dumbfounded. "No... That's impossible. | put them in this bag yesterday...” Linda began to mutter to herself and rummaged through the bag to find the tickets However, Linda also knew that the ticket wouldn't fall into her backpack at all. Her handbag was unzipped and the zipper was in good condition. How could they fall out? But she still flipped her backpack carefully over and over again! After searching for three times, Linda was completely desperate. She looked at Ethan sadly and instantly shed tears. “Ethan, | did put them inside yesterday, and the zipper is still in good condition. | don't know how they disappeared...” Linda felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart because she knew that it was because of her that Ethan was put in an extremely awkward situation. “Ethan... I'm sorry...” Linda apologized helplessly. Just now when Linda was rummaging, Ethan saw it with his own eyes. He even rummaged about in that bag with Linda, but he got nothing in the end. Ethan was dumbfounded. With mixed feelings in his heart, he looked at Linda. If it were someone else who caused such a consequence today, Ethan would probably have lost his temper a long time ago. But when he saw Linda's pitiful expression, Ethan couldn't do anything about it. Of course, he knew that Linda didn't expect this at all. Moreover, what happened had happened. Linda was the most uncomfortable one in her heart right now. Ethan took a deep breath and walked to Linda. Wiping away tears from her eyes gently, he said softly, "Don't worry, Linda. | know you didn't do it on purpose. Dont worry, I'll take care of it...” After that, Ethan immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of Karen and Roy. "Linda may lose the tickets by accident. | am really sorry..." Ethan said with a little embarrassment. At this moment, Karen and Roy were both shocked! What the hell is going on? Ethan and Linda promised them that they had had first- row tickets to the concert. But in the end, it turned out that the tickets disappeared. Linda cried, which made Karen feel suspicious about Ethan's words. After all, how could all this be so coincidental? As for the tickets in the front row of the concert, it was hundreds of thousands dollars now. How could Linda just say that she lost them? That was impossible, wasn't it? Karen and Roy looked at each other. Almost at the same time, they both thought of what they had discussed last night. “If Ethan can get the concert tickets, it means that he is a rich man. But if he can't get the tickets, how can he be a rich person? Maybe he's a swindler." What they had discussed yesterday was still lingering in their ears. Thinking about what had just happened, Karen couldn't help but exclaim in her heart, "Is Linda cheated by Ethan? He is not a rich man at all. Bet? The tickets disappear in the end. All of this is just a show!" Karen looked at Roy with anger in her eyes. Roy, of course, was enlightened. Now he could almost be sure that Ethan had always been lying to him. The free meal and the bottle of red wine from Joshua had nothing to do with Ethan at all. They gave all of these to him, Roy! Karen instantly thought of the bottle of red wine. Yesterday, when Ethan had taken away the red wine, she felt as if her flesh had been cut off. At that time, she just felt that Ethan was a rich man, and the red wine wes given to him by others. Even if Ethan took it away, it was reasonable. But now things were different. Things were not that simple. So Karen almost wanted to ask for her bottle of wine immediately. But she didn't dare to speak directly yet. She was not sure whether all this was just as what she guessed After all, Ethan said the tickets were lost. Even if she was in a hurry, she had to wait until it was really clarified. At this moment, seeing Ethan and Linda were so embarrassed, Jennifer suddenly burst into extremely presumptuous laughter. She laughed out loud and pointed at Ethan and Linda, "Hahaha, This is so humiliating!”

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