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Code: ……(2)……….

Lecturer’s Signature
Course Code: INS 1159
Course Title: Physics 2
Bui Nguyen Quoc Trinh
Level: ……………………………………………………. Date: December......., 2021
Time allowed: 90 min Department’s Signature

Date: ………………………………

Instructions to students:

1. Closed/Opened book examination:……OPENED……………….

2. Answers are to be written in the papers, which should be prepared by yourself.

This exam paper contains 3 sheets, including the cover.

A. THEORY (3 points)
Question 1 (1.5 points)
As a soap bubble evaporates, it appears black just before it breaks. Explain this
phenomenon in terms of the phase changes that occur on reflection from the two surfaces
of the soap film.
Question 2 (1.5 points)
Do all current-carrying conductors emit electromagnetic waves? Explain.

B. PROBLEMS (7 points)
Problem 1 (2 points)
(a) If a drop of liquid has capacitance 1.00 pF, what is its radius?
(b) If another drop has radius 2.00 mm, what is its capacitance?
(c) What is the charge on the smaller drop if its potential is 100 V?

Problem 2 (2 points)
An electron that has velocity:

moves through the uniform magnetic field:

(a) Find the force on the electron due to the magnetic field.
(b) Repeat your calculation for a proton having the same velocity.

Problem 3 (2 points)
A 600-nm-thick soap film (n = 1.40) in air is illuminated with white light in a direction
perpendicular to the film. For how many different wavelengths in the 300 to 700 nm
range is there:
(a) fully constructive interference, and
(b) fully destructive interference in the reflected light?

Problem 4 (1 point)

Two large parallel metal plates are oriented horizontally and separated by a distance 3d.
A grounded conducting wire joins them, and initially each plate carries no charge. Now a
third identical plate carrying charge Q is inserted between the two plates, parallel to them
and located a distance d from the upper plate, as in the below figure.
(a) What induced charge appears on each of the two original plates?
(b) What potential difference appears between the middle plate and each of the other
plates? Each plate has area A.

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