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SmartPlant Materials

PDS Interface User's Guide

Version 2011 R1 SP2 (7.1.2)

November 2013 / November 2014

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2 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

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SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 3

4 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide
Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Documentation Comments ..................................................................................................................... 9

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Administrative Settings ......................................................................................................................... 11
DBA Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Project Defaults ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Transferring Pipe Classes from SmartPlant Materials to PDS ............................................................. 13

PDS Interface Configuration Overview ................................................................................................... 15

General Configuration............................................................................................................................... 17
Method .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Source ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Company ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Translation Level ................................................................................................................................... 17
Zydex Code ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Schedule ............................................................................................................................................... 21
End Preparation .................................................................................................................................... 23
Tablesuffix ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Rating .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Material ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Model Code ........................................................................................................................................... 27
Geostandard ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Modifier ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Weight Code ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Check Boxes ......................................................................................................................................... 29
S.20.08 Priority ............................................................................................................................... 30
Run Procedures .............................................................................................................................. 30
Set Defaults autom. ........................................................................................................................ 30
Generate CL400 ............................................................................................................................. 30

PMC and Codelist Generation .................................................................................................................. 31

PMC Generation General ..................................................................................................................... 31
PMC ASCII Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 32
Seq ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Default ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Title ................................................................................................................................................. 33
PMC Items ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Spec Code ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Revision .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Fluid ................................................................................................................................................ 33
Mat of Constr .................................................................................................................................. 34
Corr Allow ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Mat Desc ........................................................................................................................................ 34

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 5


Press Temp .................................................................................................................................... 34

Nom Size ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Thickness ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Thick Equot ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Branches ........................................................................................................................................ 35
TAP ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Vent Drain ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Gasket ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Std Note A ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Std Note B ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Bend Defl ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Pipe Lgth ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Shortage ......................................................................................................................................... 37
FabCat ............................................................................................................................................ 37
Codelist Generation General ................................................................................................................ 37
Settings on PDS 10.01 .......................................................................................................................... 39
Wallthick 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 40
Wallthick 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 40
Size-Dependent Data ..................................................................................................................... 40
Short Description Library ................................................................................................................ 41
Codelist Generation ........................................................................................................................ 42
PDS File Names ............................................................................................................................. 42
576 Start ......................................................................................................................................... 42
577 Start ......................................................................................................................................... 42
DIN or ANSI .................................................................................................................................... 43
Viewing and Manipulating Codelists ..................................................................................................... 43
Creating Codelists Independently from a Specification ........................................................................ 44
Available Lists ................................................................................................................................. 45
Actions/Settings .............................................................................................................................. 46
List Display Area ............................................................................................................................. 47
Intergraph Smart™ 3D and PDS Codelist Value Mapping ................................................................... 47

PCD Special Settings ................................................................................................................................ 49

Settings on PDS 10.01 .......................................................................................................................... 49
Order/Sequence ............................................................................................................................. 49
Bolt Logic ........................................................................................................................................ 49
Dissolve Assemblies....................................................................................................................... 50
Filter ................................................................................................................................................ 50
Branch Opt ..................................................................................................................................... 51
Gen. Elbows ................................................................................................................................... 51
Sort by CC ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Issued Only ..................................................................................................................................... 51
Settings on PDS 10.02 .......................................................................................................................... 52

S.20.08 Mapping Techniques ................................................................................................................... 55

Generating PMC/PCD with User-Defined Procedures ........................................................................... 57

Defining Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 57
Assigning Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 58
PMC/PCD Table Structure .................................................................................................................... 59

6 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS .................................................................................................... 61

Tuning Generated SQL Statements...................................................................................................... 65
Geometric Generation - Important Information ..................................................................................... 66
Configuring PDL Specials ..................................................................................................................... 66

BOM Import Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 69

Configuration Items ............................................................................................................................... 70
Creating ASCII File from PDS-3D (piping_g) ........................................................................................ 75
Using the OMI Import Screen for PDS .................................................................................................. 79
Interpreting the "piping_g" File .............................................................................................................. 79
Interpreting the ISOGEN File ................................................................................................................ 81

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 83

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 7


8 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

This document describes the PDS interface.

Documentation Comments
Send documentation comments or suggestions to
( comments).

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 9


10 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


The SmartPlant Materials PDS interface is configurable and allows users to combine the
SmartPlant Materials standardization data in different ways with additional PDS data. So it is
possible to adapt the individual structure of SmartPlant Materials standardization to populate the
necessary files for PDS with a fixed structure.
Projects developing a configuration structure require a team that includes PDS and SmartPlant
Materials experts.
The SmartPlant Materials experts should be familiar with the SmartPlant Reference Data
module, the Administration module, and the individual standardization structure. The PDS
experts should have PDS administration knowledge and be able to work with the Reference
Data Manager. Both should read and understand this guide before configuring the PDS
Using SmartPlant Materials with PDS makes the creation of new pipe classes and modification
of existing pipe classes more efficient, easier, and faster. Additionally, the SmartPlant Reference
Data module makes it easier to maintain the data and to improve the quality of pipe material
class data.
In addition, SmartPlant Materials can transfer standardization data not only to PDS but also to
other competitive CAD systems that are often used in parallel within companies or projects. With
SmartPlant Materials interfaces to systems like SAP, it is possible to standardize all process
material only once, at the single point of data entry to SmartPlant Materials.

Administrative Settings
The PDS interface must be defined on the A.70.01 Interfaces screen.

DBA Settings
more information, see SmartPlant Materials DBA Settings, available from the Printable Guides
page in the software.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 11


Project Defaults
Set the project defaults ZI_PDS_DIR, ZI_PDS_URL, ZI_PDSWGT, ZI_GAMMA, and
ZI_PDL_SCP. For more information, see SmartPlant Materials Project Defaults, available from
the Printable Guides page in the software.

12 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


Transferring Pipe Classes from

SmartPlant Materials to PDS
The first steps of transferring data from SmartPlant Materials to PDS involve pipe classes.
Unlike SmartPlant Materials in which the pipe classes are the result of primary standardization
work (commodity groups, commodity parts, commodity tables, commodity codes, geometrics,
idents, pipe classes), in PDS, the definition of components can be done at first within the pipe
classes. The other database objects like model codes, physical data, and so forth can be
created later on. So understanding how the interface works means at first to understand the
format and concept of the SmartPlant Materials pipe classes and the format of the PDS pipe
A SmartPlant Materials pipe class looks like this:

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 13

Transferring Pipe Classes from SmartPlant Materials to PDS

A typical PCD file for PDS looks like this:

The goal of the PDS interface is to create such a PCD file for each SmartPlant Materials pipe

14 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


PDS Interface Configuration Overview

The configuration of the PDS interface has two parts.
 Configuration and creation of pipe class data including pipe material class data codelists,
short description library, and so forth
 Configuration and creation of physical data library (PDL, or geometric data)
Each customer can decide according to his needs if he wants to create only the data out of the
first part, or if he also wants to maintain the geometric data in SmartPlant Materials. If the
geometric data is not maintained in SmartPlant Materials, it must be maintained in PDS. In this
case, the operation within PDS Reference Data Manager is the same as the normal operation.
Due to the fact that SmartPlant Materials is a highly flexible tool, it is not fixed how customers
store their standardization data. So from the SmartPlant Materials point of view, the interface
should not force SmartPlant Materials to use only one way for standardization, because
SmartPlant Materials would lose its flexibility. So all SmartPlant Materials interfaces that transfer
data from SmartPlant Reference Data to any other IT system are always configurable. The
configuration informs the interface about the methods for how the standardization on the actual
system has been done and where certain data values can be found.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 15

PDS Interface Configuration Overview

The configuration of the first part takes place on the PDS 10.01 Configure PDS screen. This
screen consists of the following tabs:

 General Configuration - Settings for global values of standardization

 PMC-Specials - Piping material class configuration
 PCD-Specials - Piping commodity data configuration
 PDL-Specials - Physical data library configuration
 Config of Additional Files - Additional file size depending on data, short description, and

16 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


General Configuration

A method describes how SmartPlant Materials should retrieve values that have to be placed
within a PCD or other neutral file. In many cases, the Method value is completed by the entry in
the Source field to specify where the value can be found if a certain method is used. In most of
the PDS objects, the methods for how to store the values in SmartPlant Materials are different.
The existing methods vary depending on the values that should be retrieved. The methods are
explained in detail within the description of each value.

This entry defines where SmartPlant Materials should find a value to put into the PCD or other
neutral file. The Source value depends on the associated Method value. For some methods,
the value in the Source field has no effect.

It is possible to enter a company-specific mapping for commodity codes on S.30.C.01 and for
idents on S.80.C.01, respectively. If these translations are to be placed in the PCD, the code of
the company used on S.30.C.01 or S.80.C.01 must be entered here. If the original SmartPlant
Materials commodity codes will be transferred to PDS, the company code MARIAN must be

Translation Level
The translation level works together with the entry in the Company field and specifies whether
commodity codes and their descriptions or ident codes and their descriptions are in the SDL
(Short Description Library). The same logic is applied to SDD (Size Depending Data). If you set
the level to Ident, the PCD is automatically split, even if you do not set the Filter option on PDS
10.01. The source of the commodity code/ident always depends on the entry in the Company
field on this screen.
Refer to the online Help on this field for more information.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 17

General Configuration

Zydex Code
The ZYDEX code is not mentioned on the PDS 10.01 Configure PDS screen because the
concept of the ZYDEX code in PDS is the same as the SmartPlant Materials part concept. So it
is not necessary to choose a different mapping method.
The ZYDEX code is always mapped with the so-called S.20.08 method.
The S20.08 method can be used for several PDS values, but for the ZYDEX code, it is the only
possible way. The ZYDEX code is stored in a SmartPlant Materials table and is then mapped
directly to the applicable part code on the S.20.08 screen.
The creation of a SmartPlant Materials table takes place on the A.50.02 screen.

In addition to the ZYDEX code, PDS needs information about the number of nominal diameters
that the component has. This information is stored in the variable attribute TD.CHAR1 that is
assigned in our example to the PDS_ZYDEX_CODE table on the A.50.03 screen.

18 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

General Configuration

The map name for PDS on A.50.I.01 is ZYDEX.

You can define groups for filling this table on the S.20.I.02 Specific Interface Groups screen.

In most cases, more than one group is not necessary, so only one mandatory group must be
created, for example, PDS.
You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional tables by appending
a sequential number to the map name like <mapname>_1, and so forth on A.50.I.01.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 19

General Configuration

On the S.20.I.03 Specific Interface Details screen, define in this group all ZYDEX codes
referring the customer to PDS. The variable attribute TD.char1 (NPS_2) is filled with * for all
components with only one nominal diameter. For the components with two nominal diameters,
the value must be empty.

The mapping of a SmartPlant Materials part code to a PDS Zydex code is done on the S.20.08
Parts with Interface Details screen.

In the first (Group/Part) block, select the part that should be mapped. In the second (Part Table
Detail) block, the mapping takes place when you select the ZYDEX code containing the table in
the Tablename field and a ZYDEX code in the Table Detail 1 field.

20 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

General Configuration

The table detail can be chosen using the LOV functionality. In our example, the PDS interface is
now able to find the ZYDEX code PIPING behind the SmartPlant Materials part code P in the
commodity group P. All commodity codes based on the SmartPlant Materials pipe class contain
one or more commodity codes that were created with the part group P and part code P. All of
these specification items will have the ZYDEX code ‘PIPING’ in the PCD file.
For material with two ends, you must define two values. Enter the value for the green end in
the Table Detail 1 field and the value for the red end in the Table Detail 2 field.

In addition, you can specify more than one mapping per part. Do this by:
1. Enter the table detail(s) and go to the third (Part Table Detail Links) block. Here you can
enter a commodity detail condition that must be true for this mapping to become active. The
entries in this block are used as AND conditions, which means that all of them must be true
to activate the associated mapping in the second block.
2. Then enter another mapping in the second block and assign another commodity detail
combination. As a result, you will have two different PDS values for different commodity
codes within the same part.
You can have more than two different mappings.

Here you specify the method and source of search for the schedule of the components.
There are two possibilities:
 S.30.01 (S.20.08)
 Geometric

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 21

General Configuration

S.30.01 (S.20.08)
In the standardization for all parts with a schedule, the schedule is stored in the commodity
code. If no specific commodity code is found, SmartPlant Materials looks for a mapping on
The mapping name on A.50.I.01 must be SCHEDULE for the green connect point and
ASCHEDULE for the red connect point.

You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional tables by appending
a sequential number to the map name like <mapname>_1, and so forth on A.50.I.01.
If the mentioned table is not directly a table in the commodity code but a master link table of the
commodity code that contains this table as a link table, the PDS interface will also be able to find
the information.
For the method via S.30.01 (S.20.08), you must indicate from where the schedule will be read.
The following possibilities exist:
 Table Detail - value in TD Code is taken
 S.20.I.01 - translated value from S.20.I.01 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR1 - value of ATTR_CHAR1 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR2 - value of ATTR_CHAR2 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR3 - value of ATTR_CHAR3 is taken
 ATTR_NUM1 - value of ATTR_NUM1 is taken
 ATTR_NUM2 - value of ATTR_NUM2 is taken
 ATTR_NUM3 - value of ATTR_NUM3 is taken

In this case, the schedule is not found in the commodity code but always in the geometric tables
related to the commodity code.
The attribute containing the schedule must be marked in the object parameter as a building
ident, and it must be an input field.
Schedules are set only for pipes from Geom. Therefore, the nominal sizes of the pipes are split
automatically, even if the Filter check box is not selected. Material that is split in the PMC file
occurs with one row for each dimension of the commodity code. This is necessary because the
schedule can be different per each nominal size.

22 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

General Configuration

For all components that are not pipes, the schedule assignment is carried out via S.20.08.
For all these components, the mapped values can be NREQ (not required) for parts without
schedule or MATCH. In the case of MATCH, the schedule of the pipe will be copied to the non
pipe component (PDS functionality).
Furthermore, you must enter the attribute that contains the schedule for the ident (see Schedule
Attribute). The attribute that you select from the LOV has to correspond to the one you have
assigned to the ident on the S.10.05 Object Parameter Detail screen.

The schedule in the PCD is changed to the following:

 $.375 translates into .375
 S$40 translates into S-40

End Preparation
For the end preparation, the interface does not offer different methods. The PDS conform
method for standardizing the end preparation is in the commodity code or on S.20.08.
The software searches for the end preparation first in the commodity code; if it is not found, the
program searches for a mapping on S.20.08. If it is also not found on S.20.08, the end
preparation will not be found.
If the information concerning the end preparation is stored in a linked table, the PDS interface
will also be able to find the information as long as the translation on A.50.I.01 is made.
The map name on A.50.I.01 must be CL330. You can also have the red and the green end
connection in one table. To do so, it is necessary to use another attribute (for example,
ATTR_CHAR3) where you want to define the red connect point. The place of the attribute is not
important, but the name must be ACL330. If such an attribute is found in the table that is
translated with CL330 on A.50.I.01, the value of this attribute will be used to fill in the red
connect point of PCD.
For some components (for example, flanges), it may be required that the end connection must
be stored in another table than the one mapped with CL330 on A.50.I.01. In such a case, you
can define a translation for another end connection table on A.50.I.01 that is called CL330_1. If
the commodity code detail or the linked table of commodity code details contains a table that is
translated with CL330_1, it will be used before the one mapped with CL330.
The PDS interface will then pick up the green connection from the table mapped with CL330_1.
It will take the attribute with the name CL330 on this table. The place does not matter.
The red connection will be picked up from the table mapped with CL330 from attribute CL330.
Also, here the name of the attribute is important, not the place.
You must enter into the Source field the attribute of the table in which the PDS end preparation
number can be found for the green end and for the red end, if they exist.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 23

General Configuration

The following possibilities exist:

 Table Detail - value in TD Code is taken
 S.20.I.01 - translated value from S.20.I.01 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR1 - value of ATTR_CHAR1 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR2 - value of ATTR_CHAR2 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR3 - value of ATTR_CHAR3 is taken
 ATTR_NUM1 - value of ATTR_NUM1 is taken
 ATTR_NUM2 - value of ATTR_NUM2 is taken
 ATTR_NUM3 - value of ATTR_NUM3 is taken
Additionally, the connect group must be entered into the table for the end preparation at any
variable attribute. The connect group is a value that is used for the generation of the physical
data file name. So it is information that is not necessary for the PCD generation, but only for the
geometric data.
The Connect Group field contains connect group information.
1. If we have two endprep tables, the connect group for the red and green end is simply looked
up on the attribute defined on the PDS 10.01 configuration screen.
2. If we have one endprep table, the green end works as under 1), but there is no place to
define a second connect group. The red connect group is looked up the following way:
a. Find the endprep for the red end: For example, table detail "AR" in the table "EXT" -
"Buttwelding - Socketwelding Female" red endprep is "421". The green endprep is "301"
and the green connect group is "300".
b. Find a connect group for endprep "421": Table detail "RR" - "Socket Welding female"
has green endprep "421", so take the associated connect group "420" for our red
connect group.
If we have endpreps that only occur for the red end, we would have to define the endprep
values that are used for the red end in a special way:
1. Insert a new table detail record on S.20.02 in the same table/table group with an
arbitrary table detail code.
2. Assign the red endprep in this record ON THE FIELD OF THE GREEN ENDPREP.
3. Assign as well the connect group for the red endprep in the Connect Group field
(where normally the green connect group is situated).
You will never use this table detail in any of your commodity codes. It is just used to find an
appropriate red connect group.

The following methods for finding tablesuffix data are available.
 Geom ID
Selecting the Geom ID method means that the internal SmartPlant Materials ID of the
geometry (see S.50.06 GEOM) that is used on S.50.06 in the Geom 1 and 2 fields serves

24 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

General Configuration

as the tablesuffix for the commodity code. The Geom ID is a number value, which can reach
values > 9999.
With this, Geom1 is considered as the tablesuffix green and Geom2 as the tablesuffix red.
 Geom S.40.I.01
The values of Geom1 or Geom2, respectively, on S.50.06 are the basis for the tablesuffix. A
translation from S.40.I.01 is taken here instead of the internal SmartPlant Materials ID. In
this case, the initial value on PDS 10.01 will be neglected. If a component has only one
geometry in its specification but needs two tablesuffixes like for a pre-welding flange, you
can assign two tablesuffixes to one geometry as the green and red connect points. Enter the
second tablesuffix into the File Name field.
 S.20.08
For this method, the mapping name for the SmartPlant Materials table on A.50.I.01 must
be TS.
For the method via S.20.08, it must be indicated in the Source field from which variable
attribute the tablesuffix will be read in the mapped table.
The following possibilities exist:
 Table Detail - value in TD Code is taken
 S.20.I.01 - translated value from S.20.I.01 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR1 - value of ATTR_CHAR1 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR2 - value of ATTR_CHAR2 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR3 - value of ATTR_CHAR3 is taken
 ATTR_NUM1 - value of ATTR_NUM1 is taken
 ATTR_NUM2 - value of ATTR_NUM2 is taken
 ATTR_NUM3 - value of ATTR_NUM3 is taken
 CCG Relation
The tablesuffix can be found in geometrics that are assigned to the commodity code in
M_COMMODITY_GEOMETRIC_RELATION. If more than one geometric is assigned to the
commodity code, the first one will be taken, because we assume that if more than one
geometric is assigned, either the tablesuffix is the same or only one will have a tablesuffix.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 25

General Configuration

Because this screen can also be used for other interfaces, the column headers do not fit
directly with the PDS interface. The Geometric field will contain the tablesuffix green, and
the File Name field will contain the tablesuffix red. This translation must be done for each
geometric with a geometric relation to a commodity code used in a PDS pipe spec.

Like the end preparation, the interface offers two different methods for selecting the rating of a
component, but these methods cannot be selected in all cases. The rating is contained in the
commodity code. If the software does not find the rating within the commodity code, the S.20.08
method is automatically used.
The map name for the SmartPlant Materials table on A.50.I.01 must be RATING for the green
connect point, or ARATING for the red connect point. You can have more than one table for this
purpose. Map additional tables by appending a sequential number to the mapname like
<mapname>_1, and so forth on A.50.I.01. If the commodity code contains a link table, the PDS
interface will also be able to find information in the linked table as long as the translation on
A.50.I.01 is made.
In the Source field, you must enter the attribute of the mapped SmartPlant Materials table in
which the PDS rating value can be found for the green and the red connect point.
The following possibilities exist:
 Table Detail - value in TD Code is taken
 S.20.I.01 - translated value from S.20.I.01 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR1 - value of ATTR_CHAR1 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR2 - value of ATTR_CHAR2 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR3 - value of ATTR_CHAR3 is taken
 ATTR_NUM1 - value of ATTR_NUM1 is taken
 ATTR_NUM2 - value of ATTR_NUM2 is taken
 ATTR_NUM3 - value of ATTR_NUM3 is taken
The PCD ratings begin with the prefix CL if ANSI applies, for example, CL300. The name for the
PDS geometry is only 300, however. If DIN applies, the class must be followed by a "#".
We suggest that users enter the tables for the ratings without the CL or "#" and append the CL
or "#" in the PCD via procedure.

For the material, there is again only one possible method; it must be contained in the commodity
You can define more than one SmartPlant Materials table containing the material. Of course,
only one of these tables will be part of one commodity code. So you can build up material tables
for items such as flange material and pipe material. To identify these SmartPlant Materials
tables for the PDS interface on A.50.I.01, use translation CL145_1, CL_145_2, and so on, or if
you use just one table, use CL145. If the commodity code contains a link table, the PDS

26 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

General Configuration

interface will also be able to find information in the linked table as long as the translation on
A.50.I.01 is made.
In the Source field, you must enter the attribute of the table in which the PDS material number
can be found.
The following possibilities exist:
 Table Detail - value in TD Code is taken
 S.20.I.01 - translated value from S.20.I.01 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR1 - value of ATTR_CHAR1 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR2 - value of ATTR_CHAR2 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR3 - value of ATTR_CHAR3 is taken
 ATTR_NUM1 - value of ATTR_NUM1 is taken
 ATTR_NUM2 - value of ATTR_NUM2 is taken
 ATTR_NUM3 - value of ATTR_NUM3 is taken

Model Code
Here you specify the method and source of search for the model code of the components.
Here are the following possibilities for the method:
 Partname - This method means that the model code produced for PDS is the same as the
SmartPlant Materials part name on S.10.03. No further mapping or data entry is necessary if
this method is used.
 S.20.08 - This method means that for every SmartPlant Materials part a model code must
be mapped on S.20.08. To identify the SmartPlant Materials table for the PDS interface on
A.50.I.01, use translation MODEL. You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map
additional tables by appending a sequential number to the mapname like <mapname>_1,
and so forth on A.50.I.01.
 ATTR_CHAR1-3 - This method means that the model code for a part is located as a
variable attribute in ATTR_CHAR1, 2, or 3 on the physical SmartPlant Materials table
m_parts. For this method, you must assign an attribute to the columns ATTR_CHAR1,
ATTR_CHAR2, or ATTR_CHAR3 of table M_PARTS on A.50.03.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 27

General Configuration

Here you specify how SmartPlant Materials will look for the geostandard. There are the following
 S.30.01 CC - Using this method, the PDS interface will search for the geostandard in the
commodity code tables. The mapname for the SmartPlant Materials table on A50.I.01 must
be identified by CL575. You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional
tables by appending a sequential number to the mapname like <mapname>_1, and so forth
on A.50.I.01.
 S.20.08 - This method means that for every SmartPlant Materials part a geostandard must
be mapped on S.20.08. To identify the SmartPlant Materials table for the PDS interface on
A.50.I.01, use translation CL575. You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map
additional tables by appending a sequential number to the mapname like <mapname>_1,
and so forth on A.50.I.01.
 Table Detail ID - The geostandard is in the commodity code, and the internal table detail ID
- which is invisible on the screens - is taken. The value in the 575Start field can be used as
an additive value. 575 Start is an additive value if you use the Table Detail ID method
or Function for the geostandard. For more information, see the online Help.
For the S.30.01 or S.20.08 methods, you must enter into the Source field the attribute from
which the geostandard will be read.
The following possibilities exist for both methods:
 Table Detail - value in TD Code is taken
 S.20.I.01 - translated value from S.20.I.01 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR1 - value of ATTR_CHAR1 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR2 - value of ATTR_CHAR2 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR3 - value of ATTR_CHAR3 is taken
 ATTR_NUM1 - value of ATTR_NUM1 is taken
 ATTR_NUM2 - value of ATTR_NUM2 is taken
 ATTR_NUM3 - value of ATTR_NUM3 is taken

The software searches for the modifier first in the commodity code; if it is not found, the software
searches for a mapping on S.20.08.
The mapname for the SmartPlant Materials table on A50.I.01 must be identified by CL550. You
can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional tables by appending a sequential
number to the mapname like <mapname>_1, and so forth on A.50.I.01.
If your commodity code contains a link table, the PDS interface will also be able to find
information in the linked table as long as the translation on A.50.I.01 is made.
You must enter the variable attribute of the SmartPlant Materials table in which the PDS modifier
can be found.

28 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

General Configuration

The following possibilities exist:

 Table Detail - value in TD Code is taken
 S.20.I.01 - translated value from S.20.I.01 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR1 - value of ATTR_CHAR1 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR2 - value of ATTR_CHAR2 is taken
 ATTR_CHAR3 - value of ATTR_CHAR3 is taken
 ATTR_NUM1 - value of ATTR_NUM1 is taken
 ATTR_NUM2 - value of ATTR_NUM2 is taken
 ATTR_NUM3 - value of ATTR_NUM3 is taken

Weight Code
The map name on A.50.I.01 must be CL578. You can have more than one table for this
purpose. Map additional tables by appending a sequential number to the mapname like
<mapname>_1, and so forth on A.50.I.01. The codelist value must be written in TD_CODE. The
value in the Weight Code field on PDS 10.01 indicates in which attribute of the weight code
table the real specific weight is written. If the CL value CL578 for the weight code is written in
the material table, it is identical to the attribute for the specific weight in CL578.
If you select In Material, the weight code is stored in the same SmartPlant Materials table as the
material that is mapped as described in Material (on page 26).
If you select S.20.08, the weight code is assigned using the S.20.08 method. The map name for
the SmartPlant Materials weight code table on A.50.I.01 must be CL578.
If you select Linking, the weight code is added to the material table via table linking. Like the In
Material method, in this case, no mapping on A.50.I.01 has to be done, because the interface
will follow the mapping for the material. See Material (on page 26).

Check Boxes

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 29

General Configuration

S.20.08 Priority
If this check box is selected, the values are first taken from S.20.08. If not found, the values are
taken from commodity codes. This check box is only useful if for several commodity codes
definitions exist both directly in the commodity code and on S.20.08. S.20.08 should have

Run Procedures
Select this check box to run procedures defined on PDS 10.03 Create Procedures
automatically after PMC/PCD creation on PDS 10.12.

Set Defaults autom.

Select this check box to set the default value automatically when a value is not found. This
option applies to PCD generation. The associated defaults are definable on PDS 10.02
Configurable PCD. See also Settings on PDS 10.02 (on page 52).

Generate CL400
The following possibilities exist:
1. Check box is selected: Automatic generation of codelist 400. For every option code entry in
the pipe classes in SmartPlant Materials that differs from 1, another entry is generated in
CL400 following the pattern:
Commodity ID = Commodity Code Short Description
In the PCD file, the option code is replaced by the commodity ID for all options not equal to
1. If the translation level is set to the Ident level and the company is not MARIAN, the option
will be set to the ident instead of the commodity ID.
2. Check box is not selected: Manual editing of codelist 400. The values of the option code are
transferred from the spec items into the PCD file. Codelist 400 is edited manually in
SmartPlant Materials. There is no dependence between the option codes in the PCD and
the codelist to be edited on S.20.I.03 (mapname CL400 on A.50.I.01).
If the Filter option is used and the Branch Opt option is selected on the PCD-Specials tab, the
option codes for branch material are populated from the branch table associated with the spec.

30 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


PMC and Codelist Generation

PMC Generation General

With each generation of a spec on PDS 10.12, you create entries for the PMC file in a
SmartPlant Materials table. The created entries can be viewed as well as edited manually on
PDS 10.12/13/14. The ASCII generation of the PMC file is performed on the PDS 10.14 View
PMCs and generate ASCII screen.

The ASCII file will contain the list of available PMC information for each spec in the product
group/project. There are four check boxes to control the scope of the output (See picture
above). You can choose to print only specs of the highest revision, only those that are issued,
only those specs within the logged in project/product group, or only those of the selected spec
type. You can combine these criteria. For example, you may want to output all issued specs, but
only those with the highest revision and just for this spec type. If you decided to save old PMCs
of the same spec by selecting Do NOT delete old data on PDS 10.12, the latest PMC is being

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 31

PMC and Codelist Generation

The PMC-Specials tab on PDS 10.01 allows you to configure the layout of the items.

PMC ASCII Configuration

All entries of the ASCII file can be configured with three parameters (except Spec Code) that
define the layout of the ASCII file.

The Seq value designates the sequence of the entry in the PMC. Leave this field blank to omit
the entry in the PMC file. The sequence values are user-definable. The PMC file will contain a
header comment with all used PMC items that is sorted by sequence and has the following
! <sequence > = <title>
Before the output of the PMC item values, there is a line that informs PDS about the sort order
of the items by printing all used sequences after the keyword ‘Sequence=’. The sequences are
separated by blanks. The line has the following layout:
Sequence <lowest sequence> <blank> .. <highest sequence>
The PMC items are written in this order afterwards.

32 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PMC and Codelist Generation

Each entry in the PMC can have a default, which is included in the file if no value for the specific
entry can be found. If you enter a sequence number but the PMC item value is empty for the
spec actually in print, the software will place the specified default value into the ASCII file. The
contents of the table (and screen) will remain empty.

The Title value designates the title of the entry in the PMC file. The title describes each PMC
item that appears in the header of the PMC file. It has the following layout:
! <sequence > = <title>

PMC Items
Here is a list of the PMC items that can be handled within the interface.

Spec Code
The spec (specification) code is the originally inserted value from S.50.06.
The sequence and title of the spec code in the PMC file can be defined here, but you cannot
omit this information in the ASCII file.

The spec revision number is the one you can see anywhere where specifications are displayed
in their revisions, for example, PDS 10.12, PDS 10.14, and S.50.06. The sequence, default, and
title of the spec revision number in the PMC file can be defined here.

The sequence, default, and title of the fluid table in the PMC file can be defined here. You define
fluids on S.60.02 Fluid Definitions, and then you assign these fluids to the single pipe classes
on S.60.05 Fluid Classes.

Available Fluid Methods

 Internal - The internal SmartPlant Materials ID that is automatically generated for the fluid
code is taken as the fluid number.
 Value - The color code value is taken as the fluid number.
 Fluidkey - The fluid number is formed by the fluidkey that was generated via S.60.09 Fluid
Colour Codes. If you get an ‘!NDF’ for your fluidkey, the definition of the attribute that holds
the fluidkey is somehow not correct or you assigned no color code to your fluid. If you get an
‘!NVL’ for your fluidkey, you have no fluidkey generated yet (or deleted it meanwhile) for your
The name of the fluid table for the pipe class is F<Spec Header ID>. This name is unlike other
codelists, which are formed with the pattern:

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 33

PMC and Codelist Generation

No. = 'text'
The codelist 125 is formed with the pattern:
No. = 'short name - description'
Origin of the data:
 short name - fluid short name (fluid code)
 description - the real text (Description line 1)

Mat of Constr
The material of construction can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the
material of construction in the PMC file can be defined here.

Corr Allow
The corrosion allowance is taken from an attribute on the spec header that has the mapping
COR_ALLOWED on A.50.I.02.
The sequence, default, and title of the corrosion allowance in the PMC file can be defined here.

Mat Desc
The material description can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the
material description in the PMC file can be defined here.

Press Temp
The sequence, default, and title of the pressure/temperature table in the PMC file can be defined
The PT Prefix field contains the prefix for the name of the pressure temperature table.
The name is formed from the string mentioned above plus the spec header ID. The pressure
temperature table is taken from a spec header geometric attached to the spec, which is rating
dependent (defined on S.50.21). The temperature/pressure range values entered on S.50.06 do
not have to necessarily be in the rating geometric. The pressure can be interpolated between
the next lower and the next higher temperature of the rating geometric. For this interpolation,
you must set the project default ZS_SRGH. Normally, the entries for the first (temperature) and
second (rating) size range are checked for existence in the given geometric table. This check
happens when ZS_SRGH is set to DEF.
If ZS_SRGH is set to ITP, the rating will be calculated by linear interpolation on the given
geometric table. The temperature must be in the range of the geometric table in this case.
If ZS_SRGH is set to NCK, no check of temperature and pressure will be done against the
associated geometric table.
If ZS_SRGH is set to CIP, checking will be done by the
m_pck_spec_custom.chk_spec_rating_geom CIP procedure.

34 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PMC and Codelist Generation

Nom Size
The source of the nominal size table depends on the DN Method field.
The following nominal sizes are the result:
1. The nominal sizes of the nominal size table assigned to on S.50.06.
2. All of the nominal sizes of the pipe class
SmartPlant Materials tries to find the nominal sizes in this order, if you select nothing or Method
in the DN Method field. If you want only one nominal size table for DIN or ANSI applications,
select DIN/ANSI in the DN Method field. You enter the table that you want to print out as a
nominal size table for the DIN or ANSI pipe class, respectively. The contents of this table will be
generated as the nominal size table, and the name will appear in the PMC. In the DN Prefix
field, you can set a prefix for the name of the nominal size table.
The name is formed from the string described plus the spec header ID. If a nominal size table
was assigned explicitly (DIN/ANSI method), the name of the nominal size table applies. The
sequence, default, and title of the nominal size table in the PMC file can be defined here.

The name of the wallthickness table is the name of the first table on S.50.06 Specification
Management (Spec Header Geometric tab) with Wallthickness in the Table Type field. If
there is none, the software looks for the first table on the Spec Header Geometrics tab where
the Table Type value is User defined and geometric type GEOM_S5020. The sequence,
default, and title of the wallthickness in the PMC file can be defined here.

Thick Equot
The thickness equation can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the
thickness equation in the PMC file can be defined here.

The name of the branch table for a spec is the name of the first table on S.50.06 Specification
Management (Spec Header Geometric tab) where the Table Type value is Branches. The
sequence, default, and title of the branch table in the PMC file can be defined here.

A new geometric structure is built in order to edit TAP tables. The names of the attributes must
be translated via the keyword ‘TAP’ on A.50.I.01.
The TAP table is assigned to the pipe class on S.50.06. The name of the TAP table is the
original SmartPlant Materials name. The TAP table consists of the following attributes:
 Nominal Size
 Option Code
 End preparation
 Rating

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 35

PMC and Codelist Generation

 Schedule/Thickness
 TAP Material Code

Definition of a structure for TAP tables

Assignment of one TAP table per pipe class is carried out on S.50.06 Window 2.
This assignment applies if you enter nothing or Method in the TAP Method field. If you always
want to use the same TAP table for DIN or ANSI, you must select DIN/ANSI for the TAP
method. Then enter the table you want to generate for a certain pipe class in the respective
standard. The contents of this table will be generated as a nominal size table/TAP table, and the
name will appear in the PMC.

Vent Drain
The vent drain macro can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the vent
drain macro in the PMC file can be defined here.

The source of the gasket table can be defined in the Gasket Method field on this screen. The
following methods are available:
 Spec-Header - Searches in the geometrics assigned to the pipe class on S.50.06 for the
attributes DN, TEMP, and THICK from A.50.I.02. If a geometric with these attributes is
found, the result is a gasket table for the corresponding pipe class. The name is the original
SmartPlant Materials geometric name. It is entered into the PMC.
 Spec-Items - Looks for the attributes DN, (TEMP), THICK, translated on A.50.I.02, in the
geometrics of the piping class. Prints out DN, (TEMP), THICK for the geometrics found.
Prints the maximum temperature from M_SPEC_LIMITS after this, if the temperature was
not available as a translated attribute. The naming is formed with the pattern fixed string:
The sequence, default, and title of the gasket table in the PMC file can be defined here.

Std Note A
The standard note A can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the
standard note A in the PMC file can be defined here.
The mapname is CL499. You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional
tables by appending a sequential number to the mapname like <mapname>_1, and so forth on
A.50.I.01. The values are found for the PCD by mapping via S.20.08.

36 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PMC and Codelist Generation

Std Note B
The standard note B can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the
standard note B in the PMC file can be defined here.
The mapname is NOTE_B. You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional
tables by appending a sequential number to the mapname like <mapname>_1, and so forth on
A.50.I.01. The values are found for the PCD by mapping via S.20.08.

Bend Defl
The bend deflection table can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the
bend deflection table in the PMC file can be defined here.

Pipe Lgth
The pipe length table can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the pipe
length table in the PMC file can be defined here.

The shortage can be maintained manually. The sequence, default, and title of the shortage in
the PMC file can be defined here.

The fabrication category is expected to be mapped on S.20.08. The mapname of the table is
CL180.You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional tables by appending
a sequential number to the mapname like <mapname>_1, and so forth on A.50.I.01.

Codelist Generation General

Codelists in PDS are assignments of numbers to text. A simple example is the codelist for end
processing (codelist 330 in PDS). The assignment is simply 2 = 'FE'.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 37

PMC and Codelist Generation

In SmartPlant Materials, codelists are defined on the S.20.01 Tablenames with Groups and
S.20.02 Tablenames with Details screens.

Arbitrary tables (codelists) can be entered and edited on these screens. In the ideal case, the
Table Detail field should contain the numeric value while the language-dependent Short
Description field contains the corresponding text.
SmartPlant Materials prints out the Description text, and not the Short Description text.
Because the PDS codelist value is not always found in the table detail, you can choose in
SmartPlant Materials a different place for PDS. The possibilities can be seen from the
configuration of PDS 10.01.
There, you can determine that the codelist 330 value is not stored in the table detail, but in
In order to "explain" the PDS code list to SmartPlant Materials, you must define the table
translation on the A.50.I.01 Interface Tables screen. In the second block, select PDS from the
LOV in the Interface field, and enter CL330 in the Translation field. SmartPlant Materials
generates the entries necessary for a codelist of the type 330 if the translation starts with a CL
followed by digits. Otherwise, no codelist is generated, and you get an error message.

All codelists translated with the string CL% on A.50.I.01 and with the Codelist gen. check box
selected in the PDS configuration will be generated each time a PCD/PMC is generated.
Exceptions are the codelists described in the next chapter.
The following codelists are also generated automatically, but they have another structure.

38 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PMC and Codelist Generation

 CL575 Geostandard (CL575)

 CL400 Option Code
 CL576 Tablesuffix 1 (TS)
 CL577 Tablesuffix 2 (TS)
 CL550 Taps (CL550)
 CL124 Fluids (from S.60.02)
The codelists 576/577 Tablesuffixes get as descriptive text the name of the geometry, mapped
on S.40.I.01, and the language-dependent description. Although a tablesuffix can be assigned to
more than one geometry, only one entry per mapping on S.40.I.01 will be accepted by the
The codelist 550 Modifier is only generated for taps. For this purpose, commodity groups that
are taps must be marked for PDS on the S.10.I.01 Interface Commodity Group screen (see
the example below).

Only those modifiers of a commodity code in a group that belongs to the PDS interface group
ARM will be accepted in CL550.

Settings on PDS 10.01

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 39

PMC and Codelist Generation

Wallthick 1
For the size-dependent data file, the wallthickness is read from the attribute with the title
specified here.

Wallthick 2
For the size-dependent data file, the wallthickness is read from the attribute with the title
specified here.

Size-Dependent Data
The generation of size-dependent data with the creation of PMC/PCD on PDS 10.12 is no
longer supported. Alternatively, use PDS 10.10 for that purpose.
For all idents needed in a product group/project, size-dependent data is created with the
following attributes:
Commodity Code DNRed DNGreen SchThrot SchThGreen Ident
The SchThrot and SchThGreen attributes will be found with the Wallthick 1 and Wallthick 2
The Ident Code attribute is the result, not the Ident attribute.
No size-dependent data results for screws. The interface recognizes screws from the ZYDEX
code (6Q3C97s, 6Q3C98, 6Q3C95).
The size-dependent data only results for parts available in the pipe class.
The schedule for the size-dependent data is always created via S.20.08.
The schedule is changed with the following logic:
 $.375 translates into .375
 S$40 translates into S-40
Size-dependent data should only be generated if really required, because this process can take
a long time. To activate size-dependent data generation with PCD generation, select the Create
always during PCD Generation check box.
The following set of options controls the output of the idents. The available options are:
 all Idents in Project/PG - The output contains all idents in the project/product group (PG),
regardless of the specification.
 only Spec Item Idents - Filters the idents like S.50.07, for specifications in the
project/product group scope.
 only Spec Item Idents in project - Filters the idents like S.50.07, for the specifications in
the project.
 only Idents in discipline with CC in Spec - Retrieves idents of the actual discipline that
have their commodity code (CC) in one of the project/product group specifications.
 only Idents with CC in project Spec - Retrieves idents that have their commodity code
(CC) in one of the project specifications.
The settings in the Size Depending Data section apply to generation runs from PDS 10.12.

40 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PMC and Codelist Generation

Short Description Library

The generation of the short description library with the creation of the PMC/PCD on PDS 10.12
is no longer supported. Alternatively, use PDS 10.10 for that purpose.
For all commodity codes of the product group/project, the short description library is created
following the pattern:

Commodity Code Commodity Code Short Description

Labels are appended to the short description library.

A PDS label is a set of geometry attributes. The structure of the labels cannot be edited in
SmartPlant Materials. The assignment of labels is possible on the following levels:
 Object parameter via the variable attributes
 Commodity code via the variable attributes
 Part via the variable attributes
You can determine the place where the PDS label is found by setting the value in the SDL
Label field. If you set it to NONE, your SDL (Short Description Library) will contain no label. The
value in the SDL Label field contains the prefix P for part, OP for object parameter, and CC for
commodity code level. After the underscore, there is the physical name of the variable attribute.
This attribute is assigned on A.50.03 for one of the tables (type physical): m_obj_parm for the
object parameter, m_parts for the part, and m_commodity_codes for the commodity code level.
The logical name of the attribute is not important, but the Physical Attribute value must match
the one on PDS 10.01. ATTR_CHAR1 on A.50.03 could, for example, match OP_CHAR1,
P_CHAR1, or CC_CHAR1. Go to the S.10.04 screen for the object parameter, S.10.03 for the
part, and S.30.01 for the commodity code level, to maintain the values for the SDL label in the
appropriate fields.
During generation of the short description library, the corresponding label is appended to the
description of the commodity code. Without assignment, a label will not be appended.
The short description library should only be generated if really required, because this process
can take a long time. To activate short description library generation with PCD generation, select
the Create always during PCD Generation check box.
The following set of options controls the output of the idents. The available options are:
 all Idents in Project/PG - The output contains all idents in the project/product group (PG),
regardless of the specification.
 only Spec Item Idents – Generates the short description library on the ident level and filters
the idents like S.50.07, for specifications in the project/product group scope.
 only Spec Item Idents in project - Filters the idents like S.50.07, for the specifications in
the project.
The settings in the Short Description Library section apply to generation runs from PDS 10.12.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 41

PMC and Codelist Generation

Codelist Generation
Select the Codelist gen. check box if you want to generate codelists with the PCD. Codelists
are, for example, CL575 (Geostandard), CL400 (Option Code), CL576 Tablesuffix 1, CL577
Tablesuffix 2, CL550 Operator (only valves), COMMODITY_ITEM_NAME, BOLT_LENGTH,
The short description library, size dependent data, and CL400 have their own switches on

PDS File Names

If the PDS File Name check box is selected, the file names for the ASCII files are produced by
the interface in the way that is recommended by Intergraph. The files otherwise receive the
extension LST. The files concerned are the PCD file, the PMC file, the pressure/temperature
table, and the branch table. All other files are generated with the extension LST.
If the check box is selected, the following file names are produced:
 [[Spec_code] . PCD --> PCD file
 [[Spec_code] . PMC --> PMC file
 L [Spec_code] . TBL --> Pressure/Temperature table
 B [Branch_code] . TBL --> Branch table

576 Start
The value entered in the 576 Start field designates the number to start the codelist 576
Tablesuffix Green End. This value will be regarded if you chose Geom-ID as the Tablesuffix (on
page 24) method.
The codelist 576 Tablesuffixes contains the name of the geometric that is mapped on S.40.I.01
and its NLS description.
Only one entry mapped on S.40.I.01 will be written into the codelist, although more than one
geometric can have a specific tablesuffix.

577 Start
The value entered in the 577 Start field designates the number to start the codelist 577
Tablesuffix Red End. This value will be regarded if you chose Geom-ID as the Tablesuffix (on
page 24) method.
The codelist 577 Tablesuffixes contains the name of the geometric that is mapped on S.40.I.01
and its NLS description.
Only one entry mapped on S.40.I.01 will be written into the codelist, although more than one
geometric can have a specific tablesuffix.

42 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PMC and Codelist Generation

When creating size-dependent data as a project-wide list (PDS 10.10), the software calculates
wallthicknesses (DIN) or schedules (ANSI), depending on the selection in the DIN or ANSI

Viewing and Manipulating Codelists

Additional files generated with the spec, like nominal size tables, can be viewed on the PDS
10.13 View additional PMC-Files screen.

Select a specification in the Spec Code field, and click the Next Block button to open Window

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 43

PMC and Codelist Generation

The content of this screen changes when you click the radio button options on the right.
The standard codelists can be viewed by selecting the Other CL option. The codelist that
appears depends on the entry below the option. The LOV displays a list of all generated
codelists that are standard lists.
 Commodity Item Name - Every ZYDEX code is written. The attribute COMP is read from
 Bolt Length - INPUT_1, INPUT_2, and OUTPUT_1 will be read from the table that has the
translation BLTL in the Geometric field in the second block of S.40.I.01.
 Pipe Run Length - INPUT_1 and OUTPUT_1 will be read from the table that has the
translation PRL in the Geometric field in the second block of S.40.I.01.
 Bend Deflection - INPUT_1, INPUT_2, OUTPUT_1, and OUTPUT_2 will be read from the
table that has the translation BED in the Geometric field in the second block of S.40.I.01.
 Pipe Length - INPUT_1, OUTPUT_1, and OUTPUT_2 will be read from the table that has
the translation PL in the Geometric field in the second block of S.40.I.01.
The codelists are generated via the mapping names and the methods explained earlier in this

Creating Codelists Independently from a

Several codelists do not depend on a single specification, but are valid within a whole project /
product group. On the PDS 10.10 Project-wide Lists screen, you can create the codelists
independently from a specification. However, the same files can be generated together with a
spec on PDS 10.12.

On PDS 10.10, you can view and modify the result before you send it to the file system. Choose
one or more lists by selecting the check box(es). The available lists are described below.

44 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PMC and Codelist Generation

Available Lists
Short Description Library (SDL) - The content of this file depends on the Company and
Translation Level values, which can be maintained on PDS 10.01.
If the company is MARIAN and the translation level is Commodity Code, you will get a list of all
commodity codes (contained in at least one project/product group spec) with their descriptions.
If the company is MARIAN and the translation level is Ident, you will get a list of all idents
(contained in at least one project/product group spec) with their descriptions.
If the company is not MARIAN and the translation level is Commodity Code, you will get a list
of all company-dependent commodity code translations (contained in at least one
project/product group spec) from S.30.C.01 with their descriptions.
If the company is not MARIAN and the translation level is Ident, you will get a list of all
company-dependent ident translations (contained in at least one project/product group spec)
from S.80.C.01 with their descriptions.
The contents of the commodity code/ident description can be manipulated to be user-specific.
For example, if you do not want to see the commodity code short description but instead the
description, you can customize the CIP package (m_pck_pds_custom). See the Help on the
Short Desc Lib check box on PDS 10.01 for more information.
Size Depending Data (SDD) - For all idents needed in a product group/project, size dependent
data is created with the following attributes:

Commodity Code DNRed DNGreen SchThrot SchThGreen Ident

The SchThrot and SchThGreen attributes will be found with the Wallthick 1 and Wallthick 2
fields on PDS 10.01 if you are working in DIN. Use the DIN or ANSI group on PDS 10.01 to
determine whether to look for schedule or for wallthicknesses.
The ident code is the result, not the ident. Only commodities within a specification are written.
No size dependent data results for screws. The interface recognizes screws from the ZYDEX
code (6Q3C97s, 6Q3C98, 6Q3C95).
The schedule is changed with the following logic:
 $.375 translates into .375
 S$40 translates into S-40
Size dependent data should only be generated if really required, because this process can take
a long time.
Geostandard (C575) - Lists the geostandards depending on the method you chose on PDS
10.01 and the short description of the associated table detail.
Option Code (C400) - If the Generate CL400 check box on PDS 10.01 is selected, the list
contains the commodity ID with commodity code and short description, where the commodity ID
is equal to the option. If the check box is not selected, no output will be generated.
Tablesuffix 1 (C576) - Lists Tablesuffix 1 depending on the tablesuffix method on PDS 10.01
and the name and short description of the assigned geometric.
Tablesuffix 2 (C577) - Lists Tablesuffix 2 depending on the tablesuffix method on PDS 10.01
and the name and short description of the assigned geometric.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 45

PMC and Codelist Generation

Operator (C550) - Lists the table detail code and short description of tables mapped as CL550
for those commodity groups that have the mapping ARM. The table must be contained in the
commodity code. You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional tables by
appending a sequential number to the mapname like <mapname>_1, and so forth on A.50.I.01.
Fluids (C125) - Lists the fluids depending on the method chosen on PDS 10.01.
Commodity Item Name (CIN) - Lists the ZYDEX codes defined in the table mapped as ZYDEX,
preceded and sorted by the value found on ATTR_NUM3 of the ZYDEX table.
Other List - The list name must contain three digits (for example, XXX). During generation,
SmartPlant Materials will search for a table with the mapname CLXXX and print its table detail
code with its short description.
Custom List - The list name can contain 10 characters. This list is not automatically filled by
SmartPlant Materials. You can write a PWL or INDEPD procedure on PDS 10.03. Use the check
box and field to display and/or write the generated list to file.

Generate Lists - Click this button to generate the lists selected with the check box.
Log Path/Name - Every generation run produces one unique logfile (independent of the number
of lists you included) on the server, if the general requirements for logfiles are fulfilled. Use the
A.60.61 screen to determine message level and time capture. The logfile path/name is not
stored in the database. The logfile can be viewed by double-clicking in the field.
View Lists - Click this button to display the lists selected with the check box.
Write to File - Click this button to create flat files from the lists selected with the check box.
List Output Path - When you open this screen, SmartPlant Materials tries to fill this field with
the value of the project default ZI_PDS_DIR. You can select another path from the LOV in this
field. The change is not stored in the database; that is, the project default is not updated. The file
name depends on the list type you chose to write.
Start Proc - You can start procedures with type INDEPD that were defined previously on PDS
10.03. Enter the name of the procedure in the Code field, and click the button to launch the
procedure. You can use this function to create custom lists. Select the Custom List check box
on the left side to display and write the list to the file.
Attached Procs - Click this button to display a second window, where you can maintain a set of
procedures previously defined on PDS 10.03 with type PWL.

These procedures are started automatically after the generation run of any list type. You can
define an order of execution in the Seq field, and select a procedure name from the LOV in the
Code field. Clear the Active check box to exclude one or more procedures from the set of
procedures being started.

46 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PMC and Codelist Generation

List Display Area

You can view generated lists and update, insert, and delete lists in this area.

Before you insert new rows in a list, you must query the previous result of this list, which must
contain at least one record.
List Type - Shows the type of the displayed list. The type corresponds to the short title of the
list. This short title appears in parentheses after the full name of each type in the first block
(Available Lists).
Seq - The output file will be ordered by this sequence number, but the number itself will not be
part of the file. You can change the standard sorting order manually.
Contents of the List - This text will be contained in the output file. You can change the text

Intergraph Smart™ 3D and PDS Codelist Value

The Intergraph Smart™ 3D codelists are different from the PDS codelists. Thus, you cannot
export the same specification to PDS and Smart 3D.
The PDS 10.15 PDS S3D Codelist Value Mapping screen can be used to specify the mapping
of Smart 3D codelists with PDS codelists.

In the Codelist Name box at the top of the screen, you select the codelist that you want to edit
from the drop-down list. The related data is displayed. By default, the CL400 codelist is
displayed when you open the screen. The available codelists are:

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 47

PMC and Codelist Generation

 CL400 Option Code

 CL330 End Preparation
 CL332 Schedule/ Thickness
 CL576 Table Suffix/ End Standard (Green)
 CL577 Table Suffix/ End Standard (Red)
 CL575 Geometry Standard
 CL550 Operator/ Actuator type
 CL145 Materials Grade
 CL578 Weight Code
 CL180 Fabrication Category
 CL499 Piping Notes
Enter the Smart 3D value in the S3D Value box and the corresponding PDS value in the PDS
Value box. You can type a description or comment in the Comment box. Optionally, enter a
short code in the Short Code box. The short code is only used for CL400 Option Code
The mapping defined on PDS 10.15 is project dependent. The PDS procedure
INGR_PDS_S3D_OPTION_CODE uses this mapping. If the same Smart 3D value is mapped to
different PDS values in the product group and project and you are logged in to a project, the
project relationship is used. When you are logged in to a product group, the product group
setting is used.
The procedure can easily be copied and modified in order to update other codelist numbers that
appear in the PCD. Only the cl_name value and the field name where the value should be
stored need to be updated. For example, in the case of the green end standard, the cl_name
needs to be CL576 instead of CL400, and the column name in the PCD table is ts1 instead of
opt. Likewise, the other values can be updated in a similar way.

48 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


PCD Special Settings

Settings on PDS 10.01

This value affects the ASCII file concerning the keyword that is placed at the front of the
sequence line. Possible values are "Order" or "Sequence." Normally, "Sequence" is used.
Sequence= 1 2 3 4 15 16

Bolt Logic
If this check box is selected, the CIP procedures bolt_logic and gasket_logic in
m_pck_pds_custom will be started.
Those procedures can be modified, if needed. They can also be called by a PDS 10.03
The bolt_logic procedure does the following:
1. Find the bolt lines in PCD (Zydex=6Q3C97).
2. Set bolt's green size range to the minimum and the maximum used in the spec.
3. Replace bolt's red size range by a minus.
4. Find flanged material Zydex=6Q2C03, 6Q2C01.
5. Duplicate bolt line for every different rating and tablesuffix of the flanges. The duplicated bolt
line will get the rating and tablesuffix of the flange. If the rating is prefixed by "CL", this prefix
is removed for the bolt rating.
6. Delete any duplicate entries.
The gasket_logic procedure does the following:

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 49

PCD Special Settings

1. Find the bolt lines in PCD (Zydex=6Q3C97).

2. Replace bolt's red size range by a minus.
3. Find flanged material Zydex=6Q2C03, 6Q2C01.
4. Duplicate bolt line for every different rating, tablesuffix, and endprep of the flanges. The
duplicated bolt line will get the rating, tablesuffix, endprep, and minimum green size "from"
and maximum green size "to" for this combination of the flange. If the rating is prefixed by
"CL", this prefix is removed for the bolt rating.
5. Delete any duplicate entries.

Dissolve Assemblies
If this check box is selected, assemblies are dissolved; that is, the components of an assembly
are written into the PCD.
The beginning of an assembly in the neutral file is denoted with a '+' before the commodity code
of the assembly. If codelist 400 is not generated automatically, the components of an assembly
get the option code 5000+x, in which x is the code of the assembly.

If this check box is selected, the pipe class is analyzed in the PCD as shown on S.50.06. If you
have defined a pipe in the nominal size range from 15 to 100 in your pipe class without having
selected the filter, the PCD would show the nominal size range from 15 to 100.
But if you select the Filter check box, the nominal sizes are broken down to all available sizes
as can be seen on S.50.06. Our example would look as follows:

DN from DN to

15 15

20 20

25 25

32 32

40 40

50 50

65 65

80 80

100 100

The Filter check box must be selected if you want to work with the branch option. See Branch
Opt (on page 51).

50 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PCD Special Settings

Branch Opt
If this check box is selected, the option is taken from the branch table on S.40.05. Of course,
this option applies only for those parts that are defined as branches and that have been
assigned to the particular pipe class on S.50.06.

Gen. Elbows
If this check box is selected, elbows with the following model codes are duplicated:
E45LR, E90LR, B45, B90, PB45, PB90
A further entry in the PCD is produced for this elbow automatically. It has the same data, except
the model code, which is changed to a flexible elbow of the same angle.

Sort by CC
Select this check box if the lines in the PCD output should be sorted by commodity code.
Otherwise, the order sequence is Zydex (PIPING first) by default.

Issued Only
Select this check box if the file output of the PCD (ASCII button on PDS 10.12) should only be
allowed for issued specs.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 51

PCD Special Settings

Settings on PDS 10.02

Select a specification type, and click the Next Block button to open Window 2.

Each element of the PCD can be configured by three parameters:

 the default value
 the physical order sequence
 the PDS order sequence
The picture below shows an example of the TsG attribute, with 5 as the default value, 8 as the
physical order sequence, and 11 as the PDS order sequence.

PDS uses neutral files with the single spacing method in order to distinguish between two
attributes in one ASCII file. Single spacing means that a blank is followed by a new attribute.

52 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

PCD Special Settings

You can determine by the check box which attributes will show up in the PCD and which ones
will not. This feature is particularly important if special part classes or instrument board classes
will be generated.
You can enter default values into the PCD for attributes for which you want to get fixed values,
or that cannot be determined by SmartPlant Materials.
Furthermore, you can determine the physical arrangement in the structure of the PCD.
PDS can identify each attribute in the PCD by given numbers. These numbers can change from
one PDS version to another. Therefore, you must determine the order sequence of the
commodity code, for example.
These definitions are carried out per specification type and project. You can define a
specification type in a product group and have two different configurations: one in project A and
another in project B, assuming that both projects are based on the same product group.
Each configuration from the project or associated product group can be copied from another
specification type to the one you are in. Additionally, you are allowed to distribute your actual
configuration to other specification types in the same project/product group. Use the radio button
at the bottom to determine the copy direction and use the field on the right to designate the
target or source. The LOV displays all available specification types.
Copying always presupposes that the source specification type has a configuration, and the
destination specification type has none.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 53

PCD Special Settings

54 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


S.20.08 Mapping Techniques

Mapping on the S.20.08 Parts with Interface Details screen is a technique that is available for
most of the PDS-specific attributes in the configuration (PDS 10.01). The S.20.08 screen allows
mapping between SmartPlant Materials commodity parts and PDS information (for example,
model code). It even allows mapping on a commodity code level, if required.

In the first (Group/Part) block of S.20.08, select the commodity part you want to map.
In the second (Part Table Detail) block, you can assign two table details from the selected table
to the part. The numbers ‘1’ and ‘2’ of each record indicate this assignment. For example, in the
PDS interface, you will have a mapping for material with two ends (green/red ends). '1' contains
the value for the green end and '2' contains the value for the red end. You can have more than
one row in this block to enable different values for different commodity codes within one part.
The third (Part Table Detail Links) block defines which mapping will be applied on which
commodity code. Here you enter the table details that must be used in the commodity code to
activate the mapping in the previous block. You must have multiple rows in the previous block.
Making entries in this block requires that you entered a table link for each used table in the third
block of A.50.02. The attributes entered in this block stay in an AND relationship. If you use the
same attribute for different part table details, the one that is used has the most attributes
specified in the Part Table Detail Links block.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 55

S.20.08 Mapping Techniques

The last (Matching Commodity Codes) block lists all the commodity codes of the selected
commodity group/part for a part table detail with part table detail links. For part table details
without links, this block lists all commodity codes that do not belong to any of the part table
details with part table detail links. To view the commodity codes, click the Show Commodity
Codes button.

56 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


Generating PMC/PCD with User-Defined


Defining Procedures
On PDS 10.03, you can define SQL procedures that operate on the PDS interface results after
generation by SmartPlant Materials.

On PDS 10.01, you can select the Run Procedures check box so that your procedures of type
PMC start automatically after each PCD/PMC creation from PDS 10.12. You can also start them
manually using the button on PDS 10.12. Use PDS 10.04 to assign a list of procedures to each
specification type.
Procedures of type PWL can be started automatically after project-wide list generation on PDS
10.10. You can attach a list of procedures to each project on PDS 10.10.
Defining procedures requires SQL knowledge.
Procedures of the type PMC can contain a single SQL statement such as:

update m_pds_pcd set

update m_pds_pmc set

Next are the attribute name(s) and the value(s) you want to change.
Do not put semicolons at the end of your single SQL statement. SmartPlant Materials
automatically generates a commit operation after execution, so do not include a COMMIT in any
Describe each statement with a header comment using a double hyphen or /* */ brackets.
It is possible to define complete PL/SQL bodies (declare..begin..end) that contain calls to
existing PL/SQLs functions, procedures, or packages or to define single calls to functions,
procedures, or packages. For a procedure of type PMC, you can use the strings &PMC_ID and
&SPEC_HEADER_ID that will be replaced by actual values during runtime. If neither string is
found in a procedure, SmartPlant Materials assumes that it is a conventional (non-procedural)

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 57

Generating PMC/PCD with User-Defined Procedures

statement (insert, update, delete) to which the following is appended: where pmc_id =... resp.
and pmc_id = ...
If the type of the procedure is PWL or INDEPD, SmartPlant Materials will not append anything to
the procedure text, but if the type is PWL, the placeholder &LIST_TYPE will be replaced by the
list type that was just generated by the standard function. The usage of this placeholder is the
On PDS 10.10, you can attach a list of procedures that run after PWL generation. All procedures
are started for each list type selected for generation. You cannot dedicate a procedure to a
special list type. With the placeholder you can control which code is executed for which
project-wide list:

<specific code>

This feature also allows you to have the complete code for your PWL in one procedure.
You must use the IN statement as in the example above, because you can have a
comma-separated list as the argument for &LIST_TYPE.
PWL and INPEPD procedures can also be started manually on PDS 10.10.
Use the Execute button to start the selected procedure, If you start PWL or PMC procedures on
PDS 10.03, you must submit parameter information about the spec/pmc or the list type. In the
case of type PMC, you must use the LOV to populate the Parameter field. In the case of type
PWL, you can also enter your own list type (enclosed by single quotes) manually in the
Parameter field. For all procedure types, you must delete the entry in the Parameter field
manually if you want to delete the parameter information.
Procedures of type INDEPD can be started here on PDS 10.03 or on PDS 10.10 manually.
Your statement will be converted to uppercase before execution. So if you use
mixed-case or lowercase literals, they will change. For example, the comparison "...where
geom_type='Branches' " may fail. Instead, use the following code, for example: "...where
UPPER(geom_type)='Branches' "

Assigning Procedures
On PDS 10.04 Spec-Type-Procedure Relations, you assign the procedures to be executed to
specification types.

Enter the sequence for the procedure in the Seq field, and select the procedure from the LOV in
the Procedure field. If the Run Procedures check box on the General Configuration tab of
PDS 10.01 is selected, these procedures are automatically started at generation.

58 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

Generating PMC/PCD with User-Defined Procedures

Only procedures of type PMC can be attached to specification types.

PMC/PCD Table Structure

Here is the structure of two SmartPlant Materials tables that contain PMC/PCD information. You
can use it when you are creating SQL code.
pmc_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL
spec_item_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL
short_code VARCHAR2(10)
commodity_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL
unit VARCHAR2(10)
dn1_from VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL
dn1_to VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL
endprp1 VARCHAR2(4)
rating1 VARCHAR2(6)
sch1 VARCHAR2(8)
ts1 VARCHAR2(4)
dn2_from VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL
dn2_to VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL
endprp2 VARCHAR2(4)
rating2 VARCHAR2(6)
sch2 VARCHAR2(8)
ts2 VARCHAR2(4)
model VARCHAR2(6)
geostd VARCHAR2(6)
modif VARCHAR2(5)
matgrd VARCHAR2(4)
max_temp VARCHAR2(6)
fabcat VARCHAR2(4)
weightcode VARCHAR2(3)
endprpgrp1 VARCHAR2(4)
endprpgrp2 VARCHAR2(4)
instrument_no VARCHAR2(20)
standard_note_a VARCHAR2(20)
standard_note_b VARCHAR2(20)
physical_data_id VARCHAR2(20)
pds_sort_code VARCHAR2(20)
group_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL
part_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL
input_1 VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL
input_2 VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL
input_3 VARCHAR2(10)
input_4 VARCHAR2(10)
free1 VARCHAR2(60)
free2 VARCHAR2(60)
free3 VARCHAR2(60)
free4 VARCHAR2(60)

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 59

Generating PMC/PCD with User-Defined Procedures

free5 VARCHAR2(60)
free6 VARCHAR2(60)
free7 VARCHAR2(60)
free8 VARCHAR2(60)
free9 VARCHAR2(60)
free10 VARCHAR2(60)
proj_id VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL
usr_id VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL
int_rev NUMBER(6) NOT NULL

pmc_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL
header_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL
pt VARCHAR2(15)
dn VARCHAR2(15)
branch VARCHAR2(15)
tap VARCHAR2(15)
gasket VARCHAR2(15)
fluid VARCHAR2(15)
wall VARCHAR2(15)
revision NUMBER(2)
mater_of_construction VARCHAR2(20)
corrosion_allowed NUMBER(14,4)
material_description NUMBER(6)
thickness_equotation VARCHAR2(15)
vent_drain_macro VARCHAR2(15)
standard_note_a VARCHAR2(15)
standard_note_b VARCHAR2(15)
bend_deflection_table VARCHAR2(15)
pipe_length_table VARCHAR2(15)
cl148 VARCHAR2(6)
free1 VARCHAR2(15)
free2 VARCHAR2(15)
free3 VARCHAR2(15)
free4 VARCHAR2(15)
free5 VARCHAR2(15)
free6 VARCHAR2(15)
free7 VARCHAR2(15)
free8 VARCHAR2(15)
free9 VARCHAR2(15)
free10 VARCHAR2(15)
proj_id VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL
usr_id VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL
int_rev NUMBER(6) NOT NULL
shortage VARCHAR2(50)

60 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS

The generation of the PDL (physical data library), or geometrics, for PDS is in principle similar to
that of commodity codes.
You can define all kinds of PDS geometries that you need, for example, a MAL table for
diameters and wallthicknesses.
For this functionality to work, you must give SmartPlant Materials the following two pieces of
1. The composition of the PDS size table name
For this purpose, you define a "String before" and a "String after." To include special
information, select the check box, and enter the position you would like to have this
information in the PDL Header Name field. Separating underscores are inserted
automatically between all selected attributes. At job start time, SmartPlant Materials will step
through the available commodity codes and create all possible combinations of PDL header
names with the mapped values of all the attributes you select here. Only the items that are
in a spec are regarded.
With the use of schedules in PDL generation, the simple case is having the schedule in the
commodity code; the Schedule method for this case is S.30.01 (S.20.08). But schedules
can also be considered if they are not in the commodity code; the prerequisite is that the
Schedule method (PDS 10.01) is Geoms. The output geometrics are filtered for the
schedule. The schedule must follow the rules of building geometrics for use of the standard
version of mv_spec_item_idents. The following combinations of nominal sizes and
schedules can appear:
Input1: DN1
Input2: SCH1
Input1: DN1
Input2: DN2
Input3: SCH1
Input1: DN1
Input2: DN2
Input3: SCH1
Input4: SCH2
The following are illegal combinations:
Input1: DN1
Input2: SCH1
Input3: DN2
Input4: SCH2
Input1: DN1
Input2: something else

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 61

Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS

2. The attributes in the size table

Enter the attributes you need in the PDL table. While SmartPlant Materials is executing a
PDL generation run, it steps through the available commodity codes and collects the
attached geometrics (S.40.22). It will regard every geometric that has at least one of the
attributes mentioned on PDS 20.01. The link to combine/connect all participating geometrics
in one size table is the Input check box for the attributes on PDS 20.01. The text for the
attribute can be changed on PDS 20.01, and this change has no effect on the data on
Enter all information on PDS 20.01. On PDS 20.10, SmartPlant Materials will process all
selected PDL rules one after the other.

Conversion of Geometries
If another unit of measurement for the geometry attributes is selected on PDS 20.01, the
conversion is done in accordance with A.10.13. The unit assigned on A.50.01 is entered
automatically when an attribute is entered here. If the unit is not changed, no conversion is
carried out.
The text for the attribute can be changed without changing the data on A.50.01.
For example, a MAL table will not be generated for every kind of connection. MAL tables are
connect geometries. Connect groups must be assigned to all connect geometries, so that the
interface generates MAL tables only for the connect groups where it makes sense. For example,
no MAL table is generated for connect group 200.
This assignment is done on PDS 20.03 Connect-Groups and PDS-Geom.

A similar situation applies to the commodity geometric. Not all commodity geometrics will be
generated for each Zydex code.

62 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS

This assignment is done on PDS 20.02 Zydex and PDS-Geometrics.

After completing the required definition, open the PDS 20.10 Generate and View PDS
Geometrics screen, where you can generate and view the geometries.

In principle, the generation of geometries always proceeds in two phases:

1. Generation of the geometrics in SmartPlant Materials tables
2. Generation of the corresponding ASCII files
In these two phases, you can check the PDS geometric for completeness and correctness in
SmartPlant Materials.
On PDS 20.10, you can use the following buttons:
 Chk UPD - The resulting size tables are selected regardless of whether the original
SmartPlant Materials geometries have been changed. Modified PDS size tables get the
status Update.
 Gen UPD - After the Chk UPD operation runs, this button regenerates all PDL rules with the
status Update.
 Gen selected - All PDL rules with their check box selected are (re)generated in SmartPlant
 Select All - All of the defined PDL rules are selected to be generated.
 Clear Selection - All check boxes are cleared, whether they were checked by Select All or
 All ASCII - All available geometries are generated as ASCII files.
 New ASCII - Only geometries with the status NEW are generated as ASCII files.
A geometry gets the status NEW if it was generated for the first time, or if the original
SmartPlant Materials geometry was changed and an update run was started.
The fields on PDS 20.10 and their meaning are as follows:
 New - Number of generated PDL names with the status NEW.
 OK - Number of PDL names that were generated as ASCII files.
 Update - Number of generated PDL names that need an update.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 63

Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS

 Invalid - Number of PDL names with data missing.

 #PDL Names - Number of generated PDL names (always the sum of all items above).
 #Records - Number of geometry records for all PDL names.
Click the Next Block button to open Window 2, where the PDS names are displayed.

Names for PDS geometries beginning with "!" (like in !NDF) imply the same as in the PCD (in
the present example: No Data Found).
The status of the PDS geometries is shown in the Status field.
The quantity of records generated for this geometry is shown in the #Records field.
The Units field shows the different unit text for the PDS geometrics. For the PDS geometries,
the value translated from A.10.14 is shown in the line Units=.....
By clicking the View CC button, you can view the commodity codes that were the base for the
PDL name generation.

If you click the Geoms button at the bottom of Window 4, you see the geometrics that will be the
base for the PDL geometrics data generation.

Clicking the Back button twice brings you back to Window 2 of PDS 20.10.
By clicking the Gen Geometric button, you can restart the SQL statement generated before.
The Error Reason field on Window 2 shows the reason that the PDL name has the status
Invalid generation. The error reasons are listed below.
 PCD Data in Commodity Code is incorrect - An incomplete PDS geometry name was
 Invalid Number of Attributes - The SQL statement has fewer attributes than required by
the definition for the PDS geometry. By scrolling to the right, you can view the SQL
statement and find out which attribute is missing.
You have either selected a wrong attribute during the attribute structure definition, or the
geometries appended to the commodity code do not contain all attributes needed for this
 No Records inserted by SQL Statement - The SQL statement is okay; no records were
generated, however.

64 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS

 Generated Geometric Data contains 0 or NULL values - The generated PDS geometries
contain zeros.
 None unique INPUT fields - The fields defined as input are not unique, for example, double
nominal sizes.

Tuning Generated SQL Statements

The first time, the SQL statement shown in the SQL-Text field is created by the software. Later,
it is possible to modify it. Double-clicking in this field opens Window 7, where the PDS PDL
procedures are displayed.

By clicking the View PPP button on PDS 20.10 Window 2, you jump to the block where you can
maintain PDS PDL procedures. When using this button, SmartPlant Materials will try to find an
existing PDL procedure with the specific PDL header name.
The PDL procedure name is unique within a project. If you try to insert a second identical one,
you will get an error message. You can choose the name of an existing PDL header for your
procedure via LOV or create your own name. The PDL procedure does not keep the information
from which PDL rule (PDS 20.01) or from which PDL header result it was derived (except the
PDL header name if you want it). In enter query mode, you can use the LOV to retrieve a list of
all existing PDL procedure names.
To save the PDL procedure to a certain result, select the Save to Result check box at the
bottom of the screen. You can leave the PDL Rule Code and the PDL Header Name fields
empty to copy the procedure back to the actual header result. Alternatively, choose a destination
using the LOV.
You can distribute one procedure to several header results by just re-checking the Save to
Result check box after a successful commit operation.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 65

Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS

Geometric Generation - Important Information

Rule for PDS Geometry Generation
SmartPlant Materials geometries appended' to the corresponding commodity codes are
considered to be the base of the PDS geometry generation (see S.40.22).
If a tablesuffix is used for the generation of the PDL name, those geometries that do not
correspond to the tablesuffix are ignored.
Tables with a name prefixed by MAL_ only use geometries with the tablesuffix.
For the rest of the geometries, only those that have at least one attribute relevant for PDS
geometry are used.
All remaining tables are joined, and the result is written.

 The leading S (S-) of the schedule is eliminated. (If the PDL Header Replacement Chars
field on PDS 10.01 contains the minus (-), S- will be replaced by S$ and therefore NOT
 Schedules can only be set if idents exist.

Conversion of Geometrics
If another unit of measurement is selected on PDS 20.01 for the geometry attributes, these units
are converted in accordance with A.10.13. The unit assigned on A.50.01 is entered
automatically when you enter an attribute here. If the unit is not changed, no conversion is
carried out.
The text for the attribute can be changed, without any influence on the data on A.50.01.
The conversion is carried out via the following formula:
(Value * Add1)*Factor + Add2

Different unit text for the PDS geometries

For the PDS geometries, the value translated from A.10.14 is shown in the line Units=.....

Configuring PDL Specials

PDS specials are defined on the PDS Specials tab of PDS 10.01 Configure PDS.

66 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS

0 Allowed
If this check box is selected, sizes equal to zero (0) are regarded as valid.

Calculate Weight
If this check box is selected, weight is calculated. Weights are entered independently from the
material, for a gamma defined by project default ZI_GAMMA.
During the generation of PDS geometries, the attribute representing the weight is derived from
the following formula:
Specific weight from CL578 = a
Weight from geometry = b
Gamma = g


PDL Header Replacement Chars

Characters in this field will be replaced by a $ symbol during generation of PDL header names.
If the schedule is prefixed by S- and is replaced by S$, S- cannot be eliminated by the
standard logic.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 67

Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS

68 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide


BOM Import Configuration

The material used in PDS can be transferred to SmartPlant Materials via OMI (B.40.01). For
more information, see the SmartPlant Materials Open MTO Interface (OMI) guide, available from
the Printable Guides page in the software.
You can use the PDS MTO report 'piping_g.rpt' or other formatted reports to spool out your
items to the file system. We will explain two examples: The first kind of format we will call
"piping_g," and the other we will call "ISOGEN." Both of these names just stand for two different
ways to format your PDS output, and they are not fixed.
On the PDS 30.01 Configure BOM Import screen, you configure where OMI can find the data.
You must define at least one configuration set and reference it on B.40.01 to enable OMI to read
from the PDS report. Each configuration can be used system-wide, which means that if you
have the same layout for the PDS report for all product groups and projects, you will probably
have only one record on this screen for all of SmartPlant Materials.

For each configuration set, you configure the items that are important for OMI to read. For
piping_g, you do not have to configure all items. Only LINE_TYPE is mandatory. If you specify
one of the following: POS_CC, POS_QTY, POS_SIZE1, or POS_SIZE2, you must specify all of
these four. In general, it is a good working practice to specify all attributes needed to make the
setting visible to the user.
When you define a new configuration item, you must assign a type from the dropdown list in
the Type field. The available values are:
 Column (C) means that you want to define the horizontal position of the item in fixed
column numbers. The Digit from value is the first column to be read from the PDS file, and
the Digit to value is the last column to be read. Both of these fields must be filled if you use
this type for an item. Otherwise, the software will cause a data jam. The fixed column
numbers are read before the sequential order information, which means that when you begin

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 69

BOM Import Configuration

to specify an item as sequential (Sequence), you cannot return to fixed column numbers. If
you use Column, you can use the same position in ASCII to feed multiple configuration
 Sequence (S) means that you want to define the horizontal position of the item in sequence
with the lowest first and highest last. The Seq field contains the sort order, which defines
when the specified item is expected in the PDS file. The step size of the sequence value can
be different from 1, and the first sequence number can be different from 1. You can even
use negative values. The Length field contains the last column to be read. The length is
counted from the beginning of the new item. Leading blanks are not considered. While the
Seq value is mandatory, the Length value can be omitted. If you omit the length, the
software reads the item until it comes to the specified line/position separator symbol.
 Other (O) means that the configuration item has neither fixed-column nor sequential
The valid values for the Item field are described in the next topic, Configuration Items (on page

Configuration Items
The Item field contains the name of the configuration item that you want to supply with
parameters. The available items can be selected from the LOV. The LOV automatically fills
some of the other fields with defaults, so you can easily achieve a default configuration.
The configuration items in detail are as follows:
 LINE_NUM - You can define the horizontal location of the line number. In the Value field,
you can enter your line number title, which can differ from the literal 'LINE NUMBER' (the
default). This information is used to identify a physical line in the report as line number
information. If you do not use this configuration item, the standard PDS defaults are used.
This configuration item is not used with "ISOGEN"-like formats.
 LINE_TYPE - The line type defines which node type the line will have in the SmartPlant
Materials BOM. Choose from the available node types with the LOV in the Value field. The
node type code is stored, not the internal ID. So the node type for every project can be the
same. You must define this configuration item. There is no default by the software. This
configuration item is not used with "ISOGEN"-like formats.
 LINE_ATTR - You can have the interface interpret your line number and make node
attributes of it. Specify the name of the attribute in the Value field (an LOV on attributes is
provided), and enter the location in the Digit from/to fields. You can have more than one
usage of LINE_ATTR by selecting this item for more than one row in the block. If you do not
use this configuration item, the line number is stored in the short description and description
of the node, and no node_attributes are generated. The attribute code is stored, not the
internal ID. So the attribute code for every project can be the same. This configuration item
is not used with "ISOGEN"-like formats.
 LINE_SEP - If you choose to define relative locations, you can define the separator symbol
within the line number in the Value field. If you omit this configuration item, the dash is taken
by default. Refer to the description of the Type field for more information on defining relative
or fixed locations. This configuration item is not used with "ISOGEN"-like formats.
 POS_LEVxN - This configuration item is the name of the node level x where the material is
to be stored. You can create up to ten levels (beginning from 0 to 9) from the start node

70 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

BOM Import Configuration

defined on B.40.01. If the node does not exist in the BOM, it will be created. This
configuration item is normally not used with "piping_g"-like formats.
 POS_LEVxT - This configuration item is the type of the node level x where the material is to
be stored. You can create up to ten levels (beginning from 0 to 9) from the start node
defined on B.40.01. The node type is necessary when new nodes must be created within the
BOM tree. This configuration item is normally not used with "piping_g"-like formats.
 POS_CC - Enter the location of the commodity code in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are cut off automatically. If you omit this configuration item, the defaults from
PDS piping are used. Idents can be found with the commodity code and sizes. However, if
the spec code (POS_SPEC) is supplied together with the commodity code and no short
code is supplied, PDS BOM import will try to find a short code for this commodity code.
 POS_IDENT - Enter the location of the ident code in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are cut off automatically.
 POS_OPTION - Enter the location of the option in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are cut off automatically. If you omit the option, it defaults to 1.
 POS_SHORT - Enter the location of the short code in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are cut off automatically. If you do not have a short code in your file, the
software will search for one with the spec code, option code, and commodity code. If there is
nothing found, the software will receive an error. It is a good idea to define a short code
"ERROR" on S.10.08. The software will then assign this short code to the item when no
short code is found, and the import will succeed. You will be informed which line was not
imported because ERROR was not in the spec.
 POS_SPEC - Enter the location of the specification code in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing
and leading blanks are cut off automatically.
 POS_RTYPE - Enter the location of the record type in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are cut off automatically. The record type influences the interpretation of the
POS_QTY. This configuration item is normally not used with "piping_g"-like formats.
If the RTYPE is PIPE or BOLT, missing quantities do not default to 1. If you do not specify
an RTYPE, it defaults to BOLT. If the RTYPE is PIPE, the software appends a ".0" to integer
quantities if no unit is specified. This ".0" makes the software assume a length unit for the
quantity because of the decimal point.
If the RTYPE is BOLT and the software fetches the commodity code with sizes from
SmartPlant Materials, the bolt also receives a second size (the bolt length) if input2 is
numeric – regardless of whether the bolt is marked as a one-size or two-size item.
Additionally, if there is an input2 (bolt length) in the ASCII file, the software will compare the
input2 from the ident with the input2 from the ASCII file. If they are different, the software will
try to find another ident within the same commodity code that matches the bolt diameter and
length. If an ident is found, it will be used instead of the one originally coming from the ASCII
file. If no ident is found, an error message is written to the job logfile, and the ident is erased.
Instead, the BOM position will contain the commodity code, input1 (bolt diameter), and the
new bolt length.
If the RTYPE is COMP, the software converts the quantity to a number, if no unit is
specified. This conversion cuts trailing zeros and makes the software assume a piece unit
for the quantity because of the decimal point.
To make the RTYPE noticeable to the software (which reads the lines left to right), the
RTYPE must be defined to the left of the quantity or size2 in the ASCII file.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 71

BOM Import Configuration

 POS_QTY - Enter the location of the position quantity in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing
and leading blanks are cut off automatically. If the record type (as far as the existing) is
BOLT or PIPE, the quantity is set to zero if none is found on the line. If the record type is
different, the missing quantity is defaulted to 1. If there is no record type, the missing
quantities are left out. If you omit this configuration item (POS_QTY), the defaults from PDS
piping_g are used.
 POS_UNIT or POS_LUNIT - The OMI preprocessor does not know if a quantity is a piece
unit (POS_UNIT) or if it is a length unit (POS_LUNIT).
If the RTYPE is PIPE or BOLT, missing quantities do not default to 1. If you do not specify
an RTYPE, it defaults to BOLT.
If the RTYPE is PIPE, the software appends a ".0" to integer quantities if no unit is specified.
This ".0" makes the software assume a length unit for the quantity because of the decimal
If the RTYPE is COMP, the software converts the quantity to a number if no unit is specified.
This conversion cuts trailing zeros and makes the software assume a piece unit for the
quantity because of the decimal point.
To make the RTYPE noticeable to the software (which reads the lines left to right), the
RTYPE must be defined to the left of the quantity in the ASCII file.
1) If the quantity is blank:
 If the RTYPE is blank (for example, it is set to PIPE or BOLT), the quantity is set to 1
and the unit defaults to 'EA'.
 MM is used if POS_LUNIT is blank.
 EA is used if POS_UNIT is blank.
2) If the quantity is not blank:
 Any unit is used if it is appended to the quantity in the ASCII file. You can also use " to
get the unit IN. Note that the unit is case sensitive.
 POS_LUNIT is used if the quantity contains a decimal point as a separator (delimiter).
 POS_UNIT is used if the quantity does not contain a decimal point as a separator
 POS_SIZE1 - Enter the location of the 1st size in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are truncated. If you omit this configuration item, the defaults from PDS
piping_g are used.
 POS_SIZE2 - Enter the location of the 2nd size in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are cut off automatically. If you omit this configuration item, the defaults from
PDS piping_g are used. This field is used for diameters, not for schedules. If you transfer
schedules for some reason, and you supply a commodity code (POS_CC), the PDS BOM
import will erase the schedule depending on the Zydex table in SmartPlant Materials. (If an
asterisk is on attr_char1 for the associated Zydex, the item is considered to have one
nominal size, and size2 is set to zero.)
If the RTYPE is BOLT, and the software fetches the commodity code with sizes from
SmartPlant Materials, the bolt also receives a second size (the bolt length) if input2 is
numeric – regardless of whether the bolt is marked as a one-size or two-size item. To make
the RTYPE to be noticed, the RTYPE must be defined left from the size2 in the ASCII file.

72 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

BOM Import Configuration

Additionally, if there is an input2 (bolt length) in the ASCII file, the software will compare
input2 from the ident with input2 from the ASCII file. If they are different, the software will try
to find another ident within the same commodity code that matches the bolt diameter and
length. If an ident is found, it will be taken instead of the one originally coming from the
ASCII file. If no ident is found, an error message is written to the job logfile, and the ident is
erased. Instead, the BOM position will contain the commodity code, input1 (bolt diameter),
and the new bolt length.
 POS_SIZE3 - Enter the location of the 3rd size in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are cut off automatically. You only need this item to find idents for material
that has more than one end and is to be found by commodity code and sizes.
 POS_SIZE4 - Enter the location of the 4th size in the Digit from/to fields. Trailing and
leading blanks are cut off automatically. You only need this item to find idents for material
that has more than one end and is to be found by commodity code and sizes.
 POS_SEP - If you choose to define relative locations, you can define the separator symbol
within the position line in the Value field. If you omit this configuration item, the blank is
taken by default. Refer to the description of the Type field for more information on defining
relative or fixed locations.
 POS_ATTR - You can transfer an unlimited number of position attributes for each position of
the SmartPlant Materials BOM structure. Enter the location of the position attribute in the
Digit from/to fields, and the name of the attribute in the Value field.
 POS_SUM_ID - If you want to summarize material that has the same ident within the same
node/list status/issue status, set this item to the value Yes, Y, True, 1, or ON. If you do not
want to sum up, you can omit this configuration item. Summarizing will only take place for
material that is characterized by the same parameters. For example, if one position has only
the ident code while the other has no ident but spec, short code, and size information, these
cannot be added, even if they refer to the same ident. They will remain as two separate
positions. Summarizing will only supply the correct values if they are of the same unit. The
units of identical idents will not be converted to each other by the software. If you add 1
meter pipe to 3000 mm pipe, the result will be unpredictable.
 POS_TAG_NU - Enter the location of the tag number in the Digit from/to fields. If a tag
number occurs without an ident on an ASCII line, it is treated as item rule TWM. (One item
type on A.10.15 with rule TWM must be checked as the default.) Users can submit the
commodity code layout short/long to create the commodity code. If a tag number occurs
together with an ident, the item rule will be considered to be SWT. (One item type on
A.10.15 with rule SWT must be checked as the default.)
 POS _TAG_SH - Enter the location of the tag number short layout in the Digit from/to
fields. This setting is only of interest if you are working with POS_TAG_NU and creating tags
with item rule TWM. (One item type on A.10.15 with rule TWM must be checked as the
 POS _TAG_LO - Enter the location of the tag number long layout in the Digit from/to fields.
This setting is only of interest if you are working with POS_TAG_NU and creating tags with
item rule TWM. (One item type on A.10.15 with rule TWM must be checked as the default.)
 POS_CC_MAP - You can receive commodity codes in an interface- or company-specific
translation. You choose from three characters to indicate what translation should be used:
"M" for original SmartPlant Materials, "I" for interface specific, and "C" for company-specific
commodity codes. The order of these characters specifies the search order. The value "CIM"
would mean: first look for a commodity mapping, if none found, look for an interface
mapping. If none found, assume the normal commodity code from S.30.01. In this example,

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 73

BOM Import Configuration

you could have omitted "M", because the normal commodity code is looked up by default, if
nothing else is found. You do not have to use all three characters: "C" is also a valid
example value for POS_CC_MAP. The interface code for interface mappings is "PDS". The
company code for company mappings is taken from the PDS 10.01 Configure PDS screen,
or if no configuration was done, from the Company entry on B.40.01. POS_CC_MAP will
replace company or interface commodity codes with SmartPlant Materials commodity codes
to be processed by the standard OMI.
Note that POS_CC_MAP will not work if you chose to select the Map Commodity
Codes/Idents check box on B.40.01. Selecting this check box will cause the PDS OMI
transfer to stop processing.
For company ident codes, you also need to set POS_CC_MAP to indicate that you want to
map, although the value of POS_CC_MAP is not relevant. Company ident codes are always
looked up first. If not found in the project/product group, a SmartPlant Materials ident code is
assumed. Interface ident codes are not supported.
If you plan to use only SmartPlant Materials codes in your OMI load, do not include the
POS_CC_MAP configuration item in your config, to save time spent looking up company
and interface mapping tables.
 POS_NATTR - You can specify an arbitrary number of node attributes for each node of the
SmartPlant Materials BOM structure. Enter the location of the position attribute in the Digit
from/to fields and the name of the attribute in the Value field. To transfer the attributes
correctly, the first position row that is on another (or on the very first) node must contain the
node attributes with their values. The node attribute information on all following position rows
for the same node in the import file will be ignored.
 POS_IATTR - You can specify an arbitrary number of ident attributes for each position of
the SmartPlant Materials BOM structure. Enter the location of the ident attribute in the Digit
from/to fields and the name of the attribute in the Value field. Using ident attributes will
cause the preprocessor to relate the material to the item rule TAB, unless you specify
otherwise with POS_ITR.
 POS_ITR - You can specify the item rule explicitly in the ASCII file. Enter the location of the
item rule in the Digit from/to fields.
If you don’t specify the item rule, the following rule applies: If a tag number occurs without
an ident on an ASCII line, it is treated as item rule TWM. If a tag number occurs together
with an ident, the item rule is considered to be SWT. If there is no tag number specified, the
item rule will be SOT.
One item type on A.10.15 of each item rule you want to apply must be checked as the
 POS_CG - The commodity group can be submitted in the ASCII file. Enter the location of
the commodity group in the Digit from/to fields.
 POS_CP - The commodity part can be submitted in the ASCII file. Enter the location of the
commodity part in the Digit from/to fields.
 POS_MODEL - Model code from PDS. This value will not be inserted by the standard
procedure into the BOM. You can use it, for example, for any customized code in
m_pck_pds_bom_custom. See the example function
CREATE_OR_SUM_SPECIAL_ITEMS. When the return value from this function is ‘1’, the
standard insert in m_import_interfaces will be replaced by the insert in the CIP.

74 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

BOM Import Configuration

 POS_CIP1 – 3 - This value will not be inserted by the standard procedure into the BOM.
You can use it, for example, for any customized code in m_pck_pds_bom_custom. See the
example function CREATE_OR_SUM_SPECIAL_ITEMS. When the return value from this
function is ‘1’, the standard insert in m_import_interfaces will be replaced by the insert in the
 POS_NUM - The position number can be submitted in the ASCII file. Enter the location of
the position number in the Digit from/to fields. To transfer position numbers, you must set
the project default ZI_OMI_POS to DATA.

Creating ASCII File from PDS-3D (piping_g)

Click Report Manager on the main menu:

Edit the following:

 Report Discrimination Data
 Report Search Criteria
These settings determine the material to be printed on the report.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 75

BOM Import Configuration

Then click Report Format.

Click Create for a new report:

76 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

BOM Import Configuration

Enter a new report format like that shown below. Be sure to use the format piping_g. (Once you
read this section and understand how the software interprets the file, you can also define your
own report format, free of overhead information. This format could have a positive effect on

In the Report Manager, select Report and click Revise.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 77

BOM Import Configuration

Enter the data specific to your environment. Note that OMI expects the file extension .rpt. The
name of the report file can be changed.

Start the report.

78 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

BOM Import Configuration

Using the OMI Import Screen for PDS

Use the B.40.01 BOM Import screen for PDS with all the features that you know from other
BOM imports.

In the Data Source field, select from PDS ASCII File, and upload your piping_g or
ISOGEN-formatted .rpt file using the Upload button beside the Import File field. Select the
appropriate BOM configuration from the LOV in the BOM Config field.
Be sure that you specify at least the LINE_TYPE configuration item if you are working with
piping_g and that you specify all necessary attributes if you are working with ISOGEN.
Additionally, for PDS, define a start node in the BOM Start Node field, where the lines from the
report will be placed as sub nodes. Sizes cannot contain fractions like ¾". (Use 0.75" in this

Interpreting the "piping_g" File

Here is a brief example of how the interface steps through a piping_g-formatted file:
1.Date/Time : 10-Jan-00 PDS MTO REPORT Page: 1
3.Corporate Headquarters Sample Report
4.Intergraph Corporation 641s
5.Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001 Intergraph
6.(205)730-2000 pds
8.Commodity Code Qty/Length 1st Size 2nd Size Material Description
9.______________ __________ ________ _______ _______________

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 79

BOM Import Configuration

11. LINE NUMBER: A380311-3"-2C0032-HF

12. _________________________________
14.FAABBAWAAA 2 3 3 Flange, CL300, RFFE
16.VABBAHCAAA 1 3 3 Gate valve, CL300,
17. 33
20.XDABBZZQSG 2 3 - Gasket, CL300,
21. CS center ring01
22.YZZZHZZFFF 16 0.75 4.25 B31, ASTM-A1
25. LINE NUMBER: A380311-3"-2C0032-N
26. ________________________________
28.FAABBAWAAA 2 3 3 Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE,

1. Lines 1-10 in our example would be recognized as BOM positions in the first cut but then
eliminated because they have no valid 1st size definition.
2. The 11th line would be recognized as containing line number information (‘LINE NUMBER’).
The software would make up a new node within the start node. The new node name is a
sequence that is counted starting from 1 for each import job. The string following the ‘LINE
NUMBER’ in piping_g would be written into the short description and description of the node
(the language would be taken from the SmartPlant Materials login environment).
3. If you configured the interface to scan the line number, it would create node attributes for the
4. Lines 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22 would be recognized as valid positions on the new node
created in step 2. If you configured OMI to find the idents, you would have chances to find
them with commodity code, size1, and size2.
5. Line 25 would be recognized as line number information. The line number would be
compared to the previous one to see if it is a new line number or just a repetition due to a
page break. The line A380311-3"-2C0032-N is indeed a new one, so the software would
continue with step 2. Otherwise, the software would have added the positions to the
previous node.
Intergraph lets users configure the layout of piping_g. With PDS 30.01, you can adapt the OMI
interface to many different situations. It is possible (depending on your configuration) that the
destination BOM contains lines from piping_g that are not positions. These lines are recognized
as garbage at the point when you are trying to find idents for them.

80 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

BOM Import Configuration

Interpreting the ISOGEN File

This example shows how the interface steps through an ISOGEN-formatted file. The significant
columns are listed in the following example:
GASK 3500 B S11F44F6W604D30 1 P3 3.0"
BOLT 3500 B R05I3T2030 1 P3 .625 90.0 4
COMP 3500 B I01F14A7C400000 1 P3 3.0" 3.0" NREQD SCH10S 0.000 0.000 90.00
PIPE 3500 B A02P1AOC0340 1 P3 3.0" 3.0" SCH10S SCH10S 0.000 500.002
COMP 3500 B C17P5A8C3030 1 P3 3.0" 3.0" SCH10S SCH10S 114.2 0.000 90.00
PIPE 3500 B A02P1AOC0340 1 P3 3.0" 3.0" SCH10S SCH10S 0.000 400.0
COMP 3500 B C17P5A8C3030 1 P3 3.0" 3.0" SCH10S SCH10S 114.2 0.000 90.00
PIPE 3500 B A02P1AOC0340 1 P3 3.0" 3.0" SCH10S SCH10S 0.000 3975.7
COMP 3500 B D12P5A8C3030 1 P3 4.0" 3.0" SCH10S SCH10S 0.000 0.000 90.00
COMP 3500 B C17P5A8C3030 1 P3 4.0" 4.0" SCH10S SCH10S 152.3 0.000 90.00
PIPE 3500 B A02P1AOC0340 1 P3 4.0" 4.0" SCH10S SCH10S 0.000 1965.62
COMP 3500 B D10P5A8C3030 1 P3 4.0" 4.0" SCH10S SCH10S 0.000 0.000 90.00
PIPE 3500 B A02P1AOC0340 1 P3 4.0" 4.0" SCH10S SCH10S 0.000 216.43
COMP 3500 B C17P5A8C3030 1 P3 4.0" 4.0" SCH10S SCH10S 152.3 0.000 90.00
PIPE 3500 B A02P1AOC0340 1 P3 4.0" 4.0" SCH10S SCH10S 0.000 100.03
COMP 3500 B I01F14A7C400000 1 P3 4.0" 4.0" NREQD SCH10S 0.000 0.000 90.00
GASK 3500 B S11F44F6W604D30 1 P3 4.0"

1. Column: Record Type

2. Column: Line Seq
3. Column: Unit Code
4. Column: Commodity Code
5. Column: Option Code
6. Column: Spec Code
7-10. Columns: Sizes
Last Column: Quantity
1. The first step for the software would be to extract the hierarchical information out of the file.
The software would find that there is a BOM level 1 that is represented in the string "B" in
this example. So it would look into the start node, assigned on B.40.01 if a sub node "B"
already exists. If there is none, it would be created with the node type that you configured.
2. Now the software would look for further node levels, and it would find the line sequence
("3500" in our example). So it would look into the sub node B if "3500" already exists. If it
does not, it would be created with the node type that you configured.
3. If no more hierarchical information is mapped on PDS.30.01, the commodity code, spec
code, option code, and sizes are then retrieved from the file, with the quantity last.

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 81

BOM Import Configuration

Here is an example configuration for an ISOGEN file:

82 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

Fluid • 33
576 Start • 42 G
577 Start • 42 Gasket • 36
Gen. Elbows • 51
A General Configuration • 17
Generate CL400 • 30
Actions/Settings • 46 Generating PDL (Geometrics) for PDS • 61
Administrative Settings • 11 Generating PMC/PCD with User-Defined
Assigning Procedures • 58 Procedures • 57
Available Lists • 45 Geometric Generation - Important
Information • 66
B Geostandard • 28
Bend Defl • 37
Bolt Logic • 49 I
BOM Import Configuration • 69 Intergraph Smart™ 3D and PDS Codelist
Branch Opt • 51 Value Mapping • 47
Branches • 35 Interpreting the • 79
Interpreting the ISOGEN File • 81
C Introduction • 11
Check Boxes • 29 Issued Only • 51
Codelist Generation • 42
Codelist Generation General • 37 L
Company • 17 List Display Area • 47
Configuration Items • 70
Configuring PDL Specials • 66
Corr Allow • 34 M
Creating ASCII File from PDS-3D (piping_g) Mat Desc • 34
• 75 Mat of Constr • 34
Creating Codelists Independently from a Material • 26
Specification • 44 Method • 17
Model Code • 27
D Modifier • 28
DBA Settings • 11
Default • 33 N
Defining Procedures • 57 Nom Size • 35
DIN or ANSI • 43
Dissolve Assemblies • 50 O
Order/Sequence • 49
End Preparation • 23 P
PCD Special Settings • 49
F PDS File Names • 42
FabCat • 37 PDS Interface Configuration Overview • 15
Filter • 50 Pipe Lgth • 37

SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide 83


PMC and Codelist Generation • 31 W

PMC ASCII Configuration • 32
Wallthick 1 • 40
PMC Generation General • 31
Wallthick 2 • 40
PMC Items • 33
Weight Code • 29
PMC/PCD Table Structure • 59
Preface • 9
Press Temp • 34 Z
Project Defaults • 12 Zydex Code • 18

Rating • 26
Revision • 33
Run Procedures • 30

S.20.08 Mapping Techniques • 55
S.20.08 Priority • 30
Schedule • 21
Seq • 32
Set Defaults autom. • 30
Settings on PDS 10.01 • 39, 49
Settings on PDS 10.02 • 52
Short Description Library • 41
Shortage • 37
Size-Dependent Data • 40
Sort by CC • 51
Source • 17
Spec Code • 33
Std Note A • 36
Std Note B • 37

Tablesuffix • 24
TAP • 35
Thick Equot • 35
Thickness • 35
Title • 33
Transferring Pipe Classes from SmartPlant
Materials to PDS • 13
Translation Level • 17
Tuning Generated SQL Statements • 65

Using the OMI Import Screen for PDS • 79

Vent Drain • 36
Viewing and Manipulating Codelists • 43

84 SmartPlant Materials PDS Interface User's Guide

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