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SmartPlant Materials

Spec with DP_ID

Version 2008 (6.3.1) June 2008 DMAR1-PE-200064B

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Discipline Specs (S.50.06)- Window 9 ..............................................................................5 

Operations ..........................................................................................................................7 

SmartPlant Materials Spec with DP_ID 3


This document is a user’s guide for SmartPlant Materials.

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4 SmartPlant Materials Spec with DP_ID

Discipline Specs (S.50.06)- Window 9

Discipline Specs (S.50.06)- Window 9

This new functionality S.50.06 – Window 9, facilitates the user in managing Spec
data when working with Discipline dependent Specs. This shall be invoked from the
right mouse click menu item on Spec code in S.50.06 window-1. The user can work
with Discipline dependent specs by simply setting the project default
‘ZX_DP_SPEC’ to ‘Y’. If the Project default parameter ‘ZX_DP_SPEC’ is set to ‘Y’
then Specs from Non Login disciplines do not show up in all screens of MLCL
showing Specs. However, If the default parameter ‘ZX_DP_SPEC’ is set to ‘N’, then
all the Specs show up.

To specify a Spec as discipline specific, all that the user has to do is, just select the
Spec Code, Discipline from LOV and save the record. By default the discipline field
is populated with the logged-in discipline. The user may overwrite the discipline by
entering any valid discipline manually or by selecting the discipline from LOV.

By querying user can view the all the discipline specs for the logged in project
/product group, along with the details such as spec type, short description and
discipline. The user can also update the existing discipline of the spec.

The figure below details the layout of the “Discipline Specs (S.50.06:Specification
Management: - Window9)”.

Fig 1.1 – S.50.06 Specification Management - Window 9.

SmartPlant Materials Spec with DP_ID 5

Discipline Specs (S.50.06)- Window 9

As shown in the above figure, the window consists of the following fields.

• Spec Type: Displays the type of the specification.

• Spec Code: Displays code of the specification. Enables the user to select Spec
Code from the LOV or to manually enter.
• Short Desc: Displays the short description of the specification.
• Discipline: Displays the discipline. The user can select the discipline from LOV
or can manually enter to assign a discipline to the spec or while updating the
existing discipline of the spec.
• Display Options: Allow to switch the display of Specs. When the option selected
• Project only: Only those Specs, which belong to logged in project,
will be displayed.
• Product Group Only: Only those Specs, which belong to product
group of the logged in project, will be displayed.
• Both (Default) : Specs, which belong to the logged in project as well
as the product group of the logged in project, will be displayed.

6 SmartPlant Materials Spec with DP_ID


• Execute-Query: When the user executes the query the window will display the
spec code along with the details such as Spec Type, Short Description and
Discipline of the Spec. This depends upon the display option selected by the user.
The user can query by entering either Spec Type, Spec Code or Discipline (or)
all of them. The user can enter the Spec Code and Discipline manually or
selecting it from the corresponding LOVs. Here the LOV for spec code will
contain only those spec codes which are presently assigned to some discipline.
• Add: While creating a new record the LOV for spec code will contain only those
Spec Codes which are not presently assigned to any discipline. While creating a
new record the default discipline will be the logged-in Discipline, and the user
may overwrite it by entering any valid Discipline he/she wants or by selecting the
discipline from LOV. Doing so, all the revisions of the selected Spec Code will
have the same selected Discipline.
• Update : This operation allows the user to update the assignment of a Spec to a
Discipline . The user can do this by manually entering or selecting from the
corresponding LOVs. The discipline of all the revisions of the spec will be
• Delete: This operation allows the user to delete an assignment of a Discipline to
a Spec Code.

SmartPlant Materials Spec with DP_ID 7

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