Ssemaganda Fredrick Research

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APRIL 2023
I SSEMAGANDA FREDDRICK declares that this work is original to the best of my
knowledge and has never been submitted to any university for the award of Diploma in
Computer Science.



This is to certify that SSEMAGANDA FREDRICK with Reg No. DCS/MAY22/D/1408 has
been under the supervision of an institute supervisor and his work is ready to be submitted for
the award of a Diploma in Computer Science

Supervisors Name.....................................................




LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................v
LIST OF ACRONYMS / ABBREVIATION................................................................................vii
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................1
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT........................................................................................................3
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY...............................................................................................4
1.3.1 MAIN OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................4
1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................4
1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................................4
1.4.1 CONTENT SCOPE................................................................................................................4
1.4.2 TIME SCOPE.........................................................................................................................4
1.4.3 GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE....................................................................................................4
1.5 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................5
1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................5
1.7 CHAPTER SUMMARY...........................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................6
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................6
2.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................6
2.2 Digital Citizenship.....................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................10
3.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................10
3.1 Research Design......................................................................................................................10

3.2 Sampling techniques................................................................................................................10
3.2.1 Simple random sampling......................................................................................................10
3.2.2 Systematic Sampling............................................................................................................10
3.2.3 Stratified Sampling...............................................................................................................10
3.3 Target Population and Size......................................................................................................10
3.4 Requirement Elicitation methods............................................................................................11
3.4.1 Interviews.............................................................................................................................11
3.4.2 Survey...................................................................................................................................11
3.5 System and data analysis.........................................................................................................11
3.5.1 Excel.....................................................................................................................................11
3.5.2 SPSS.....................................................................................................................................11
3.6 System designs.........................................................................................................................12
3.7 System Implementation...........................................................................................................12
3.8 System testing..........................................................................................................................13
3.8.1 Unit testing............................................................................................................................13
3.8.2 System testing.......................................................................................................................13
3.8.3 Integration testing.................................................................................................................13
3.9 System documentation.............................................................................................................13
APPENDIX I.................................................................................................................................15
APPENDIX II................................................................................................................................19
APPENDIX III...............................................................................................................................20
RESEARCH WORK PLAN..........................................................................................................20

Figure:1 System Development Life cycle


SPSS Statistical Package for Social science

RMS Registration Management System

NIRA National Identification Registration Authority

SQL Structured Query Language

PHP Hypertext Pre protocol


1.0 Introduction
Online village registration involves the digital registration of all the residents living in a
particular village, births and deaths, new members joining the village and those leaving, as well
as those citizens who have reached the mandatory age of 18 years to exercise their right to elect

1.2 Background of the study

The history of registration management systems is a short history. Registration management
System (RMS) has become increasingly attractive in the past few years. Technical renovations
have redefined the registration process. In Uganda, it started way back in the period of kingdoms
and chiefdoms where political suburb was created to form an organized political system from the
master’s way up to the kings and chiefs. The system was more elaborate most especially in
Buganda kingdom where the political organization was two way; first it was based on clans. This
organization based on class was divided into seven units namely: Kingdom (Obwakabaka), clan
head (Akasolya), class (Essiga), order (Olunyiriri), family (Olugya), House (Enyumba) and then
the individual (Him or herself). The number of people at each of these levels was increasing i.e.
from an individual unit up to the Kingdom. Registration was in such a way that the head of each
unit at lower level knew all his members. The organization was in such a way that numbers
increased up the hierarchy, each unit above was a collection of the sub units below i.e. a
kingdom is a collection of clans, clans is a collection of classes and so on up to individual
person. No person would access the top administration (Kabakaship) unless he was approved by
the head at each level. The registration was in a way that the father introduced his children to the
grandfather who in turn would introduce the same to the family. The family head would then
introduce the different houses under him to the head of the order who in turn also introduced the
families under him to the head of the class. The whole process would go on up to the Kabaka.
The second organization was based on the geography of the Kingdom. The Kingdom was made
of counties, each county constituted sub counties and each sub county was a collection of
parishes. Each was appointed by the King himself. His role was to govern the population on

belief of the King. Registration of the masses and property as well as the physical features began
of the level of the village (Ekyalo) which was headed by the Chief as Omutongole. All the
entities in his register would then be submitted to the next Level of administration (Parish) at
then whole process would go on up to the King. When the colonialists came in the late 1800,
they maintained the same system and expanded it to the rest of Uganda by creating the
Kyabazinga in Busoga in 1940, and establishing political heads such as Semi Kakungulu in
Bugisu sub region. After Uganda gaining independence in 1962, the whole system of citizen
registration changed when Obote seized power in 1966. Kingdoms were divided and districts
replaced counties. Later on in 1986 when the URA task power, they created resistance councils
which were at village level and later one replaced the same with local councils and words. The
whole system of registration is new centralized and carried out by NIIRA. The system has many
discrepancies as it does not track citizens, the charge in ownership of property and since NIIRA
has few offices around the country, the registration of births as well as deaths is almost in
existence. Update of the register is done after ages get changes occur every here and then.
Development of a registration and tracking system at the village level would overcome the
problems associated with a centralized system of registration as it exists today

1.2 Problem statement.
There seems to be a problem with the registration and tracking of citizens as well as a regular
update of the national register. This is as a result of an authority responsible for executing these
obligations existing only at a national level. It has a few operational offices country wide and its
database is centralized. Citizens have to travel long distances to access these services. Citizens
who turn 18 years of age, a year or months before general elections are not captured anywhere in
the national voters register. Therefore they are not able to exercise their voting rights because the
register is only updated once in every five years. Citizens who change locations have to travel
back to where they registered from to access services. Therefore decentralizing the whole system
of registration and developing a tracking system at the village level would deliver a proper and
regularly updated national register. NIRA coupled with the electoral commission would then
access these village databases for carrying out a national census as well as an up to date national
voter’s register that would track citizens who are of age to vote and those who have changed
locations to have proper identifications.

1.3 Main objectives
To design a system that can track citizens in case of change of places of residence and a timely
update of the register in case births or deaths occur as well as new developments with in a village

1.4 Specific objectives

(i) To implement a digital tracking registration system at the village level.
(ii) To immediately update the village, register in case a birth or death occurs
(iii) To clearly estimate the population growth in relation to the available resources
(iv)To design probable measures to overcome problems associated with the online registration

1.5 Scope of the study

Scope is categorized into three: Content scope, time scope and geographical scope

1.5.1 Content scope

The study shall focus on a digital tracking and registration system where a researcher will design
a workable system basing on programming layers as PHP, HTML and SQL

PHP: Hypertext preprocessor will guide in the designing of an application which will be used to
access the database

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language will be essential for designing the front end of the system.

SQL: structure query language will be used for designing the back end of the system.

1.5.2 Time scope

The stud shall be conducted within 3 months running from February to April 2023

1.5.3 Geographical scope

The study shall be conducted in Kampala where Kiganda Zone is located and Kampala is made
up of 5 divisions, central, Nakawa, Makindye, Rubaga and Kawempe.

1.6 Justification of the study

Despite the fact that a national census is carried out every after a decade and that it is by law to
register births and deaths, the process is too expensive and involves a lot of errors and wastage of
resources especially the census. Birth registration at hospital is done manually using papers and
ink which can easily be destroyed and a few people can go to administrator general’s office to
register the deaths of their people. If the system of registration is introduced at the local council
level, resources and time would be saved and this would ensure an updated register as well as
tracking the residents who have joined or left the village.

1.7 Significance of the study

To lower down the costs of carrying out a complex national census by using the database at each
local council and to estimate the actual close figures in the levels of births and deaths for
effective planning and improving the standards of living of citizens.

1.8 Chapter summary

The history of citizen registration and tracking in Uganda and how the system has been
transforming over the years. The problems associated with a centralized system of registration
and how a decentralized system that is digital in nature at the local council level can overcome
the problem.



2.1 Introduction
After the 2000s, the world shifted from New Public Management (NPM) towards ‘digital-era
governance’ (DEG), focusing on reintegrating and transformative digital changes in
administrative infra- structure to provide holistic services to citizens (Margetts & Dunleavy,
2013). This incorporates both citizen tracking and registration processes. These fundamentals are
seen as key drivers in different initiatives worldwide, which help facilitate state–citizen, inter-
Actions over digital media (Navarra & Cornford, 2012; Touchton & Wampler, 2014The three-
level process of information dissemination, feedback and consultation, and collaborative
decision- making using the internet aims to change the state of citizens from passive to active,
improving the democratic process and overall governance (Naranjo-Zolotov et al., 2019).

Tracking and registration of citizens form the backbone of a well-functioning democracy

(Sørensen, 1997). For some time, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have
been accepted and promoted by governments and civil society organizations (CSOs) as being
instrumental in empowering their citizens by improving their capabilities and the control they
have over their own lives. Internet and its usage for political participation are seen as an
equalizer for the power imbalance in communities (Sasaki, 2017). Digital services for
governance and the facilitation of openly available government data are promoters of
involving and collaborative politics at the local and global levels (Meng et al., 2019; Tianru,
2020). Lately, online platforms have become highly involved and integrated with the realization
of public values and delivering development. Tracking has been defined and studied as
ethnocentric initiatives of social work for working with minority groups and the marginalized
(Guitierrez & Ortega, 1991; Solomon, 1987); as a conservative-liberal approach to improve
welfare services by mediating social institutions for improving the lives of weaker citizens
in a community as a social unit (Berger & Neuhaus, 1996); and as a socialist approach for

dealing with demands of equality and social responsibility in the context of social problems
(Boyte & Evans, 1984).

Digital Citizenship

In the digital age, citizenship is characterized by the capacity to comprehend and utilize media
and information (Imer & Kaya, 2020). However, media and information literacy are the capacity
to recognize the need for information and to obtain, evaluate, and synthesize it. The ability to
grasp and utilize information delivered via computers or “the Internet” in various formats and
sources (Aristeidou & Herodotou, 2020; Chadegani et al., 2013; Kim & Choi, 2018).

Media and information literacy was primarily concerned with ‘digital accesses or the digital
divide (Harris & Johns, 2020; Nurhidayati & Ratnasari, 2020; Ramachandran et al., 2020). An
important part of this subtheme was the question of who possesses/uses digital technologies
such as laptops, smartphones, and tablet PCs, how/where they can access the Internet, and
who can access it (Dhamanitayakul, 2019). In order to be a productive member of society in
the digital age and to attain full digital citizenship, people must have an accessible and
dependable Internet connection (Harris & Johns, 2020; Lauricella et al., 2020; Michelson,
2020; Nurhidayati & Ratnasari, 2020; Ramachandran et al., 2020; Stone, 2020).

The media and information literacy also required digital citizenship, which included “technical
competence at lower media and information literacy levels (Manzuoli et al., 2019).” This was a
helpful perspective on developing literacy and skills, using laptops, smartphones, and Tablet
PCs as examples of new digital technology (Heath, 2020; Lapsley & Segato, 2019;
Tapingkae et al., 2020).

Numerous literatures show a wide spectrum of psychic abilities as media and information
literacy degrees of higher order (Nurhidayati & Ratnasari, 2020). For several scholars, the
ability to critically read and write online and to express oneself online went beyond mastery
of technological skills (Alqahtani et al., 2017; Tapingkae et al., 2020). Due to improvements in
digital technology such as multimedia, read/write web, and other digital tools, new media
such as audio, visual (including video), and text are now a part of 21st century literacy
(Lindsey, 2015; Simonofski et al., 2019).

To be a good citizen in the digital age, one must participate actively (Alazemi et al., 2019).
However, citizens, especially politicians, viewed the Internet as a new public space for
discussing and debating policy or as a means to increase engagement (Sundberg, 2019).

On the other hand, some research concurs that online activities need not be political, and
that today’s youth participate in society more out of personal interests (Alazemi et al., 2019).
It has been suggested that the distinction between “private and public, commercial” and “civic”
activities must be removed by integrating games, popular culture, and self- expression into
civic life (Harris & Johns, 2020; Lauricella et al., 2020; Michelson, 2020; Stone, 2020).

However, the distinction between participation and culturally responsive citizenship was not
always distinct, as both were related to active involvement, a more progressive and radical
definition of digital citizenship (Oyedemi, 2018). It was derived from the concept of
transformational citizens’ acts to promote social justice and challenge the status quo,
separating them from active citizens who only act within existing laws, norms, practices,
and traditions (Gungoren, 2013; Isman & Canan Kenner & Lange, 2019).

Engagement is proposed as a realistic option for involvement in present online systems, such as
signing online petitions or liking a Facebook page. Culturally responsive citizenship can only
achieve a deeper level of digital citizenship by pursuing more creative, inventive, non-linear,
and non-hierarchical involvement (Alazemi et al., 2019; Sundberg, 2019; Vartolomei &
Avasilcai, 2019).

The laws and regulations in this area regarding digital citizenship have not altered over time.
From 2003 to 2011, there was an emphasis on the role of the individual user, but from 2012 to
2014, there was a change toward community and relational approaches (Choi et al., 2018;
Makosa, 2013; Vartolomei & Avasilcai, 2019). The concept of digital citizenship has
grown to encompass knowledge of one’s local and global obligations when utilizing social
networking sites like Facebook and Twitter (Chen et al., 2021; Dumitru et al.,

2018; Fediy et al., 2021; Kammer et al., 2021). Individual empowerment through digital
technology should be matched with a sense of personal, communal, and global responsibility.
Media and information literacy has received considerable attention in the past decade (Barrett,
2020; Manzuoli et al.

2019; Takavarasha Jr et al., 2018).


3.0 Introduction
Methodologies are a system of methods that will be used in a particular area of study, research
designs, sampling techniques and data analysis methods.

3.1 Research Design

This is a document that will contain information about the technique, methods and essential
details of a project. The research will incorporate both quantitative and qualitative designs.
Quantitative design will aim at finding answers to who, what, where, how and when through the
course of research while qualitative design will focus on finding answers to how and why. It uses
open ended questions.

3.2 Sampling techniques

The research will use a variety of sampling methods which will include;

3.2.1 Simple random sampling.

With this method, every member of the population will have an equal chance of being selected.
Tools like random number generators that are based entirely on chance will be employed.

3.2.2 Systematic Sampling

This is slightly easier to conduct. Instead of randomly generating numbers, individuals are
chosen at regular intervals.

3.2.3 Stratified Sampling

This involves dividing the population into sub populations that may differ in important ways. It
will ensure that every sub group is properly represented in the sample. The sub groups are called
strata and the method is based on the relevant characteristics e.g gender, age, job role etc.

3.3 Target Population and Size
The target population will be the residents of Kiganda zone in Kawempe division with a sample
size of approximately 25 individuals who will be representing the different sub groups in the

3.4 Requirement Elicitation methods.

Requirement elicitation is one of the most complex, error-prone, communications – intensive and
challenging stages of software development process as it is pivotal in determining the budget,
time estimate and scope of the research. The methods that will be used include;

3.4.1 Interviews
A great way to extract critical data is via interviews. This will include engaging in group or one
to one interviews in an informal or formal setting to elicit project requirements through

3.4.2 Survey
Because the research topic will involve subject matter experts and stake holders, everyone
involved will be given a questionnaire to fill out. Subsequently the responses will be analyzed to
refine the requirements.

3.5 System and data analysis.

The system and data will be analyzed using the following soft wares;

3.5.1 Excel
In excel, some statistical analysis will be performed. It will use a view of how data can be used
to study and how data will be stored, processed and manipulated to reduce redundancy and
making it meaningful for further usage.

3.5.2 SPSS
Statistical Package for Social science has built in data manipulation tools such as recoding. It
will be basically used for batch processing in terms of interactive and non-interactive batches.
SPSS fairly serves the process of statistics and formulation of data manipulation techniques.

3.6 System designs
System design not only is vital in development of the system but also provides the background to
handle exceptional scenarios because it represents the logic of soft wares.

Figure:1 System Development Life cycle

3.7 System Implementation

For system implementation, three (3) things will be required: people, process, and technology.

For successful implementation, it will be required to identify the stake holders, getting everyone
on board, anticipate resistance, identifying champions for change, creating a customized
communication plan and providing adequate training. The system will be implemented using
tools such as;


This will be used for building interactive interfaces of the system. It can be interpreted by all the
available web browsers.

2) Java script

This will be used for development of a dynamic and interactive website

3) MySQL

This is the software that is efficient in developing data driven websites.

4) Sublime Text Editor

This will be used to perform the coding in developing the system.

3.8 System testing

Testing a system will make sure that it fulfills the objectives for its design. The process involves
three steps;

3.8.1 Unit testing

This is testing the codes using browsers such as fire fox or Google chrome

3.8.2 System testing

A fully integrated software system is tested

3.8.3 Integration testing

The system will be tested on the internet

3.9 System documentation

This will include a high-test plan which contains detailed information about the system, its parts
and functions.

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I am SSEMAGANDA FREDRICK a student at Makerere Institute of Technology East Africa
pursuing a Diploma in Computer Science and I am here conducting a research on
SYSTEM with a case study of KIGANDA ZONE. I kindly request you to fill up this
questionnaire by ticking in the appropriate box and filling the answers in the spaces provided.

All the information given shall be kept confidential

1. Gender

1. Female

2. Male

2. Age group


B. 31- 40

C. Above 50

3 Marital status

1. Married

2. Single

3. Divorced

4 Education status

1. Secondary

2. Certificate

3. Diploma

4. Degree

4. PHD

5 Religious status
1. Protestant
2. Muslim
3. Catholic
4. Born again
5. Adventist


Do you have any problem with the current registration system?



What problems if any are you facing with the system?


Have you ever raised your concerns to the relevant authorities?



If yes, did you get a response to your complaints?



What do you think can be done to solve the current problems about the registration process?


Do you think citizens within this area are tracked whenever they change places?



Is it essential for citizens to be tracked?



What do you think are the benefits of citizen tracking?


Any other comment?




No Item Quantity Unit prices Amount (shs)
1 Food 6 days 2,500 15,000
2 Pen 2 pens 500 1,000
3 Pencil 6 pencils 600 600
4 Research fee 1 60,000 60,000
5 Note book 2 3,500 7,000
6 Internet 1 5,000 10,000
7 Transport 6 days 20,000 30,000
8 Airtime 1 5,000 5,000
9 Typing and printing 1 20,000 20,000
10 Flash disc 1 20,000 20,000
Total 125,100



Months of the year
Planned Activities J F M A M J J A S O N D

Getting Research

Designing a concept

Writing a proposal

Design the table of

Meeting supervisor

Defending research

Designing a

questionnaire in the

Interpreting data

Meeting supervisor

Designing a
workable system
Defending a system

Writing a system

Submission of the
system report for


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