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Homogenization of a two-phase flow accompanied by dissociation of a gas

hydrate in a fractured porous medium

Preprint · January 2022


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3 authors:

Andrey Konyukhov L. Pankratov

Joint Institute for High Temperatures Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour


Anton Voloshin
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


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Non-equilibrium two-phase flow in porous media View project

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Homogenization of a two-phase flow accompanied by dissociation of a gas hydrate in a fractured
porous medium

A. Konyukhov
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Izhorskaya 13 Bldg. 2, Moscow, 125412, Russian Federation

L. Pankratov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 9 Institutskiy per.,
Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141700, Russian Federation

A. Voloshin
Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics,
37 Prospekt Mira, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 607190, Russian Federation

A homogenized model of non-isothemal compressible two-phase flow accompanied by dissociation of a gas

hydrate in a fractured porous medium is derived. The equations of the homogenized model contain non-local in
time source terms corresponding to the contribution of the gas hydrate in the matrix matrix blocks. The model of
phase behavior of a gas hydrate is used that admits coexistence of the hydrate and products of its decomposition
in a finite region of the phase diagram. This possible behavior is a consequence of non-linearity of the skeleton
potential dependence on the depth of phase transition.


Modeling of phase transitions of gas hydrates in a porous medium has been an actively developing direction in recent decades.
This interest is caused by the prospects for the development of methane hydrate natural deposits and by the environmental
projects for the disposal of carbon dioxide in geological porous media. At the same time, the issues of constructing macroscopic
(or homogenized) models of multiphase flow taking into account the kinetics of phase transitions of gas hydrates in multiscale
media remain relevant. Examples of such media are block-fractured porous media, media with multiple porosity, which are a
composition of several media with different properties, media with natural and technogenic fracturing. The aim of the solution
of the homogenized description problem of the gas hydrates formation and dissociation kinetics in such media is to create the
fundamental foundations of gas hydrate technologies. It is known that it is almost impossible to obtain acceptable gas flow rates
from hydrates by reducing the bottom-hole pressure at high pore saturation with hydrates and low reservoir temperatures. This
is due to the fact that the presence of hydrate in the pores significantly reduces the gas permeability, so the decomposition of
hydrates occurs in a narrow zone and extremely slowly. According to the results of the first experiments on the extraction of gas
from hydrates, the thermal effect through the bottom of the well is also ineffective. A possible solution to the problem is the
approach used in the development of oil fields from low-permeable reservoirs. In this case, technologies for creating technogenic
fracturing by dynamic and chemical effects on the formation are actively used. The creation of technogenic fracturing in a
hydrate-containing reservoir in the form of a scattered fracture area with a network of fissures filled with gas would allow to
multiply the efficiency of methods for decomposing gas hydrate by lowering pressure and supplying heat using a flow-through
development scheme. The development of such technologies requires modeling of hydrate decomposition and two-phase flow of
dissociation products in a destroyed block-fractured porous medium. Modeling with grid resolution of inhomogeneities requires
large computational resources, so the development of a homogenized model is relevant.
Gas hydrates, which are compounds of gas and water molecules, are one of the promising hydrocarbon sources. According to
estimates [34], the world reserves of the methane contained in gas hydrates significantly exceed the known reserves of traditional
natural gas. Therefore, the gas hydrates are actively studied all over the world, both by academic science and within the
framework of state programs in a number of countries (e.g., USA, Canada, India, China, Japan, South Korea). A historical
review of the discovery and research of these compounds is presented in [8, 24]. The physicochemical properties of hydrates
have been studied in numerous works of Russian scientists (see, e.g, [11, 14]) and foreign researchers (see, e.g., [34]).
A porous medium saturated with gas hydrates has both thermophysical features associated mainly with the presence of phase
transitions (see, e.g., [10, 27, 36, 37, 40]), and some features of the flow. In the initial state, at low temperatures and high
pressures, the medium conductivity is low due to the fact that the pores of the skeleton are partially or completely occupied by
solid hydrates. Temperature increase and compression decrease lead to the hydrate dissociation and the formation of connected
pore channels in which the decomposition products move, i.e. multiphase flow under conditions of variable absolute permeabil-
ity. This dependence on absolute permeability disappears as soon as the hydrate is completely decomposed. With a decrease
in temperature and an increase in compression, the reverse process occurs – the mixture of gas and water turns into hydrate,
porosity decreases and the filtration stops. The experimental studies of gas permeability during flow through hydrate-saturated
porous media are described, for example, in the works [6, 23, 28]. The features of water flow through hydrate-saturated porous

media are given in [28]. Data on water flow through hydrate-saturated core sample lifted from the Mallik 2L-38 research well
(Canada) are given in [26]. The water permeability of the saturated core sample was initially 1-2 mD and increased to 5-7 mD
after washing out the clay particles of the drilling mud. After the hydrate decomposition, the permeability was 7-17 mD. The
degree of increase in the permeability of a porous medium during the hydrate decomposition is interpreted mainly using the
classical Kozeni formula, which relates the change in absolute permeability to the effective porosity [35]. According to the most
widely used approach, the dependence between absolute permeability and hydrate saturation is taken as a power dependence
[25, 29]. However, the authors note that such a dependence of the medium permeability on the hydrate saturation is confirmed
only qualitatively, since with a small saturation, the permeability becomes much lower than it follows from this expression.
According to the authors, this is due to the different distribution of pore sizes in the studied samples.
For practical purposes of the hydrate deposits development, it is necessary to assess the relative permeability when the porous
medium is saturated with three phases: solid (hydrate), liquid and gas. The study of this problem has begun relatively recently.
Some results were obtained in [15], where water flow in a core sample saturated with synthetic hydrate, water and gas was
studied using a specially designed installation. A phenomenon of important scientific and practical significance is noted for gas
hydrates: there is a hysteresis of the curves of decomposition and hydrates formation in a porous medium (or the effect of "self-
preservation" according to [24]). In this regard, it is indicated in [24] that it is possible to initiate the hydrates decomposition only
by exceeding the equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation. The hysteresis of the "decomposition – formation of hydrates"
curve indicates that the phase transformation of hydrates in a porous medium has a memory of the past thermomechanical states
and is characterized by the kinetics of transformation.
Models based on the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium, which means that thermal, capillary, phase and chemical
equilibriums are established instantly in a representative volume of a porous medium, are widely used in the description of two-
phase flows with phase transitions in a porous medium. The finiteness of the time for establishing capillary equilibrium in
a representative volume of a porous medium leads to non-equilibrium phenomena, namely, characteristics that depend on the
distribution of phases in the microscale, such as relative phase permeability, capillary pressure and the rates of heterogeneous
chemical reactions, are not functions of phase saturation in this case, but depend on the history of their changes. In the theory
of multiphase flow (which does not take into account phase transitions), the models of locally non-equilibrium flows based on
empirical data (see [4]), filtration theory and thermodynamics of non-equilibrium processes (see [12, 16]) are constructed. In the
Barenblatt model, the relative phase permeabilities are functions of phase saturations and their time derivatives. As part of the
thermodynamic approach, Hassanizadeh introduced dynamic capillary pressure. The difference between the dynamic capillary
pressure and the equilibrium pressure is assumed to be proportional to the rate of saturation change. In [16], an additional
internal state parameter was introduced to describe capillary non-equilibrium, on which the skeleton potential depends (the
non-equilibrium parameter). A kinetic equation is proposed for the non-equilibrium parameter, which, together with other
determining relations, ensures the non-negativity of dissipation in arbitrary processes of saturation change. A comparison of
the Kondaurov and Barenblatt models in the two-phase displacement problem was performed in [18]. As a result, a number
of advantages of the Kondaurov model were shown. However, the disadvantage of the model is a large number of empirical
parameters. It is shown in [22] that in the case of a double porosity model, based on information about the structure and
capillary pressure functions for individual combinable porous media, it is possible to theoretically determine the parameters of
this type of model. The kinetic model of decomposition of gas hydrates in a porous medium [17] is also based on the principles
of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, the depth of the phase transition acts as an additional internal variable. Double porosity
models have been developed for an average description of multiphase flow in media with a mesoscale structure [2, 7, 13].
Modern models of this type are based on the variants of the homogenization theory. One of the approaches is the method of
formal asymptotic expansions (see [2, 3, 5, 33]). Depending on the assumption of the equilibrium of the flow on the microscale,
we can distinguish models that are the result of homogenization the locally equilibrium and locally non-equilibrium models. In
the latter case, multiscale effects of non-equilibrium are modeled, in particular, the effect of non-equilibrium flow in each of
the subsystems on the exchange terms (sources) in the equations of the double porosity model. Representatives of this models
type are models [1, 32], where the homogenization procedure is applied to the locally non-equilibrium models of Barenblatt and
Hassanizade. The homogenization of the Kondaurov model of nonlinear two-phase flow using the method of formal asymptotic
expansions for an inhomogeneous medium with a Warren-Root structure was first performed in [19]. The development of this
result is contained in the monograph [21] and the bibliography given in it. In [19], the impregnation equation for solving the
cellular problem is derived within the framework of the Kondaurov double porosity model. In the monograph [21] and the article
[38], the double porosity model is applied to two-phase flow in a block-fractured medium. To derive a fully homogenized model,
the last paper uses the approximation of thin cracks. The fully homogenized model does not require a numerical solution of the
problem on the periodicity cell, which, in turn, allows one to drastically reduce the number of calculations.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II a mesoscopic flow model is introduced. The mesoscopic model
consists of the usual equations derived from the energy conversation law and the mass conservation laws of both fluids and
hydrate along with the Darcy–Muskat. The mass exchange is modeled as a source term in the equations. The capillary pressure
is assumed to be neglected. The problem is written in the terms of the phase formulation; i.e. the saturation of wetting phase,
the pressure of both phases, the temperature and the volume fraction of the pores occupied by the hydrate. Then in Section III
we are dealing with the upscaling of the two-phase flow model given in the previous section. The upscaling process is done

in the framework of two-scale asymptotic expansions formalism. The resulting homogenized model is represented as the usual
equations of a reactive non-isothermal compressible two-phase flow except for the addition of new source terms calculated by a
solution to a local problem in the matrix block. These source terms exhibit the nonlocal behavior of the model with respect to
the time variable. In Section IV the reaction wave propagation accompanied by the dissociation of a gas hydrate is considered.
Lastly, some concluding remarks are forwarded.


A. Governing equations

In this section we introduce the mesoscopic flow equations of the model. We consider a reservoir Ω ⊂ Rd (d = 2, 3) which
is assumed to be a bounded, connected domain with a periodic structure. More precisely, we will scale this periodic structure
by a parameter ε > 0 which represents the ratio of the cell size to the whole region Ω and we assume that ε ↓ 0. Let Y =
(0, 1)d be a basic cell of a fractured porous medium. We assume that Y is made up of two homogeneous porous media Ym and
Yf corresponding to the parties of the mesoscopic domain occupied by the matrix block and the fracture, respectively. Thus
Y = Ym ∪Yf ∪ Γfm , where Γfm denotes the interface between the two media. Let Ωε` , where ` = ”f” or ”m”, denotes the open set
corresponding to the porous medium with index `. Then Ω = Ωεm ∪ Γεfm ∪ Ωεf , where Γεfm = ∂ Ωεf ∩ ∂ Ωεm ∩ Ω and the subscripts
”m”, ”f” refer to the matrix and fracture, respectively. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that Ωεm ∩ ∂ Ω = 0/ (see Fig. 1). We
also introduce the notation:
def def def
ΩT = Ω × (0, T ), Ωε`,T = Ωε` × (0, T ), ΣεT = Γεfm × (0, T ), where T > 0 is fixed.

FIG. 1. (a) Fractured porous reservoir Ω with periodic structure. (b) The reference cell Y

We notice here that in our starting mesoscopic model the fractures are represented as a porous medium with rock properties
radically different from those of the matrix blocks. In particular, they are not represented as an empty space filled with the fluids.
For an example of a numerical simulation over 3D matrix-fracture structure described here we refer to [9].
Before describing the equations of the model for the nonhomogeneous porous medium Ω with the periodic microstructure, we
give the notation for the physical quantities used in the paper. We also define the porosity function and the global permeability
tensor adopted to the fractured-porous medium Ω with double porosity. We have:
– n denotes the number of moles of hydrated water per one mole of hydrated methane.
– MCH4 and MH2 O are the molar masses of methane and water, respectively.
– η denotes the mass fraction of methane in the hydrate,

def MCH4
η = .
MCH4 + n · MH2 O

Remark 1. n and η are the structural characteristics of the initial hydrate molecule.

– vε` = vε` (x,t) is the volume fraction of the pores occupied by the hydrate in the medium Ωε` (` = f, m).
– vε`, 0 = vε` (x, 0) is the initial volume fraction of the pores occupied by the hydrate in Ωε` .

– Φ` and k`ε = k` (vε` ) are porosity and permeability of Ωε` , respectively.

Remark 2. In previous works [19–22, 31, 38, 39] there were no chemical reactions and we used constant absolute
permeability tensor. In this work we consider permeability as a function due to chemical changes in Ω.

– S`ε = S`ε (x,t) is the saturation of the voids with water in Ωε` .
Remark 3. We assume the sum of the saturations of the voids with water and gas in Ωε` to be equal to one. Then the
saturation of the voids with gas as 1 − S`ε .
ε = Sε (x, 0) is the initial saturation of the voids with water in Ωε .
– S`, 0 ` `

– pε` = pε` (x,t) is pressure in Ωε` .

– pε`, 0 = pε` (x, 0) is initial pressure in Ωε` .

– T`ε = T`ε (x,t) is temperature in Ωε` .

– T`,ε 0 = T`ε (x, 0) is initial temperature in Ωε` .
ε = µ (T ε ) and µ ε = µ (T ε ) are the viscosities of water and gas in Ωε , respectively.
– µ`,w `,w ` `,g `,g ` `
ε = f (Sε ), f ε = f (1 − Sε ) are the relative permeabilities of water and gas phase in Ωε , respectively. For brevity,
– f`,w `,w ` `,g `,n ` `
we redefine f`,n (S`ε ) := f`,n (1 − S`ε ).

`,w (v` , S` , T` ), λ `,g = λ `,n (v` , 1 − S` , T` ) are the phase mobilities of water and gas phase in Ω` , respectively,
ε =λ
– λ `,w ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε

ε k` (ν`ε ) f`,w (S`ε ) ε k` (ν`ε ) f`,g (S`ε )

λ `,w = , λ `,g = . (1)
µ`,w (T`ε ) µ`,g (T`ε )

– κ ` is the thermal conductivity of Ωε` .

– R is the gas constant.
ε , ρ are the densities of water, gas and solid reagent in Ωε , respectively. The gas state equation is given by
– ρw , ρ`,g s `

ε pε` MCH4
ρ`,g = . (2)
R T`ε

pε`, 0 MCH4
– ρ`,g, 0= is the initial gas density in Ωε` .
R T`,ε 0

– Mε = Mε (x,t) is the averaged density of the solid reagent solution in the matrix blocks.
– cv, w , cv, g , cv, h and cs are the specific heat capacities of water, gas, hydrate and the solid reagent, respectively. The heat
capacities are considered constant.
– H denotes the enthalpy.
– eε`, w = e`, w (T`ε ), eε`, g = e`, g (ρ`,ε g , T`ε ), eε`, h = e`, h (T`ε ) and eε`, s = e`, s (T`ε ) are the internal energy densities of water, gas,
hydrate and the solid reagent in the medium Ωε` , respectively:

eε`, w = ρw cv, w T`ε , eε`, g = ρ`,ε g cv, g T`ε , eε`, h = ρh (cv, h T`ε + H), eε`, s = ρs cs T`ε . (3)

– τ = const > 0 is the characteristic time of the phase transition.


– K is the characteristic modulus.

– Aε` = A(vε` ) is the density of the contact area of hydrate and fluids in Ωε` , respectively.
– Rε` = R(vε` , S`ε , pε` , T`ε ) is a function representing the dependence of the reaction rate on pressure and temperature in the
medium Ωε` , respectively ( R(vε` , S`ε , pε` , T`ε ) = 0 is the phase equilibrium condition). According to the Kondaurov model
(see [17]),
1     pε`, 0
R(vε` , S`ε , pε` , T`ε ) = Φ` ρh vε`, 0 α(S`ε ) T`ε − T`,ε 0 + aw pε`, 0 − pε` + aε`, g ln ε −
τK p`
 ω o
− γ(S`ε ) − Φ` β (S`ε ) vε`, 0 − vε` , (4)

ρh   ρh
aw = 1−η , aε`, g = η,
ρw ρ`,ε g, 0

α is the positive coefficient of mutual influence of the temperature and the phase transition, β and γ are the positive
functions of the degree of saturation S`ε in the general case, ω ∈ (0, 1] is a parameter.

Remark 4. It follows from (4) that isothermal dissociation of the hydrate begins vε` = vε`, 0 at pressure pε,

 ` and completes
vε` = 0 at pressure pε`, ∗ , defined by the conditions

∗ pε`, 0
Φ` ρh vε`, 0 α(S`ε ) T`ε − T`,ε 0 + aw pε`, 0 − pε,
   ε ε ε
` + a`, g ln ∗ − γ(S` ) − Φ` β (S` ) = 0,
    pε`, 0 ω
Φ` ρh vε`, 0 α(S`ε ) T`ε − T`,ε 0 + aw pε`, 0 − pε`, ∗ + aε`, g ln ε − γ(S`ε ) − Φ` β (S`ε ) vε`, 0 = 0.
p`, ∗

These two relations allow calculation of the γ(S`ε ) and β (S`ε ) using experimental data on the pressure range of dissociation
as the base.

In the non-isothermal case, we need to correct some of the simplifying assumptions underlying the Kondaurov model [17]. It
is known that, when confined to narrow pores, fluids can be subjected to very high internal (capillary) pressure. High capillary
pressure results in changes in the temperature/pressure conditions where phase transitions take place. Existing theoretical and
experimental studies suggest that the phase equilibrium of gas hydrates in the porous media depends on the capillary effects.
In the porous media with multi-scale porosity these effects can lead to the coexistence of a gas hydrate and the products of its
dissociation (gas and water) in a wide region on the pressure-temperature plane. If the pore sizes are sufficiently large the region
deforms to the coexistence curve which follows from Gibbs theory for pure crystalline hydrate. A model of such incomplete
phase transitions of gas hydrates in the porous media was developed on the basis of general principles of constitutive equations
of the porous medium (see, [17]). It is proposed that the non-deformable skeleton is capable to exchange mass, momentum and
energy with the fluids. In the framework of the Kondaurov model skeleton potential F takes into account surface energy Fs ,
latent energy of phase transition Ftr and thermal energy

F(S`ε , T`ε , mε` ) = Fs (S`ε ) + Ftr (S`ε , mε` ) + Fth (T`ε , mε` ),
where mε` = Φ` vε`, 0 − vε` is the depth of the phase transformation being the volume of dissociated hydrate per unite volume
of the porous medium. Here the surface energy Fs depends on wetting phase saturation, the thermal energy Fth depends on
temperature and the depth of the phase transformation and the latent energy of phase transition per unit mass of the skeleton
Ftr is assumed to be a function of two variables only [17]. However, in the general non-isothermal case, its dependence on
temperature should be taken into account.
Remark 5. The first contribution Fs represents the surface energy at m = 0; however, the surface energy can change during
the phase transition due to reconfiguration of the porous space. The first term in Ftr represents the volumetric part of the latent
energy while the non-linear term can be the consequence of influence of phase transition on the energy of interfaces. In the
present paper we consider the case when the last contribution is positive.

The mathematical background for simulation of the incomplete phase transition is non-linear dependence of the skeleton
potential on the volume fraction of hydrate dissociated in unite volume of the porous medium. Let,
 β 1+ω
rs Ftr S`ε , mε` = γ mε` + mε` , 0 < ω ≤ 1,
where rs is the averaged mass density of the skeleton including both the rock and the hydrate, γ, β > 0 are the functions of
Then the chemical potential of the skeleton χ`,ε s is

rs ∂ F(S`ε , T`ε , mε` ) γ β ω   

χ`,ε s = F(S`ε , T`ε , mε` ) − = Fs − − mε + α − υs, 0 T`ε − T`,ε 0 .
ρh ∂ mε` ρh ρh `
Gas is assumed to be an ideal one with constant heat capacity; its chemical potential is
Tε R T`ε pε
χ`,ε g = χ`,ε g, 0 + c p, g − υg, 0 T`ε − T`,ε 0 − c p, g T`ε ln `ε + ln ε` ,
T`, 0 MCH4 p`, 0

where χ`,ε g, 0 and υg, 0 are chemical potential and entropy in the reference (initial) state and c p, g is the heat capacity at constant

pressure. The chemical potential of water is represented by tailoring near the initial state pε`, 0 , T`,ε 0
  1  ε  1  ε 2 c p, w  ε 2
χ`,ε w (pε` , T`ε ) = χ`,ε g, 0 − υw, 0 T`ε − T`,ε 0 + p` − pε`, 0 + p` − pε`, 0 − ε T` − T`,ε 0 ,
ρw 2 ρw Kw 2 T`,0

χ`,ε g, 0 and υw, 0 are chemical potential and entropy, c p, w is heat capacity at constant pressure.
The assumption that the rate of the phase transformation is proportional to the difference of the chemical potentials of the
skeleton and products of its dissociation leads to the following kinetic equation
∂ mε` rs, 0 n    o
=− 1 − η χ`,ε s − χ`,ε w + η χ`,ε s − χ`,ε g .
∂t τK
After substitution of the skeleton potential χ`,ε s and potentials of gas χ`,ε g and water χ`,ε w as functions of the porous pressure pε`
and temperature T`ε , the equation takes the form
( )
∂ mε` κ   pε`, 0 − pε` R T`ε pε`, 0   ω
= ρh 1 − η + ρh η ln ε + ρh A(S`ε ) T`ε − T`,ε 0 − Γ(S`ε ) − β (T`ε ) mε` ,
∂t τK ρw MCH4 p`

A(S`ε ) = α(S`ε ) − υs, 0 (S`ε ) + 1 − η υw, 0 + η υg, 0 , Γ(S`ε ) = γ(T`ε ) − Fs (S`ε ) + 1 − η χw, 0 + η χg, 0 .

Consider the case of dissociation of gas hydrate in a matrix block caused by decreasing of pressure at the boundary. First
simplification concerns the dependence of the coefficients in the right-hand side of the kinetic equation on saturation, it is
assumed negligible in the reaction zone, where the saturation is defined mainly by stoichiometry of hydrate dissociation. Then
the kinetic equation can be written as follows
( )
∂ mε` κ  ε ε
 ε ε T`
ε pε`, 0 ε ε ε ω
 ρh   ρh
= aw p`, 0 − p` + a`, g p`, 0 ε ln ε − γ(T` ) − β (T` ) m` , aw = 1 − η , aε`, g = ε η.
∂t τK T`, 0 p` ρw ρ`, g, 0

In equilibrium the depth of the phase transition in the range 0 < mε` < mε`, 0 is governed by the equation
( !)1/ω
eq 1 T`ε pε`, 0
` (pε` ) = aw pε`, 0 − pε` + aε`, g pε`, 0 ε
ln ε − γ(T` ) .
β (T`ε ) T`,ε 0 p`

It follows from this equation that dissociation of the hydrate at given temperature T begins (mε` = 0) at pressure pε,
` and
completes at pressure pε`, ∗ , defined by the following conditions

∗ ε T`
ε pε`, 0
aw pε`, 0 − pε,
 ε ε
` + a p
`, g `, 0 ε ln ∗ − γ(T` ) = 0,
T`, 0 pε,`

Tε pε`, 0 ω
aw pε`, 0 − pε`, ∗ + aε`, g pε`, 0 `ε ln ε − γ(T`ε ) = β (T`ε ) mε`, 0 .
T`, 0 p`, ∗

The two relations allow calculation of the unknown functions γ(T`ε ) and β (T`ε ) using data on the boundaries of the coexistence
region in (T`ε , pε` ) plane. Here, we assume that the boundaries of the region of incomplete phase transformation correspond to
the empirical relation the phase coexistence curve
T` − Ts T` − Ts
 ε   ε 
∗ ∗
` = p exp , pε
`, ∗ = p ∗ exp , with Ts = const, D = const.
Remark 6. Let us note that if the latent energy of the phase transition reduces to the volumetric part (that is proportional to
m)n, the coexistence region goes to the coexistence curve defined by known empirical relation
T` − Ts
p` = ps exp ,
where ps , Ts , D are constants.

FIG. 2. Phase behavior of a gas hydrate in the porous media with multi-scale porosity. 1, 2 are the boundaries of the region of
incomplete phase transition at which the phase transition begins and completes, respectively.

This assumption results in the phase diagram with region of the incomplete phase transition shown in Fig. 2. Relation between
the pore volume fraction occupied by the hydrate (ν`ε ) completes the model

ν`ε = ν`,ε 0 − .
Thus, instead of (4) we have
( ε
1 T ε p`, 0 ω
ln `
R(vε` , S`ε , pε` , T`ε ) = aw pε`, 0 − pε` + aε`, g ε − γ(T`ε ) − Φ` β (T`ε ) vε`, 0 − vε` ,
τK T`, 0 p`

where unknown functions γ(T`ε ) and β (T`ε ) can be evaluated as shown above.

Now we are in position to introduce the flow equations. For the sake of simplicity and brevity, we neglect the gravity
phenomena and the capillary pressure.
Mass Balance Equations. The water, gas and hydrate balance equations in the medium Ωε` read:
ε ∇pε = − Φ ρ 1 − η ∂ v` ;

∂ n  o  

 Φ ` 1 − v ε Sε ρ
` ` w − div ρ w λ `,w ` ` h

 ∂t ∂t
ε λ ε ∇pε = − Φ ρ η ∂ v` ;

∂ n   o 
Φ` 1 − vε` 1 − S`ε ρ`,g
ε − div ρ`,g `,g ` ` h (5)

 ∂t ∂t

 ∂ vε
 Φ` ` = Φ` A(vε ) R(vε , Sε , pε , T ε ).

∂t ` ` ` ` `

Energy Equations. The energy equations in the medium Ωε` read:

∂   n h  io
1 − Φ` eε`,s + Φ` vε` eε`,h + 1 − vε` 1 − S`ε eε`,g + S`ε eε`,w −
∂t nh  ε  ε i ε o
− div eε`,w + pε` λ`,w + eε`,g + pε` λ`,g ∇p` − κ ` ∇T`ε = 0. (6)

Conditions at the Block-Fracture Interface. We assume the continuity of the phase fluxes and the pressures at the interface Γεfm .
Namely, we have on Γεfm :
 ε
 pf = pεm ;

ρw λ fε,w ∇pεf · ν = ε 2 ρw λ mε ∇pε · ν ;

 ,w m

 ρf ,g λ f ,g ∇pf · ν = ε ρm,g λ m,g ∇pεm · ν ;
ε ε ε ε ε

 ε      ε  ε  ε (7)

 ef ,w + pεf λ fε,w + eεf ,g + pεf λ fε,g ∇pεf · ν = eεm,w + pεm λ m ,w + em,g + pm λ m,g ∇pm · ν ;
ε ε

 Tfε = Tmε ;

 κ ∇T ε · ν = ε 2 κ ∇T ε · ν,

f f m m

where ν is the unit outer normal vector on Γεfm .

Initial Conditions. The initial conditions for the saturation, pressure, temperature and volume fraction of the pores occupied by
the hydrate function read:
S`ε (x, 0) = S`init (x), pε` (x, 0) = pinit
` (x), T`ε (x, 0) = T`init (x), vε` (x, 0) = vinit
` (x) (` = f, m). (8)
Finally, we notice that our equations along with the interface and initial conditions have to be completed by the boundary
conditions on the external boundary ∂ Ω. However, since these conditions play no role in the homogenization process presented
in this paper, then they will be omitted for the sake of brevity.

B. Main assumptions

In this section we formulate the main assumptions.

A1. The saturations in the fractures and matrix blocks satisfy the condition 0 6 S`ε 6 1 (` = f, m).
A2. The gas state equation is given by (2).
A3. The porosities Φf , Φm and permeabilities kfε = kf (vε` ), km
ε = k (vε ) are such that 0 < Φ , Φ < 1 and 0 < kε , kε < +∞.
m ` f m f m

A4. The relative permeabilities gε`,w and gε`,g are sufficiently smooth and satisfy the following properties: (i) 0 6 gε`,w , gε`,g 6 1
in [0, 1]; (ii) gε`,w (0) = 0 and gε`,g (1) = 0; (iii) there is a positive constant L0 such that gε` (s) = gε`,w (s) + gε`,g (s) > L0 > 0
in [0, 1].
A5. The capillary pressure is negleted.
A6. The specific heat capacities cvw , cvg , cvh and cs are assumed to be constant.
A7. The functions R(pε` , T`ε ) are given by (4).


The outline of the section is as follows. First, in Section III A, for reader’s convenience we recall briefly the well known
method of two scale asymptotic expansions see, e.g., [2, 5, 7, 13, 19, 33]. In Section III B we analyze equations (5)–(6) in the
matrix blocks, interface conditions (7) and equations (5)–(6) in the fracture part, respectively and establish the homogenized
equations (the equation coming from the zero order term in the formal asymptotic expansion). In Section III C we introduce the
homogenized (or global) system.

A. Two scale asymptotic expansions formalism

In this section, we use the method of two-length-scale asymptotic expansions, to derive the limiting equations in the case of
a periodic structure. We will derive the macroscopic model of the flow in a formal sense. In what follows, we assume that the
functions involved in (5)–(8) depend on the space variable in the following sense:
(i) they are the functions of the macroscopic variable x ∈ Ω;
(ii) for each x ∈ Ω, of a microscopic variable y ∈ Y = Ym ∪Yf ∪ Γfm .
The macroscopic and microscopic scales are related by the small parameter ε, i.e., up to a translation y = ε −1 x. This implies
that ∇ := ∇x + ε −1 ∇y , where ∇x , ∇y are the gradients with respect to x, y. Then functions uε` (` = f, m) standing for S`ε , pε` , T`ε
and ν`ε are assumed to have the following asymptotic expansion (ansatz):
(0) (1) (2) (0) ( j)
u εf (x,t) = u f (x,t) + ε u f (x, y,t) + ε 2 u f (x, y,t) + . . . = u f (x,t) + ∑ ε j u f (x, y,t), (9)

u εm (x,t) = u(0) (1) 2 (2)
m (x, y,t) + ε u m (x, y,t) + ε u m (x, y,t) + . . . = ∑ ε j u(mj) (x, y,t), (10)

( j)
where the functions u` (x, y,t), ` = f, m, are Y -periodic in y. Furthermore, the composition of functions U(uε ) can be expanded
by using the Taylor theorem. Keeping the terms up to ε 2 -order, we obtain the following formula:
ε (0)
 0 (0)
 (1) 2 0 (0) (2)
 1 00 (0)  (1)
U(u ) = U u +εU u u +ε U u u + U u u + ... . (11)

Remark 7. Note that the first terms Sfε , pεf , Tfε and vεf do not depend on the fast variable y, which is explained by the fact that the
saturation field in fractures is instantaneously established and, consequently, is uniform within a cell (see, for instance, [2, 30]).
Hence the first terms ρ fε,g , λ fε,w , λ fε,g , eεf ,w , eεf ,g , eεf ,h , eεf ,s , Aεf and R εf are also independent of the fast variable y.
ε , λ ε , λ ε and Rε . Plugging (9) for pε , T ε and (10) for pε , T ε in the equation of state (2),
Now we turn to the quantities ρ`,g `,w `,n ` f f m m
we obtain the asymptotic series expansion of the gas density:
ε (0) (1)
ρ`,g = ρ`,g + ε ρ`,g + . . . (` = f, m), (12)

(0) (1)
" #
(0) p` MCH4 (1) MCH4 (1) (0) T
ρ`,g = (0)
, ρ`,g = (1)
p` − p` `(0) .
R T` R T` T`

From equations (9)–(10) for Tfε , Tmε and (12) we get the asymptotic expansions for internal energy densities:
(0) (1)
eε`, j = e`, j + ε e`, j + . . . ( j = w, g, h, s), (13)

h i
(0) (0) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) (1) (0) (1) (1) (0)
e`,w = ρw cvw T` , e`,w = ρw cvw T` , e`,g = ρ`,g cvg T` , e`,g = cvg ρ`,g T` + ρ`,g T` ,
(0)  (0)  (1) (1) (0) (0) (1) (1)
e`,h = ρh cvh T` + H , e`,h = ρh cvh T` , e`,s = ρs cs T` , e`,s = ρs cs T` .

The mobility functions depend in a nonlinear way on vε` , S`ε and T`ε . From (11) we have:
(0) (1)
λ `,ε j = λ `, j + ε λ `, j + . . . ( j = w, g), (14)
(0) (0) (0) (0)
λ `, j = λ `, j ν` , S` , T` ,
"    #
ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε
(1) (1) ∂ λ `, j v` , S` , T` (1) ∂ λ `, j v` , S` , T` (1) ∂ λ `, j v` , S` , T`
λ `, j = v` + S` + T` .

∂ vε` ∂ S`ε ∂ T`ε

(0) (0) (0)
vε` = v` , S`ε = S` , T`ε = T`

In a similar way we can obtain the asymptotical expansion of the Arrhenius exponential function from (4). Namely, for Aε` and
from (4) for Rε` we get:
(0) (1) (0) (1)
Aε` = A` + ε A` + . . . , Rε` = R` + ε R` + . . . , (15)
(0) (0) (1) (0) (1) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
A` = A v` , A` = A0 v` v` , R` = R v` , S` , p` , T` ,
ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε ε
(1) (1) ∂ R` v` , S` , p` , T` (1) ∂ R` v` , S` , p` , T` (1) ∂ R` v` , S` , p` , T`
R` = v` + S` + p` +
∂ vε` ∂ S`ε ∂ pε`
ε ε ε ε
(1) ∂ R` v` , S` , p` , T`
+ T` .

∂ T`ε

ε (0) ε (0) (0) (0)
v` = v` , S` = S` , pε` = p` , T`ε = T`

In the following sections, we will obtain the local problem and the homogenized equations for saturation of the voids with
water, pressure, volume fraction of the pores occupied by the hydrate and temperature. These equations contain zero terms of
the asymptotic expansions discussed above. For the reader’s convenience, the superscript (0) will be omitted.

B. Asymptotic analysis of the flow equations and the interface conditions

We start our analysis by considering equations in the matrix system. As mentioned above, the superscript (0) corresponding to
the zero terms of the asymptotic expansions is omitted. That is, from (5)–(6) and (10)–(14) we obtain the water, gas and hydrate
balance ε 0 -equations for the matrix system:

∂ n  o    ∂ vm

 Φm 1 − v m Sm ρ w − divy ρw λ m,w ∇y pm = − Φm ρh 1 − η ;

 ∂t ∂t

∂ vm

∂ n  o 
Φm 1 − vm (1 − Sm ) ρm,g − divy ρm,g λ m,g ∇y pm = − Φm ρh η ; (16)

 ∂t ∂t

 Φm ∂ vm = Φm A(vm ) R(pm , Tm ).

and the energy ε 0 -equation for the matrix system:

1 − Φm em,s + Φm vm em,h + 1 − vm 1 − Sm em,g + Sm em,w −
− divy em,w + pm λ m,w + em,g + pm λ m,g ∇y pm − κ m ∇y Tm = 0. (17)
We continue our analysis by considering the conditions at the block-fracture interface. From (7), (9) for pεf and Tfε , (10) for
pε ε
m and Tm , (12) and (14) we obtain that

p = pm , Tf = Tm ;
 f

 Z f ,w · ν = ρw λ m,w ∇y pm · ν;


 Z f ,g · ν = ρm,g λ m,g ∇y pm · ν;

 Z · ν =  e + p  λ
+ e +p λ

∇ p + κ ∇ T · ν,

1 m,w m m,w m,g m m,g y m m y m

 h i h i
(1) (1) (1) (2)

 Z f ,w (x, y,t) = ρ w λ f ,w ∇ x p f + ∇ y p f + ρ w λ f ,w ∇ x pf , + ∇ y pf ,

 h ih i h i
 (1) (1) (1) (1) (2)
 Z f ,g (x, y,t) = ρf ,g λ f ,g + ρf ,g λ f ,g ∇x pf + ∇y pf + ρf ,g λ f ,g ∇x pf + ∇y pf ,

nh i h i (19)
 (1) (1) (1) (1)   (1)   (1) o h (1)

 Z 1 (x, y,t) = ef ,w + p f λ f ,w + e f ,g + p f λ f ,g + e f ,w + pf λ f ,w + e f ,g + p f λ f ,g ∇ x p f + ∇y pf +

 h i h i
(1) (2) (1) (2)
+ ef ,w + pf λ f ,w + ef ,g + pf λ f ,g ∇x pf + ∇y pf − κ f ∇x Tf + ∇y Tf .

Now we turn to the equations in the fracture part. From (5)–(6), (9), (11)–(14) and (19) we obtain the following equations.
ε −2 –equations. Taking into account our standing assumptions on the zero terms of the asymptotic expansions, i.e., pf = pf (x,t),
Tf = Tf (x,t), ρ f ,g = ρ f ,g (x,t), λ f ,w = λ f ,w (x,t), λ f ,g = λ f ,g (x,t), ef ,w = ef ,w (x,t) and ef ,g = ef ,g (x,t), we observe that the ε −2 –
equations are satisfied automatically.
ε −1 –equations. Taking into account that pf = pf (x,t), Sf = Sf (x,t), we get the following equations for the corrector functions
(1) (1)
pf and Tf :
n h io

 − divy ρw λ f ,w ∇x pf + ∇y pf = 0;

 n h io
−divy ρ f ,g λ f ,g ∇x pf + ∇y pf = 0; (20)

 n h i h io
 − div  e + p λ + e + p λ  ∇ p + ∇ p(1) − κ ∇ T + ∇ T (1)

= 0.
y f ,w f f ,w f ,g f f ,g x f y f f x f y f

In a standard way (see, e.g., [13]) we set:

d d
(1) ∂ pf (1) ∂ Tf
pf (x, y,t) = ∑ ζ j (y) ∂ x j (x,t) + C1 (x), Tf (x, y,t) = ∑ ζ j (y) ∂ x j (x,t) + C2 (x), (21)
j=1 j=1

where d is the space dimension, C1 (x) and C2 (x) are functions which depends on the slow variable x only, and ζ j ( j = 1, ..., d) is
the solution to the following auxiliary cell problem:

− ∆y ζ j = 0 in Yf ;

∇y ζ j · νy = − e j · νy on Γfm (22)

y 7→ ζ j (y) Y − periodic.

Here νy is a unit outer normal vector to Γfm and e j is the j-th coordinate vector.
ε 0 –equations. Taking into account our standing assumptions on the zero terms of the asymptotic expansions once again and
(2) (2)
(19), we get the following homogenized equation involving the corrector function pf and Tf :

∂ n  o n h
io   ∂ vf

 Φf 1 − vf Sf ρw − div x ρ w λ f ,w ∇x pf + ∇y pf − div y Z f ,w = − Φ f ρh 1 − η ;

 ∂t ∂t

∂ vf

∂ n   o n h
Φf 1 − vf 1 − Sf ρf ,g − divx ρf ,g λ f ,g ∇x pf + ∇y pf − divy Z f ,g = − Φf ρh η ; (23)

 ∂t ∂t

 ∂ vf
= Φf A(vf ) R(pf , Tf ).

 Φf
and the energy ε 0 -equation for the matrix system:

1 − Φf ef ,s + Φf vf ef ,h + 1 − vf 1 − Sf ef ,g + Sf ef ,w −
∂t n h i h io
   (1) (1)
− divx ef ,w + pf λ f ,w + ef ,g + pf λ f ,g ∇x pf + ∇y pf − κ f ∇x Tf + ∇y Tf − divy Z1 = 0. (24)

C. The homogenized system

Notice that, formally, the homogenization process is achieved at the end of the previous section. However, the equations
(23)–(24) still contain the corrector functions (see (19)).
From (18) and the divergence theorem we get:
Z Z Z Z  def
divy Z f ,w dx = Z f ,w · ν dγ = ρw λ m,w ∇y pm · ν dγ = divy ρw λ m,w ∇y pm dy = Jw ,
Yf Γfm Γfm Ym
Z Z  def
divy Z f ,g dx = divy ρf ,g λ m,g ∇y pm dy = Jg ,
Yf Ym
Z Z     def
divy Z1 dx = divy em,w + pm λ m,w + em,g + pm λ m,g ∇y pm − κ m ∇y Tm dy = J1 .
Yf Yf

We denote
|Yf | kf (vf )
ki?j =
Φ = Φf , Ji j = ∇ζi + ei ∇ζ j + e j dy , Ji j ,
|Ym | |Ym |
k? (vf ) gf ,w (Sf ) k? (νf ) gf ,g (1 − Sf ) κf
λw? = , λg? = , κi?j = Ji j .
µw µg |Ym |
Integrating (23) over Yf , we obtain:

? ∂
n o  ∂ vf
− divx { ρw λw? ∇x pf } = Jw − Φ? ρh 1 − η

 Φ 1 − v f S f ρ w ;

 ∂t ∂t
∂ vf

∂ n o
Φ? 1 − vf 1 − Sf ρf ,g − divx ρf ,g λg? ∇x pf = Jg − Φf ρh η
; (26)

 ∂t ∂t
 Φ? ∂ vf = Φ? A(vf ) R(pf , Tf ).

Integrating (23) over Yf , we obtain:

|Yf | 1 − Φf ef ,s + Φf vf ef ,h + 1 − vf 1 − Sf ef ,g + Sf ef ,w −
− divx (ef ,w + pf ) λw? + (ef ,g + pf ) λg? ∇x pf − κ ? ∇x Tf = J1 . (27)


Consider the problem for the matrix system under the following simplifying assumptions: phase transition of water to ice
is not taken into account, water and hydrate are assumed to be incompressible and heat capacities at constant volume and
pressure of the fluids and skeleton are constants. Let, for the sake of simplicity, the matrix blocks are balls saturated by methane
hydrate at some initial temperature T0 = 281 K and pressure p0 = 6 MPa in the region of a pure hydrate state as shown in
Fig. 2, p∗ = 5.1 MPa, Ts = 283 K, D = 10 K and p∗ /p∗ = 0.75. We propose that the matrix porosity Φm is 0.1 with absolute
permeability k0 = 100 mD and the initial value of v is 0.9. Size of the matrix block is assumed to be d = 0.1 m. Viscosities
of water µw and gas µg as well as the density of water are assumed to be constants evaluated at the initial state. Further in
µ 0 d2
this section, pressure, temperature, distance and time are represented in units p0 , T0 , d and time scale w . The problem
k0 p0
formulation is spherically symmetrical because the boundary conditions for the matrix system do not depend on boundary point.
Influence of the capillary pressure on transport of fluids is neglected. Let the porous medium is subjected to depression in the
system of fractures and the local pressure and temperature depends on time as follows
t t
p = 0.1 + 0.9 exp − , T = 0.99 + 0.01 exp − .
tf tf

FIG. 3. a – The distribution of gas hydrate (v) in the matrix block for 3 points in dimensionless time (1 – t = 0.1, 2 – t = 0.2, 3
– t = 0.4). The dashed curves show the hydrate distributions at arbitrary points in time for isothermal case (4 – the model of
incomplete phase transition, 5 – conventional (p∗ = p∗ ) phase transition); b – Temperature T /T0 versus radius for the same
points in time.

Simple nonlinear relations for relative phase permeabilities ( fm, g , fm, w ) and km (v) are used in the calculations:
2 2
fm, w = Sm , fm, g = 1 − Sm , km = 1 − vm .

For definiteness, consider the limit τ → 0, which means the phase equilibrium in the matrix block. The solution to the matrix
equations are as follows. Before the state (p, T ) in the matrix volume reaches the two-phase region of the phase diagram the flow
is nearly isothermal except for the vicinity of the boundary that corresponds to the thermal boundary layer. Then dissociation
of the hydrate begins accompanied by decreasing of the local temperature. If depression is limited by positive constant as it
takes place in the case under consideration, there are two possibilities. The first one means complete hydrate dissociation before
the temperature wave from the boundary reaches the center of the matrix block (approximate path of the state in (p, T ) plane is
shown by dashed line in figure 2; in the second case, the process of nearly adiabatic hydrate decomposition terminates in the
two-phase region of the phase diagram as the pressure goes to its limiting value. This type of solution is shown in figures 3–4.
The curves 3 in this figures approximately correspond to the stage of termination of nearly adiabatic process. The rest hydrate
decomposition is controlled by heat flux due to thermal conductivity.
For comparison two isothermal solutions for hydrate dissociation wave structure are shown in figure 3a. Near-isothermal
conditions are obtained by increasing the heat capacity of the skeleton by factor 103 . Curve 4 is obtained using model under
consideration while stepwise solution 5 for hydrate decomposition wave corresponds to phase transition at constant pressure and
temperature. The last condition is fulfilled if skeleton potential F is linear function of m. Thus the nonlinear dependence of the
potential on the depth of transition results in widening of the structure of hydrate decomposition wave.
The mass-exchange source terms in homogenized system are shown in figure 5 for non-isothermal and isothermal solutions.
The isothermal decomposition is much more fast process, however it is not satisfactory approximation from physical point of
view (because the heat conductivity is usually a slow process in the dynamic time scale and this does not depend on the block
size). Hence, the divergence of the conductive heat flux have to be scaled as ε 2 when passing to limit ε → 0.


In this work we derived a homogenized model of non-isothemal compressible two-phase flow accompanied by dissociation
of a gas hydrate in a fractured porous medium. The equations of the homogenized model contain non-local in time source terms
corresponding to the contribution of the gas hydrate in the matrix blocks. The model of phase behavior of a gas hydrate is used
that admits coexistence of the hydrate and products of its decomposition in a finite region of the phase diagram. The further
development of these results is related to simplification of of nonisothermal chemically active two-phase flows.

FIG. 4. The distribution of pressure (a) and water phase saturation (b) in the matrix block for 3 points in dimensionless time (1
– t = 0.1, 2 – t = 0.2, 3 – t = 0.4) is shown.

FIG. 5. The source terms in the homogenized system for the non-isothermal (solid line) and isothermal (dashed line)


This work is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant N 20-01-00564).

Data Availability

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.

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