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College of Business
Group Project. Summer Semester 2022-23

Principles of Management Information Systems Course Title

0506200 Course Code

Student Name

Student I.D

Section #

1.1.1 Assessment outline.

XYZ Corporation - Designing a Management Information System (MIS) for Supply Chain
Management. XYZ Corporation is a global manufacturing company that specializes in the
production and distribution of consumer electronics. The company operates multiple factories
and warehouses located in different countries. As the business expands, the management
realizes the need for an effective MIS to streamline their supply chain operations.

Project Scope and Objectives:

The scope of the MIS project is to develop a comprehensive system that integrates various
supply chain processes, including procurement, inventory management, production planning,
and distribution. The objectives include improving operational efficiency, reducing lead
times, optimizing inventory levels, and enhancing decision-making capabilities.

System Requirements Analysis:

Analyze the information requirements of XYZ Corporation's supply chain management.
Consider factors such as demand forecasting, supplier management, materials tracking,
transportation logistics, and order fulfillment. Identify key data sources, data types, and
volumes involved in the supply chain processes.

System Design:
Design a logical structure for the MIS that encompasses the different components of the
supply chain. Develop data models, such as entity-relationship diagrams or data flow
diagrams, to represent the relationships between various entities and processes. Consider user
interface design, data storage mechanisms, and system architecture for efficient data
processing and information retrieval.

Data Collection and Management:

Propose methods for collecting and managing data efficiently throughout the supply chain.
Discuss strategies for data validation, data integrity, security, and privacy. Address
challenges related to data synchronization across multiple locations and the integration of
data from different systems.

Grading Criteria:

Project Scope and Objectives (10%)

Clearly define the scope and objectives of the MIS project.

Demonstrate a thorough understanding of XYZ Corporation's supply chain needs and

System Requirements Analysis (25%)

Identify and analyze the information requirements of XYZ Corporation's supply chain
management. Consider factors such as demand forecasting, supplier management, materials
tracking, transportation logistics, and order fulfillment.

System Design (25%)

Develop a logical and efficient structure for the MIS that encompasses the supply chain
Design appropriate data models, such as entity-relationship diagrams or data flow diagrams.
Consider the user interface design, data storage mechanisms, and system architecture for
efficient data processing and information retrieval.

Data Collection and Management (35%)

Propose methods for collecting and managing data efficiently throughout the supply chain.
Discuss strategies for data validation, data integrity, security, and privacy.
Address challenges related to data synchronization across multiple locations and the
integration of data from different systems.

Rubric for Management Information System (MIS) Assignment:


Criteria | Excellent (4) | Good (3) | Fair (2) | Poor (1) | Score (Out of 4)

1) Project Scope and Objectives

 Clear and comprehensive scope and objectives that address all major aspects of the
supply chain management.

 Adequate scope and objectives, but some minor aspects may be missing.

 Incomplete or unclear scope and objectives with significant gaps.

 Scope and objectives are absent or irrelevant.

2) System Requirements Analysis

 Thorough analysis of information requirements with a comprehensive understanding

of supply chain processes and relevant factors.

 Adequate analysis of information requirements, but some factors may be overlooked

or lacking in detail.

 Incomplete or inaccurate analysis of information requirements.

 Inadequate analysis or absence of information requirements.

3) System Design

 Well-developed and efficient system design that effectively incorporates the supply
chain components. Clear data models and consideration of user interface, data storage,
and system architecture.

 Adequate system design, but some elements may be lacking or need improvement.
Data models and system components are somewhat unclear.

 Incomplete or insufficient system design. Data models and system components are
vague or poorly defined.

 Poorly developed or missing system design. Lack of clarity in data models and system

4) Data Collection and Management

 Detailed methods for collecting and managing data, including strategies for valida-
tion, integrity, security, and privacy. Addressing challenges related to data synchro-
nization and integration.

 Adequate methods for data collection and management, but some strategies may be
lacking in detail or clarity. Partially addresses challenges related to data synchroniza-
tion and integration.

 Incomplete or vague methods for data collection and management. Limited discussion
on strategies and challenges.

 Inadequate or missing methods for data collection and management. No discussion on

strategies or challenges.

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