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▪ Axonometric Drawing- pictorial drawing which shows

the front side and top faces of an object in one view. 5. The vanishing point can be located anywhere if the
▪ Ellipse- closed curve in the form of a symmetrical object will not be distorted. For the two- point perspective,
the two vanishing points must be aligned to each other.
▪ Oblique Drawing- pictorial drawing in which the front
plane is parallel to the plane of projection.
▪ Cavalier Oblique- this type of oblique drawing is
drawn in its actual measurement.
▪ Cabinet Oblique- this is a type of oblique drawing
wherein the width of objects is reduced by half of its
▪ Perspective Drawing- pictorial drawing which contains
receding lines that converge at vanishing points on
the horizon.
▪ One- point or parallel perspective- is a receding line
that converges on a single vanishing point.
▪ Two- point or angular perspective- is a receding line
that converges on two vanishing points.
▪ Three- point perspective- is a receding line that
converges on three vanishing points.
▪ Picture Plane (PP)- this is an imaginary vertical plane
where the picture is registered.
▪ Ground Line (GL)- this is where the actual figure is
▪ Station Point (SP)- this is the fixed position where the
object is actually viewed.
▪ Visual Rays- these are imaginary lines projecting from
the observer to the figure passing through the picture
plane. They are sometimes called receding lines.
▪ Horizon (H)- this is the point where the figure appears
horizontally at eye level.
▪ Vanishing Point (VP)- this is the point where all
receding lines meet in a perspective figure.
▪ Perspective drawing is also called as “foreshortened ONE- POINT PERSPECTIVE DRAWINGS
▪ The receding lines in isometric are always parallel.

Principles of Isometric, Dimetric and Trimetric Drawing

• Isometric- all receding edges are 𝟑𝟎𝟎.
• Trimetric- one receding edge is 𝟏𝟓𝟎 and the other
one is 𝟒𝟓𝟎.
• Dimetric- all receding edges are 𝟏𝟓𝟎.

Principles of Ellipse Drawing TWO- POINT PERSPECTIVE DRAWINGS

1. Isometric circles are drawn by drawing first the
isometric square which surrounds the given circle.
2. The four center ellipse procedure is sufficient for
isometric circle.

Principles of Oblique Drawing

1. The longest measurement should be placed in front.
2. Irregular shapes of the object should be placed in front
to minimize distortion.
3. Arcs and circles in objects should be placed in front to

Principles of Perspective Drawing

1. All receding lines converge on a vanishing points.
2. The farther the color, the lighter it appears.
3. The farther the object, lines, edges, the smaller it
4. The object can be viewed in terms of bird’s eye view,
eye level, and ant’s view.

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