Lesson Plan - Social Science

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A. Content Standards The learner understands key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences

The learner shall be able to:

B. Performance Standards
1. interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences
2. evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the approach

The learner
C. Learning Competencies Institutionalism
or Objectives (Write the 1. examine the constitutive nature of informal and formal institutions and their actors and how it constrains social behavior HUMSS_DIS 11-IVb-7
LC code for each) Feminist Theory
2. determine the relationship between gender ideology and gender inequality HUMSS-DIS 11-IVc-8


A. References
1. Teacher's Guide
pages N/A N/A

2. Learner's Materials
3. Textbook pages Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences pp. 142-148 Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences pp. 149-156
4. Additional Materials
from Learning N/A N/A
Resource (LR) portal

http://scholar.harvard.edu/rbates/publications/new-institutionalism-work- http://asiafoundation.org/2012/03/07/early-feminism-in-the-
B. Other Learning Resources
douglas-north philippines/

A. Reviewing previous lesson Before the activities for the day, the class will do the following daily routine: Before the activities for the day, the class will do the following daily routine:
or presenting the new a. Prayer d. Prayer
lesson b. Remind students of the classroom rules (e.g. no cell phone allowed e. Remind students of the classroom rules (e.g. no cell phone allowed
during discussion, raising of hands if one wants to answer, etc.) during discussion, raising of hands if one wants to answer, etc.)
c. English is the language to be used in the class however, to give f. English is the language to be used in the class however, to give
consideration to students; they are reminded to ask permission first if consideration to students; they are reminded to ask permission first if
they want to speak in Filipino they want to speak in Filipino

Review previous lesson. Review previous lesson.

B. Establishing a purpose for
Objectives will be stated. Objectives will be stated.
the lesson
Unlocking of difficulties:
C. Presenting Show pictures of popular women who fought for their civil rights.
The following terms will be unlocked through a game:
examples/instances of the Ask: Why do you think these women tried to voice out their opinions?
1. Institution 3. Legitimacy
new lesson Do you think their actions made difference in the society? How?
2. Function 4. Survival
The discussion for the following important points will be done:
The class will have a discussion on:
D. Discussing new concepts 1. Definition of Feminism
1. Definition of Institutionalism
and practicing new skills #1 2. Development of Feminism (Three Waves)
2. Key concepts of Institutionalism
3. Key Concepts in Feminism
E. Discussing new concepts
The class will identify the criticisms and limitations of the theory. The class will identify the criticisms and limitations of the theory.
and practicing new skills #2

F. Developing mastery (Leads Activity 1: Visual Representation (Illustrative Ideas)

Activity 1: New Institutionalism (by Douglas North)
to Formative Assessment 3) Rubric - Clarity of Argument -10 points Creativity of the output - 10 points

G. Finding practical
How does institutions affect your growth and development as part of the As a student, how can you show respect to women, especially your classmates,
applications of concepts
community? teachers and mother?
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and
The students will be asked what key learning they have acquired in the lesson The students will be asked what key learning they have acquired in the lesson
abstractions about the
for today. for today.
Read Feminism in the Philippines by Athena Lydia Casambre and write a 300-
I. Evaluating Learning Group Task: Application - Role Playing - Output: Matrix
word reaction on the piece.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:

Teodylee P. Cruz
Assessment of Students Learning
Lesson Plan Related to Major Course “Social Science”

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