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Monkey's Address

Some of you creatures live here. The ones dressed in flowing orange. They stay,
pray and keep tabs on us here. Before them and this giant construction – it was just us.
But not just on these mountains . . . all over this island. It was ours. Now we are trapped
on these islands within an island. Mountain islands. Where we are still – sometimes –
permitted to live. “Monkey Hill” - You've even named one after us. And believe me, we
know and we've gone full out on that mountain island – harassing you “greater”
primates and discouraging you from coming to one of our few remaining refuges. Are
we really so detestable to you all? Cute for a photo but simply a nuisance when we want
to get to know you closer . . . And don't get me started on monkey pox!

Since you don't seem too concerned about the 'wildlife' to do anything – and
seeing as you are the only creatures with all the control – we think you should do
something. There is a lot of animal injustice on the way up here . . . the place with all the
tigers trapped inside (cannot say we aren't a bit happy about that tho) and the elephant
riding place. We have the right to be free up here but the containment of other creatures
still persists. How can you just blindly pass those elephants on the way up. Or some of
you even take part in that brutal – in-human abuse. For what? Entertainment? Don't you
have netflix? I've heard it's all the rage. I bet they even have elephants on there too. And
you're not hurting them. Or ignoring their pain. Us monkeys have tried to free them –
best we could. We've set out on raiding parties at night to try and free the elephants from
their chains and ropes. But no matter how much we observe you and see how you do.
We cannot figure it out – to let out those queens of the jungle. We cannot free them and
you won't free them. So we have another idea.

As a representative of the monkeys of Phuket, I would like to make a request of

you listening here today. Could you help me set up a “social media” - as you call it. The
thing you love so much. SO much of your attention goes to those shiny devices of yours.
So maybe that will reach you better. Since apparently you cannot really “see” anymore. I
guess with technology you have less time – ability or desire to talk with one another. Or
really see what's around you. But yeah. Can you help me start one? We want to make
some posts about the elephants (maybe not the tigers just yet) and gain some awareness.
My sister even wrote a poem to accompany the post.

“Faux Foe” or “Faux or No?” by: (Monkey Screech)

I am pretending
I can't pretend. I am a monkey.
I can't pretend I am a monkey.
I am pretending. I am a monkey.
I am pretending I am a monkey.

Everyone comes here to play pretend. There is no exaggeration – or all of it at this point.

They are all pretending to pray. To be spiritual. To be woke. To be buddhist. To be

religious. To be respectful. They don't really know or understand why or what to do.
They are all just playing follow the leader. A pretend game.

They are all pretending to enjoy the view. No one really stays to truly look and see and
appreciate and enjoy. They are quick and brief. Capturing selfies - self-interested. The
view is only a pretend way they can show off. The phone is what they really enjoy.
Playing on the phone – enjoying and appreciating the view is lost.

They are all pretending to respect the culture. They don't truly care. And don't truly wish
to engage or learn. Just pretending enough to fit in or to not stand out. To continue to be
allowed to do as they want.

They are pretending to care about us monkeys. In reality they hate us. They think
monkeys are lesser than, gross and primitive. Needy, scary, ugly. They may take photos
with us but only to pretend to like us, to show off. That they saw real wild life. But they
don't really care about what's real actually – just pretending.

They are pretending to be present – but many cannot wait to leave and be done with this
uncomfortable setting. Out of the sun. Out of the eery Buddhist song on repeat. Out of
the expectations to pretend. Doing all these different actions here, as if to fulfill the idea
of being present. But really just pretending until they can finally leave and go
somewhere they pretend they want to be.

I am pretending.

I am pretending I am a monkey.
I am pretending. I am a monkey.
I can't pretend I am a monkey.
I can't pretend. I am a monkey.

Thank you for hearing our address. Will you now fulfill our request?

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