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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-2, Issue-4, 2016

ISSN: 2454-1362,

The Confirmatory Factor Analysis

(CFA) on GST Compliance Research
Model in Malaysia
Zubaidah Harun1, Pakhriazad Hassan Zaki1, Mohd Hasmadi Ismail1 &
Khairil Wahidin Awang2
Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Faculty of Economic and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract: The questionnaire was constructed been undertaken. The types of educational
based on four constructs which are knowledge programs were provided by the Malaysian Ministry
attitude and communication channels as exogenous of Finance and the Royal Malaysian Customs
variables while GST compliance is endogenous Department (RMCD) in educating the business
variable. The questionnaires were distributed to the players as the direct person involve in the
wood-based manufacturers throughout seven states implementation of GST.
in Peninsular Malaysia. 352 valid data was
evaluated for the validity and reliability. The Generally, the main objective of this study is to
ultimate objective of this article is to acquire the explore the wood-based industry players’
best fit of a research instrument for the GST knowledge and attitude toward GST compliance. In
compliance study using structural equation model addition, to identify the effectiveness of the
(SEM) that enable to taking into account the communication channels used to disseminate GST
unreliable factors (items) between exogenous and information. This study also aims to identify the
endogenous constructs. The items of the constructs correlation between knowledge, attitude and
undergo the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) communication channels on GST compliance.
procedure involve of unidimensionality test, Therefore, Knowledge, Attitude and Practice
convergent validity, construct validity and (KAP) model as an underpinning theory for
discriminant validity. Followed by the research model is significant in achieving the
measurement of reliability on all items using objectives of the study. Knowledge, attitude and
Cronbach alpha using SPSS and construct communication channels as exogenous constructs
reliability (CR) and average variance extracted while, GST compliance as an endogenous construct
(AVE) using AMOS. The result revealed the of the study.
constructs of the research model achieved the
validity and reliability for other further analysis in Since this study observes on latent variables such
acquiring high accuracy on the prediction as the understanding, perception, behaviour and
outcomes. feeling, Structural Equation Model (SEM) will use
to multiple correlated the latent variables
Keywords: AMOS, Attitude, CFA, GST concurrently in one measurement model that enable
Compliance, Knowledge, Reliability and Validity. to taking into account the unreliable factors (items)
between exogenous and endogenous constructs.
Therefore, this paper is to emphasize on the
validity and reliability of constructs involve in this
1.0 Introduction study using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
Replacement of Goods and Services Tax (GST) Generally, CFA offers more parsimonious
from Sales and Services Tax (SST) is a national tax clarifications and greater modelling flexibility. To
system transformation program. As GST is a broad- achieve the fitness of the measurement model in
based system, it will affect everybody, government SEM, five models should be applied which are
agencies, statutory bodies, companies, social identification model, specification model,
organizations, politics, associations, clubs, NGOs, estimation model, evaluation model and
cooperation, welfare and people. Thus, the modification verification model (Zainudin, 2012b).
Government has given ample time to the parties The researchers deployed the Analysis of Moments
involved with kinds of effort and measures have Structures (AMOS) version 20 to confirm the

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-4, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362,

validity and reliability of the measurement model Fit Index latent

(research model). (CFI) variables are
First of all, the items were tested for compares the
unidimensionality reliability before validation the sample
constructs. The convergent validity and covariance
matrix with a
discriminant validity were undertaken to validate null model
all construct to ensure the consistency of the
measurement model. The unidimensional, validity Tucker Lewis TLI > 0.90 combining
and reliability of measurement model construct are Index (TLI) parsimony
used to measure the constructs that could not be
measured directly (Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1993). To of the index
evaluate the fitness of measurement and structural proposed
model (Holmes, Coote & Cunningham, 2006) and model and
null model
Hair, Back, Babin and Rolph (2010) have
suggested using, at least, three fit indexes, which Normed Fit NFI > 0.90 assesses the
are absolute fit, incremental fit and parsimonious Index (NFI) model by
fit for construct validity. At least one index should comparing
hit the threshold of acceptance from each category the χ2 value
of the model
of model fit as in Table 1 below. to the χ2 of
the null
Table 1: Threshold of Acceptance of Indexes model
Name of Name of index Threshold Description Parsimoniou Chi- Chi-Square the chi-
category of s fit Square/Degree / df <5.0 square
acceptance of Freedom divided by
Absolute fit Chi-square P>0.05 evaluate (Chisq/df) degree of
(chisq) (X2) overall freedom
model fit by Source: (Hooper, Coughlan, & Mullen,2008;
assessing the Zainudin,2012b)
degree of
y among 2.0 Methodology
sample and 2.1 Population and Samples of Study
covariance The target respondents are among the wood-based
matrices manufacturers located in four regions in Peninsular
Malaysia, namely southern (Johor and Melaka),
Root Mean RMSEA < test for how
Square Error 0.08 well the
central (Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Negeri
of model with Sembilan), northern (Perlis, Kedah, Penang and
Approximatio chosen Perak) and east coast (Kelantan, Terengganu and
n (RMSEA) parameter Pahang). However, seven states were randomly
would fit the
selected from eleven these regions. The samples
populations were selected using the propositional stratified
covariance sampling technique since the target population is
matrix heterogeneous (various types of wood-based mills).
Goodness of GFI >0.90 calculate the
They have to be stratified into homogenous groups
Fit Index fraction of to become similar characteristics (Zainudin, 2012).
(GFI) variance that To the date, a total 2,527 of mills became a GST-
is accounted registered person in Peninsular Malaysia. A
for by the
number of samples are 331(n) at confidence level
population 95% and alpha (α) = 0.05 (margin error 5%)
covariance (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970). Next, the simple
Incremental Adjusted AGFI>0.9 calculate the random sampling was employed in the selection of
fit Goodness of 0 ratio of the respondents from four regions.
Fit (AGFI) degree of
freedom for
the model 2.2 The Measurement Instrument
proposed The questionnaire is used as a primary survey
with a degree
of freedom instrument in collecting quantitative data in
for the null numerical form. The structure of the questionnaire
model was developed based on KAP Model. The
questions were designed purely based on the
Comparative CFI > 0.90 assumes all

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 759

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-4, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362,

researcher’s knowledge and working experience in Knowledge require

(CK) d level
the RMCD. The total of 352 questionnaires was is
answered and returned by the respondents who are achieve
representative of their company from selected Legal 0.078 0.990 0.996 3.145 The
states of Peninsular Malaysia. These amounts of Knowledge require
data are valid to be analysed. (LK) d level
3.0 Data Analysis Technology 0.084 0.988 0.995 3.468 The
Before proceeds to the validity and reliability of the Knowledge require
measurement model, the items firstly should be (IT) d level
confirmed the unidimensional items of the achieve
measurement model. What CFA for every latent d
Technical 0.077 0.953 0.989 3.079 The
construct involves in the study was executed to Knowledge require
confirm the first order unidimensional items in the (TK) d level
measurement model. The threshold of the factor is
loading should be 0.6 and above (Zainudin, 2012b). d
The items with factor loading low than threshold Cognitive 0.00 1.000 1.000 0.053 The
Attitude (C) require
were deleted in order to achieve unidimensionality. d level
The result of unidimensionality as showed in Table is
2 shows the number of items in the second order d
was deleted where the factor loading below than Affective 0.032 0.998 1.000 1.358 The
threshold (0.6) in the first order. Attitude (A) require
d level
Table 2: Unidimensionality Result achieve
Construct Number of Number of d
items items GST 0.039 0.998 0.999 1.54 The
(1st Order) (2nd order) Compliance require
(B) d level
Communication Channels (IS) 5 5 achieve
Concept Knowledge (CK) 8 8 d
Legal Knowledge (LK) 7 5
Technology Knowledge (IT) 5 5
Technical Knowledge (TK) 17 9
Cognitive Attitude (C) 6 4 3.1Validity
Affective Attitude (A) 5 4 Both, endogenous and exogenous constructs were
GST Compliance (B) 6 4
validated by three methods, which are convergent,
construct and discriminant validity.
Refer to Table 2 above, the number of items for
3.2 Convergent validity
communication channels, concept knowledge and
technology knowledge are maintained after second The convergent validity is the first method of
order. 2 items of legal knowledge, cognitive validation processes on measurement model.
attitude and GST compliance were dropped to be 5, According to Kline (2011), convergent validity is a
4 and 4 respectively in second order due to less set of items in one construct are inter-correlation, at
than 0.6 factors loading. 8 items were deleted from least, moderate in magnitude and is measured
17 items of technical knowledge became 9 items through average variance extracted (AVE) where
and 1 item was dropped from affective attitude to the threshold is above >0.5 indicates a high
become 4 in the second order measurement model. convergent validity (Fornell & Larcker, 1981).
The goodness of fit indexes was obtained for each Factor loading of each item at ≥ 0.6 considered
construct as shown in Table 3 below. high convergent validity (Hair et al., 2010).
3.3 Construct Validity
Table 3: Fit Indexes for the Constructs The construct validity on all construct of the
Construct Absolut Increment Parsimoniou Comments measurement model as presented in Figure 1 below
e fit al fit s fit
achieved the good fitness index with RMSEA =
A (>0.90) (>0.9 Squar 0.080, CFI = 0.883, TLI = 0.876 and Chi-Square/df
(<0.08) 0) e /df
Communicati 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.27 The
on Channels require
(IS) d level
Concept 0.066 0.972 0.988 2.32 The

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-4, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362,

= 3.270. (≤0.85) and correlated between respective


3.6 Reliability
Reliability will assess through three criteria
namely, internal reliability using Cronbach alpha
with threshold 0.600 and above (Nunnally and
Bernstein, 1994) calculated using SPSS. While
construct reliability (CR) should be 0.6 and above
and average variance extracted (AVE) should be
greater than 0.5 using AMOS application. The
result as in Table 4 above revealed Cronbach alpha
is greater than 0.600, CR is 0.6 and above and AVE
greater than 0.5.

4.0 Discussion
As a research instrument, the questionnaire should
Figure 1: The Measurement Model of go through the validation process to ensure its
Research Model validity and reliability of the items involve for the
accurate and reliable findings of the study. The
validity and reliability of constructs of the study
All constructs statistically achieved the AVE which are knowledge, attitude, communication
threshold (>0.5) with high convergent validity (see channels and GST compliance were measured
column 5) as presented in Appendix A below. AVE using CFA with AMOS 20. Only the items of the
for communication channels is 0.742, concept constructs with factor loading >0.60 remain in the
knowledge is 0.629, legal knowledge is 0.869, measurement model after the unidimensionality
technology knowledge and technical knowledge is process.Afterward, the AVE of the remain
0.717 and 0.816 respectively. AVE for cognitive constructs was calculated with the threshold above
attitude and affective is 0.676 and latter 0.653, >0.5 achieve the convergent validity (Fornell &
AVE for GST compliance is 0.687. Larcker, 1981). Together with a factor loading of
all item ≥ 0.6 are considered high convergent
3.5 Discriminant Validity validity (Hair et al., 2010). Later, the construct
The discriminant validity is to avoid any redundant validity are measured with good fitness index on
items in the measurement model (Zainudin, 2012b). the measurement model with RMSEA = 0.080, CFI
The items should not be related are in reality not = 0.883, TLI = 0.876 and Chi-Square/df = 3.270.
related. It involves the relationship between a latent Furthermore, the measurement model was run for
construct and other constructs of a similar nature. the discriminant validity to confirm no redundancy
Discriminant validity can be identified by of the constructs. The measurement of this study
comparing the variance shared by the average AVE achieves the discriminant validity where the
between these two constructs (Bove, Pervan, correlations between constructs are < 0.85 (Kline,
Beatty, & Shiu, 2009). The estimated correlations 2011). In addition, Cronbach alpha for the
between constructs should not be greater than 0.85 constructs reliability has achieved the threshold
(Kline, 2011). 0.600, met the CR with more than 0.60 and AVE
greater than the threshold at 0.5 above. All the
Table 4: Discriminant Validity Result construct of the study achieved threshold’s validity
Construct Knowledge Attitude Comm GST and reliability for further correlation measurement
Channels Compliance
of the research model.
Attitude 0.140 0.814
Comm Channels 0.115 0.246 0.841
GST Compliance 0.301 0.839 0.510 0.829 5.0 Conclusion
The constructs of the study must undergo the
validity and reliability process to confirm the
The result of discriminant validity as revealed in
unidimensional of its items in the measurement
Table 5 above for all 4 constructs which are
model as the research model of the study. All
knowledge, attitude, communication channels and
construct was correlated to each other in the form
GST compliance statistically achieved the value
of structural equation model (SEM) as a
measurement model to test factor loading of the

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-4, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362,

items using CFA procedure with software AMOS

20. CFA procedures consist of unidimensionality,
convergent validity, construct validity and
discriminant validity. Next step is the process of
measurement the reliability of all items of the
constructs using Cronbach alpha using SPSS and
construct reliability (CR) and average variance
extracted (AVE) using AMOS.

It is important to ensure all the construct involve

achieved the validity and reliability before
proceeding to the next measurement of
relationship, moderation and mediation. Fail to
achieve the validity and reliability will lead to error
and inaccurate statistical results. Thus, the findings
of the study will totally insignificant.

6.0 References

Bove, L. ., Pervan, S. ., Beatty, S. ., & Shiu, E.

(2009). Service worker role in encouraging
customer organizational citizenship
behaviors. Business Research Journal, 62(7),
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating
structural equation models with unobservable
variables and measurement error. Journal of
Marketing Research, 39–50.
Hair, J. F., Back, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Rolph, E.
A. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis
(Seventh.). Prentice Hall.
Holmes-Smith, H., Coote, L., & Cunningham, E.
(2006). Structural equation modeling: from
the fundamentals to advanced topics.
Melbourne: School Research, Evaluation and
Measurement Services.
Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., & Mullen, M. (2008).
Structural Equation Modelling: Guidelines
for Determining Model Fit. Dublin Institute
of Technology Articles, 6(1), 53–60.
JC Nunnally, I. B. (1994). Psychometric Theory
(3rd ed.). New York: Mc Graw Hill Inc.
Jöreskog, K., & Sörbom, D. (1993). LISREL 8:
Structural equation modeling with the
SIMPLIS command language. Chicago:
Scientific Software International Inc.
Krejcie, R. V, & Morgan, D. (1970). Determining
sample size for research activities.
Educational and Psychological
Measurements Journal, 30(3), 607–610.
Rex B. Kline. (2011). Principles and practice of
structural equation modeling (3rd ed.). New
York: Guilford Press.
Zainudin Hj Awang. (2012a). Research
Methodology and data analysis (2nd ed.).
Kuala Lumpur: UiTM Press.
Zainudin Hj Awang. (2012b). Structural Equation
Modelling Using AMOS Graphic. Kuala
Lumpur: UiTM Press.

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-4, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362,

Appendix A: Result of Validity and Reliability

1 2 3 4 5 6
Cronbach 2nd order CFA Composite
Constructs/Dimension Items Alpha (Factor Reliability
(> 0.6) loading ≥ 0.5) (CR) (> 0.6)
(AVE) (>0.5)
IS1 0.962
IS2 0.693
IS3 0.86
IS4 0.867
IS5 0.901
Concept Knowledge (CK) 0.934 0.629 0.933
CK1 0.844
CK2 0.822
CK3 0.829
CK4 0.763
CK5 0.787
CK6 0.711
CK7 0.811

Legal Knowledge (LK) 0.945 0.869 0.943

LK2 0.826
LK3 0.905
LK4 0.934
LK6 0.877
LK7 0.839
Technology Knowledge (IT) 0.926 0.717 0.926
IT1 0.817
IT2 0.94
IT3 0.934
IT4 0.827
IT5 0.692
Technical Knowledge (TK) 0.979 0.815 0.975
TK3 0.814
TK7 0.909
TK8 0.913
TK9 0.920
TK10 0.927
TK11 0.945
TK12 0.939
TK13 0.923
ATTITUDE 0.667 0.676 0.859
Cognitive (C)
C3 0.604
C4 0.888

Affective (A) 0.900 0.653 0.832

A1 0.863
A2 0.871
A3 0.683
A5 0.801
GST COMPLIANCE (B) 0.850 0.687 0.898
B1 0.878
B2 0.792
B5 0.827
B6 0.817

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