Grammar 109

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7 Past continuous: negative

Past continuous Past continuous 2 Escribe las frases en negativa.

negative negativa
I was not singing yo no estaba cantando Miguel was studying French.
Miguel wasn’t studying French.
you were not singing tú no estabas cantando
1 We were living in Madrid last year.
he was not singing él no estaba cantando
she was not singing ella no estaba cantando
2 I was chatting to Carmen.
it was not singing (ello) no estaba cantando
nosotros/as no estábamos
we were not singing 3 They were cooking.
vosotros/as no estabais
you were not singing 4 Alison was helping the teacher.
they were not singing ellos/as no estaban cantando
5 You were cleaning the shower.
El past continuous se usa para expresar acciones que
estaban ocurriendo en un momento dado del pasado.
6 He was winning the match.

1 Completa las frases con el past continuous

de los verbos entre paréntesis.
3 Escribe frases con el past continuous.
I / living in Canada last year 
I wasn’t living in Canada last year.
1 they / enjoy the party 

2 he / study French 
Mark wasn’t playing (play) football.
1 I (not help) my mother. 3 we / win the match 
2 We (not cook).
3 You (not clean) your 4 she / help her mother 
4 It (not rain). 5 I / sleep in the shower 
5 They (not study) French.
6 She___________________ (not chat) with 6 it / snow 
his friends.
7 It (not snow). 7 you / sing 
8 Phil (not enjoy) the party.
8 Ben / clean his bedroom 

Vocabulario clave
bedroom dormitorio chat charlar clean limpiar cook cocinar enjoy disfrutar football fútbol
French francés friend(s) amigo/a(s) help ayudar last year el año pasado live vivir match partido
mother madre party fiesta play jugar rain llover shower ducha sing cantar sleep dormir
snow nevar study estudiar teacher profesor/ora win ganar

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