Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Bachelor of Industrial Technology and Graduate School Programs of Marikina Polytechnic College

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1, MARCH 2023



Marikina Polytechnic College, Sta. Elena, Marikina City, Philippines



An educational institution's vision, mission, goals, and objectives are its main framework for planning and
guide in the execution of its program among its clientele. It necessitates that stakeholders of an institution
are aware of and accept their VMGO. This study utilized a descriptive method of research and
administered a survey questionnaire on the awareness and acceptability of the Vision and Mission of the
college and the Goals and Objectives of the Bachelor of Industrial Technology and Graduate School
programs (Doctor of Education in Educational Management, Master of Education, Master of Arts in
Teaching and the Master of Technician Education using voluntary response sampling. The data revealed
that the collective level of awareness and acceptance of the VM of the college and the GOs of the BIT
program from its alumni and students, industry partners, faculty members, non-teaching staff, and
administrators are a High Extent as evidenced by their Grand Mean of 4.16 and 4.23 respectively. On the
other hand, the collective level of awareness and acceptability of VM of the college and GOs of Graduate
School programs from Ed. D. students, GS Faculty, M. Ed. Students, MAT Alumni, MAT students, Non-
teaching staff, Administrators, and MTE students are at Very High Extent as evidenced by their Grand
Mean of 4.60 and 4.67, respectively. These data implied how much they are aware of and how much they
accepted the Vision and Mission of the college and the Goals and Objectives of the concerned programs
among its stakeholders. It is suggested that the conduct of a qualitative study relative to VMGO must be
done for future reference.

Keywords: VMGO, Industrial Technology, Graduate School, Awareness, Acceptability

INTRODUCTION 2016). Its existence is of great importance as it

guides the institutional performances among the
The Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives faculty, staff, administrators, and students, which
serve as the foundation of every structure of an leads to the satisfaction of its stakeholders (Favor,
Educational Institution (Pelicano and Lacaba, Esmalde, Obniala, 2020). The existence must be
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANDE, R.C., DIOKNO, J.P., Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Bachelor of Industrial Technology and Graduate
School Programs of Marikina Polytechnic College: Stakeholders Awareness and Acceptability, pp. 76 - 81
communicated well among its stakeholders and Objectives of the Bachelor of Industrial
any interested parties. As Pioqunto, Ventayen, and Technology and the Graduate School Programs.
Castro-Tersona (2019) suggested, VMGO must be
plastered on large signs placed in strategic places Sampling. Survey researches are
inside and outside the campus, including offices of concerned with the area of the study rather than its
partner institutions. It may also be posted on the depth (Streefkek, 2019). To achieve a wider area
internet for wider dissemination.
of the study, the survey questionnaire was posted
The VMGO of an educational institution
serves as a steering wheel that will guide its on social media and shared its link to its intended
stakeholders in one direction as all the activities respondents imploring voluntary response
must be aligned to it, and those irrelevant must be sampling (Murairwa, 2015). This non-probability
avoided (Dungan, B. M. et al, 2016). This could sampling design does not have any identified
only be achieved if the stakeholders of the number of respondents at first as prospected
educational institution are fully aware and highly
respondents are invited to answer the survey and
accept its VMGO.
Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC), one their free will to participate in the study or not. After
of the State Colleges in the Philippines, is expected one week of sharing the survey link among the
to deliver services among its clientele anchored to target respondents, a tally of the respondents was
its approved VMGO. With this, the MPC collected as presented in Tables 1 and 2.
researchers aim to gather evidence of awareness
and acceptance of VMGO among its constituents Table 1
and stakeholders. Respondents on the college’s VM and BIT’s GO
Respondents n %
BIT Student 432 89.07
This study surveyed the feedback of the Industry Partners 17 3.51
stakeholders of Marikina Polytechnic College’ Faculty Members 11 2.27
Vision and Mission and the Goals and Objectives
Non-Teaching Staff 11 2.27
of Bachelor of Technology (BIT) and Graduate
School (GS) Programs. Specifically, it sought Administrator 7 1.44
answers to identify the level of Awareness and Total 485 100

Acceptability of respondents on Vision and Mission

Table 2
of the College and Goals and Objectives of BIT and Respondents on the college’s VM and GS’s GO.
GS Programs. Respondents n %
Ed. D. Student 14 10.85
METHODOLOGY GS Faculty 5 3.88
M.Ed Student 37 28.68
Research Design. The descriptive method MAT Alumni 3 2.33
MAT Student 45 34.88
of research favors the execution of the current 11 8.53
study as describes the phenomena of “what exists” Staff
with respect to the variables being observed. This Administrators 7 5.43
method involves surveys that describe the status MTE Student 7 5.43
TOTAL 129 100.00
quo and correlation of variables (Key, 2003). This
study surveyed the stakeholders of the college to
determine their level of awareness and level of Data-Gathering Instrument. The instrument
acceptability on its Vision, Mission and Goals and for data collection was originally constructed and
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANDE, R.C., DIOKNO, J.P., Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Bachelor of Industrial Technology and Graduate
School Programs of Marikina Polytechnic College: Stakeholders Awareness and Acceptability, pp. 76 - 81
passed through repeated checking and validation. 1. Level of Awareness on the Vision and
The two main themes of the instrument are a Mission of MPC and Goals and Objectives of
survey on the level of awareness and the BIT Program
acceptability of the existing Vision, Mission, Goals,
Table 4
and Objectives of the college. The instrument Level of Awareness on VM of MPC and GO of BIT
involvea s 5-point Likert Scale interpreted as 5-
Very High Extent (VHE), 4-High Extent (HE), 3-
Moderate Extent (ME), 2-Low Extent (LE), and 1-
Very Low Extent (VLE).
Validation involves college administrators
from the undergraduate and graduate programs,
language instructors, the Gender and
Development Officer, and the Research instructor
of the college. After the validation, it still underwent
a series of checking and rechecking to ensure
completeness of the items to use in data gathering.
The final revision was made and encoded in the
Google form to prepare for its dissemination and
administration. The researchers did the final
checking of the Google form version of the survey Table 4 shows the result of the survey
questionnaire before its dissemination. After which, among the respondents on their level of awareness
it was posted on different social media platforms, of the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives. The
e-classrooms of instructors for both undergraduate data reveal that the administrators and faculty
and graduate programs, and different Group chat members are very highly aware, with mean scores
messages of 4.61 and 4.57, respectively. Meanwhile, the non-
teaching staff, industry partners, BIT alumni, and
Data analysis. Data gathered from students scored it High Extent with mean scores of
respondents were analyzed using frequency, 4.09, 4.29, 4.45, and 4.15, respectively. It could
mean, and correlation. The mean of the responses also be gleaned in Table 4 that most indicators are
was interpreted using the data in Table 3. rated High Extent of awareness. This only means
Table 3
that proof of awareness of the Vision, Mission of
Mean Interpretation MPC, and the Goals and Objectives of the BIT
Range Interpretation program is very evident among its stakeholders as
4.50 – 5.00 Very High Extent (VHE) shown by its Grand Mean of 4.16, which is
3.50 – 4.49 High Extent (HE) interpreted as a High Extent.
2.50 – 3.49 Moderate Extent (ME)
1.50 – 2.49 Low Extent (LE) 2. Level of Acceptability of the Vision and
Mission of MPC and Goals and Objectives of
1.00 – 1.49 Very Low Extent (VLE)
the Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT)

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 5 illustrates the results of the survey

on the level of acceptability of the stakeholders of

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANDE, R.C., DIOKNO, J.P., Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Bachelor of Industrial Technology and Graduate
School Programs of Marikina Polytechnic College: Stakeholders Awareness and Acceptability, pp. 76 - 81
the college’s Vision and Mission and the Goals and
Objectives of the BIT Program. It can be seen that Table 6 presents the level of awareness of
level of acceptance to VMGO by the Administrators the respondents on the Vision and Mission of the
and BIT alumni are at a Very High Extent, with college and the Goals and Objectives of the
mean scores of 4.66 and 4.57, respectively. It also Graduate Program. It can be that the level of
shows that BIT students, industry partners, faculty awareness of GS Faculty, Master of Education
members, and non-teaching staff acceptability is of students, Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Alumni,
High Extent, with mean scores of 4.22, 4.32, 4.47, MAT Students, non-teaching staff, administrators,
and 4.66, respectively. Overall, the Level of and Master of Technician Education (MTE)
acceptability of the college's Vision and Mission students are Very High Extent as shown by the
and the BIT Program's goals and objectives is high, Mean scores of 4.66, 4.61, 5.00, 4.71, 4.09, and
as evidenced by the Overall Mean of 4.23. 4.59 respectively. Students from the Doctor of
Education (Ed.D.) mean score is 4.46, which is
Table 5 interpreted as High Extent. Overall, the level of
Level of Acceptance on VM of MPC and GO of BIT
awareness of the Vision and Mission of the college
and the Goals and Objectives of the Graduate
School is 4.60, interpreted as Very High Extent

4. Level of Acceptance of the Vision and

Mission of MPC and Goals and Objectives
of GS Program

Table 7
Level of Acceptance on VM of MPC and GO of GS

3. Level of Awareness on the Vision and

Mission of MPC and Goals and Objectives
of GS Program

Table 6
Level of Awareness on VM of MPC and GO of GS

Table 7 shows the result of the survey on

the level of acceptance of the Vision and Mission
of the college and the Goals and Objectives of the
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANDE, R.C., DIOKNO, J.P., Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Bachelor of Industrial Technology and Graduate
School Programs of Marikina Polytechnic College: Stakeholders Awareness and Acceptability, pp. 76 - 81
Graduate School program. Data revealed that the implementation of DMMMSU’s VMGO.
Ed.D. students, GS faculty members, M.Ed. International Journal of Scientific and
students, MAT alumni, MAT Students, Engineering Research. Vol. 7 (11), ISSN 2229-
Administrators, and MTE students accepted them 5518
with a verbal rating of Very High Extent as
presented by their mean scores of 4.60, 4.92, 4.65, Favor, C. C., Esmalde, V.S., and Obniala, C.G.
5.00, 4.78, 4.74 and 4.60 respectively. Meanwhile, (2018). Stakeholders’ awareness and
the non-teaching staff accepted the Vision and acceptability of vision, mission, goals and
Mission of the college and the Goals and objectives of the college of fisheries of SLSU-
Objectives of the Graduate School with a verbal JGE. International Journal of Science and
rating of High Extent, as revealed in their mean Research. Volume 9(6). ISSN: 2319-7064.
score of 4.13. Overall, the stakeholders accepted DOI:10.21275/ART20203738
the Vision and Mission of the college and the Goals Key (2003). Descriptive research defines. JOAAG,
and Objectives of the Graduate School to a Very 5(13), 50-61
High Extent, as evidenced by the Overall Mean
score of 4.67. Murairwa, S. (2015). Voluntary sampling design.
International Journal of Advanced Research in
CONCLUSIONS Management and Social Sciences. Vol 4 (2).
The study utilized a descriptive method of ISSN: 2278-6236
research using a survey instrument to determine Pelicano, A.C., and Lacaba, L. D. (2016).
the level of awareness and acceptability of the Awareness and aceptability of the vision,
college’s stakeholders on its Vision and Mission mission, goals and objectives of Eastern Samar
and the Goals and Objectives of both the BIT and State University. International Journal of
GS programs. Based on the presented results, the Innovation and Research in Educational
stakeholders are aware, and they accept the Science. Volume 3 (6). ISSN 2349-5219.
VMGO of the college.
Pioquinto, B. M., Ventayen, R J, Castro-Tesona, G.
RECOMMENDATIONS P. (2019). Acceptability and awareness of vision
It is recommended that the inclusion of and mission of the university, institutional
students from other programs of the college in the objective and program objectives in the college
conduct of the survey on awareness and of hospitality management as a basis for
acceptability be considered. The full sustainability. Asian Journal of Business and
implementation of the college's plans and activities Technology. Vol 2 (1). ISSN: 2651-6721
must ensure its alignment with the MPC VMGO. Streefkerk, Raimo (2019). Qualitative vs.
Moreover, qualitative studies on MPC VMGO for Quantitative research: Differences, Examples
future reference may also be conducted. and Methods [blog]. Scribbr

Dungan, B. M., et al (2016). Awareness,

acceptability, congruency and the extent of

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANDE, R.C., DIOKNO, J.P., Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Bachelor of Industrial Technology and Graduate
School Programs of Marikina Polytechnic College: Stakeholders Awareness and Acceptability, pp. 76 - 81

Rowena C. Mande, Ed. D. is

designated Chairman of Area 1 on
VMGO since AACCUP Level 1
Accreditation application of the
college. Has served the college in
different supervisory and
administrative functions such as being the
Department Head of Languages for 6 years, Vice
President for Academic Affairs and Concurrent
Dean of the Graduate School in 2017-2018, Dean
of the Graduate School for 6 years and now the
Director of Records Management and Data
Privacy. She is a writer, thesis adviser, editor and
an AACCUP Accreditor. In terms of publication,
she co-authored the book Oral Communication in
Context (For Senior High School) K-12 Compliant,
Mutya Publishing House, Inc. Author of the
Handbook in Thesis and Dissertation Writing. A
recipient of Academic Teacher of the Year Award
in 2014-2015. Teaching Professional Education
Courses in the undergraduate program and core
subject in the Graduate School Programs.

Jonathan P. Diokno, LPT, MAT is

a faculty researcher of Marikina
Polytechnic College (MPC). He is
teaching research subjects in
undergraduate degree, and major
subjects in the Graduate School of
MPC. He is finishing his Doctor of Philosophy in
Science Education in Philippine Normal University.
His research interests are in the field of pedagogy,
educational policy and educational assessment.


Copyright of this article is retained by the

author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
International License (http://creative

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANDE, R.C., DIOKNO, J.P., Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Bachelor of Industrial Technology and Graduate
School Programs of Marikina Polytechnic College: Stakeholders Awareness and Acceptability, pp. 76 - 81

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