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Ramzaan College of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences

Galandar Pampore

Sub: CHN 2 Time: 2 hrs.

Class: FM/MMPHW 2nd Year Max Marks:40.

a) Define voluntary health agencies. (3 marks)

b) Write down the objectives of Indian red cross society ?( 7 marks)

a) Write down the Activities of central social welfare board ? (5 marks)

b) What are the objectives of National Leprosy eradication programme? ( 5 marks)

a) Explain the levels of health care? ( 4 marks)

b) Write in detail about health care delivery system at national level? (6 marks)

a) List down the major health problems in india.( 5 marks)

b) Explain the Nurse’s role in national nutrition Anemia prophylaxis programmes?
(5 marks)

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