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Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.

Catanauan, Quezon

Chapter I



Electronic shopping was created by English inventor Michael Aldrich. In

1979, he created the first e-commerce platform, enabling both business-to-business and

customer-to-business online transactions (Donszem, 2020). Online shopping has become

a common occurrence, drawing more clients to the internet thanks to wider acceptance

of technology and faster networking speeds. In essence, online shopping is a virtual

marketplace that offers customers deep discounts on a variety of products and services

and delivers them directly to their homes. This study focuses on identifying consumer

preferences for online shopping as well as the reasons behind using social media

platforms and shopping apps to purchase online. Receiving positive customer feedback

can have a big impact on a company's reputation and profitability of the company.

Because no organization or business can succeed without customers, it is crucial to

understand consumer preferences because they are timely or easily modify for study.

This makes them a valuable source of information that can help businesses identify their

strengths and weaknesses and enhance the market.

The Electronic Commerce Act (ECA), also known as Republic Act No. 8792,

was approved by President Joseph Ejercito Estrada on June 14, 2000. Electronic data

transmissions, documents, signatures, transactions, and information storage were all

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

made legal by the law. It imposed sanctions for infractions such as hacking, piracy, and

unauthorized data access. Article 29 of the R.A. DTI authority 8792 provisions gave the

DTI the ability to work with relevant government entities to coordinate and oversee the

promotion and growth e-commerce in the nation. This industry of commerce is rapidly

growing in the Philippines (Department of Trade and Industry Philippines). Shopee is

the most widely used e-commerce platform in the Philippines as of the first quarter of

2022, with almost 77 million users. Lazada, meanwhile, has about 39 million user visits

once a month, came in second (Statista Research Department,2022).

Due to the Convenient it offers clients, such as simple payment, incredible

discounts at a low price, free delivery, and a huge number of different marketing to

tempt online shoppers, online shopping is now incredibly popular. When purchasing

online, prospective buyers are enticed to the product information offered by merchants,

which occasionally satisfies these buyers' perceived demands. Customers will now start

perusing the products, evaluating them, and later selecting the option that best suits their

needs. This marks the beginning of the transaction between the online shopper and the

online vendor. Their requirements, pushing them to buy the product to satisfy their

perceived need. Online purchasing makes life better and easier for people

Background of the study

The globe is today witnessing a much faster and more innovative economy, and

all firms must be prepared to deal with these changes. E-commerce expansion has had a

huge impact on the growth of numerous enterprises in the country. This means that it is
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

critical to comprehend the elements that cause customers to favor internet buying over

traditional retailers. As a result of these changes, people today rely on the internet on a

daily basis. Specifically, social media sites or gadget apps since they are significantly

more convenient and rewarding than physically purchasing at local stores. Many

research on "customer perceptions towards internet shopping" have been undertaken in

recent years.

The introduction of the internet has provided businesses with the opportunity to

remain competitive by providing clients with a convenient, faster, and less expensive

way to do transactions. According to research, over 627 million people used the internet

to buy books, airline tickets, clothing and shoes, video games, and other technology

items. The purpose of this essay is to look into the elements that influence consumers to

make online purchase The primary data of 200 respondents was collected using a

structured questionnaire and the random sampling technique. The component analysis

results suggest that the key elements impacting consumers' impressions of making

online purchases are Product Information, Online Payment, Convenience and Variety,

Consumer Attitude, Easy Accessibility, Flexibility, Price, Consciousness, and Online

Shopping Challenges (Singh,2019).

According to Shanthi &Kannaiah (2015,as cited in lubis,2018) despite the fact

that many consumers have begun to convert to online businesses, the majority of

consumers still prefer to shop directly at traditional marketplaces with a visible physical

presence. A person's preference for purchasing a product, both online and offline, is
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

determined by the personality component the person possesses. As a result, consumer

buying preferences are defined as customer tastes as determined by perceptions of the

usability and benefits of the products offered (Guleria et al., 2015, as cited in lubis,2018).

Shopping preferences are related to how someone loves or hates shopping methods and

are unaffected by the spending capacity of consumers. This has a broad impact on

purchase decisions. Understanding consumers is critical to retaining them and making

them loyal to the seller.

Theoretical framework

Revealed Preference Hypothesis, in economics, a theory proposed by American

economist Paul Samuelson in 1938 that asserts that what consumers buy under diverse

circumstances, particularly variable income and pricing circumstances, reveals their

preferences. According to the idea, if a customer purchases a specific bundle of products,

that bundle is "revealed preferred" to any other bundle that the consumer might afford,

given constant income and prices. An observer can deduce a representative model of the

consumer's preferences by altering income or pricing, or both. As revealed preference

theory evolved, three fundamental axioms were identified: the revealed preference weak,

strong, and generalized axioms. The weak axiom states that if one good is purchased

rather than two at given prices and incomes, If one good is purchased over another, the

consumer will always make the same decision. Less abstractly, the weak axiom asserts

that once a buyer purchases one sort of good, the consumer will never acquire a different

brand or good unless it delivers more benefit by being less priced, of higher quality, or
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

of greater convenience. Even more simply, the weak premise implies that consumers

will buy what they want and will make consistent decisions. The strong axiom extends

the weak axiom to embrace numerous commodities and eliminates certain inconsistent

chains of choices. The weak and strong axioms can be proved to be identical in a

two-dimensional world (a world with only two goods from which buyers can pick).

While the strong axiom outlines the implications of utility maximization (see expected

utility), It does not address all of them; there may not be a single maximum. The

generalized axiom applies when more than one consumption bundle provides the same

amount of benefit for a given price level and income. In terms of utility, the generalized

axiom allows for situations in which there is no unique bundle that maximizes utility.

Conceptual framework


 The demographic profile of  Crafting of research

the respondents Questionnaire
 types of goods commonly  Validation of research
purchase through online Questionnaire
 The reason of shopping  Dissemination of online
online research Questionnaire
 How satisfied are you in
shopping online (Google Form)
 The most preferred online  Facebook messaging
shopping site used
 The common preferred  Statistical treatment of data
payment method. method
 Is there a significant  Interpretation and analysis
difference in reason in OUTPUT
preferences in online
shopping when grouped in to  Preference index of BSBA
profile. Students at MSEUF-Catanauan
in online shopping.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework. The Consumers Preference Towards

Online Shopping in BSBA Students in the Manuel S. Enverga University

Foundation- Catanauan in SY.2022-2023.

As shown in figure 1, the Input, Process, Output (IPO) of the Consumer

Preferences toward online shopping of the BSBA Students in Manuel S. Enverga

University Foundation- Catanauan. It includes the Input consists of (a) the demographic

profile of the respondents (b) types of goods commonly purchases through online

shopping (c) The reason of shopping online (d) how satisfied are the consumers (e) the

most preferred online shopping site used and (f) the most common payment method (g)

is there a significant difference in reason in preferences in online shopping when

grouped in to profile. In connection, the process consists of data gathering tools for

crafting the research questionnaire, validation of research questionnaire, dissemination

of online research Questionnaire (Google Form) through Facebook messaging, statistical

treatment of data, and the Interpretation and analysis of the gathered data.Lastly, Under

the output is to create a Preference index of BSBA Students at MSEUF-Catanauan in

online shopping.


H1: There are no significant differences between gender groups on the reason for

preference towards online shopping.

H2: There are no significant differences between age groups on the reason for

preference towards online shopping.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Statement of the Problem / Purpose of the research

This research study aims to find out why consumers prefer to shop online

instead of going to physical store, it attempts to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age?

1.2 Sex?

1.3 Civil status?

1.4 Year level?

1.5 Source of Income?

2. What products are commonly purchased by the respondents in online shopping?

3. What are the reason that the respondents preferred online shopping?

3.1 Convenience

3.2 Quality of E-commerce Website Features

3.3 Presentation of product

3.4 Safety
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

3.5 Satisfaction

4. What are the most preferred online shopping site used by the respondents?

5. What is the common preferred payment method used by the respondents?

6. Is there a significant difference on the reasons that influence online shopping when

group according to profile of the respondents?

Significance of the Study

This study will open each and every one mind to know the true reasons behind the

growing population of online shoppers by identifying the consumers preference in online

shopping and the reasons affecting their purchase decisions using social media platforms

and other applications. Conducting this research was deemed to be beneficial and

valuable to the following sectors and group of persons.

To the online marketers - this study will provide information to the online

marketers on how they are dominating nowadays when it comes to selling and what is

their effect to the traditional way of selling and online marketers should know the

services that they can offer to meet the satisfaction of a buyer. Marketers also should

know what are the factors or the things they need to make people pursue their products.

To the entrepreneurs - who are planning to start online business. It will be

very beneficial for online marketers to use this study in order for them to have better

knowledge regarding the behavior of their potential customers.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

To the traditional seller – this study will provide awareness and knowledge

to the traditional sellers on what is the impact of online selling to their business and their

income so that they can think of way to maintain their sale and revenue.

To the customers- this study will provide information about purchasing

online product that is more convenient and to know if they really need to buy products

online, if they really have no time to buy products in traditional way.

To the Researchers- this enables them to look for strong evidence and

responses from the respondents. Kit improves their research skills little by little.

To the future researcher – this is a big help to the future researcher because it

serves their guide in making their first research.

Scope and limitation

This study only covered the Consumer Preference in online shopping of the

BSBA Students in MSEUF-Catanauan, Quezon during SY: 202-2023. Fifty (50) BSBA

Students were the respondent in this research. This research used the purposive Quota

sampling design. Its essence is to primarily determine the consumer preferences in

online shopping in the aforementioned locality.

Definition of terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined


Alibaba - is a Chinese multinational technology company specializing in e- commerce,

retail, Internet, and technology.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Alibaba Group - Launched in 2010, it is made up of small businesses in China and other

locations, such as Singapore, that offer products to international online


AliExpress -is an online retail service based in China, Inc. -is an American multinational technology company that focuses on

e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence.

It has been referred to as "one of the most influential economic and cultural

forces in the world", and is one of the world's most valuable brands.

Attributes- refers to the characteristics of online shopping such as the quality of the

products, shipping fee and price.

Axiom - is a statement that everyone believes is true, such as "the only constant is

change." Mathematicians use the word axiom to refer to an established

proof. The word axiom comes from a Greek word meaning “worthy.” An

axiom is a worthy, established fact.

Businessperson/Businessman -is an individual who has ownership or shareholdings over

a private sector and undertakes activities for the purpose of generating cash

flow, sales, and revenue by using a combination of human, financial,

intellectual and physical capital with a view to ing economic development

and growth.

Consumer -Refers to the users of products on online shopping.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Consumer preferences-are defined as the subjective (individual) tastes, as measured by

utility, of various bundles of goods. They permit the consumer to rank these

bundles of goods according to the levels of utility they give the consumer.

Note that preferences are independent of income and price.

Convenience -service or substance which make a task easier or more efficient than a

traditional method.

Cronbach's alpha- also known as tau-equivalent reliability or coefficient alpha, is a

reliability coefficient that provides a method of measuring internal

consistency of tests. Numerous studies warn against using it


EBay Inc. - is an American multinational e-commerce company based in San Jose,

California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer

sales through its website. eBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995 and

became a notable success story of the dot-com bubble.

Ecommerce- also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the

buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer

of money and data to execute these transactions.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Gcash -is mobile money or “e-money” that allows you to pay bills, send or receive

money, buy mobile load, shop online, book movie tickets, and more with

the use of your smartphone.

Generation Y -Also known as Gen Y or millennials, is the generational cohort born

between 1981 and 1996. They come after Generation X and before

Generation Z, which is the reason they are named Gen Y. For more

information, please see our definition of “millennials”.

Income -refers to the money that is derived from the normal business activity of an

individual categorized as 5,000 and below, 5.001-10,000, and 10,000 above.

Kolmogorov–Smirnov test -is a nonparametric test of the equality of continuous,

one-dimensional probability distributions that can be used to compare a

sample with a reference probability distribution, or to compare two samples

Kruskal–Wallis test -by ranks, Kruskal–Wallis H test, or one-way ANOVA on ranks- is a

non-parametric method for testing whether samples originate from the same

distribution. It is used for comparing two or more independent samples of

equal or different sample sizes

Lazada -is a company developing an online shopping and selling marketplace. The

Company offers products from a number of categories, including consumer

electronics, household goods, toys, fashion, sports equipment and groceries.

linear regression- is a linear approach for modelling the relationship between a scalar

response and one or more explanatory variables. The case of one

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

explanatory variable is called simple linear regression; for more than one,

the process is called multiple linear regression.

Mann Whitney U test - Sometimes called the Mann Whitney Wilcoxon Test or the

Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, is used to test whether two samples are likely to

derive from the same population (i.e., that the two populations have the

same shape).

Marketing- a person or company that advertises or promotes something.

Mastercard -is a payment network processor. Mastercard partners with financial

institutions that issue Mastercard payment cards processed exclusively on

the Mastercard network. Mastercard's primary source of revenue comes

from the fees that it charges issuers based on each card's gross dollar


Online Retailers -An organization that sells its products and services via a website on

the Internet. Also called an "e-commerce market" or "virtual market," an

Internet retailer provides the website, shopping cart, return labels and

related services.

Online Seller - they photograph and write descriptions of the items they will sell and put

the information online. They calculate total purchase amounts, taxes, and

shipping costs; process payments; and send orders. And they interact with

customers to answer questions or resolve problems.

Online Shopping -refers to the internet marketing used under this study.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Online shopping application -is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers

to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web

browser or a mobile app.

Payment method -a way that customers pay for a product or service. In a

brick-and-mortar store, accepted payment methods may include cash, a gift

card, credit cards, prepaid cards, debit cards, or mobile payments.

Personalized framework -Personalized learning is an educational approach that aims to

customize learning for each student's strengths, needs, skills, and interests.

Each student gets a learning plan that's based on what they know and how

they learn best.

Post-purchase behavior - is defined as: The way a person thinks, feels, and acts after

they make a purchase. We're focusing on influencing the action of repeat

purchases, but that doesn't mean we can ignore thoughts & feelings.

Preference -refers to the choice of the consumers on what they want the online shopping

to be.

Price sensitivity -is the degree to which the price of a product affects consumers'

purchasing behaviors. Generally speaking, it's how demand changes with

the change in the cost of products.

Product Feed back-is any information shared by your users about their experience and

satisfaction with the product.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Product risk - is the set of things that could go wrong with the service, software or

whatever is being produced by the project. In the same way that project and

business risks are quantified (using likelihood and impact) product risks

should also be categorized and measured.

Profitability- a measure of an organization's profit relative to its expenses.

Propaganda- is the dissemination of information-facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths,

or lies to influence public opinion. Deliberateness and a relatively heavy

emphasis on manipulation distinguish propaganda from casual conversation

or the free and easy exchange of ideas.

Quality-refers to the standard of the products categorized as beyond expectation,

satisfactory, good and fair.

Reputation - a public perception of the company and how it operates.

Scalability - is an attribute that describes the ability of a process, network, software or

organization to grow and manage increased demand. A system, business or

software that is described as scalable has an advantage because it is more

adaptable to the changing needs or demands of its users or clients.

Security risk - someone who could damage an organization by giving information to an

enemy or competitor.

Shipping fee- refers to the payment of delivery categorized as very expensive, expensive,

moderate, and economical.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Shopee- is the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Launched in

2015, it is a platform tailored for the region, providing customers with an

easy, secure and fast online shopping experience through strong payment

and fulfillment support.

Social media -are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of

information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual

communities and networks.

Shapiro-Wilk test -is a way to tell if a random sample comes from a normal distribution.

The test gives you a W value; small values indicate your sample is not

normally distributed (you can reject the null hypothesis that your population

is normally distributed if your values are under a certain threshold).

Spearman's Rho - is used to understand the strength of the relationship between two

variables. Your variables of interest can be continuous or ordinal and should

have a monotonic relationship.

Transactions- an instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.

Zalora -is an online fashion retailer that sells apparel, accessories, shoes and beauty

products for women and men.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon



Foreign literature

According to Aberlo (2022), Amazon's shopping app topped the list of the most

downloaded iPhone apps from the iOS app store. The next is SHEIN, a fashion

shopping app that offers reasonably priced, stylish clothing items. Third on the list of

the top shopping apps is Fetch Prizes, an app that lets users earn rewards while they

shop. The top five shopping apps include Bath & Body Works, a company known for

its home and body fragrances, and Nike, a well-known sporting goods company. The

remaining iOS shopping applications are: ((a) Walmart (b) Etsy (c) Shop (d)

GOAT(e)Targe. The top shopping apps for the Android operating system are listed in a

slightly different way. The top few players are largely the same, but the order they are

in makes the biggest difference. Similar to the iOS ranking, Amazon is at the top of the

Google Play list of the best shopping applications. Walmart comes next, discontinuing

its grocery app in 2020 and combining it with its primary retail app. SHEIN and Fetch

Rewards are ranked third and fourth, respectively, on the list. The following are the five

of tenth most downloaded mobile shopping apps from Google Play: Bath & Body

Works, The Home Depot, eBay, AliExpress, and Offer Up.

There are several types of online payment methods, which are classified as

follows: : Bank cards which include credit cards, debit cards, and even prepaid cards,

are used to access financial accounts with the associated bank account. Customers can
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 18
Catanauan, Quezon

use bank cards to transact with top electronic payment processors such as Visa,

Mastercard, and American Express. A digital wallet is a system that stores a person's

payment information for a variety of payment solutions. Customers can pay for

purchases using their mobile devices when using digital wallets in conjunction with

mobile payment systems, ensuring a seamless checkout process. Apple Pay, Amazon

Pay, and Google Pay are a few examples. Peer-to-peer (P2P) payments: P2P payments

(or transactions) are electronic money transfers between two people. people from their

credit cards or bank accounts through a middleman website or app. Zelle, Venmo, and

PayPal are a few examples. It's significant to remember that various e-commerce

payment methods overlap. PayPal, for instance, supports P2P transactions and takes

bank cards. PayPal, Stripe, Square, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, bank

transfers, and cryptocurrency are all accepted payment methods for online purchases

(Osman, 2022).

More and more customers are choosing to use various services on the Internet.

They frequently purchase a variety of items. E-commerce is growing in acceptance and

sophistication. Unfortunately, customers claim that there are issues with online shopping.

Customers worry that their ordered goods won't arrive, won't live up to their expectations,

or will be damaged in transit. For this kind of shopping, the payment method is also a

crucial factor. In order to avoid losing money if their requested items are not delivered,

customers frequently prefer to pay more to employ the payment-on-delivery option. The

paper's objective is to assess the security of online services. The competition for selling

your products online has been tougher and tougher in today's saturated eCommerce
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 19
Catanauan, Quezon

economy, up in the design and the way you manage your eCommerce business online.

The comparison for this may be that stepping into a real business with bad products,

aesthetics, organization, and presentation would cause the customer to leave. The same

principle can be applied to an online eCommerce firm. Consider the customer and how

your eCommerce website will affect them. (1) Ease of Navigation If the navigation is

difficult to use, your customers will be unable to browse through your store and find the

products they are looking for. (2) Fast Load TimesHaving fast load times is essential for

achieving a high ranking in Google (3) Clear Policies are essential for running a

successful business, whether it is a physical store or an internet store. Policies safeguard

not only the shopper but also the merchant. (4) Seamless Checkout Experience If your

checkout system fails, Google Analytics will be unable to determine your conversion

rates. (5) Design Doesn't Distract from Shopping Websites that are simply designed score

higher than websites that are cluttered and difficult to navigate. (6) Branded (7) Promotes

Related Products (8) Accurate Product Descriptions (9) Effective Search (10) Quality

Photos and Videos (Magar,2022).

Incredibly, fashion is the top selling business in practically every country on the

globe.Yes, despite the industry complexities and the fact that products differ in size from

store to store, fashion remains the top of sales online.The improvement in return policies

is primarily responsible for the surge in demand in the fashion business in the online

world.Previously, it was difficult to risk purchasing a shirt, pants, or jacket without

knowing for certain if it would fit well. Returns are now free at practically all stores, and
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 20
Catanauan, Quezon

you may try something on at home without having to wait in line, knowing that you can

return it at any moment(Smith,n.d.).

Locale Literature

With over 72 million monthly online visitors as of the second quarter of 2022,

Shopee was the most popular B2C e-commerce site in the Philippines. Lazada came in

second, with over 37 million monthly visitors (Most popular B2C e-commerce sites in

the Philippines,2022)

According to (Husain,2021). When it comes to starting and growing an

ecommerce business in the Philippines, there are many moving parts. Shipping can be

costly and unreliable, especially given the size of the country. Customer satisfaction is

critical. It is also difficult to persuade new users to trust your brand. The most

complicated part of getting started is identifying in-demand products to sell. The 12

trending products in the Philippines in 2021 that are attracting a lot of search interest

and are staying on top of people's minds. We will also provide personalized marketing

tips for each product that you can incorporate into your go-to-market strategy.

Best-Selling and Most Popular Products in the Philippines (a)Dumbbells (b)Appliances

(c)Skincare (d) Shoes (e) Video Games (f) Fitness Apparels(g) Kids Toys (h) Home

Improvement (i) Home Office (j)Selfie Ring Lights (k) Coffee (l) Jewelry.

Here in the Philippines, online shopping is quickly gaining popularity among

both young and old consumers. It has simplified and made shopping more convenient.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 21
Catanauan, Quezon

With this new shopping option, anyone may purchase products or services directly

online and have them delivered to their door. Time, money, and effort are all saved.

You are not required to join the mass of shoppers outside. Basically, all you need to

execute a purchase is a legitimate form of payment, a shipping address, and of course,

an internet connection. On the internet, it is simple to access a wide variety of stores,

both large and small. Large online retailers like Alibaba, AliExpress, Amazon, and

eBay are among them. In our area, we have the Shopee, Zalora, and Lazada. Despite

how convenient online shopping is, there is always a chance that you could become a

victim of a fraudulent transaction. Being watchful and using reputable shopping sites

can help to reduce or even eliminate the danger of being a victim. It is perhaps because

of the danger involved that it is unfavorable to other customers. We can't hold them

responsible because we constantly hear about and observe similar events. I have an

average income, so I can't afford to spend my hard-earned money that way (The Pros

and Cons of Online Shopping in The Philippines, 2022).

According to Accounting learning, (2022). The Advantages and Disadvantages

of Online Shopping Due to rapid growth of technology, business organizations have

switched over from the traditional method of selling goods to electronic method of

selling goods. Business organizations use internet as a main vehicle to conduct

commercial transactions. Online stores do not have space constraints and a wide variety

of products can be displayed on websites. It helps the analytical buyers to purchase a

product after a good search. (1) Convenience of online shopping. The following table
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 22
Catanauan, Quezon

depicts the factors which motivate the online shoppers to buy products online. (a) Saves

time and efforts. (b)Convenience of Shopping at home. (c)Wide variety / range of

products are available. (d) Good discounts / lower prices. (e)Get detailed information of

the product. (f)We can compare various models / brands. (2) No pressure shopping (3.)

Online shopping saves time (4.) Comparisons (5.) Availability of online shop (6).

Online tracking (7) Online shopping saves money and ease of use is the prime reason

that drives the success of e-commerce. Though internet provides a quick and easy way

to purchase a product, some people prefer to use this technology only in a limited way.

They regard internet as a means for gathering more information about a product before

buying it in a shop. Some people also fear that they might get addicted to online

shopping. The major disadvantages of online shopping are as follows.

The leading eCommerce sites in the Philippines include Shopee, Lazada, Zalora,

and BeautyMNL. These platforms sell goods from Asia-Pacific nations that have free

trade agreements with the Philippines, and the most popular product categories inside are

household care, electronics, fashion, and beauty products. The working population (ages

25 to 44) actively uses their desktop and mobile devices to access these platforms.

Smartphone household penetration increased by 2% from 2020 to 2021, reaching 74.1%.

Digital marketing and social media: social media are widely used by Filipinos, who

utilize them actively for an astounding 10 hours per day, seven days a week. Facebook

(67 million active users), YouTube (58.5 million active users), Instagram (14 million

active users), Twitter (9.3 million users), and LinkedIn are the greatest channels for
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 23
Catanauan, Quezon

reaching Filipino customers (9.2 million users). It is estimated that Filipino social media

users will reach 78.5 million in 2022 (International Trade Administration (ITA), 2022).

Not everyone in the Philippines has a bank card, making online payments

difficult, according to (Pros and Cons of Online Shopping, 2022). There are numerous

payment alternatives available to everyone. Even though they may have bank cards, the

majority of local consumers, in my opinion, still favor COD (Cash on Delivery) as a

form of payment. Select "Cash on Delivery" when checking out for your purchases.

The payment is paid when the requested things are received. This is a brilliant idea for

Filipinos to prevent online scammers, but using Cash on Delivery as a payment method

when shopping abroad is not an option. Online transactions need a bank.

Foreign Studies

Some argue that convenience is one of online shopping's main benefits.

Convenience covers things like how simple it is to find a product overall, how long it

takes to shop, and how little work is required. Online shopping enables customers to do

their shopping at home in the comfort of their own space and to avoid having to visit

physical stores. People may quickly browse a website, identify the thing they want, and

make a purchase without changing out of their pajamas, saving them from having to get

dressed and drive to the store. Additionally, since internet retailers are available

around-the-clock, customers may shop whenever they want. Online shopping allowed

some people to purchase clothing while still caring for their children at home and
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 24
Catanauan, Quezon

online shopping made it possible for them to purchase clothing while doing so


In the present day, technology has transformed how human beings live and the

processes they use to fulfill day-today activities. Buying and selling has been among

man's key activities and over the years, these activities have become more sophisticated

to enhance the ease and comfort of the experience. The shopping experience, buying

and selling has further transformed over the past decade with the inception of the

internet. Online shopping, and e-commerce in general, have gained popularity and

provide more convenient and less stressful options transacting online. Consumers can

now enjoy accessing products from distant stores according to their preference, a factor

that gives consumers the ability to choose without considering distance and long queues.

While online shopping promises to be a better option to the consumer, the channel is

susceptible to threats, referring to elements that have the potential to inflict serious

harm on a user's privacy leading to data breaches and a compromise of data security. As

a consequence, consumers are uncertain on whether to trust online shopping. This paper

includes information on the threats of online shopping and highlights consumer

perceptions, including negative consumer perceptions. The paper provides awareness

on cyber security issues, including ways online shoppers and merchants can protect

themselves from data breaches and attacks through methods such as phishing and

adware (Aseri,2021).

In order to reduce the level of perceived danger, make up for the lack of

sensory qualities, and provide enjoyable online purchasing experiences, effective visual
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 25
Catanauan, Quezon

product presentation provides consumers with a sense of appropriateness and

supplemental perceptible experience. Consumers now consider lifestyle purchases to be

matters of happiness that are indubitably influenced by their mood. The purchasing

behavior of customers is heavily influenced by mood, a key sign of one's subjective

well-being. This chapter uses data from 356 Indian internet buyers to investigate the

effects of product presentation on lifestyle product purchase intentions and the

moderating function of mood. The impact of product display on purchase intention in

the context of online buying was found to be moderated by mood. The study suggests

that marketers should provide engaging virtual products (Kala & Chaubey,2018).

Local Studies

Millions of Filipinos are now purchasing a lot of goods online via apps like Shopee,

OLX, and Lazada. According to Grit PH (2022). These consumers took a few minutes

to check what was available, compare prices, read reviews (always check the ones with

photos), and add potential purchases to their shopping carts. The following statistics are

taken from an article by E-Shop World and show trends in Philippine eCommerce: (a)

Number of Filipino Online Shoppers: 37.75 million (2018) (b) Total E-commerce

Revenue: USD 1.49 billion (2018) (c) Top Product Being Bought Online: Electronics

and Media (USD $618.6) (d) Top Payment Method: Cash on Delivery (47%) (e)

Second Most Preferred Payment Method: Bank Transfer (42%) (f) Top Importing

Country: China (USD $29.8 On the other hand, the items that people order online the

most are (1) Fashion & Beauty: $207.2 Million (+32%) (2) Electronics & Physical

Media: $543 Million (+15%) (3) Food & Personal Care: $94.8 Million (+38%) (4)
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 26
Catanauan, Quezon

Furniture & Appliances: $119.6 Million (+22%) (5) Toys, DIY & Hobbies: $272.1

Million (+27%) (6) Travel & Accommodation: $642.6 Million (+30%) (7) Digital

Music: $12.9 Million (+17%) (8) Video Games: $270.2 Million (+12%).

People are increasingly preferring online shopping due to the numerous

benefits such as convenience, time savings, and product variety. The behavior of

Filipino consumers toward online shopping and the factors that influence them to shop

online influence marketers, entrepreneurs, and businessmen online marketing strategies.

As a way of life, Filipino consumers have a distinct purchasing routine. Personal, social,

cultural, and psychological factors can all have a significant impact on a consumer's

behavior. These factors that strongly influence consumers to buy online can lead to the

development of consumer product preferences, which can assist marketers,

entrepreneurs, and business owners in achieving an unavoidable increase in market

share and profitability. As a result, understanding the consumers' needs is essential. As

a result, understanding consumer behavior and the factors that influence it is beneficial

to marketers, entrepreneurs, and business owners in the online shopping world (So,


The purpose of the study was to ascertain the customer loyalty and happiness of

online store users in Angeles City, Pampanga. In addition, it assessed the 377

respondents' levels of customer loyalty and satisfaction based on information about

their age, gender, occupation, marital status, and preferred online retailer. Residents of

Angeles City, Pampanga, who participated in the survey were identified using a

convenience sample technique and other statistical procedures. The tested hypotheses
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 27
Catanauan, Quezon

were measured using Cronbach's Alpha, Frequency and Percentage Distribution,

Weighted Mean and Standard Deviation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk,

Kruskal-Wallis, Mann Whitney U, Spearman's rho, and Linear Regression. According

to research findings, online consumer loyalty and customer happiness are associated.

The findings have ramifications for keeping happy clients in an online service

environment. This report also includes potential future research directions (Trinidad &

Lacap, 2021).

Lazada was the most popular online retailer out of all of them, with a category

mean rating of 3.96, while Ayos Dito came in last with a rating of 3.28. Student

respondents typically purchase clothing and footwear together with purses and wallets

when buying online. Students that responded are more interested in fashion, according

to the results. Cash on delivery is favored over online payment as a method of payment.

The findings of this study show how important it is for both online platforms and online

shoppers to take online shopping seriously, so it is advised that platforms for online

shopping come up with a way to constantly educate customers about their rights and

obligations in order to boost their trust in online shopping. (Delelis,2018).

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon



Research Design

This study is conducted in order to determine the preference of the Manuel S.

Enverga University Foundation-Catanauan, Quezon students toward online shopping

and to be able to gather data the researcher utilized in descriptive research design.

Descriptive design is used to describe the characteristics of a population or

phenomena being studied. It is also a fact-finding study that involves adequate and

accurate data interpretation and findings. Herein, the chosen respondents were purposely

selected from various year levels 1st year to 4th year college student. The survey method

or the self-administered questionnaire in Google form were the instrument used in

gathering data. The survey is appropriate in this study because it enables the researcher

to formulate and generalization specifically, the survey is a reliable source of firsthand

information because the researchers directly interact with the respondents.

Research Locale

The study was conducted through google form and will be sent via Facebook

messenger to the selected BSBA-students of Manuel S. Enverga University

Foundation-Catanauan,Quezon. The researcher has chosen this study to find out the

consumer preference towards online shopping in this first semester of S.Y

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 29
Catanauan, Quezon

Samples and sampling techniques

The researcher used a non-probability Quota sampling technique to get the data

in an easy way. Questionnaires in Google form will be sent in their messenger to

selected BSBA students. In this technique the researchers chose those who were

conveniently available and who could be reached online.

Non -probability sampling is defined as a sampling technique in which the

researcher selected a sample based on the subjective judgement of the researcher rather

than randomly selected.

Research Instruments

In this study, the researcher will be using the survey questionnaire in (google

form). The questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged questions carefully prepared to

answer by a group of people designed to collect facts and information. The Part-I will ask

for the demographic profile of the respondents. The tool for profile was made by the

researcher; it will determine the age, and sex of the respondents. Part- II is the products

that are commonly purchased by the respondents in online shopping. Part -III is what are

the reasons of the respondents preferring shopping online in terms of its (a)Convenience

(b) Quality of Ecommerce Website Features (c) Presentation of product (d) Safety (e)

Satisfaction. Part-IV is the most preferred online shopping site used by the respondents

and lastly, Part-V the common preferred payment method used by the respondents.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 30
Catanauan, Quezon

Data Gathering Procedures

The study will have respondents directly from the chosen school Manuel S.

Enverga University Foundation this includes from first year to fourth year College

students from Bachelor of Science in business administration department all their

participants were selected through non- probability sampling method in which not all

members of the population have an equal chance of participating in the study. In order to

conduct this sampling strategy, the researcher listed down all the members of the

population, and then selected members to make the sample. For this purpose, a

self-administered survey questionnaire in Likert format was given to the respondent to


Hereby, there were 50 participants for the questionnaire survey that comprised

students each year level. Next-to the distribution of the questionnaire the respondents

were given seven days to complete the survey questionnaire upon request. After

collecting the data, the responses will be organized, tabulated, analyzed and treated

statistically using percentage (%), and weighted mean, Likert scale, and ANOVA for our

hypothesis then the paper were checked, interpreted and analyzed.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 31
Catanauan, Quezon

Statistical tools and treatment of Data

To analyze the data gathered, different treatments on the collected data applied.

This part presents the way the researchers analyzed the collected data in each question as

well as the different statistical tools that applied to the study.

For sub-problem no. 1-2, the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of age and sex, the researchers used percentage distribution. It is used to determine the

percentage usually for data on profile using the formula:

Percentage Formula:

% = f / n x 100


% = Percent

f = Frequency

N= number of class

Frequency distribution: Mean

Formula: x=∑fx /∑fx 100


X= weighted arithmetic mean

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 32
Catanauan, Quezon

∑fx = sum of all the products of f and x where f is the frequency of each weight and x,

weight, i.e., 4, 3, 2, 1

∑f = sum of all respondents

4 Point Likert Scale

This scale would consist of 5 answer options which will contain polls and a

neutral option connected with intermediate answer options. These scales can be used in a

similar manner for measuring likelihood, importance, frequency, and many other factors.

4- Strongly Disagree

3- Agree

2- Disagree

1- Strongly Disagree


4 3.26 – 4.00 SA Strongly Agree

3 2.51 – 3.21 A Agree

2 1.76 – 2.50 D Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.75 SD Strongly Disagree

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 33
Catanauan, Quezon

Analysis of variance, or ANOVA- is a statistical method that separates

observed variance data into different components to use for additional tests. A one-way

ANOVA is used for three or more groups of data, to gain information about the

relationship between the dependent and independent variables.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Chapter IV

Data Analysis, Interpretation, Presentation and Discussion

This chapter deals with the analysis, interpretation, presentation of data to

determine the consumer preferences in online shopping of the BSBA students in Manuel

S. Enverga University Foundation- Catanauan.


Figure 1. Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age.

Figure 1 Shows the profile of the respondents in terms of age. It shows the age range

of the respondents from 15 to 25 years old and above. The majority of the respondents

are 40 at age 19-21 with the percentage of 80% while the least number of respondents is

age 25 with the percentage of 2%. And the other 6 respondents are at age 15-18 with the

percentage of 12%. Lastly, 3 respondents are at age 22-24 with the percentage of 6%.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 35
Catanauan, Quezon

Figure 2. Profile of the Respondents in terms of Sex.

Figure 2 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of sex. It shows that the male

respondents are 22 which is equivalent to 44% and the female respondents are 28 which

is equivalent to 56% with the total of 50 respondents totaling 100%.


Figure 3 shows the products that are most commonly purchase in online shopping the

majority of the respondents choose to buy in online shopping is fashion and beauty which
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 36
Catanauan, Quezon

is 30 equivalents to 33% next is food and personal care with total of 25 equivalent to 28%,

toys, DIY, and Hobbies with total of 14 equivalent to 15%, and the electronics and

physical media and video games has the same total of 6 equivalent to 7%. Furniture and

appliances have a total of 4 equivalent to 4% and lastly, both travel and accommodation

and digital music has the total of 3 equivalent to 3%.

E-Commerce marketplace competition can be fierce. However, women are Southeast

Asia's greatest internet shoppers if you want to take advantage of the region's expanding

spending power. They are responsible for almost 80% of household purchases, and

Southeast Asia's top online selling categories include fashion and beauty (Top Products

to Sell Online in Southeast Asia,2021).


3.1 Convenience

Indicators Weighted Rank Descriptive

Mean Analysis

1. Online shopping saves time and efforts. 3.32 4 SA

2. Online shopping is hassle-free as it can be done

from the comfort of your home. 3.38 3 SA

3. Online shopping provides a wide variety and

range of available product. 3.40 2 SA

4. Online shopping gives good discounts and lower 3.24 5 A

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 37
Catanauan, Quezon


5. Online shopping gives multiple choices of

products to compare the models and brands that the

customers preferred. 3.52 1 SA

General Weighted Mean 3.37 SA

Table 3.1 shows the reason for preference in online shopping in terms of its

convenience. As illustrated, convenience gathered a general weighted mean of 3.37 while

shopping online gives multiple choices to compared product available online is the

majority with weighted mean of 3.52 which implicates that the respondents are strongly

agree that online shopping is convenient in connection, online shopping saves time and

efforts with the weighted mean of 3.32 suggest that the respondents are strongly agree.

Convenience covers things like how simple it is to find a product overall, how

long it takes to shop, and how little work is required. Online shopping enables customers

to do their shopping at home in the comfort of their own space and to avoid having to

visit physical stores. People may quickly browse a website, identify the thing they want,

and make a purchase without changing out of their pajamas, saving them from having to

get dressed and drive to the store. (Shiuan,2022).

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 38
Catanauan, Quezon

3.2 Quality of Ecommerce website Features

Indicators Weighted Rank Descriptive

Mean Analysis

1. Websites should have a user-friendly design and

mobile friendly features 2.70 1 A

2. Quality ecommerce websites provides multiple

Payment Options. 2.58 3 A

3. Websites features include the customers or user

reviews as feedback. 2.56 4 A

4. Online shops should have 24/7 customer service. 2.50 5 D

5. Websites provides online tracking number on

shipping the products. 2.68 2 A

General Weighted Mean 2.60 A

Table 3.2 shows the reason for preference in online shopping in terms of its

Quality of E-commerce website Features. As illustrated, it gathered a general weighted

mean of 2.60 propose that the online shops have a quality of e-commerce website. As

illustrated, websites that has a user-friendly designs or feature rank 1 with the weighted

mean of 2.70 result that respondents Agree with its features and in rank 5 is that online

shopping should be 24/7 customer service that with the weighted mean of 2.50 this result
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 39
Catanauan, Quezon

disagree because online shops customer support are not always available to answer

customers concerns.

The characteristics of the website were conceived in the model and included

website design, product information, usability, personalization and customization,

security and privacy, payment system, order fulfillment, and customer service

responsiveness (Inandika,2019).

3.3 Presentation of Products

Indicators Weighted Rank Descriptive

Mean Analysis

1.The product packaging is presented with colors

and images. 2.54 4 A

2.Materials of the packaging are thick and not

easily damage. 2.58 3 A

3.There are printed product description and

information on how to use the product in the

packaging. 2.68 1 A

4. Packaging has innovative design that align on

the current trends. 2.66 2 A

5. product that used eco-friendly materials and

content on their packaging. 2.50 5 D

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 40
Catanauan, Quezon

Table 3.3 shows the reason for preference in online shopping in terms of

Presentation of Products. As illustrated, it gathered a general weighted mean of 2.59

propose that the online shops presentation of products are favorable. As illustrated, rank 1

is the products should have product description and direction on how to use with the

weighted mean of 2.68 result that respondents are agree and in rank 5 is product used

eco-friendly materials with the weighted mean of 2.50 this result disagree implying that

customers preferred not eco-friendly products.

In order to reduce the level of perceived danger, make up for the lack of sensory

qualities, and provide enjoyable online purchasing experiences, effective visual product

presentation provides consumers with a sense of appropriateness and supplemental

perceptible experience. The impact of product display on purchase intention in the

context of online buying was found to be moderated by mood. The study suggests that

marketers should provide engaging virtual products (Kala &Chaubey,2018).

3.4 Safety

Indicators Weighted Rank Descriptive

Mean Analysis

1. Being aware about the personal data insecurity in

online shopping. 2.56 5 A

2. Being aware in transaction insecurities; like

issues in payment, location and others with the

online stores. 2.70 1.5 A

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 41
Catanauan, Quezon

Being aware on choosing products because there is

low quality of ordered goods online due to

unavailability to physically see the product online. 2.64 4 A

4. Communication problems in contact with the

online- shops. 2.70 1.5 A

5. Delivery problems such as inaccurate addressed

parcel. 2.68 3 A

General Weighted Mean 2.66 A

Table 3.2 shows the reason for preference in online shopping in terms Safety.

As illustrated, it gathered a general weighted mean of 2.66 propose that the online

shopping is safe for the respondents. In connection, the transaction insecurities and

communication problem got the same rank 1.5 resulting agree and personal data

insecurity is rank 5 that signifies agree with the weighted mean of 2.56. Therefore, online

shopping is guaranteed safe.3.5.

E-commerce is growing in acceptance and sophistication. Unfortunately,

customers claim that there are issues with online shopping. Customers worry that their

ordered goods won't arrive, won't live up to their expectations, or will be damaged in

transit. For this kind of shopping, the payment method is also a crucial factor. In order to

avoid losing money if their requested items are not delivered, customers frequently prefer

to pay more to employ the payment-on-delivery option (Igalde & brozova,2020).

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 42
Catanauan, Quezon

3.5 Satisfaction

Indicators Weighted Rank Descriptive

Mean Analysis

Happy in the overall product delivery. 2.58 4 A

Receiving a good quality of the products. 2.64 2 A

Contentment with the perceived security. 2.50 5 D

Products have adequate products information. 2.60 3 A

Enjoyment with the variety product available

online. 2.74 1 A

General Weighted Mean 2.61 A

Table 3.2 shows the reason for preference in online shopping in terms of

satisfaction. As illustrated, it gathered a general weighted mean of 2.61 propose that the

online shopping satisfy its customers excellently. As illustrated, rank 1 is enjoyment in

variety of available products online with the weighted mean of 2.78 result that

respondents are agree and in rank 5 is satisfaction in perceived security with the weighted

mean of 2.50 this result disagree implying that customers are less satisfied.

Online shopping customer happiness is directly influenced by a variety of

variables. The subject of what factors influence customer happiness in online buying is a

persistent conundrum in the business. For less developed economies where online

commerce is less prevalent, this issue is especially significant. It is vital to investigate and
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 43
Catanauan, Quezon

examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and many characteristics in order

to enhance the involvement in online commerce (Vasic et al., 2019).


Figure 4 shows the most preferred online shopping sites used in online shopping

the majority is shopee with the total of 43 (32%) followed by Lazada with 34(26%), tiktok

shop with 24 (18%), shein with 14(11%) , Zalora with 6(4%), Fb market place with 4(3%)

metrodeal with 2(1%) and other sites such as eBay, globe, beutyMNL, Instagram, and

bonchok book store have 1 (1%) this means shopee is the most popular online shop

application. Currently, Shopee is Southeast Asia's largest E-commerce marketplace,

surpassing Lazada. It largely succeeds because of its first-rate delivery and customer

support, which has led to a continuous increase in the number of new buyers and sellers.

The website was only created in 2015, and Tencent Holdings, one of China's biggest tech

businesses, controls nearly 40% of Sea, the company that operates Shopee. Despite just

having been released a short while ago, Shopee has already entered a number of markets,
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 44
Catanauan, Quezon

including Singapore, Taiwan ROC, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand,

and Korea. Additionally, there are intentions to enter the South American market (Top

e-commerce Websites in the Philippines,2021).


Figure 5 shows the most preferred modes of payment used in online shopping

the majority is cash on delivery method with the total of 45 and percentage of 90% that

followed by digital mobile wallet: Grabpay, Bitpay, Paypal,, DragonPay,

Paymaya, Gcash with the total of 5 and (10%).payment method that is popular right now,

where consumers can pay in cash when the products are delivered to their hands, this

approach lessens the possibility of concerns concerning the thing they requested.

However, in its execution, The Cash On Delivery (COD) payment method results in

numerous customers who are not aware of the challenges in the market willing to make a
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 45
Catanauan, Quezon

payment when the promised items are delivered Several motives are used by them at their

address, including customers, like the products that don't arrive as expected, the items are

damaged, lacking in cash, among other things, so that it is Couriers frequently become

targets for Couriers are used by customers who do not wish to pay COD. frequently the

object of slurs, foul language, and even customers (Maisyura,2021)

Significant difference between Gender groups on the reasons for preference

towards online shopping.

Mean DF F-crit F Decision

Male 2.77
9 5.3176 0.0022 Accept Ho
Female 2.76

The table shows the summary of testing the significant difference between

Gender groups on the reasons for preference towards online shopping. This reveals the F

of 0.0022 which is less than the critical value of 5.3176 at 0.05 level of significance. The

results discloses that there is no significant difference between Gender groups on the

reason for preference towards online shopping.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 46
Catanauan, Quezon

Significant difference between Age groups on the reasons for preference

towards online shopping.

Mean DF F-crit F Decision

15-18 2.72

19-21 2.78
19 3.2389 1.8872 Accept Ho
22-24 2.70

25 ABOVE 2.32

The table shows the summary of testing the significant difference between Age

groups on the reasons for preference towards online shopping. This reveals the F of

1.8872 which is less than the critical value of 3.2389 at 0.05 level of significance. The

results discloses that there is no significant difference between Age groups on the reason

for preference towards online shopping.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.
Catanauan, Quezon

Chapter 5

Summary of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the study conducted. This also presents the

findings derived from the analysis and interpretation of the result. Moreover, this shows

the conclusions framed and the recommendations thereafter.

Summary of findings

This study seeks to determine the consumers preferences in online shopping of the

BSBA students in MSEUF-Catanauan,Quezon. Specifically, the study sought to answer;

(1) demographic profile if the respondents in terms of age and sex. (2) the products that

are commonly purchased in online shopping (3) the reasons in preferring online

shopping (4) the most preferred online shopping site used. (5) the preferred payment

method used and (6) to find out if is there a significant difference on the reasons that

influence online shopping when group according to profile?

To obtain the data needed to fulfill the six research problems, the researchers employ

and constructed a research questionnaire (google form) which serves as the main source

of data and used statistical methods based on the analysis of the data gathered, the

following were the salient findings in the study.

SOP I What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of Age, Sex?
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 48
Catanauan, Quezon

1. Of the 50 respondents, 40 or 80% were in the age bracket of 19-21, 6 respondents or

12% were ages between 15-18, 3 or 6% were in the age range of 22-24 and 2% were age


2. The male respondents were 22 which is equivalent to 44% and the female respondents

were 28 which is equivalent to 56% with the total of 50 respondents totaling 100%.

SOP 2 What products are commonly purchased by the respondents in online


1. The products that are most commonly purchase in online shopping, 30 of the

respondents or 33% choose to buy fashion and beauty

2. 25 respondents or 28% preferred food and personal care

3. 14 equivalent to 15% preferred toys, DIY, and Hobbies,

4. The electronics and physical media and video games have a total of 6 respondents or


5. Furniture and appliances have 4 respondents equivalent to 4%

6. Lastly, both travel and accommodation and digital music have 3 respondents

equivalent to 3%.

SOP 3 What are the reason that the respondents preferred online shopping?

1. The reason for preference in online shopping in terms of its convenience had a general

weighted mean of 3.37, specifically, shopping online gives multiple choices to compare
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 49
Catanauan, Quezon

product available online is the majority with weighted mean of 3.52 which implicates

that the respondents are strongly agree that online shopping is convenient. In connection,

online shopping saves time and efforts with the weighted mean of 3.32 which suggest

that the respondents are strongly agree. Convenience covers things like how simple it is

to find a product overall, how long it takes to shop, and how little work is required.

Online shopping enables customers to do their shopping at home in the comfort of their

own space and to avoid having to visit physical stores. People may quickly browse a

website, identify the thing they want, and make a purchase without changing out of their

pajamas, saving them from having to get dressed and drive to the store. (Shiuan,2022).

2. In terms of its Quality of e-commerce website, it gathered a general weighted mean of

2.60 indicated that the online shops have a quality of e-commerce website, specifically,

websites that has a user-friendly designs or feature, provides online tracking and multiple

payment options ranked 1, 2 and 3 with weighted mean of 2.70, 2.68 and 2.58,

respectively. Respondents disagree on the presence of 24/7 customer service with the

weighted mean of 2.50 because online shops customer support are not always available

to answer customers concerns.

3. Product preference in online shopping in terms of Presentation of Products gathered a

general weighted mean of 2.59 implied that the online shops presentation of products are

favorable, specifically the products should have product description and direction on

how to use was ranked 1 with the weighted mean of 2.68. Packaging has innovative

design and not easily damaged ranked 2 and 3 with weighted mean of 2.66 and 2.58,
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 50
Catanauan, Quezon

respectively and in rank 5 is product used eco-friendly materials with the weighted mean

of 2.50 this result disagree implying that customers preferred eco-friendly products.

4. The reason for preference in online shopping in terms Safety. As illustrated, it

gathered a general weighted mean of 2.66 propose that the online shopping is safe for the

respondents. In connection, the transaction insecurities and communication problem got

the same rank 1.5 resulting agree and personal data insecurity is rank 5 that signifies

agree with the weighted mean of 2.56. Therefore, online shopping is guaranteed safe.3.5.

5 The reason for preference in online shopping in terms of satisfaction gathered a general

weighted mean of 2.61 implied that the online shopping satisfy its customers excellently.

Specifically, enjoyment in variety of available products online ranked 1 with the

weighted mean of 2.74. Equally satisfying to the respondents were receiving a good

quality of the products and products have adequate information with weighted mean of

2.64 and 2.60, respectively. Respondents were dissatisfied in perceived security with the

weighted mean of 2.50.

SOP IV What are the most preferred online shopping site used by the respondents?

The most preferred online shopping sites used in online shopping the majority is

shopee with the total of 43 (32%) followed by Lazada with 34(26%), tiktok shop with 24

(18%), shein with 14(11%) , Zalora with 6(4%), Fb market place with 4(3%) metrodeal

with 2(1%) and other sites such as eBay, globe, beutyMNL, Instagram, and bonchok

book store have 1 (1%) this means shopee is the most popular online shop application.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 51
Catanauan, Quezon

Currently, Shopee is Southeast Asia's largest E-commerce marketplace, surpassing


SOP V What is the common preferred payment method used by the respondents?

The most preferred modes of payment used in online shopping was cash on

delivery method with the total of 45 respondents or 90% and 10% by digital mobile

wallet: Grabpay,Bitpay,Paypal,,DragonPay,Paymaya,Gcash with the total of 5

and (10%).payment method that is popular right now, where consumers can pay in cash

when the products are delivered to their hands, this approach lessens the possibility of

concerns concerning the thing they requested.

SOP VI Is there a significant difference on the reasons that influence online

shopping when group according to profile of the respondents?

The summary of testing the significant difference between Gender groups on the

reasons for preference towards online shopping revealed the F of 0.0022 which is less

than the critical value of 5.3176 at 0.05 level of significance. The results disclosed that

there is no significant difference between Gender groups on the reason for preference

towards online shopping.

The testing on the significant difference between Age groups on the reasons for

preference towards online shopping revealed the F of 1.8872 which is less than the

critical value of 3.2389 at 0.05 level of significance. The results discloses that there is no

significant difference between Age groups on the reason for preference towards online

shopping. The null hypothesis is accepted.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 52
Catanauan, Quezon


Based on the findings obtained in this study, the researcher concluded that:

1. Considering women represent the majority of the respondents/buyers, fashion and

beauty category, such as clothing,apparels/foot-wares and cosmetics, are the most

preferred among all the categories that respondents choose to purchase online. Digital

music (e.g., purchasing premium membership in Spotify, apple music etc.) and travel

and lodging (such as tickets and reservations) are the lowest preferred product category.

Online shopping is very convenient because it saves time,effort,hassle-free, has a large

selection of products available, is inexpensive with significant discounts, and allows for

comparison shopping among various products.

2. Online buyers favored high-quality e-commerce website features such as a

user-friendly design and mobile-friendly features, a range of payment alternatives,

visible customer feedback or reviews, and online shipment tracking numbers. Customers,

on the other hand, are dissatisfied with the customer service support. Another factor that

influences how things are presented in online businesses is their packaging. Customers

preferred packaging with appropriate colors and images, secure materials to protect the

product, printed product information, and an innovative design, but they do not prefer

eco-friendly packaging because, aside from being more environmentally sustainable, it

can be damaged by rain or other hazardous materials. Furthermore, not all retailers will

follow this trend because the usage of plastics can raise prices.the product's security.

Customers preferred online shopping because it ensures customer safety, secures

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 53
Catanauan, Quezon

customers' personal data of transactions, and they harmoniously communicate with those

customers about their purchases; however, issues may arise (e.g., payment issues,

location issues, damaged products, and others) and consumers are satisfied in their online

purchases. And the most popular online shopping application among all applications and

websites is Shopee followed by Lazada. Of course, when ordering online, we must pay

in our own preferred options, and the majority of respondents preferred Cash on delivery

and digital mobile wallet (e.g., Gcash) as the most popular payment options.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 54
Catanauan, Quezon


Based on the conclusion and data that were gathered, the researchers have arrived

for the following recommendations:

A. Simplify Your Customer's Experience

Customer experience is critical in convincing online buyers to stay on a website and

make a purchase choice. Sustain and enhanced website is a exact client touch point that

should be made user-friendly and simple so that online shoppers can easily locate what

they are looking for. It is critical that website loads quickly regardless of the device

through which it is accessed. Additionally, ensure that customers can easily explore your

website. Make sure the checkout procedure is quick and straightforward, with no gaps.

Customers should not be forced to navigate the website and should be able to acquire

what they want in a matter of a few clicks. Put yourself in the shoes of the customer and

optimize the online shopping experience to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

B. Always be willing to assist individuals.

Customers want immediate and efficient customer service at all times, without having to

wait. They want firms to be available to them 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With

this in mind, live chat is an excellent approach to communicate with online customers in

real time and assist them with their needs. Communicating with customers also allows

firms to better understand their needs and provide a more personalized service.

Purchasing decisions are influenced by how customers perceive they are being treated.

Responding quickly to clients and resolving their issues helps them feel appreciated and
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 55
Catanauan, Quezon

develops your relationship with them. Speaking with online customers also aids in

understanding current trends and identifies opportunities for development.

C. Product Recommendation Based on Preference

Understanding client behavior allows a company to provide a remarkable purchasing

experience. The amount of time a prospect has spent on the website, the search queries,

and the website and product he/she is looking at are all critical pieces of information for

presenting a personalized experience. This enables a company to recommend appealing

personalized products based on their known preferences. Similarly, for returning

consumers, profiles can be developed that provide insight into their preferences, allowing

the experience to be modified accordingly. Recommending products based on previous

purchases is not only an efficient marketing tactic, but also a crucial step toward

improving the customer experience provided by online shops.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 56
Catanauan, Quezon



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Kala, D. Chaubey, D. S. (July, 2018) Impact of Product Presentation on Purchase
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satisfaction and loyalty moderating effect of ecommerce experience. Cogent
The pros and cons of online shopping in the Philippines (2022).
Top 100 online Shopping site in the Philippines (Nov.29,2022). GritPH.
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Determinants on Customer Satisfaction in the Serbian Market.Journal of
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 59
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Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 14(2)

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 60
Catanauan, Quezon





Dear Fellow students:

As part of our requirements in the course, Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration, Business research subject, we are conducting a survey aimed to find out

the reasons why the respondents preferred online shopping instead of purchasing to

physical stores. We seek your cooperation in answering below survey questions. All data

and information obtained will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

PART I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents.

Direction: Below are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age

and gender. Kindly put a check (√) which corresponds to your answer.

Age: Sex:

15- 18 years old ( ) Male ( )

19- 21 years old ( ) Female ( )

22- 24 years old ( )

25 years and above ( )

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 61
Catanauan, Quezon

Part II. Products that are most commonly purchased in online shopping.

Direction: Below are the products that are most commonly purchased in online

shopping. Kindly put a check (√) which corresponds to your answers.

( ) Fashion and Beauty

( ) Electronics and Physical Media

( ) Food and Personal Care

( ) Furniture and Appliances

( ) Toys, DIY and Hobbies

( ) Travel and Accommodation

( ) Digital Music

( ) Video Games

Others : _________________________

Part III. Reasons for preference in online shopping.

DIRECTION: Below are the statements that describe the reasons for preference in

online shopping in terms of convenient, Quality of Ecommerce Website Features,

Presentation of product, Safety, and satisfaction. Using the scale below, kindly rate

the following items regarding your preference in online shopping.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 62
Catanauan, Quezon

4- Strongly Disagree

3- Agree

2- Disagree

1- Strongly Disagree


4 3.26 – 4.00 SA Strongly Agree

3 2.51 – 3.21 A Agree

2 1.76 – 2.50 D Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.75 SD Strongly Disagree

3.1 Convenience

Indicators 1 2 3 4

Online shopping saves time and efforts.

Online shopping is hassle-free as it can be done

from the comfort of your home.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 63
Catanauan, Quezon

Online shopping provides a wide variety and

range of available product.

Online shopping gives good discounts and

lower prices.

Online shopping gives multiple choices of

products to compare the models and brands that

the customers preferred.

3.2 Quality of E-commerce Website Features

Indicators 1 2 3 4

Websites should have a user-friendly design and

mobile friendly features

Quality ecommerce websites provides multiple

Payment Options.

Websites features include the customers or user

reviews as feedback.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 64
Catanauan, Quezon

Online shops should have 24/7 customer


Websites provides online tracking number on

shipping the products.

3.3 Presentation of product

Indicators 1 2 3 4

The product packaging is presented with colors

with images.

Materials of the packaging are tick and not easily


There are printed product description and

information on how to use the product in the


Packaging has innovative designs that align on the

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 65
Catanauan, Quezon

current trends.

Products that used eco-friendly materials and

content on their packaging.

3.4 Safety

Indicators 1 2 3 4

Being aware about the personal data insecurity in

online shopping.

Being aware in transaction insecurities; like issues

in payment, location and others with the online


Being aware on choosing products because there

is low quality of ordered goods online due to

unavailability to physically see the product online.

Communication problems in contact with the

online- shops.

Delivery problems such as inaccurate addressed

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 66
Catanauan, Quezon

3.5 Satisfaction

Indicators 1 2 3 4

Happy in the overall product delivery.

Receiving a good quality of the products.

Contentment with the perceived security.

Products have adequate products information.

Enjoyment with the variety product available


Part IV. What are the most preferred online shopping sites used?

Direction: Below are the most preferred online shopping sites used. Kindly put a

check (√) which corresponds to your answers.

( ) Lazada

( ) Shopee

( ) Metrodeal

( ) EBay

( ) Globe online shopping

( ) Zalora Philippines

( ) Fb market place
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 67
Catanauan, Quezon

( ) TikTok shops

( ) BeautyMNL

( ) Shein

PART V- Most preferred modes of payment used in online shopping.

Direction: Below are the modes of payment used in online shopping. Kindly put a

check (√) which corresponds to your answer.

( ) Credit Cards: VISA, Mastercard, American Express.

( ) Digital/Mobile Wallet: Grabpay, Bitpay, PayPal,, DragonPay, Paymaya,


( ) Cash on Delivery (COD)

( ) Mobile Contactless Payments

( ) Direct Debits.

( ) Over-the-counter (OTC) Payments.

( ) QR Codes.

( ) Bank transfer


Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 68
Catanauan, Quezon


December 27, 2022

Dear Ma’am/ Sir:

We are seeking your time and cooperation to help us improve the BSBA program
of MSEUF, Catanauan and altogether maintain the college good standing by honestly
answering this survey.

Rest assured that all the data to be gathered in this paper will be solely used for
policy-making and be treated with utmost confidentiality following the provisions of the
R.A 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,

De Ramos, Mark Andrei

Encinas, Ria May
Galope, Gexter
Peñalosa, Jellymay
Punto, James
Ruby, Maika-Rica

Noted by:

Mr. Sebastian A. Coronacion

Head, College of Business
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 69
Catanauan, Quezon




This is to certify that the thesis of De Ramos, Mark Andrei., Encinas,

Rea May., Galope, Gexter., Ignacio, James., Peñalosa, Jellymay and Ruby,

Maika-Rica, entitled “The Consumers Preferences in Online Shopping of the BSBA

Students in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation-Catanuan.” has been treated

statistically by the undersigned.

Issue upon the request of De Ramos, Mark Andrei., Encinas, Rea

may., Galope, Gexter., Ignacio, James., Peñalosa, Jellymay and Ruby, Maika-Rica,

this December day of 27th ,2022 for reference purposes.


Secondary School Teacher
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 70
Catanauan, Quezon




This is to certify that the thesis of De Ramos, Mark Andrei., Encinas,

Rea May., Galope, Gexter., Ignacio, James., Peñalosa, Jellymay and Ruby,

Maika-Rica, entitled “The Consumers Preferences in Online Shopping of the BSBA

Students in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation-Catanuan.” has been reviewed

and edited by the undersigned.

Issue upon the request of De Ramos, Mark Andrei., Encinas, Rea

may., Galope, Gexter., Ignacio, James., Peñalosa, Jellymay and Ruby, Maika-Rica,

this December day of 27th ,2022 for reference purposes.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 71
Catanauan, Quezon



Mark Andrei L. De Ramos is currently a third-year student of Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration major in Human Resources and Development

Management at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Catanauan, Inc. He lives in

Brgy. 7 Catanauan, Quezon. He graduated Senior High School at Parochial School of

Catanauan Inc. year 2019. His research study dealt with “The Consumer Preferences in

Online Shopping of the BSBA Students in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation-

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 72
Catanauan, Quezon


Ria May S. Encinas is currently a fourth-year student of Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration major in Human Resources and Development Management

at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Catanauan, Inc. She lives in Brgy. Del

Pilar Capalogan, Camarines Norte. She graduated Senior High School at Victoria

J.Tuacar National High School, year 2018 Her research study dealt with “The

Consumer Preferences in Online Shopping of the BSBA Students in Manuel S. Enverga

University Foundation- Catanauan.”

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 73
Catanauan, Quezon



Gexter Chad P. Galope is currently a fourth-year student of Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration major in Human Resources and Development

Management at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Catanauan, Inc. He lives in

Brgy. 7 Catanauan, Quezon. He graduated High School at Parochial of Catanauan Inc.

year 2012. His research study dealt with “The Consumer Preferences in Online

Shopping of the BSBA Students in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation-

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 74
Catanauan, Quezon


Jellymay Penalosa is currently a third year college student of Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration-Major in Human Resource and Development

Management at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Catanauan, Inc. She lives in

Brgy. Busok-busokan, San Narciso, Quezon. She graduated Senior High School at St.

Joseph’s High School San Narciso, Quezon, SY 2018-2019. She attended various

seminars related to Business Management such as 21st EdukCircle International

Convention on Business and 25th EdukCircle International Convention on Business. Her

research study dealt with “The Consumer Preferences in Online Shopping of the BSBA

Students in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation- Catanauan.”

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 75
Catanauan, Quezon


Maika-Rica P. Ruby is currently a third-year student of Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration major in Human Resources and Development

Management at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Catanauan, Inc. She lives in

Brgy. 09 Catanauan, Quezon.Her research study dealt with “The Consumer Preferences

in Online Shopping of the BSBA Students in Manuel S. Enverga University

Foundation- Catanauan.”
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 76
Catanauan, Quezon



James Francis B. Punto is currently a fourth-year student of Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration major in Human Resources and Development

Management at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Catanauan, Inc. He lives in

Brgy. Madulao Catanauan, Quezon. He graduated High School at Alternative Learning

System year 2018-2019. His research study dealt with “The Consumer Preferences in

Online Shopping of the BSBA Students in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation-

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 77
Catanauan, Quezon


Part 1. Products that are most preferred to buy online of the respondents.

Image Merchandise Rank Percentage

Fashion and Beauty( e.g., 1 33%


,cap,accessories, and


blush on and other)

Electronics and Physical Media 4 7%

(e.g., gadgets)

Food and Personal Care 2 28%

(e.g.,Groceries;ready to eat

food, processed food, and

personal care product: shower

products such as body wash,

shampoo and other hygiene

product that is necessary to

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 78
Catanauan, Quezon

Furniture and Appliances (e.g., 5 4%

furniture; chair tables, bed, and

appliances; refrigerator, electric


Toys, DIY and Hobbies(e.g., 3 15%

barbie dolls , yarns for stitching

and materials for specific

hobbies like motor parts,

materials for painting; school

supplies and others)

Travel and Accommodation 6 3%

(e.g., transportation tickets,

hotels and other

accommodation reservations)
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 79
Catanauan, Quezon

Digital Music(e.g., Spotify, 6 3%

apple music, iTunes)

Videogames 4 7%

(e.g., sandbox, Real-time

strategy (RTS), Shooters (FPS

and TPS), Multiplayer online

battle arena (MOBA), Mobile

legends (ML)
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 80
Catanauan, Quezon

Part 2. Most Preferred online shopping application by the respondents.

Images Applications Ranks Percentage

Lazada 2 26%

shopee 1 32%

Metrodeal 7 1%

Ebay 8 1%

Globe 8 1%

Zalora 5 4%

Facebook marketplace 6 3%
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 81
Catanauan, Quezon

Tiktok 3 18%

BeautyMNL 8 1%

Shein 4 11%

Instagram 8 1%

Bonchok book store 8 1%

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. 82
Catanauan, Quezon

Part 3. Most preferred modes of payment by the respondents.

Modes of payment Rank Percentage

Credit card 0 0%

Digital mobile wallet 2 10%

Cash on delivery 1 90%

Mobile Contact less 0 0%


Direct debits 0 0%

Over the counter 0 0%

QR codes 0 0%

Bank transfer 0 0%

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