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Clinical Manifestations of Prostate Cancer

1. Urinary Obstruction
- A prostate tumor that has grown significantly in size may start po to press on now on
your bladder and urethra. Alam naman po natin na ang urethra is yun yung passage that
carries the urine na galing sa bladder out of the body. If yung tumor is prinepress niya
yung urethra, magkakaroon ng difficulty of passing urine.
2. Sexual Dysfunction
- So, libido (sex drive), mechanical ability, orgasm/climax, and ejaculate are the four
main components of erectile dysfunction that may be affected by prostate cancer
- Erectile dysfunction, ito yung inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for
satisfactory sexual intercourse. Corporal tissue fibrosis can lead to the development of
venous leak from the penis and the inability to maintain erectile rigidity.
3. Back, chest, and hip pain
- Alam naman natin na ang back pain is a symptom of the illness, hindi siya laging
caused ng prostate cancer.
- Kapag yung prostate cancer ay nareach na yung end stages, yung mga cancer cells ay
magsisimula ng magspread to other parts of the body. This metastasis can now affect
the bones of the spine, ribs, and hips as well.
4. Hematuria
- Patients who are newly diagnosed of prostate cancer notices blood in their urine. This
may be cause by bleeding in the prostate. Kapag yung cancer nag overgrow it causes
symptoms such as urinary infection and difficulty of voiding.
5. Loss of control bladder
- Because the cancer already damages the nerves and muscles that control when the
patient urinates. We all know that nerves and muscles are the one who make our body
move as we want and also control functions.
- Affected na yung nerves and muscles na nagcocontrol ng urinary function.
Risk Factor
1. Age: commonly risk factor po ang age sa prostate cancer. Older man has the greater chance
of getting prostate cancer. Because prostate cancer often grows po very slowly that is why
older people are often more likely to die of other causes before it becomes a threat.
2. Eating habits: Those patient po na mahilig sa red meat, dairy products and animal fat have
frequently been connected with the development of prostate cancer. Because of their effects
on testosterone and other hormones.
3. Race and Family History: Man are at increased risk for getting or dying from prostate
cancer if he is African-American or have a family history of prostate cancer. Hereditary
prostate cancer occurs when changes in genes, or mutations, are passed down within a
family from 1 generation to the next.
4. Hormone: Androgen stimulate prostate cancer cells to grow. The main androgens in the
body are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. It is a risk factor kasi po ang hormone ay
nagcacause ng mabilisang pagmultiply and pagspread ng cancer sa katawan.

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