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Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 50 (Weightage 70%)

1. Discuss the nature and significance of business environment and state how
environment is affected by business.
2. Explain the various economic and non-economic factors of business environment.
3. "Business environment and business operations influence each other." Elaborate
by giving suitable examples.
4. What are ecological issues? How are ecological issues relevant to business
environment in India?
5. Define economic development. Explain briefly different indicators of economic
6. Define and differentiate between economic Growth and Economic Development.
Discuss the primary and sub goals of Economic Development.
7. What do you mean by mixed economy? Why Indian economy is called mixed
economy? Explain its directive principles in India. How did it help in the
economic development of India?
8. Explain the major export promotion measures initiated by the Government of
9. How is industrial sickness defined in India? What steps have been taken to tackle
this problem?
10.State the indicators of industrial sickness. Describe its causes.
11.State the meaning and types of joint ventures. Describe their advantages and
12.What is meant by fiscal policy? Explain the objectives and importance of Fiscal
Policy. What are its tools?
13.What was the need for New Economic Policy? Discuss the major elements of New
Economic Policy adopted by the Govt. of India.
14.Discuss the progress made and the problems faced in the implementation of New
Economic Policy, 1991.
15.What is meant by monetary policy? Discuss the main objectives of monetary
policy. Describe various instruments of monetary policy in India.
16.What is economic planning? Highlight the major achievements of economic
planning in India.
17.State the meaning and components of macro-economic policy.
18.Define the significance of small scale sector in Indian economy. Discuss various
promotional schemes/policies of the government for the development of small
scale industries.
19.What is the importance of foreign capital in economic and industrial
development? Describe briefly various types of foreign capital.
20.Define the term Balance of Payment and explain its components. Distinguish
between Current account and Capital account of Balance of Payments.
21.Describe the causes of Balance of Payments deficits. What are the measures
adopted to solve the problem of deficit in Balance of Payment?
22.What do you mean by foreign direct investment? Describe briefly the
characteristics of foreign direct investment. Explain the two forms of portfolio
investment in India.
23.What is meant by consumer rights? State the rights and responsibilities of
consumers defined under Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
24.What are the main causes of industrial disputes? Describe briefly statutory and
non-statutory measures for resolving them.
25.What is WTO? State the major objectives of WTO. Describe its various
26.What is Exim Bank? State the role of EXIM Bank in India's foreign trade.
Explain its various lending programmes.
27.Explain the concept of collective bargaining. What are different types of
collective bargaining agreements? Discuss the pre - requisites for collective
28.Explain the concept of money supply in India. What instruments of monetary
policy are used by Reserve Bank of India?
29.Explain the mechanism of exchange rate determination. Discuss the three types
of roles of Reserve Bank of India in regulating the financial activities and
economic development of India.
30.What do you mean by globalisation? Discuss the various components of
globalisation. Explain the merits of globalisation from the point of view of India's
economic development.

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