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Submitted By: Jeffrey V. Rufin BPA 2B

Submitted to: Prof Diana Dela Cruz

1. Give some of the discipline imposed and the grounds for disciplinary action given to public
personnel? and explain each.

For wrongdoing or breaking laws and regulations, public employees in the Philippines may face a
variety of disciplinary proceedings. Public employees may be subject to a variety of disciplinary
measures, including:

-Reprimand: A warning delivered orally or in writing to a public employee for a minor transgression or
infraction of a rule or regulation. This is the most lenient type of punishment.

-Suspension: The temporary termination of employment without pay for a more serious infraction or
contravention of a law or regulation.

- Demotion: The reduction in rank, grade, or position of an employee as retribution for a major
infraction or contravention of a rule or regulation.

- Dismissal: The termination of an employee's job as a sanction for a major infraction or contravention of a
rule or regulation. This is the harshest type of punishment.

- Fine: A monetary penalty imposed on an employee for a minor offense or violation of a rule or regulation.

- Benefit forfeiture: The deprivation of some rights or privileges as retribution for a significant crime or
infraction of a law or norm.

2. If you are the authorized officer, would you implement "due process" to your personnel or
subordinates in case of misconduct, Why or why not? Explain your answer.

I would apply due process to my staff or subordinates in the event of wrongdoing as an authorized official.
A key principle known as due process guarantees fairness and justice in any disciplinary action taken
against a worker. An employee must be given notice of the allegations against them, a chance to be heard,
and a neutral and unbiased tribunal to decide the issue in order to get due process.
I would uphold the rule of law and respect my staff or subordinates' rights if I implemented due
process. It also assists in making sure that any disciplinary punishment is justified by the evidence
and is in line with the offense committed. Due process can also shield me as the designated officer
from any legal challenges, charges of power abuse, or claims of unfair treatment.

In conclusion, upholding the rule of law, promoting accountability, and maintaining the
integrity of the disciplinary process all depend on the implementation of due process.

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