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Lokesh Polineni

Parvathipuram, Andhra Pradesh, 535502 | |

Nxtwave Disruptive Technologies Jun ’00 - Ongoing
Industry Ready Certification in Full-stack Development
Gayathri Degree College, Parvathipuram 2017 - 2021
BSc (Bachelor of Science)_Mathematics (7.0 CGPA)
Vasavi Junior College, Parvathipuram 2015 - 2017
Intermediate_MPC (77.8%)
ZPHIGH School , Gunanupuram 2014 - 2015
Secondary School Of Certificate (8.2 CGPA)

Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React.js
Backend: Python, Express, Node.js
Databases: SQLite *courses yet to be completed

Tourism Website (
Developed tourism website where users can browse through the content, videos and images of popular
● Implemented mobile friendly layout using different HTML block, inline elements, and Styled using
CSS3 properties such as background, flex, and CSS box model properties.
● Implemented multiple images of a particular destination in a carousel using bootstrap carousel and
virtual tour videos using bootstrap embed component.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Food Munch(
Developed a responsive website for Food Store where users can see a list of food items, detailed information
about a food item, offers
● Designed page using following HTML structure elements like li, header, article, footer elements and
different bootstrap components to show different sections in the website and different bootstrap classes
for responsiveness through mobile-first approach.
● Implemented product youtube videos by using bootstrap embed and model components
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Insta Share (Instagram Clone) (

Implemented responsive Streaming Application like Instagram Clone where users can log in and see a list of
stories and posts, user can also search posts with post caption, user can be able to like and dislike the post and
also view the user specific posts.
● Implemented different routes for features like login, home, user profile, profile by using React Router
components Route, Switch, Link.
● Implemented horizontal scrolling (In stories section) using React Third Party library called React Slick.
● Used Figma mockups to implement UI-rich and pixel-perfect React components.
● Used fetch to call REST APIs for authentication, list of posts, user profile, and posts search APIs.
● Implemented username and password authentication and persisted login state using client storage.
● Implemented a protected route to ensure only authenticated users can access the pages like user profile,
Home, etc.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, Bootstrap, React Slick, Figma, client storage.

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