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Nilai F hitung = 86,1596 F table = (3 ; (80-3)) = (3 ; 77)

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F table = 2,76

Evidence for Practice

Public managers can use knowledge of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) to stem negative behaviors and enhance positive
workplace behaviors. For example, practitioners can influence lower turnover rates, lower rates of absence, and higher workplace trust.
Public managers should focus on cultivating positive environments for OCB. This research suggests that employee characteristics such
as job satisfaction and organizational characteristics such as organizational justice are important levers for increasing OCB in the public
Public managers can also learn how OCB can be increased by focusing on trust, organizational identification, and psychological
empowerment. (de Geus et al., 2020)

Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior

High employee satisfaction is important to managers who believe that ‘‘an organization has a responsibility to provide employees with jobs that
are challenging and intrinsically rewarding’’ (Robbins, 2001).
Golbasi et al., (2008) defined job satisfaction as an emotional reaction and behavioural expression to a job that results from individual
assessment of his or her work achievement, office environment and work life. According toLocke (1969), job satisfaction is defined as “the
pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job as achieving or facilitating the achievement of one’s job values.” Price and
Mueller (1981) pointed out that job satisfaction has an indirect influence on turnover through its direct influence on formation of intent to
Organ (1977) published a reappraisal of the logic behind the satisfaction-performance relationship, linking it to social exchange theory, in
which performance is regarded as an appropriate form of exchange to the firm in reciprocation for job satisfaction experienced by an employee
(Organ, 1977). Thus, individuals with higher levels of job satisfaction exhibit more of the pro-social, OCB (Bateman and Organ, 1983). Kim
(2006) asserts that employees who enjoy a higher level of job satisfaction will exhibit a higher level of OCB. Following this rationale, it is
expected that job satisfaction will have a positive relationship with teachers’ citizenship behaviour and hypothesis below is proposed:
Hypothesis 1: Job satisfaction significantly affects teachers’ willingness to exhibit organizational citizenship
behavior. (Tharikh et al., 2016)
Conceptual Framework
From a number of previous research studies based on cases, objects and research analysis units, the previous research as a reference for this
research are as follows:
1) Perceived organizational support (X1) influences performance (Y), based on research results: Afzali, et al, (2014), Arshadi et al, (2013), Xin
Guan et al, (2014). Where Perceived organizational support has a positive and significant effect on performance both partially and
2) Organizational commitment (X2) influences performance (Y), based on research results: Gabriela, Kolibačova (2014) and Limakrisna, N.,
Noor, ZZ, & Ali, H (2016), where organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on performance both partially and
3) Organizational citizenship behavior (X3) influences performance (Y), based on research results: Chelagat et al, (2015), Basu et al, (2017),
Al-Mahasneh (2015), Mallick et al, (2014), and Khazaei et al, (2011), where Organizational citizenship behavior has a positive and significant
effect on performance both partially and simultaneously.
From previous theoretical and research studies and based on the research objectives, this research framework is as below.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
Based on the research objectives and theoretical review, the research hypotheses are:
1) There is an effect of perceived organizational support on employee performance
2) There is an influence of organizational commitment on employee performance;
3) There is an influence of organizational citizenship behavior on employee performance; and
4) There is an effect of perceived organizational support, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior
simultaneously on employee performance.


Based on the results and discussion, the conclusions of
this study are:
1. There is a perceived organizational support effect on the performance of SPMI employees of Private Universities in West Sumatra. Where
the perceived dimensions of organizational support that predominantly affect employee performance is the supervisor support dimension
measured by indicators of welfare care. This indicates that supervisor support or supervisor support is needed by employees to pay attention
to employee welfare. The support of superiors who pay attention to welfare will ultimately affect the performance of SPMI employees of
private universities in West Sumatra.
2. There is an influence of organizational commitment to the performance of SPMI employees of Private Universities in West Sumatra. Where
the most dominant dimensions of organizational commitment affect employee performance is the normative commitment dimension
measured by loyalty indicators. This indicates that normative commitment as measured by high employee loyalty to the organization is very
important and needed in improving the performance of SPMI employees of private universities in West Sumatra.
3. There is an influence of organizational citizenship behavior on the performance of SPMI employees of Private Universities in West Sumatra.
Where the dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior that predominantly affect employee performance is the dimension of
conscientiousness as measured by indicators of job completion. This indicates that conscientiousness as measured by being able to complete
work ahead of schedule or above standards is very important and necessary in improving the performance of SPMI employees of private
universities in West Sumatra.
4. There is the effect of Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
simultaneously on the performance of SPMI employees of Private Universities in West Sumatra.

Based on the results of the conclusions and the previous discussion on how to improve the performance of SPMI employees of Private
Universities in West Sumatra, suggestions that might be useful as follows:

1. In an effort to remind the performance of SPMI employees of private universities in West Sumatra, management needs to improve OCB with
the Conscientiousness dimension and indicators of completing work ahead of schedule and still improve other latent variables namely
Perceived Organizational Support, commitment and competence that affect employee performance.
2. It is recommended for other researchers who want to conduct research with a similar theme to add some variables that can affect employee
performance, such as organizational culture, organizational climate and career development, and for other researchers to expand the object of
research not only to Private Universities in West Sumatra but can be done at other universities with wider scope of area. (Ridwan et al., 2020)
At this stage, there is a need to explain the OCB dimensions, and past studies relevant to each of these, as well as
explaining the extent to which they are related to OCB. In order to further understanding of each dimension, the paper
will discuss each in turn.

2.3.1 Altruism
According to Organ (1991), altruism involves helping colleagues and employees to perform their duties in unusual
circumstances, or in a manner that goes beyond expectations. Todd (2003) defined altruism as the willingness to
assist, or the devotion of an employee towards other colleagues and the organization. Altruism is known as one of the
dimensions of OCB. People with the trait of altruism provide help when needed by colleagues, such as in times of
high workload or colleague absence, or to aid new employees to adapt to new work environments (Paré et al., 2000).
Accordingly, based again on Organ (1997), the benefits of altruism is for individuals-directed behavior; moreover,
altruism promotes employee efficiency (Yen & Niehoff, 2004), encourages cooperation between employees, and
enhances team working (Islam et al., 2012). Islam et al. (2012) stated that OCB and altruism involve a deep
2.3.2 Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers in relation to OCB (Borman et al., 2001).
Conscientiousness, as outlined by Organ (1991), is a behavior that goes beyond the specific requirements of an
organization. Redman and Snape(2005) defined conscientiousness in relation to voluntary behaviors to go beyond job
requirements, and which may not be seen by anyone. Based on Konovsky and Organ (1996), there is a meaningful
relationship between conscientiousness and all components of OCB. Conscientious employees tend to be more
informed and to have more updated information about products and services offered (Yen & Niehoff, 2004).
Conscientious people, in fact, deliver benefits to the organization (Organ, 1997). It seems that conscientiousness is the
best means by which to promote work efficiency. King et al. (2005) explained that in theory, conscience is something
like a lamp that illuminates the direction of desired target behaviors; thus, conscientiousness may be an important
dimension of OCB.
2.3.3 Sportsmanship
Sportsmanship is a citizen-like posture of tolerating the inevitable inconveniences and impositions of work, without
complaining or indicating grievances (Modassir & Singh, 2008). Sportsmanship, civic virtue and conscientiousness
have been grouped into organization-directed behavior, and the positive relationship between each of them and OCB
has been supported in previous research (Williams & Anderson, 1991).
2.3.4 Courtesy
Courtesy involves treating others with respect, preventing problems by keeping others informed of one’s decisions and
actions that may affect them, and passing along information to those who may find it useful (Modassir & Singh,
2008). Altruism and courtesy have been grouped into individual-directed behavior, and the positive relationship
between each of them and OCB has also been supported (Williams & Anderson, 1991).
2.3.5 Civic virtue
Civic virtue refers to behaviors that display a responsible concern for the wellbeing and image of an organization
(Redman & Snape, 2005). Borman et al. (2001) stated that civic virtue relates to individual behaviors that show an
employee is responsibly concerned about the life of the organization, and is willing to participate in it.
There is a significant relationship between conscientiousness and civic virtue (Konovsky & Organ, 1996). A study
conducted by Coole(2003) revealed that civic virtue is more restricted in related to organizational effectiveness, as, for
instance, the more effective the organization, the more chances there are for this behavior to emerge. As noted by
Baker (2005), in the political processes of the organization, the behavior of civic virtue has a responsible and
productive role.


According to the findings, the most significant dimensions of OCB can be highlighted to managers in the Iranian
healthcare industry. All of the five dimensions of OCB have a positive relationship with OCB: altruism and courtesy
can be grouped under individual-directed behavior, while sportsmanship, civic virtue and conscientiousness fall into
organization-directed behavior. Based on the results, employees in the Iranian healthcare industry participate in
both individual- and organization-directed behavior. For individual-directed behavior, managers should motivate and
inject a sense of courtesy among employees in the Iranian healthcare industry; for organization-directed behavior,
managers should encourage a sense of sportsmanship and conscientiousness. In conclusion, based on the results and
the model used in this study, there are two significant dimensions for OCB in the Iranian healthcare industry: civic
virtue and altruism -- malekalketab

DDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"efSxmumw","properties":

{"formattedCitation":"(MalekalketabKhiabani, 2014)","plainCitation":"(MalekalketabKhiabani,
{"id":290,"type":"article-journal","abstract":"The article aims to identify the key factors of organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB) in the Iranian healthcare industry. The authors take a quantitative approach based on a survey
involving 152 questionnaires. The respondents were employees of sixhealthcare centers in Tehran, Iran. Correlation
tests and standard, stepwise regression analyses were conducted to test the research questions. Organizational
citizenship behavior is a component of job performance and vital for the development of an industry. It is a function
of five dimensions: altruism, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, courtesy and civic virtue. The findings show that all
dimensions have a positive relationship with OCB; civic virtue is the most salient dimension, with a 0.405 coefficient
beta. The paper is useful to organizational-behaviorpractitioners and academics. It provides some initial insights for
managers in the Iranian healthcare industry by encouraging employees’ engagement in OCB.","container-
title":"International Journal of Research in
Management","issue":"4","language":"en","page":"12","source":"Zotero","title":"Identifying the Key Factors of
Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Healthcare Industry: Iran Perspective","volume":"4","author":
[{"family":"MalekalketabKhiabani","given":"Mohsen"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://"} (MalekalketabKhiabani, 2014).

Recently, OCB has started to receive attention from the scholars, hence increasing the number of publications. The
subject area analysis indicated that the concerns of management are the main attention in OCB trend, where the
followings are the top five ranking of subject area as analysed from Scopus: Business, Management, and Accounting
(1, 555 articles), Social Sciences (305 articles), Psychology (823 articles), Social Sciences (773 articles), Economics,
Econometrics, and Finance (229 articles), as well as Arts and Humanities (200 articles). Although major concerns are
in management and social sciences field, the topic of OCB can be in multidisciplinary area as well. This can be seen
when a number of publications (130 articles) was published in the area of Nursing, Medicine, and Health Professions.
Besides, OCB was discussed in the field of Sciences as well, where 170 articles were published in the area of
Environmental Sciences, Computer Science, as well as Agricultural and Biological Sciences. This proved that OCB is
not only essential in management field, it might be important for employees in health sector and Sciences field as

There were 2, 356 research articles published in 31 years. Figure 2 shows the growth of publication. The first research
in OCB was in 1988 (Dalton and Cosier, 1988) and there was no published research until 1989. From 1995 onwards,
the number of publications in OCB has been increasing steadily. It is believed that the research works on this topic
were active since 1995. The annual growth rate increased rapidly in 2002 when the number of publications was almost
five times more than the publications in 1995. The increasing number of publications has resulted in the increased
number of cumulative total publications. From 2006 to 2019, the number of publications of OCB has rapidly and
significantly increased. Therefore, it is believed that the attention on OCB publications will increase in future. It is
suggested that more research works should have public access for the reference of future researchers. As of 2019, only
7.7% (182 research articles) had public access for readers.

The top 15 productive authors in the research area of OCB are listed in Table 2, whom currently attached to seven
countries as follows: United States (8), Canada (1), Israel (2), Australia (1), UK (1), Pakistan (1), and India (1). The
leading authors’ first publication ranged between the years of 1990 to 2011, in which more than half (10) of them were
first author, and five of them were second author. As shown in the column of affiliations, it can be seen that OCB is
often discussed in the field of business and management, only minority of the authors were from the fields of
Psychology, Education, and Political Science.
The top three leading authors were from United States. Bachrach, D.G. was the first leading author from University of
Alabama, with a record of 15 publications since 2000, 666 times of citations, and with 13 h-index. Followed by
Bolino, M.C. from The University of Oklahoma, a total of 15 publications (1999-2019), 12 h-index, as well as higher
number of citations than the first leading author (2, 209). Four authors (5th, 6th, 10th and 12th) were affiliated to the
same university, which are University of Haifa (5th and 6th) and Michigan State University (10th and 12th). It was
discovered that the trend of OCB has been gradually increased since 2000, where Bachrach, D.G.’s article was the
first published in the same year. Although these are top 15 productive and leading authors in OCB publications, it
should be noted that their names are not necessarily appeared in Table 1, under the column of most cited articles.
Their names would only be found in Table 1 and Table 2 if they have published actively, such as the author Podsakoff,

The discussion and analysis explained an outline of organizational citizenship behaviour growth based on 2, 356
related studies in Scopus database. Since the year 2000 till current year, the growth of OCB has been increasing
rapidly as OCB is recognized as one of the contributors of performance in organizations. The analysis indicated that
the United States and China were the leading countries in OCB research area. The United States was also the most
affiliated country in this research area. Other countries such as Sri Lanka and Morocco are recommended to have
international collaboration with leading affiliated countries to broaden their research scopes. OCB was active in the
management and business area. It was discovered that ‘Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Environment’ (OCBE)
was new area in examining OCB. The OCBE area has the potential to become hot topic in future because because
OCBE could promote the sustainability of organizations, which is one of the hot issue in this era. (Gan and Halimah
Mohd Yusof, 2020)
Distribusi aitem Kuisioner Kepuasan Kerja :




1 Kepuasan Kepuasan kerja adalah Kuisioner Skor 1. Activity

Kerja persepsi subjektif dari dengan skala 1-4 2. Independence
pekerjaan seseorang dan Likert 3. Variety
didefinisikan sebagai 4. Moral Status
perilaku organisasi 5. Social status
berdasarkan peran individu 6. Authority
dan tingkat efisiensinya 7. Security
dalam organisasi. (Snarr 8. Social service
and Krochalk, 1996). 9. Ability utilization
10. Human relation
11. Advancement
12. Achievement
13. Compensation
14. Creativity
15. Co-workers
16. Ressponsibilit
17. Technical
18. Recognitions
19. Working
20. CompanyPolices
and practise

Weiss,dkk (1967)
2 Budaya Schein mendefinisikan Kuisioner Skor 1-4 1. Perhatian terhadap
Organisasi budaya organisasi sebagai dengan skala hal
asumsi dasar tentang Likert yang detail
bagaimana dunia ini dan 2. Keberanian
sekelompok orang-orang berinovasi
yang saling berbagi Dan mengambil
persepsi, pikiran, resiko
perasaan, dan, perilaku 3. Berorientasi pada
mereka (Schein, 1980) kemanusiaan
4. Berorientasi pada
5. Berfokus pada
6. Stabilitas.
7. Agresivitas
Dalam berkarya

Ancok (2012)
3 Organizational Definisi OCB telah Kuisioner Skor 1-4 1. Alturism
Citizenship berkembang seiring dengan skala 2. Sportmanship
Behavior dengan penggunaannya. Likert 3. Courtesy
(OCB) Organ menulis definisi 4. Civic Virtue
formatif OCB itu, 5. Conscentiousness
“Individual behaviour that
is discretionary, not Organ (2006)
explicitly recognized by
the formal reward system,
and that in the aggregate
promotes the effective
functioning of the
organization” Artinya,
perilaku individu yang
bersifat diskresioner, tidak
diakui secara eksplisit oleh
sistem penghargaan
formal, dan secara agregat
mempromosikan fungsi
efektif organisasi (Organ,
4 Kinerja Lebas & Euske (2004) Kuisioner Skor 1-4 1. Pengkajian
Perawat menawarkan definisi dengan skala 2. Diagnosis
kinerja yang lebih Likert 3. Perencanaan
komprehensif, yaitu: 4. Pelaksanaan
“Performance is the sum 5. Evaluasi
of all processes that will
lead managers to taking Depkes (2005)
appropriate actions in the
present that will create a
performing organization
in the future (i.e., one that
is effective and efficient)”.
Artinya kinerja adalah
sekumpulan proses yang
mendorong seorang
manajer untuk mengambil
tindakan yang tepat pada
hari ini sehingga mampu
menghasilkan performansi
organisasi di masa yang
akan datang (yakni
efektivitas dan efisiensi

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