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Engineering Measurement (BLD60208)

Assignment 2

Assignment Learning Outcome

1. Make use of the appropriate software as a tool to complement their skills and knowledge
in their discipline of study for example in the preparation of Bills of Quantities, Estimating,
Tendering, Progress Payments, and preparation of Final Accounts.

Project Requirement: -

A group of students is required to develop 3D models based on a real construction building, and
prepare measurement, bill of quantities and an analysis report in this assignment.

A. Prepare 3D models by using Autodesk Revit for architecture and structural components listed
below: -

Architectural components & structural components

i. Walls & Wall Finishes

ii. Roof Structure & Roof Coverings
iii. Floor Finishes & Ceiling Finishes
iv. External Finishes & other architectural works
v. Beams
vi. Slabs & Sundries
vii. Column & foundation
viii Windows, Doors and others structure components

Next, students are required to prepare the measurement and Bill of Quantities for the building.

B. Analysis report for the quantities of 3D models.

Students are required to prepare an analysis of the quantities differences between the 3D models
(Revit and CostX) and manual measurement. Compare the quantities differences and identify the
causes of quantities differences with supporting facts and references.
Submission Requirement-

1. You will need to submit a report and it should be presented as a neatly document as per
following: -

a) All font should be in Arial 12 font with 1.5 spacing.

b) Front cover - University logo, name, ID number, Semester Intake, Course, Module &
c) Preparation of 3D models, measurement and Bill of Quantities – 10 Marks
d) Analysis on the quantities differences – 10 Marks

Submission Dateline: -

1. The students are required to submit the assignment 2 by Week 12 (15th November 2022
(Tuesday) before 12noon).
Marking Scheme: -

Marks will be given based on the quality of the overall submission in terms of breadth and depth of the contents and assessment will be
based on the following criteria both as a group and individual performance:-

Criteria Weightage Outstanding (9-10) Mastering (7-8) Developing (4-6) Beginning (0-3)

Ability to produce 10 Excellent measurement Good measurement and Major mistakes in the Poor measurement and
the measurement and bill of quantities bill of quantities with measurement and bill of bill of quantities for the
and bill of quantities for architectural and minor mistakes for the quantities for the architectural and
for architecture and structural components architectural and architectural and structural structural components
structural notably Walls & Wall structural components components notably Walls notably Walls & Wall
components Finishes, Roof Structure notably Walls & Wall & Wall Finishes, Roof Finishes, Roof Structure
& Roof Coverings, Floor Finishes, Roof Structure Structure & Roof Coverings, & Roof Coverings, Floor
Finishes & Ceiling & Roof Coverings, Floor Floor Finishes & Ceiling Finishes & Ceiling
Finishes, External Finishes & Ceiling Finishes, External Finishes Finishes, External
Finishes & other Finishes, External & other Architectural Finishes & other
Architectural Works, Finishes & other Works, Beams, Slabs & Architectural Works,
Beams, Slabs & Architectural Works, Sundries, Column & Beams, Slabs &
Sundries, Column & Beams, Slabs & foundation, Windows, Sundries, Column &
foundation, Windows, Sundries, Column & Doors and others structure foundation, Windows,
Doors and others foundation, Windows, components with Doors and others
structure components Doors and others incomplete SMM2 clauses, structure components
with correct SMM2 structure components queries, descriptions, with some SMM2
clauses, queries, with correct SMM2 assumption and details clauses, queries,
descriptions, clauses, queries, descriptions,
assumption and details. descriptions, assumption and details
assumption and details
Criteria Weightage Outstanding (9-10) Mastering (7-8) Developing (4-6) Beginning (0-3)

Manage to analyse 10 Create an excellent Create a good Create a moderate Create a poor
the quantities comparison of comparison of comparison of quantities comparison of
differences between quantities differences quantities differences differences report with quantities differences
manual report with supporting
report with supporting supporting facts and report with supporting
measurement facts and references.
and/or Excellent in identifying facts and references. references. Moderate in facts and references.
3D modelling the causes of quantities Good in identifying the identifying the causes of Poor in identifying the
differences with causes of quantities quantities differences with causes of quantities
supporting facts and differences with supporting facts and differences with
references. supporting facts and references. supporting facts and
references. references.

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