tt phần adj

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To begin with, let's take a look at descriptive adjective.

When a person
hears the word “adjective”, the first thing that will cross their mind is a
descriptive adjective. They are used to describe nouns and
pronouns. Adjectives like small, tall, annoying, loud, etc., add the
information and qualities to the words they are modifying.
And then we have possessive adjective.These types of adjectives show
possession by describing to whom things or person belongs in a
sentence. Most commonly used possessive adjectives include his, her,
their, our, your and my. Some of them can be used before a noun, and
some can’t.
The other kind of adjectives i wanna mention are quantitative adjective .
The adjectives that describe the quantity of something is known as
quantitative adjectives. Therefore, they answer the question of “how
much?” or “how many?”. Numbers and other general words like many, a
lot and half are a few types of this adjective.
Next, we have demonstrative adjective.
When the noun or pronoun a person is referring to is described by
“which”, they are demonstrative adjectives. Words that they modify come
before, including words like this, these, that and those.
and then we have Interrogative adjective
The meaning of interrogative adjectives is they ask questions, followed
by a noun or pronoun in every sentence to form a question. The
interrogative adjectives include wh-words like what, which and whose.
one another is distributive adjective.
While describing specific members out of a group, one person can make
use of distributive adjectives. These adjectives may be perfect by singling
out one or more individual items or people from a group. Common
distributive adjectives used in a sentence will include every, each,
neither, either and any.
Last but not least is the Articles
‘A’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ are the three articles used in the English language.  As
many languages don’t have articles, it can be difficult for non-native
English speakers to correct their use. They are technically adjectives as
they have their part of speech. When one person wants to show which
noun they are referring to, they must use an article.

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