PC Introduction

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The Frontier

Welcome to the Old West 1892! Get ready to embark on an adventure filled with
gunslingers, outlaws, cowboys, and the untamed frontier. In this unique blend of
Western and fantasy, you'll face thrilling challenges, explore remote towns and
ghostly mines, and uncover secrets hidden in the wild and lawless land of the Old

In 1892, the Old West was a rugged and untamed frontier, characterized by vast
open landscapes, sparse settlements, and a mix of lawlessness and pioneering spir-
it. The United States was rapidly expanding westward, with the promise of adven-
ture, fortune, and new opportunities drawing people from all walks of life.

The Old West was home to a diverse array of individuals, including Native Amer-
icans, European immigrants, cowboys, outlaws, prospectors, settlers, lawmen, and
traders and religious diversity. Each group brought their own cultures, traditions,
and aspirations, which often clashed and blended in this evolving melting pot of
the West.

Townships and settlements, though small and scattered, emerged as centers of

civilization amidst the vast expanse of the frontier. These towns served as hubs for
trade, social interaction, and sometimes, conflict. Typically, a town consisted of a
few wooden buildings, such as saloons, general stores, hotels, banks, and sheriff's
offices, surrounded by the rugged wilderness that stretched for miles in every di-

Life in the Old West was far from easy. Harsh weather conditions, limited re-
sources, and isolation posed constant challenges. Frontier communities were at
the mercy of the elements, dealing with extreme temperatures, droughts, floods,
and blizzards. Survival often required self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, and coop-
eration among neighbours.

There are however deeper darker secrets which lurk in the woods, waters and
hills of the new works, unsettled by mining and the felling of ancient forests, the
Water Children and Wind Walkers have warned the newcomers of the dangers
of upsetting these spirits. Extreme religious views dominate the new world and
the people who believe will please their god at any cost.
Main Locations:

Broken Hills:
A bustling mining town with a saloon, general store, and a sheriff's office. It serves as a hub
for quests and information, attracting all sorts of individuals seeking fortune or escape.

A lawless town filled with card sharks, gunfighters, and rowdy saloons. Rumours suggest hid-
den underground tunnels used by outlaws for smuggling to proudbluff and secret meetings.

Crows Scar:
A treacherous canyon filled with perilous cliffs, deadly wildlife, and ancient ruins. The canyon
is said to house the Lost Relic of the indigenous people but is guarded by powerful spirits.

The Ghost Town of Dust:

An abandoned town said to be cursed by vengeful spirits. The empty streets and dilapidated
buildings hold clues to a tragic past and may conceal hidden treasures.

A small hamlet nestled in a picturesque valley, surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery.
The town exudes a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere, with its quaint wooden buildings.
Serenity is known for its friendly townsfolk who lead simple lives as farmers. Travelers can
relax under the shade of large oak trees. Serenity's economy revolves around agriculture, with
vast fields of crops stretching out beyond the town's borders.

A lively and vibrant old west trading post renowned for its love of music, dance, and enter-
tainment. The town's architecture is a mix of Spanish and western influences, featuring col-
ourful stucco buildings adorned with intricate tilework. Fandango boasts A saloon where lo-
cals and visitors can revel in lively music and energetic dances. The town square hosts regular
festivals and performances, attracting performers from far and wide. Fandango is also known
for its skilled craftsmen who create beautiful instruments and artwork.

The Academy:
The Academy is a unique structure that serves as a centre of learning and knowledge. Nestled
in a remote and rugged region, the town is surrounded by towering cliffs and breath-taking
natural beauty. The Academy itself is an impressive institution, a grand edifice with large li-
braries, classrooms, and laboratories. Scholars, alchemists and intellectuals from all over gath-
er here to exchange knowledge and engage in intellectual pursuits.
Crux City:
A bustling port town that thrives as a trading hub and transportation center. Located on the
coast of several major trade routes, the town bustles with activity as merchants, wagon trains,
and travellers pass through. This is the only location where safe passage can be sought to
Thieves Landing.

Big Water:
A indigenous settlement home to the gifted Water Children situated on the banks of a mighty
river, surrounded by vast stretches of untamed wilderness. The settlement is built on stilts and
features a network of wooden walkways connecting the buildings, allowing residents to navi-
gate the swampy terrain. Big Water is known for its production of fearsome warriors.

Thieves Landing:
Thieves Landing is a notorious area known for its lawless and treacherous atmosphere. It is a
haven for outlaws, bandits, and other unsavoury characters seeking refuge from the law. The
town's streets are narrow and dimly lit, with dilapidated buildings and ramshackle hideouts.

Tall Trees:
A secondary indigenous settlement nestled in a dense forest of towering pines. The town is
home to the Wind Walkers, surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, with misty moun-
tains, cascading waterfalls, and serene lakes nearby. The buildings in Tall Trees are construct-
ed from timber, blending harmoniously with the natural environment.

Secondary Locations & Travel Mechanics

The party will be unable to travel freely between large towns unless using rail or ship to cir-
cumnavigate the rugged road. As such several secondary locations have been noted on the
map, these locations will be used primarily for long rests, however be aware that they will not
always be a place of safety for the party

Throughout the region of Haven there are several locations which weiry travels use to rest be-
tween towns and landmarks, these locations are ever changings you may be met with a friend-
ly face and a warn pot of stew or be faced with bandits, raiding parties and ruffians.

1. Angerdune:
2. Mesa:
3. Priderun
4. Prospectors edge
5. Shallow tooth
6. Homestead
7. Desolation worth
8. Hangman heights
9. Durango
10. Rapidgulch
11. Wendigo Pass
12. Hunters Stead
13. Breachers Hope
14. Greenville
The Water Children

Water children, also known as water spirits, are mythical

creatures found in various Native American cultures.
Some of the indigenous people have adopted this name
for their tribe and have developed incredible skill in navi-
gating the namy waterways.

These beings are often depicted as small, mischievous

creatures that live in or near bodies of water such as riv-
ers, lakes, or waterfalls. While specific legends and be-
liefs may vary among different tribes and regions, the
concept of water children is present in several Native.

In some Native American tribes, water children are believed to be the offspring of water spir-
its or aquatic beings. These creatures are said to have human-like appearances, but with dis-
tinct aquatic features such as webbed hands and feet, gills, or fish-like tails. They are known
for their ability to swim swiftly and silently through the water.

The Wind Walkers

The Wind Walkers are a native tribe whose origins date

back centuries. Nestled deep within the rugged mountain
ranges and redwoods of Tall Trees, their ancestral home-
land is a place of stunning natural beauty. The tribe is
known for their harmonious coexistence with nature and
their profound spiritual connection to the elements.

They believe that their ancestors were gifted with the

ability to traverse the wind, allowing them to move swiftly
and silently through the dense forests and vast plains.
This unique skill earned them the name "Wind Walk-

The Wind Walkers are skilled hunters and gatherers, utilizing their deep understanding of
the land to sustain their people. They have a profound respect for all living creatures and
strive to maintain a delicate balance in their interactions with the natural world. Their intricate
artwork and craftsmanship reflect their reverence for nature, with intricate designs inspired by
animals, plants, and celestial motifs.


The Law

Gods Final Chosen


The Old West bandits are a notorious group of outlaws who

roamed the American frontier during the late 19th century.
These renegades, often referred to as "Wild West outlaws,"
capture the imaginations of people worldwide with their dar-
ing robberies

The bandits, fueled by a sense of lawlessness and the lure of

easy riches, targeted trains, stagecoaches, and banks, striking
fear into the hearts of settlers and law enforcement alike. Be
particulary aware of their dangers whilst traveling the open

One of the most legendary figures of the Old West was Jesse James. Known as the "Robin
Hood of the West," James and his gang of outlaws committed audacious bank robberies,
evading capture with their swift horses and knowledge of the land.

Another infamous bandit was the charismatic and elusive Billy the Kid. He gained notoriety
as a gunslinger and rustler. His violent reputation was fueled by his involvement in several
gunfights and his ability to elude capture by law enforcement. Soem say their was more to
billy than met the eye!

The Law

Formally, the Law is represented by local sheriffs, marshals, and

judges who are responsible for upholding the law and adminis-
tering justice. .

However, the Old West was characterized by vast expanses of

land, rugged terrain, and isolated communities, which made it
challenging to establish a comprehensive legal system. As a re-
sult, the Law often relied on self-defense, vigilante justice, and
community cooperation to maintain order.

In many remote areas, where formal law enforcement was scarce, communities would form
their own systems of justice. Vigilante groups would take matters into their own hands to deal
with lawlessness, often engaging in swift and sometimes violent actions against suspected
wrongdoers. These groups aimed to deter crime and protect their communities from outlaws
and lawbreakers.
Gods Final Chosen

In the year 1892, amidst the backdrop of social and politi-

cal turmoil, a fictional religious fanatical group emerged
known as "God's Final Chosen." This group fervently be-
lieved that they were the select few chosen by God to usher
in the final days of humanity and bring about the ultimate
divine judgment upon the world.

Led by a charismatic and enigmatic figure, Prophet Ezekiel

Blackwood, the members of God's Final Chosen were
deeply committed to their beliefs. They saw themselves as
the righteous and pure in a corrupt and sinful world, carry-
ing out a divine mission to purify humanity through strict
adherence to their religious doctrines. And annihilation of
the beliefs of the old world.

In their quest to fulfill what they saw as God's will, God's Final Chosen embarked on various
radical and sometimes violent actions. They considered themselves the vanguards of divine
justice and were not afraid to confront and condemn those they deemed unworthy or sinful.

Character Selection & Guidance

Create your character with an Old West twist. Consider the archetypes of the era, such as a
gunslinger, lawman, outlaw, rancher, prospector, religious zeolite or a Native American warri-
or. Choose a class that suits your character's abilities and role, such as a fighter, ranger, rogue,
or a spellcasting class like a gunslinger wizard or a divine cowboy cleric.

Spellcasting should be considered with a twist for the campaign, for example where fireball is
an option I would ask that it be adapted to suit the character, i..e whisky bomb or dynamite.
There are many D&D Beyond resources for bespoke character selection. I would ask that we
discuss the character selection prior to our first session.

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