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Training Programme on

Excel and Elevate:

Leadership and
Personal Transformation Program
October 16th-17th, 2020 @ 09:30 AM - 06:30 PM

A 2 days Leadership and Personal Transforma on Program on 16th and 17th October 2020. The program shall be
conducted over VIRTUAL PLATFORM, link of which shall be shared with registered delegates only.
The program comprises of:
Ÿ 10 modules of 90-minutes each.
Ÿ Two 30 minutes sessions called Ice-breaker and Summing Up will also be held at the beginning and end, respec vely.

Please download the details of the 10 modules here

Objec ve of Workshop:
To expand the leadership skill set of the par cipants, to have a no ceable posi ve impact on their collec ve contribu on
to the success of respec ve organisa ons.

Key Take-aways & Benefits:

The power of leading by
example without The best prac ces for
which no one can succeed mo va ng your team.
as a leader at any level.

The art of avoiding and How to be an excellent employee and

resolving conflicts at a follower for the mutual growth
workplace. of the organisa on and the individual.

Outstanding techniques and frameworks for The use of emo onal

dealing with people, improving self-discipline and intelligence (EI) at workplace for
habits, managing me and crea ng good habits for good team-work and
personal growth as a manager and a leader. increasing produc vity.

While the program is The program will have li le or no theory;

module-based, elements of the content has been drawn from the
life-coaching and best leadership and behavioural prac ces
leadership-mentoring of the Army and the corporate.
are also u lised.

Par cipants will clearly understand the value Development of top-level teamwork and
of their role in contribu ng to the company’s how coopera on and coordina ons
success and how to fulfil that role (and not makes everyone a winner.
merely the Job Descrip on).

The Faculty:
Maj. Gen. Neeraj Bali, Sena Medal (Retd), the Founder of Leadscape Advisors, will conduct
the program. He has been a CEO of an Educa onal Society of 92 schools and colleges, with
42000 students. He is an ICF-Erickson cer fied Life Coach and a Leadership Circle Profile
administrator. He is also a professional speaker, with extensive experience of speaking on
Disrup on, Organiza onal Culture, Compe ve Intelligence and
different nuances of Leadership both interna onally (US, Germany and Portugal) and to
corporate houses and leading educa onal ins tu ons in India.Who should A end? Senior
management, Middle Managers, Junior Managers and Execu ves. The program would be
of even greater value to those who are aspiring for junior, middle or senior leadership
Maj. Gen. Neeraj Bali posi ons during their subsequent careers.
Sena Medal (Retd)

Par cipa on Fee: INR 5000/+ 18% GST

For queries, please contact:
Ms. Anita Gupta Mr. Gopal Krishna Mallik
E: E:
M: +91 98105 40026 M: +91 98999 85975

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