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Chapter 1. The Stargazers

During the neolithic times, there was once a glorious leader. He had fought against many
tribal wars, saved his own kind and was able to do things that no one at that time could
do. His name was Thrazor. ( "thra" and "zor", which have connotations of force and power.
"Thra" could be derived from the Greek word "thrauo", meaning "to shatter", while "zor"
could be derived from the Old High German word "zorn", meaning "anger" or "wrath".
Together, the name "Thrazor" suggests a god of great physical strength and destructive
force). He was chosen to become the leader of the tribe since his birth and was given
superhuman strength by the

The tribe was named

Stargazers; they heavily
believe in the goddess of the
largest star that always
shines throughout the day
without losing its brightness.
Thrazor was trained to
become the best tribal
leader. He could run as fast
as a Dinohippus and is as
strong as Hercules. One day,
his tribe was declared war by
the tribe named Gifted Bow.
The enemy forces
surrounded the Stargazers’
village. Thrazor was enraged
by the message which told
them to surrender.

The Glorious leader came

out of the village to talk to
the leaders of the Gifted Bow. The Gifted Bow tribe doesn’t want to give up on taking over
the village, so the negotiation didn’t end well.
Thrazor picked up a giant rock and threw it at the enemy forces. The war has begun.
Enemies rushed at Thrazor. Of course, they were no match. The leader of the Gifted Bow
tribe took out his godly bow called Valkyriana. Keal, the leader of the Gifted Bow tribe,
got the bow from a god. The Valkyriana has the power to harm even the strongest
warriors, a shot from that could destroy anyone. Keal is very skilled at shooting targets;
he never missed a shot. Keal shot out a divine arrow from the Valkyriana. It went right
through Thrazor’s torso. Though Thrazor didn’t fall down or backed up. “Is that it?” -
Thrazor spoke. Gripping his fists very hard, Thrazor ran towards Keal. Frozen in
surprise, Keal missed a shot. “Bam!” A strong uppercut hit Keal. Breaking his skull, the
leader of the Gifted Bow tribe had fallen. Even The Valkyriana’s shot couldn’t defeat the
glorious leader.f

Chapter 2. The Legend

After the victory of Thrazor in the battle, he was pretty much wounded. An old wise man
from his tribe was talking to him about the legend of “The Star Goddess”. The old man
told him that he will find more about the goddess from the old ruins, in the mountains.

Thrazor planned to
start his journey after
all his wounds were
treated. All the best
blacksmiths made
him a perfect armour
with all the best
materials, for
Thrazor’s long

Thrazor knew that

the journey would
be long and
treacherous. He
would have to
travel through
dense forests and steep mountain passes to reach the ruins. But he was
determined to make the journey, no matter what the cost. As Thrazor set out on
his journey, his tribe looked on with sadness and concern. They knew that he was
risking his life to learn more about the Star Goddess, but they also knew that he
was a brave and determined leader. He put on his new set of armour to set off.

His armour was yet again, blessed by the Gods.

Chapter 3. The Journey To The Ruins

The Legendary Leader, Thrazor started off his epic journey. Thrazor travelled through
the dense forests and up the steep mountain passes. He was resting on a small rock
beside a small river when he heard a loud screech. It was the sound of the Hunter, a fierce
bird-human hybrid with claws and the strength of an eagle, hawk, and other big hunting
birds. Thrazor had heard stories about the Hunter and knew that it was a dangerous foe.

Thrazor picked up his spear and prepared for the battle. The Hunter let out another loud
screech but Thrazor couldn’t see him. Then suddenly, the Hunter launched itself from
the tree, soaring towards Thrazor with its sharp claws extended. Thrazor fiercely charges
at the Hunter. He managed to make a scratch on the aggressive hybrid. It screeched in
pain. The Hunter swooped down towards Thrazor, its claws gleaming in the sunlight.
Thrazor dodged to the side and swung his spear at the Hunter, but the Hunter was too
quick. It dodged out of the way and landed on the ground, turning to face Thrazor.
The hunter charges towards Thrazor with lightning speed. Thrazor couldn’t dodge its
attacks at all. Scratch after Scratch. The Hunter has unmatched speed. Thrazor couldn’t
keep up with the hunter. And soon he fell.

Chapter 4. THE HUNTER

The mysterious foe spoke at last. “I am Arath, also known as the Hunter”. “I suppose you
are Thrazor, I’ve heard your news that has been spreading like wildfire”.

“Why did you come here? What do you want?” asked Thrazor.

“To end your legacy”

“Anything left to say before I scoop out your guts?” asked Arath.

As Arath prepares to stab through him with the razor sharp claws, Thrazor swung his
spear with all his might, striking the Hunter in the chest.
However the Hunter didn’t even budge. He stabbed Thrazor’s chest with his claws. It was
indeed painful, as blood poured out. Thrazor kicked Arath with all his strength, throwing
the bird-like creature away. At this point, both of them are badly wounded. The Hunter
was hungry for more. He stood up soon after. While making a menacing screech, he
pounced at Thrazor. Thrazor couldn’t keep up with Arath’s unmatched agility, and
incredible speed. Therefore, Thrazor always keeps on his feet.

The Hunter let out another menacing screech and charged towards Thrazor, its claws
extended. Thrazor dodged to the side and swung his spear again, but the Hunter was too
quick. It dodged out of the way and swiped at Thrazor with its sharp talons.

Arath was relentless in his attacks, swooping in and out of Thrazor's reach. Thrazor
swung his spear with all his might, but he couldn't seem to land a hit.

Thrazor took a deep breath and charged towards the Hunter, his spear extended. The
Hunter swooped towards Thrazor, but this time Thrazor was ready. He swung his spear
,striking the Hunter through the head. The Hunter let out a blood curdling screech and
collapsed to the ground, its claws twitching in the dirt. Thrazor had won the battle, but he
knew he had been lucky. And now, he must continue his journey.

Chapter 5. The Valley Of Horns

His journey had taken

him to the Valley of
Horns. The valley was
so named because of
the mountains that
loomed over it, which
looked like the horns
of some great beast.
As he made his way
through the valley,
Thrazor couldn't help
but marvel at the
sheer size and beauty
of the place. The sky
was a deep shade of
There was a sense of peace in the air that Thrazor couldn't quite explain. Perhaps it was
the quiet, or the stillness of the wind. Whatever it was, Thrazor felt at ease, even as he
navigated his way through the beautiful valley.

As he walked, Thrazor began to notice strange markings on the rocks around him. They
were ancient symbols, etched into the stone long before he was born. Thrazor had seen
such markings before, but he had never seen so many in one place.

Thrazor continued on his journey, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of danger. He had
heard stories of beasts that lurked in the valley, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting
travellers. Thrazor was determined not to let that happen to him. He wasn’t expecting any
foes to meet here since his wounds were still very fresh.

While he was travelling through the valley, Thrazor heard a sound that made his blood
run cold. It was a low growl, and it was coming from somewhere nearby. Thrazor looked
around, but he couldn't see anything. He knew that he had to be on guard, for the beast
could be hiding anywhere.

Suddenly, Thrazor heard a loud roar, and a massive creature leaped out from behind the
trees. It was the size of a small house, with massive horns and sharp teeth that glinted in
the sunlight.

Thrazor knew he was in

trouble. The beast was
fast, and it was powerful.
Thrazor raised his spear,
ready to defend himself,
but he knew that it would
take more than that to
defeat the beast.
Thrazor knew he had to
think fast. He spotted a
small outcropping of
rocks nearby and decided
to make a run for it. He
sprinted towards the
rocks, dodging the
beast's attacks as he
went. The beast was still
chasing Thrazor. He
couldn’t keep up, the beast was insanely fast. Finally, he made it to the rocks and climbed
up to the top, just as the beast charged towards him again. Thrazor stood his ground,
ready to face the beast head-on. But he was still unsure if he could win this fight, due to
his injuries from the previous battle. Blood was still gushing out, while enduring the pain
he grabbed a nearby rock and hurled it towards the beast's head. The rock hit its mark,
striking the beast in the forehead and knocking it back. Thrazor found the opportunity to
stab the beast with his spear but with his injuries, he couldn’t move fast enough.

The creature charged towards him again, this time aiming its horns directly at Thrazor's
chest. Thrazor ducked at the last minute, narrowly avoiding the attack. He scrambled to
his feet, knowing that he had to act fast if he wanted to survive. Thrazor circled the
creature, looking for an opening. The creature was fast, much faster than Thrazor had
anticipated. Thrazor dodged another attack, but the creature's horns grazed his arm,
leaving a deep gash. Thrazor knew that he was in trouble. The wound was deep, and he
could feel the blood flowing down his arm. He had to act fast if he wanted to survive.

Thrazor remembered the ancient symbols he had studied, the ones etched into the rocks
throughout the valley. He realised that they held a clue to defeating the beast. The rock he
previously threw was just a normal one. It doesn’t have symbols on it.

Thrazor circled around the creature once more, searching for the symbol that he had
seen in his studies. He spotted it on a nearby rock, just as the creature charged towards
him once more.

Thrazor lunged towards the rock, grabbing a nearby rock as he went. He hurled it
towards the creature's head, hoping to stun it.

The rock struck its head, stunning the creature. Thrazor found the opening he needed.
Thrazor plunged his spear deep into the creature's side, striking a vital organ. The
creature shook Thrazor away in pain. Thrazor was flown into the bushes nearby. The
creature got up again, and was looking for Thrazor, while he was hiding silently under
the bushes. His wounds made him unable to fight, he was unable to act quickly in this

The creature still dashes around, looking for Thrazor. But it lost its patience and went
back into a cave nearby. Thrazor breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had narrowly
escaped death once more. Thrazor spent the next few days recovering from his wounds
and studying the ancient symbols throughout the valley. He realised that the symbols
held a great power, and that they could be used to unlock the secrets of the valley.
As he continued his journey through the Valley of Horns, Thrazor knew that he had much
to discover. But he also knew that he had the strength and the courage to face whatever
lay ahead, and that he would emerge victorious in the end.

Chapter 6. A clue to the Ruins

As he made his way through the forest, Thrazor enjoyed the peace and quiet that
surrounded him. He took the time to admire the beauty of the natural world, marvelling
at the way the sunlight filtered through the canopy of leaves overhead, casting dappled
shadows on the forest floor. Occasionally, he would come across a stream or a small
waterfall, and he would stop to drink from the clear, cool water. The sound of the running
water was a soothing balm to his weary soul, and he would often take a moment to rest,
closing his eyes and listening to the sounds of nature around him. Thrazor also
encountered a variety of wildlife as he travelled through the forest. He saw squirrels
scampering up trees, birds flitting through the branches, and deer grazing in clearings.
Sometimes he would stop to watch the animals, observing their behaviours and
movements. As the sun began to set, Thrazor would start looking for a suitable place to
make camp for the night.

As he settled down for the night, Thrazor would reflect on the day's journey,
contemplating the lessons he had learned and the experiences he had gained. He would
often fall asleep beneath the stars, listening to the sounds of the forest around him,
content in the knowledge that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

Thrazor had been wandering for days, searching for the entrance to the secret ruins
where the secrets of the star goddess were hidden. He had heard rumours of a place that
was hidden deep in the forest, guarded by a massive skull of a T-Rex that was said to be
the size of a mountain.

One day, while he was going through the

never ending forest, he came across a
strange place.

Curve bones which looked like ribs of a

gigantic creature covering a pillar. And
some ancient symbols on it. He couldn’t
understand these symbols, but they sure are
leading to something.

The bones are a sign that Thrazor is near

the destination which he wanted to go.
He walked directly past the pillar, hoping that he was on the right path.

Finally, he spotted the skull in the distance. He approached the skull, and went inside the
gigantic skull’s mouth. The inside was dark, he couldn’t see a thing inside of it.

After a few moments, he discovered a small opening that was hidden behind some of the
bones. Thrazor squeezed through the opening, and found himself in a dark, narrow

The passage twisted and turned, leading Thrazor deeper into the skull. He could hear the
sound of rushing water in the distance, and he knew that he was getting close to his
destination. Finally, Thrazor emerged from the passage into a large, open cavern. The
walls were covered in glowing crystals that cast an otherworldly light throughout the

In the centre of the cavern was a large

pedestal, and on top of the pedestal was a
small, shimmering orb. Thrazor
approached the orb cautiously, knowing
that this was the key to unlocking the
secrets of the star goddess. He reached
out and touched the orb, and immediately
felt a surge of power coursing through his body. The orb revealed the location of the
secret ruins, and Thrazor knew that he had to make his way there as quickly as possible.
He retraced his steps through the cavern and the passage, emerging once again into the

Thrazor looked up at the massive skull of the T-Rex, realising that this was only the
beginning of his journey. But he was determined to see it through, to uncover the secrets
of the star goddess, and to emerge victorious from his quest.

Chapter 7. Beautiful but Terrifying

After achieving the orb, he could see his directions easily. Everytime he shakes the orb,
the right direction glows with starlight. And so, Thrazor travelled through different
landscapes, different locations, beautiful landmarks and more.

As he looked at the magic orb that showed

the way, he knew that he would have to
traverse some of the most beautiful yet
terrifying landscapes he had ever seen.

The first leg of his journey took him

through a deep, dark forest. The trees
were thick and tangled, and the forest was
alive with the sound of creatures rustling
in the undergrowth. Thrazor was careful
to keep his wits about him, knowing that
danger lurked around every corner. And
lots of waterfalls with unimaginable dept.
As he made his way through the forest, Thrazor came across a wide river that blocked his
path. The water was rough and fast-moving.

As he approached the river's edge, he saw that the water was deep and fast-moving, with
curves that looped over it like mountains coming out of the water. Thrazor knew that
crossing this river would be dangerous. The water was swift and unpredictable, and one
wrong move could mean being swept away to an unknown fate. But he had come too far
to turn back now, so he took a deep breath and stepped into the water.

The current was stronger than he had anticipated, and Thrazor struggled to keep his
footing as the water rushed past him. But he was determined, and he pressed on, his eyes
fixed on the other side of the river. As he waded deeper into the water, the curves of the
river grew higher and more treacherous. The water roared around him, threatening to
pull him under, and he knew that he would have to be careful if he wanted to make it
across safely. Thrazor was about halfway across the river when he came to a particularly
treacherous curve. The water was churning and boiling around him, and he knew that he
would have to make a bold move if he wanted to get past it. Taking a deep breath, Thrazor
braced himself and dove beneath the water. He felt the cold embrace of the river around
him, and he pushed himself forward with all his strength, his lungs burning with the
need for air. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity,

Thrazor emerged on the other side of the curve. He gasped for air, but he knew that he
had made it. He had crossed the river of curves and came out the other side. As he
continued on his journey, Thrazor knew that he would face many more challenges and
obstacles before he reached the ruins that held the secret of the star goddess. But he was
determined, and he would not be deterred.
As he continued on his journey, Thrazor found himself in a vast, open plain. The grass
was tall and golden, and the wind whispered through it like a soft, mournful melody. In
the distance, he could see the mountains rising up, dark and foreboding against the sky.
Thrazor knew that he would have to cross those mountains if he wanted to reach the
ruins. He steeled himself for the journey ahead, taking a deep breath and setting out
across the plain. The mountains were even more treacherous than he had imagined. The
air grew thinner as he climbed higher, and the winds whipped around him like a
malevolent spirit. But Thrazor was determined, and he pushed on, his eyes fixed on the
magic orb that showed him the way.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Thrazor reached the top of the mountain. He
looked down, and saw the ruins stretching out before him like a dark, ominous shadow.

Then he saw a strange dark figure in front of the ruins. It turned to look at Thrazor.
But Thrazor was not afraid. He didn’t let his guard down, preparing for another battle.

But the figure didn’t say a word or do a thing. After a couple of seconds, the dark shadowy
figure disappeared. Thrazor was left with confusion.

Chapter 8. The Ruins

As Thrazor stood at the

edge of the cliff, looking
down at the ruins that lay
below him, he knew that
he needed a way to get
down there quickly. The
drop was too far to jump,
and there was no safe
path down. But Thrazor
was not one to give up
easily. He looked around,
scanning the
surrounding landscape
for anything that might
help him. And that's
when he spotted it: a
small dragon, perched on
a nearby rock, watching
him with curious eyes.
Thrazor approached the
dragon slowly, extending
his hand in friendship. The dragon sniffed at his hand, then nuzzled it with its nose, as if
sensing Thrazor's need. Without hesitation, Thrazor climbed onto the dragon's back,
gripping its scales tightly as the creature spread its wings and took flight.

They soared high above the valley, the wind whipping through Thrazor's hair as they flew.
As they neared the ruins, Thrazor felt a surge of excitement. He had never ridden a
dragon before, and the experience was exhilarating. The dragon swooped down, gliding
effortlessly over the jagged bones that littered the landscape. As they descended into the
ruins, Thrazor could feel the dragon's powerful muscles tensing beneath him, preparing
for the landing. And then, with a gentle thump, they touched down on the ground.
Thrazor dismounted, patting the dragon's head in gratitude. The creature seemed to
sense his appreciation, letting out a soft purr as it curled up at his feet. With the help of
the dragon, Thrazor had made it to the ruins safely and quickly.

Thrazor stood at the entrance of the ruins, his eyes fixed on the massive skull of a dragon
that loomed over him. The skull was the size of a mountain, its spiky bones jutting out
like towering spires that stretched up into the sky. The landscape around the ruins was
barren and desolate, with nothing but jagged bones and twisted trees as far as the eye
could see.

Taking a deep breath, Thrazor stepped into the gaping maw of the dragon's skull. The air
was cool and musty, and the darkness inside was almost suffocating. But Thrazor had
come too far to turn back now, and he pressed on, his heart pounding with anticipation.
As he made his way deeper into the ruins, Thrazor saw that the interior was a labyrinth of
winding passages and chambers, each one more treacherous than the last. The walls were
lined with jagged bones, and the floors were slick with moss and algae. Despite the
danger, Thrazor pressed on, his eyes fixed on the prize that lay at the heart of the ruins.
He had come to this place in search of the secret of the star goddess, and he would not be
deterred by any obstacle that lay in his path.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of winding corridors and deadly traps,
Thrazor reached the heart of the ruins. There, at the centre of a massive chamber, stood a
towering statue of the star goddess herself. Thrazor stood in awe as he gazed upon the
statue, his eyes taking in every detail. The goddess was beautiful and ethereal, with long
flowing hair and a serene expression that seemed to radiate peace and tranquillity. As
Thrazor approached the statue, he saw that there was a small inscription carved into the
base. It was written in an ancient language that Thrazor could barely decipher, but he
knew that it held the key to unlocking the secret of the star goddess. With trembling
hands, Thrazor reached out and touched the inscription. Instantly, a bright light filled
the chamber, and Thrazor felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. As the light
faded, Thrazor knew that he had unlocked the secret of the star goddess. Suddenly, a map
appeared out of
nowhere and was put
on his hand.

It was a map, with a

texture of a galaxy and
twinkling stars. At first,
Thrazor was puzzled by
the map. He couldn't
read it, and it seemed to
be in some strange
language that he
couldn't understand.
But as he studied the
map, something strange
began to happen. The
stars on the map
seemed to twinkle
brighter and brighter,
until they became
blindingly bright.
Thrazor shielded his eyes, unsure of what was happening. And then, suddenly, the map
began to glow with an otherworldly light. Thrazor stumbled back, his heart racing with
fear and excitement. He could feel a powerful energy emanating from the map, like a
force field that surrounded him. As he watched, the galaxy on the map seemed to shift
and change, until it became a three-dimensional representation of the stars and
constellations. Thrazor was awestruck by the beauty of the map, with its intricate
patterns and swirling colours. And
then, as he reached out to touch the
map, it became a portal. Thrazor felt
himself being pulled through the
portal, his body twisting and turning
as he travelled through space.
Chapter 9. A New World

As Thrazor emerged from the portal, he found himself standing on a rocky cliff
overlooking a breathtaking landscape. The air was filled with a soft, golden light that
illuminated everything around him, casting long shadows across the rolling hills and
shimmering lakes. Thrazor stood there for a moment, taking in the strange and
wondrous scenery that surrounded him.
He could see that the land was filled with strange stone structures, looping over the
ground in intricate patterns that seemed almost organic. In the distance, he could see
strange creatures moving about. They seemed to be completely at home in this strange
world, moving through the landscape with ease and grace.

As Thrazor made his way down the rocky cliff, he could feel the energy of the place
coursing through his body. It was like nothing he had ever felt before, a sense of power
and wonder that filled him with a sense of awe and excitement. He explored the
landscape, moving through the hills and valleys with a sense of purpose. He could feel
that he was getting closer to his goal, the secrets of the star goddess waiting just beyond
the horizon. As he moved deeper into the landscape, Thrazor encountered more and
more strange and wondrous sights.

He saw floating islands hovering in the air, their jagged edges casting long shadows
across the landscape. He saw giant lakes, their surfaces shimmering with a strange,
iridescent light. And everywhere he looked, he saw the strange and beautiful stone
structures, looping and twisting over the landscape like a living thing. Thrazor was
awestruck by the sheer scale and complexity of it all, and he knew that he had truly found

As he journeyed
deeper into this
strange and
wondrous realm,
Thrazor felt his own power growing. He could feel the energy of the place infusing his
body, filling him with a sense of strength and vitality that he had never known before.
And as he stood there, looking out over the strange and beautiful landscape, Thrazor
knew that he had finally found his true calling. He was destined to explore this wondrous
realm, to discover the secrets of the star goddess and unlock the true power of the

Chapter 10. New World, New Threats

As Thrazor delved deeper into the strange and wondrous realm, he could feel a growing
sense of power within him. It was like the very energy of the cosmos was flowing through
his body, filling him with a sense of awe and wonder.

And as he reached out to touch one of the strange stone structures that looped and
twisted over the landscape, something remarkable happened. His hand began to glow
with a soft, pulsing light, and when he looked down he saw that his right hand had taken
on a texture like that of a galaxy. Thrazor was amazed by the transformation, and he
could feel the power of the cosmos coursing through his veins. He knew that he had been
touched by something extraordinary, and that his destiny lay in unlocking the true
secrets of the star goddess.

As he continued to explore the strange and beautiful landscape, Thrazor began to

experiment with his newfound power. He discovered that he could summon bursts of
starlight from his hand, sending them shooting off into the sky like fireworks. He could
also feel the power of the cosmos surging within him. And as he gazed out over the
landscape, he knew that he was truly one with the stars. With each passing moment,
Thrazor could feel his power growing stronger, and he knew that he was getting closer to
unlocking the true secrets of the star goddess. He could feel the very fabric of reality
shifting around him, and he knew that he was on the brink of something truly
extraordinary. As he looked out over the strange and beautiful landscape, Thrazor felt a
deep sense of gratitude and wonder. He knew that he had been touched by something
truly remarkable, and still wonders what wonderful things were waiting for him in this
strange new place.

Chapter 11. Helios

As Thrazor continued his journey through the strange and wondrous realm, he suddenly
heard a booming voice echoing across the landscape. "Well, well, well, what do we have
here?" the voice boomed. "A mere mortal who thinks he can challenge the gods?"
Thrazor turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows, a godlike being with massive
magnifying glasses floating around him. The lenses glinted menacingly in the light, and
Thrazor could feel a sense of unease creeping over him.

"Who are you?" Thrazor demanded, summoning the power of the cosmos to his hand.
"What do you want?"

The god chuckled darkly, twirling the magnifying glasses around his fingers with a
flourish. "I am known as Helios," he replied, his voice dripping with arrogance. "And I
have come to claim what is rightfully mine."

Thrazor could feel the power of the cosmos surging through him, but he knew that he
was facing a formidable foe. Helios was a god of immense power, with the ability to
produce high-heat sun rays using his magnifying glasses. Thrazor knew that he would
have to be careful if he wanted to stand a chance against this powerful opponent. He
summoned the power of the cosmos to his hand once more, preparing to face Helios

But Helios was not so easily defeated. He used his telekinetic powers to control the
magnifying glasses, sending beams of searing heat shooting towards Thrazor. The
warrior, who would soon become a god, dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding each
The two opponents circled each other warily, each waiting for the other to make a move.
Thrazor knew that he could not hold out forever, and that he would need to find a way to
defeat Helios if he was to continue his quest to meet the star goddess and become a god.

As they faced off, Thrazor's hand began to glow with a brilliant light, the texture of the
galaxy pulsing with cosmic energy. He knew that he had been touched by something
extraordinary, and that this power was his greatest weapon against Helios.

With a roar, Thrazor unleashed a massive wave of starlight towards Helios, blasting him
backwards and knocking the magnifying glasses from his grasp. The god stumbled,
struggling to regain his footing as Thrazor advanced, his hand still pulsing with cosmic

Suddenly, Helios unleashed a shiny aura, with burning heat. It removes all the cosmic
blasts nearby, like a shield.

"I see you've acquired some interesting powers," Helios sneered. "But they will do you no
good against me." Thrazor stood tall, his cosmic-powered hand pulsing with energy. "I do
not seek to fight you, Helios. I only seek knowledge."

Helios chuckled. "Knowledge? You are in the wrong place, then. The secrets I hold are not
meant for the likes of you."

Thrazor's eyes narrowed in determination. "I will not be deterred. I will learn what I came
here for."

Helios raised his magnifying glasses and focused them on Thrazor. The air around them
began to shimmer with heat. Then, he released a gigantic beam of sunlight directly at
Thrazor. Thrazor focused his cosmic powers and sent a burst of energy towards Helios.
Both of their powers collided, making loud explosions. Helios’s energy seems to be
running low, Thrazor overpowers him and Helios stumbles backwards as the energy hits

"You are more powerful than I anticipated," Helios said, his voice tinged with surprise.
Thrazor stood his ground, his hand still pulsing with energy. "I will not back down. I will
learn what I came here for, no matter the cost."

Helios smirked. "Very well. Let us see what you are truly capable of."

With a flick of his wrist, Helios sent a beam of intense heat towards Thrazor. But Thrazor
was ready. Thrazor dodged the beam and jumped towards Helios. And he shot out a small
energy of starlight, shattering one of the magnifying glasses.

Helios then released another beam but this one seems to be a little bit weaker; Thrazor
could easily block it with his cosmic infused hand.

Helios had underestimated Thrazor just for being a mortal human.

But he didn’t give up, he gathered all his strength and fired a large beam of sunlight,
targeting Thrazor. Thrazor enhanced his spear with his cosmic starlight, turning it into a
spear of destruction. Thrazor threw the enhanced spear with all his might, and the two
forces collided in midair. The resulting explosion rocked the cliff they stood on, sending
debris flying in all directions. When the dust cleared, Thrazor stood victorious, his hand
still pulsing with energy.

Helios lay on the ground, his magnifying glasses shattered and his power drained.
Thrazor approached him, a look of pity in his eyes. "You could have been so much more
than a mere villain," Thrazor said. "But you chose the path of destruction. I hope you find
peace in the next realm." With those words, Thrazor turned and walked away, leaving
Helios to his fate.

Enhanced Spear That Thrazor Threw

Chapter 12. Dream

Thrazor had travelled

through many lands
and had faced many
challenges on his
journey to meet the
Star Goddess. As he
continued his journey,
he finally reached the
Healing Tree, a magnificent tree that stood tall and proud with waterfalls flowing inside
its trunk.

Thrazor felt the healing energy of the tree as he slept under it. He dreamed of a beautiful
staircase that led to the stars. The staircase was made of pure crystal, and it shone
brightly with every step he took. The stars twinkled above him, and he felt a sense of
wonder and awe.

As he climbed the stairs, he saw flashes of his journey, from the Valley of Horns to the
ruins inside the skull of a gigantic dragon. He saw the battles he fought, and the
challenges he overcame.

As he reached a gate on top of the stairs,Suddenly, he felt a warm and comforting

presence behind him. He turned to see the Star Goddess herself standing there, her eyes
twinkling like the stars above. She was radiant and beautiful, with a light that shone
brighter than the stars themselves. She spoke to him in a voice that was both powerful
and gentle.
Suddenly, he felt a warm and comforting presence behind him. He turned to see the Star
Goddess herself standing there, her eyes twinkling like the stars above.

"Thrazor," she said in a voice like the gentle breeze. "You have come far in your quest for
knowledge and power. But you must know that the road ahead is fraught with danger and

Thrazor bowed before her, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation. "I am
ready, Star Goddess. What must I do to reach you?" The Star Goddess smiled at him. "You
must continue on your path, Thrazor. You will face trials and tribulations, but you must
persevere. You have a great destiny ahead of you, but you must stay strong and true to

Thrazor felt a sudden surge of determination coursing through him. "I will do whatever it
takes, Star Goddess. I will not rest until I have reached you and unlocked the secrets of
the cosmos." The Star Goddess nodded approvingly. "I have faith in you, Thrazor. But
remember, knowledge and power can be both a blessing and a curse. Use them wisely,
and never forget the importance of compassion and humility."

With that, the Star Goddess disappeared, leaving Thrazor standing alone at the base of
the stairway. He knew that the journey ahead would not be easy, but he felt a renewed
sense of purpose and determination. He would continue on his quest, no matter what
challenges lay ahead.

As Thrazor woke up from his dream, he felt ambitious. He knew that he was ready to face
any challenge that came his way. He thanked the Healing Tree and set out on his journey
once again, with the knowledge and power of the stars to guide him.

Chapter 13. The Gatekeeper

Long ago, there was a man named Zephyr. He was a young man with a heart full of love
and kindness. He lived in a peaceful village in the mountains, surrounded by lush green
forests and sparkling streams. Zephyr had a beautiful wife named Lyra, whom he loved
more than anything else in the world.

Lyra was a skilled musician who played the harp like an angel. Her melodies had the
power to soothe even the most troubled souls. Zephyr and Lyra were deeply in love and
were the happiest couple in the village. But their happiness was short-lived.
One day, a band of ruthless bandits raided the village, killing everyone in their path.
Zephyr and Lyra tried to escape, but they were captured and brought before the bandit
leader. The leader was a cruel man who had no mercy for anyone. He was immediately
taken with Lyra's beauty and ordered Zephyr to leave her and join the bandits or die.
Zephyr refused to leave his beloved wife and begged the bandit leader to spare them both.
Enraged, the bandit leader ordered his men to kill Zephyr and take Lyra away. Zephyr
fought back with all his might but was overpowered by the bandits. He watched in horror
as Lyra was taken away, screaming his name.

After that day, Zephyr became a different person. His heart filled with anger and hatred,
and he vowed to take revenge on the bandits who had destroyed his life. He searched for
them tirelessly, killing them one by one.

One day, while Zephyr was tracking down one of its victims , he stumbled upon an
ancient cave. The cave was dark and ominous, but Zephyr's curiosity got the better of
him, and he decided to explore it.

As he ventured deeper into the cave, Zephyr heard a voice whispering in his ear. At first,
he thought it was his imagination, but the voice grew louder and more insistent.

"Who are you?" Zephyr asked.

"I am Malphas, The Corruptor." the voice replied. "And I have a proposition for you."

"Zephyr, my dear friend," said Malphas, his voice dripping with honeyed words. "I see you
have lost everything. Your wife, your home, your life. But fear not, for I can give you
something in return. I can give you limitless power. You will have power beyond your
wildest dreams, and you will be able to exact revenge upon those who wronged you."

Zephyr thought about it for a moment, weighing his options. He had nothing left to lose,
and the promise of revenge was too tempting to pass up. "Very well," he said. "I accept
your offer." And with that, Malphas granted Zephyr the power of the Gatekeeper. His body
was transformed into a shadowy figure with eight hands, and his head was wreathed in
hell flame. Zephyr felt the power coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was

However, little did he know that Malphas had tricked him into a curse, and he would be
forced to guard the gate to the star realm for all eternity.
The moment Zephyr completed the transformation, he could feel the chains of the curse
bind him to his new duty. He tried to resist and break free, but it was too late. Malphas
had used dark magic to bind him to the palace, and no amount of physical or magical
strength could break the curse.

At first, Zephyr was angry and frustrated that he was trapped in this new form, with no
way to free himself. He raged and screamed, demanding Malphas to release him from this
curse. But Malphas only laughed, mocking Zephyr for his foolishness in trusting him.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, and years turned into
centuries. Zephyr stood at the gate of The Star Realm, day in and day out, with his head
burning with hell flame, and his body cloaked in darkness.

As time passed, Zephyr's anger turned into resignation, and then into acceptance. He
realised that he could not escape his fate, and so he began to embrace his role as The
Gatekeeper. He started to take pride in his job, guarding The Star Realm from any
intruders who dared to enter. His rage and hatred had consumed him, and he had
become a shadow of his former self. The burning flames on his head were a testament to
his unquenchable anger.

Despite his fearsome appearance and reputation, deep down, Zephyr was still the same
loving man he had been before. He longed to be reunited with his wife, but he knew that it
was impossible. He had lost everything that mattered to him, and his only purpose in life
now was to guard the gate. Thus, the Gatekeeper remained at the gate, a shadowy figure
with eight hands and a head that burned with hellish flames. His heart was filled with
sorrow and anger, and his eyes never strayed from the gate, waiting for the day when
someone would come to challenge him and claim the prize beyond.
Chapter 14. Improving skills

Thrazor walked through the stunning landscape, taking in the beauty around him. The
floating islands and sparkling lakes were like nothing he had ever seen before.

As he walked, he thought about his new abilities - the cosmic powers that had been
bestowed upon him by the Star Goddess. He knew that he needed to train and improve
his abilities if he was going to reach the full form of a cosmic god. He had tried hard,
pushing himself to the limit with every training session. But no matter how much he
trained, he only improved a little.

Thrazor focused on the texture of his hand, which glowed with the same cosmic light that
he had seen in his dream. He closed his eyes and tried to connect with the power within
him, to understand it, and to control it.

He focused on the feeling of the power as it flowed through him, trying to understand its
nature. He could feel it swirling inside him like a tempest, ready to be unleashed at any
moment. But he knew that he needed to learn to control it, to harness its power.

Thrazor began to train his powers again, focusing on his energy. He extended his hand,
and the cosmic energy shot forth, forming a glowing ball of light that exploded into a
shower of sparks as it struck the nearby rocks.

He closed his eyes and began to meditate, visualising himself unlocking new abilities. As
he meditated, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.
He opened his eyes and saw that his hand had started to glow with a bright, blue light. He
felt like he had tapped into a new level of power.

Excited to explore his new abilities, Thrazor began to experiment. He focused on his hand
and shot out a blast of cosmic energy. It hit a nearby rock formation, causing it to shatter
into a million pieces.

Thrazor was satisfied with his new abilities, feeling more powerful than ever. He
continued to practise, honing his abilities and experimenting with different techniques.
He created cosmic shields, telekinetic blasts, and even summoned a small meteorite from
the sky.

Thrazor stood in a wide open field, holding his godly spear in his hand. He looked down
at it, the sharp tip gleaming in the sunlight. He closed his eyes, focusing his cosmic
powers, and then opened them again, his hand glowing with a bright, cosmic energy.

He raised his spear, and with a quick, fluid motion, infused the cosmic energy into it. The
spear glowed with an otherworldly light.

He swung the spear, slicing through the air with ease. It felt lighter in his hand, and he
knew that his cosmic infusion had made it stronger. Thrazor continued to train,
practising his strikes and thrusts with the infused spear. He moved with grace and
precision. As he trained, Thrazor felt his cosmic powers growing stronger. He could feel
the energy surging through him, filling him with a sense of power and control. He raised
the spear again, infusing it with even more cosmic energy. This time, when he swung it, a
burst of energy shot out from the tip, sending a shockwave through the air. He tried
throwing his spear, as a surprise, the spear was more destructive than before. The cosmic
infused spear could strike through 3 gigantic rocks in a straight line.

Thrazor sat down on the soft grass, feeling exhausted from his long day of training. As he
took deep breaths, he let his mind wander and reflect on his journey so far.

His thoughts drifted back to his village, the place where he grew up and where his family
and friends still lived. He missed the simple life he had back then, but he knew he had to
keep moving forward to find the answers he sought. He thought about the people he left
behind, and hoped that they were safe and happy.

Thrazor closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze blowing against
his face. He knew he had a long journey ahead of him, but he was determined to keep
going until he found the truth about the Star Goddess. As he rested, Thrazor promised
himself that he would never forget where he came from and the people who mattered to
him. He would carry their memories with him and let them fuel his determination to
succeed. He looked at the stars shining above him, filling him with a sense of calm and

As he closed his eyes, Thrazor felt a gentle breeze blowing across his face. The sound of
rustling leaves and chirping crickets filled his ears, lulling him into a deep, restful sleep.

In his dreams, Thrazor saw the image of his village. He remembered the faces of the
people he had grown up with, the ones he had fought alongside in battles and the ones he
had lost to the horrors of war. He thought about how much he missed the simple life he
had once known, before he embarked on his journey to seek the Star Goddess.

But even as he dreamed of his past, Thrazor knew that he could not turn back. He had
come too far, faced too many challenges, and had learned too much to simply abandon
his quest. The thought of what he might discover, the secrets he might uncover, the power
he might attain, all kept him moving forward.

Chapter 15. Aurelia

Thrazor approached the small town with a sense of awe. He had never seen anything like
it before. The town was situated on a floating island that was surrounded by a massive
waterfall, which plummeted down into the depths below. The island was relatively small,
with only one gigantic mountain rising up from the centre. As Thrazor got closer, he
noticed two
massive knight
statues carved
into the side of
the mountain.
They looked
almost as if
they were

As he
around the
town, Thrazor
realised that
the town was a
bustling hub of
activity. People were going about their business, chatting with one another, and generally
enjoying themselves. Thrazor had never seen such a cheerful and lively place. Weirdly
enough, Thrazor could understand what the others were talking as if they were talking in
his mother language. Confused, Thrazor tried to start a conversation with a townsman.

Thrazor was amazed as he conversed with the townsman, who was able to understand
every word he spoke, despite the fact that they were in a different realm. He had always
heard tales of magic and wonder, but this was truly beyond his wildest dreams.

The townsman explained to Thrazor that in this realm, everyone could understand each
other, no matter what language they spoke. It was a gift bestowed upon them by the
creators of this realm, in order to promote harmony and understanding among all the
creatures of the universe.

As he walked through the town, Thrazor noticed that it was full of strange and wondrous
sights. There were towering structures made of crystal and gleaming metals, and strange
creatures with wings and tails roamed the streets.

Thrazor couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he approached the entrance of the Grand
Cathedral. The doors were tall and made of solid gold, with intricate carvings.

The walls were made of pure white marble and decorated with beautiful stained glass
windows depicting scenes from the cosmos. As Thrazor stepped inside, he was greeted by
a burst of colour and light. The light was being generated by some strange crystals in
order to light up the Cathedral.

The interior of the cathedral was even more breathtaking than the exterior. The walls
were covered in exquisite frescoes depicting scenes from ancient myths and legends.
Once he looked up at the ceiling, he could see it go up until the mountain ends.

In the centre of the cathedral stood a large altar made of white marble. It was flanked by
two massive candelabras that emitted a warm, flickering glow. Thrazor could feel a
powerful energy emanating from the altar, and he knew that this was a holy place of great

Suddenly, a figure in a hooded robe approached him. The figure spoke in a deep and
solemn voice, "Thrazor, the universe has shown me your fate. You must be warned of a
threat that is coming. It is a force that is preventing you from reaching your goal."

Thrazor looked at the figure in confusion.

The figure continued, "The darkness is a creature of great power, born from the chaos of
the universe. It seeks to consume all light and leave nothing but emptiness in its wake.

Your goal, Thrazor, is to reach the star goddess and unlock your true potential." Thrazor
listened intently, "What can I do to stop it?" The figure paused before answering, "You
must seek out the three artefacts of light. With them, you can summon the power of the
creators and defeat the darkness once and for all." Thrazor nodded, "Where can I find
these artefacts?" The figure pointed towards the mountain, "One lies within the heart of
Mount Dracolyte, guarded by a fearsome dragon. Another is held within the depths of the
ocean, protected by a powerful Entity. And the third lies within the ruins of a lost
civilization, surrounded by traps and puzzles." Once you’ve collected all the artefacts,
infuse them with your spear along with your cosmical powers, and stab it right through
the creature’s heart.

Thrazor took a deep breath, "I will do whatever it takes to stop this darkness and save the
universe." The figure smiled, "I have faith in you, Thrazor. May the stars guide you on
your journey."

Chapter 16. The Divine Vanguard

The Divine Vanguard was a team of elite warriors, each with their own unique abilities
and skills. They were the protectors of the Gods' realm, tasked with defending it from any
threat that may arise.

First among them was the god who had mastered all martial arts and created his own
deadly fist style. He was always clad in a celestial armour that covered his entire body,
including a helmet that concealed his identity.
Next was a god from the east, who wielded a gigantic divine staff and could summon four
additional arms from behind his back. He too wore a strong celestial armour, which
provided protection from any physical or magical attack.
Lastly, there was the Great Spartan God, known for his incredible strength and fighting
skills. He was a fearsome warrior who could take on multiple opponents at once, and was
feared by many of his enemies.
Chapter 17. The First Artefact

Thrazor had been travelling for weeks, trekking through the wilderness in search of the
artefact that he so desperately sought. After crossing rugged mountains and treacherous
deserts, he found himself standing at the base of Mount Dracolyte, a towering peak that
was said to be guarded by a fearsome dragon.

Thrazor knew that he had to overcome the dragon if he wanted to get his hands on the
artefact he was after. So, he made his way up the mountain, taking care to stay hidden
and avoid detection by the dragon. As he climbed higher and higher, he felt the
temperature drop and the air thinning, but his determination kept him moving forward.

Finally, he arrived at the dragon's lair, a cave at the top of the mountain. The dragon was
massive, with scales as black as coal and eyes that glowed like embers. Thrazor knew that
he had to be careful if he wanted to get past the beast and claim the artifact. With a deep
breath, Thrazor stepped forward and spoke to the dragon in a calm, steady voice. To his
surprise, the dragon responded, and Thrazor soon realized that the beast was not as
fearsome as he had initially thought. In fact, the dragon was quite friendly and

"Dragon," Thrazor said, trying to sound as calm as possible, "I need your help. I've
discovered that there is a great danger coming, and I need your gem in order to stop it."

The dragon's eyes narrowed, and Thrazor could see that he was sizing him up. "What
kind of danger?" the dragon asked. "It's hard to explain," Thrazor said, "but it's a force
that threatens to destroy everything in its path and I believe that the gem you have is the
one of the keys to stopping it."

The dragon sighed heavily. "Thrazor, I’d like to help But I cannot just hand over my most
precious possession without some kind of guarantee that it will be used for good. What if
you are wrong, and this is just some kind of wild goose chase?" Thrazor felt a knot form
in his stomach. He knew that he had to convince the dragon somehow, but he didn't know
how. Then, he had an idea. "Dragon, what if I told you that I had a plan? A plan to stop
this danger, and I need your gem to do it. I swear on my life that I will use it for good and
nothing else." The dragon pondered for a moment before finally nodding. "Alright,
Thrazor. I trust you. But know that if you break your promise, I will come after you

Thrazor then left the mountain. He had achieved the first artefact. It was easier than he
expected. But more dangerous threats lie ahead as he find more artefacts.
Chapter 18. The Vision

Thrazor has found one of the artefacts, therefore he does not know where to look for the
next gem. Thrazor was travelling through the vast area of the new realm. He enjoyed the
beauty throughout this place. He wondered what meeting with the Star Goddess would
feel like. One night, he dreamt of the Star Goddess again.

He saw a huge castle in the sky, twinkling like stars. A place where he needs to go.
He was fascinated by the beauty of the scenery.

With a great leap, Thrazor soared into the sky, his body becoming lighter and more
buoyant with every passing moment. He soared past the clouds, past the stars, and up
towards the twinkling castle above. As he drew closer, he could see that it was made of
pure crystal, shining like a diamond in the sky. He could hear the gentle tinkling of bells
and the sound of music, and he knew that he was drawing near to the palace of the star

Although, when he
entered the castle, all he
could see was just plain
space with twinkling
stars. As Thrazor gazed
up at the clear night sky,
he saw a vast expanse of
twinkling stars stretching
out before him. The sky
seemed to go on forever,
and he felt as if he could
see the very edge of the
universe itself. As he
continued to gaze up at
the stars, he saw
something that he had
never seen before. A
figure, shining and
sparkling like a star,
appeared before him,
floating in the air as if by

Thrazor knew that he

was seeing the star
goddess herself, and he
felt a sense of awe and
wonder wash over him.
She was more beautiful
than any woman he had
ever seen, her eyes
shining like diamonds in
the sky. She seemed to radiate a sense of peace and tranquillity, and Thrazor knew that
he was in the presence of a truly divine being.

As he approached the star goddess, Thrazor felt a sense of trepidation. He knew that he
was not worthy of such a vision, and that he had many flaws and imperfections. But the
star goddess seemed to see through him, to his very soul, and she spoke to him in a voice
that was both gentle and commanding.

“You are a warrior, strong and brave, and you have much to offer the world. But you must
also learn to see the beauty and wonder of the universe, and to embrace the power and
mystery of the stars." As she spoke, the star goddess gestured to the sky around them, and
Thrazor saw that the stars were not merely points of light, but living beings, each one
shining with its own unique
energy and power.

He felt a sense of awe and

reverence wash over him, and
he knew that he was in the
presence of something truly

When Thrazor awoke from his

vision, he knew that he had
been given a glimpse of the true
power and beauty of the
universe, and that he had been
blessed by the star goddess
Chapter 19. An Old Foe

As he travelled through the land of floating islands, Thrazor marvelled at the sight of
giant rocks and boulders, floating effortlessly in the air. He saw trees that grew sideways,
with their roots stretching out into the open sky. The clouds drifted by, their shapes
shifting and changing with the breeze, and the sun shone down upon the landscape,
casting a warm golden glow upon everything around him.

As he journeyed on, Thrazor came upon a massive waterfall, a roaring torrent of water
that plunged down from the top of a towering cliff. He felt the spray of the water upon his
face, and he saw the rainbows that arced across the misty air. The sound of the water was
deafening, and he felt the power and energy of the waterfall all around him. Beyond the
waterfall, Thrazor saw a vast lake, its waters shimmering in the light of the sun. He saw
schools of fish swimming in the depths, and he saw the ripples and waves that were
caused by the wind. He felt the coolness of the water upon his skin, and he felt the
vastness of the lake all around him. As he travelled on, Thrazor came upon a sea coast,
where he saw the waves crashing against the shore. He saw the sand stretching out before
him, and he felt the warmth of the sun upon his back. He heard the cry of the seagulls and
felt the salt spray upon his face. As Thrazor looked out across the landscape, he felt a
sense of wonder and enchantment that he had never felt before. He knew that he had seen
things that few mortals had ever seen, and he knew that he had been blessed by the

Suddenly, The ground shook beneath Thrazor's feet as the air filled with an ominous
presence. He knew that something terrible was about to happen. Suddenly, a burst of
energy erupted from the ground, sending Thrazor flying backwards. He struggled to his
feet, but his eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld the figure that had emerged from the
ground. It was Hunter that Thrazor had defeated before. But this time, Hunter was
different. He had transformed into a divine form, a hawk-falcon hybrid that radiated a
malevolent aura. Some of his feathers were black as night but some were shining like
silver, and his eyes glowed with a sinister red light.
Thrazor stood his ground, his right hand crackling with cosmic energy. He had faced
Hunter before, and he knew that the villain was more powerful than ever. But Thrazor
was not one to give up easily.

Hunter spread his wings and let out a deafening screech, and Thrazor felt the very air
shake with the force of his power. But Thrazor stood firm, his eyes fixed on the villain.
"You cannot defeat me," Hunter sneered. "I am more powerful than you can ever imagine."
Thrazor remained silent, his eyes glowing with cosmic energy. He knew that he could not
let Hunter's words distract him from his goal. With a sudden burst of speed, Hunter
charged forward, his claws extended. Thrazor leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the
attack. He countered with a blast of cosmic energy, but Hunter was too quick. He dodged
the attack and lunged forward once again.

The battle raged on, with Thrazor shooting blasts of cosmic energy and Hunter using his
claws and wings to attack.

Thrazor knew he had to change his strategy. He focused his energy and shot a powerful
blast of cosmic energy at The Hunter. The Hunter was caught off guard, and the blast
struck him squarely in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Thrazor charged forward,
ready to deliver the final blow. But The Hunter was not defeated yet. He rose to his feet,
his eyes glowing with dark energy. Thrazor felt a surge of fear as he realised that The
Hunter had tapped into a new source of power. But he refused to give up. He knew he had
to fight with all his might, no matter what.

The battle continued on, with The Hunter's dark energy and insane speed giving him a
distinct advantage. Thrazor struggled to keep up, his cosmic energy unable to match the
dark power of his opponent.

Summoning all his willpower, Thrazor focused his cosmic energy into a single point and
unleashed a devastating attack on The Hunter. The blast hit The Hunter head-on, sending
him flying backwards and momentarily stunning him.

Seizing the opportunity, Thrazor charged forward, his cosmic infused spear at the ready.
But The Hunter was not so easily defeated. He quickly regained his footing and met
Thrazor head-on, Thrazor’s spear clashed with the talons in a shower of sparks.

The Hunter was too strong. His insane speed and dark energy were too much for Thrazor
to handle. He continued to attack relentlessly, driving Thrazor back with each blow.
Thrazor was on the defensive now, struggling to keep up with The Hunter's relentless
assault. He could feel his strength beginning to fade, his cosmic energy waning under the
The Hunter's devastating attack move was a sight to behold. With a loud screech, he could
summon dark energy from the depths of the universe, channelling it through his steel
wings and talons to create a powerful destructive force. As he prepared to unleash his
attack, The Hunter's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. He leaped high above the
skies, and the air around him crackled with dark energy.

Thrazor watched in horror as The Hunter's wings and sharp talons began to glow with a
dark, malevolent energy. He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to survive this
attack. But it was too late. The Hunter unleashed his attack with a rumble, and Thrazor
could feel the force of it bearing down upon him like a tsunami. He tried to dodge, but the
Hunter was too fast, too powerful. The continuous attacks hit Thrazor head-on, sending
him flying backwards with a sickening thud. He felt his body crumple under the force of
the impact, his cosmic energy wavering and dimming. The Hunter stood over him, a cruel
smile on his face. "You thought you could defeat me?" he sneered. "You are nothing
compared to my power." Thrazor struggled to get back to his feet, but he could feel his
strength slipping away. The Hunter was too strong, too powerful. Thrazor knew that he
had to find a way to turn the tide of the battle, or he would be defeated once and for all.

“I was stabbed in the chest by you, Thrazor. I should have died, but instead, I was
reincarnated as a Godly Being.", The Hunter said. "As a mortal man, I was nothing," The
Hunter said. "But as a Godly Being, I am unstoppable. I have powers beyond your wildest

“Don’t you know how I felt when you left me stabbed through the heart. Fallen with
wounds. And worst of all, The Bitter Taste Of Defeat. And Now, I’m Going to make you
feel it.” the Hunter yelled in a tone full of hatred.

The Hunter spread his wings wide, the feathers gleaming like polished obsidian in the
dim light of the battlefield. With a fierce cry, he launched himself into the air, soaring
towards Thrazor with astonishing speed. As he drew closer, The Hunter tucked his wings
in close to his body, diving towards Thrazor like a missile. He extended his powerful
talons, ready to strike at his opponent's flesh with lethal force. Thrazor saw The Hunter
coming, and he braced himself for the impact. He raised his right hand, ready to unleash
a blast of cosmic energy at his opponent. But before he could react, The Hunter
unleashed a powerful attack, sending a gust of wind hurtling towards Thrazor. The force
of the attack was immense, knocking Thrazor off his feet and sending him tumbling
backwards through the air. The Hunter circled back around, his eyes gleaming with
triumph as he watched Thrazor struggling to regain his footing. He extended his wings
once again, soaring towards Thrazor with the speed and grace of a hunting bird.
His talons extended and gleaming in the dim light of the battlefield. Thrazor braced
himself for the attack, but he was caught off guard as The Hunter unleashed a furious
flurry of talon strikes. Thrazor tried to dodge and weave, but The Hunter was too fast and
too skilled. His talons raked across Thrazor's chest, leaving deep gashes in their wake.
Thrazor cried out in pain, staggering backwards as The Hunter continued his relentless
assault. Despite the pain, Thrazor refused to give up. He knew that he had to keep
fighting, no matter how fierce The Hunter's attacks became. He raised his right hand,
unleashing a blast of cosmic energy that sent The Hunter tumbling backwards through
the air. But The Hunter was not defeated yet. He regained his footing quickly, circling
around Thrazor and launching another furious talon attack. Thrazor fought back with all
of his strength, his own cosmic energy mingling with The Hunter's dark power in a
deadly clash of light and shadow.

Thrazor stumbled back as The Hunter launched an attack, sending him flying backwards
through the air. He quickly regained his balance, his mind racing as he tried to figure out
how to counter The Hunter's next move. But before he could react, The Hunter was upon
him once again, his fierce talons flashing in the dim light of the battlefield. Thrazor
dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding The Hunter's attack, but he knew that he couldn't
keep running forever. He ran as fast as he could, The Hunter hot on his heels. Thrazor
knew that he was faster than The Hunter, but The Hunter's dark energy gave him an edge
that Thrazor couldn't match. Thrazor twisted and turned, trying to shake The Hunter off
his tail, but The Hunter was relentless. He swooped and dove, his talons flashing as he
launched attack after attack. Thrazor dodged and weaved, using his cosmic energy to
deflect The Hunter's blows, but he was starting to tire, and his breath was coming in
short gasps. He knew that he had to end this battle quickly, or risk being overtaken by
The Hunter's relentless attacks. With a burst of speed, he shot towards the ground, his
wings beating furiously as he tried to gain some distance. The Hunter followed him, his
dark wings slicing through the air as he closed in for the kill. Thrazor could feel The
Hunter's talons reaching for him, and he knew that he had to act fast.

While running from The Hunter, Thrazor reached a dead end, there’s only a steep
mountain in front of him. Suddenly, The Hunter soared into the sky with insane speed,
disappearing in the clouds.

The Hunter swooped down towards Thrazor, his talons ready to strike. Thrazor
anticipated his move, dodging to the side and sending a blast of cosmic energy towards
The Hunter. The Hunter was quick to recover, however, and launched himself back into
the air, his wings beating furiously.

Thrazor focused his cosmic energies and caused it to flow through his body. Suddenly,
Thrazor felt a surge of power unlike anything he had ever experienced before. His entire
body was consumed by a bright, cosmic light, and both of his hands became infused with
the energy. Thrazor was momentarily stunned by the sudden surge of power, but he
quickly regained his composure. He looked down at his hands, marvelling at the energy
that pulsed through them.

Thrazor took a deep breath, focusing his cosmic energy into his hands. He could feel the
power surging through him, and he knew that he had to use it to his advantage.

Suddenly, two shards of cosmic energy emerged from Thrazor's hands and began to
follow The Hunter as he moved around the mountain. The shards moved with incredible
speed, always staying just behind The Hunter, no matter how fast he flew.

The Hunter was surprised by the sudden appearance of the shards, but he quickly
realised the danger they posed. He tried to evade them by changing direction and speed,
but the shards were always right behind him, following his every move.

Thrazor knew that he had The Hunter on the ropes. He could feel the cosmic energy
flowing through him, giving him the power to control the shards with incredible
precision. He directed them to move faster, to follow The Hunter more closely, and to
strike with devastating force. As The Hunter continued to dodge and weave around the
mountain, the shards closed in on him.

Suddenly, they struck, hitting The Hunter with a burst of cosmic energy that sent him
hurtling through the air. Thrazor watched as The Hunter crashed to the ground, stunned
by the force of the attack. He knew that he had the upper hand now, and he moved in for
the final blow. But as he approached The Hunter, he hesitated. He remembered Hunter's
story, and the pain and suffering that he had endured. He knew that he couldn't simply
defeat The Hunter and leave him to suffer again. Instead, Thrazor offered The Hunter his
hand, helping him to his feet. The two of them stood there for a moment, facing each
other. And then, to Thrazor's surprise, The Hunter extended his hand in return. The two
of them stood there, looking out at the mountain and the sky beyond. Thrazor knew that
their battle wasn't over, but he also knew that there was a chance for peace between them.
He was determined to make the most of that chance, and to find a way to end the cycle of
violence that had plagued their world for so long. The Hunter didn’t speak a word, then
he took off with incredible speed.

Thrazor walked away from the battlefield. The wounds he sustained during the battle
were severe, and he knew that he needed time to heal. And so, Thrazor walked on, his
heart heavy but his resolve strong. He would rest, heal his wounds, and then continue on
his journey to seek the Star Goddess.
Chapter 20. Meanwhile..
The Hunter soared through the stormy skies, his wings cutting through the raging winds
like steel blades. As he flew over the choppy seas, The Hunter caught sight of a large
pirate ship looming in the distance. He could see the waves crashing against its hull, and
the flags waving in the wind. He knew that this was the ship he had been searching for.

With a sudden burst of speed, The Hunter dove towards the ship, his talons extended like
deadly weapons. As he landed on the deck, the pirates scattered in fear, their weapons at
the ready. Then a sudden voice appeared.

"Stand down," the captain commanded, his voice ringing out across the deck and the
pirates dropped their weapons. "Who could this be, The Infamous Hunter, Isn’t It?" “It’s a
pleasure to meet you,” he said with a calm voice.

The Hunter turned to the mysterious captain,

"What do you know about Thrazor?" he asked.

The captain looked at him calmly, "I know enough," he said cryptically. "I know that he is
a warrior who wields a cosmic-infused spear, and that he has recently improved his new
abilities thanks to the Star Goddess.".

The Hunter's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know that?" he asked. The captain
smiled wryly. "Let's just say that I have my sources," he replied. “Now, tell me why are you

The Hunter hesitated.

“Come on, you are one of the powerful warriors, and plus you are a divine being unlike
your previous self.” the captain added.

"Tell me, Hunter," he said, his voice smooth and low. "Did you fail to defeat Thrazor?"

The Hunter's eyes flashed with a mix of determination and trepidation. "I have," he
replied. "I have failed to defeat him."

The captain raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Failed, you say?" he said. "That is not
something I would have expected from someone of your reputation."

"Thrazor is not like any opponent I have ever faced," he said. "He is powerful, and his
cosmic abilities make him almost invincible." replied The Hunter.
“But He’s nothing but a mere mortal and you lost against him” said the captain. And what
makes you think that you can defeat him this time? "

The Hunter's expression hardened. "I will improve myself with new abilities, new
techniques," he said. "And I will not stop until Thrazor is defeated and I will fulfil my

The captain smiled slyly. "I like your spirit, Hunter," he said. "But remember this -
Thrazor is not the only one seeking the three artefacts. There are others out there who
would stop at nothing to get their hands on its power."

The Hunter's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Who are you talking about?" he asked.

“You’ll see..” said the captain.

“Thrazor is on his way to find all the three artefacts, right?” explained the captain.

“What if I told you that I have a different plan?" asked the captain.

The Hunter was confused.

The Hunter raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "What kind of plan?" he asked.

The captain leaned in closer, his voice low and conspiratorial. "We wait," he said. "We wait
until Thrazor collects all the artefacts and ambush him and take them all”

The Hunter shook his head in disbelief. "You can't be serious," he said. "Thrazor would be
enraged and would destroy us all."

The captain grinned. "That's where you're wrong, my friend," he said. “Thrazor has no
idea what he’ll be facing further on”.

The pirate ship slowly sailed into the unknown seas, its black sails unfurled and billowing
ominously in the wind. The sky above was dark and foreboding, and the crew could feel a
sense of malevolence all around them. Then the ship disappeared slowly into the dark
thick fog.
Chapter 21. Approaching Storm
Thrazor stood atop a towering mountain, gazing out at the horizon. He knew something
was coming. The air was thick with the scent of ozone and the wind carried a faint
rumble, like distant thunder. As he looked out, he could see dark clouds gathering in the
distance, rolling and churning like a tempestuous sea. The darkness of the clouds
spreaded fast, it almost covered up the scenery.

Thrazor was surprised as he recognized the shape in the storm. It was a portal, and not
just any portal - it was a portal from Kronar the Conqueror's realm. Thrazor knew that
this could only mean one thing - Kronar was coming to conquer The Gods’ realm.

He was warned about the power conqueror by the mysterious person from the city of
Aurelia. Thrazor stood still, waiting for something to happen. But to his surprise, the
portal seemed to be forming its shape and it’s not yet complete.

He then remembered his quest on finding all the three artefacts in order to defeat Kronar.
Suddenly, a light flashes through the horizon and he watches it with amazement. As the
light grew brighter, he could see that it was coming from the realm of the gods, a sign of
their power and protection.

As the light intensified, Thrazor noticed something strange happening to the stormy
portal in the distance. The dark clouds began to deform and twist, as if something was
tearing them apart. Lightning bolts that had been striking the ground ceaselessly
disappeared, and the wind died down.

The portal was shrinking, the edges becoming ragged and frayed as if it was being
consumed by the divine light. The divine light grew brighter still. Thrazor thought that
the light was sent by the “Divine Vanguard” in order to protect the threats from Kronar.
They knew that they still had a long road ahead of them, that Kronar's armies would not
be easily defeated. The Divine Light wouldn’t be a long term solution for the problem.

Thrazor still has only 1 artefact so far, and he still has to find 2 more. He knows he’s on
the right track as he saw the coastal town nearby.
Thrazor arrived at the coastal town. The town looked pretty normal and people were
carrying their business as usual. He found out that the town was named “Saltwind Bay”.

Upon arriving in the town, Thrazor immediately began his search for information. He
asked the townspeople about the second artefact that he needed to find, and they told him
that it was hidden in a sunken place ruled by a menacing entity. The townspeople also
informed Thrazor that the sunken place was known as The Deep Water's Edge, and that it
was a treacherous and dangerous place to venture into. However, Thrazor was
determined to continue his search, and he set out to find a way to reach the sunken place.

The Deep Water's Edge was a place of mystery and danger, shrouded in myths and
legends that had been passed down through generations. It was a sunken place that lay
beyond the coast of Saltwind Bay, where the water was deep and dark, and the currents
were strong and unpredictable.

Many had tried to venture into The Deep Water's Edge, hoping to discover its secrets and
unlock its treasures, but few had returned. Those who did come back spoke of a
menacing entity that ruled over the sunken place, a dark force that lurked in the shadows
and preyed upon anyone who dared to venture too close. According to the legends the
entity possesses the powerful gem of the sea.

Despite its reputation, The Deep Water's Edge held a certain fascination for the people of
Saltwind Bay. Some believed that it was the home of ancient sea creatures that had long
since been forgotten by the rest of the world. Others thought that it held the key to
unlocking the mysteries of the ocean.

But for most people, The Deep Water's Edge was a place to be feared and avoided. They
knew that the treacherous currents and hidden dangers could easily claim their lives, and
they respected the power of the menacing entity that ruled over the sunken place.

However, for Thrazor, The Deep Water's Edge represented an opportunity to take another
step in his quest to find the second artefact. So he headed to the town’s elder’s house.

As he prepared to venture into The Deep Water's Edge, Thrazor sought out the wisdom of
the town's elder to learn what requirements he would need to fulfil to successfully
navigate the dangerous waters.

The elder was a wise and respected figure in the community, with many years of
experience navigating the treacherous seas around Saltwind Bay. Thrazor approached
him with respect and humility, seeking his guidance in navigating the deep waters of The
Deep Water's Edge.
The elder listened carefully as Thrazor explained his mission and his need for guidance.
He then shared his knowledge of the ocean and the hidden dangers that lurked within it.
He warned Thrazor of the strong currents, the sharp rocks, and the unpredictable tides
that could easily claim a traveller's life. He also explained the specific requirements that
Thrazor would need to fulfil to successfully navigate The Deep Water's Edge. Thrazor
would need to be a skilled swimmer, with the strength and endurance to withstand the
strong currents.

Then the townspeople provided him with an exclusive potion that would allow him to
breathe underwater. The potion was a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few
in the town. It was made from a rare herb that grew only in the deepest parts of the
ocean, and its effects were known to last for hours. The townspeople had prepared the
potion especially for Thrazor, recognizing the importance of his mission and the dangers
he would face. Thrazor was grateful for the potion, which would give him the ability to
breathe underwater and explore The Deep Water's Edge without fear of running out of

The townspeople also provided the guidance of a skilled sailor to escort him to the
sunken place. The sailor was an experienced seafarer, with many years of experience
navigating the dangerous currents and tides of the ocean. Thrazor was grateful for his
help, knowing that he could not navigate the treacherous waters alone.
Together, they set out from Saltwind Bay, their boat cutting through the choppy waves as
they made their way towards The Deep Water's Edge. The sailor shared his knowledge of
the ocean with Thrazor, warning him of the strong currents and sharp rocks that could
easily claim a traveller's life. As they approached the sunken place, Thrazor prepared to
dive into the depths of the ocean.

As Thrazor opened the small vial, he could see the potion's pale blue colour, almost like a
bright reflection of the ocean's depths. As he hesitantly brought the vial to his lips,
Thrazor expected the potion to taste foul or medicinal, but was surprised to find that it
had a surprisingly sweet taste, reminiscent of salted caramel with a hint of sea breeze.
The potion was cool and refreshing, like a drop of water from a natural spring. Thrazor
felt an energy flowing through his body as he consumed it, invigorating him with the
power to face the dangers that lay ahead. Despite the potion's taste, Thrazor knew that its
real value was in the fact that it would allow him to breathe underwater and explore The
Deep Water's Edge without fear of running out of air. And as he felt its effects coursing
through his veins, he felt more confident than ever that he would find the second artefact.

He took a deep breath and then dove into

the dark depths of The Deep Water's Edge,
the skilled sailor watching from the boat
above. As he swam deeper and deeper,
Thrazor was awed by the wonders of the
ocean around him. He saw schools of
colourful fish swimming past him, their
scales shimmering in the sunlight that
filtered down from the surface. He saw
strange and exotic creatures that he had
never seen before, their tentacles and fins
waving in the currents. But Thrazor did
not forget the danger that lurked ahead. He
swam cautiously, keeping his senses sharp
and his mind focused on his mission. And
when he finally reached the sunken place
ruled by the menacing entity, he was ready
to face whatever lay ahead.
Chapter 22. Deeper it goes

Thrazor swam deeper and deeper into the dark waters, feeling the pressure increase with
each passing moment. The water was cold and murky, and the currents were strong,
threatening to drag him away from his course. But Thrazor was a skilled swimmer.

As he swam, Thrazor noticed a small opening in the rock face ahead. It was a narrow
underwater cave, but it seemed to offer a way through to the other side. Thrazor hesitated
for a moment, wondering if it was wise to enter such a confined space. But he knew that
time was running out, and he had to take the risk. Thrazor swam into the cave, feeling the
water grow even colder and more oppressive.

Thrazor swam through the broad sea cave, marvelling at the beauty of the underwater
world around him. The walls of the cave were adorned with shimmering crystals and
sparkling gems, casting a gentle glow across the water.

Schools of different fish swam around him, darting in and out of the rocky outcroppings
that lined the cave. As he continued on his journey, Thrazor noticed that the water was
growing warmer, and he could feel a gentle current pushing him forward. He decided to
follow the current, trusting that it would lead him closer to his destination. After several
more minutes of swimming, Thrazor emerged from the other side of the sea cave,
blinking in the bright sunlight that streamed down from above. He found himself in a
vast open ocean, stretching out before him as far as the eye could see. Thrazor paused for
a moment, taking in the beauty of the ocean around him. He could feel the power of the
water all around him, and he felt a sense of wonder and reverence for the vastness of the
As he swam forward, Thrazor suddenly saw a shadow looming before him in the murky
water. As he got closer, he realised that it was the hull of an old ship, wrecked and
abandoned in the depths of the sea cave.

Thrazor approached the ship cautiously, his senses on high alert. He could see that the
vessel had been damaged in a violent storm, with its masts and sails torn to shreds and its
wooden planks split and broken. As he swam closer, Thrazor noticed movement in the
darkness within the ship. He tensed, ready to defend himself against whatever might be
lurking inside.

But as he drew nearer, he realised that the movement was caused by a school of tiny fish
darting in and out of the shadows. Thrazor breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't shake
off the feeling of unease that still lingered in his mind. He swam through the broken hull
of the ship, inspecting the wreckage that lay all around him. He could see the remains of
the crew's belongings scattered about, with rusted anchors, torn sails, and broken oars
lying in disarray.

After that, Thrazor swam out of the wreckage and

continued on to search for the sunken city. Suddenly,
a school of fish swam past him as if they were
running away from something. Then, he heard a
large growling noise. He spun around and saw a
school of hostile fishes with large teeth and eel-like
appearance swimming towards him.
The fishes swam around Thrazor, their razor-sharp teeth bared, ready to tear him apart.
Thrazor focused on his cosmic powers, and he summoned all his strength to unleash a
powerful beam of energy at the fishes.

The beam of energy hit the fishes, and they recoiled in pain. Thrazor continued to attack
them with his cosmic powers, but he realized that his powers were not as effective
underwater as they were on land. The fishes were still able to withstand his attacks, and
Thrazor knew that he had to come up with a new strategy.

Without hesitation, Thrazor summoned his cosmic-infused spear, which glowed with an
otherworldly light. He hurled it at the approaching school of fishes, the spear piercing the
water with incredible force.

The fishes scattered in all directions as Thrazor continued to throw his spear, striking
them with deadly accuracy. The spear was infused with cosmic energy, making it
incredibly powerful, even in the depths of the ocean. Thrazor spun around, throwing the
spear with all his might, and watched as it sliced through the water, cutting through
schools of fishes with ease.

Despite the fishes' large teeth and eel-like appearance, they were no match for Thrazor's
cosmic-infused spear. With each throw, Thrazor grew more confident and skilled, his
aim becoming more precise and deadly.

As the last of the fishes was defeated, Thrazor retrieved his spear and continued his
journey, deeper into the sea cave.

As Thrazor swam deeper into the sea cave, he suddenly noticed movement in the dark
waters ahead of him. He focused his gaze and saw some movement emerging from the
darkness, their blue glowing eyes sending shivers down his spine.

The creatures swam towards Thrazor in a menacing

way, their claws and teeth glinting in the dim light
of the cave. Thrazor's heart raced as he prepared for
battle once again, but this time the creatures looked
even more terrifying than before. Their movements
were quick and erratic, and they seemed to be
driven by an intense hunger for blood. Thrazor
knew that he had to be careful, for these creatures
were unlike anything he had ever faced before.
They were evolved versions of the fishes he had encountered earlier, but now they had
hands and claws with bigger teeth.

Thrazor knew that he had to act fast, but this time his cosmic-infused spear wasn't
enough. These creatures were stronger and more agile than the previous ones, and
Thrazor needed a new plan of attack.

Without hesitation, Thrazor infused both of his hands with cosmic energy and prepared
to engage in hand-to-hand combat. He attacked the creatures with a series of powerful
punches, his movements infused with the power of the cosmos.

The creatures were caught off guard by Thrazor's sudden change of tactics, and they
struggled to keep up with his incredible speed and strength. Thrazor used his agility to
dodge their attacks and countered with precise punches and combos, each one infused
with the power of the cosmos.

Despite his incredible strength and speed, the creatures had managed to land a few hits
on him, and their sharp claws had left deep wounds on his arms and legs. Thrazor could
feel the pain coursing through his body but he knew he had to keep on fighting.

Thrazor infused his hands with even more cosmic energy, and he began to strike back
with renewed vigour. His movements were swift and precise, and he landed blow after
blow against the creatures.

After battling for a long time, Thrazor emerged victorious. The creatures lay defeated at
his feet, their blue glowing eyes slowly fading away. Thrazor took a deep breath and
looked down at his wounds. They were deep and painful, but he knew that he could not
let them slow him down.
Chapter 23. Sunken City

As Thrazor swam further into the sea cave, he noticed that the water began to change.
The murky darkness began to give way to a brighter, clearer blue, and soon Thrazor
found himself swimming through a vast expanse of ruins.

The ruins were ancient, and Thrazor could sense the weight of history and mystery that
hung in the air around him. It was like swimming through a sunken city, frozen in time
and lost to the ages. As Thrazor swam deeper into the ruins, he began to see strange and
unfamiliar sights. There were crumbling buildings.

The ruins were hauntingly beautiful, and Thrazor found himself drawn deeper and
deeper into their depths. He swam past great columns of stone, towering statues, and
ruined temples, each one seeming to hold a secret or a mystery.

Despite the eerie stillness of the sunken city, Thrazor could sense that he was not alone.
He could feel the presence of something or someone watching him from the shadows,
and he knew that he had to be careful.

Thrazor swam onwards, his senses heightened and alert for any danger. The ruins
seemed to stretch on forever.

As Thrazor swam through the ruins of the sunken city, his eyes caught sight of ancient
writings etched into the walls of one of the buildings. He swam closer, his curiosity
piqued, and began to read the mysterious text. When he hovered the text with his glowing
cosmic hands, the texts were automatically translated to his mother language.

The writing spoke of an entity that guarded the sea relic of the city, a powerful and
fearsome creature that had been summoned from the depths of the ocean to protect the
treasure. The entity was said to be nearly invincible, with skin as hard as diamond and
eyes that could see in even the darkest depths of the sea.

Thrazor shuddered at the thought of facing such a creature, but he knew that he had no
choice. He had to obtain the sea relic, no matter what dangers lay ahead. As he continued
to read, Thrazor learned more about the history of the sunken city.

The city had been a thriving metropolis, home to a civilization that was far more
advanced than any that Thrazor had ever encountered. The people of the city had
possessed incredible knowledge and technology, and had been revered throughout the
world for their wisdom and power. But despite their greatness, the people of the city had
been destroyed by a catastrophic event that had sunk the city to the bottom of the sea. The
writing did not explain what had caused the disaster, but Thrazor could sense that it had
been a great tragedy. Despite the sadness of the story, Thrazor felt a sense of awe and
wonder as he swam through the ruins of the sunken city. He could sense the history and
power that still lingered in the air, and he knew that he was standing in a place of great

Thrazor cautiously swam deeper into the ruins of the sunken city, knowing that the
Entity that guarded the sea relic was near. Suddenly, he heard a deafening roar that
shook the surrounding ruins, causing dust and debris to rain down on him.

As he looked up, Thrazor saw a massive figure

emerging from the shadows. It had the body of a
sea dragon, and eyes that glowed with an
otherworldly fire. But what truly caught
Thrazor's attention was the creature's lower half
- a massive fish tail that shimmered in the

The creature loomed over Thrazor, its massive

size making him feel like a mere speck in
comparison. But what truly sent chills down his
spine was the sight of the creature's weapon - a
gigantic sword that glimmered in the dim light.
Thrazor summoned his cosmic powers, his hands crackling with energy. But he knew
that he was facing a foe unlike any he had ever encountered before. With a deep breath,
he braced himself for the fight of his life.

The creature let out a low, rumbling laugh that echoed through the water. "You are a
brave warrior," it said, its voice deep and powerful. "But you will not succeed. I am
Azkamorth, the Entity that guards this relic.”

“The legends you have read are false," he said. "I was the ruler of this city, and I swore to
protect its treasure at all costs.”

“However, I will offer you a chance. If you can defeat me in combat, then the relic is
yours." Azkamorth said.

Thrazor realized that he could not speak underwater, so he nodded his head as if he was
agreeing to the offer.

Azkamorth nodded, a fierce grin spreading across his face as he raised his gigantic
sword. Thrazor readied himself, summoning his own cosmic-infused spear and taking a
defensive stance.

Thrazor heard a loud rumbling sound coming underneath him. Turning around, he saw
that the seafloor was shaking, and a huge arena was rising up from the depths of the
ocean. Azkamorth stood at the centre of the arena, his hands raised high in the air. The
creature's eyes blazed with fury as he glared at Thrazor, clearly intent on continuing the
fight. Thrazor knew that he couldn't back down now. He had come too far and fought too
hard to let Azkamorth defeat him now. Summoning his cosmic powers once again, he
turned back towards the arena, ready to face his foe one final time. As he swam towards
the arena, Thrazor could feel the water around him growing warmer and thicker.
Thrazor and Azkamorth faced each other in the center of the underwater arena. The
waters around them were murky and dark, but the two combatants could see each other
clearly. Azkamorth had a fish-like tail that propelled him forward through the water,
while Thrazor relied on his cosmic powers to swim quickly and dodge attacks.

Azkamorth's sword was massive. It glinted in the dim light of the arena, and Thrazor
could sense its power even from a distance. He knew that he would have to be careful to
avoid its deadly blows.

With a sudden burst of speed, Azkamorth lunged forward, his sword aimed straight at
Thrazor's chest. Thrazor responded quickly, dodging to the side and thrusting his spear
towards Azkamorth's midsection. The sea creature deflected the blow easily with his
sword and swung it around in a wide arc, aiming to take Thrazor's head off.

Thrazor barely managed to dodge the attack, swimming backwards quickly and
summoning a wave of cosmic energy that rippled through the water. Azkamorth was
caught off guard, and Thrazor took advantage of the opening to lunge forward again,
thrusting his spear towards the sea creature's heart. But Azkamorth was not easily
defeated. He deftly parried the attack with his sword and swung it around.

The two combatants circled each other warily, their eyes locked in a deadly dance.
Thrazor knew that he would have to be careful to avoid Azkamorth's deadly sword, and he
summoned all of his cosmic powers to help him in the fight. Although he couldn’t rely
much on them since they were weakened underwater.

Azkamorth roared in fury, summoning a wave of water that swept Thrazor off his feet and
sent him spinning through the water. Thrazor recovered quickly, and regained his

Thrazor then took an attacking stance and darted forward, his spear pointed towards
Azkamorth's midsection. Azkamorth parried with his sword, the force of the impact
sending Thrazor tumbling backwards.

Thrazor quickly regained his footing and launched himself at Azkamorth once again.
This time, he aimed for the creature's tail, hoping to immobilise it. But Azkamorth was
quick to react, and swung his tail around to meet Thrazor's spear, knocking it out of his
There was an opening for Azkamorth, as he swung his sword, slashing Thrazor into the
chest. Thrazor screams with pain but due to him being underwater it was an unpleasant

Thrazor endured the pain and summoned his spear, but this time he was extremely
focused. Thrazor and Azkamorth continued their intense battle, their weapons clashing
against each other with deafening sounds that echoed through the underwater arena.
Thrazor's cosmic spear glowed brightly as he used it to block Azkamorth's gigantic
sword. Thrazor was using all of his combat skills to their fullest, unleashing a flurry of
attacks and dodging Azkamorth's powerful strikes.

“You are quite a nuisance mortal to deal with” said Azkamorth in annoyance.

Azkamorth sends out a wave of water that makes Thrazor unable to move quickly, and
then dashes towards Thrazor and stabs him with his sword.

As Azkamorth plunged his massive sword into Thrazor's torso, a sudden burst of cosmic
energy erupted from Thrazor's body, causing the sword to rebound and sending
Azkamorth staggering backward. Thrazor's torso began to glow with a pulsating, ethereal
light as the cosmic energy infused every cell in his body.

As Azkamorth was sent back by the powerful wave of Thrazor's armor, he quickly
regained his composure and spoke, "Impressive. Your cosmic abilities are unlike
anything I've seen before."

Thrazor charged at Azkamorth with incredible speed, his cosmic spear held aloft and
ready to strike.

Azkamorth sneered at Thrazor, unfazed by his sudden surge of power. "You may have
gained the power of the cosmos, but you are still no match for me, mortal!" he bellowed,
swinging his massive sword.

Thrazor dodged the blow with swift reflexes, his cosmic spear slashing at Azkamorth's
arm as he passed. The blade cut through the thick scales, drawing a stream of black
blood, but it did little to slow the sea demon.

Azkamorth roared in anger, lunging forward with incredible speed. Thrazor met the
attack head-on, their weapons clashing creating small ripples of water waves around
Suddenly, Thrazor launched a furious attack. His spear blazed with cosmic power,
striking with lightning-fast precision. Azkamorth parried the blows with his massive
sword, but he was clearly struggling to keep up with Thrazor's speed and agility.

Azkamorth was surprised to see Thrazor moving with such agility and speed underwater
despite not being an underwater creature. Thrazor swiftly dodged Azkamorth's attacks
and counterattacked with his cosmic-infused spear, forcing Azkamorth to parry with his
gigantic sword.

As the battle continued, Azkamorth began to realise that Thrazor's strength and skill
were not to be underestimated, and he became more aggressive in his attacks. Thrazor, in
turn, focused on his defensive manoeuvres, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Azkamorth charged forward, swinging his sword with all his might. Thrazor sidestepped
the blow and delivered a powerful punch to Azkamorth's stomach, knocking the wind out
of him. As Azkamorth stumbled back, Thrazor plunged his spear into Azkamorth's chest,
piercing his heart.

Chapter 24. Is it over?

Azkamorth let out a roar as he

stood up, his body convulsing
with power. The dragon's body
convulsed and shimmered, as if
the very essence of the sea itself
was flowing through him. His
armour grew thicker and
tougher, taking on the
appearance of scales, while his
sword glowed with an
otherworldly blue light.

As he stood up, Thrazor could

feel the sheer power emanating
from the transformed
Azkamorth. The dragon's tail
swished back and forth, sending
powerful waves crashing against
the walls of the arena. His eyes
glowed with an intense blue light,
and Thrazor could sense a deep rage burning within him.

Thrazor knew that he was facing a foe unlike any other he had ever encountered. He
braced himself, ready for whatever Azkamorth might throw at him. With a roar, the
dragon charged forward, his massive sword cleaving through the water with ease.
Thrazor darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the blow, and countered with a swift strike
from his cosmic spear.

The battle raged on, with Thrazor using his speed and agility to evade Azkamorth's
attacks while striking back with all his might. But despite his best efforts, Thrazor could
feel himself tiring, plus the effects of the potion were wearing off. Thrazor knew he didn't
have much time left, he had to end this quickly.

Thrazor rushed towards Azkamorth, using his agility and speed to avoid the incoming
strikes of Azkamorth's sword. Thrazor's infused spear clashed against the giant sword,
creating eruptions underwater.

Azkamorth was now stronger and more aggressive than before, but Thrazor refused to
back down. Thrazor infused his hands with cosmic energy and used his fists to land
heavy blows on Azkamorth's armour. The two combatants exchanged blows, each trying
to gain the upper hand.

As Azkamorth charged towards him with his massive sword, Thrazor quickly thought of a
plan. Using his last bit of strength, Thrazor swam towards a large boulder lying on the
seabed. He infused it with his cosmic abilities, causing it to glow with a bright blue light.
With all his might, Thrazor lifted the boulder and swam towards Azkamorth.

As Azkamorth swung his sword at Thrazor, he quickly ducked and kicked the boulder
towards Azkamorth's armour. Thrazor shot a beam of cosmical energy at the boulder,
causing it to accelerate towards Azkamorth with incredible speed.

The boulder struck Azkamorth's armour with tremendous force, causing it to shatter into
a thousand pieces. Azkamorth was thrown back by the impact and landed heavily on the
seabed. Thrazor swam towards him, ready to strike the final blow.

Thrazor seized the opportunity to strike with his infused spear, piercing through
Azkamorth's heart. Azkamorth stumbled backwards, his body beginning to glow with a
bright white light. In one final burst of energy, Azkamorth let out a deafening roar that
shook the entire arena.
The explosion was powerful enough to create a huge cloud of debris that obscured his

As the dust settled, Thrazor saw something shining amidst the rubble. It was the sea relic.
He swam towards it and carefully picked it up, feeling the power emanating from it. The
relic was a glowing gem, emitting a faint blue light that seemed to dance in his hand.

Suddenly a shimmering cloak materialised in the water. It was unlike any cloak Thrazor
had seen before, as it appeared to be infused with cosmic energy. Without hesitation,
Thrazor swam towards the cloak, and as he got closer, he could feel the power emanating
from it. He wrapped the cloak around his body, and he could feel its energy coursing
through his veins.

Thrazor felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him as he held the sea relic. He had
overcome all the challenges and defeated Azkamorth, the entity that guarded it.

As he was about to leave the arena, he looked back at the spot where Azkamorth had
exploded. He wondered if the sea dragon was truly gone or if he would return again
someday. But for now, Thrazor had fulfilled his mission and was ready to face whatever
lay ahead.

Thrazor swam up to the surface. Thrazor emerged from the water, his body tired and
bruised from the intense battle he had just faced. As he swam towards the surface, he
could feel the sun's warmth embracing him, providing him with a sense of comfort and

He finally reached the surface and took a deep breath of fresh air. He looked around and
saw that he was back at the Saltwind Bay. He swam towards the shore and stepped out of
the water, his feet sinking into the sand.

Thrazor looked back at the sea with a sense of relief as he noticed that the waves were no
longer rough. The once turbulent waters had calmed down, as if the battle between
Thrazor and Azkamorth had somehow pacified the sea.

As he walked towards the shore, he could see the people of the town staring at him in
amazement. They had never seen anyone survive a battle against Azkamorth, let alone
defeat him and retrieve the sea relic.

Thrazor smiled as he realised that he had accomplished what he had set out to do. He had
saved the town from the wrath of Azkamorth and retrieved the powerful sea relic, which
would now be protected by the people of Saltwind Bay.

As he reached the shore of Saltwind Bay, he looked out to the sea one last time, taking in
the peacefulness of the water. He knew that the sea would always hold a special place in
his heart, and that he would never forget the incredible journey that had brought him
Thrazor gathered his belongings and took one last look at the town of Saltwind Bay. The
sun was starting to set, casting an orange glow on the horizon. He knew it was time for
him to leave and continue his journey. The memory of their battle still fresh in his mind,
Thrazor knew he had grown stronger and more experienced.

Thrazor took one last look at the town of Saltwind Bay, its people going about their daily
lives, oblivious to the perilous adventures that he had just returned from. He felt a twinge
of sadness in his heart, knowing that he may never see them again.

But Thrazor has a quest to complete. He adjusted his cloak and tightened his grip on his
cosmic spear. With a determined look in his eyes, he began to walk away from the town.
The Hunter soared through the skies, his wings slicing through the clouds as he made his
way towards a large, black pirate ship anchored on the sea below.

As he landed on the deck, the captain approached him, his arms crossed over his chest.

"What brings you here, Hunter?" the captain asked, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"I’ve brought news," The Hunter replied, "Thrazor has acquired the Sea Relic." The
captain's expression softened, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Thrazor? The young star gazer?" "Yes," The Hunter confirmed. "He was able to retrieve
the relic from the depths of the sea, and he now possesses its power."

The Hunter and The Captain sat down in the captain's quarters aboard the black pirate
ship, discussing their plan to steal all three artefacts from Thrazor once he had claimed

The Hunter told the captain about Thrazor's latest acquisition of the Sea Relic, a powerful
artefact that gave Thrazor control over the seas. The Captain listened intently, his eyes
gleaming with greed. "If we can get our hands on all three artefacts, we will be
unstoppable," he said. The Hunter nodded. "But we have to be careful. Thrazor is a
powerful warrior, and he won't give up the artefacts without a fight."

"I have a plan," said The Captain. "We'll follow Thrazor and strike when he's weakened.
And the last artefact can be found in a city ruins full of puzzles. We'll be ready for him
when he arrives." The Hunter nodded in agreement. "We must be cautious. Thrazor is not
to be underestimated."

The Captain grinned. "Don't worry”

The Captain led The Hunter to a

secluded chamber on the lower
deck of his ship. Waiting for them
was a new addition to their crew, a
divine assassin with a golden
armour and a godly golden bow.
The Hunter recognized him as a
former opponent of Thrazor's, one
that was defeated but still
remained alive.
"Meet our newest recruit," the Captain said, introducing the assassin. "He's the one who
will work with us and take care of Thrazor " The Hunter nodded in approval, eyeing the
golden armour and bow. "Impressive. I can see why you chose him for this task."

The assassin remained silent, his golden eyes locked onto The Hunter. He knew what was
expected of him and was eager to prove his worth to the Captain and his crew. "Thrazor
won't be an easy target," The Hunter warned. "He's a divine being with immense power.
He won't go down without a fight." "I know," the Captain said with a grin. "But we have the
element of surprise on our side. And with the sea relic and the star relic, we'll be
unstoppable." The assassin nodded in agreement, his grip tightening on his golden bow.
He was ready for the task ahead, eager to prove his worth to the Captain and his crew.

"Let's go," The Hunter said, leading the way out of the chamber. "Thrazor won't wait

Chapter 25. Road to the last artefact

Thrazor travelled through the gods' realm, passing by beautiful gardens and temples
dedicated to the various deities. As he journeyed towards the city ruins, he encountered
several other divine beings, some of whom he recognized as his fellow protectors of the
realm. Despite the beautiful surroundings, Thrazor couldn't shake the feeling that
something ominous was looming over the realm. He quickened his pace, eager to
complete his quest and discover the final artefact.

Finally, Thrazor arrived at the city ruins, an ancient and abandoned metropolis filled
with winding streets and towering buildings.
Thrazor stepped into the ruins, his cosmic-infused spear in hand. As he walked through
the ancient city, he came across the first puzzle.

In front of him was a large stone tablet with ancient writing inscribed on it. He tried
hovering the text with his cosmic light but they weren’t able to translate it. Thrazor
couldn't read the language, but he knew that the tablet held the key to the next part of his

As he examined the tablet, Thrazor noticed that there were several small holes carved
into its surface. Looking closer, he saw that each hole was a different shape and size.
Thrazor knew that he needed to find something to fit into each of the holes. He searched
the surrounding area and found several stones and sticks that he thought might fit. One
by one, he tried each object in the holes, but none of them fit perfectly.

Frustrated, Thrazor sat down and closed his eyes, focusing on his cosmic energy.
Suddenly, a burst of energy shot out from his hand and hit the tablet. The writing on the
tablet glowed bright blue and Thrazor watched in amazement as the holes filled with blue
energy. The energy began to swirl and shift, forming different shapes and sizes until
finally, they all locked into place. With a loud rumble, the stone tablet moved, revealing a
staircase leading deeper into the ruins.

Thrazor stood before the second puzzle, his eyes scanning the intricate carvings etched
into the stone walls. The ancient text was indecipherable to any ordinary being, but
Thrazor had a secret weapon - his cosmic-infused hand. As he hovered his hand over the
carvings, the cosmic energy pulsed and glowed, and the text began to unravel itself.
Thrazor's mind raced as he read the text, trying to make sense of the complex puzzle
before him. The text reads: "In this labyrinth lies the path to the sacred artefact. Follow
the symbols and beware the traps. To reach the treasure, one must have courage and wit.
The path is not for the faint of heart, for it is guarded by the spirits of the ancient ones.
Only those deemed worthy shall pass."

The puzzle was a massive labyrinth, with countless twists and turns that seemed to lead
to nowhere. Thrazor knew that he had to solve this puzzle if he wanted to claim the final
artefact, so he took a deep breath and entered the labyrinth.

Thrazor stepped forward, his eyes scanning the complex labyrinth before him. The walls
were tall, made of stone, and adorned with intricate carvings. The air was thick with the
scent of musty, ancient dust, and the silence was deafening. Thrazor took a deep breath
and began to move forward, following the path that had been laid out before him. The
twists and turns were dizzying, and he felt like he had been walking for hours.
His hand traced the smooth surface of the walls as he made his way through the maze,
his mind working to solve the puzzle that lay ahead. Suddenly, Thrazor heard a faint
rumbling noise, and he paused in his tracks. It sounded like something was shifting
beneath his feet. He looked down and saw that the stone beneath him was slowly moving,
revealing a small crevice in the floor. Without hesitation, Thrazor leaped over the crevice
and continued on his path.

The labyrinth seemed to be alive, shifting and changing at every turn. But Thrazor was
determined, and he pressed on through the maze, his heart pounding in his chest.

He paused at each intersection, studying the symbols etched into the stone walls, using
his cosmic light to translate them. The text spoke of traps and illusions that were meant
to trick and mislead him, and Thrazor realised he would need to use all of his wits to
make it through this puzzle.

He decided to follow a path that led him deeper into the maze. The air grew cooler and
damper, and he soon found himself in a narrow corridor with no visible way out. As he
looked around, Thrazor noticed that one of the stones on the wall was slightly
discoloured. He pressed on it, and a hidden door slid open, revealing a dark passage
beyond. Thrazor took a deep breath and stepped into the darkness, his cosmic light
illuminating the way. The passage twisted and turned, leading him deeper into the heart
of the labyrinth. He came across many more traps and illusions, but each time he
managed to overcome them with his skills and his cosmic abilities.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Thrazor saw a glimmer of light up ahead. He
rushed towards it and found himself standing in front of a massive door, intricately
carved with strange symbols. Thrazor knew that this was the final challenge, and he took
a deep breath before pushing open the door.

Thrazor approached the final puzzle, feeling a sense of trepidation. The first two had
been difficult, but this one was rumoured to be the hardest of all. He studied it carefully,
trying to find a way to solve it. The puzzle consisted of a series of levers and buttons
arranged in a complex pattern.

Thrazor tried pulling different levers and pressing different buttons, but nothing seemed
to work. He felt frustrated and confused. Then, he noticed something unusual about the
pattern. There seemed to be a hidden message encoded in the placement of the levers and
buttons. He concentrated, trying to decipher it.

As he studied the pattern, he realised that it was a map of the stars. The positions of the
levers and buttons corresponded to the positions of the stars in the night sky.
Thrazor smiled,
feeling a sense of
satisfaction at having
figured it out. He
carefully pulled the
levers and pressed
the buttons in the
correct order,
following the map of
the stars. As he did
so, he heard a loud
clicking sound, and a
hidden door opened.

Thrazor emerged into a large chamber. In the centre of the room was a pedestal, and
upon it rested the final artefact he had been seeking. Thrazor approached it slowly,
carefully, feeling the weight of his mission upon him. He reached out and took the

Thrazor had done it, he had claimed all three artefacts and had thwarted the plans of
those who sought to use them for evil.

Thrazor emerged from the ruins, clutching the final artefact tightly in his hand. As he
stepped out into the open, he saw the captain and his crew waiting for him. "Well, well,
well," the captain said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Look who finally made it out.
Did you have a nice little adventure in there?" Thrazor ignored the captain's jibes and
held out the artefact for him to see. "I have what I came for. Now, leave this place and
never come back." The captain laughed. "Oh, I don't think so. You see, we have a little deal
to settle. You have something we want, and we're willing to do whatever it takes to get it."
Thrazor's grip on the artefact tightened. "I will not let you take it from me. Leave now,
before I'm forced to take action."
The captain's expression turned dark. "You forget who you're dealing with. I have an army
at my disposal, and I won't hesitate to use it." Thrazor stood his ground, his spear at the
ready. "I fear no army. If you want this artefact, you'll have to take it from me." The
captain signalled to his crew, and they charged forward, swords and axes at the ready.

Chapter 26. The Great Battle

Thrazor quickly grabbed his spear and prepared for battle, knowing that he was
outnumbered but unwilling to back down. The crew rushed towards him, their weapons
drawn and ready to strike.

The first to attack was a burly pirate with a large hammer, swinging it at Thrazor with all
his might. Thrazor swiftly dodged the blow and countered with a quick jab from his
spear, sending the pirate staggering backwards.

The next pirate to attack was a swift and agile assassin, moving in and out of Thrazor's
reach with ease. Thrazor used his cosmic abilities to anticipate the assassin's movements
and strike back, but the pirate was too fast and managed to land a blow on Thrazor's arm.
Despite the crew's relentless attacks, Thrazor fought back with all his might. His
cosmic-infused spear glowed with power as he struck each pirate down, one by one.

The captain's eyes glowed a bright green as his skin turned to ash and fell off, revealing
his true form - a towering skeleton with a sinister green smoke aura. He wielded a
massive chain hook in one hand and a gleaming sword in the other.
Thrazor stood his ground, his spear at the ready. The captain's crew swarmed around
him, each of them armed and dangerous. Thrazor was outnumbered, but he had faced
worse odds before.

The captain let out a bone-chilling laugh as he swung his chain hook towards Thrazor.

The Captain's powerful strikes landed hard against Thrazor, causing him to stumble
back. Thrazor's spear strikes were swift, but the Captain was able to deconstruct his
bones and regenerate all his attacks.

Thrazor's cosmic energy was dwindling as the battle wore on, and he knew he needed to
come up with a new plan. Thrazor charged towards the Captain with all his might, his
spear glowing with cosmic energy. However, the Captain was ready for him and swung
his chain whip, knocking Thrazor's spear out of his hand. The Captain then lunged
forward with his sword, aiming for Thrazor's heart. But Thrazor was not defeated yet. He
used his godly powers to summon a shield made of cosmic energy, blocking the Captain's
attack. Thrazor then used his free hand to grab onto the Captain's chain whip, throwing
him away. The two continued to battle, each one determined to come out on top.

The captain's chain whip hook wrapped around Thrazor's arms, binding him tightly.
Thrazor struggled to free himself but to no avail. The captain's crew members stepped
forward, surrounding Thrazor with their swords drawn. "You put up a good fight,
Thrazor," the captain said, approaching him. "But it's time for you to hand over the

Thrazor was trapped in the hook, unable to break free. He could feel the dark magic
emanating from it, draining him of his powers. He struggled to break free, but it was no
use. The Captain approached him with a smug smile on his face.

The captain chuckled. "You leave me no choice," he said, tightening his grip on the chain
whip. "Bring him aboard the ship. We'll deal with him there."

Two of the crew members stepped forward and grabbed Thrazor, dragging him towards
the ship. Thrazor struggled against them, trying to break free, but it was no use. The
captain's crew was too strong.

As they approached the ship, Thrazor's heart sank. He had failed. The artifacts were now
in the hands of his enemies, and he was powerless to stop them. But he refused to give up.
He would find a way to escape and reclaim the artifacts, no matter what it took.
"Welcome aboard, Thrazor," he said. "I see you have brought me the artefacts. Very kind
of you."

The Captain sneered triumphantly as he walked up to Thrazor, taking the artefacts from

Thrazor gritted his teeth, glaring at the Captain. "You will never get away with this," he

The Captain chuckled. "We'll see about that. But first, let me introduce you to two old
acquaintances of yours." He gestured to The Hunter and The Divine Archer.

"I remember you, Thrazor," he said. "You’ve defeated me once, but now it seems the tables
have turned." Thrazor tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse. He realised that The
Captain's hook had drained him of his powers.

The Hunter stepped forward. "Now, Thrazor, you will tell us where the Star Goddess is.”

Thrazor was bound by the captain's chains, unable to use his cosmical abilities. The
Hunter and The Divine Archer stood before him, demanding to know the location of the
Star Goddess and the Star Relic.

Thrazor refused to speak, knowing that the Star Relic held immense power and should
not fall into the wrong hands. But The Hunter and The Divine Archer were persistent,
and they began to use their own powers to try and force Thrazor to reveal the information
they needed.

Thrazor endured their attacks, but he knew he could not hold out forever. He began to
wonder if there was a way to turn the tables on his captors and take back the artefacts.

Thrazor was locked in a small, dark chamber with his chains tightly wrapped around his
body. The pirate crew had grown tired of his refusal to reveal the location of the Star
Goddess and decided to punish him by leaving him trapped in the chamber for an
indefinite amount of time.

Thrazor struggled against the chains, trying to break free with his cosmic abilities, but
the dark magic of the Captain's hook made it impossible for him to use them. He was left
with no other option but to wait and hope that someone would come to his rescue.
Day after day, Thrazor remained trapped in the chamber, his body weakened from lack
of food and water. His spirit remained strong, however, and he continued to search for a
way to escape.

As Thrazor lay trapped in chains on the pirate ship, he suddenly noticed a shimmering
light in the corner of his eye. He looked up to see a blurry figure slowly materializing
before him. The figure grew clearer, revealing the radiant form of the Star Goddess.
Thrazor couldn't believe his eyes.

The Star Goddess approached Thrazor and placed a hand on his chains. Suddenly, the
chains began to disintegrate, melting away into thin air. Thrazor felt his strength
returning, and he slowly stood up, thanking the Star Goddess for her help.

"I cannot intervene directly, but I can give you a map to the star realm. Once you have
taken back the artefacts from the captain, come to the star realm." She handed him a quill
and a scroll of pure cosmic energy, glowing with a soft, pulsing light. Thrazor took it
gratefully, feeling a renewed sense of hope. "Thank you," he said, bowing deeply.

"Go, Thrazor," the Star Goddess said, her voice echoing through the chamber. "Take back
what is rightfully yours."

Thrazor slowly opened the cosmic scroll, holding the cosmic quill in his other hand. As
he unrolled the scroll, he could see the twinkling stars on it, forming a beautiful and
intricate map. Thrazor watched in amazement as the quill moved across the paper,
tracing the path he needed to take to reach the star realm. He could feel the cosmic
energy flowing through him, empowering him with the knowledge he needed to
accomplish his mission. He knew that he had to get the artefacts back from the captain,
and the map in his hand was the key to his success.

Thrazor moved swiftly and silently towards the captain's room. He felt a sense of urgency
as he knew time was running out. He had to retrieve the artefacts and get to the star
realm as soon as possible.

As he reached the door, he noticed that it was locked. But he noticed a new ability that he
had been blessed with by the star goddess. He turned himself into a path of cosmos and
entered the room through the keyhole. He searched the room for the artefacts and finally
found them. But just as he was about to grab them, he heard footsteps approaching. He
quickly hid behind the curtains. The Hunter and the Divine Archer entered the room and
saw the open chest. They realised that Thrazor was trying to steal the artefacts. A small
battle broke out, with Thrazor using his spear and his cosmic powers to defend himself.
But he knew he couldn't hold off for long. He made a quick decision to escape the ship
and make his way to the star realm. He turned himself into a path of cosmos once again
and flew away from the ship, leaving the Hunter and the Divine Archer behind. Thrazor
knew that the captain and his crew would not let him go easily. But he was determined to
take back the artefacts and fulfil his mission. He flew towards the star realm, following
the map given to him by the Star Goddess.
Chapter 27. The Danger

The Divine Vanguard was in a state of intense preparation. Every member of the
Vanguard was on high alert, working tirelessly to ensure that they were ready for the
impending invasion of Kronar. The air was thick with tension as the warriors sharpened
their weapons and practised their battle formations.

The leaders of the Vanguard were in deep discussion, planning every possible strategy for
the upcoming battle. They knew that Kronar was a formidable opponent, and that they
would need to be at the top of their game if they were to stand any chance of defeating

The Divine Vanguard was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the storm.

The sky darkened as the storm portal of Kronar began to take shape. At first, it was just a
faint swirling of clouds, but as time passed, the swirling grew more and more intense.
The clouds began to take on a dark, ominous hue, almost as if they were alive and pulsing
with power.

As the portal continued to form, bolts of lightning shot out from the swirling vortex,
illuminating the sky with a blinding light. Thunder roared across the land, shaking the
very foundations of the earth. The wind began to pick up, howling like a pack of wolves in
the night.

Trees bent and swayed as the storm portal's power grew stronger, threatening to uproot
them from the ground. Soon, the portal took on a distinct shape, like a massive, swirling
tornado. It was easily a hundred feet tall, and twice as wide. The winds inside the portal
were so strong that they tore apart anything in their path, even the strongest structures
were reduced to rubble. As the portal grew stronger, the surrounding landscape began to
change. The once lush fields and forests turned into a barren wasteland. The skies were
filled with ash and smoke, making it almost impossible to see anything beyond the
swirling vortex.

They had trained extensively for such an event, but nothing could have prepared them for
this. As they called upon their divine light to destroy the storm portal, they were shocked
to see that it didn't work. The storm seemed impervious to their power, and it only grew
stronger with each passing moment. The Vanguard knew they had to act quickly. They
gathered together, pooling their powers and knowledge, and began to work on a new
strategy. They knew that Kronar was a powerful conqueror, and they couldn't afford to
underestimate him.
As the storm portal began to take shape, the Vanguard stood ready, their eyes fixed on the
swirling maelstrom before them. They knew that this battle would be one of the toughest
they had ever faced, but they were determined to protect their realm at all costs.


Thrazor soared through the Gods realm in his cosmical-path form, with the storm portal
of Kronar looming ominously in the distance. He knew that he needed to claim the full
power of the cosmos in order to defeat Kronar and put an end to his destructive

Thrazor landed in front of the Star Realm's gate, his form changing back to his humanoid

Finally, he reached the gate and was greeted by the infamous Gatekeeper. The Gatekeeper
had 8 hands and a burning head of anger, his shadowy figure waiting for Thrazor.
"You cannot pass the gate without defeating me," said the Gatekeeper in a deep, menacing
voice. Thrazor replied confidently, "I have come too far to be stopped now." The
Gatekeeper chuckled and said, "Let's see if you have what it takes to defeat me."

As the battle began, Thrazor launched himself at the Gatekeeper, his fists flying as he
attempted to land a blow. But the Gatekeeper was too quick, dodging out of the way and
lashing out with one of its eight hands. Thrazor managed to block the blow with his own
arm, but he could feel the force of the impact reverberating through his entire body.

Thrazor's attacks continued, each one more desperate than the last as he struggled to
find a weakness in the Gatekeeper's defences. But the Gatekeeper seemed invulnerable,
its shadowy form absorbing every blow that Thrazor could deliver. Thrazor knew that he
needed to change tactics if he was to have any hope of victory.

Gathering his energy, Thrazor summoned a massive bolt of cosmic energy, blasting it at
the Gatekeeper with all his might. The Gatekeeper was caught off guard by the sudden
attack, and Thrazor saw a glimmer of hope as the bolt struck the Gatekeeper.

Thrazor felt his energy surging through him as he focused all his power into his hands.
He concentrated hard, and the power coalesced into two shredding discs with the shape
of black holes.
Thrazor knew that this was his moment, and he threw the two black holes with all his
might, watching as they hurtled towards the gatekeeper, ripping apart everything in their
path until they struck him. The gatekeeper saw the attack coming and tried to dodge, but
the black holes were too fast. They struck him with incredible force, and the gatekeeper
let out a roar of pain. Thrazor felt a sense of satisfaction, but he knew that this was only
the beginning. He had to keep fighting, keep pushing himself to the limit, if he was to
defeat the gatekeeper and pass through the star realm's gate.

The gatekeeper stood up again, his eyes blazing with fury. Thrazor readied himself for
another attack, but this time the gatekeeper was quicker. He moved with incredible
speed, dodging Thrazor's attacks and launching his own counterattacks.

The Gatekeeper's eight arms moved with lightning speed, blocking every attack that
Thrazor threw at him. Thrazor, however, was not one to be deterred. He continued to
press forward, trying to find a weakness in the Gatekeeper's defence.

The Gatekeeper stood tall, his eight arms twitching as he prepared his special attack.
Suddenly, his eyes glowed with an intense red light as he unleashed a powerful shock
wave that shook the very ground beneath Thrazor's feet.

Thrazor was caught off guard as he struggled to regain his balance. The shockwave sent
him flying through the air, slamming into the ground with a loud thud. He groaned as he
tried to stand, but the Gatekeeper was already upon him.

With swift movements, the Gatekeeper slammed his massive fists into the ground,
sending a shockwave of energy through the air. Thrazor tried to dodge, but the
shockwave hit him square in the chest, sending him tumbling backward. As Thrazor
struggled to regain his footing, the Gatekeeper leapt into the air, his body surrounded by
a blazing aura. He came crashing down, his massive fists slamming into the ground with
incredible force. Thrazor had just enough time to dive out of the way as the ground
exploded in a shower of dirt and debris.

But then Thrazor began to feel a change within himself. His power was growing,
expanding beyond its previous limits. He closed his eyes and focused, reaching deep
within himself to tap into the full potential of the cosmos. With a burst of blinding light,
Thrazor unleashed his full power, a wave of energy that shook the very foundations of the
ground. The Gatekeeper staggered back, momentarily stunned by the sheer force of
Thrazor's attack.

Thrazor felt a sudden rush of adrenaline and a flashback to his prehistoric life as he
stared down the Gatekeeper's base form. In that moment, he imagined himself facing off
against a ferocious beast, using all of his primal instincts and strength to overpower it.

He charged forward, his fists glowing with cosmic energy as he landed a powerful blow
on the Gatekeeper. The creature stumbled back, surprised by the sudden attack, and
Thrazor followed up with a fierce combination of punches and kicks. As the Gatekeeper
tried to retaliate, Thrazor summoned his cosmic spear, a weapon infused with pure
cosmic energy, and plunged it deep into the creature's chest. The Gatekeeper roared in
agony as Thrazor twisted the spear, tearing through six of its arms. Thrazor stepped
back, breathing heavily as he watched the Gatekeeper writhing in pain. He knew it wasn't
over yet - the creature was still a formidable opponent, even with its arms crippled. But
Thrazor felt a surge of confidence knowing that he had the power to defeat it, even
against all odds.

Thrazor looked up in awe as the Gatekeeper transformed before his eyes. The creature
had grown even larger and more powerful, with two massive hands and two large horns
protruding from its head. The shadowy aura around the Gatekeeper had seemed to
change into a light blue colour with twinkling stars, making Thrazor feel a chill run down
his spine.
Thrazor was determined, however. He summoned all of his cosmic power and charged
forward, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks that would have shattered a lesser
opponent. But the Gatekeeper was unfazed. He blocked every blow with ease and
retaliated with a barrage of his own attacks. Thrazor tried to keep up, but the
Gatekeeper's power was too great. Each punch that Thrazor landed seemed to do no
damage, while the Gatekeeper's blows sent Thrazor reeling across the battlefield. Thrazor
could feel his strength waning. He knew that he couldn't keep this up for much longer.

The gatekeeper’s eyes gleamed with malice. He unleashed a massive blast of dark energy
that sent Thrazor flying across the battlefield. Thrazor hit the ground hard, his body
bruised and battered. But he refused to give up. He staggered to his feet, his fists clenched
in determination. He knew that he had to keep fighting, no matter the cost. The
Gatekeeper advanced on him, his horns glinting in the dim light. Thrazor prepared to
face him, summoning all of his cosmic power. But it was too late. The Gatekeeper struck
him with a massive blow, sending Thrazor tumbling across the battlefield. Thrazor lay on
the ground, his body broken and battered. He knew that he had lost. But he also knew
that he had fought with everything he had.

Thrazor stood before the Gatekeeper, panting heavily as he struggled to keep his balance.
He had given it his all, pouring all his power into the fight, but it seemed that it was not
enough. The Gatekeeper's final form was too much for him to handle.

The Gatekeeper sneered, his shadowy aura pulsing with malevolent energy. Thrazor
gritted his teeth, readying himself for one final assault. He summoned his cosmic spear, a
weapon made of pure energy that only he could wield, its shimmering energy crackling
around him. The Gatekeeper laughed, a sound that echoed through the arena. "You think
you can defeat me with that? You are nothing, Thrazor. Nothing!"

Thrazor didn't respond, instead lunging forward with all his might. The Gatekeeper
raised his hands, ready to block the blow. But as Thrazor struck, something unexpected
happened. The Gatekeeper's form began to waver and distort, as if he was suddenly
losing control. Thrazor's eyes widened in surprise, and he took advantage of the
opportunity, throwing with all his might with his cosmic spear.

With a roar of defiance, Thrazor hurled the spear at the Gatekeeper's chest with all his
might. The spear sliced through the air, leaving a trail of cosmic energy in its wake. The
Gatekeeper saw the spear coming, but it was too late to dodge. The spear pierced his
chest, causing a burst of cosmic energy to explode from the wound. The Gatekeeper
screamed in pain as Thrazor's attack burned through his body. Thrazor had given all that
he had in that one attack.
The Gatekeeper collapsed, his body dissolved into nothingness.

Thrazor collapsed to the ground. His body was battered and broken, but his spirit
remained strong. Even in death, he had shown the Gatekeeper that he would never give
up the fight to meet the star goddess.

Thrazor felt a sense of weightlessness as he floated through a vast expanse of darkness.

He had no sense of time or direction, and for a moment, he thought that he had died and
ended up in a weird dream. As he floated aimlessly, he began to notice a faint light in the

He looked around, and saw the Star Goddess in a weakened state, holding the light blue
orb in her hand. "Thrazor," she said, her voice soft and weak. "You have achieved the true
potential of the cosmos," she said, her voice echoing through the void. "You have fought
against the Gatekeeper successfully. Your sacrifice was not in vain." "You are now
Astraeus, the embodiment of the cosmos. With your new powers, you must go and help
the Divine Vanguard against Kronar."

Thrazor couldn't believe it. He had thought he had died, but he was alive, and he had
failed at what he set out to do. "But how?" he asked the Star Goddess. "How am I still
alive?" The Star Goddess smiled. "You have been given a second chance," she said. "I have
used an artefact, an orb shining with light blue aura, in order to revive you. You are now a
being of the cosmos, with powers beyond your wildest dreams."

As Thrazor opened his eyes, he felt an immense

power flowing through him. His eyes glowed like a
thousand stars, illuminating the space around him.
He looked down at his chest and saw that his heart
had been replaced with a glowing purple orb. It
crackled with energy, as if it were made of shards of
glass, and it pulsed with a bright, otherworldly light.
Looking at his arms, he noticed that his body had
changed. It was no longer flesh and blood, but
rather, it resembled the very cosmos itself. The
swirling nebulae and galaxies that made up the
universe seemed to flow through his veins, and his
body glowed with an ethereal light. He glanced at his
shoulders and saw that he wore two massive
shoulder-pads made of pure gold. They shone
brilliantly in the cosmic light, and seemed to radiate
an aura of immense power. Around his waist, he
wore two pieces of belt-like hoops, also made of pure gold. They glinted in the starlight,
and seemed to pulse with a power that was beyond comprehension. Thrazor knew that he
had become something more than mortal. He had become Astraeus, the embodiment of
the cosmos itself. With this new power, he was ready to face Kronar and protect the
realms from his conquest.

He then flew out of the Star Realm, leaving a trail of cosmic energy behind him. He then
quickly passed through the portal. As he flew through the Gods realm, he could see the
storm portal of Kronar forming in the distance. Astraeus flew straight towards the portal,
and as he neared it, he could see the massive army of Kronar waiting on the other side.
The Divine Vanguard was fighting valiantly, but they were vastly outnumbered.

Chapter 28. The end..

As the Divine Vanguard fought bravely against Kronar and his army, Deadly Fist,
Four-Armed Warrior, and the Great Spartan led the charge. Deadly Fist, clad in gleaming
crystal armor, used his unique fighting style called Deadly Fists to pummel his opponents
into submission. His fists glowed with a bright light as he landed blow after blow, taking
down Kronar's soldiers with ease.

Four-Armed Warrior, as his name suggests, was able to summon four additional arms
behind his back. With his divine staff in hand, he was a blur of motion as he weaved in
and out of combat, striking with precise martial arts moves that left his enemies reeling.

The Great Spartan, his spear and shield at the ready, stood his ground against Kronar's
strongest warriors. His shield was a formidable defense, able to block even the most
powerful attacks, and his spear was a deadly weapon that skewered his opponents with
ease. His shield glowed with divine energy, reflecting enemy blasts and sending them
back to their source. Together, the three members of the Divine Vanguard fought with all
their might against Kronar and his army, determined to protect the Gods realm and all
who lived within it.

Despite their valiant efforts, the Divine Vanguard could not gain the upper hand.
Kronar's army was too strong and too numerous. The Vanguard fought on, hoping to hold
the line until reinforcements arrived.
As the Divine Vanguard battled on, the skies grew darker and the ground beneath them
shook with each step. Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed through the battlefield,
causing the gods to pause and turn their attention towards the source of the noise.

Out of the darkness emerged a figure that sent shivers down their spines. Kronar, the god
of chaos and destruction, had arrived. His golden claws glinted menacingly in the light,
and his full gold armour seemed to radiate a dangerous energy that only the bravest
could stand against. The purple aura around him flickered with malice, and the gods
knew they were in for a fierce fight.

The air around Kronar crackled with an intense energy, and as he raised his claws, a bolt
of lightning shot out towards the Divine Vanguard, barely missing them. The ground
shook beneath their feet as Kronar approached, his footsteps sending tremors through
the earth. "Kneel before me, puny gods!" Kronar roared, his voice echoing across the
battlefield. "Bow to the might of the God of Chaos!"
The Deadly Fist and The Great Spartan advanced towards Kronar, their weapons at the
ready. Deadly Fist's crystalline armor shimmered in the light, and he cracked his
knuckles, eager to start the fight. The Great Spartan held his spear with a steady grip, his
shield raised to block any incoming attacks. Kronar sneered, his two golden claws
glinting in the light. He charged forward, his purple aura crackling with power. The
Deadly Fist and The Great Spartan met him head-on, their weapons clashing against
Kronar's golden armour. Deadly Fist unleashed a barrage of quick punches, each strike
causing small explosions on impact. The Great Spartan followed with sweeping strikes of
his spear, aiming for Kronar's weak spots. But Kronar was quick and skilled, dodging and
parrying each attack with ease.

As the fight went on, Four-Armed Warrior and the rest of the Divine Vanguard defended
against Kronar's army, holding their ground with bravery and skill. The Four-Armed
Warrior summoned his four arms. He spun and twirled, his movements too fast for the
enemy soldiers to keep up with.

Kronar lunged forward, his claws aimed at The Great Spartan's shield. The Spartan deftly
sidestepped and swung his spear at Kronar's side. The blow landed, but Kronar merely
grunted and retaliated with a swipe of his claws. Meanwhile, The Deadly Fist engaged
Kronar in close combat, using his own fighting style called Deadly Fists. He delivered a
flurry of punches to Kronar's chest, each blow resonating with the sound of thunder. But
Kronar shrugged off the blows, his armour proving to be too tough for The Deadly Fist's

The Deadly Fist charged forward, his fists glowing with celestial energy, and landed a
powerful punch on Kronar's armor. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, but
Kronar remained unfazed. He retaliated with a swift strike of his claws, forcing The
Deadly Fist to dodge and roll away.

The Great Spartan launched a series of powerful thrusts with his spear, forcing Kronar to
back away. But Kronar was not easily defeated, and he quickly countered with a fierce
uppercut that sent The Great Spartan flying through the air.

The Deadly Fist seized the opportunity to strike, unleashing a devastating combo of
punches and kicks. Kronar was momentarily stunned, and The Deadly Fist landed a
powerful blow to his face, cracking his helmet.

The Great Spartan took advantage of Kronar's distraction and aimed his spear towards
his enemy's chest. Kronar dodged the attack and countered with a sweeping kick that
sent The Great Spartan tumbling backwards. Kronar continued his onslaught, moving
with lightning speed as he attacked with a flurry of strikes from his claws. The Deadly
Fist and The Great Spartan fought back with equal ferocity, each blow connecting with an
explosive force that sent shockwaves through the battlefield. Kronar's attacks grew more
and more unpredictable, using feints and deceptive movements to catch his opponents off
guard. The Deadly Fist found himself struggling to keep up, his own fists moving with
blurring speed to block Kronar's onslaught.

As Kronar unleashed another devastating attack, The Deadly Fist saw an opening and
struck with a powerful uppercut that sent Kronar flying backwards. The Great Spartan
seized the opportunity and plunged his spear deep into Kronar's chest, causing him to
roar in pain.

But even with such a severe wound, Kronar refused to be defeated. He tore the spear from
his chest and swung his golden claws at The Great Spartan's shield with immense force.
The impact was so strong that it sent shockwaves through the air, making it difficult for
the other members of Divine Vanguard to maintain their footing. The Great Spartan
gritted his teeth and braced himself as the shield cracked and splintered under the force
of Kronar's attack.

Kronar laughed, his purple aura glowing brighter as he prepared for his next move. He
lunged forward, striking at The Great Spartan with a flurry of strong attacks. The Great
Spartan did his best to block and dodge, but Kronar's claws were too quick, too powerful.
One blow landed squarely on The Great Spartan's chest, knocking him back several feet
and leaving him gasping for breath.

The Deadly Fist stepped in, his crystal armor gleaming in the dim light of the battlefield.
He launched a series of punches and kicks at Kronar, his deadly fists striking with
incredible precision and force. Kronar laughed again, swatting aside the Deadly Fist's
attacks as if they were nothing.

As the Great Spartan raised his shield to block Kronar's incoming strike, there was a loud
clang as the force of the attack reverberated through the metal. But as the dust cleared,
the Great Spartan was shocked to find a massive crack running down the centre of his
shield. He had never seen such strength before.

Kronar's golden claws slashed through the air, tearing apart the Spartan's shield with
ease. The metal crumpled like paper in Kronar's grasp, sending the Spartan stumbling

The Deadly Fist stepped forward, ready to face Kronar head-on. His fists were charged
with celestial energy, ready to strike at any moment.
Kronar chuckled, his purple aura intensifying. He raised his claws, preparing to strike.
The Deadly Fist charged forward, his fists aimed at Kronar's chest. But Kronar was too
quick, sidestepping the attack and striking The Deadly Fist in the back with a powerful

The Deadly Fist staggered forward, but quickly regained his footing. He turned to face
Kronar, his fists glowing with celestial energy once more. The Great Spartan, meanwhile,
had discarded his shield and was now wielding his spear with both hands. He charged at
Kronar, thrusting the spear forward with all his might. But Kronar was ready for him.
With a swift movement of his claws, he sliced through the spear as though it were made
of paper.

The Great Spartan stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock. He had never seen a weapon
destroyed so easily before. But he didn't have time to dwell on it. Kronar was coming at
him again, his claws gleaming brightly.

Kronar lunged forward, his claws slashing through the air. The Deadly Fist and The Great
Spartan dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding the attacks. But Kronar was relentless,
his attacks coming faster and stronger with each passing moment.

The Deadly Fist and The Great Spartan fought back with all their might, but Kronar was
simply too powerful. His claws tore through the Spartan's armor, leaving deep gashes in
its wake. The Deadly Fist's celestial energy barely left a scratch on Kronar's golden armor.

The Great Spartan, now weaponless, charged towards Kronar with his fists clenched
tightly. He ducked under a swipe from Kronar's claw and delivered a powerful punch to
the god's midsection. Kronar barely flinched and retaliated with a quick uppercut that
sent the Spartan flying back. The Spartan quickly got up, his hands now glowing with a
golden light. He summoned all his strength and charged towards Kronar once again, his
fists blurring as he delivered a flurry of punches and kicks.

Kronar parried and blocked most of them with his claws, but some managed to land on
his torso and face. Kronar grunted in pain and swung his clawed hand towards the
Spartan's head. The Spartan quickly ducked and delivered a powerful uppercut that sent
Kronar stumbling backwards. The Spartan continued his attack, his fists now glowing
with an even brighter golden light. Kronar, now enraged, charged towards the Spartan
and unleashed a flurry of attacks. The Spartan managed to dodge most of them, but one
of Kronar's claws caught him on the shoulder, leaving a deep gash. The Spartan gritted
his teeth in pain but didn't back down. He continued his attack, his fists now blazing with
a bright golden fire. He landed several more punches on Kronar's face and torso, causing
the god to stumble backwards. But just as it seemed like the Spartan was gaining the
upper hand, Kronar unleashed a devastating blast of purple energy that knocked the
Spartan off his feet and sent him crashing into a nearby rock.

Just as it seemed all was lost, a bright light shone in the distance, signalling the arrival of

The Divine Vanguard stood in surprise as Astraeus landed on the ground beside them.
The soldiers of Kronar's army backed away, knowing that they were no match for this
being of immense power. Astraeus looked up at Kronar, who stood defiantly, his golden
claws gleaming in the light. Astraeus took a step forward, his eyes glowing like stars.

"Kronar," he said, his voice booming across the battlefield. "Your reign of terror ends

Kronar snarled, and charged at Astraeus with incredible speed. He lunged forward, his
claws slicing through the air like razors. Astraeus dodged to the side, and raised his
hand. A bolt of cosmic energy shot from his fingertips, slamming into Kronar and
sending him flying backwards.

Kronar landed on the ground with a thud, but quickly got back to his feet. He charged at
Astraeus once more, his claws sparking with energy.

Kronar chuckled as he surveyed Thrazor. "So, you're the one who dares to challenge me,"
he said. "You may be powerful, but you cannot defeat me."

Thrazor's eyes widened in realisation as Kronar revealed his true ability to adapt enemy
attacks. He had wondered why Kronar seemed to be able to defend against his attacks so
easily, and now it all made sense. Thrazor had to be careful now, he couldn't use the same
attack twice or Kronar would easily defend against it. Thrazor quickly assessed his
options and decided to try a new approach. He summoned all his powers of the cosmos
and created a massive cosmic blast that he launched at Kronar. Kronar was taken by
surprise and was unable to defend against such a powerful attack. But as Thrazor had
suspected, Kronar quickly adapted to the attack and was able to deflect the second cosmic
blast Thrazor sent his way. Thrazor gritted his teeth, knowing that this was going to be a
difficult battle. He would have to keep changing up his attacks and stay one step ahead of
Kronar's adaptability.

Thrazor's attack had caught Kronar off guard, and the cosmic orbs of power flew at him
with incredible speed. But later, Kronar managed to catch them with his golden claws,
absorbing the energy from the orbs before throwing them back at Thrazor. The impact
hit Thrazor hard, causing him to stagger and struggle to regain his balance. Kronar
laughed triumphantly, relishing in his ability to defend against Thrazor's attack. But
Thrazor wasn't giving up that easily. He knew he had to find a way to break through
Kronar's defenses. With a fierce determination, Thrazor kicked the cosmic orbs with
incredible speed and power. The force of his kick was so strong that it cracked Kronar's
golden armour, leaving him vulnerable to attack.

Thrazor rose his finger, the power of the cosmos at his command. A golden trail followed
the finger's movement as he touched the ground. Instantly, a fiery explosion erupted,
sending Kronar flying through the air.
Thrazor, his eyes glowing like stars, raised his cosmic spear above his head, its blue aura
illuminating the battlefield. He lunged forward, unleashing a twinkling slash that was
filled with the energy of the cosmos. The slash struck Kronar, causing a bright explosion
of twinkling stars and blue energy. Kronar staggered back, his golden armor dented and
scorched from the attack.

Thrazor's eyes glowed with a fierce determination as he raised his hand and unleashed
the Black Hole Shredders, which created a powerful gravitational force that lifted Kronar
off the ground.

As Kronar was suspended in the air, Thrazor infused the three artefacts with his cosmic
spear, causing it to glow with a bright purple light. With a powerful thrust, Thrazor threw
the spear through Kronar's chest, causing the powerful being to scream out in pain. The
force of the blow sent Kronar flying backward, crashing into the ground with a loud thud.
Suddenly, Kronar's body began to disintegrate, as if he was being consumed by the very
essence of the cosmos. Thrazor watched in awe as Kronar's body was consumed by the
purple light, until there was nothing left.

The ground shook violently and the skies roared with thunder. A blinding light enveloped
the area as Kronar's army started to disintegrate into nothingness. The storm that had
been raging all around them slowly began to dissipate, revealing the clear blue skies once
again. Thrazor stood there, holding his spear tightly as he watched the disintegration of
Kronar's army. He felt a sense of relief wash over him as he realized that the battle was
finally over. The members of the Divine Vanguard, who had been fighting alongside him,
looked on in amazement as they saw the power that Thrazor possessed.

With the battle won and the threat eliminated, Thrazor turned to the members of the
Divine Vanguard and thanked them for their help. He knew that he couldn't have won the
battle without their assistance, and he was grateful for the support they had provided
him. As the members of the Divine Vanguard started to disperse and make their way back
to their respective domains, Thrazor stood there, watching them go.

Thrazor then returned back to the star realm to say his goodbyes before he went back to
his village.

Thrazor stood there, staring at the empty space where the star realm used to be. It was
gone, vanished, and all that was left was a void. He had done what he had to do, but at
what cost? He felt a pang of guilt and regret for taking all of the Star Goddess's powers.
Thrazor closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had to accept what had happened and
move forward. He felt a presence behind him and turned around to see the Star Goddess,
now in a normal angel form, standing there. "Thrazor," she said softly, "You did what you
had to do. I willingly gave you my powers, for I trust that you will use them wisely."
Thrazor nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "I will do everything in my power
to make sure that your sacrifice was not in vain." The Star Goddess smiled at him. "I know
you will. And now, it is time for me to rest." With that, she disappeared into the void.
Thrazor stood there for a while longer, before finally turning around and leaving the
empty space behind. He knew that he had a lot of work to do, to make sure that the
universe remained balanced and in harmony. But for now, he needed to rest and regain
his strength. He raised his spear and disappeared into the cosmos, leaving behind a trail
of twinkling stars.

Thrazor stood at the edge of the Gods realm, the star map in his hands. He took a deep
breath and focused his energy, calling upon the power of the stars to activate the portal.
Without hesitation, Thrazor stepped through the portal and was immediately
transported to the mortal realm. He found himself standing in the middle of his home
village, surrounded by curious and excited villagers.

As Thrazor emerged from the star map, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had
completed his mission and returned to the mortal realm. The portal closed behind him,
leaving him standing in the centre of his village. The people of the village immediately
recognized him, and they gathered around him, cheering and applauding his return.
They had heard rumours of Thrazor's quest to find the Star Goddess , and they couldn't
wait to hear the details of his journey.

Thrazor was overwhelmed by the warm welcome. He had been gone for so long, and he
had missed the people of his village dearly. He smiled and greeted each of them, thanking
them for their support.

As the night fell, Thrazor sat with his fellow villagers, recounting his incredible journey
to find the Star Goddess. They listened intently, amazed by the stories of his battles and

Thrazor felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that he had fulfilled his
destiny. As the night wore on, Thrazor felt a sense of peace wash over him. He had
returned to his village, his home, and he had completed his quest. He had become a
legend, and he knew that his name would be remembered for generations to come.

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