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Disaster- A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human,
material, economic or environmental losses

2. Disaster Risk- the potential loss of life, injury, or destroyed / damage assets which could occur to a system or

3. Hazard- is a dangerous phenomenon that can pose danger and cause damage in general.

4. Vulnerability- circumstances of a community, system, or asset that makes it susceptible to the damaging
effects of hazard.

5. Exposure- degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different

6. Risk- the degree of uncertainity and for potential financial loss inherent and the chance of something
happen that will have negative effect!

7. Adaptive Capacity - refers to the size of the population that can survive on available resources.

8. Coping Capacity the ability of people, and systems, using available resources, to manage adverse conditions,
risk or disasters.

9. Mitigation: sustained action that reduces or eliminates long-term risk to people and property from natural
hazards and their effects.

10. Carrying Capacity- maximum population size of a biological spaces that can be sustained by that specific


1. Sectors of society are more vulnerable to disaster that others because they are poor people. and the
fortunate, the poor or the most vulnerable does it have money of power to reduce the hazard while the less
they can'

2. Most vulnerable sector is composed of people that are poor and most likely living in an area that is exposed
to hazard. The less vulnerable sector are more fortunate to most vulnerable. The not vulnerable are more
over the politician and they can escape disaster with money and power.

3. Exposure represents the stock of property and infrastructure exposed to a hazed and it can include socio
economic factors. Vulnerability accounts for the susceptibility to damage of the assets exposed to the forces
generated by the hazard.

4. Natural Hazard is an extreme event that occurs naturally and causes harm to humans.

Man Made Hazard caused by human action or inaction.

5. It includes damage or destruction of physical systems, particularly ecosystems. It faces danger of death or
physical injury for human while destruction and economic disruption to community/environ.

-The impact is, It can lead to the loss of life or property damage

PART III: Share your insights about are lessons in DRRR by completing this PHRASE. (5 points)

Understanding its effects and all the relevant information is important. There are numerous elements that
could have a negative impact on society and seriously harm our way of life. When a disaster strikes, there are
various variables to consider. Hazard. There are areas that are really fortunate, and there are areas that
continue to struggle and are unable to survive despite calamity. Natural and man-made hazards are both
exceedingly dangerous to people and society.

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