Energy Crisis

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Energy Crisis

An energy crisis or energy shortage is any

significant bottleneck in the supply of
energy resources to an economy. The fast
depletion of the non-renewable
concentrated sources of energy.

Group 3: FIRE
4:00PM-5:30PM MW
Energy Crisis

The energy crisis stems from the

foreseeable end of the cycle of oil, gas
and coal, which, in addition, have been
producing a considerable increase in
greenhouse gases (GHG).

In recent years, many scientists have

raised their voice to warn about climate
change, caused notably by the burning of
oil and coal in order to produce energy.
Why do we suffer on
Energy Crisis?

The energy crisis is a result of many

different strains on our natural
resources, not just one. There is a strain
on fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal
due to overconsumption which then, in turn,
can put a strain on our water and oxygen
resources by causing pollution.
Increase of Population

Excessive use of non-renewable

sources of energy

Use of less fuel-efficient machines

The affluent lifestyle of the

Energy Crisis
Prevention The good news is that there are ways to reduce the
energy crisis:

Energy transition to Energy efficiency and

renewable energy sources conservation

Energy transition to
renewable energy

Renewable energy is an energy that Unlike fossil fuels, some energy

refers to natural processes and occurs sources are totally renewable
in a sustainable manner

These clean and sustainable alternative

Renewable energy do not emit green
energy solutions include solar energy,
house gases
hydropower, wind energy, geothermal
energy and biomass energy
Energy efficiency and

Energy conservation involves using Energy efficiency, on the other hand,

less energy by adjusting your behaviors involves using technology that requires
and habits less energy to perform the same

In order to prevent an energy crisis, it is It is also important that we replace old

also crucial that we consume less devices by energy efficient solutions,
energy by improving and modernizing such as replacing traditional light bulbs
energy infrastructure such as smart by LEDs
grid solutions, and smart cities
International Carbon
Action Partnership

Organizations that Support International Energy

Agency (IEA)
Energy Sustainability

International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA)
International Carbon Action Partnership External
"The International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) is an international
forum for governments and public authorities that have implemented or
are planning to implement emissions trading systems (ETS)." Two main tools
on their website are the Allowance Price Explorer and the ETS Map.

International Energy Agency (IEA) External

Although IEA was started in 1974 to respond to oil supply disruptions, they
have since expanded to examine "full spectrum issues including
renewables, oil, gas and coal supply and demand, energy efficiency,
clean energy technologies, electricity systems and markets, access to
energy, demand-side management, and much more." Their website has
Organizations that official energy statistics from more than 100 countries collected on a
monthly or annual basis, analyses by industry sector or technology,
Support Energy and energy-related policies.

Sustainability International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) External

IRENA is "an intergovernmental organization that supports countries in
their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the
principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of
excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and
financial knowledge on renewable energy." Their products include
renewable energy capacity statistics, cost studies, benefit studies,
technology briefs, and other assessments.

God, we thank you for

the gift of creation. We
pray that these events
would lead to greater
action to care for the
ongoing energy crisis.
Ministers are preparing
Prayer for
for a worst-case Energy Crisis
scenario of persistently
high gas costs, leading
to higher bills for
households and possible
food shortages.
! u
y !

Trista Cinco, Julie Cangas, Christian Jade Belarmino
Pia Catulong, Jonalyn Manila, John Lawrence Maguale,
Mac Gian Bongol, Glien Roy Daub

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