Lesson 6 - Classification - Naive Bays

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Articial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Deep

‘Bridging the Skills Gap’
Lesson 6: ‘Naïve’ Bayes Classier

We will look at a bunch of classiers in this course including:

Classication Coding Exercise Comment

Algorithm (Yes/No)
K-Nearest Neighbors
(KNN) ÷
Perceptron – Multi-
Perceptron is the
Layer Perceptron simplest form of a
Neural Network.
Naïve Bayes
Logistics Regression
Support Vector
Machines and Kernel ÷
Decision Trees
Neural Networks
Naive Bayes models are fast and simple classication algorithms that are
often suitable for very high-dimensional datasets. One application of naïve
Bayes is text classication, aiming to assign documents (emails, tweets,
posts, news) to one or many categories. One example is email spam/not-
spam classication. The idea of naïve Bayes is that spam and not-span
emails have a di5erent probability distributions.

For naïve Bayes the data doesn’t need to be linearly separable.

Naïve Bayes nds the hyperplane that best di5erentiates one distribution
from another…it DOES NOT nd hyperplane that separates + from –
A perceptron separates the data and will not converge when data is not
linearly separable

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