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- Ad agency: This company is responsable for creating advertisements (agencia

de publicidad).
- Ad: advertisement.
- Advertisement: a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting or
publicizing something.
- Advertising agency: a company that helps with planning advertisements. And
a firm that creates ads for other companies
- Advertising budget: the amount of money that a company spend on
- Advertising rate sheet: hoja de tarifas publicitarias.
- Advertising Schedule: calendario de publicidad.
- Advertising: the activity of informing people about a product or service with
posters, films etc.
- AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
- Approach: enfoque.
- Art director: This person supervises the design staff.
- Attachment: archivo adjunto.
- Attend: atender, ayudar.
- Audience.
- Awareness: consciencia.
- Benefit: advantage, profit, gain.
- Betray: traicionar.
- Bill: cuenta.
- Billboard: a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements/a large, square
sign (cartelera). Used to post advertisements.
- Billboards: vallas publicitarias.
- Brand ambassadors: embajadores de la marca.

- Brand awareness: being familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a
brand / knowing a particular brand/a measure of how popular a brand is (how
many people know it). (Conocimiento de la marca).
- Brand identity: what a company wants people to think about a Brand.
- Brand image: how someone sees, perceives a particular brand.
- Brand loyalty: the phenomenon of individuals continuing to buy the same
- Brand management: the art of creating and maintaining a brand.
- Brand premium.
- Brand strategies: Ways of promoting a Brand.
- Brand: the particular name given to a product by a company.
- Branding specialist: especialista en marcas.
- Branding strategy: when a product or service is associated with a Brand.
- Break-even point: punto de equilibrio.
- Broadsheet: a large piece of paper with information on it.
- Brochure: folleto.
- Bulk discount: descuento al pormayor.
- Buyer: comprador.
- Call to action: encouraging someone to take a particular action.
- Campaign: plan of action (to promote a product).
- Cash discount: descuento por pago en metálico.
- Celebrity endorsement: having a well-known person to promote a product
(Apoyo de famosos).
- Chain stores: cadena de tiendas.
- Cheers: aclamaciones, aplausos.
- Circulation: cantidad de ejemplares de periódicos/revistas vendidos durante
un período de tiempo.
- Classified ads: Small advertisement that are divided into categories for
newspapers or magazines (anuncios clasificados).

- Client: cliente concreto.
- Commercial break: the short period when ads are shown on TV.
- Commercial channel: TV channels of advertisement.
- Commercial: Advertisement on radio or television.
- Commissioning advertising: Encargar/contratar una campaña de publicidad.
- Consumer: consumidores.
- Continual assessment: evaluación continua.
- Convenience stores: pequeñas tiendas, tiendas independientes.
- Copy: text to be used in an advertisement.
- Copywriter: This person writes the text for advertisements.
- Customer service: The department that deals directly with consumers.
- Coupon: Part of a printed advertisement to be used to order goods or
- Creating advertisements: Crear anuncios.
- Customer focus: enfoque en el cliente.
- Customer: cliente (palabra general).
- Desk/field research: tema de investigación.
- Developed: desarrollado.
- Direct mail: Advertisement sent by post to customers.
- Doing market research: Hacer un estudio de mercado.
- Drawing up a marketing plan: Diseñar un plan de marketing.
- Editing: Reviewing or rewriting advertisement for publication.
- Email survey: encuesta por email.
- Emphasize: enfatizar.
- Employee discount: descuento para empleados.
- Environment care: cuidado del medio ambiente.
- Eye-catcher: atraer la atención de una persona/algo que llama la atención.
- Eye-catching images: imágenes llamativas.
- Features: características particulares de un producto.

- Feedback forms: formularios de comentarios.
- Financing: financiación.
- Find out: descubrir.
- Franchises: franquicia.
- High-street shops: tiendas localizadas en el centro de la ciudad.
- Free: gratuito.
- Generic advertising: Advertising for an entire sector.
- Generic brand: producto etiquetado y no anunciado.
- Giveaways: obsequios.
- Goal: objetivo, meta.
- Good / great value for money: buena relación calidad precio.
- Good opportunity: buena oportunidad.
- Graphic designer: One of this person’s responsabilities to create logos.
- Grid format: formato de rejilla.
- Guest: clientes.
- Hoarding: billboard.
- Hoarding: vallas publicitarias.
- House brand: the brand of the shop or supermarket which sells it.
- Hype: excessive or intensive publicity or promotion.
- Hypermarkets: hipermercados/supermercados.
- Innovation: innovación.
- Jingle: Catchy verse, slogan or tune used to sell a product.
- Junk mail: unwanted promotional emails and letters.
- Keywords: a word or concept to indicate the content.
- Know your contacts: conocer a tus contactos.
- Launch: begin an action to introduce something.
- Lay out: Diseñar.
- Liaising with the sales department: Relacionarse con el departamento de

- Location: ubicación.
- Logistics: logística.
- Logo: the symbol or design used to represent the company.
- Loyal customers: clientes leales.
- Luxurious: lujoso.
- Mail order: pedido por correo.
- Mailing list: a list of contacts used to send information and advertisements.
- Mail-order stores: tiendas de pedidos por correo, por catálogo.
- Mailshot: posting advertising material to possible customers.
- Market leader: the best selling brand of a particular product (lider del
- Market research firm: This company might conduct a survey to find out more
about your customer.
- Market research: the work of collecting information about people's buying
- Market share: cuota de mercado.
- Market share: the amount a company sells compared to all the other
companies (cuota de mercado).
- Marketing: the activity of presenting, selling and promoting a product.
- Mass media: leading means of communication.
- Media mentions: Items where the company 's name is seen in newspapers,
magazines, and websites. (Menciones en los medios).
- Misprint: print incorrectly / an error/mistake in printing.
- New trends: nuevas tendencias.
- Niche product: a product that is targeted at a specific group of people.
- Online stores: tiendas online.
- Opinion polls: encuesta de opinión.
- Outlet stores: tiendas outlet / tiendas en liquidación.
- Outsourced: externalizar, subcontratar.

- Painstaking planning: planificación cuidadosa.
- Panel surveys: encuestas de panel.
- Pioneer: a person who does something, or thinks of something before anyone
- Point of sale: advertising at the place where the consumer buys the product.
- Poster: big sheet of paper used for advertising / a large piece of paper, usually
hung on walls to promote a product, event, etc.
- PR officer: This person interacts with the media to communicate important
- company information to the public.
- Presenting at trade fair: Presentación en una feria comercial.
- Press conferences: conferencia de prensa.
- Press release: comunicado de prensa.
- Pre-testing: prueba previa.
- Prevent: evitar.
- Primary responsibility: tarea o función principal.
- Prime time: horario en el que se espera la mayor parte de la audiencia.
- Print media: medios de comunicación impresos.
- Repeat exposure: exposición repetida.
- Product line: Una serie relacionada de artículos vendidos por una empresa
(ej. Education software titles offered by a Publisher).
- Product management assistant: asistente de gestión de productos.
- Product manager: gerente de producto/jefe de producto.
- Product: something generic which a company makes or sells.
- Professional discount: descuento para profesionales.
- Profit margin: margen de beneficio.
- Price war: guerra de precios.
- Overheads: gastos generales.
- Going rate: tasa de interés
- Promote: advertising and publicity to increase sales (promover, fomentar).

- Promotional discount: descuentos promocionales.
- Providing support for customer service: Proporcionar soporte para el servicio
al cliente.
- Public relations assistant: asistente de relaciones públicas.
- Public relations officer: (oficial) jefe de relaciones públicas.
- Public relations: Communication with the general public.
- Publicity: aviso o atención dada por los medios de comunicación/el intento de
gestionar cómo un público ve un producto.
- Purchase: la compra Purchasing information: información de compra Quality:
- Reach: alcanzar.
- Readership: the number of people that read a particular newspaper,
magazine, etc.
- Reading trade magazines: Leer revistas especializadas (de negocios,
- Recommended reatil price: precio recomendado de venta.
- Reliable: de confianza.
- Retail stores: minoristas, al por menor.
- Roadside signs: big panels used for outdoor advertising.
- Safety: seguro.
- Shareholder: accionista.
- Sales page: a page particularly used to promote a product or service.
- Sales records: récord de ventas.
- Sales representatives: representantes de ventas.
- Sales statistics: estadísticas de ventas.
- Schedule: programar.
- Search terms: término de búsqueda.
- Seasonal discount: descuento estacional (por estaciones).
- Showing visitors around the company: Mostrar la compañía a los visitantes.

- Slogan: memorable motto or phase.
- Slot: particular time in a broadcasting schedule.
- Social media: websites or apps that allow users to create and share content.
- Soundbite: Short extract from a recorded interview Spam email: unwanted,
promotional email.
- Speaking to journalists: Hablar con los periodistas.
- State-of-the-art: de vanguardia, lo último.
- Strong knowledge: Good understanding.
- Survey: encuesta.
- Tabloid: periódico de tamaño medio con muchos titulares y fotos.
- Talking to customers: Hablar con los clientes.
- Target audience: the group that the campaign is for/the people that a book,
movie, or radio/TV program wants to reach.
- Target: objective, goal.
- Telephone sales: ventas por teléfono.
- Test for success: prueba para el éxito.
- To devote an issue to something: dedicar un asunto a algo.
- To go viral: to become extremely popular on the Internet.
- To launch a product: introducing a new product To make sense: tener sentido
(tiene sentido que…).
- To place an advert: to put an advertisement somewhere.
- Trade discount: porcentaje de descuento fijo para distribuidores.
- Trade fairs: ferias comerciales.
- Trade journal: diario de negocios.
- Traditional channels: canales tradicionales.
- Trustworthy: confiable.
- U.S.P: Unique Selling Proposition.
- Unusual: raro, inusual.
- User friendly: fácil de usar.

- Wholesalers: mayoristas.
- Wide: amplio, extenso.
- Widely: extensamente.
- Word of mouth: recommendations made by individuals (boca a boca).
- Writing press releases: Escribir un comunicado de prensa.

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