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1.Interview a graduate of isap about how it evolved during their time, how it inspired them.

As a former graduate of ISAP, ISAP had always been the culture of excellence. It never failed to provide
the student’s individualized needs and producing quality educational programs and services for all.
Leaving no students behind and successfully nurturing the students unique talent and making them the
best version of themselves and hereby preparing its students in responding to the bigger challenges in
life. Through the years ISAP had rapidly changed, especially when the pandemic struck. But it was never
a downfall for ISAP. They easily adopted the conditions brought by the pandemic and found a solution to
continuously provide quality education for it’s students. And safe to say that this is the best thing that I
like about ISAP, The ability to produce quality outcomes in any conditions. And this is the thing that
inspired me, it inspired me to not just work hard but to also excel in the field that I work for, as my
school taught and gave the best for me it also inspired me to give my very best in anything that I do.

Overall ISAP had always been the best on its field no matter what the conditions are, ISAP constantly
produce quality students and is more than prepared in responding to bigger challenges in life esoecially
outside school.

2. explain this terms and how it applies to you as an isapian student.( culture, service, excellence)

Culture- is an expression of things that revolved around our minds and lives. This are the things that we
whole heartedly accept and is now embedded to our hearts and mind, in which we are willing to share
for the information of everyone interested in it. For example is the schools excellence, we enculcated
excellence in our hearts and minds as an isapian student that’s why it’s open for us to share the schools
outstanding performance for the world to see and to inform those who are interested in joining our

Service- is an act of providing work or care for someone regardless of its race and identity. And the act
of service should not depend on that status of a person but offer it to those who needs it. Because as an
Isapian student everyone should receive equal treatment especially on the act of service, we should
serve for those who needs guidance, help and anything that requires the act of service regardless of any

Excellence- is the influence of being on top or being at the very best. And as an Isapian student it acts as
my end goal. To excel not just intellectually but also morally, it’s not just my dream to graduate with
latin honors but also to finish my studies with a good moral attitude. Because for me intelligence is not
enough for a person to call himself excellent, the absence of morality makes it useless.

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