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Calaca Academy, Inc.

Calaca, Batangas
YEAR 2018-2019

A Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior Highschool

Calaca Academy, Inc.

Calaca, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for Research

Education 1 and 2



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Calaca, Batangas



This chapter features the data that we gathered which are introduction,

statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study.
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Calaca, Batangas

In every industry, computers have left their mark on the workplace,

changing the way people do their jobs. They make trusty assistants, helping workers

to manage information more effectively and automate repetitive tasks. They connect

employees across the office or across the globe, and they connect businesses with the

customers in the same way. They standardize the routines of work, sometimes trading

individuality for efficiency. They even transform the idea of the workplace itself into a

virtual framework that enables employees to work remotely.

The study mainly focused the advantage of using computer system. Computers

today are one of the important things we are using. They have helped a lot in

compiling a lot data which used to be in hard records. One of the uses or benefits of

computers is that they are able to provide and retrieve information so quickly so they

have increased the pace of our work. Today, local governments of almost any size

have access to a wide variety of electronic computers. It helps a lot to them because

by means of using computer can make their work easier and faster, as well as simpler

and safer. According to Jawad Khan, “Computer has made a very vital impact on

society. It has changed the way of life. The use of computer technology has affected

every field of life. People are using computers to perform different tasks quickly and

easily. The use of computers makes different task easier. It also saves time and effort

and reduces the overall cost to complete a particular task.” The general focused of this

idea is that this study will give positive effect of using computer and by means of that

personnels’ will be motivated to do their reliable responsibility.

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Calaca, Batangas
Statement of the Problem

In this research paper, entitled “COMPUTER SYSTEM UTILIZATION: IT’S



BATANGAS”, the researchers seek to answer question regarding to the topic,

specifically the following:

1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Work Designation

2. What are the Advantages of using Computer System to the Personnels’ Work

Performance in the Local Government Unit in Municipality of Calaca,


3. Is there any significant relationship between the use of Computer System and

the Profile of the Respondents?

4. How significant are relationship between the Work Performance and use of

Computer System?

5. What are the recommendations to be given to lessen the problem of using

Computer System?
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Calaca, Batangas

Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on advantages of using computer utilization to the work

performance of the Personnels’ in the Local Government (LGU) within the

Municipality of Calaca, Batangas. It will start with the discussion of the advantages of

using Computer System and it will end up to the different possible ways. More

specifically, this study explores the advantages of using Computer System to the

Personnels’ work performance. This research will have spent time to do this study. It

includes looking for different sources and references. This research paper will collect

data through survey from the Local Government Unit (LGU) located at Municipality

of Calaca, Batangas. Initially, the researcher needs fifty (50) respondents who will fill

out the survey.

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Calaca, Batangas

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the Personnels’ who are using Computer System but

the following can also be beneficiaries:

The Students. This study will help the students because this can give them broader

knowledge and ideas on what the advantages of Using Computer System that can truly

help them in the future.

The Personnel. This will surely help them, because the study focuses on the

personnels’ who are using Computer System in their Work Performance. This study

can be their basis to better understand its effect.

The Researchers. This study will help the researchers to have the completion in their

subject and also it will help them to know how effective the research study.

The Future Researchers. This study can be their guide and they can have ideas if

they are making a research related to this kind of topic or study.

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Calaca, Batangas

Conceptual Framework


1. The profile of the
respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Work Designation

2. Advantages of using
Computer System to the
Personnels’ Work
Performance in the
Local Government Unit
in Municipality of
Calaca, Batangas.
Computer Utilization:
3. Is there any It’s Advantages to the
significant relationship Work Performance of the
 Questionnaire
u the use of Personnels’ in the Local
Computer System and  Survey Government (LGU)
the Profile of the within the Municipality
Respondents? of
Calaca, Batangas
4. Is there any Year 2018-2019
significant relationship A Study
between the Work
Performance and use of
Computer System?

5. Recommendations to
be given to lessen the
problem of using
Computer System ?
Calaca Academy, Inc.
Calaca, Batangas

Research Paradigm

In order to pursue this study, the researcher needs to follow the input-process-

output method (IPO) in conceptual framework. In input-process-output method (IPO)

show to determine the possible solution and outcomes, the researcher need to undergo

in the process of researching. The input of the study mainly discusses the effects of

computer systems and personnels’ work performance in the Rural Bank of Calaca,

Batangas and also the input needs the statement of the problem of this study. While in

process, it shows the set of things that researchers need to do to assist the researcher in

finding the possible solution, this study will tackle up the survey questionnaires and

the experimentation. And the output of this study will discuss the title which is the

Effects of Computer Systems and Personnel’s Work Performance in the Rural Bank of

Calaca, Batangas and the result of the input and process. In this method, the researcher

will be able to finish the study so that it can help the people to provide a plan of action

to the said problem.

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Calaca, Batangas


This research will focus on the Advantages of using Computer System in the

Work Performance of the Personnels’ in the Local Government Unit (LGU) within the

Municipality of Calaca, Batangas.

a. Is there any significant relationship between the use of Computer System and

the Profile of the Respondents?

Calaca Academy, Inc.
Calaca, Batangas

Chapter II

Review Related Literatures and Review Related Studies

This Chapter II presents different researches and literatures from both foreign

and local. It also includes ideas from finished thesis. The chapter includes that helps in

familiarizing information that are relevant in our research.

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Calaca, Batangas

Conceptual Literature

According to Miki Marcovich (2018), the workplace and our society are now

fully transformed because of the Computer System. Different companies and

organizations are now dependent on Computers. Computer System makes their work

easier. It can help to provide countless tools for the workers but it also has its negative


According to Regina Anaejionu (2018), most of the adults use computer at

work and 80 % of them are saying that it’s essential in their jobs. It is important to

know how computer can affect their job. Most of them are relay on computer skills to

have an effective work.

Computer can help in Accuracy and Efficiency at work. In work, instead of

doing it manually you can use computer to derive the answer. The human errors and

mistakes may lessen. In terms of word processors, works are more in typing important

documents. Computer may help to fix the grammar and spelling. It can help

employees to do their work in less time. It can also help in connectivity. Unlike then,

workers now can communicate others without going out or leaving their desk. They

can now use email to send some information. They can now do their work and

decrease amount of movement they do during the day. Using computer system can

also help in saving money. Imagine how costly when you need to send document

through mail than to easily send it to the email address. And last, computer system can
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Calaca, Batangas
help to organize your documents. You can now easily find documents you need in a

very quick way. Computer System can help to work you more effectively. It can

lessen the work time at the same time.

Based on the article of Karehka Ramey (2013), computers have its own

advantages and disadvantages. Computer is essential in accomplishing tasks in the

business. Every business uses computer in their different ways. There are some

advantages like; computer can be your data storage, when you are doing some

research, in terms of accounting, marketing, creating and editing business, transferring

of information, communication, office supply and management, human resources

management and many more. Those activities mentioned are now easier for the

personnel with the help of Computer System. But Computer System has also its

disadvantages likes; it requires training to know more about Computer System that

may consume much time, it can be the opportunity to hack the system or computer

crime, it also require additional infrastructure on where you are going to invest more

money and replace human labor.

According to Andie Burjek (2018), there is possibilities that the benefits of the

computer systems.

In this article there are two effects of overload which are the diminished

personal well-being and muted social connections. First is the diminished personal

well-being. Being always connected can be contributes to a mental health like

depression and anxiety according to the “2018 Global Wellness Trends”. In response

for this, some are trying to do the walking meetings in the workplace. It will help them
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Calaca, Batangas
not to stick with their desk all day. Its benefit also is it may help them to feel relaxed

somehow and is can be another part of their well-being strategy. Workers appreciate

the connections with other workers but they maybe apprehensive that the changing of

workplace will put them in a position where they can’t connect with others. Next is

the muted social connection. There is a value in such a solution but they come with

flaws. Employee’s responsibilities continue, so a stretching reminder may come in the

middle. It should recognize if they have implicitly or explicitly created an

environment. Examples are regularly working on weekends, taking meetings early in

the morning and receiving late calls.

Role-modelling is going to be the first part of this process. Remember; don’t

ignore the negative effects of system because it may worst the situation.

Based on review by George Andres (2015), the numbers of workers over 65 is

growing fast. Technologists see a big helping in the aging workforce. Most of these

13.5 million workers are between 65- 74 but nearly 2.6 billion will be 75 and over.

One reason why age affects the working performance of the workers using computer

system is workers who frequently text or check their newsfeed and emails mat switch

between near and far vision. It’s not that effective to diminish the ability to focus to

the objects, a condition that typically begins between ages 40 and 50 and then gets

worse. The eyes of 60-year-olds take in only about a third as lighter as those of 20-

year-olds, because their pupils are smaller and their lenses cloudier. Other workers

also need more back support if they are aging which creates problem if sustained used

of laptops or computer. Also is for presenting the new challenge in using part of
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computer like mouse. Many operating systems can be set to allow programs and

documents by single and double clicking of the mouse. As older workers stay on the

job longer, challenges are ranging from eyestrain to aching joints become increasingly

prevalent. There is a high risk if the workers are older enough to do the work


An assessment of basing skills is often a good place to start in assessing a

person’s qualification. Through observation, supervisors can note whether an

employee has the basic communication skills necessary to perform the task at hand

and whether the workers reading skills are sufficient for understanding the

organizational policies, and material safety data sheets applicable to their position.

Position can affect the work performance of the personnel’s in using computer system

because employees must know the hazards associated with their work, understand

how the hazard are controlled through institutional policies, work practices and have

sufficient skills to do their work safely and proficiently. Manage should determine

specific minimal qualification for all the staff.

According to (2013), some of the popular uses of computers in

offices include preparation of word documents such as letters, reports, processing of

work documents such as work orders and financial reports, presentation of reports and

proposals to and behalf of executive and higher level office personnel, management of

email services to maintain and sustain business and communication services, filing,

storage and retrieval of business information and support for internal and external

business services that require messaging, faxes, printing, photocopying, video and
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Calaca, Batangas
electronic transmissions.For some of the processes described above, computers enable

the use of “productive” office software tools that facilitate effective management of:

word processing documentation, extensive numerical calculations and outputs that are

useful in decision making, and quite complex but highly organized collections of

various types of data, which may be alphabetical, numerical, or both. Again the latter

functions allow for quick and easy management, of business data, that facilitate quick

office operations thereby producing useful business information such as billing and

invoices. In this regard, office software tools, such as the Microsoft Software Suite of

productive tools, are a basic feature of almost every modern office computer software


Modern computer networks facilitate business interactions among offices in small and

large businesses and also promote productive two way or multi-path business flows

with other remote business, governmental, legal, commercial and almost any other

relevant or related business concerns. As such they extend and augment the reach and

capability of the office enterprise. The office computer has therefore leapt forward

from being a mere facilitator of platforms for word processing, spreadsheets,

databases, and PowerPoint presentations to being a dynamic and interactive business

instrument for offices in contemporary times.

Based on the article Computer Hope (2019),Computers increase your

productivity and, with a good understanding of the software running on them, you will

become more productive at everything you do. Connects you to the Internet,

Connecting a computer to the Internet is what unlocks the full potential of a computer.

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Calaca, Batangas
Once connected, your choices and available options are almost limitless. Many of the

benefits listed on this page are with a computer connected to the Internet. Helps sort,

organize, and search through information, a computer can use its stored information

more efficiently than any other device. Get a better understanding of data, Computers

can also give you a better understanding of data and big data. Keeps you connected,

Computers can help keep you connected with long distance friends and family over e-

mail and social networking. never meet.

Another great thing about communication on the Internet is that it's fast

compared to other forms of communication. Can help you learn and keep you

informed, the computer connected to the Internet is a great learning tool and

something that can help answer almost any question, teaching you anything that

interests you. Improves your abilities, can help automate and monitor, a computer can

do is be programmed to complete a task and, once done, be made to repeat that task as

many times as needed. A computer can automate most imaginable tasks and can also

be programmed to wait for something to occur.

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Calaca, Batangas

Research Literature

B.T. Alo (2019) points out the advantages of computer systems in the office. It

helped to improve the efficiency and accuracy of office workers by providing different

software and communication functions to help execute work tasks. Computers are

now a part of nearly every office, with most workplaces now unable to function

without the use of computers. Communication. Internal and external communication

is much easier with the use of e-mail and internal messaging systems on computers.

The Office staff are able to pass information throughout the office quickly and

effectively, as most office setups have an alert system on individual computers when a

message or e-mail is received. Data Storage. The data storage and retrieval capacity

of computers is only getting greater and more advanced as technology improves. Files

are easily retrievable through search functions, and hard drives can hold

unprecedented volumes of files and data. For offices with large databases, such as

governments, or other member-based associations, this data storage and retrieval

function provides advantages over traditional paper file storage, such as the ease and

speed of information retrieval, the ease of changing data records and the ease of

tracking changes made to customer, member or citizenry records.

Productivity. Computers in the office environment significantly enhance

productivity. According to the Reference for Business Web site, computers in the
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office increase productivity not only in areas such as word processing, data

management and information access, but also in information creation, collation and

ultimately storage.

According to the study of Seetha Menon, Andrea Salvatori, and Wouter Zwysen

(2018), they detect that technologies effect on the labour market. One of the well-

known technology is the computer systems. With a bulk of evidence on the advantage

of computers in the quantity of jobs, a number of studies have shown that technology

changes the types of jobs in the economy both through compositional effects and

through changes within existing jobs. (2018) noted that Computer systems has become one of

the most successful ways of sharing information, where all computers are wirelessly

linked together by a common network. Now, businesses and organizations heavily

rely on it to get messages and information across to essential channels. Not only has

that it benefited establishments, but also individuals, as they also need to share

important information every day.

There are some advantages of using computer systems, first is It enhances

communication and availability of information. It allows ways of communication that

would simply be impossible before it was developed. Instant messaging can now

allow users to talk in real time and send files to other people wherever they are in the

world, which is a huge boon for businesses. It allows for more convenient resource
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sharing. Since the technology involves computer-based work, it is assured that the

resources they wanted to get across would be completely shared by connecting to a

computer network which their audience is also using.It makes file sharing easier.

Computer systems allows easier accessibility for people to share their files, which

greatly helps them with saving more time and effort, since they could do file sharing

more accordingly and effectively. It is highly flexible. This technology is known to be

very flexible, as it gives users the opportunity to explore everything about essential

things, such as software without affecting their functionality. Plus, people will have

the accessibility to all information they need to get and share. It increases cost

efficiency. With computer systems, you can use a lot of software products available

on the market which can just be stored or installed in your system or server, and can

then be used by various workstations. It boosts storage capacity. Since you are going

to share information, files and resources to other people, you have to ensure all data

and content are properly stored in the system. With this networking technology, you

can do all of this without any hassle, while having all the space you need for storage.

According to the study of Matgorzata Nycz and Zdzistaw Polkowski (2015),

Countries with efficient ICT programs are able to curb the level of corruption and

promote good governance and reduce some aspects of social exclusion. Through

computer systems many public institutions have introduced so-called e-government

programs that incorporate ICT and use it to transform several dimensions of their

operations, to create more accessible, transparent, effective and accountable

government. Appropriate knowledge has to be possessed to be able to recognize or

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foresee changes occurring in the environment or citizen requirements from local

government units, and to quickly react to these changes.

Today, IT systems in local government units are incapable of supporting

longitudinal manager performance data analysis and reporting. The data are stored in

multiple operational tables, preventing efficient integration and aggregation on

demand. Authorities and IT specialists are looking for IT tools to support the decision-

making process.

VIJAY KUMAR (2017), points out the importance of computer systems in

work performance Computer speed up the business processes and systems with top

quality. A computer is important to use in business to automate the manufacturing,

marketing and, distribution process. Computer help business to collect, manages,

calculate, arrange, and visualize customer data and information. Computer helps to

communicate faster with customer. It’s really important for the administration of the

big or small organization and each field that manage resources and Opportunities.

Computer help creates marketing and advertising materials. Computer is used in

business to create websites for business. The computer is important in business to

automate the business transactions such as online banking, payment Gateway.

Computer is used around the world in almost all the private, government and home

based business and organization. Without a computer, it’s impossible to conduct, run

and grow the business. That’s why the computer is important to use in business

organization and companies.

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According to The Reflective Team (2018), there are several advantages of

computer systems in the workplace. It is always evolving, with new software

constantly emerging to solve problems and inefficiencies that companies’/work

government may not even be aware of yet. These are the areas that brings advantages

to the work place. Speed, Efficiency, and Agility. The goal for any new office

technology is to speed up workflow processes, giving your employees the ultimate

resource – more time – to focus on the important work. Storage and Sharing.

Employees should never have to waste time looking for files, documents or

information, yet studies show that nearly 20% of the workweek is wasted searching

for information – a major inefficiency that costs businesses money. Technology that

streamlines information storage and sharing is vital not only for efficiency, but also

for security. Mobility and Remote Connectivity.

With the growth of the freelancer economy – freelancers are expected to become the

majority of the U.S. workforce by 2027 – and many companies adopting flexible

work-from-anywhere policies, employees need to be able to access technology

systems remotely. Automation. Another advantage of new technology is that it allows

companies to automate functions that previously required employees. Tasks like data

entry and analytics, bookkeeping, and contact management can be partially or

completely automated, which allows businesses to work more efficiently without the

risk of human error. Communication. There’s a reason that computers replaced

typewriters, emails replaced paper mail and faxes, Slack has replaced (some) emails:
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Communication is king. Companies are constantly looking to improve and accelerate

communication, and new technology is built with that need in mind.

Alter (2015) states that an information system is a work system whose

processes and activities are devoted to processing information, i.e. capturing,

transmitting, and storing, retrieving, manipulating, and displaying information. Yeo

(2012) on the other hand states that information system denotes any wide combination

of computer hardware, communication technology and software designed to handle

information related to one or more business processes. Computer based information

systems have the ability of obtaining, storing, processing, retrieving, and displaying

the right information for the right decision essentially enabling a manager to make the

right decisions fast (Murdick, Ross & Clagget, 2010). The perceived benefits of CBIS

include increase in operational efficiencies, sharing of databases, reduction of

operational cost, communication between transacting parties, collaborative inter-

organizational relationship (integration of functions) and enhance supply chain

capabilities (e-commerce) (Ochieng’a, 2009). Measuring the success of CBIS takes

special importance in many organizations since the costs and risks of these large

technology investments rival their potential payoffs (Markus, Axline, Petrie & Tanis,

2013). Computer based information system indirectly influences organizational

performance by improving organizational capabilities (internal and external

capabilities) (Liang, You & Liu, 2010). However, Dawson (2011) is of the view that

purchase of computer based information system by individual departments in an

organization leads to challenges in the internal communications in the organization

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negating the benefits of CBIS. He further stated that high profile sales strategies of

CBIS software and hardware products may pressurize organizations to purchase

sophisticated systems beyond their needs. Nowduri (2011) argues that lack of

expertise in institutionalization, programming, monitoring and evaluation of computer

based information system and a well-defined decision making system in majority of

organizations resulted in achieving very little in the improvement of decision-making


Gagnon and Dragon (2011) examined the impact of technology on organizational

performance. They found out from the respondents that the technology had befitted

them by offering rapid access to a large quantity of information of better quality and

the elimination of repetitive tasks. However, the decimal results realized were

attributed to lack of integrating the information system into the culture and

functioning of the organization and therefore the system was underutilized hence little

benefits were realized. The study suggested that the users and managers must commit

to taking charge of the organization’s information system and specify the objectives

and orientations of the system’s management process.

According to Richard, Devinney, Yip, & Garry, (2009), organizational

performance encompasses three specific areas of the firm’s outcomes: financial

performance (profits, return on investment, and return on assets); market performance

(sales, market share, etc.); shareholders return (total shareholder return, economic

value added, etc.). Ifandoundas and Chapman (2006) are of the view that competition

has brought pressure on organizations to improve on organizational performance

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(efficiency and productivity) through technological innovation. Computer based

information system and organizational structure are the drivers of the firm’s

performance since they encourage decision-making, assumption of authority and

responsibility and this facilitates organizational learning leading to higher levels of

profitability and efficiency (Farhanghi, Abbaspour & Ghassemi, 2012).Govrea, Ilies,

and Stegerean (2011) contend that organizational performance is influenced by

organizations: strategy, leadership, quality, innovation and development, computer

based information based system, performance measurement, employees, corporate

governance and external environment.

GreenNet (2014) states that there are many advantages of using computers in

larger resource centers, or smaller resource centers that have a large number of

periodicals, serve many users based at a distance, or provide a wide variety of

services. The main advantages of computers are More information sources, a

computer linked to a modem can provide access to information available via e-mail

and other Internet services, such as electronic newsletters and websites. More

opportunities for cooperation and networking - A computer linked to a modem makes

it easier to communicate with other resource centers, via e-mail. Increased access to

the information stored in the resource center A computer database enables materials to

be searched using more keywords, or using other details such as series titles,

publisher, year published or individual words from a title if the full title is not known,

all without extra work. Increased efficiency - Information stored on a computer

database can be used for different purposes. More services - A computer can be used
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to ‘repackage’ information held on a database, in the form of directories, resource lists

or current awareness bulletins.

Using computers in the office has a number of advantages for almost any business of

any size, including increased organization and more efficient business operation,

particularly where sales, marketing and accounting are concerned, all of which can

contribute to higher profit margins. Most businesses opt for the use of office

computers and related technology as a result. The amount of efficiency computers can

bring to a business should not be underestimated. For a relatively low initial

investment cost, a wide range of processes can be organized and automated. A

business is also able to create and edit its own business documents as necessary,

without having to rely on outsourcing. Computers also enable a company to network,

which leads to an efficient way to both store and transfer data. Software, such as

Intuit, can provide automated invoicing, increasing the ease of accounting while

keeping all financial information in an easy to access, centralized location. Using such

a network, many elements of a business can be streamlined, including customer

feedback, sales orders, and so on. Additionally, computers allow a company to set up

and manage a website in-house, which not only makes an excellent marketing tool and

point of contact for a wider customer base, but also helps to drive sales from markets

that may previously have been unreachable.

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Calaca, Batangas


The researcher needs to have a conceptual literature and research literature

when doing a research. The researcher collects 7 conceptual literatures and 8 research

literatures that are related to the chosen study. There are similarities and differences of

conceptual literature and research literature. Based on conceptual literature most of the

adults or the workers use computers at work and 80% of them are saying that it’s

essential in their jobs. It is important to know how computer can affect their jobs.

Most of them relay on computer skill to have an effective work according to Regina

Anaejionu (2018). This conceptual literature that the researcher gathers about the

computer using system of the workers if there is a positive effect of it there is also a

negative effect of it. It can help the workers to work easier by using computer system

but it also can be an opportunity to hack the system of computer crime, it can cost a
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Calaca, Batangas
lot of time to know more about computer system especially those older or less

education. While based on research literature the use of computer system has a very

effect in our society or field of work. This can make work faster because of

technology especially the banking industry. The workers use this because of modern

technology, there are Automated Teller Machines, Net Banking and Mobile Banking.

Definition of Terms

Computer System. is the software of a computer on how you will use it

Denationalize. to divest of national character or rights

Diversified. to change something or to make diverse

Easier. not hard to do or achieve without great effort

Efficiency. the ability to do something with minimum wasted effort

Endeavor. Try hard to do or continually try to do something

Empirical. it is based on testing, observation or experience

Factor. Something that helps to produce or contributes to a result

Fragmented. to break or cause to break into fragment

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Pervasive. spreading to all parts of something

Prior. Existing earlier in time, order or importance

Rural bank. It is a smaller size than very large banks

Two-fold. twice as much or as many

Ubiquitous. it is present, appearing or seen everywhere

Work Performance. It is whether the employee has done their job.



This chapter tackles the research methodology that will be employed to

accomplish the study. Specially, it covers research design, subject of the study, data

gathering instruments, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment of data.

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Calaca, Batangas

Research Design

The researcher will use descriptive research design because this design can

really help the researcher to gather more information regarding to advantages of using

computer system to the work performance of the personnels’. The researcher started

thinking for the availability of reference. Then after researching for some information,

the researchers conducted a survey that will be given to the selected respondents. The

researchers used internet research design for it is where you can find many references

like websites, where you can get other important data. With this design, the researcher

may give wider knowledge to the researcher and for those who will read this research

paper because of the information cited here. The researchers gather information by

surfing on the internet to find more important things about this topic.
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Calaca, Batangas

Subject of the Study

The respondents of the study were the fifty (50) personnels’ in Local

Government Unit (LGU) within the Municipality of Calaca, Batangas. The reason

why the researchers chose these respondents was because they were surely related

with this topic and the researchers believe that these respondents can answer the

questionnaires well. This research will use all the answers of the respondents and may

help them to know more about the effects of computer systems. This will give them

further explanations to prove that here are many features that there are advantages to

your work performance by using computer systems.

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Data Gathering Instrument


Construction of the Questionnaire. The researchers prepared survey

questionnaires to determine the views of the personnels’ in Local Government Unit.

The research subjects will ask to choose their prefer response by checking the options

base on their personal feelings and perception along the study given statements. The

survey questionnaires have questions that relates to the study and these questions were

answered consequently.

Validation of the Questionnaire. The researchers consult the questionnaire to

the validator which gives the proper statements that should be include in the

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Calaca, Batangas
Administration. The researchers will conduct a survey to know the

respondents’ insight or perception what are the advantages of computer system in the

work performance of the personnels’.

Scoring. The researchers will use interval in this questionnaire with the

following conditions:

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze and interpret the data gathered from the respondents of the study,

the following statistical tools and procedures were used by the researcher

1. Weighted Mean – This will use to interpret the data from the respondents

about the advantages of Computer Systems in the Personnels’ Work

Performance from the questionnaire items given.


2. Scale Interval – In analyzing and interpreting the responses of the

respondents, the researcher will use the scale interval on the Advantages of

Computer Systems in the Personnels’ Work Performance in Local

Government Unit within the Municipality of Calaca, Batangas, given the

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Calaca, Batangas
questionnaire items in this study to the respondents with the following


Assigned Weight:

5- Strongly Agree 3- Moderately Agree 1- Strongly Disagree

4- Agree 2- Disagree

3. Frequency Distribution – This statistical tool was used to be able to

present the data clearly and accurately in tabulated from with

corresponding rows and columns for each specified category.

4. Likert Scale – The researchers will use this scale in order to verbally

interpret the the Advantages of Computer Systems in the Personnels’ Work

Performance in Local Government Unit within the Municipality of Calaca,


5. T- test – this method was used to compute the significant relationship

between the effects of computer systems to the personnels’ work

performance and the profile of the respondents.

x 1− X 2

√[ ][ ]
S S1 +S S 2 1 1
n1 +n 2−2 n1 n 2
Calaca Academy, Inc.
Calaca, Batangas
6. F- test – An F-test is a statistical in which the test statistic has an F-

distribution under the null hypothesis. It is used to compare the data set

between the computer system and personnels’ work performance.

M s6
M sw

7. Pearson Correlation- gives measure called the correlation coefficient,

which may be interpreted to give substantial information about the

relationship of two variables.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather information, researcher thought for the possible references.

The researchers got some related information about the said topic. The researchers had

searched in such online books, by using surfing by the internet. And the researchers

looked for the important data and phrases that can be used to construct the survey

questionnaires. The validation of it and the distribution to the selected respondents.

Collecting the answered questionnaire was the next process.

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This chapter features the presentation, analyzing and the interpretation of data.
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Table 2
Distribution of Respondents according to Gender

Gender Respondents Percentage (%)

Male 19 38%
Female 31 62%
Total 50 100%

Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents according to gender. There are

nineteen (19) or thirty-eight percent (38%) percent of the male respondents while

thirty-one (31) or sixty-two (68%) percent of the female respondents. It shows that

there are more female respondents than the male respondents.

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Calaca, Batangas

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents according to Age

Age Respondents Percentage (%)
21-30 years’ old 12 24%
31-40 years’ old 19 38%
41-50 years’ old 15 30%
51-60 years’ old 4 08%
Total 50 100%
Calaca Academy, Inc.
Calaca, Batangas
Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents according to age. There are

twelve (12) or twenty-four percent (24%) of 21-30 years old respondent while there

are nineteen or thirty-eight percent (38) of the 31-40 years old respondents in addition

there are fifteen (15) or thirty percent (30) of the 41-50 years old respondents and four

(4) or eight percent (8%) of 51-60 years old. There are more 31-40 years old

respondents than 41-50 years old, 21-30 years old 51-60 years old respondents.

Based on review by George Andres (2015), the numbers of workers over 65 is

growing fast. Technologists see a big helping in the aging workforce. Most of these

13.5 million workers are between 65- 74 but nearly 2.6 billion will be 75 and over.

One reason why age affects the working performance of the workers using computer

system is workers who frequently text or check their newsfeed and emails mat switch

between near and far vision. It’s not that effective to diminish the ability to focus to

the objects, a condition that typically begins between ages 40 and 50 and then gets

worse. The eyes of 60-year-olds take in only about a third as lighter as those of 20-40

year-olds, because their pupils are smaller and their lenses cloudier. Other workers

also need more back support if they are aging which creates problem if sustained used

of laptops or computer. Also is for presenting the new challenge in using part of

computer like mouse. Many operating systems can be set to allow programs and

documents by single and double clicking of the mouse. As older workers stay on the

job longer, challenges are ranging from eyestrain to aching joints become increasingly


There is a high risk if the workers are older enough to do the work effectively.
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Table 3

Distribution of Respondents according to Work Designation

Work Designation Respondents Percentage (%)

Professional 46 92%
Skilled Worker 04 08%

Total 50 100%
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Calaca, Batangas
Table 3 shows the distribution of respondents according to work designation.

There are forty-six (46) or ninety-two percent (92%) of Professional workers while

there are four or eight percent (08) of Skilled worker respondents. There are more

Professional workers than skilled workers in the Local Government Unit within the

Municipality of Calaca, Batangas.

An assessment of basing skills is often a good place to start in assessing a

person’s qualification. Through observation, supervisors can note whether an

employee has the basic communication skills necessary to perform the task at hand

and whether the workers reading skills are sufficient for understanding the

organizational policies, and material safety data sheets applicable to their position.

Position can affect the work performance of the personnel’s in using computer system

because employees must know the hazards associated with their work, understand

how the hazard are controlled through institutional policies, work practices and have

sufficient skills to do their work safely and proficiently. Manage should determine

specific minimal qualification for all the staff.

Table 4

Statement Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

1. Communication is
easier with the use of 4.92 STRONGLY ANGREE 2
computer system
2. Computer in the
workplace enhance 4.94 STRONGLY AGREE 1
3. It enhances
communication and 4.74 STRONGLY AGREE 3
availability of
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Calaca, Batangas
4. It increases cost 4.34 AGREE 5
5. It boost storage 4.4 AGREE 6
6. Automation 4.64 STRONGLY AGREE 4


Advantages of Using Computer System to the Personnels’ Work Performance

Table 4 shows the advantages of using computer system to the personnels’

work performance. The second statement rank first with a weighted mean of 4.94 and

verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The first statement rank second with a

weighted mean of 4.92 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The third statement

rank third with a weighted mean of 4.74 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

The sixth statement rank fourth with a weighted mean of 4.64 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree. The fourth statement rank fifth with a weighted mean

of 4.34 and verbal interpretation of agree and the fifth statement rank last with a

weighted mean of 4.4 and verbal interpretation of agree all in all the composite mean

of this table is 4.66 with a verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

According to Miki Marcovich (2018), the workplace and our society are now

fully transformed because of the Computer System. Different companies and

organizations are now dependent on Computers. Computer System makes their work

easier. It can help to provide countless tools for the workers.

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According to Regina Anaejionu (2018), most of the adults use computer at

work and 80 % of them are saying that it’s essential in their jobs. It is important to

know how computer can affect their job. Most of them are relay on computer skills to

have an effective work.

Computer can help in Accuracy and Efficiency at work. In work, instead of

doing it manually you can use computer to derive the answer. The human errors and

mistakes may lessen. In terms of word processors, works are more in typing important

documents. Computer may help to fix the grammar and spelling. It can help

employees to do their work in less time. It can also help in connectivity. Unlike then,

workers now can communicate others without going out or leaving their desk. They

can now use email to send some information. They can now do their work and

decrease amount of movement they do during the day. Using computer system can

also help in saving money. Imagine how costly when you need to send document

through mail than to easily send it to the email address. And last, computer system can

help to organize your documents. You can now easily find documents you need in a

very quick way.

Computer System can help to work you more effectively. It can lessen the work

time at the same time.

Based on the article of Karehka Ramey (2013), computers have its own

advantages and disadvantages. Computer is essential in accomplishing tasks in the

business. Every business uses computer in their different ways. There are some

advantages like; computer can be your data storage, when you are doing some
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research, in terms of accounting, marketing, creating and editing business, transferring

of information, communication, office supply and management, human resources

management and many more. Those activities mentioned are now easier for the

personnel with the help of Computer System. But Computer System has also its

disadvantages likes; it requires training to know more about Computer System that

may consume much time, it can be the opportunity to hack the system or computer

crime, it also require additional infrastructure on where you are going to invest more

money and replace human labor.

There are some advantages of using computer systems, first is It enhances

communication and availability of information. It allows ways of communication that

would simply be impossible before it was developed. Instant messaging can now

allow users to talk in real time and send files to other people wherever they are in the

world, which is a huge boon for businesses. It allows for more convenient resource

sharing. Since the technology involves computer-based work, it is assured that the

resources they wanted to get across would be completely shared by connecting to a

computer network which their audience is also using. It makes file sharing easier.

Computer systems allows easier accessibility for people to share their files, which

greatly helps them with saving more time and effort, since they could do file sharing

more accordingly and effectively. It is highly flexible. This technology is known to be

very flexible, as it gives users the opportunity to explore everything about essential

things, such as software without affecting their functionality. Plus, people will have

the accessibility to all information they need to get and share. It increases cost
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Calaca, Batangas
efficiency. With computer systems, you can use a lot of software products available

on the market which can just be stored or installed in your system or server, and can

then be used by various workstations. It boosts storage capacity. Since you are going

to share information, files and resources to other people, you have to ensure all data

and content are properly stored in the system. With this networking technology, you

can do all of this without any hassle, while having all the space you need for storage.

Table 5

How significant are the relationship between the work performance and the use of


Statement Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

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1. Computer can give
you a better 4.74 STRONGLY AGREE 1
understanding of data
and big data.
2. Computer can help
you to learn and keep 4.66 STRONGLYAGREE 4
you informed.
3. It increases your
productivity and
become more 4.72 STRONGLYAGREE 3
productive at
everything you do.
4. Computer have
connected people in the 4.74 STRONGLYAGREE 1
modern world in
different ways.
5. Computers can keep
the private information 4.7 STRONGLY AGREE 2
secures as well as files
can be saved and
backed up.


Table 5 shows how significant is the relationship between work performance

and the use of computer. The first and fourth statement rank first with a weighted

mean of 4.74 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The fifth statement rank

second with a weighted mean of 4.7 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The

third statement rank third with a weighted mean of 4.72 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree. And the second statement rank last with a weighted mean of 4.66 and

verbal interpretation of strongly agree with the total of 4.71 and a verbal interpretation

of strongly agree.

B.T. Alo (2019) points out the advantages of computer systems in the office. It

helped to improve the efficiency and accuracy of office workers by providing different
Calaca Academy, Inc.
Calaca, Batangas
software and communication functions to help execute work tasks. Computers are

now a part of nearly every office, with most workplaces now unable to function

without the use of computers. Communication. Internal and external communication

is much easier with the use of e-mail and internal messaging systems on computers.

The Office staff are able to pass information throughout the office quickly and

effectively, as most office setups have an alert system on individual computers when a

message or e-mail is received. Data Storage. The data storage and retrieval capacity

of computers is only getting greater and more advanced as technology improves. Files

are easily retrievable through search functions, and hard drives can hold

unprecedented volumes of files and data. For offices with large databases, such as

governments, or other member-based associations, this data storage and retrieval

function provides advantages over traditional paper file storage, such as the ease and

speed of information retrieval, the ease of changing data records and the ease of

tracking changes made to customer, member or citizenry records.

Productivity. Computers in the office environment significantly enhance

productivity. According to the Reference for Business Web site, computers in the

office increase productivity not only in areas such as word processing, data

management and information access, but also in information creation, collation and

ultimately storage.

According to the study of Seetha Menon, Andrea Salvatori, and Wouter

Zwysen (2018), they detect that technologies effect on the labour market. One of the

well-known technology is the computer systems. With a bulk of evidence on the

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Calaca, Batangas
advantage of computers in the quantity of jobs, a number of studies have shown that

technology changes the types of jobs in the economy both through compositional

effects and through changes within existing jobs. (2018) noted that Computer systems has become one of

the most successful ways of sharing information, where all computers are wirelessly

linked together by a common network. Now, businesses and organizations heavily

rely on it to get messages and information across to essential channels. Not only has

that it benefited establishments, but also individuals, as they also need to share

important information every day.

Based on the article Computer Hope (2019),Computers increase your

productivity and, with a good understanding of the software running on them, you will

become more productive at everything you do. Connects you to the Internet,

Connecting a computer to the Internet is what unlocks the full potential of a computer.

Once connected, your choices and available options are almost limitless. Many of the

benefits listed on this page are with a computer connected to the Internet. Helps sort,

organize, and search through information, a computer can use its stored information

more efficiently than any other device. Get a better understanding of data, Computers

can also give you a better understanding of data and big data. Keeps you connected,

Computers can help keep you connected with long distance friends and family over e-

mail and social networking. never meet.

Another great thing about communication on the Internet is that it's fast

compared to other forms of communication. Can help you learn and keep you
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informed, the computer connected to the Internet is a great learning tool and

something that can help answer almost any question, teaching you anything that

interests you. Improves your abilities, can help automate and monitor, a computer can

do is be programmed to complete a task and, once done, be made to repeat that task as

many times as needed. A computer can automate most imaginable tasks and can also

be programmed to wait for something to occur.



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This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and

recommendations of the study.

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This study aims to determine the advantages of computer system to the work

performance of the personnels’ in the local government unit (LGU) within the municipality

of Calaca, Batangas

The researchers seek to answer question regarding to the topic, specifically the


1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Work Designation

2. What are the Advantages of using Computer System to the Personnels’ Work

Performance in the Local Government Unit in Municipality of Calaca,


3. Is there any significant relationship between the use of Computer System and

the Profile of the Respondents?

4. How significant are relationship between the Work Performance and use of

Computer System?

5. What are the recommendations to be given to lessen the problem of using

Computer System?

The researcher focused on the advantages of computer system to the work

performance of the personnels’. As the local government unit (LGU) within the

Municipality of Calaca, Batangas, will be the subject of this research, the respondents

will be limited only to 50 selected LGU’s of the said Municipality.

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In gathering all the facts data, the researchers have made and set a procedure on

how to complete the research. Almost all of the data that the researchers have gathered

came from the school library and in the internet as well, and all of these served as the

researchers’ references. Some data were coming from the questionnaire and surveys

that researchers conducted.

To analyze and interpret the data rend and gathered from the respondents of this study,

the following treatments and statistical tools were used by the researchers.

1. Weighted Mean

This method was used to interpret the data from the respondents about the topic




2. Scale Interval

This scale interval was used to interpret and analyze the data that was given

from the respondents by the questionnaire, with the following conditions:

Assigned Weight

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Moderately Agree

2- Disagree

1- Strongly Disagree
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Calaca, Batangas


Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents according to age. There are

twelve (12) or twenty-four percent (24%) of 21-30 years old respondent while there

are nineteen or thirty-eight percent (38) of the 31-40 years old respondents in addition

there are fifteen (15) or thirty percent (30) of the 41-50 years old respondents and four

(4) or eight percent (8%) of 51-60 years old. There are more 31-40 years old

respondents than 41-50 years old, 21-30 years old 51-60 years old respondents.


Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents according to gender. There are

nineteen (19) or thirty-eight percent (38%) percent of the male respondents while

thirty-one (31) or sixty-two (68%) percent of the female respondents. It shows that

there are more female respondents than the male respondents.


Table 3 shows the distribution of respondents according to work designation.

There are forty-six (46) or ninety-two percent (92%) of Professional workers while

there are four or eight percent (08) of Skilled worker respondents. There are more

Professional workers than skilled workers in the Local Government Unit within the

Municipality of Calaca, Batangas.

Calaca Academy, Inc.
Calaca, Batangas


Table 4 shows the advantages of using computer system to the personnels’

work performance. The second statement rank first with a weighted mean of 4.94 and

verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The first statement rank second with a

weighted mean of 4.92 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The third statement

rank third with a weighted mean of 4.74 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

The sixth statement rank fourth with a weighted mean of 4.64 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree. The fourth statement rank fifth with a weighted mean

of 4.34 and verbal interpretation of agree and the fifth statement rank last with a

weighted mean of 4.4 and verbal interpretation of agree all in all the composite mean

of this table is 4.66 with a verbal interpretation of strongly agree.



Table 5 shows how significant is the relationship between work performance

and the use of computer. The first and fourth statement rank first with a weighted

mean of 4.74 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The fifth statement rank

second with a weighted mean of 4.7 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The

third statement rank third with a weighted mean of 4.72 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree. And the second statement rank last with a weighted mean of 4.66 and

verbal interpretation of strongly agree with the total of 4.71 and a verbal interpretation

of strongly agree.
Calaca Academy, Inc.
Calaca, Batangas

Based on the report, computer system utilization: it’s advantages to the work

performance of the personnels’ in the local government unit (LGU) within the

municipality of Calaca, Batangas A.Y. 2019-2020 has different advantages to the

work performance of the personnels’ in the LGU’s within the municipality of Calaca,

Batangas together with the proofs that follows:

According to the study of Seetha Menon, Andrea Salvatori, and Wouter

Zwysen (2018), they detect that technologies effect on the labour market. One of the

well-known technology is the computer systems. With a bulk of evidence on the

advantage of computers in the quantity of jobs, a number of studies have shown that

technology changes the types of jobs in the economy both through compositional

effects and through changes within existing jobs. (2018) noted that Computer systems has become one of

the most successful ways of sharing information, where all computers are wirelessly

linked together by a common network. Now, businesses and organizations heavily

rely on it to get messages and information across to essential channels. Not only has

that it benefited establishments, but also individuals, as they also need to share

important information every day. There are some advantages of using computer

systems, first is it enhances communication and availability of information. It allows

ways of communication that would simply be impossible before it was developed.

Instant messaging can now allow users to talk in real time and send files to other

people wherever they are in the world, which is a huge boon for businesses. It allows
Calaca Academy, Inc.
Calaca, Batangas
for more convenient resource sharing. Since the technology involves computer-based

work, it is assured that the resources they wanted to get across would be completely

shared by connecting to a computer network which their audience is also using. It

makes file sharing easier. Computer systems allows easier accessibility for people to

share their files, which greatly helps them with saving more time and effort, since they

could do file sharing more accordingly and effectively. It is highly flexible. This

technology is known to be very flexible, as it gives users the opportunity to explore

everything about essential things, such as software without affecting their

functionality. Plus, people will have the accessibility to all information they need to

get and share. It increases cost efficiency. With computer systems, you can use a lot of

software products available on the market which can just be stored or installed in your

system or server, and can then be used by various workstations. It boosts storage

capacity. Since you are going to share information, files and resources to other people,

you have to ensure all data and content are properly stored in the system. With this

networking technology, you can do all of this without any hassle, while having all the

space you need for storage.

According to The Reflective Team (2018), there are several advantages of

computer systems in the workplace. It is always evolving, with new software

constantly emerging to solve problems and inefficiencies that companies’/work

government may not even be aware of yet. These are the areas that brings advantages

to the work place. Speed, Efficiency, and Agility. The goal for any new office

technology is to speed up workflow processes, giving your employees the ultimate

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Calaca, Batangas
resource – more time – to focus on the important work. Storage and Sharing.

Employees should never have to waste time looking for files, documents or

information, yet studies show that nearly 20% of the workweek is wasted searching

for information – a major inefficiency that costs businesses money. Technology that

streamlines information storage and sharing is vital not only for efficiency, but also

for security. Mobility and Remote Connectivity.

With the growth of the freelancer economy – freelancers are expected to become the

majority of the U.S. workforce by 2027 – and many companies adopting flexible

work-from-anywhere policies, employees need to be able to access technology

systems remotely. Automation. Another advantage of new technology is that it allows

companies to automate functions that previously required employees. Tasks like data

entry and analytics, bookkeeping, and contact management can be partially or

completely automated, which allows businesses to work more efficiently without the

risk of human error. Communication. There’s a reason that computers replaced

typewriters, emails replaced paper mail and faxes, Slack has replaced (some) emails:

Communication is king. Companies are constantly looking to improve and accelerate

communication, and new technology is built with that need in mind.

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Calaca, Batangas



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Calaca, Batangas

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