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1. Discuss in pairs, mention the advantages and disadvantages of ASEAN Economic Community
for Indonesia!


ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is an organization consisting of 10 countries in the

Southeast Asian region, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar,
the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Since its founding in 1967, ASEAN has become an
important tool in promoting trade, investment and economic integration in the Southeast Asian
region. The following are some of the benefits of ASEAN for Indonesia:

1. Increasing international trade

One of the main benefits of ASEAN for Indonesia is increasing international trade. ASEAN provides
greater market access for Indonesian products, and this can help boost economic growth and create
jobs in Indonesia. Under the ASEAN framework, there are free trade agreements that allow
Indonesia and other member countries to trade goods and services without tariff and non-tariff
barriers. Apart from that, ASEAN also encourages economic integration in the region, including in
terms of trade and investment liberalization. This economic integration allows Indonesia and other
member countries to expand their trade markets to other ASEAN member countries, as well as
enabling Indonesian companies to invest in other ASEAN member countries.

2. Increasing access to global markets

ASEAN also provides benefits for Indonesia in terms of access to global markets. ASEAN has entered
into trade agreements with countries outside the ASEAN region, such as the ASEAN-China, ASEAN-
Japan, ASEAN-Korea and ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand free trade agreements. These agreements
open opportunities for Indonesia and other ASEAN member countries to enter the global market by
reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers.

3. Strengthen political and security cooperation

ASEAN also has an important role in strengthening political and security cooperation in the Southeast
Asian region. ASEAN has helped resolve conflicts in the region, and encouraged dialogue that
improves relations between countries in Southeast Asia. As one of the founding countries of ASEAN,
Indonesia plays an active role in political and security cooperation in the region. Indonesia has taken
a leading role in facilitating dialogue between ASEAN member countries, as well as contributing to
maintaining political stability and security in the region.

4. Strengthen relations between ASEAN member countries

ASEAN also provides benefits in strengthening relations between ASEAN member countries,
including Indonesia. Through the ASEAN forum, Indonesia can engage in discussions with other
countries in the region regarding political, economic and social issues. In addition, ASEAN also
regularly holds high-level meetings, such as the ASEAN Summit and the ASEAN Plus Three meetings
(China, Japan and South Korea). These meetings allow Indonesia and other member countries to
discuss important issues in the region and take action to address them

5. Increasing cooperation in the fields of education, culture and tourism

ASEAN also provides benefits in increasing cooperation between its member countries in the fields of
education, culture and tourism. ASEAN has launched programs aimed at promoting cooperation in
this field, such as the ASEAN University Network (AUN) which facilitates the exchange of students
and educators between universities in ASEAN. Indonesia has utilized these programs to strengthen
relations with other countries. Other ASEAN member countries and promote Indonesian tourism in
the region. Through cooperation in the fields of education and culture, Indonesia can introduce
Indonesia’s rich culture and traditions to people in the region and the world.

6. Increasing cooperation in the field of environment and sustainability

The benefits of ASEAN for Indonesia can increase cooperation between its member countries, in the
field of environment and sustainability. In this case, ASEAN facilitates cooperation in the fields of
natural disaster management, forest protection and natural resource management. Indonesia as a
country that has high biodiversity, will benefit from this cooperation in protecting Indonesia’s
biodiversity and environment. Through cooperation with other ASEAN member countries, Indonesia
can increase capacity in the field of environmental and natural resource management, as well as
promote cooperation in the field of sustainable development.

7. Increasing Indonesia’s presence in the region and the world

ASEAN provides benefits in increasing Indonesia’s presence in the region and the world. Indonesia is
one of the countries with the largest population in ASEAN, and has an important role in the region.
Through Indonesia’s participation in the ASEAN forum, Indonesia can increase its presence in the
region and have a positive impact on other ASEAN member countries. In addition, Indonesia’s
participation in the ASEAN forum also opens opportunities for Indonesia to strengthen relations with
countries outside the ASEAN region, including in terms of political, economic and security

8. Increasing Indonesia’s influence and role in the region and globally

As the largest ASEAN member country and with the largest population, Indonesia’s membership in
ASEAN provides an influence and an important role in the region. Indonesia can also strengthen its
position at the global level through its active participation in ASEAN forums and its role in promoting
peace and cooperation in the region.

Excess :


The similarity of natural resources between several countries can encourage the formation of
cooperation between countries.



Because of the similarity in geographical location, several countries in a region generally cooperate to
maintain stability.

Lack :


In fact, currently there are almost no ASEAN countries that have closed themselves off from
cooperation between ASEAN countries.


Conditions of conflict and war that occur within the country as well as between countries disrupt the
stability of the country so that it will hamper cooperation.


A country implementing policies aimed at protecting domestic interests and enhancing



Cooperation is needed for the development and future of countries in the world. However, in
cooperation between countries, each country has different interests

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