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#0004996950/ Melanie MacNaughtan

Term C202306

(A) Here are the explanations for the terms from my degree which
is graphic design:

1. Typography: Typography refers to the art and technique of arranging and

designing typefaces to make written language visually appealing and
readable. It involves the selection of
appropriate fonts, sizes, spacing, and
other typographic elements to
enhance the communication and
aesthetics of text.

2. Hierarchy: Hierarchy in design refers to the

organization and arrangement of elements
based on their importance and visual impact. It
involves creating a clear order of importance,
guiding the viewer's attention, and establishing
a visual flow that aids comprehension and

3. Format: Format refers to the structure, layout, and presentation of

information or content. It encompasses the arrangement of text, images,
colors, and other design elements to create a cohesive and visually appealing
composition. Format can vary depending on the medium or purpose, such as
print, web, or mobile.
4. Creative Brief: A creative brief is a document that outlines the objectives,
requirements, and constraints of a design or creative
project. It serves as a communication tool between the
client and the creative team, providing a clear
understanding of the project's goals, target audience,
messaging, and desired outcomes.

5. Mood Book / Mood Board: A

mood book or mood board is a
visual representation of the desired
mood, atmosphere, or aesthetic for a
design project. It is created by
collecting and arranging images,
colors, textures, typography
samples, and other visual elements that convey the intended look and feel.
Mood boards help align the creative team and stakeholders on the project's
visual direction.

6. Target Market: The target market refers to a specific group of consumers

or individuals that a product, service, or message is intended to reach and
influence. It involves identifying the demographic and psychographic
characteristics of the ideal customers, including factors such as age, gender,
income, interests, values, and lifestyle.

7. Demographics Psychographics: Demographics and psychographics are

two aspects of market segmentation used to understand and categorize target

- Demographics: Demographics refer to the statistical characteristics of a

population or customer segment, such as age, gender, income, education,
occupation, and geographic location. It provides a quantitative understanding
of the target market's composition and helps in targeting specific customer

- Psychographics: Psychographics delve into the psychological and behavioral

attributes of a target audience, including their attitudes, beliefs, values,
interests, motivations, and lifestyle. It provides qualitative insights into
consumer preferences, buying habits, and decision-making processes.
1. Typography:- Example: "Typography is a critical element in web design.
Using appropriate font sizes, line heights, and letter spacing can significantly
improve the readability and user experience of a website." (Source: Smashing
- Link: [

2. Hierarchy:
- Example: "In the poster design, the headline is placed prominently at the top
to establish hierarchy and grab the viewer's attention, followed by supporting
text and images in a descending order of importance." (Source: Canva Design
- Link: [

3. Format:
- Example: "When designing a brochure, consider the format carefully,
choosing between a bi-fold, tri-fold, or gate-fold layout to showcase the
content in a visually appealing and organized manner." (Source: Lucidpress)

- Link: [

4. Creative Brief:
- Example: "We are seeking a graphic designer who can work closely with our
clients to understand their vision and translate it into creative briefs that
effectively communicate the design objectives, target audience, and project
requirements." (Source: Indeed job posting)
- Link:
5. Mood Book / Mood Board:
- Example: "As part of the design process, we create mood boards that capture
the desired brand personality, color schemes, typography inspiration, and
imagery to guide the creative direction of the project." (Source: Dribbble)
- Link: [
6. Target Market:
- Example: "Our new fitness apparel line is targeted towards health-conscious
individuals aged 25-40, with an active lifestyle and a preference for
sustainable and eco-friendly products." (Source: MarketingProfs)
- Link:
7. Demographics Psychographics:
- Example: "Before launching a new mobile app, conduct market research to
identify the demographics (age, income, location) and psychographics
(interests, behavior, values) of your target audience for effective targeting and
messaging." (Source: HubSpot)
- Link: [

(A) The Explanations for the terms of a different degree

which I’ve chosen web design and development:

1. Client-side (JavaScript): Client-side refers to the execution of code or

processes on the user's device or web browser. In the context of JavaScript, it
means running scripts directly in the browser to enhance interactivity and
perform tasks without the need for server communication.

2. Server-side (PHP): Server-side refers to the execution of code or processes

on the server rather than the user's device. PHP is a popular server-side
scripting language used to generate dynamic web pages, process form data,
interact with databases, and perform various server-side tasks.

3. Database (SQL): A database is an organized collection of structured data

stored and accessed electronically. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a
programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases.
It allows users to create, retrieve, update, and delete data in a database.

4. Markup (HTML, CSS): Markup refers to the use of specific tags or elements
to annotate and structure content for presentation or processing by a system.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language used to structure
and present content on the web. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet
language that defines the visual appearance and formatting of HTML

5. Hero: In design, a hero refers to a prominent and

visually impactful section or element on a webpage
or in an interface. It often contains a large image or
headline, serving as the main focal point to grab the
user's attention and convey a key message or call
to action.

6. UI: UI stands for User Interface, which encompasses the visual and
interactive elements that users interact with when using a software
application or website. It includes components such as buttons, menus, forms,
and navigation elements that enable users to interact with the system and
perform tasks.

7. UX Wireframe: A UX (User Experience) wireframe is a visual representation

or blueprint of a webpage or interface that outlines the layout, structure, and
content hierarchy. It is a low-fidelity sketch or diagram that focuses on the
placement of elements and their relationship to guide the user's journey and
overall experience.

1. Client-side (JavaScript):- Example: "We are looking for a front-end developer

proficient in client-side technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to build interactive
web applications." (Source: Indeed job posting)
- Link:
2. Server-side (PHP):
- Example: "Our web development team uses PHP for server-side scripting to handle user
authentication, database interactions, and server logic for our e-commerce platform."
(Source: Blog post)
- Link: [
3. Database (SQL):
- Example: "To retrieve all customers who have made a purchase, you can use the SQL
query: SELECT * FROM customers WHERE purchases > 0;" (Source: SQL tutorial)
- Link: [
4. Markup (HTML, CSS):
- Example: "In HTML, you can use the <h1> tag to markup a heading, while in CSS, you can
apply styles to it using the 'font-size' property." (Source: Web development tutorial)
- Link: [
5. Hero:
- Example: "The hero section of the landing page features a stunning background image, a
bold headline, and a prominent call-to-action button to engage users and drive
conversions." (Source: Website design showcase)
- Link: [
6. UI:
- Example: "Our software requires a sleek and intuitive UI with clear navigation, responsive
buttons, and an easy-to-use interface for seamless user interactions." (Source: Software
requirements document)
- Link: [
7. UX Wireframe:
- Example: "Before starting the development phase, our UX designer created wireframes to
visualize the user flow, content placement, and interactions for the mobile app interface."
(Source: Design case study)
- Link: [

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