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Adapting the Scrum Framework to the Product Development Team


Groups of 6-10 45 mins First Gear

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Basic Scrum Project Team Accountabilities

The ScrumMaster helps the Scrum Team perform at their highest level. They fully understand the underlying principles of Scrum and can effectively apply
them in complex, real-world situations. They ensure that goals and scope of projects are clearly understood and work to remove impediments to

Product Owner
The Product Owner is typically for those who are closest to the “business side” of projects. They are expected to do the best possible job of satisfying all
stakeholders, maintain the Product Backlog, and ensure that everyone knows the priorities.

Development Team
Development Teams are structured and empowered to organize and manage their own work. The resulting synergy optimizes the Scrum Team’s overall
efficiency and effectiveness.

Introduce team members to the scrum framework

Unnamed area

Introduce team members to the scrum framework

Product Backlog
The Product Backlog is the organization of items that guides what’s most important to focus on and build next. The Product Backlog is constantly
being updated and refined.  

At the heart of Scrum is the Sprint, during which a usable and potentially releasable product increment is created. Sprints are usually one week to one
month in length, and happen one right after the other to keep projects moving. The Sprint is one of five Scrum events (formerly but no longer called
ceremonies) that happen with each Sprint. The other four are:

Sprint Planning
The team decides what to work on for the current time-boxed period.

Daily Scrum
Daily Scrum (think “daily update meeting”) is the pulse of the framework. Daily Scrums highlight and promote quick decision-making, and they improve
the Scrum Team’s level of transparency and knowledge. The Daily Scrum is often short — some teams choose a 15-minute timebox — so the team tends
to be highly focused.

Sprint Review
The team inspects what resulted from the Sprint and adapts the Backlog as needed.

Sprint Retrospective
The team discusses what went right, what went wrong, and how to improve.

Three Pillars of Empiricism


Not an acronym (so do not write it

 Process  Intentionally incomplete
in all upper case)

 Method  Will uncover org dysfunction (which have to be solved) ?


 Methodology  Not a substitute for Common sense

The Big Picture of the  Scrum Framwork

Product Owner
Purpose: Daily Scrumming or Daily Re-Planning

Why? It is in doing the work we learn what needs to be done.

Scrum Team + Others (iIf Daily Standup

8 hours for 1 month invited)
1st event in the Sprint Daily Re-planning maximizes the probability of achieving the sprint
Status update Meeting
Accountable for maximizing
Topic 1 : Why is this
the value of the product 
Sprint Valuable ?
03. Daily Scrum For and by the
 Scrum Master 

Is Fixed, does
02. Sprint Planning 15 Minutes daily
Developers only 
 Product Owner
not change
Ultimately Product Goal during the
TIA event
Commitment to Sprint
acountable, but can Product Backlog Transparency
Sprint Goal
delegate Producat Inspection

Backlog Managment Commitment

Topic 2 : What can be done this
to others, usually to to Sprint Adaptation
Sprint ?
01. Product Backlog

Developers Product Backlog is
Scrum Team Developers adapted (if needed)
Ordered list of  Product Backlog Items

Topic 3 : How will the chosen Development Team

work get done ?
Commitment to FOCUS: Product
Commitment Increment

Initial Plan
TIA Event 

Built during the Sprint as per

Scrum Team’s current
PBI - 1
Definition of Done and should 04. Sprint Review 4 hours for 1 Month Sprint

be usable
PO can Delegate PBI -2 Committed to creating any aspect of a
 usable Incremenent each Sprint Release Planning
PBI - 3

PBI - 4

Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog Potentially Shipable Product
Refinement Scrum Master

ov Spr
em int

Purpose - Get BBIs +

en Ba

ready for the future

t i ck
te lo

From the Scrum Team

m g 

Activity, not an event retrospective 


05. Sprint Retrospective


How and When - Scrum Kaizen (Lean Thinking) – continuous


How Much time - Rohan's


Team decides improvement

recommendation 10% of
Developer's available time.

Cross-functional Usually 10 or fewer people


Scrum Team SM + PO + Developers

3 hours for 1 Month
TIA Event 
Scrum Team
FOCUS: Process, PO Mandatory
Self Discipline
relationship, practices, etc.. Accountable for
building the
Self Manggin Increment

No project manager in
scrum, the scrum team
takes on that
No project manager in responsibilities 
Scrum, the Scrum Team
takes on that

Max 1 Month synonymous with iteration

Start of Sprint (Sprint Planning) Sprint (container event) End of Sprint (Sprint Retrospective)

Scrum Master - Accountable for Establishing Scrum

Simpliy Adapting Absence Module into the Scrum Framework

Daily Scrum

Absence Module's Potentially Shippable Absence

Sprint Backlog Sprint
Product Backlog Module's Increment

Created by Rohan Abeysinghe  ( )  for .
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The Scrum Framework by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
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