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ROYAL THAL CONSULATE-GENERAL, CHENNAI Applicants Names pica raeport Me ‘CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR Ye] ne TOURIST VISA APPLICATIONS. SINGLE ENTRY 1 ‘Travel Documents 1.1 [Passport or trav! document with validity not estan 6 mnths with TWO BLANK PAGES, Two signed copies of ont and ls page of psp. 1.2 [one vss aplication form comply filled in and sed by applicant [Two color horearaphs ofthe applicant wih the specification 33x45 em not elder than 3 months with white background, face ad ees ae in et positon tothe camer, without suigasseso hat o any ashe head covering, exces fr some Ieligius bli or ete hackound 1.4 |Nonsefindable vin fos oF INR? 504 for nee entry 15, |Poidence ofresience in India (omni paseo olde) 16 [a phowoopy of seta confiemed teket 17 fhusrary ring say in Thailand z ‘Accommodation 21, [Evstenee of confirmed hoteaecommovatin reservation in Thailand with aes and contact umber under applican's ame 22. [ifravel ingroup, most provide a cover eter stating al mes with psspormmber, plan of rel and acl) 4 [Fined to say with Tha vlaveso Thai fens, must provide Inviation Teer along witha copy of Wet Thal ID prooF and asconodatonrenal 23 |pvoot tn cave they are not Th, st provide thei copes of visa and work perm, vai at eet i months along witha copy of passport and sccomadsinental prot 31 For! [applicants bank satment of sx months (must be original and attested bythe bak) with consistent balance of USD 700 per person or {USD 1400 per family In ese the earrent bank lance sess han 7C0 USD, a cover eter, ped ed signed by the family member who sponsors the rip, and whose name is 3112 onthe above bank statement alongwith signed photocopy of passpor of ID cad othe sponsor in case of submiting the fnancal proof ofthe lopli’ sponsrshpbyafamly metab) and proof ofthe relaonship with MEA atestaton 32 or Incentive Group (Cover ter Hom Bah sonspany and wavel agency (ped Wi ete ead) sing all ames Wik pasport munis and is lace oF have along With 5121 [plano wael and pacts say fr he incentive group, a wes Sating the nancial guarantee for USD 700 pr person foreach vidual aver Inthe wou 5322 [Company's bank statement tested by the hank and photocopy of company’s busines regiration atest by the Compan a “Tourist Vien (Medical Treatment) 41 [Same requirements as above Le fom pot 103 442. | Medica report som local hospital requesting eatment in Thailand 443. | Assepance eve from Thain hosp or ete of appt “Aaditona information (the below documents are supplementary, While No. 13 are mandatory) 1 [EvWenc of occupation and of the monthly income Such Income Tax Returns, Pay lips, leer em emplyercerifingemplayment, Eplayee 1D, Stent ID, Business cense All documents must bein English unless speed, and aanged inte ordes given above + Irequred,aditional documents andlor an interview may be requested. Visa application fes ae non efundable + Vay of isa denotes ime period during which traveler can ue the visa, Petiod of ay denotes amount of time the uavler can slay in Taian, ‘Des eontiem hat have read the guidance and Tam aware thatthe normal visa process takes 3 working days for submission a centers in Chena and 4 working day for centers ouside of Chena (not wluding submission dae), the submission of addon documents takes another? working ay Yam aac thc the Submision of visa aplication i advised o be made at last seven working day pie tothe dat of depart, ‘Sobmit Signatore Hor Ofisial Use Only ‘Sehmission Officer's Name officer's Name

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