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Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background

This chapter includes the introduction, statement of the problem, scope and

delimitation, significance of the study and definition of terms used.


The COVID-19 epidemic is causing great disruptions to lives and livelihoods,

as well as to social and economic systems around the world, and it is trembling the

global economy. In particular, the epidemic affected business owners. Lockdown

regulations caused a large number of physical stores to close, either permanently or

temporarily. Many more had to reorganize and transfer their operations online. One

of the major issues facing small businesses is that they must compete with the

leading ones. Their influence on communication and reach are significantly greater.

Smaller businesses therefore find it challenging to develop and survive in the market.

Also, the budget grows with the size of the organization. Startups often have small

finances, which makes it difficult to produce tools and content. According to the

Strategy and Behaviors in the Digital Economy (2019), a new sort of

entrepreneurship based on characteristics and traits that are very distinct from

existing game rules is emerging as economies shift to the digital era. For businesses

that can adjust to the new features and functionalities associated with the

dissemination of digital technology, these developments present a number of

options. This article highlights certain factors that policymakers should take into

account if they want to, on the one hand, encourage the creation of a sizable number

of startups working in the digital sector and, on the other hand, foster the growth

process of startups into scale ups. This latter feature is even more crucial because of

the social and economic issues facing many western regions. Despite so many

benefits, Digital Marketing carries negative aspects too. Internet Fraud is one of the

problems in Digital Marketing worldwide, they can experience unethical and

fraudulent practices in Digital Marketing. Fade trademarks and logos can be used

unchecked. Digital Marketing has become a powerful tool for communicating with

new existing customers. Changing customer behavior is forcing digital marketers to

pivot their strategies, as it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with customer

expectations and maintain competitive edge.

The COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 had caused a severe

detrimental effect on the global economy. To stop the infection from spreading, the

Philippine government issued an order asking malls, restaurants, tourist destinations,

and other businesses to close temporarily. People from all walks of life, in all nations,

and of all ages have been affected by this pandemic. Many businesses are on the

verge of bankruptcy. Because of this, several business owners rely on social media

first to keep their companies afloat. The so-called online marketing first gained

popularity when temporary business closures were introduced. The world of today is

undergoing rapid change in all areas, but particularly in information and

communication technologies (ICT). A lot of individuals are engrossed in the internet

since they are temporarily unable to leave their house. In this scenario, they can

simply draw certain customers by allowing them to engage with the brand via any

social media channels. In the middle of the 1990s, Bill Gates claimed that failing to

use the internet for your business would result in its demise. Thus, we believe that

disregarding digital marketing is equivalent to starting a firm without telling anyone.

In the City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan, a lot of entrepreneurs in the ages

ranging from 18 to 40, are using social media platforms to promote their business.

According to Alano and Quising (2022), the critical role of entrepreneurship in

economic growth and development is a compelling reason for looking at

entrepreneurship in developing Asia, especially given how little the subject has been

studied. Digital Technologies as Marketing skills of Selective Entrepreneur is really a

big help. They are able to sell at any time or place. They can still sell and finish

purchases online, and the entrepreneur will still be able to serve them through the

internet, so it doesn't matter that they are at home. Since many individuals prefer to

shop online rather than in person, they can also advertise their goods or present

their company online. Digital marketing has several downsides despite its numerous

benefits. One of these is that occasionally, clients fail to pay online retailers at all,

resulting in losses for the business.

We conduct this study to explain how we can utilize technology to engage

with clients and promote our business via digital marketing. There are numerous

other internet channels they can use to connect with clients, including social media,

mobile applications, email, and product promotion. Also, focusing on potential clients

who are most likely to buy their products or services is made possible by adopting

this marketing technique by businesses. For example, a company can advertise

Christmas promotions by emailing former customers or by publishing details on

social media. Using these platforms, marketers can gather information about their

target demographic and grow their client base.

Statement of the Problem

This aims to ascertain the Advantages of Engaging on Digital Technologies as

Marketing skills of Selective Entrepreneur of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan.

General Problem

The goal of this study is to identify the advantages of engaging on digital

technologies as marketing skills of selective entrepreneur of San Jose Del Monte


Specific Problems:

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Name (optional)

1.2 Age

1.3 Sex

2.) What are the advantages of engaging on digital technologies as marketing skills

3.) What recommendations can be made to address the disadvantages of engaging

on digital technologies as marketing skills

4.) What future studies can be made based on the findings of the study

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study covered the selected 50 entrepreneurs of San Jose Del Monte,

Bulacan. The independent variables are from the Entrepreneur’ demographic

profiles, such as name and gender, as well as their digital technologies. The

dependent variables are the Entrepreneurs' marketing skills.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will benefit the following people: they will learn more

and have an idea of how digital technologies help effectively in marketing.

Additionally, this study provides knowledge for upcoming studies and theses on

related subjects about the advantages you can take from using digital technologies

in marketing.

To the Entrepreneurs. Business owners will benefit from this study because

it will show them how to use digital marketing to enhance their products and reach

their target markets. The results of this inquiry will help them expand and increase


To the Learners. As a result of the study's findings, students who wish to

launch their own company will have a road map on how to employ digital technology

to market their products and increase sales straight away.

To the Teachers. To be aware of the methods for creating or selecting goods

that they will appreciate.

To the School Administrators. The study will help the school administrator

to understand how they may use digital technology to improve the school and its

efficient operation, such as student growth. School administration keeps direct

communication with the community.

To the Future Researcher. Future researchers conducting relevant studies

will find this research to be a beneficial resource for getting a better understanding of

what marketing technology is capable of.

Definition of Terms

Bankruptcy (Noun)

is the state of being completely lacking in a particular quality or value.

Demise (Noun)

- conveyance or transfer of property or a title by demising.

Detrimental (Adjective)

- tending to cause harm.

Disseminate (Verb)

- spread (something, especially information) widely.

Engrossed (Adjective)

- having all one's attention or interest absorbed by someone or


Enthused (Verb)

- say something that expresses one's eager enjoyment, interest and


Entrepreneur (Noun)

- one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or


Fraudulent (Adjective)

- unjustifiably claiming or being credited with particular accomplishments

or qualities.

Pivot (Noun)

- the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or


Unethical (Adjective)

- not morally correct. "it is unethical to torment any creature for


Chapter II

Review Of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes the relevant theories, conceptual framework, research

hypothesis and related literature and studies of foreign and local which are

presented in the following paragraphs.

Relevant Theories

Digital marketing, as we all know, may aid a business in expanding its

clientele, boosting revenue, and raising consumer awareness. Understanding

marketing technology may guide you in making the best tool choices to streamline

your operations and boost your output. Tools for marketing technology are used by

marketers to attract, keep, and engage customers. Hence, an entrepreneur team can

become more nimble, more effective, and more efficient with the use of marketing

technology. To learn more about the topic, the researchers thoroughly assess the

pertinent literature.

Theory of Digital Marketing

According to Murrow, D. 2020, a lot of small businesses have started to

develop their websites, online banner advertisements, social media programs, and

overall digital marketing strategies. They are acting in accordance with the digital

marketing beliefs. As previously mentioned, a small business should begin with an e-

commerce website that enables customers to purchase your goods or devices,

social media marketing to broaden your brand message and communicate with

customers in their inboxes, and fresh films every day on the video platforms, if

applicable. Similarly, Digital Marketing should be used by a business to attract new

clients. This theory offers suggestions for how to locate clients online. Your clients

may be grouped in business groups or online social media communities. For

instance, you need these new customers to become paying clients by using your

company’s products and services. In terms of digital marketing, a “conversion” is

when a customer completes the action you were hoping they would. If an online

consumer fulfills your target of selling 100 things in a month, that conversion is

recorded. Moreover, the use of mobile phones by people is the subject of yet another

idea regarding online business. About 50% of all internet traffic is now carried out

through our mobile devices, according to Smart Insights. Consumers may now buy

and sell goods and services, check bank balances, buy stocks, buy a car, and many

other activities that were unimaginable 25 years ago with just a few finger swipes

and clicks. This is the reason why so many brand-new businesses and established

retailers have created online storefronts that are open to the public 365 days per

year. While using their phones, users are being targeted by digital marketers in an

effort to persuade them to purchase a variety of products and services. For people

who utilize their mobile phones in this manner, it essentially represents the always-

on economy. Almost anything may be purchased at any time by anyone with a

mobile phone, an internet connection, and a credit card.

More than 313 million people in the United States are among the 4.6 billion

people who regularly use the internet, (2020). According to digital

marketing experts Hubspot, about half of all consumers questioned by Google in

2019 stated that they use Google to investigate potential purchases online. All of the

tactics for effectively reaching this online audience are included in the theoretical

framework of digital marketing for marketers. This could involve social media posts,

video streams, email marketing, and direct message marketing to reach consumers

on their mobile devices. Some marketers are also incorporating offline marketing

strategies into their conceptualization of digital marketing. This could involve

techniques for newspaper advertising, product fliers, low-key marketing techniques,

and more. The truth is that a tiny organization doesn’t need to comprehend every

theoretical framework associated with online business selling. There might be a

market for you to occupy in one of the many subcategories of digital marketing. The

rapid expansion of digital marketing in recent years cannot be disputed. The majority

of these are businesses looking to interact with the daily millions of internet users.

Theory of Business

According to Drucker (1994), there haven’t been as many innovative major

management strategies in a very long time—possibly since the late 1940s or early

1950s: downsizing, outsourcing, total quality management, economic value analysis,

benchmarking, and reengineering. Each one is a strong tool. Yet, aside from

outsourcing and reengineering, these technologies are essentially made to execute

what is currently being done in a different way.

Every group, whether or not it is a business, has a notion about how

businesses operate. A sound theory that is focused, coherent, and clear has

incredible power. For instance, the University of Berlin was established in 1809 on a

completely new philosophy of the university by German statesman and philosopher

Wilhelm von Humboldt. And for more than a century, up until the rise of Hitler, his

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philosophy governed German higher education, particularly in terms of study and

scholarly pursuits. Georg Siemens, the founder and first CEO of Deutsche Bank, the

first universal bank, had an equally distinct business philosophy in 1870: to use

entrepreneurial financing to use industrial development to reunite a still rural and

fragmented Germany. In spite of two world wars, inflation, and Hitler, Deutsche Bank

has been Europe’s top financial institution for the 20 years since its founding. Yet in

the 1870s, Mitsubishi was established on a distinct and entirely novel conception of

business, which allowed it to become the leader in a young Japan within 10 years

and one of the first really global companies within another 20. According to this, the

theory of business explains both the successes and difficulties faced by

organizations like General Motors and IBM, which have dominated the American

economy for the latter half of the 20 th century. In actuality, the reason why so many

big, successful companies are currently in a funk is because their original business

model no longer holds true.

Foreign Literature

According to Dewi (2020), social media can be viewed as a virtual medium

that improves social connections. Due to the company’s capacity for effective

customer interaction, Wonderful Bali’s digital marketing strategy has been successful

in building a good reputation among consumers. Almost all business owners have

used digital media to market their products. Digital marketing, on the other hand,

enables real-time communication with your audience. Most importantly, it enables

communication between the two of you. Although it’s wonderful when your intended

audience views your most recent content, it’s much better when they leave

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comments or share it. The connection and positive relationship you have with your

customers are further strengthened as a result. Additionally, it only serves to

demonstrate how effective communication between the marketer and the client is

facilitated by the use of digital technologies in marketing strategies.

According to Kraus, S., Palmer, C., Kailer, N., Kallinger, F. L., and Spitzer, J.

(2019), the purpose of digital entrepreneurship is highly topical due to the numerous

opportunities that technological advancement and improvements in infrastructure

provide to entrepreneurs. Society gives new digital business models a lot of

attention, but very little research has been done on digital entrepreneurship’s

opportunities, challenges, and success factors. The purpose of this paper is to

compile the most recent literature on digital entrepreneurship and to provide an up-

to-date compilation of key topics and methods discussed in relevant literature. In

addition, based on the findings of the efficient writing survey, a research map

pointing to additional investigation opportunities for researchers in the field will be

proposed. Using a methodical inquiry and writing survey across the space and the

use of a quality limit for diary selection, 35 articles on computerized business could

be considered important for a proof-based writing survey.

The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations call for the

empowerment of marginalized communities and inclusive development. Scholars, on

the other hand, have suggested that multinational corporations, governments, or

non-governmental organizations (NGOs) cannot address these issues on their own.

In parallel, nonmarket strategies that place an emphasis on the social context of

economic competition have emerged as a significant area of study. This paper

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examines existing research in digital technology, entrepreneurship, and development

studies from an inter-disciplinary perspective to determine whether these three fields

can assist us in comprehending how these issues can be addressed from a

nonmarket strategies’ perspective and to propose a conceptual model. To provide a

conceptual framework and map the collective state of research, we examine papers

published in these fields between 1994 and 2018. We believe that this will assist in

establishing a connection between entrepreneurship, inclusive development, and

digital technology. Additionally, it will assist us in comprehending how to turn

technology’s benefits into employment and income for underserved communities.

Researchers will be encouraged to investigate the means by which the Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations can be met by this study.

According to Dabas, Sharma, and Manaktola (2019), digital entrepreneurship

is of high topicality as technological developments and advances in infrastructure

create various opportunities for entrepreneurs. The public has shown a great deal of

interest in new digital business models, but there has been very little research on the

prospects, difficulties, and success factors of digital entrepreneurship. This paper’s

goal is to provide the most recent research on digital entrepreneurship as well as a

current list of the main ideas and strategies covered in the literature. Hence, a

research road map pointing out additional study prospects for academics working in

the subject will be suggested based on the results of the comprehensive literature


According to Peter, Vecchia, 251-265, 2021, Digital Transformation, driven by

technological advances and changing customer requirements, is stimulating the use

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of digital marketing. 11% of Swiss organizations regard digital marketing as a key

investment area as part of their overall digital transformation strategy, with over one

third of Swiss organizations currently investing in new sales and marketing tools.

Unfortunately, there are implementation gaps between Swiss small and medium-

sized enterprises (SME) and large enterprises (LE). In short, SME are lagging

behind LE and generally do not use digital marketing tools, channels, and platforms.

Barriers that prevent SME from adopting higher digital marketing tools are cultural

change, limited resources/high costs, technology, and expertise. The objective of this

study is to close the knowledge gap and provide SME with an overview of the most

important digital marketing tools based on a literature review in order to leverage the

opportunity of digital technology in the marketing discipline and reduce the distance

to LE.

Local Literature

According to Santos (2020), one advantage of digital marketing is thar it’s

inexpensive but effective in attracting customers all day long. Both advantages and

disadvantages of online marketing exist for internet business sellers. Some of its

benefits include the ease with which they may connect with customers online and the

elimination of the need for online stores. However, some customers still want to

physically examine and assess the goods or services. Additionally, one of its

limitations is that some customers do not wish to pay for transactions. However, we

still have to admit that one of the best strategies for acquiring and retaining clients is

digital marketing. Although it has drawbacks, they are fixable, and its benefits still

exceed its drawbacks.

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According to Edillon (2020), Due to societal constraints, which have restricted

people’s ability to travel about and lowered commercial activity nationwide, the

epidemic has significantly disrupted the domestic economy. The use of digital

technology and the digital transformation has become crucial for Filipinos in coping

with the current crisis, moving toward economic recovery, and getting us back on

track towards our long-term ambitions as we now live in the new normal. Moreover,

the Philippines is seeing an increase in the use of digital technologies like digital

payments, e-commerce, telemedicine, and online education, which has helped

people, businesses, and the government deal with social isolation measures,

maintain business continuity, and provide public services during the pandemic.

According to Llanto, Rosellon, Ma Ortiz, Kristina (2018), the use of digital

technology applied to banking and financial activities, or e-finance in general, has

increased the availability and affordability of financial services to customers. And,

with appropriate and inexpensive technologies and apps, the financially excluded

and unserved can participate in mainstream banking and finance, opening up

numerous potentials for consumption smoothing, investing, and earning. This article

seeks to investigate the role of article seeks to investigate the role of technology in

promoting financial inclusion in the Philippines, as well as to determine if e-finance

has enabled last-mile consumers to obtain financial products and services at a

reasonable and convenient cost. It draws on data from financial inclusion databases

as well as findings from a national financial inclusion survey, key informant

interviews, and focus group talks with mobile banking app users. Although electronic

money transfers are on the rise in the country, digital adoption, particularly for mobile

money transactions, remains low when compared to other countries in the region.

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The study looks into the experiences and concerns of digital finance users and

makes recommendations to increase the availability and use of digital financial

goods and services.

According to Treceñe (2021), the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in

Developing Countries, 2019. Online political involvement has been proposed as a

potential answer to the decline in faith in traditional politics. However, the most

marginalized populations are frequently the least connected and participate in the

fewest digital citizenship initiatives. Much of the existing research assumes that

citizens are either connected or unconnected. As a result, progress is frequently

seen simply as a process of “connecting the unconnected.” This study presents

primary empirical evidence from the Philippines that demonstrates that such binary

understandings conceal more than they disclose. We contend that it is more

descriptively and analytically accurate.

According to Saura, Sanchez, Correia, 86-103, 2019, one of the most

significant changes in the last decade in the business environment has been caused

by the development of information technologies and the internet. The internal

structure and organization of companies has changed to evolve towards a digital

environment influenced by internet business models and digital marketing (DM)

techniques. This chapter develops a systematic literature review with the objective of

identifying the key players in the business environment with respect to the new

business models and digital marketing techniques applied to them, to improve the

benefits they bring to the company. The results of the research identify and define

the main actors of the electronic commerce (EC) ecosystem, as well as their

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typologies and the main techniques of DM used in this field of research. The results

of the exploratory study can be used for future research in this field and to reinforce

the reference bibliography in this area of research.

Foreign Studies

According to Yang (2018), information on entrepreneurial marketing in major

international firms is lacking in the body of existing research. The findings of this

study, which examines multinational corporations’ (MNCs’) worldwide

entrepreneurial marketing strategies, show that bricolage is a technique used by

MNC marketing managers to create international entrepreneurial marketing. The

study’s novel conclusion is that co-innovation, accelerating customer value, and

worldwide expansion based on regional market leadership are all components of

MNCs’ international entrepreneurial marketing strategies. The parallel and selective

bricolage techniques are used by marketing managers in their global entrepreneurial

marketing. Bricolage is being used to develop international entrepreneurial

marketing, and environmental uncertainty and entrepreneurial culture are key

motivators. The research’s conclusions can help MNC management understand their

possibilities for using corporate venturing to encourage bricolage, which would then

enable them to implement global entrepreneurial marketing strategies.

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According to Quinto, Thomas, and Passaro (2019), the development of a sort

of entrepreneurship based on characteristics and features very dissimilar from

traditional game rules is being determined by the transition of economies toward the

digital era. These changes present a number of opportunities for businesses that can

adjust to the new characteristics and functionalities associated with the diffusion of

digital technology. This article highlights key aspects that should be taken into

account by policy makers who aim, on the one hand, to foster the growth process of

startups into scale ups and, on the other hand, to support the creation of a sizable

number of startups functioning in the digital sphere. This second feature is even

more crucial because of the social and economic issues that many western regions

are experiencing. The implementation of a specific strategy to develop an adequate

regional ecosystem is an interpretative technique for attaining the dual purpose,

according to a burgeoning research stream on entrepreneurship. Within the

framework of conventional entrepreneurial policies, where results have frequently

been disappointing up until this point, the ecosystem clearly poses a problem.

Despite its initially discriminating stance, an ecosystem can provide numerous

potential advantages. However, building an ecosystem for digital startups is a difficult

endeavor that involves both the active participation of several local actors and safe,

expert direction

According to Sufyan , Degbey , and Glavee-Geo (2023), the emergence of

digital businesses that combine value creation from the home and host countries in

order to service both domestic and international clients, or transnational digital

entrepreneurship (TDE), is on the rise. We examine how the skills of transnational

digital entrepreneurs influence social interactions among stakeholders that support

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enterprise effectiveness in order to understand the role of entrepreneurs in

transnational digital enterprise effectiveness. We use semi-structured interview data

from transnational entrepreneurs from six countries—Finland, Sweden, Norway, New

Zealand, Australia, and the USA—as well as their partners in Pakistan—and the

micro-foundations approach of management and entrepreneurship. We discover that

entrepreneurs’ digital knowledge, skills, and abilities—various cognitive capabilities,

digital managerial capabilities, and multicultural capabilities—have an impact on

social interactions through four socio-structural mechanisms that improve enterprise

effectiveness. These mechanisms include structural support, trust-building,

knowledge sharing, and resource configuration. We go over the theoretical and

practical ramifications for policymakers, migrant entrepreneurs, and international


According to Key, Czaplewski, and Ferguson (2019), Digital Marketing

practice continues to grow along with the need for a qualified workforce. This paper

proposes a course design that aims to give students end-to-end experience,

administrative authority over essential resources, and instruction on how to apply

pertinent digital marketing technologies. With practical skills and items for their

resumes that show workplace readiness, students graduate from the course. The

project outlines how students should develop unique content, do keyword research,

deploy Google Ads and social media pay-per-click campaigns, evaluate outcomes,

make necessary course corrections, deliver a final report, and get Google Ads

Certification. The effectiveness of innovations is evaluated and reported.

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According to Gregorio, Maggioni, Mauri, and Mazzucchelli (2019), digital

transformation has disrupted the marketing career path by analysing the most in-

demand marketing skills and identifying opportunities for future marketing

professionals. The study presents a framework describing the competencies

required of marketing professionals to start and advance in their career through a

content analysis of job adverts and a cross-country poll of marketing professionals.

The study includes 29 talents and competencies as well as five kinds of

employability skills. The applicability of such categories is also examined across

enterprises with low and high levels of digitalization. This study adds to the

conversation on recent graduates’ employability and offers universities, academic

institutions, and businesses helpful pointers for fostering the next generation of

marketing talent.

Local Studies

Jazbec, A. (2020, May 12). Stated that, The effectiveness of digital marketing

in the Philippines. Major Online Business and Marketing, Lucerne University of

Applied Sciences and Arts. The primary objective of this literature review is to

examine the digital marketing strategies used by online business sellers. In this

case, effective marketing enables the collection of data to understand more about

the targeted consumers, allowing advertising and other strategies to be more

directed. In addition, this was initiated to deeply understand how the digital marketing

strategies of online business sellers work. Based on the literature review, the

researchers identified the following themes: digitalization and digital marketing,

digital and traditional modes of marketing, social media as a digital marketing

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strategy, information technologies as marketing tactics, understanding online,

internet, mobile, and digital marketing, preferences, and future research directions,

and implications. In conclusion, digital marketing has surpassed traditional

marketing. These elements affect the digital marketing skills gap. Internet ads are

getting more widespread. Firms’ perceptions of the value of digital marketing can be

classified. An integrated approach is required to meet client needs using digital

marketing channels. To succeed in this new market, businesses must first

understand their clients’ lifestyles. Digital marketing has evolved into an internet

advertising platform for small business owners, despite a lack of funds to update

technology and harness internet development. Advertising on social media is

attracting the attention of digital marketers. Because of the potential market share

gains that social media marketing could give for internet marketers, it is expected

that social advertising spending will continue to grow in the coming years

For businesses to succeed, marketing is seen as a crucial approach. The

Internet and online technology make marketing activities more productive and

successful. Additionally, a lot of businesses and organizations promote and advertise

their goods and services online. Because of this, the small and medium-sized

businesses (SMEs) in the Samar province aim to improve their internet marketing

efforts. When it comes to marketing, SMEs struggle with a variety of issues,

including money issues. However, a lot of them admitted that they still want to

confirm it because, in terms of their enterprises, their region has a critical need for

online marketing (Patimo & Dollado, 2021).

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According to Dacuycuy, Orbeta, Serafica, and Baje (2020), towards a

sustainable online work in the Philippines: Learnings from the online survey of

market and nonmarket work during the enhanced community quarantine. The

emergence of digital labor platforms has broadened market work opportunities

although certain segments of the population, such as women and those belonging to

the younger generation may be naturally drawn to platform or online work. This has

important implications on skill formation and human capital development especially

in countries where online work is mostly found at the lower end of the value chain. In

addition, this may result in the widening of coverage gaps of social protection and

may cause social protection schemes to become unsustainable. This paper aims to

investigate these issues in the context of making online work a sustainable form of


Conceptual Framework


1.) What is the The Digital
Collection of data technologies has a great
Profile of the respondents

In terms of?
through advantage to the

1.1 Name (optional) Informal Interviews marketing skills of the

1.2 Age
selective entrepreneurs.
1.3 Sex

2.) What are the Understanding

advantages of engaging
Analysis and
on digital technologies as

marketing skills

Of Data

22 | P a g e

Figure 1. A Research paradigm showing the profile of selective entrepreneurs of San

Jose Del Monte Bulacan about the advantages of engaging on Digital Technologies

as Marketing skills.

Research Hypothesis

Alternative Hypothesis (H/A) – There is an advantage of using digital

technology on improving the marketing skills of selected entrepreneurs in San Jose

del Monte, Bulacan, such as having a wider audience and reaching the right

customers at a much lower cost, which increases their sales and further strengthens

their relationship with customers.

Null Hypothesis (H/O) – There is no advantage of using digital technology on

improving the marketing skills of selected entrepreneurs in San Jose del Monte,


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Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter includes the relevant theories, conceptual framework, research

hypothesis and related literature and studies of foreign and local which are

presented in the following paragraphs.

Research Method

The researchers used qualitative method since qualitative research allows us

to ask questions that cannot be easily put into numbers to understand human

experiences. Also, the current qualitative study's goal is to ascertain how the

selective entrepreneur of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, will use digital technologies

as their marketing skills.

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To better comprehend ideas, opinions, or experiences, qualitative research

entails gathering and evaluating non-numerical data such as text, video, or audio. It

can be utilized to uncover intricate details about a situation or to spark fresh study

concepts. Quantitative research involves gathering and analyzing numerical data for

statistical analysis, while Qualitative research does not. Qualitative research aims to

understand how people derive meaning on their experiences, behavior, actions, and

viewpoints from their surroundings. It focuses on how level of depth and

comprehension that Quantitative methods cannot reach.

Qualitative method is frequently done by asking questions to individuals, and

group of people. Through this, It can improve our socializing skills. The researchers

selected the qualitative approach since the goal of the study was to determine the

proportion of entrepreneurs who had favorable opinions on digital technologies. We

will be able to learn about the various viewpoints of our entrepreneurs by employing

the qualitative method, and it will assist us in identifying both positive and negative

ideas regarding digital technology through interviewing. This will enable us to

comprehend the opinions, experiences, and personal viewpoints of our

entrepreneurs regarding digital marketing.

Research Design

To learn more about the research issue, the researchers used

phenomenological and descriptive qualitative research design. Systematically

gathering data to describe a phenomenon, circumstance, or population is the goal of

descriptive research. Different methods might be used by a researcher to carry out

this kind of investigation. A qualitative research strategy called phenomenological

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inquiry seeks to comprehend and characterize a phenomenon’s fundamental

elements. The method examines commonplace events while putting the researchers’

theories about the phenomenon on hold. Phenomenological research specifically

examines lived experiences to acquire a deeper understanding of how people

interpret such experiences. By investigating the views of people who perceive nature

and gathering data, descriptive and phenomenological studies both allude to or

concentrate on universal nature.

Both descriptive and phenomenological study methods were used in this

study. Descriptive research helps this study describe a population and the situation.

It helps to identify the characteristics of trends. It is also useful for researchers who

want to gain more knowledge about a particular topic or problem. And to know and

understand questions on the topics of how, when, and where. The use of

phenomenological research in this study will help to further expand the additional

knowledge that researchers can obtain by identifying the experiences of selected

entrepreneurs in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, about the benefits that they obtain

from using technology as a marketing practice. Their experiences, feelings, and

narratives can be used as additional information in this study. Also, its use allows

researchers to have the opportunity to understand a critical life event or set of eventsPage 32

that they have not yet experienced and can use in this research.

Respondents or Participants of the Study

The participants in this study are the entrepreneurs of San Jose Del Monte,

Bulacan. A total of thirty(30) entrepreneurs, both male and female, ranging in age

from 17 to 49, were interviewed. People who work in small businesses make up the

26 | P a g e
majority of those we bothered to interview, but there are also others who have

expertise with online retailing. When we went around and conducted interviews with

local business owners in San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, we discovered that more

people were engaging in online marketing, and nearly all of them were using

different sales strategies. Others were keeping an eye on the fad to help their

business expand and gain greater recognition. Additionally, after conducting the

interview and learning that the majority of the respondents considered technology to

be quite helpful, the researchers realized that this was true, particularly in the

modern period, when so many people are enmeshed in the internet.

Sampling Procedure

The non-probability sampling technique was utilized by the researchers

because it is a method of choosing units from a population in a non-random or

subjective way. The researchers believes that non-probability sampling doesn’t

require a complete survey frame, it is a fast, easy and inexpensive way of obtaining

data. According to Galloway (2005), the capability of non-probability sampling to

target certain population groupings is undoubtedly its most salient benefit. Since

non-probability approaches lack the statistical underpinnings of probability methods,

they are frequently rejected or ridiculed. However, the fact that non-probability

techniques are frequently less expensive to use is another benefit.

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In this study, the quota sampling approach is being used, which calls for non-

randomly selecting your respondents. The researchers are working toward a

particular objective that is to speak with 30 business owners here in San Jose Del

Monte, Bulacan. According to Nikolopoulou (2022), quota sampling is a non-

probability sampling technique that depends on the non-random selection of a set

quantity or percentage of units. This is known as a quota. Prior to recruiting sample

units until you meet your quota, you first split the population into mutually exclusive

groupings (known as strata). These units share particular qualities that you chose to

establish when creating your stratum. Controlling the composition of your sample is

the goal of quota sampling.

Additionally, purposive sampling was employed by the researchers. We

believe that employing it would make the process easier to understand and enable

us to select those who are actually qualified for our interview.

The researchers designated a standard to see if the interviewees meet the

requirements. The interviewees are individuals who own internet enterprises or at

the very least have some background in online selling. Nikolopoulou (2022) claims

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that Purposive sampling is a term used to describe a series of non-probability

sampling procedures in which units are chosen for the sample because they possess

the necessary properties. In other words, purposive sampling selects units “on

purpose”. This sampling technique depends on the researcher’s judgment in

deciding which people, situations, or events will yield the most useful data for

achieving the study’s goals.

Research Instrument

In order to obtain data for the study, this research used qualitative methods

through interviews. The researchers conducted in-person interviews as well as

online interviews in several locations throughout San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. Nine

simple questions that are meant to be answered by a group of people, notably

entrepreneurs, have been created by the researchers. We conducted an online and

face-to-face interview to learn about their opinions and personal experiences with

employing digital technology as a marketing tool in their business, as well as what

benefits they may derive from it.

An interview Is the most effective way to get in touch with respondents. We

can learn more about them by asking what the advantages of the internet are for

businesses. In addition, asking respondents if they have experience selling using

digital technologies is also one of the best ways to verbally elicit information from

them. If they have, they will be better able to respond to interview questions because

29 | P a g e
they have prior knowledge of the topics being covered. Furthermore, the interview

will proceed more correctly and easily if we receive a precise response. The

researchers had recorded the respondents' answers while the interview was going

on. The other team members are concentrating on recording audio and taking

pictures to serve as proof.

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Data Gathering Procedure

A letter requesting the study’s conduct has been written. The questions that

the respondents had to answer were developed by the researcher with a lot of time,

effort, and teamwork. In addition to using quota sampling among the 30 respondents,

this study employs a qualitative methodology that includes in-person and even online

interviews. The researchers scoured numerous areas of San Jose Del Monte,

Bulacan, in search of the entrepreneurs who would make the best respondents for

this study. In order for the respondents to completely grasp and be able to be open

and honest about their experiences using digital technology as a marketing strategy

for their business, the researchers thoroughly explained the questions and some

concepts prior to the interview. The researcher also made sure the questions were

simple and reminded the respondents not to feel obligated to respond if they had

nothing further to add; the only thing that mattered was that they be honest and

composed because their responses would constitute a significant portion of the


31 | P a g e
Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the questions, responses, code, category and theme of

the data collected.

Respondent #1

An ________________________________, from______________________


Questions Answers Code Category Theme

32 | P a g e
Chapter IV

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter includes the summary of findings, essence, conclusion and



Summary of Findings

This study focused on____________________________________________


To solve the main problem, the __ core questions were worked out by the






The significant findings of the study are as follows:


Theme 1

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The essence of knowing and having knowledge about


Analyzing the textural (what) structural (how) descriptions of the participants,

the following conclusions were drawn.



The following are offered as recommendations for possible actions.


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