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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visyas


(DepEd Order 42, s 2016)

Teachers Name: JEAN JASMINE U. SOLIS_ Quarter: __4_

Subject and Grade Level: English 10 Week: _3__

Most General Objective: Give technical and operational definitions

Specific Objectives:
- (MELC)
A. Knowledge: Give definitions of words
Distinguish technical and operational definitions
Determine the purpose of giving Technical and
Operational definitions
B.Psychomotor/Cognitive: Use technical and operational
definitions of words
C. Affective: Value the importance of technical and operational
Technical and Operational Definitions

Learning English 10 LM, pp.446-447


Procedures A. Preparation
● Opening Prayer.
● Setting the classroom environment (arranging the chairs, checking if the
classroom is clean and orderly).
● Ensuring a safe learning environment for everyone. Giving of New Normal
classroom rules.
● Checking of attendance and uniform.
● Stating the objectives of the lesson.
● Activating Prior Knowledge:

Day 1 – Monday

Directions: In the box is a pool of words. Read the list of definitions and
then choose the correct word from the pool. Use a separate sheet of paper.

retrograde blaspheme throng

lamentation primordial

________________ 1. to crowd together in great numbers

________________ 2. crying out in grief
________________ 3. existing from the beginning
________________ 4. being or relating to the rotation of a satellite in a direction
opposite to that of a body orbited
________________ 5. to speak of or address with irreverence
(Additional Activity)
A. Directions: In this part, your task is to come up with operational definition for
emotions, behaviors, and states of being. For each of the following statements,
provide a definition for the underlined words.
1. The experimenter wants to figure out how recreational drugs affect a person’s
sense of humor.
2. The teacher wants to find a way to help make Billy act more friendly toward
the other children.
3. A psychologist wants to know if his new form of psychotherapy will make
people less depressed.
4. I have to find a way to study more efficiently.
5. Does this drug help people overcome their tiredness?
______ 6. Boys show more affection towards their father than towards their
7. Sleep deprivation causes a person to become more irritable.
8. College athletes are smart.
9. The school spirit is at an all-time low.
10. Kids who spend many hours playing violent video games tend to be more

Day 2 - Tuesday

B. Presentation

I. Directions: Give two different definitions of the following

words. Use a separate sheet of paper.

From the From your own

dictionary or other observation
Word reference books (Operational)






II. Directions: Read the introduction of ‘Canto III” of “Inferno”

by Dante Alighieri translated by John Ciardi and answer the
questions that follow . Use a separate sheet of paper.
Canto III
The Vestibule of Hell
The Opportunists

The Poets pass the Gate if Gat and es of Hell are immediately
Assailed by cries of anguish. Dante sees the first
Of the souls in torment. They are THE OPPORTUNISTS,
Those souls who in life were neither for
Good nor evil but only for themselves. Mixed with
them are those outcasts who took no sides in the Rebellion
of the Angels. They are neither in Hell nor
out of it. Eternally unclassified they race round and
round pursuing a wavering banner that runs forever
before them through the dirty air; and as they run
they are pursued, by swarms of wasps and hornets,
who sting them and produce constant flow of blood
and putrid matter which trickles down the bodies of
the sinners and is feasted upon by loathsome worms
and maggots who coat the ground.
The law of Dante’s Hell is the law of symbolic
Retribution. As they sinned so are they punished. They

took no sides, therefore they are given no place, As

they pursued the ever-shifting illusion of their own
advantage, changing their courses with every changing w
wind, so they pursue eternally an elusive, evershifting
banner. As their sin was a darkness, so they
move in darkness. As their own guilty conscience
pursued them, so they are pursued by swarms of wasps
and hornets. And as their actions were a moral filth,
so they run eternally through the filth of worms and
maggots which they themselves feed.
Dante recognizes several, among them POPE
CELESTINE V, but without delaying to speak to
any of these souls, the poets move to ACHERON,
the first of the rivers of Hell. Here the newly arrived
souls of the damned gather and wait for monstrous
CHARON to ferry them over to punishment
Charon recognizes Dante as a living man ang angrily
Refuses him passage. Virgil forces Charon to
Serve them, but Dante swoons with terror, and does
not reawaken until he is the other side.

1. Who are souls tortured in this Canto?

2. Who was recognized by Dante in Hell?

3. What happen to the souls as their sin was a darkness?

4. What is the punishment for moral filth?

Day 3 - Wednesday

C. Lesson Proper

Lesson 1 Definition of Terms

A term definition is a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is
peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject. Defining terms is one way of helping to
resolve problems of ambiguity.
There are two ways of defining the key terms of the study:

1. Technical - the meaning of the terms is taken from the dictionary or

encyclopedia. It is having special and usually practical knowledge especially of a
mechanical or scientific subject. Technical definition mostly refers to the aspect
of explaining or describing any technical term or terminologies.
a. Email message is one platform that connects people by using any form
of gadge
b. Interviewing is a conversational practice where knowledge is produced
through the interaction between an interviewer and interviewee
c. Statistics is the quantity that is computed from a sample

2. Operational – the meaning of terms is based on an observed characteristic and

how it is used in the study. It is the specific meaning of a word or phrase given to
it by the group of people who used the word in their specific context. Operational
definition is more on the application of the word.
a. Employee satisfaction – number of days per month that the employee
shows up to work on time
b. Social media traction – volume of people endorsing, commenting on. Or
sharing content on social media
c. Public deliberation –hearings, speeches, press statements, and other
forms of deliberated among policy-makers or opinion

Read the basic guidelines to follow when writing a definition;

1. Just the (dictionary) facts
A definition should contain the information about the word and what the word
refers to. Do not include usage notes in a definition. Get to the point. Clarity,
brevity, and conciseness are better when writing definitions

2. Avoid complicated terms

 Avoid terms that are more complicated or more technical than the term being
defined. The purpose of a definition is to clarify meaning.
3. Avoid specific terms
 Use conventional English words in explanations whenever possible. The
more widespread a term is, the more users will benefit.
 Stay away from jargon. Highly technical terms will most likely require a user
to look up many terms in the definition just to understand what it says.
Although there are cases which involve the use of a technical term in a
specialized field, it should be minimal.
4. Avoid circularity
 It is not good to define a word with that same word in the definition. Use
different terms.
 Avoid defining a term solely using etymologically or morphologically related
terms. Adverbs are especially prone to being defined by the adjective from
which they derive
5. Make it simple
 Write with sample grammatical structures rather than complex ones. Place
key terms and short explanations near the start of the definitions

Directions. Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the

1. What is the difference between technical and operational definitions?


2. What is the significance of learning what technical and operational definitions

are in developing your vocabulary?

Day 4 - Thursday

D. Problem/Application

Directions: Read the following sentences. Describe how are they defined. Use a
separate sheet of paper.
1. The government has passed Republic Act 9710 (Magna Carta for Women) to
affirm the role of women in nation building an to ensure the substantive
equality of men and women.

2. “Discrimination Against Women” refers to any gender-based distinction,

exclusion, or restriction which has the effect or purpose of impairing or
nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise by women irrespective of
their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of, of human
rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural,
civil or any other field.

3. As defined in Republic Act 7610, Child abuse refers to the maltreatment,

whether habitual or not, of the child which includes any of the following:

(1) Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse, and
emotional maltreatment;

(2) Any Act by deeds or words which debases, degrades, or demeans the
intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human being;

(3) Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival, such as food and
shelter; or
(4) Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child resulting
in serious impairment of his growth and development or his permanent
incapacity or death

1. What is defined in the first sentence?

2. How is discrimination against women defined in the second sentence?

3. What is child abuse in item 3?

4. How is child abuse defined?

E. Generalization

Directions: This time, give the operational and technical definition of the
following terms and concept. You may use the internet, dictionary and books for
the definition. Just be sure to include your source. Use a separate sheet of
Words to be Operational Technical Source
defined Definition Definition



Global Warming


Day 5 - Friday

F. Evaluation

Directions: Read the sentences and categorize each according to the correct types of
definitions. Write your answers on the corresponding column inside the box

 Conflict happens in the family, among friends, in the classroom, or around the
corporate conference table.
 An argumentative essay attempts to be highly persuasive and logical.
 An automobile is a car or truck that gets you around from place to place and carries
cargo or passengers, and makes it easier to live in the city or countryside
 Computers are devices or machines used in performing, assessing, evaluation, and
following commands set by the users
 A telephone is a device used to talk to people who are far away.
 Twitter is a social media platform that limits messages to 140 characters.
 Electric current refers to the force between two infinite parallel conductors,
separated by a specified distance.

Technical Definition Operational Definition

G. Closing

“The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.”

― Socrates.


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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