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Group Project

(Case Study)

A new CS topic involving Oil palm plantation ( group work)- 15 %

Analyze the given Materials on the basis should this project be approved?.
( Combination of Report ( 10%) and Role Play (5%))

Report ( 10%):
Students will have to :
i) Extract information from the executive summary and refer to the map provided to make
connections and enrich the map with information (To make own infographic: Based on
Information provided and look for online information .
ii) Make a checklist table - Checklist table that consist of Issue-Detail-Suggested mitigation .
Should cover topics on Social, biodiversity, Sustainability.
iii) Argue the case and deciding factors taken into considerations

Include discussions and arguments on :

i) What are the potential impacts on the environment and reasons for the community’s
complaints, off any?
ii) With all the impacts predicted what are the mitigation measures suggested to reduce or
control them?

Role Play (5%):

Roles to be played:
• Department of Environment (DOE)
• Consultant
• Orang Kampung
• Local Authority (JKR)
• Local Authority (Pejabat Tanah)
• Politician
• Local Authority (SW Corp)
• Local Authority (Majlis Perbandaran)
• Observer

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