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21st Century Astronomy, 6th

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Table of Contents

Part I: Introduction to Astronomy

Chapter 1: Thinking Like an Astronomer

Chapter 2: Patters in the Sky—Motions of the Earth and the Moon

Chapter 3: Motion of Astronomical Bodies

Chapter 4: Gravity and Orbits

Chapter 5: Light

Chapter 6: The Tools of the Astronomer

Part II: The Solar System

Chapter 7: The Formation of Planetary Systems

Chapter 8: The Terrestrial Planets and Earth’s Moon

Chapter 9: Atmospheres of the Terrestrial Planets

Chapter 10: Worlds of Gas and Liquid—The Giant Planets

Chapter 11: Planetary Moons and Rings

Chapter 12: Dwarf Planets and Small Solar System Bodies

Part III: Stars and Stellar Evolution

Chapter 13: Taking the Measure of Stars

Chapter 14: Our Star—The Sun

Chapter 15: The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation

Chapter 16: Evolution of LowMass Stars

Chapter 17: Evolution of HighMass Stars

Chapter 18: Relativity and Black Holes

Part IV: Galaxies, the Universe, and Cosmology

Chapter 19: Galaxies

Chapter 20: The Milky WayA Normal Spiral Galaxy

Chapter 21: The Expanding Universe

Chapter 22: Cosmology

Chapter 23: LargeScale Structure in the Universe

Chapter 24: Life

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